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Deep Learning for Science and Engineering Teaching Kit

Deep Learning for

Scientists and Engineers
Lecture 1: Introduction to Deep Learning
Instructors: George Em Karniadakis, Khemraj Shukla, Lu Lu
Teaching Assistants: Vivek Oommen and Aniruddha Bora
The Deep Learning for Science and Engineering Teaching Kit is licensed by NVIDIA and Brown University under the
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Instructors and Teaching Assistants

George Em Karniadakis Lu Lu Khemraj Shukla

The Charles Pitts Robinson & John Palmer Barstow Professor Assistant Professor of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Assistant Professor, Division of Applied Mathematics
of Applied Mathematics and Engineering, Brown University University of Pennsylvania Brown University

Vivek Oommen Aniruddha Bora

3 Graduate Student, Postdoctoral Research Associate
School of Engineering, Brown University Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University
Course Roadmap
Module-1 (Basics) Module-2 (PDEs and Operators)
▪ Lecture 1: Introduction ▪ Lecture 7: Machine Learning using Multi-Fidelity
▪ Lecture 2: A primer on Python, NumPy, SciPy Data
and jupyter notebooks ▪ Lecture 8: Data-Driven Dynamical Systems
▪ Lecture 3: Deep Learning Networks ▪ Lecture 9: Physics-Informed Neural Networks
▪ Lecture 4: A primer on TensorFlow and (PINNs)
PyTorch ▪ Lecture 10: PINN Extensions
▪ Lecture 5: Training and Optimization ▪ Lecture 11: Neural Operators
▪ Lecture 6: Neural Network Architectures ▪ Lecture 12: Uncertainty Quantification(UQ) in
Scientific Machine Learning

Module-3 (Codes & Scalability) Course Projects

▪ Lecture 13: DeepXDE Library ▪ Biomedicine
▪ Lecture 14: MODULUS Library ▪ Dynamical Systems
▪ Lecture 15: Multi-GPU Scientific Machine Learning ▪ Engine Dynamics
▪ Fluid Mechanics
▪ Geophysics
▪ Heat Transfer
▪ Materials
❑ History of deep learning
❑ Scientific machine learning
❑ Rosenblatt’s perceptron
❑ Artificial and biological neurons
❑ Building neural networks
❑ Course objectives
❑ PINNs: data + physical laws
❑ Example: non-destructive evaluation of materials
❑ Example: Heat transfer
❑ Example: Hidden fluid mechanics
❑ Example: Rheology of shampoo
❑ Example: Reinforcement learning in fluids
❑ Different types of deep learning
❑ Course roadmap
❑ The four pillars of scientific methods
❑ References

History of Deep Learning
❑ Artificial intelligence (AI) > Machine Learning (ML) > Deep Learning > Scientific Machine Learning (SciML).
❑ The expression “Deep Learning” was (probably) first used by Igor Aizenberg and colleagues around 2000.
❑ 1960s: Shallow Neural Networks.
❑ 1982: Hopfield Network – A Recurrent NN.
❑ 1988-89: Learning by backpropagation, Rumelhart, Hinton & Williams; hand-written text, LeCun.
❑ 1993 NVIDIA was founded; GeForce is the first GPU.
❑ 1990s Unsupervised Deep Learning.
❑ 1993: A Recurrent NN with 1,000 layers (Jürgen Schmidhuber) Artificial
❑ 1994: NN for solving PDEs, Dissanayake & Phan-Thien Intelligence
❑ 1998: Gradient-based learning, LeCun.
❑ 1998: ANN for solving ODEs&PDEs, Lagaris, Likas & Fotiadis Machine
❑ 1990-2000: Supervised Deep Learning.
❑ 2006: A fast learning algorithm for deep belief nets, Hinton.
❑ 2006-present: Modern Deep Learning. Neural Networks
❑ 2009: ImageNet: A large-scale hierarchical image database (Fei-Fei).
❑ 2010: GPUs are only up to 14 times faster than CPUs (Intel). Scientific
❑ 2010: Tackling the vanishing/exploding gradients: Glorot & Bengio. Learning
❑ 2011: AlexNet – Convolutional NN (CNN) - Alex Krizhevsky.
❑ 2014: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) – Ian Goodfellow.
❑ 2015: Batch normalization, Ioffe & Szegedy.
❑ 2017: PINNs: Physics-Informed Neural Networks (Raissi, Perdikaris, Karniadakis).
❑ 2019: Scientific Machine Learning (ICERM workshop Jan. 2019; DOE report, Feb 2019).
❑ 2019: DeepONet – Operator regression (Lu, Jin, Karniadakis).
Basic Research Needs Workshop for Scientific Machine Learning
Core Technologies for Artificial Intelligence, DOE ASCR Report, Feb 2019
❑ Scientific machine learning (SciML) is a core component of artificial intelligence (AI) and a computational
technology that can be trained, with scientific data, to augment or automate human skills.

❑ SciML must achieve the same level of scientific

rigor expected of established methods deployed
in science and applied mathematics. Basic
requirements include validation and limits on
inputs and context implicit in such validations, as
well as verification of the basic algorithms to
ensure they are capable of delivering known
prototypical solutions.

❑ Can SciML achieve Robustness?

• NSF/ICERM Workshop on SciML, January 28-30, 2019 (Organizers: J. Hesthaven & G.E. Karniadakis)
7 •
1958 @ Cornell – Rosenblatt’s Perceptron
➢ Professor Frank Rosenblatt’s perceptron paved the way for AI – 60 years too soon!

❑ An IBM 704 – a 5-ton computer the size of a room – was fed a series of punch cards. After
50 trials, the computer taught itself to distinguish cards marked on the left from cards
marked on the right.

▪ An image of the perceptron

from Rosenblatt’s
“The Design of an Intelligent
Automaton,” Summer 1958.

Differences between Artificial and Biological Neural Networks

❑ Size: our brain contains about 86 billion neurons and

more than 100-1000 trillion synapses. GPT3 has 175
billion parameters, and the Chinese Wu Dao has 1.75
trillion parameters.

❑ Major Differences (in addition to size)

▪ Topology
in1 ▪ Speed
▪ Fault-tolerance
▪ Power consumption
in2 ▪ Signals
▪ Learning

in3 bias
net = feed_forward(input_dim=1, output_dim=1, num_neurons=4, num_hidden_layers=2)


net = feed_forward(input_dim=1, output_dim=1, num_neurons=4, num_hidden_layers=3)


net = feed_forward(input_dim=1, output_dim=1, num_neurons=4, num_hidden_layers=4)


Course Objectives
At the end of the course participants will be able to:
Course Teaching/Learning Rates
❑ Understand the underlying theory and mathematics of
deep learning.
❑ Analyze and synthesize data in order to model physical,
chemical, biological, and engineering systems.
❑ Apply physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) and neural
operators to model and simulate multiphysics systems in
science and engineering.
❑ Be fluent in python, Tensorflow, and PyTorch.
❑ Be fluent in multi-GPU computing.

1. Goodfellow et al: Prerequisites: Ch. 2-3-4

2. A. Geron: Ch. 4 & 11, O;Reily (2019).

Data + Physical Laws

❑ The 5D Law: PINN DeepONet FNO

Dinky, Dirty, Dynamic, Deceptive Data ▪ DeepXDE ▪ DeepXDE ▪ Molulus
▪ Modulus

PINNs: Physics-Informed Neural Networks

Reference: Raissi, Perdikaris & Karniadakis, arXiv 2017; patent 2020
Ultra-Sound Testing of Materials (WPAFB Real Data)
Crack zone with
space dependent c(x,y)

❑ Shukla K, Di Leoni PC, Blackshire J, Sparkman D, Karniadakis GE. Physics-informed neural network for ultrasound nondestructive
quantification of surface breaking cracks. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation. 2020 Sep;39(3):1-20.
Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Heat Transfer Problems
J. Heat Transfer. 2021;143(6). doi:10.1115/1.4050542

Date of download: 8/24/2021

Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved.

❑ Solution of conjugate heat transfer problem on a complex parameterized geometry of a heat sink for NVSwitch
in DGX-A100 (SimNet Simulation; now known as Modulus).
(a) Geometry for a heat sink with fins and heat pipes to dissipate heat from GPU.
(b) Pressure color-coded flow streamlines and result comparisons between SimNet and CFD commercial code for (c) U-velocity,
(d) V-velocity, and (e) pressure. (Courtesy of the Nvidia team).
Hidden Fluid Mechanics: Flow dynamics in an intracranial aneurysm
Science. 2020 Feb 28;367(6481):1026-30.

Training Data

Inferred Hidden Physics

Consumer Product Design Challenge: Rheology of a multicomponent complex fluid

"Data-driven physics-informed constitutive metamodeling of complex fluids: a multifidelity

neural network (MFNN) framework." Journal of Rheology 65.2 (2021): 179-198.

Rheology of a multicomponent complex fluid: Combining data and physics
"Data-driven physics-informed constitutive metamodeling of complex fluids: a multifidelity
neural network (MFNN) framework." Journal of Rheology 65.2 (2021): 179-198.

Accelerate Scientific Discovery: Reinforcement Learning for Flow Control in Experiments
Fan D, Yang L, Wang Z, Triantafyllou MS, Karniadakis GE. Reinforcement learning for bluff body active flow control in experiments and simulations.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2020 Oct 20;117(42):26091-8.

TD3 algorithm

❑ We demonstrate, for first time, the effectiveness of RL in experimental fluid

mechanics by applying it to reduce the drag of circular cylinders in turbulent
flow. Although physics-agnostic, RL managed to reduce the drag by 30% very
▪ Fan, Dixia, et al. "A robotic intelligent towing tank for learning complex fluid-structure
MIT Intelligent Towing Tank dynamics." Science Robotics 4.36 (2019).

Reinforcement Learning for Cylinder Flow Control

PNAS, (2020)

Supervised Learning Needs Big Data
❑ Supervised learning is the process of training a model by feeding it input data as well as
corresponding output data. This input/output set is referred to as labeled data. It models the
relationship between a set of descriptive features and target outcome(s). The model is a neural
network that approximates implicitly the function that maps the input to the output in order to solve
either classification or regression problems.

❑ In Operator or Functional regression the inputs are functions and the outputs are corresponding
known functions for training, and unknown output functions for prediction.

❑ Training - Where is the Big Data?

➢ Example: UCI Repository:

➢ Heart Disease (4 databases: Cleveland, Hungary, Switzerland, and the VA Long Beach ):
➢ Airfoil Self-Noise: NASA wind tunnel data set
based on aerodynamic and acoustic tests of 2D and 3D airfoil blade sections.
➢ Challenger USA Space Shuttle O-Ring: Predict
the number of O-rings that experience thermal distress on a flight at 31 degrees F given data on the
previous 23 shuttle flights.
Unsupervised Learning: There are no predefined labels, i.e., no known set of
outcomes. For example, solving ODEs based on initial conditions is unsupervised learning. Clustering,
density estimation or looking for hidden patterns in the data are all examples of unsupervised learning.

Reinforcement Learning: Learning through delayed

feedback by interacting with the environment. Reinforcement Learning deals
with exploitation or exploration, Markov’s decision processes, policy learning,
and value learning. It is useful for flow control problems (e.g., drag force control
in flow past a cylinder; navigation/autonomy, etc.


❑ Supervised Learning predicts based on a class type; it maps labelled data to known output;
immediate feedback.
❑ Unsupervised Learning discovers underlying patterns; it explores patterns to predict the output;
no feedback.
❑ Reinforcement Learning follows a trial-and-error approach; the learning agent works as a reward
and action system; delayed feedback.
14 Different Types of Learning in Machine Learning
by Jason Brownlee on November 11, 2019 in Start Machine Learning

Self-Supervised Learning: It looks like unsupervised learning, where some of the data
provides the supervision. Supervised learning algorithms are used to solve an alternate or
pretext task, the result of which is a model or representation that can be used in the solution of
the original modeling problem.
❑ Autoencoders is a general example of self-supervised learning algorithms. These are neural networks that
are used to create a compressed representation of an input sample. They achieve this via a model that has
an encoder and a decoder element separated by a bottleneck that represents the internal compact
representation of the input. They are trained using a supervised learning method, but they solve an
unsupervised learning problem; they are a projection method for reducing the dimensionality of input data.

❑ Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) is another example of self-supervised learning. These are
generative models that are inspired by game-theoretic approaches and were originally used for creating
synthetic photographs using only a collection of unlabeled examples from the target domain. We will use
GANs to obtain informative priors and solve stochastic differential equations in high dimensions.
Course Roadmap
Module-1 (Basics) Module-2 (PDEs and Operators)
▪ Lecture 1: Introduction ▪ Lecture 7: Machine Learning using Multi-Fidelity
▪ Lecture 2: A primer on Python, NumPy, SciPy Data
and jupyter notebooks ▪ Lecture 8: Data-Driven Dynamical Systems
▪ Lecture 3: Deep Learning Networks ▪ Lecture 9: Physics-Informed Neural Networks
▪ Lecture 4: A primer on TensorFlow and (PINNs)
PyTorch ▪ Lecture 10: PINN Extensions
▪ Lecture 5: Training and Optimization ▪ Lecture 11: Neural Operators
▪ Lecture 6: Neural Network Architectures ▪ Lecture 12: Uncertainty Quantification(UQ) in
Scientific Machine Learning

Module-3 (Codes & Scalability) Course Projects

▪ Lecture 13: DeepXDE Library ▪ Biomedicine
▪ Lecture 14: MODULUS Library ▪ Dynamical Systems
▪ Lecture 15: Multi-GPU Scientific Machine Learning ▪ Engine Dynamics
▪ Fluid Mechanics
▪ Geophysics
▪ Heat Transfer
▪ Materials
The Four Pillars of Scientific Methods

“Data science (AI+HPC) is the fastest growing field of

computer science today. Because of several different
factors, it has become the fourth pillar of the scientific

Jensen Huang, NVIDIA

Experiments Theory Simulation Data Science

▪ Cai S, Wang Z, Wang S, Perdikaris P, Karniadakis GE. Physics-informed neural networks for heat transfer problems. Journal of Heat Transfer. 2021
Jun 1;143(6).
▪ Fan D, Yang L, Wang Z, Triantafyllou MS, Karniadakis GE. Reinforcement learning for bluff body active flow control in experiments and simulations.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2020 Oct 20;117(42):26091-8.
▪ Fan D, Jodin G, Consi TR, Bonfiglio L, Ma Y, Keyes LR, Karniadakis GE, Triantafyllou MS. A robotic intelligent towing tank for learning complex fluid-
structure dynamics. Science Robotics. 2019 Nov 27;4(36):eaay5063.
• Géron A. Hands-on machine learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow: Concepts, tools, and techniques to build intelligent systems.
O'Reilly Media, Inc.; 2019.
• Goodfellow I, Bengio Y, Courville A. Deep learning, Deep Learmning, MIT press; 2016; also,
▪ Mahmoudabadbozchelou M, Caggioni M, Shahsavari S, Hartt WH, Em Karniadakis G, Jamali S. Data-driven physics-informed constitutive
metamodeling of complex fluids: A multifidelity neural network (mfnn) framework. Journal of Rheology. 2021 Mar 11;65(2):179-98.
▪ Raissi M, Perdikaris P, Karniadakis GE. Physics-informed neural networks: A deep learning framework for solving forward and inverse problems
involving nonlinear partial differential equations. Journal of Computational physics. 2019 Feb 1;378:686 -707 (published in arxiv in 2017).
▪ Raissi M, Yazdani A, Karniadakis GE. Hidden fluid mechanics: Learning velocity and pressure fields from flow visualizations. Science. 2020 Feb
▪ Shukla K, Di Leoni PC, Blackshire J, Sparkman D, Karniadakis GE. Physics-informed neural network for ultrasound nondestructive
quantification of surface breaking cracks. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation. 2020 Sep;39(3):1-20.

➢ Artificial versus biological neurons:

➢ DOE Report on Scinetific Machine Learning:
➢ History of Deep Learning:
➢ Types of machine learning:
➢ NSF/ICERM Workshop on SciML, January 28-30, 2019 (Organizers: J. Hesthaven & G.E. Karniadakis):
➢ Rosenblatt’s perceptron:

Deep Learning for Science and Engineering Teaching Kit

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