A company's MISSION is a statement of Performance management is ongoing. It involves a
the basic purpose or reason for its existence never ending process of setting goals and
its values (role to stakeholders-customers, objectives, observing performance, and giving and
employees, society, etc.) receiving ongoing coaching and feedback.
The VISION - goes beyond the mission statement
clarifies the long-term direction of the company ALIGNMENT WITH STRATEGIC GOALS
(where the company is going) Performance management requires that managers
reflects management's aspirations for the company ensure that employees’ activities and outputs are
OBJECTIVES - are yardsticks for tracking a company's congruent with the organization’s goals and,
performance or end result. consequently, help the organization gain a
Financial performance objectives (eg. ROA, ROI, competitive advantage. Performance management
ROE, dividend growth, stock price) therefore creates a direct link between employee
Strategic performance objectives (eg. Market performance and organizational goals and makes
share, growth, innovation leader, customer service, the employees’ contribution to the organization
community & environmental responsibility) explicit.