Team Games
Team Games
Team Games
Each agent has to come up with an original idea of motivating the team for a
day. This has created a multitude of ideas that we will use for the future, as
well as giving staff confidence. Every day is different, the agent decides what
prize they will give, if any, and it has created a great fun atmosphere. At the
end of each day, the agent is scored out of ten by their colleagues as to how
well they motivated the team. At the end of the month, the manager awards a
prize to the best motivator. This also gives the manager of the call centre a
rest for a few weeks while the staff do the motivating for a change. A great
This is a fun sales event that benefits everyone and need only cost a few
A trolley full of food is put up for grabs. Apart from a few luxury items, most of
the goods are normal household products that everyone might buy each
week. You decide on the value of each of the products.
Each sale made is given a monetary value which enables the agents to shop
from the trolley. If you have a difference between the agent’s individual target
and the team’s target, this is a fun way to shift the focus and close the gap.
A good way of making your teams concentrate on quality is to list all the
negative words you want them to avoid using, along the top of a chart with the
agents’ names down the side. When you catch a team member using the
words they should be avoiding, place a mark on the chart against their name.
The one who has the most marks then has to make the tea for the rest of the
team/centre. Although it has a negative slant, if it is done in a light-hearted
way, it can be good fun and helps to focus the mind. This is particularly useful
in small teams where there are quiet patches so that everyone can hear.
Draw a large racing track around the walls of the call centre, split into stages.
Give the teams cardboard and paints and have them create their own racing
car and give it a name/identity. Each time a task is achieved, or a sales target
is reached, one of the team members then throws the dice to move forward
around the circuit. Give a small prize each time a team completes a lap and a
more substantial prize to the team which completes the most laps in a specific
time frame.