Al Term Paper
Al Term Paper
Al Term Paper
Roll no - 64
Reg no - 12319741
Course Name - Al & ML
Submitted to Dr Sukanta Gosh
Date - 20/04/2024
Technique Keywords
Sentiment Analysis
Opinion Mining
Application Keywords
Social Media Analytics
Business Intelligence
1. Introduction
Background and motivation
The advent of social media platforms has fundamentally transformed the way
individuals and organizations communicate, share information, and express their
opinions. Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Reddit have become
virtual town squares, where users engage in
discussions, share experiences, and voice their sentiments on a wide range of topics,
from products and services to political and social issues.
This proliferation of user-generated content has created a vast repository of
unstructured data, rich with opinions, emotions, and sentiments expressed toward
various entities, products, or services. Extracting valuable insights from this data has
become increasingly important for businesses, governments, and organizations to
understand public opinion, monitor brand reputation, and make informed decisions.
Sentiment analysis and opinion mining have emerged as powerful
techniques to address this need. Sentiment analysis, also known as opinion mining, is
the computational study of people's opinions, sentiments, attitudes, appraisals,
and emotions toward entities, individuals, issues, events, topics, and their associated
attributes. It involves the analysis of textual data, such as social media posts, product
reviews, news articles, and blog posts, to determine the underlying sentiment, whether
positive, negative, or neutral.
8. Conclusion
In this paper, we explored the field of sentiment analysis and opinion mining in social
media. We discussed the techniques used to extract sentiment and opinions from
social media text, including lexicon-based approaches, machine learning approaches
(supervised, unsupervised, and semi-supervised learning), deep learning approaches
(RNNs, CNNs, Attention Mechanisms), and hybrid approaches. We also highlighted
the challenges associated with social media data analysis, such as noise and sparsity,
informal language and slang, sarcasm and irony detection, and domain and context
The choice of technique for sentiment analysis depends on factors like data
availability, desired accuracy, and domain specificity.
Machine learning and deep learning approaches offer high accuracy but require
labeled data for training.
Lexicon-based approaches are fast and efficient but may struggle with complex
Hybrid approaches can leverage the strengths of both lexicon-based and machine
learning methods.
By addressing these areas of future work, sentiment analysis and opinion mining can
become even more powerful tools for understanding public opinion and extracting
valuable insights from social media data.
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