Effect of Roadside Vegetation On Reducti
Effect of Roadside Vegetation On Reducti
Effect of Roadside Vegetation On Reducti
A study was carried out to determine the effect of roadside vegetation on the reduction of road
traffic noise levels under varying traffic conditions. Roadside vegetation which have the potential
to act as noise barriers were selected for this study. The road traffic noise was measured
together with the parameters that control the vegetation. Several noise level descriptors were
recorded together with the A-weighted continuous noise level.
The results show that higher frequency noise (above 4 kHz) is heavily attenuated by the
vegetation barriers with virtually no attenuation for low frequency noise (below 100 Hz). The
width of the vegetation barrier is linearly proportional to the amount of sound absorption.
Without the vegetation barrier, the observed maximum and minimum noise levels were 72 dB(A)
and 64 dB(A) respectively. On average, vegetation barriers were able to reduce the noise by 4
dB(A) which corresponds to an approximately 40% acoustic energy reduction. Thus, with careful
planning and growing of roadside vegetation, the effect of road noise can be reduced.
Noise barriers to block the ever increasing road traffic noise are commonly constructed
as walls, earthen berms, or a combination of the two. Walls are most common, and are
usually constructed out of dense materials such as concrete or masonry blocks. Earth
berms are natural alternative to walls, but require more land space to construct. Walls
can be constructed on top of berms in order to raise the overall height of the barrier.
Noise barriers reduce noise by blocking the direct travel of sound waves from a given
source. Usually, construction costs of noise barriers are quite high.
Some noise reduction measures that are possible on existing roads or on roads that are
being rebuilt include creating buffer zones, constructing barriers, planting vegetation,
installing noise insulation in buildings, and managing the traffic [1]. Buffer zones are
undeveloped in open spaces next to roads. These can be created only when a roadway
authority or local government owns roadside land or development rights, in addition to
the normal right for building roads, so that building dwellings close to roads can be
prohibited in the future. This prevents the possibility of constructing dwellings that
would otherwise experience an excessive noise level from nearby roadway traffic. An
additional benefit of buffer zones is that they often improve the roadside appearance.
However, because of the vast amount of land that must be purchased and because in
many cases dwellings already border existing roads, creating buffer zones is often not a
viable option.
A number of 'green barrier' systems have been developed which use living plant
material in conjunction with soil-filled supporting structures up to 4 m height. In most
cases, these need careful maintenance including irrigation in dry weather. If planting
fails due to lack of water or disease, the barriers lose their purpose and need time to
restore. In the longer term, well-established living barriers may need to be rebuilt if the
planted material causes the supporting structure to deteriorate [2]. Any consideration of
this type of barrier should take into account of the appropriateness of the planted species
to the locality and to maintenance requirements.
Natural vegetation, if high enough, wide enough, and dense enough, can decrease
roadway traffic noise [3]. Vegetation plant noise barrier are environmental friendly,
having natural appearance and often pleasant in visually inspection. The effectiveness in
screening depends on the thicknesses of vegetation belts along the roadways and density
of leaves (type of vegetation). Effective noise barriers can reduce noise levels by 10 to
15 decibels. However, the degree of difficulty increases with the level of reduction (see
table 1).
This study was carried out to estimate the effectiveness of sound absorption from
naturally grown vegetation under varying traffic conditions. Several locations having
naturally gown vegetations on roadsides were selected for this study.
For each site, two measurement locations within 100 to 200 meters were selected; one
as a reference point to measure the unobstructed noise level (where no vegetation to
screen the noise) and other as the test point behind the vegetation barrier both with equal
distance from the edge of the road. Simultaneous noise measurements were taken so that
similar traffic noise conditions will experience both points when the measurement is
taken. Several noise level descriptors were recorded during the noise level
measurement. The approximate number of vehicles, categorized as heavy, light and very
light was also recorded simultaneously with the noise measurements. Noise
measurements were carried out approximately 5 m from the edge of the traffic route and
1.5 m above the ground level. In each location, noise measurements were taken for
duration 50 minute. The sampling time interval was 5 minute.
Noise level was measured using Noise Level Analyzer, BZ 2260 Version 2 Bruel &
Kjaer (class-1) and BZ 2250 Noise level analyzer. Noise level meter was calibrated
before and after taking measurements on each day using noise level calibrator, B&K
Type 4230 which is traceable to primary standards maintained at Korea Research
Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS). All noise level data were saved during the
measurement and data was analyzed offline by enhanced sound analysis software, Bural
& Kajer BZ 7202 which conforms to IEC specific standard.
Measurements were taken in 16 separate locations. Two of such locations are shown in
Figure 1.
Table 2 shows the noise measurement in LAeq dB(A) with and without roadside
vegetation together with the traffic parameters.
According to Table 1, the selected sites, road traffic noise varied between 72 dB(A) and
64 dB(A). On average, vegetation barriers were able to reduce the noise by 4 dB(A)
which corresponds to an approximately 58% acoustic energy reduction. In some cases,
due to the thick growth of the vegetation, up to 7 dBA which corresponds to 80%
acoustic energy reduction was seen.
Abropition - dB(A)
Frequncey - Hz
In figure 1, average noise absorption for different frequencies is shown. A non linear
pattern with higher absorption for higher frequencies is seen. Rate of absorption
becomes quite steep above 4 kHz and falls below 2 dBA below 100 Hz. In the
frequency range from 400 Hz to 4 kHz, a constant absorption rate is seen. The
measurements clearly show that higher frequency noise is heavily attenuated by the
vegetation barrier and virtually no attenuation for very low frequency noise.
y = 3.8515x - 0.5168
Absoption- dB(A)
0.5 1 1.5 2
Width - meters
Figure 2 shows the variation of noise absorption rate with the width of the vegetation
barrier. Although the estimating the width has large uncertainty, it can be seen that
Absoption - dB(A)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Height - meters
The variation of noise absorption with vegetation barrier height in shown in Figure 3.
Data do not show a clear pattern. However, the reader should note that estimating the
height of the vegetation barrier has many problems. When compared with vegetation
barrier height and width, the most effective parameter is the vegetation barrier width.
This result is not surprising since most of the noise generated in road traffic is in the
range from 0.5 meter to 1.5 meter from the ground levels.
LAeq - dB(A)
Frequency - Hz
Figure 4 shows road noise level variation spectrum, i.e. the road noise levels with and
without the vegetation barrier. Data shows that most of the high noise values are in the
mid frequency range. In the mid frequency range, 4 dB(A) or above absorption rates
were observed (see figure 1).
According to this study, on average, vegetation barriers were able to reduce the noise by 4
dB(A) which corresponds to an approximately 58% acoustic energy reduction. The
measurements clearly show that higher frequency noise is heavily attenuated by the
vegetation barrier and virtually no attenuation of low frequency noise. The noise
absorption is linearly proportional to the width of the vegetation barrier. In order to
achieve higher absorption of 5 dBA or better, width of the vegetation barrier must be at
least 1.5 meters thick. No clear dependency on the height of the vegetation barrier. Data
shows that most of the high noise values are in the mid frequency range where 4 dB(A)
or above absorption rates due to vegetation barriers were observed.
1. Highway traffic noise in the United States, Problem and Response, U.S. Department
of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration (2006)
2. Guidelines on Design of Noise Barriers - Environmental Protection Department
Highways - Department Government of the Hong Kong, SAR 2nd Issue (2003)
3. V. Tyagi, K. Kumae, V.K. Jain, A study of the spectral characteristics of traffic
noise attenuation by vegetation belts in Delhi, Applied Acoustics, 67 (2006) 926-