Heart Exercise Booklet Final LRes
Heart Exercise Booklet Final LRes
Heart Exercise Booklet Final LRes
These exercises are only general. For people who have any pre-
existing injuries or other medical conditions which may effect you
exercising, please consult your doctor or physiotherapist/exercise
physiologist before using this pamphlet.
• Exercise should feel like you are putting in effort but always at
a comfortable level. You should not be feeling overly breathless
or that the exercise is too hard or difficult.
Warm up
Warm up by going for a 5 minute walk.
Remember if you can still talk while you are
exercising, you are exercising within your
safety limit.
All stretches should ideally be held between
15-30 seconds. The stretch should be a comfortable strain
on the muscle, not a painful sensation.
Calf Stretch
Supporting yourself against a wall or
a chair, place one leg behind the other.
Ensure the heel on the back leg is
touching the floor. Bend the front leg
at the knee. You should feel a stretch
in the calf of your back leg.
Groin Stretch
Spread your legs apart, just wider than
shoulder width. Keep both feet flat on the
ground, toes pointing forward. Begin to
lean to one side. Make sure the knee of the
bent leg is over the top of the toes on that
leg. You should feel a stretch in the groin
of the opposite leg.
Quad Stretch
Grab your ankle and pull heel
of your foot towards your
buttock. If this is not possible,
face away from a chair and
place your foot on the chair,
as per picture. You should feel
stretch down front of leg.
Calf/Hamstring Stretch
Place one foot out in front of you,
put your heel on ground with
your toes facing towards the sky.
Keeping your leg straight, lean
forward as far as comfortable and
try to touch your outstretched foot.
You should feel a stretch down the
back of your leg.
Sternum Stretch
Holding hands together behind back, with back
straight push your shoulders, back and chest out.
You should feel a stretch through your chest.
Shoulder Stretch
Place one arm straight across your body, use
the other arm to pull it in and hold. You should
feel a stretch in the shoulder of the arm going
across your body.
Repeat exercises 2-4 times through the day as you are able.
As you improve, increase the number of times (repetitions) you
do the exercise. Start with 3-5 repetitions.
Calf Raises
Support yourself against a wall or
chair, raise yourself onto your toes
and then lower yourself back down
onto your heels.
Remember to go at a slow
controlled speed.
Chair Exercises
Sit in a chair, (only use a stable
chair, preferably with arm rests
as well). Get in and out of the
chair 8-10 times or as many
times as possible.
Bicep Exercises
Stand straight up while holding a
water bottle. Keeping your upper
arm still, bend at the elbow so the
bottle almost touches your shoulder.
Begin by supporting yourself with
a wall or chair. Take one foot off
the ground, and try to balance for
5-10 seconds.
Wall Push-Ups
Standing facing a wall, with hands
placed slightly wider apart than your
shoulder width, lean towards the wall
using arms for support, then push
away back to original position.
You should feel it exercising your
chest muscles.
Wall Squats
Stand with your back against the
wall with your feet a shoulder
width apart. Make sure your feet
are about half a metre away from
the wall. Bend at the knees to the
point where you can feel you are
comfortably supporting your weight.
Then return to original standing
Hand-eye Co-ordination
If you have a tennis ball or soft bouncy
ball available, spend a few minutes trying
to improve your co-ordination. Throwing
it up in the air and catching it, bouncing
it to yourself, throwing it from one hand
to another or playing catch with a friend,
relative or pet. Try to improve the number
of times you can do it without dropping it.
Remember always stay within your limits.
Home exercises for people with heart failure
Theraband exercises should be performed every second day. All
these exercises should be repeated 10-15 times. Ensure that you
control each movement in both directions and that you do not
release the tension in the theraband at any time.
Gradually increase the repetitions you do till the exercises are easy.
This is when you should have a review of your exercise program.
Bicep Curls
Place the centre of the theraband
under your foot with ends in each hand.
Start with arms parallel to your body
and while keeping your upper arms
parallel to the body, bend your elbow
and bring your forearms up towards your
shoulders. Lower your forearms back
down to run parallel with your body,
being sure to have control over
the movement.
Front Raise
With the theraband under one foot,
hold onto both ends with your hands.
Start with your arms straight by your
side, raise your arms by pulling against
the theraband. Keep your arms
straight, using your shoulders as
the pivot points.
Home exercises for people with heart failure
Upwards Row
With the theraband under one
foot with your arms hanging
vertically in front of you, hold
both ends and pull directly up so
your hands reach your chin while
your elbows point horizontally
out from your shoulders.
Slowly lower back down.
Tricep Extension
Hold one end of the theraband
at your left shoulder with your
right hand and, keeping your
upper arm still and moving your
forearm only, pull down on the
other end with your left hand.
Perform on other side as well.
Leg Extensions
Tie the theraband in a loop
around a pole, at about ankle
height. With your back facing
the pole and one foot in the
loop pull your leg forward with
the knee slightly bent as if to
kick a ball then return back to
the starting position slowly.
Home exercises for people with heart failure
Cool Down
Walk around for 2-5 minutes, then repeat stretches for your cool down.
Calf Stretch
Supporting yourself against a wall or a chair,
place one leg behind the other. Ensure the
heel on the back leg is touching the floor.
Bend the front leg at your knee. You should
feel a stretch in the calf of your back leg.
Groin Stretch
Spread your legs apart, just wider than shoulder
width. Keep both feet flat on the ground, with
your toes pointing forward. Begin to lean to one
side. Make sure the knee of the bent leg is over
the top of the toes on that leg. You should feel a
stretch in the groin of the opposite leg.
Quad Stretch
Grab ankle and pull the heel of your
foot towards your buttock. If this is not
possible, face away from a chair place
lower leg on chair. You should feel
stretch down the front of your leg.
Triceps Stretch
Bend one arm over your head.
Use the other arm to push your
arm back and hold. You should feel
a stretch down the back side of
your bent arm.
Shoulder Stretch
Place one arm straight across your
body, using the other arm to pull it in
and hold. You should feel a stretch
in your shoulder of your arm going
across your body.
Home exercises for people with heart failure
Home exercises for people with heart failure
Shop 1&2 Tiwi Place, Tiwi, NT 0810
PO BOX 40113, Casuarina, NT 0811
Email: info@healthylivingnt.org.au
Ph: (08) 8927 8488
Fax: (08) 8927 8515
Alice Springs
7/16 Hartley Street (Jock Nelson Centre)
Alice Springs, NT 0870
PO BOX 3695, Alice Springs, NT 0871
Email: alicesprings@healthylivingnt.org.au
Ph: (08) 8952 8000
Fax: (08) 8952 7000
Bodyfit NT
The Pumphouse, level 1, 39 Stokes Hill Road, Darwin City
PO BOX 2041, Parap, NT, 0804
Email: kia@bodyfitnt.com.au
Ph: (08) 8981 2886
Fax: (08) 8981 2887
Mob: 0412 555 754