Hiyama 1986
Hiyama 1986
Hiyama 1986
S. Hiyama
Fujikura Ltd.,
and Y. Fujiwara
Showa Electric Wire & Cable Co., Ltd.,
Testing methods for power cable insulation depend basically
on type and material of cable insulation. Cross-linked poly-
ethylene (XLPE) is now spreading widely for power cable in-
sulation at the rated voltage of 66 to 154 kV world-wide, and
especially in Japan many 275 kV lines have already been put in
service. Typical conventional power cable insulation is oil-
impregnated paper which is used mainly for oil-filled cable
above 66 kV in many countries, including Japan. Testing methods
for both of these types of power cables in Japan are introduced
here in comparison with those prevailing in the USA together
with the reason for each testing method or condition. In gen-
eral, there is no fundamental difference between testing methods
in Japan and in the USA. However, test voltages are decided
by the insulation thickness and the specified stress in the
USA, while test voltages in Japan are given directly by the
rated voltage. Tests described here cover factory tests to be
made at the time of delivery, acceptance tests after instal-
lation at site, and maintenance tests to be made during
TESTING METHODS FOR POWER CABLE INSULATION such a high voltage should not be applied often, in
order not to damage and shorten the life of the cable.
Tests on power cables are roughly divided into three The test shall be made at ambient temperature using al-
groups, that is, factory tests to be made at the time ternating voltage at power frequency.
of delivery, acceptance tests after installation at
site, and maintenance tests to be made during operation. The test voltage shall be raised gradually to the
specified value which shall be then maintained for 10
Testing methods of these tests in Japan compared with minutes between the conductor and metallic screen. The
those in the USA are introduced for oil-filled and XLPE test voltage is summarized on Table 1 and is
insulated power cable respectively.
V = E, K1 K2 K3 (1)
(a) Routine Tests ac withstand test voltage (in Japan)
The following tests shall be carried out on all manu-
factured lengths to check that the whole of every length
complies with the requirements.
(al) Withstand Tests
This test is carried out to check that the cable is
capable to endure fully commercial-frequency overvolt-
age which might be applied during operation. However,
Where, Eo is the maximum rated voltage (kV), K1 the PC = 5 + (Vt/Vg - 2.0) 22.5 (2)
commercial frequency overvoltage multiple; K1=2.0 for
resistance grounded neutral system, K1=0.88 for direct where PC is the partial discharge (pC), Vt the test
grounded neutral system; K2 is the tolerance (1.1) for voltage (kV), and Vg the phase-to-ground voltage (kV).
uncertain factors such as delivery and installation,
and K3 is the temperature coefficient (1.1). Table 3
While in accordance with AEIC standards, withstand Applying voltage for partial discharge test (in Japan)
tests in the USA shall be carried out at the voltage
shown in Table 2 for five or fifteen minutes.
Rated voltage (kV) 22 33 66 77 154 275
Table 2
ac withstand test voltage (USA) 1st stage (kV) (17) (26) 52 61 120 220
Table 4
(a2) Partial Discharge Test
Applying voltage for partial discharge test (USA)
Partial discharge test is performed to check on local
defects, for example, voids in insulation which might
develop during manufacture. The test is performed by Rated Voltage 25 28 35 46 69 115 138
applying voltage in three stages as shown in Fig. 1. (kV)
Table 5 Table 8
Applying test voltage for high voltage time test Test voltage for Impulse test (USA)
(in Japan)
Second: Vt + 40(V/mil) 1/2 hour (b3) Void, Contaminants and Projection Detection Tests
Step up to 420 V/mil
In this test, 20 wafers 0.50+0.25 mm in thickness are
cut off from the cable insulation and are observed by
69-138 First : 2.5 Vg 4 hour means of a microscope to check for detrimental voids,
Second: 3.75 Vg 1 hour contaminants, and projections in the insulation. The
allowable levels for voids, contaminants, and projec-
tions are shown in Table 9.
Table 9
(b2) Lightning Impulse Voltage-withstand Test
Allowable value for voids, contaminants and
This test is performed at room temperature on the projections (in Japan)
sample with the test voltage taking into account BIL
values. Negative polarity is used for lightning im-
pulse voltage to ground because more than 90% of direct Rated voltage 22 33 66 77 154 275
lightning stroke hitting transmission lines is nega- (kV)
tive, and because positive inductive lightning surge
for 66 kV class is lower than BIL and mostly negative Voids (pm) (70) (70) 70 70 50 30
surge. The cable must withstand three negative shots
of the appropriate value in Table 7. In view of me- Contaminants
chanical stress which might be incurred during instal- Amber (ipm) (250) (250) 250 250 250 250
lation, this test is made after bending the cable twice. Black (pm) (250) (250) 100 100 100 100
Following this test, breakdown voltage is usually ob-
tained by raising the applied voltage in steps of 20 to
30 kV per three shots. Projection (jjm) (250) (250) 250 250 250 250
Table 7
Applying voltage for lightning impulse
voltage-withstand test (in Japan) As in contaminants, the shape of a projection was sup-
posed to be a rotary oval and maximum local electrical
stress around a projection are calculated to set criti-
cal conditions at 1:2 as the ratio of height to width,
with a sufficient safety factor against electrical tree
generating field.
In accordance with AEIC standards, void, contaminants
and projection are specified for each rated voltage
The test voltage in accordance with AEIC standards is The insulation of the completed cable shall be free
shown in Table 8. from the following value given in Table 10.
1 054 IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation Vol. EI-21 No.6, December 1986
Table 10 for the test voltage, which is 0.69 for Vm=500 kV,
0.88 for Vm=187 to 275 kV, 1.1 for Vm=66 to 154 kV, and
Allowable value for voids, contaminants where C2=1.1 is the allowance for deterioration of
and projections (in USA) characteristics of cable by shipment and installation.
Rated The test voltages for the typical rated voltate in
voltage Voids Contaminants Proj ections each country are shown in Table 11.
Table 11
1) Any void 1) Any contami- 1) More than
larger than nants larger 5 mils toward Test voltage for HV test
3 mils than 7 mils the insulaton
(A.'76 vm) ('.'178 pm) or Rated
161 230 345 500
voltage 69 115
2) 10 mils (kV)
25-46 2) The number 2) The number
of voids of contami- away from the U.S.A.
1000 2250 1000 1500 2000 2500
insulation (ASIC Conductor 4/D 350 800 750 1000
larger than nants of CS4-79) size (AWG to to to to to to to to to to to
for the con- Kcmil) 4000 4000 900 4000 2000 4000 1250 4000 2500 4000
2 mils sizes between or 750
2) The number 2) The number ditto voltage 90.0 100.0 200.0 240.0 280.0 420.0
of contami- (kV)
of voids
larger than nants of sizes above
2 mils and between 2 mentioned
less than or and 7 mils
equal to shall not
3 mils shall exceed 10 per (a2) Ionization Factor Test
not exceed cubic inch
30 per cubic The ionization factor is defined as the difference of
dielectric power factor between specified voltage.
In USA, the specified voltage is determined by the
specified average stress for insulation thickness as
stated in Table 12 and the stress of 0.79 MV/m.
(c) Tests on Accessories
Table 12
The basic concept of the tests for accessories are
the same as in the case of cable, but the accessories Specificated Average Stress for Ionization
Factor Test
have the following different features. Structure and
materials of accessories are of many types and are Rated Voltage The Specified Average Stress
complicated. Heat cycle during operation has a serious kV in volts per mil (MV/m)
effect, which depends on the individual structure. As- (Phase to Phase) of Specified Insulation
sembling at site is of great significance. Thickness
15 to 68 175 (6.89)
Considering these features, direct voltage-withstand
tests and accelerated aging tests are introduced which 69 to 115 185 (7.28)
are not carried out in the case of the test for cable
only. 120 to 165 190 (7.48)
230 210 (8.
27) s
Table 13 Table 15
Specification of Dielectric Power Factor Maximum Power Factor for Dielectric
(in Japan) Power Factor Test
Temperature Maximum Power Factor, Percent
of Cable
Degrees C 15 to 161 kV 230 kV 345 and 500 kV
Table 14
Test Voltage for HV Time Test ACCEPTANCE TEST AT SITE
Rated A HV test must be made after installation and before
Voltage 69 115 161 230 345 500 the cable is placed in regular service.
In USA, the test field is 7.48 MV/m ac, applied for 4,
U.S.A. Test voltage or 10.04 MV/m applied for 15 min.
for 6 hours 122.5 187.0 254.0 326.8 445.0 576.2
(AEIC (kV) -
The HV tests may be made with dc instead of ac, in
CS4-79) Test voltage
for 3 hours 148.2 226.2 306.8 395.2 538.2 696.8 which case the test voltage for the cable shall be 2.4
(kV) times the prescribed alternating potential.
JAPAN Rated 66 77 154 220 275 500
voltage (kV) In Japan, the test is made with dc, and the test volt-
(JEC Test voltage age is shown in Table 17. The test voltage after in-
-3401) for 3 hours 130 150 300 280 350 660 stallation is given in Table 18 in accordance with AEIC
(kV) - standard.
(b2) Dielectric Power Factor Test
Maintenance tests are performed to ensure stable power
In USA, this test is made with rated voltage at not transmission through reasonable maintenance, improvement
less than four temperatures. One temperature is room and effieicnt operation of underground transmission
temperature and the others are 70, 90, and 105°C. The lines and generally consist of patrolling, inspection,
measurement at 105°C is for engineering information checking, testing, and repairing. Maintenance tests,
only. The measured value shall not exceed the allow- intended to make sure that cables can be put to contin-
able value shown in Table 15. ued use safely, are made periodically or occasionally to
prevent them from insulation damage during power trans-
In Japan, the test is made with rated voltage Eo and mission.
2Eo at six temperatures, that is, room temperature, 40,
60, 70, 85, and 950C. Maximum allowable values at each
temperature are as stated in Table 13.
1056Ei IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation Vol. EI-21 Noc6, December 1986