Employment Class 12
Employment Class 12
Employment Class 12
Economic activities refer to those activities which are concerned with the
creation of money and wealth or here
(A) Production
(B) consumption
(C) Investment
(D) Distribution
Production activities
Production activities refer to those activities which are concerned with the
production of goods services kinesin in orin addition to the flow of goods
and services. It is a part of economic activities.
GDP refers to the total money value of all final goods and services
produced within the domes territory of a country during one year,
Included in worker
Those people who are hired/ employed or working for somebody else and
are paid wages or salaries by the employer in return for their productive
services. For example-doctor working in a hospital, teachers working in a
school etc.
It is the main major source of livelihood for both men and women and
accounts for 50% of the workforce.
Working facilitates/Helps
All those persons, who are working or employed and though not working,
are seeking and are available for work
• It includes both employed and unemployed persons in the age group
between 15 years.
• It increases with an increase in population.
It does not include;
= Workforce + willing to work and available for work or not working but are
seeking work.
Labour supply
(b) Job work for women is still governed by family decisions rather than
individual decisions and families discourage female members from taking
up jobs.
Besides it, women rendering services in family farms in rural areas and the
family business in urban areas are not treated as workers
Why female workers in urban areas are still lower than rural areas:
(a) In urban areas, men can earn high incomes. Therefore, families
discourage female members from taking jobs.
(b) In rural areas, poverty forces women to seek jobs but without education,
they are engaged in less productive jobs and get low wages just to add to
their family income.
Why total workforce in rural areas is more than urban areas:
(a) People in rural areas have limited resources to earn a higher income
whereas there are varieties of employment the opportunity of higher
income in urban areas.
(b) In rural areas, people cannot stay at home because of their poverty.
Poverty compels/ forces them to avoid education and seek employment. In
urban areas, people can study in various educational institutions. They give
priority to education and do not take up jat obs at an early age.
Jobless growth
Jobless growth refers to a situation when the level of output in the economy
tends to rise owing to innovative technology without a corresponding rise/
increase in the level of employment.
Reasons/ causes
Casualisation of workforce
• Over the last four decades, there was a considerable/ significant shift
of self-employed and regular salaried employed to casual workers, as
shown in the above schedule.
The process of moving from self-employed and regular salaried
employment to casual employment is known as the casualisation of
the workforce.
Reasons/ causes
In formalisation of workforce
3. this worker can form trade unions and have strong bargaining power.
4. Their right is protected by labour law.
5. About 29.22 million are employed in the formal/ organized sector
which is 6% of the total workforce.
6. Out of 29.22 million workers, 24.25 million (83% of 29.22 million) are
male and only 4.97 million (17%) are female.
(B) Informal or unorganized sector
All the private sector establishments which employed less than 10 hired
workers are called informal or unorganized sectors. For example-small
farms, household industries, small enterprises, self-employed etc.
Unemployment refers to a situation in which all those persons who are able
(mentally and physically fit) and willing to work at existing/ prevailing wage
rate, but do not get employment/ work. It includes only involuntary
Types of unemployment
1. Population expansion.
2. Low economic development.
3. Backward and stagnant agriculture.
4. The decline in cottage and small scale industries.
5. Defective education system.
6. Poor infrastructure.
7. Low Capital Formation.
8. Low rate of investment.