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High-Efficiency Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Converter
with Three Decades of Load Current Range Using
Adaptively-Biased PFM
Anurag Veerabathini and Paul M. Furth *
Klipsch School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003, USA;
* Correspondence: pfurth@nmsu.edu; Tel.: +575-646-8574
Received: 24 December 2019; Accepted: 16 February 2020; Published: 20 February 2020
Abstract: A fully-integrated switched-capacitor (SC) DC-DC converter that steps down 2.0 V to 0.9 V
with a peak efficiency of 80% is implemented in a 0.18 µm CMOS process. An ultra-low-power
voltage-controlled oscillator that generates a wide range of switching frequencies is proposed to extend
battery runtime. An efficiency >70% for load currents in the range of 12 µA to 17.8 mA is achieved
by implementing a novel adaptively-biased pulse frequency modulation (ABPFM) technique in the
controller. A symmetric charge-discharge topology with two-phase time interleaving is used as a power
stage to reduce the output voltage ripple to <72 mV over the entire load current range.
1. Introduction
Recent developments in personal wearable devices, such as smart watches, offer more intelligent
capabilities in an effort to satisfy consumer demand. High-performance CPUs are integrated into wearable
devices to handle tasks such as collecting measurements from sensors and transmitting data over wireless
networks. As wearable devices develop, the concerns of battery size and runtime become paramount for
enhancing the user’s experience. Though continuous shrinking of the transistor has helped to reduce power
loss to a certain extent, the market always demands improved design to further extend battery runtime.
A system-on-chip (SoC) uses power, thermal, and performance (PTP) detectors that are distributed
within the CPU in order to monitor operating conditions. The use of PTP technology for an SoC in [1]
demonstrated a 23% increase in clock speed or up to 41% in power savings. Given PTP input data, SoCs in
generic portable devices use several power-saving techniques, such as (a) dynamic power management
(DPM), where system blocks are turned off during standby state, and (b) dynamic voltage and frequency
scaling (DVFS), where the supply voltage and operating frequency are adjusted based on the workload [2].
Switched-capacitor (SC) DC-DC converters are gaining attention for the advantage of monolithic
integration of the converter and no off-chip inductors for low-power applications [3]. Pulse frequency
modulation (PFM) is a popular control technique used in SC converters to maintain high efficiency over
a wide load current range [4].
Switched-capacitor (SC) DC-DC converters have the advantage of monolithic integration of the
converter with no off-chip inductors. SC converters achieve efficiency greater than an LDOwhen the
output voltage is not close to the input voltage [5]. The peak theoretical efficiency of a step-down SC
converter can be described using the relation [6]:
ηPK ≈ (1)
where POUT is the output power, PBP is power loss from the parasitic bottom-plate (BP) capacitance of the
charge transfer capacitor, PDR is the gate driver loss, PSW is the switch loss, PLK is the power loss due to
subthreshold leakage current through the power switches in the off-state, and PCTRL is the power loss in
the controller. PBP is technology dependent and is the most important parameter limiting peak efficiency.
Charge recycling techniques proposed in [7,8] reduce PBP .
PCTRL is a summation of the controller’s dynamic switching power loss and static power loss, as in:
At low load conditions, PCTRL,DY scales with frequency. However, static power loss in the controller,
PCTRL,ST , is largely unaddressed in the literature. ηPK is approximately constant as a function of switching
frequency if PCTRL,ST is scaled along with PCTRL,DY , until PLK is comparable with other loss mechanisms.
With the objective to reduce the power consumption in the controller during low load conditions, we
propose adaptively-biased pulse frequency modulation (ABPFM). The proposed ABPFM technique used
along with DVFS and DPM is illustrated in Figure 1. Observe that ABPFM used in conjunction with DVFS
has lower power consumption than DVFS by itself, since ABPFM greatly reduces power consumption
during the sleep state. As such, the lower the load current requirements, the higher the power savings
using ABPFM.
Figure 1. Comparison of relative power consumption at different processor speeds for dynamic power
management (DPM) and dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) with the proposed novel
adaptively-biased pulse frequency modulation (ABPFM) technique. Adapted from [9].
The design of an SC converter with the proposed controller is described in Section 2. This
includes a detailed description of the adaptively-biased folded-cascode amplifier and the ultra-low-power
voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) with level shifter. The converter implementation and measurement
results are presented in Section 3, along with a comparison to state-of-the-art SC converters published in
the literature.
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Figure 2. A two-phase time interleaved 2:1 symmetric charge-discharge switched-capacitor (SC) DC-DC
converter with the proposed adaptively-biased pulse frequency modulation (ABPFM) controller.
frequency, the amplifier samples the ripple information instead of the average output voltage, causing
the loop to be unstable. Low bandwidth is achieved through low input bias current. However, high bias
current enables faster transient response. Hence, moderate bias current is normally selected to achieve fast
transient response, but at a bandwidth well below f SW .
Figure 3. Adaptively-biased folded-cascode amplifier, showing the bias control input, VCTRL , and digital
awake sense input, AWAKE.
Referring to Figure 3, output voltage VCTRL contains the SC converter load current information. It
is used by the amplifier to increase or decrease its bias current at high or low converter load currents,
respectively, through long-L transistor M N9 . The ability of the amplifier to set its bias current continuously
permits a huge reduction in static power loss when the converter is driving ultra-low current loads.
The amplifier is designed for maximum load current conditions. The amplifier bias current is decreased as
the load current decreases, reducing the bandwidth of the amplifier. A minimum bias current I MI N must
be maintained in the amplifier for stability.
The gain bandwidth product (GBW) of the folded-cascode amplifier of Figure 3 is given by [12]:
1 gm
GBW = gm ROUT · = (3)
where gm is the input transconductance, ROUT the output resistance, and COUT the output capacitance.
GBW decreases with gm . Using the long-channel approximation, gm = 2ID k0 W/L, gm decreases with the
square root of bias current. This decrease in gm reduces the overall GBW of the amplifier and moves the
dominant pole in order to reduce the amplifier bandwidth. This reduction in GBW is critical at low load
currents, where the switching frequency is reduced, and the requirement GBW << f SW is maintained [13].
The amplifier has an additional digital input signal, AWAKE. When AWAKE is high, the amplifier
bias current is made artificially large in anticipation of the load coming out of sleep mode. The AWAKE
signal can be set externally by the PTP detectors in an SoC. These detectors know in advance that the load
current requirements are about to increase. In this way, the converter has a much improved output load
transient response.
2.2. Ultra-Low Power VCO and Level Shifter
A conventional current-starved VCO uses a fixed minimum bias current in each inverter stage in
order to oscillate with a large output voltage swing. Using a fixed minimum bias current is a lossy method
that limits the peak efficiency when the converter is operating at very low output power.
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The proposed ultra-low power VCO shown in Figure 4 solves the above challenge by avoiding
a current-starved implementation. The VCO is designed using a fifteen-stage ring oscillator, where the
total current from all branches that sets the oscillation frequency is controlled by a single NMOS device
M NC . The length of M NC is large to make the VCO linear and achieve a wide oscillation frequency
range from a few kHz to hundreds of MHz. Input VCTRL sets the VCO oscillation frequency. Additional
delay from transistors MP0 and M N0 in the first stage of the 15-stage ring allows one to obtain a 16-stage
equivalent delay. In this way, it is possible to generate two 90◦ -phase time-interleaved clocks for the SC
converter, labeled CLK1 and CLK2 in Figure 4. Variation in the phase of CLK1 and CLK2 , due to mismatch
in the VCO, increases the output voltage ripple, but does not affect efficiency.
Figure 4. A 15-stage ultra-low-power VCO with added delay in the first stage to make a 16-stage equivalent.
Two 90◦ phase difference clocks from the VCO are level-shifted with two adaptively-biased level shifters.
In general, low oscillation frequencies in the range of tens of kHz can be generated either by increasing
the capacitance in each ring stage or reducing the branch current to a few nA. Increasing the ring stage
capacitance limits the peak achievable frequency and also increases the dynamic switching losses. On the
other hand, decreasing the branch currents makes the VCO suffer from poor low-side voltage swing.
When the converter is operating at the minimum load current, where the VCO is at the minimum
frequency, the voltage swing of the VCO at nodes CLK10 and CLK20 is limited to approximately 200 mV.
This voltage swing monotonically increases with the oscillation frequency. M NC is a long-L device, which
operates in the subthreshold, saturation, and triode regions to generate low, medium, and high frequency
oscillations. Switching frequency is directly proportional to load current.
A level shifter (LS) is required to increase the VCO voltage swing and operate over the frequency
range of a few kHz to hundreds of MHz. An LS design using conventional methods, such as differential
cascode voltage switch (DCVS), current-mirror, and capacitive coupling, suffers from a narrow range of
input voltages and/or requires complex circuits that consume significant power [14–16].
An LS implementation, which has an input range that swings close to VDD in order to sense the output
of the proposed VCO, is shown in Figure 4. The LS is a common-source amplifier with a bias current
that is adaptively adjusted by the signal VCTRL , the same signal that sets the VCO oscillation frequency.
As VCTRL increases, the bias current in the LS increases, allowing for faster transitions at higher frequencies.
The delay of the LS is less significant as the delay of the error amplifier (labeled gm in Figure 2) is typically
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higher due to the integration operation. The power consumption of the LS is described below as part of
Figure 5.
A simulated power breakdown of the proposed converter as a function of load current is shown in
Figure 5. At high load currents, the major power loss contributors are the bottom-plate capacitor (PBP ),
large switches (PSW ) in the power stage charging CFLY and CTANK , and gate drivers (PDRIVE ). A relatively
small amount of power is consumed in the controller, which is the sum of losses in the amplifier (PAMP ),
LS (PLS ), and VCO (PVCO ). As the load current decreases, f SW reduces proportionally, decreasing dynamic
losses in PBP , PSW , PDRIVE , and PVCO . In this work, static power losses PAMP and PLS are also reduced
with load current through the use of adaptive biasing, achieving high efficiency over a wide load current
range. Observe that PLS increases slightly for ILOAD < 50 µA due to the power loss associated with slow
transitions in CLK1 and CLK2 driving inverter loads, a solution for which is described in [17].
Figure 5. Simulated power breakdown over the load current range showing the power loss from the SC
power stage, PSW + PBP , gate driver, PDRIVE , error amplifier, PAMP , level-shifter, PLS , and VCO, PVCO .
The measured efficiency while driving a load current from 4 µA to 17.8 mA is shown in Figure 6a.
The measured efficiency was greater than 70% for load currents in the range of 12 µA to 17.8 mA and greater
than 60% from 8 µA to 12 µA. The sudden drop in efficiency below 17 µA was due to the dominance of
static power loss. The measured switching frequency as a function of load current is shown in Figure 6b.
Observe the slope of 5 kHz/µA, equivalent to the rate of change in frequency with respect to load current.
Figure 6. Measurement results showing (a) efficiency vs. load current with an illustration of relative static
and dynamic power losses and (b) switching frequency vs. load current.
Figure 7. Load transients between 100 µA and 10 mA showing the AWAKE signal. The dip for VOUT
illustrates the behavior of VOUT if AWAKE = 0 during a low-to-high load transient.
A micrograph of the fabricated integrated-circuit is shown in Figure 8a and the test PCB in Figure 8b.
The converter measured 990 × 966 µm2 without bond pads.
Figure 8. (a) Micrograph of the fabricated chip and (b) PCB used for hardware measurements showing the
device-under-test (DUT).
3.2. Comparison
A comparison of the proposed work with the state-of-the-art of recently published SC converters is
shown in Table 1. The proposed converter maintained less than a 10% drop from its peak efficiency over
three decades of load current (17.8 mA/12 µA = 1483) and had the highest load current range compared to
others. The use of a charge recycling technique in every time-interleaved phase in [8] helped to achieve
the record peak efficiency of 94.6% for all fully-integrated SC converters in the literature. However, this
converter’s efficiency dropped below 60% for load currents <167 µA. On the other hand, our proposed
converter had the lowest peak efficiency due to the process limitation in bottom-plate parasitic capacitance.
The addition of a charge recycling technique to an ABPFM converter would noticeably improve its peak
efficiency. Finally, the proposed converter had the highest power density compared to others except [18],
where an area-efficient and costly deep-trench (DT) capacitor was used along with a 33 nF off-chip
tank capacitor.
To emphasize the importance of high efficiency over a wide load current range, we propose the
following figure-of-merit (FOM):
FOM = η MAX η MI N log10 (4)
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This FOM is the geometric mean of the efficiency limits times the number of decades of load current
range. Overall, the proposed converter had the highest FOM, widest load current range, highest minimum
efficiency, and highest power density amongst the fully-integrated SC converters in Table 1.
4. Conclusions
Adaptively-biased pulse-frequency modulation (ABPFM) was introduced in this paper to reduce the
static power loss in a low-power DC-DC converter operating in standby/sleep mode. An ultra-low-power
VCO was implemented to generate a wide range of frequencies suitable for switching converters.
The proposed converter maintained >70% efficiency over three decades of load current range.
The proposed ABPFM was implemented with a 2:1 voltage conversion ratio fully-integrated SC DC-DC
converter in a 0.18-µm CMOS process. This technique could be applied to extend the battery runtime of
wearable devices, which are designed to operate in sleep mode the vast majority of the time.
Author Contributions: The research problem was identified, executed, and solved by both authors. A.V. conducted
the literature review, architecture research, feasibility study, and methodology investigation. He also designed,
simulated, performed the layout, tested, and wrote the original draft manuscript. He is the main author of the
paper. P.M.F. supervised the research that includes and is not limited to: conceptualization, project administration,
architecture design, circuit design, simulation and measurement results review, manuscript review, and extensive
manuscript corrections. Both authors contributed significantly to this work.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Acknowledgments: Chip fabrication via MOSISis gratefully acknowledged.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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