Chapter 01 SM
Chapter 01 SM
Chapter 01 SM
1.2. Consider a lithium nucleus, of charge +3q. Calculate the first three
electron energies for an electron in a Li++ ion, using the Bohr model.
We repeat the analysis that we used for the hydrogen atom, except that
now the charge of the nucleus Q1 is equal to 3q = +3(1.6 × 10−19 )C . The
results of the key steps are
QQ −3q 2
F = 1 22 =
4πε 0 r 4πε 0 r 2
3q 2
EP (r ) = Evac −
4πε 0 r
mv 2 3q 2
− =0
r 4πε 0 r 2
mvn rn = nh
3q 2 ⎛1⎞
vn =
( 4πε 0 ) h ⎜⎝ n ⎟⎠
( 4πε 0 ) h 2
rn = (n 2 )
3mq 2
m32 q 4 ⎛ 1 ⎞
EK = ⎜ 2⎟
2 ( 4πε 0 ) h ⎝n ⎠
2 2
9mq 4 ⎛ 1 ⎞
E n = EPn + EKn = Evac − ⎜ 2⎟
2 ( 4πε 0 ) h ⎝n ⎠
2 2
1.3. Show that Equations (1.12) and (1.13) follow from (1.8) and (1.11).
mv 2 q2
Equation (1.8) is: − =0
r 4πε 0 r 2
mvr = which from Equation (1.11) is
4πε 0 v
mvr = = nh
4πε 0 v
v= (Equation (1.13))
4πε 0 nh
nh nh ( 4πε 0 ) nh 4πε 0 n 2 h 2
r= = = (Equation (1.12)).
mv mq 2 mq 2
1.3. In each of the potential energy distributions in Figure 1P.1, sketch the
magnitude and direction of the force on the electron.
1.5. Consider the electron in the energy diagram of Figure 1P.2. Taking the
energy the electron has at Point A as Etotal, at each of the indicated positions,
find the total energy, the kinetic energy, the potential energy, and the
electron’s velocity. Indicate the direction of force (if any). Recall that total
energy is conserved. At point “D” the electron collides inelastically with
something (perhaps an atom in the crystal). After the collision, the electron’s
energy is equal to its potential energy, and its kinetic energy is zero. Its total
energy is much less than before the collision; where did the extra energy go?
The electron at Point A is at rest. Its total energy is Etotal, its kinetic energy
and velocity are zero, and its potential energy is equal to its total energy.
The force on the electron is to the right, because the slope of the potential
energy is negative.
At Point B, the total energy of the electron is the same (by conservation of
energy), but the potential energy is EP(B ) = Etotal − 5eV . The kinetic energy
is the difference between the total and the potential energies, so
EK (B) = Etotal − EP (B ) = Etotal − (Etotal − 5eV ) = 5eV . The velocity of the electron
There is no force on the electron because the slope of the potential energy
is zero, but the electron continues moving to the right because it still has
kinetic energy.
At Point D, the electron has made a collision. Its total energy is now 10eV
less than it was- the extra 10 eV of energy was transferred to the atom it
collided with. The potential energy is EP (D) = Etotal − 10eV . The electron’s
total energy is now Etotal(new) = Etotal (original ) − 10eV , which is the same as its
potential energy. Therefore, the kinetic energy of the electron is zero, and
so is the velocity. There is no force on the electron because the slope of
the potential energy is zero.
1.6. Find the kinetic energies in each of the following. Express all your answers
in electron volts.
(a) an electron in the first allowed energy states of the hydrogen atom
(according to the Bohr model, Eq. (1.14))
mq 4 1
We use the relation EK =
2 ( 4πε 0 )
2 2 2
h n
( 9.1E − 31) kg (1.6 E − 19 ) C 4
EK =
2 ( 4π 8.8E − 12 ) ( F / m ) (1.06 E − 34 ) J s 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
= 2.15 E − 18 J
= 13.6eV
(b) a free electron, initially at rest at the back of a cathode ray tube in
your television, accelerated through a potential of 10 kV to strike the phosphor
An electron accelerated through 10kV acquires an energy of 10KeV. Since
this electron was initially at rest, its kinetic energy is now 10 KeV, or
10,000 × 1.6 × 10−19 J = 1.6 × 10−15 J .
(c) a tiny, drifting dust particle, of mass 1 µg and velocity a leisurely 1
1 1
We use EK = mv 2 = ⋅10−9 kg ⋅ (10−3 m / s ) 2 = 5 × 10−16 J = 3.1keV
2 2
Ge: This element is in Column IV of the periodic table. Each atom in the
crystal shares 4 electrons with each neighboring atom, and in return
“receives” 4 electrons. Because every atom is “giving” and “receiving” the
same number of electrons, the charge is evenly distributed between
atoms, and the bonding is covalent.
GaP: Gallium is in Column III and phosphorous is in Column V. Thus in
the bonding, indium has less positive charge than the phosphorus, so the
electrons spends slightly more time near the P atoms than the Ga. This
bonding is largely covalaent but with a slightly ionic flavor.
InGaAsP: Indium and gallium are in Column III and arsenic and
phosphorous are in Column V, so the bonding has the same character as
that of InP, mostly covalent but somewhat ionic.
HgCdTe: Mercury is in Column II, while cadmium and tellurium are in
column VI. This II-VI semiconductor material has a largely ionic but slightly
covalent bonding. The electrons spend quite a bit of their time nearer the
column VI atoms because of those atoms’ greater positive charge.
1.8. For each of the semiconductors below, draw (to scale) the energy band
Si: Eg=1.12 eV. χ=4.05 eV
Ge: Eg=0.67 eV, χ=4.0 eV
GaAs: Eg=1.43 eV, χ=4.07 eV
InP: Eg=1.35 eV, χ=4.35 eV
1.12. Suppose the electron in Figure 1.12 is traveling to the right at constant
energy. What happens to it as it approaches the surface of the material?
Explain your answer, using the energy diagram.
The electron travels at constant energy and thus at constant speed
(constant kinetic energy) in the region where EP is constant. When the
electron approaches the barrier, the potential energy increases. The
kinetic energy thus decreases, and the electron slows down. When it
reaches the edge, its total energy is equal to its potential energy so it
stops. There is a force to the left (gradient in the potential energy) so the
electron is accelerated back to the left. Thus the electron is reflected at
this barrier.
1.13. Show that Equation (1.38) is a solution to Equation (1.37). What is the
significance of the positive and negative signs of K?
2m0 (E − E0 )
Equation (1.38): ψ (x) = Ae jKx + Be − jKx . Letting K = 2 (Equation
1.40), the solution can be written as
2m0 (E − E0 ) ⎛ jx ⎞
2m 0 (E − E0 ) 2m 0 (E − E0 )
− jx
h2 h2
⎜ Ae + Be ⎟ =0
⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
From Equation (1.40), K can be taken as either the positive or negative
root. If we choose the opposite sign, then from Equation (1.38),
ψ (x) = Ae jKx + Be − jKx , it would be the same as changing the sign of x. Thus
the sign of K reverses the direction of propagation of the wave.
EK = 1eV = 1.6 × 10−19 J =
kg ⋅ m
p = 2(9.11×10−31 kg )(1.6 × 10−19 J ) = 5.39 × 10−25
λ = 0.0123nm
m = 1µ g = 10−9 kg
v = 1mm / s = 10−3 m / s
p = mv = 10−12 kg − m / s
λ = h / p = 6.63 × 10−22 m
At the bottom of the parabola, K=0, and since λ = , λ is infinity. .
Note,however that for a finite crystal, the point at K=0 is not permitted
since the electron wave length cannot exceed the crystal dimension. Since
the kinetic energy is the total energy minus the potential energy (E0), the
kinetic energy is zero.
5π 4π 3π 2π π π 2π 3π 4π 5π
− − − − −
a a a a a a a a a a
a) Verify that it meets the required criteria:
i) E(K) is periodic in K-space with period 2π/a
ii) Equivalent extrema exist at K=0, ±2π/a, ±4π/a…
iii) Equivalent extrema exist at K=±π/a, ±3π/a, ±5π/a…
iv) The slope of the E-K curve is zero at K=0, ±π/a, ±2π/a, …
zone Kx
5π 4π 3π 2π π π 2π 3π 4π 5π
− − − − −
a a a a a a a a a a
c) Sketch the corresponding vg-K diagram.
1 dE
The group velocity vg = is proportional to the slope of E:
h dK
5π 4π 3π 2π π π 2π 3π 4π 5π Kx
− − − − −
a a a a a a a a a a
Brillouin Kx
5π 4π 3π 2π π π 2π 3π 4π 5π
− − − − −
a a a a a a a a a a
1.17. Explain the analogy between using a conducting layer thicker than the
skin depth to shield a region of space from electromagnetic waves, and the
ability of an electron to penetrate a potential barrier.
1.18. The infinitely thick potential barrier of Figure 1.18 (a) can be considered a
crude approximation to the potential barrier at the surface of a semiconductor
(see Figure 1.12).
(a) How, then, might you construct a thin potential barrier like that in
Figure 1.18 (b)? Thin potential barriers are used in a wide variety of
semiconductor devices, including tunnel diodes, contacts, and field
effect transistors.
One could place two pieces of semiconductor close together with a narrow
air gap (another insulator will do) between them.
(b) How would you construct a potential well (thin region of lower
potential energy bounded by region of higher potential energy?
Potential wells are widely used in lasers, photodectors, and
heterojunction bipolar transistors.
In this case one would use a thin layer of semiconductor with air on either
1.19. a) From the Bohr model, what emission wavelength would you expect
for a transition in hydrogen from E2 to E1? Transitions ending at E1 are
collectively called the Lyman series, and are generally found in the ultraviolet
region of the spectrum.
λ= = = 122nm
E 10.2eV (1.6 ×10−19 J / eV )
1.21. In discussing Figure 1.19 (a), we pointed out that in a material with a
band gap of 2.5 eV, an electron near the top of the valence band could not
absorb a photon of energy 2.06 eV, since it would have to end up at a
forbidden energy state.
a) What about an electron deep in the valence band, more than 2.06 eV
below the band edge EV? Why is it unlikely for this electron to absorb the
The electron must have an empty state at 2.06eV above its current state.
If this electron is deep in the valence band, the desired new state will
exist, but it is most likely occupied, since it is in the valence band.