Rajiv Dhawan ENT Ear Test Post Class
Rajiv Dhawan ENT Ear Test Post Class
Rajiv Dhawan ENT Ear Test Post Class
1. A congenitally deaf child with bilateral profound
SNHL on radiological evaluation of cochlea and brain
with MRI/CT scan has been found to having normal
eighth nerve on both sides. What is the best method
of hearing rehabilitation in this case.
a) Cochlear implant
b) Digital Hearing aid
c) Auditory brain stem implant
d) Bone anchored hearing aid
1. A congenitally deaf child with bilateral profound
SNHL on radiological evaluation of cochlea and brain
with MRI/CT scan has been found to be normal
eighth nerve on both sides. What is the best method
of hearing rehabilitation in this case.
a) Cochlear implant
b) Digital Hearing aid
c) Auditory brain stem implant
d) Bone anchored hearing aid
2. All are true about serous otitis media except
a) Type A curve
b) Type B Curve
c) Type C Curve
d) Type AD curve
3. What type of tympanogram would you be finding
in a case of Serous Otitis media?
a) Type A curve
b) Type B Curve
c) Type C Curve
d) Type AD curve
4. A patient of left atticoantral CSOM presents with
the history of headache, vomiting and convulsions.
His CT scan of brain has revealed left temporal lobe
abscess. What is the best surgical treatment of this
a) Magnification
b) Assessment of movement of the tympanic
c) Removal of foreign body from the ear
d) As applicator for the powdered antibiotic
to ear
6. Use of Siegel's speculum during
examination of the ear provides all except:
a) Magnification
b) Assessment of movement of the tympanic
c) Removal of foreign body from the ear
d) As applicator for the powdered antibiotic
to ear
7. All are true about embryology of ear
development except
a. Bat ear
b. Cauliflower ear
c. Tropical ear
d. Surfer ear
8. A child is born with deformed pinna. He
has normal helix but antihelix is not
developed. What is the name of this
a. Bat ear
b. Cauliflower ear
c. Tropical ear
d. Surfer ear
9. A 75 year-old diabetic patient presents with severe
pain in the ear and facial palsy. Examination reveals
granulation tissue in external auditory canal. What is
the probable diagnosis?
a. Gradinego Syndrome
b. Malignant Otitis externa
c. Lateral sinus thrombosis
d. Trotter’s Triad
14. A patient of right unsafe CSOM has presented
with history of diplopia and pain behind the right eye.
What is the name of this entity?
a. Gradinego Syndrome
b. Malignant Otitis externa
c. Lateral sinus thrombosis
d. Trotter’s Triad
15. What is Cupula in inner ear?
a. Basilar membrane
b. Reissner’s membrane
c. Tectorial membrane
d. Sharpnell’s membrane
16. Which membrane separates Scala Vestibuli and
Scala Media?
a. Basilar membrane
b. Reissner’s membrane
c. Tectorial membrane
d. Sharpnell’s membrane
17. One of the following is a feature of meniere’s
a. Presbyacusis
b. Paracusis
c. Diplacusis
d. Hyperacusis
17. One of the following is a feature of meniere’s
a. Presbyacusis
b. Paracusis
c. Diplacusis
d. Hyperacusis
18. What is Bill’s bar?
a. Stenger test
b. Schwbach test
c. Gelle’s test
d. Rinne test
19. Which tuning fork test is specifically used to
diagnose otosclerosis?
a. Stenger test
b. Schwbach test
c. Gelle’s test
d. Rinne test
20. A case of Bell’s palsy: no improvement after 3 weeks: What
to do next?
a) Stapedectomy
b) Fenestration
c) Hearing Aid
d) Sodium Flouride
21. Treatment of choice in a c/o Otosclerosis with
positive Schwartze's sign :
a) Stapedectomy
b) Fenestration
c) Hearing Aid
d) Sodium Flouride
22. Hennebert's sign is seen in
a. Congenital syphillis
b. Stapedectomy
c. Meniere's disease
d. Cholesteatoma
22. Hennebert's sign is seen in
a. Congenital syphillis
b. Stapedectomy
c. Meniere's disease
d. Cholesteatoma
23. Rinne test is negative in all except
a. Ototoxicity
b. Otosclerosis
c. Non-organic hearing loss
d. Meniere’s disease
29. Electrocochleography is used to diagnose which
clinical entity –
a. Ototoxicity
b. Otosclerosis
c. Non-organic hearing loss
d. Meniere’s disease
30. Which type of audiogram is seen in early stage of
Meniere’s disease
a. Sloping Audiogram
b. Rising audiogram
c. Dip at 4000Hz in AC BC
d. Dip at 2000 Hz in BC
30. Which type of audiogram is seen in early stage of
Meniere’s disease
a. Sloping Audiogram
b. Rising audiogram
c. Dip at 4000Hz in AC BC
d. Dip at 2000 Hz in BC
31. The surgical landmark for Mastoid antrum during
mastoid surgery is
a. Donaldson’s line
b. MacEwen’s triangle
c. Trautmann’s triangle
d. Korner septum
31. The surgical landmark for Mastoid antrum during
mastoid surgery is
a. Donaldson’s line
b. MacEwen’s triangle
c. Trautmann’s triangle
d. Korner septum
32. Otoliths are concerned with which function of
inner ear?
a. Sound Conduction
b. Angular Balance
c. Linear balance
d. Sound Amplification
32. Otoliths are concerned with which function of
inner ear?
a. Sound Conduction
b. Angular Balance
c. Linear balance
d. Sound Amplification
33. Which statement is not true about benign
paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) ?
a. Recruitment
b. Tullio’s phenomenon
c. ParacusisWillisi
d. Diplacusuis
34. Not a clinical feature of Meniere’s disease
a. Recruitment
b. Tullio’s phenomenon
c. ParacusisWillisi
d. Diplacusuis
35. A 43 year old male patient is suffering from recurrent epiosdes
of vertigo , hearing loss and Tinnitus for last 3 years. The episode has
nausea vomiting along with vertigo. The episode settles in few hours
only. What is the possible diagnosis?
b. Meniere’s disease
c. Acoustic neuroma
d. viral Labyrinthitis
35. A 43 year old male patient is suffering from recurrent epiosdes
of vertigo , hearing loss and Tinnitus for last 3 years. The episode has
nausea vomiting along with vertigo. The episode settles in few hours
only. What is the possible diagnosis?
b. Meniere’s disease
c. Acoustic neuroma
d. viral Labyrinthitis
36. Which ossicle has least blood supply?
a. Handle of Malleus
b. Foot plate of Stapes
c. Long process of Incus
• Head of Malleus
36. Which ossicle has least blood supply?
a. Handle of Malleus
b. Foot plate of Stapes
c. Long process of Incus
• Head of Malleus
37. Putsatile Tinnitus with bleeding polypoidal red mass in
external auditory canal of a female patient is typically seen in :
a) Glomus Jugulare
b) Acoustic Neuroma
c) Meniere’s disease
d) Tympanosclerosis
37. Putsatile Tinnitus with bleeding polypoidal red mass in
external auditory canal of a female patient is typically seen in :
a) Glomus Jugulare
b) Acoustic Neuroma
c) Meniere’s disease
d) Tympanosclerosis
38. Rising sun sign is a classical finding seen in
a. Acoustic Neuroma
b. Meniere’s Disease
c. Glomus Jugulare
d. Otosclerosis
38. Rising sun sign is a classical finding seen in
a. Acoustic Neuroma
b. Meniere’s Disease
c. Glomus Jugulare
d. Otosclerosis
39. A 20yrs old Male present with unilateral foul smelling
ear discharge develops spiky fever and has positive
Griessenger sign. The clinical diagnosis is :
d) Brain Abscess
39. A 20yrs old Male present with unilateral foul smelling
ear discharge develops spiky fever and has positive
Griessenger sign. The clinical diagnosis is :
d) Brain Abscess
40. Ductus Reniens connects which two structures of inner ear?
a) Ad
b) As
c) B
d) C
42. A 30 year old lady has bilateral hearing loss since 4
years which worsened during pregnancy. Type of
impedence audiometry curve will be :
a) Ad
b) As
c) B
d) C
43. Which of the following is not a typical feature of
Meniere's disease?
a) right side
b) no nystagmus
c) Left side
d) both sides
44. The caloric test done right side with warm water
will produce nystagmus towards
a) right side
b) no nystagmus
c) Left side
d) both sides
45. While syringing for the ear wax, the cold water
should not be used . What is the appropriate reason
for this ?