The Principles of Organic Gardening

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The Principles

of Organic
The Natural Way to Grow
Garden Organic (formerly known as the Henry Doubleday Research Association) is the UK’s
leading organic growing charity. We have been at the forefront of the organic horticulture
movement since 1958, with over 20,000 members across the UK and overseas.

Dedicated to promoting organic gardening in homes, communities and schools, the charity
encourages people to grow in the most sustainable way, and demonstrates the lasting
benefits of organic growing to the health and wellbeing of individuals and the environment.
For more information please visit

To create The Principles of Organic Gardening, we have adapted some of the

organic farming standards and made them suitable for the domestic grower.
The organic rules for farmers are held by other organic bodies, such as the Soil
Association or IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements),
and they are an integral part of the farmer’s certification as organic. These guidelines
are for gardeners, however, and they are a voluntary code of practice. Following them
does not permit the sale of produce to be labelled as organic.

This booklet can also be used as a guide towards the self-declaration as an

organic gardener.
The Principles of
Organic Gardening
The Natural Way to Grow

Introduction 2

Build and Maintain Soil Health 6

Soil cultivation techniques 8
Soil improvers – composts and manures 10
Growing mixes – seed and potting composts 14
Fertilisers and liquid feeds 15

Encourage Biodiversity 18
Ways to build biodiversity 20
Encouraging wildlife 21

Use Resources Responsibly 22

Water, energy, wood, plastic 24
Making plant containers 31

Avoid Using Harmful Chemicals 32

Weed Management – clearing weedy ground, ongoing weed control 34
Pests and Diseases – barriers, sprays and chemicals 39

A Healthy Growing Area 42

Plants and soil in good health 44
Sourcing plants, seeds, bulbs etc. 46
Clean tools and greenhouses 47
Growing in pots and containers 48

Glossary 50

Appendices 53

The Natural Way to Grow
The essence of organic growing is to work within natural systems and cycles. The basic principle
is that the soil is as important as the plants it supports.

If you are interested in growing organically, we hope this booklet will help and inspire you.
You may have a garden, or an allotment; perhaps you are creative with pots and containers
on a balcony? This guide is for the novice as well as the experienced grower, young and old,
urban and country dwellers.

You are part of a growing movement across the UK – one that supports healthy soils,
encourages wildlife, and gives the satisfaction of harvesting fruit and vegetables free from
toxic chemicals.

Why Organic is Important

There is no doubt that growing and gardening does you good. The fresh air and exercise
helps your health and the pleasure of witnessing nature and the joy of your growing successes
all help to increase your well-being. And if you grow organically there are extra benefits.
Your efforts support the natural environment by respecting and connecting with nature;
you will enjoy fruit and vegetables that contribute to a healthy diet, and you are naturally
adopting a more sustainable lifestyle.

So What is Organic?
Organic growing doesn’t just mean avoiding the use of chemical weed killers and pesticide
sprays. It is more exciting, challenging and satisfying.

It is using natural ways to promote a complete, healthy, productive and sustainable growing
environment. It involves feeding the soil, encouraging wildlife, and working creatively
alongside nature when managing pests and diseases.

There are a number of principles behind organic growing, but these five are the most
important for gardeners. They arise from years of practice and scientific study.


The soil is full of life, which supports healthy plant growth. It also has good structure,
for plant roots to penetrate and take up nutrients.

Different life forms such as plants, insects, birds and mammals all have a role in
creating a resilient growing system. This variety of different species, all working
together, encourages a healthy interdependency between plants and wildlife.


The organic grower uses resources sustainably, with minimum damage to the planet.


Toxic chemicals used to kill weeds, diseases and pests can damage the health of your
growing area, and all the life-forms within and beyond it.


Keeping your growing area in good health, rather than just pest and disease free,
is at the heart of organic growing. A diverse and vigorous growing system, good hygiene,
and close observation all help prevent problems.


How This Guide Works

These guidelines describe the principles behind organic gardening – helping you to understand
what to do and what to avoid. However, this is not a growing advice booklet. For practical
organic growing advice, see First Steps in Organic Growing booklet, or visit the Garden Organic
website,, where you will find links to numerous growing advice pages.

Many of us are on a growing journey, learning as the seasons pass, and hoping to move towards
being as organic as possible. The signposts on the route all point to learning to embrace and
trust the five principles. This booklet is written to help you. We have used a traffic light system,
so that each technique is given the green, amber or red light.

Best practice. This should be your first choice, as an organic grower.

These techniques embody the organic principles. They are based on years of research
and proven best practice. You will be working alongside nature and enhancing the
natural environment.

Also acceptable.

Although not ‘gold standard’, this is still good practice, and you are thinking the
organic way.

Acceptable, but not for regular use.

Sometimes the organic ideal simply isn’t possible. In these sections, we offer the
next best alternative. Many of these techniques are acceptable as a one-off or
temporary measure, particularly in pest and disease management.

Not acceptable in organic growing.

These are things which should be avoided. They can either be bad practice,
or even worse, cause harm to the natural environment.


Build and
Soil Health
Build and Maintain Soil Health

A healthy soil is the basis for growing healthy plants and food. The organic
way of feeding the soil, rather than the plant, ensures the best results for
flowers, fruit and vegetables.

The earth you grow in should be teeming with life – worms, fungi, bacteria
and other microscopic creatures. These help create its structure and fertility;
key components for creating the right environment for plants to root well
and gain nourishment. If you look after your soil organically, you will be
supporting the activity of these vital creatures, and improving their diversity.
Crucially, you will be avoiding activities that disrupt or harm the soil’s
rich ecosystem.

The four main methods to build the perfect soil are:

• Add compost and other bulky organic materials – this not only adds
nutrients but also helps create a good structure for plant roots to penetrate.
• Minimise digging to avoid disturbing the complex soil life.
• Plan your planting to make best use of the soil’s nutrients and to avoid
build-up of pests and diseases.
• Grow certain plants, such as green manures, which hold nutrients in the
soil and can help suppress weeds.

In this section, we apply the organic principles to:

• Soil cultivation techniques — get to know your soil and how to

manage it
• Soil improvers — using homemade compost and manures
• What plants grow in — using homemade and commercial
off-the-shelf mixes, seed and potting compost
• Fertilisers, liquid feeds and tonics — what to add and when

Explanations of highlighted words can be found in the Glossary on page 50 7

8 Build and Maintain Soil Health

Soil Cultivation Techniques

Getting to Know Your Soil and How to Manage It
The first rule of organic growing is to understand the soil you are working with – is it light,
sandy and doesn’t hold water? Or is it heavy, clay and prone to sogginess? Is it alkaline or acid?
Once you know your soil (and there are many soil testing kits available) you can improve its
structure and fertility naturally.


1. How to manage your soil, go to

2. Green manures, go to
3. Planning your planting, go to
4. No Dig technique, go to
Build and Maintain Soil Health


• Apply homemade compost. This improves the soil’s structure, its biological activity and
its fertility. For how much and when, see Appendix 1 on p. 53.
• Keep the soil covered, either with growing plants, or an organic mulch or green manure.
This protects and improves the soil, so that it is not left bare for weeds to flourish or
valuable nutrients to be washed away.
• Don’t try to change the soil too drastically. It is better to grow plants best suited to
your soil type, rather than pump the soil with unnecessary acid or alkaline substances.
• Minimise digging. Digging disrupts the complex systems of life within the soil.
It is possible to follow the ‘No Dig’ technique, which uses an organic mulch to
suppress weeds, avoiding the need to dig.
• Grow green manures. These plants can improve soil structure, and some will increase its
fertility by capturing essential nitrogen.
• Rotate your vegetable crops. Plan your planting year after year, to grow a succession of
different vegetables in the same area. This prevents the build-up of diseases in the soil
and uses added nutrients most effectively. See Crop Rotation.


• Digging to clear the ground. It is best to minimise digging, which disrupts the complex
soil life systems. However, this can be one way to clear a patch of persistent weeds.
• General digging in winter months. Again, it is best to minimise digging, but clay and
heavy soils may be dug to leave them exposed to frost to help break them down.
• Using black plastic sheets as a mulch to clear weeds. These deprive the soil of light thus
starving the weeds. They should be removed as soon as the job is done.
(See Weed Management on p. 34).


• Using too much manure and fertilisers. These can give the soil too many nutrients such
as nitrates and phosphates. This encourages excessive growth that is more vulnerable to
pests and disease. For suggested amounts to apply, see Appendix 1 on p. 53.
• Unnecessary digging. Too much digging destroys and disturbs the complex soil life systems.

Explanations of highlighted words can be found in the Glossary on page 50 9

10 Build and Maintain Soil Health

Soil Improvers
Using Homemade Compost and Manures
The best way to improve the soil is to use garden compost, leafmould or well-rotted manure.
These are bulky materials, unlike a granular or liquid fertiliser, which will improve the soil’s
structure as well as its fertility.

They are generally made from ‘waste’ materials – such as kitchen vegetables and garden waste,
as well as manure (farm animal waste).

Recycling plant and animal wastes in the soil imitates the recycling of nutrients carried out
in nature. As they are high in plant fibre, they provide vital food for the complex life within
the soil. The composting, or rotting, process is important. It reduces or destroys any germ
carrying bacteria; destroys weed seeds; and makes the material easier to handle and apply.
This composting process can take anything from 6 weeks to 12 months to complete.

For advice on how to make compost go to

There are two types of ‘bulky’ soil improvers – those made from plant waste, such as
homemade compost and leafmould; and those made from animal waste, such as farm animal
and poultry manures.

For advice on how and when to apply them, see Appendix 1 on p. 53.

Using bulky organic soil improvers, such as homemade compost, underpins all
five organic gardening principles.

It builds and maintains soil fertility and encourages soil biodiversity. It uses natural
resources responsibly, avoids the use of toxic chemicals, and keeps the growing
area healthy.
Build and Maintain Soil Health

Plant Wastes
Plant fibre is a vital food for the complex soil life that builds and maintains the soil structure.
Vegetable waste, leaves, straw, hay, green plant cuttings and weed leaves are all examples of
plant waste. It is important they are composted or left to rot down before use. This process can
destroy some of the diseases, and makes the materials easier to handle and apply.

Note: raw materials should be sourced as locally as possible. This prevents excessive
transportation and the risk of plundering natural resources from far away.


• Homemade, well-rotted compost made from materials in your own garden/allotment/

growing plot. This includes well-rotted weeds and plant residues, kitchen waste,
low grade paper and card, other compostable household waste, plus shredded woody
prunings, lawn mowings, comfrey leaves and other fresh green materials. For how much
and when to apply see Appendix 1 on p. 53.
• Leafmould. Made from your own autumn leaves.
• Worm compost. Sourced from your own wormery.
• Green manures. These plants are grown and turned into the soil to improve its nutrients
and structure.


• Compost materials, sourced from other places, such as: straw and hay (from organic
sources), shredded prunings, bracken and hops.
• Composts made from municipal green waste and other materials, with a recognised
organic symbol or conforming to PAS 100 standard.
• Autumn leaves from local parks, cemeteries and other traffic free areas. Seek permission
first if in doubt. Do not gather leaves from natural woodland.
• Chipped and shredded wood and sawdust that has not been treated with preservatives.
• Composted bark, from Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) forests, preferably local.
• Mushroom compost from certified organic sources.
• Biochar and other charcoals. As a soil additive its use should be limited, due to the
energy used in its production and the potential to use non sustainable wood sources.

Explanations of highlighted words can be found in the Glossary on page 50 11

12 Build and Maintain Soil Health


• Straw and hay from non-organic, non-intensive systems. But check with supplier to
avoid some dangerous persistent weedkillers, such as aminopyralids and clopyralids,
which can contaminate the soil for many years.
• Off the shelf, bagged growing mixes, certified organic. Although they are labelled ‘compost’,
they are not the same as your own homemade compost. Make sure it is a soil improver,
and not for a more specialist use such as for seeds and cuttings (see Growing Mixes
on p. 14). Never use those which include peat. See Peat in Not Acceptable below.
• Mushroom compost from non-organic mushroom producers, stored under cover or
composted for six months before use.


• Peat. The extraction of peat causes the loss of an ancient habitat, vital for supporting
local and often rare life systems. It should never be used. Filtered or recycled peat has
been reclaimed from rivers/streams running out of peat land. Some argue that this is
still damaging to the natural environment (see Growing Mixes on p. 14).
• Leaves and leafmould collected from woodlands. This depletes the woodland’s
natural resources.
• Any materials contaminated with potentially toxic elements. Some grass cuttings,
from farmland or municipal parks, have been treated with the pernicious weed
killers such as aminopyralids and clopyralids. Their toxicity persists even through the
composting process. Check first with your supplier.

If your garden topsoil is inadequate or non-existent you may want to add to it. Use bought
in topsoil, conforming to BSI standards.
Build and Maintain Soil Health

Animal Wastes
Recycling animal wastes imitates nature’s own way of recycling nutrients. It is the basis of
organic soil fertility. Animal waste is usually in the form of straw-based manure, from horses,
cattle, pigs, sheep and chickens. Organic farms recycle manures on their own farm, to keep
their organic system ‘closed’ and completely organic. If you have one near you, however,
and they have some spare, this is perfect for use in your growing area.

Like plant waste, the manure should have been well rotted down for at least six months or longer.
This stabilises the elements and destroys many of the pathogens that cause diseases.


• Well-rotted manures and bedding from your own poultry and animals, including herbivorous
pets such as rabbits and guinea pigs.
• Well-rotted straw-based horse, cattle, pig, sheep and goat manures from local
organic systems. See Appendix 1 on p. 53 for how much and when to apply.


• Well-rotted livestock manures, from non-intensive systems i.e where animals are free range.
• Poultry manures from non-intensive egg and meat-producing systems i.e free range.
• Organic or free range chicken manure pellets.


• Products containing human sewage.

• Manures from intensive ‘factory’ farming – these conditions can lead to high use of
drugs and disease.
• Domestic animal waste, such as cat and dog faeces and litter.
• Compost activators containing artificial fertilisers. Activators can help your compost
break down, but if they are based on artificial fertilisers they are not suitable for an
organic system.
• Fresh manures – unless manure is well rotted, i.e for at least 6 months, the nutrients
haven’t stabilised and pathogens and weed seeds will not have rotted down sufficiently.

Explanations of highlighted words can be found in the Glossary on page 50 13

14 Build and Maintain Soil Health

Growing Mixes for Pots

and Containers
If you are growing in pots or containers there are a variety of growing mixes you can use.
Seeds, for instance, need free-draining material with few nutrients. Mature plants and hungry
vegetables need more nutrients, and for as long as possible. The best organic practice is to
make your own soil and compost mix, but if you are buying bags from garden centres, make sure
the contents are peat free and certified for organic use. See p. 48 for which containers to use.


• Make your own growing mix. This can be a combination of homemade garden compost,
top soil (loam), leafmould, sand and/or grit.


• Commercial, off-the-shelf bagged mix, with organic symbol or certified for use in an
organic system. Some include filtered or recycled peat products – do be sure to
check certification. See Peat in Not Acceptable opposite.
• Commercial growing mixes which contain the materials listed in the green Soil Improver
section on p. 11.
• Fertilisers and minerals, added as part of the mix. Check they are sourced from those
listed in the next section.


• Top soil bought in from a sustainable source.

• Seaweed products are often used to add nutrients and help the mix hold moisture,
but make sure it is sustainably sourced.
• Sulphur. This is used to increase the soil’s acidity (i.e lower its pH value).
• Horticultural sand and grit. Used to help free drainage in the mix, prevents clogging.
• Vermiculite and perlite. Used in the growing mix to help with aeration and
water penetration.
• Coir. Used to create the right soil texture.
Build and Maintain Soil Health


• Peat. The extraction of peat causes the loss of an ancient habitat, vital for supporting
local and often rare life systems. It should never be used. Filtered or recycled peat has
been reclaimed from rivers/streams running out of peat land. Some argue that this is
still damaging to the natural environment. Check the certification.
• Growing media that contains materials not approved in these guidelines and isn’t
certified organic. This includes non-organic fertilisers.


1. Making compost, go to

2. Making your own growing mixes, go to
3. Growing in containers, go to

Organic Fertilisers
Fertilisers, which can be granular, liquid or fungal, are not the same as the bulky homemade compost,
discussed on p. 10. On the whole, organic growers don’t need fertilisers as their soil is in excellent
condition. Think of it as giving a healthy person unnecessary extra vitamins. However, organic
fertilisers can be used where a soil deficiency occurs which cannot be remedied otherwise.

Fertilisers suitable for use in an organic garden are of plant, animal or mineral origin. Most of
them are waste products; however, the mining and/or shipping of some of these products can
have an adverse environmental impact. Choose one with a recognised organic symbol.

Plant Based Fertilisers:


• Home grown nettle, comfrey and other leaves dug into the ground in a planting trench
or added as a mulch. (For plant based liquid feeds, see overleaf.)
• Wood ash, from wood not chemically treated, and recycled through the compost heap.

Explanations of highlighted words can be found in the Glossary on page 50 15

16 Build and Maintain Soil Health


• Dried seaweed – check that it is from a recognised sustainable source.

• Fertilisers based on plant waste products and extracts, such as comfrey, lucerne,
cocoa shells, and Kali Vinasse (a high potash fertiliser made from plant material).
• Mycorrhyzal fungi. If your soil is truly deficient, then these may help as a spot treatment
when planting.


• Soot. Contains fine particles which can readily enter the lungs and irritate the skin.
It contains phenols, hydrocarbon aromatic compounds – and is a known carcinogen.
• Calcified seaweed. This is usually sourced from coral beds, thus destroying a natural and
rare habitat.

Animal Based Fertilisers:


• Meat, blood, bone, hoof and horn meals.

• Chicken manure pellets, from organic sources only, with a recognised organic symbol.
• Wool based products.


• Guano and urea. Harvesting the former from seabirds or bats can have disastrous
environmental consequences. The latter is usually artificially created as a growing fertiliser.

Mineral Based Fertilisers:

These can supply important trace elements to your soil, and help raise the pH (making it
less acid.) See Appendix 2 on p. 54 for a full list of Mineral Based Fertilisers and Materials to
Provide Trace Elements which are acceptable (and not acceptable) in organic gardening.
Build and Maintain Soil Health

Liquid Feeds and Tonics

Organic liquid feeds provide nutrients in a more readily available form than composts
and fertilisers, but do little to encourage soil flora and fauna. For this reason, in organic
gardening they are only used on plants growing in a restricted environment such as a
container – seed tray, pot, growing bag, hanging basket etc – or in a greenhouse or polytunnel
soil border. As always, in organic growing, the major supply of nutrients should come from the
compost or soil in which the plants are growing.


• None – your soil is in excellent condition and able to support healthy plant growth!


• Homemade liquid feeds made from comfrey leaves, nettles and other plant wastes.
• Liquid feeds made from manures from your own livestock.
• Liquid from a wormery/worm compost.
• Liquid feeds based on plant products that are certified organic.
• Liquid seaweed extract and bacteria based stimulants.


• Liquid feeds made from farm animal manures (see Animal Wastes on p. 13 to check
what is acceptable).
• Commercially available, organically certified, liquid feeds based on animal by-products.
• Products containing trace elements to correct deficiencies that cannot be corrected in
any other way.
• Products containing waste material from the organic fishing industry.


• Fish waste products, unless from an organic source. Much fish farming is highly intensive
and uses chemicals to control diseases and water quality.
• Products containing artificially produced nutrients.

Explanations of highlighted words can be found in the Glossary on page 50 17


Encourage Biodiversity

Simply put, ‘biodiversity’ means many different life forms. For the gardener,
this can be done in three simple ways:

Growing different types of plants, so that a variety of flowers, vegetables,

trees and shrubs are all present.

Providing habitats and food for wildlife such as birds, insects and mammals.
They are not only a delight to look at, but each species has its role in
maintaining a natural balance.

And feeding the soil life. A healthy soil is full of bacteria, fungi, microbes and
creatures which create the right environment for plants to thrive, releasing
nutrients and creating good soil structure.

With this variety of different species, all working together, the organic
grower encourages a healthy interdependency between plants and wildlife.
This, in turn, creates a resilient growing area.

The benefits of encouraging biodiversity:

• Helps manage pests and diseases. Varying your planting, whether

vegetables, fruit or flowers, helps prevent the build-up of soil diseases.
You will also create a variety of food sources and shelter for birds
and insects. Encouraging this wildlife into your garden will help control
many pests. Birds and insects eat aphids for example; frogs and ground
beetles eat the slugs.
• Supports soil life. Adding well-rotted natural materials, such as
homemade compost, will feed the tiny soil microbes and other life forms,
such as worms. These soil creatures help create a better soil structure,
as well as digesting waste matter and secreting nutrients.

In this chapter we look at:

• Ways to build a biodiverse system

• Encouraging wildlife
20 Encourage Biodiversity

Ways to Build a Biodiverse System


• Create a fertile, biologically active soil. Add composted organic materials to enrich
soil life. (See Soil Cultivation Techniques on p. 8)
• Grow a mix of different plants to provide food, shelter and habitats for wildlife.
Grow flowers, shrubs and vegetables which flower (and seed) at different times to
provide food for insects and birds. This also creates diverse areas for shelter and nesting.
• Leave some ‘relaxed’ areas. Don’t be too tidy – leaves under a hedge, old wood piles,
weeds or longer grass, will feed and shelter wildlife.
• Recognise that weeds (in the right location) can bring something positive to your garden.
Some provide food for pollinators.
• Create diverse areas, such as long grass, bushes, hedges and ponds. These will encourage
a mix of wildlife, including beneficial insects (hoverflies, ladybirds etc), hedgehogs, toads,
frogs and birds.
• Some pests are always present. Don’t exterminate them. For instance, aphids and slugs
are a necessary food source for valuable predators such as birds and ladybirds.


• Use of weedkillers and pesticides which contain toxic chemicals.

• Extensive use of hard surfaces (paving, gravel or decking) which reduces the amount of
growing areas. Not only does this prevent soak away for rainwater, it also deters natural
lifeforms and reduces habitats.
• Monoculture planting. This is where just one species is planted extensively, to the
exclusion of other diverse species. Examples include growing rows of bedding plants which
all flower at the same time, or just one type of vegetable throughout the growing area.
This limits the food sources or habitats for wildlife, and does little to enhance soil life.


1. How to manage your soil, go to

2. How to grow an organic lawn, go to
3. How to encourage wildlife into your garden, go to
4. Creating a garden pond, go to
Encourage Biodiversity

Encouraging Wildlife
Birds, insects, small mammals and amphibians not only add to the biodiversity of your
growing patch, but also many of them act as predators on pests such as slugs, snails and aphids.
As a result, there is no need for toxic chemicals. Whether you grow in pots in a backyard,
a window box or an allotment, it’s exciting to know that you can encourage all sorts of wildlife –
from a moth to a bat, a robin or a bumble bee.


• Grow a mix of different plants to provide food, shelter and habitats for wildlife.
Flowers, shrubs and vegetables should all be grown, to provide food for insects and birds.
This also creates diverse areas for shelter and nesting.
• Grow a variety of flowers, which bloom and seed at different times. Flowers support
insect and bird life. They can provide nectar for butterflies and bees; leaves for
caterpillars and beetles; stems for insects to hibernate in; night scent to attract moths;
as well as seed heads as a source of food for birds during winter.
• Grow trees and shrubs. If you have the space, plant trees and shrubs. They provide a
rich larder of leaves and fruits, shade and shelter, as well as perching and nesting areas.
• Look after the birds. Provide suitable habitat for them to nest and perch. Feed them in
the winter, and make sure they have access to water. Check RSPB guidelines.
• Create a garden pond. This creates a suitable habitat for amphibians such as frogs,
toads and newts to breed, and provides water for birds.
• Create nesting areas for insects. You can create sheltered conditions for aphid-eating
ladybirds and pollinators such as bees and hoverflies to overwinter.


Use Resources
Use Resources Responsibly

Reduce, reuse and recycle is an important part of organic growing. This efficient
use of materials and energy helps to maintain the natural environment and
conserve resources. Where possible, the organic grower uses natural resources,
such as wood and plant material, and sources them locally, to reduce their
energy footprint.

If there is a need for a non-natural resource, such as plastic, then consider

the following:

• Can I buy a plant-based product instead?

• Is it sturdy enough so it can be repaired or reused? Plastic pots,
compost bins and wheelbarrows are good examples of this.
• How do I dispose of it at the end of its life?

Sometimes it is a positive challenge to be an organic grower, one where you

can use your consumer power, particularly at garden centres, to encourage
organic practices. There are also some organisations which promote careful
use of resources in manufacturing. Look out for the Made Aware standard,
for instance, promoted by LOFA (Leisure and Outdoor Furniture Association).
It endorses businesses that seek ways to improve the environmental and
ethical impact of their products.

All resources are finite. Waste should be avoided. For instance, the capture of
rain water is invaluable, instead of using precious mains water. Indeed, some
natural resources should not be used, like woodland leaf litter, either because
they are scarce, or because they are important within their natural habitat.

In this section we look at the organic principles on the use of:

• Water
• Energy
• Wood
• Plastic
• Growing containers
24 Use Resources Responsibly


• Collect as much rainwater as possible. By not using mains water, you can reduce your
personal water footprint significantly.
• Grow drought tolerant plants if your soil is light and free draining.
• Maximise the water holding capacity of soil by adding organic matter (see Soil Improvers
on p. 10).
• Mulch (cover) the soil to reduce water loss, using organic materials (see Mulches, p. 36).
• Keep digging to a minimum, to prevent moisture loss and avoid disrupting the rich soil life.
• Sow or transplant just before rain is forecast, rather than just before a spell of dry weather.
• Careful watering, means using water only to get plants established. Shrubs, trees and
perennials rarely need watering.
• Apply water to the soil rather than foliage. If water hits the leaves of the plant before
the soil, much can be lost (and wasted) through evaporation. Water that is directed into
the soil will penetrate straight to the roots. It is therefore better to use a drip irrigation
system rather than a sprinkler.
• Do not mow in very dry conditions. Leaving the grass a little longer helps preserve
moisture in the soil. Most lawns will recover after a temporary drought.
• Allow weeds such as clover and yarrow to grow in a lawn; they are less susceptible
to drought, and will stay green in dry weather.
• Apply water in the evening or at night to minimise losses through evaporation.
• Fill newly-created ponds with rainwater, and be careful during construction to prevent
leaking membranes.


• Use ‘grey’ water, from baths, sinks and showers, to water non-food plants. This is a useful
way of recycling water, but excessive soap and detergent could build up in the soil.
• Commercially available fibrous mats. Used in container growing to hold water. Reusable.
Use Resources Responsibly


• Wasteful use of water, such as lawn sprinklers. Lawns will nearly always recover from a
period of drought.


1. How to manage your soil, go to

2. How to grow an organic lawn, go to
3. Creating a garden pond, go to

Explanations of highlighted words can be found in the Glossary on page 50 25

26 Use Resources Responsibly

Organic principles encourage careful use of energy – whether it is the use of power tools,
heating or machines. Where possible you should use sustainable energy sources – such as
solar or water power, and be mindful of ‘embedded’ energy in a product’s manufacture,
packaging and transportation.


• Use manual, rather than powered, tools e.g. push lawnmower, shears, lawn rake.
• Buy second hand, or sturdy, long lasting tools and recycle and repair tools where possible.
• Use solar energy for lighting garden paths and sheds, running water pumps,
and greenhouse ventilation.
• For climate control in the greenhouse use manually controlled vents, insulate, and use a
lean-to back wall to store solar heat. Grow plants that suit the season to reduce requirement
for heating. If you can access sufficient manure, use it in a hotbed for raising seedlings.
• For stakes and supports, use woody growth from the garden.


• Use fleece to protect plants in greenhouse or cold frame from frost.

• For any heating use ground source heating systems or solar hot water panels.
• Use A++ appliances such as fridges, when needing to store produce.
Use Resources Responsibly


• Petrol and electrically powered tools only until they can be replaced by alternatives.
Where possible share their use with other growers.
• Plant-based oils where engine or lubricant oils are needed as they are fully biodegradable.
However, they are often made from monoculture plant sources which are damaging to
the environment.
• Gas, electricity and other fuels from non-renewable sources to heat greenhouses
and equipment. Only use when essential and with care to minimise losses.


• Inefficient and wasteful use of fossil fuels such as patio heaters.

Wood has many uses for the gardener: to build sheds, fences, compost bins, support structures,
bed-edging or garden furniture, or to make attractive containers. Check the source of the wood.
Is it local, sustainable, or reclaimed? There are few wood preservative treatments for use in
an organic garden (see Appendix 4 on p. 56). To minimise the need for them, choose the most
appropriate timber for its use. Hard woods will resist rot longer than soft woods. Use a metal
‘foot’ for timber stakes.


• Your own supply – for stakes and plant support, use wood cut from your own garden
or allotment.
• Careful wood choice – choose species of wood more resistant to rotting.
• Minimise replacement – accept that the wood will rot eventually, and replace it as necessary.

Explanations of highlighted words can be found in the Glossary on page 50 27

28 Use Resources Responsibly


• Organically grown timber, preferably local.

• Sustainably sourced wood that has been bought in, preferably from local sustainable sources.
• New timber from sustainable sources, with an accredited mark to prove it.
These include Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), Programme for the Endorsement
of Forest Certification (PEFC) or the Soil Association (SA) woodmark. UK or European
produced timber is preferable, as it has lower transport miles.
• Reused, second-hand/reclaimed timber. However, it can be difficult to know if it has
been treated with preservatives, other than linseed oil.
• Reuse scaffolding boards for raised beds. Make sure they have not been treated with
creosote or other preservatives.
• Use linseed oil for treating wood.


• Synthetic ‘wood’ alternatives, made from recycled materials such as plastics

(see Plastics).
• Wood that has had treatment that doesn’t include chrome and arsenic. There are
more environmentally sound treatments available, either as preservatives or paints.
Check online for their availability, and see Appendix 4 on p. 56.


• Wood from unsustainable forests, particularly from tropical regions. Forests absorb
the planet’s carbons, helping to offset global warming. Virgin tropical rainforests are
increasingly rare and need to be preserved.
• Wood treated with creosote, such as old railway sleepers. Made from tar and other chemicals,
creosote is potentially carcinogenic, and can leach out into the soil and water.
• New and reused wood treated with copper chrome arsenic pressure treatment.
Use Resources Responsibly

In principle, organic growing involves using non-renewable resources, such as plastic, as little
as possible. And its use should have minimal impact on the environment. However, any gardener
will encounter plastic at some stage – from pots to polytunnel, wheelbarrows and watering cans.
The longevity of plastic as a medium can be an advantage (plastic tools, such as wheelbarrows,
require minimal replacement and maximum reuse) and there are arguments for using recycled
plastics, as they keep the plastic out of landfill, where they rarely decompose.

Ideally, you should try to reduce the amount you use, always reuse it if possible, and check that
it can be recycled.


• No use of plastic.


• Plastic-like material, that is completely biodegradable, and has been produced from
plant substances.

Explanations of highlighted words can be found in the Glossary on page 50 29

30 Use Resources Responsibly


• Reuse of plastic containers for growing in, especially those made from recycled plastic,
this includes plant pots. Food and drink containers, sacks and crates can all be used as
containers so long as they are certified as ‘safe’ i.e do not leach chemicals. (See Appendix 3,
Plastics You Can Plant In on p. 55)
• Use of plastic sheets for mulch, provided their use is not permanent.
(See Weed Management, p. 36)
• Use of plastic netting or mesh as a barrier for pests.


• Styrene, used in meat and bakery trays and styrofoam containers. This is a
potential carcinogen. Also polystyrene chips.
Use Resources Responsibly

Growing Containers
Many of us grow vegetables and flowers in containers – from hanging baskets to balcony boxes.
Where possible, make your own growing mix (see Growing Mixes on p. 14). Here are the
guidelines for container construction, following the organic principles of sustainability
(reduce, reuse and recycle).


• Homemade paper pots, and wooden trays (see back for sourcing wood).
• Hanging basket liners made from recycled, biodegradable materials such as moss from
your lawn, long grass cuttings (hay), or a pure wool garment.


• Reused plastic pots and trays, preferably from recycled plastic, clay pots.
• Reused wooden trays and boxes, made from sustainably sourced and certified wood.
• Commercially available biodegradable hanging basket liners.
• Commercially available pots and containers made from paper, plant wastes and other
biodegradable material, excluding peat.


• Tyres, unless lined first. It is thought that tyres will leach various toxic chemicals
into the soil as they degrade when in contact with sun and water.
• Styrene, used in meat and bakery trays and styrofoam containers. This is a
potential carcinogen. Also polystyrene chips.
• Pots made from peat. See Peat on p. 15.
• Moss gathered from the wild for hanging basket liners.

Explanations of highlighted words can be found in the Glossary on page 50 31


Avoid Using
Avoid Using Harmful Chemicals

To many people this is the most obvious organic gardening practice –

avoid using toxic chemicals. In truth, if you follow the other four principles
you will naturally find that you neither need nor want to use harmful
chemicals in your growing area. However, persistent pest and weed problems
may tempt you to reach for the poison. Here are two main reasons why not:

• Pesticides and weedkillers can also destroy other life forms. We know
that neonicotinoids (that are used to kill insects) also affect bees and
other pollinators, and toxic weedkillers can harm soil-life and create
residues in the soil.
• These chemicals can cause serious pollution – either in their
manufacture, or from their own residues.

The organic gardener will tolerate, not obliterate. For instance, some weeds –
such as dandelions – are beneficial to pollinators. Others, such as nettle leaves,
provide nutrients for the compost heap and can be used to make an organic
plant feed. Insect pests, such as aphids, are food for beneficial insects such
as hoverflies and ladybirds. And even the slug is nutritious for thrushes and
ground beetles.

In this chapter we look at:


• Clearing weedy ground i.e in a new allotment or garden

• Ongoing weed management – in beds, paths and lawns


• Physical methods – barriers, covers, general maintenance

• Sprays and powders
• Rodent control

34 Avoid Using Harmful Chemicals

Organic Weed Management

Weeds compete for light, water, nutrients and space with ‘desired’ plants. They also rapidly
appear in any bare soil. However, weeds also bring biodiversity to a garden and some can be
vital to the survival of butterflies, bumblebees and other wildlife. Here below are many ways
of preventing, and managing, weeds, so that they grow where you want them to.

Clearing weedy ground

If you are taking on a new allotment or garden, clearing weedy ground is inevitable. There are
no organic weedkillers that clear the ground of perennial weeds – and sadly some weeds you
may be unlucky enough to live with, such as marestail. However there are other methods,
such as digging out and mulching, that can help you clear weedy ground. Although slower
than the ‘quick fix’ of chemicals, a mulch can also feed the soil – supplying nutrients and giving
it a better texture. Different mulches are described below.


• Cover the ground with a mulch (see overleaf for types of mulch).
• Dig out weeds by hand, especially those with long, sustaining roots such as
bindweed and dock.
• Use chickens to grub out weeds. But beware, they can also grub out precious plants!
• Mow or cut weeds which don’t have long, sustaining roots. The foliage can be added
to the compost heap.
• Accept that some weeds may be of benefit to the garden, such as dandelions and nettles.
If left to grow where they won’t compete with your chosen plants, they provide habitats
and food for beneficial insects, and their foliage provides nutrients for the compost heap.


• Use a rotavator to dig the ground over. However, this not only destroys the soil life
and structure, it doesn’t clear a whole weed root system such as couch grass or bindweed.
Avoid Using Harmful Chemicals


• Use of weedkillers containing chemicals, such as glyphosate formulations like

Roundup, Weedol etc.


1. How to clear a growing area, such as a new allotment or veg patch,

using mulches, go to
2. Weeds and how to manage them, go to
3. Glyphosate, go to

Explanations of highlighted words can be found in the Glossary on page 50 35

36 Avoid Using Harmful Chemicals

Mulches for weed clearance or control


• Light-excluding fabrics made from paper, wool, hemp and other natural materials.
This starves the weeds of light. If you add any recycled plant materials such as leaves,
grass cuttings, straw and compost underneath, you will improve the soil nutrients
and structure.
• Cardboard and newspaper. These also exclude light.


• Permeable synthetic materials. These are usually sheets of polypropylene, polyethylene

or other polycarbonates, for temporary ground clearance, long-term plantings and for
laying under paths, driveways etc.
• Impermeable synthetic materials, such as black polythene – for temporary ground
clearance and to contain invasive root systems.
• Carpet made from natural fibres, with natural plant dyes.


• Any materials from unsustainable sources. This includes natural materials,

such as leaves, moss and plants taken from woodland.
• Carpet made from artificial fibres. The dyes can be toxic and leach into the soil.


1. How to clear a growing area, such as a new allotment or veg patch,

using mulches, go to
2. Weeds and how to manage them, go to
Avoid Using Harmful Chemicals

Ongoing weed maintenance

Prevention is the best method to keep on top of weeds, certainly to stop them from spreading and
setting seed. Here we look at weed prevention in beds, lawns, paths, drives and other hard surfaces.

In beds:


• Plant using close spacing (where appropriate); intercropping and undersowing will
prevent bare soil where weeds can germinate and grow.
• Grow ground cover plants, including green manures, which also prevent bare soil.
• Clear perennial weeds thoroughly before planting perennial plants.
• Hand weeding, hoe, dig out.
• Cover bare soil with a mulch (see opposite for types of mulches).
• Create a stale seedbed. If you are sowing in a bare patch of land, let weeds
germinate first, remove, then sow.


• Use of weedkillers containing chemicals, such as glyphosate formulations like

Roundup, Weedol etc.

In lawns:


• Accept a certain level of ‘weeds’ in a lawn and recognise their benefits for soil and pollinators.
• Choose appropriate varieties of grass seeds for location and use.


• Use of weedkillers containing chemicals, such as glyphosate formulations like

Roundup, Weedol etc.

Explanations of highlighted words can be found in the Glossary on page 50 37

38 Avoid Using Harmful Chemicals

In paths, drives and other hard surfaces:


• Construct paths, driveways and other hard surfaces well, to prevent weeds growing
through from below, or taking hold on the surface.
• Hoe gravel.
• Reduce shade from plants to discourage algae and moss growing on damp, hard surfaces.
• Clean with a stiff brush.


• Pressure wash.
• Use a thermal/flame weeder.
• Weed killing sprays containing fatty acids, such as pelargonic acid, as the active ingredient.


• Use of weedkillers containing chemicals, such as glyphosate formulations like

Roundup, Weedol etc.


1. How to grow an organic lawn, go to

2. Glyphosate, go to
3. Weeds and how to manage them, go to
Avoid Using Harmful Chemicals

Managing Pests and Diseases

The idea of a healthy garden, rather than one which has pest and disease free plants, is at the
heart of organic growing (see A Healthy Growing Area, p. 42). Prevention rather than treatment
is the organic principle. Be observant and check your plants regularly and as often as possible.

Having a healthy growing system will prevent many pests and diseases. Biodiversity, having many
different species in your garden, helps to create this resilient system. Plants, animals, birds and
soil life all work together to manage pests and diseases – birds will eat aphids, insects will
pollinate plants and earthworms will help break down the soil, releasing nutrients. The use of
toxic chemicals can seriously damage and disrupt this complex interdependency of wildlife
(see Encourage Biodiversity on p. 18).

In this section we look at the organic principles behind managing pests and
diseases using:

• Physical methods
• Sprays and powders
• Rodent control

Physical Methods


• Encourage biodiversity. See p. 18.

• Check plants regularly, squashing or picking off pests and infected foliage as they occur.
• Shake the plant or dislodge pests with a sharp jet of water.
• Learn about the life cycle of pests and diseases to help develop strategies to combat them.
• Learn to tell the difference between creatures that can harm plants and those that will not.
• Cabbage root fly mats, preferably homemade from recycled felt or cardboard.
• Dry matter against slugs. A barrier of suitable dry matter, such as grit, wool, oats,
copper bands etc. may be used to deter or dehydrate slugs.

Explanations of highlighted words can be found in the Glossary on page 50 39

40 Avoid Using Harmful Chemicals


• Biological agents that help control pests. These are natural controls, such as nematodes,
that can be purchased for controlling specific pests.
• Barriers to cover crops and protect them from pests such as carrot fly, cabbage white
butterfly and birds. These include cloches, that can be homemade from reused plastic
bottles and recycled window glass, and horticultural fleece, fine mesh, netting and wire.
As these are often made of materials such as types of plastic, be sure to keep for reuse.
• Electric fencing – to prevent rabbits, foxes and deer.
• Fruit tree grease and grease bands – to prevent insect infestation.
• Yellow sticky traps, without added pesticides. For use in greenhouse, coldframe or
conservatory only.
• Slug traps baited with beer or other attractants. Make sure their edges are raised slightly
above ground so as not to drown ground beetles and other helpful insects.
• Commercial granules (slug pellets) that are organically approved, and contain ferric
phosphate only, never metaldehyde. Use sparingly.


• Use of toxic chemicals to destroy pests, such as poisons, insecticides and slug pellets
containing metaldehyde.


1. Pest and disease management, go to

Sprays, Powders and Pellets

There are a few pesticide sprays that can be used in organic growing, but they are not harmless,
and it is good practice to keep their use to a minimum, since they can still disrupt the natural
ecosystem, and may harm other creatures. It is advisable to use only those products containing
the ‘active’ ingredients listed opposite.

If you find yourself having to use pesticides regularly, despite using the other strategies
suggested, then consider growing something different, or putting the plants in a different place.
Avoid Using Harmful Chemicals


• Commercially available plant oils, plant based products and starches which affect the
pest, not necessarily the plant i.e they can cause the pest to asphyxiate, or lose its
protective covering. Note, use only products certified for organic growing. However, some
may have been certified in other countries, and therefore not legal for organic use in the UK
i.e those containing neem oil.
• Commercial slug pellets that are organically approved, and contain ferric phosphate only,
never metaldehyde. Use sparingly.
• Natural pyrethrum products (pyrethrins extracted from Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium)
• Microbes and microbial extracts. For example, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), which is only
available to professional growers.
• Fatty acid sprays.
• Potassium bicarbonate for the treatment of powdery mildew.
• Sulphur – used as a tonic to prevent black spot in roses.
• Diatomaceous earth. The dust from diatomaceous earth is used as an insecticide,
causing insects to dry out and die.


• Any active ingredient/product not registered with

This includes homemade pesticide sprays, those made from washing up liquid,
chilli powder or any other household products.
• Copper based fungicides. Organic farmers have to apply for special permission to use this.

Rodent Control


• Mouse and rat traps.

• Rat and mouse poisons, approved by the HSE Pesticides Guidance, used in tamper-proof
bait stations.


• Any active ingredient/product not registered as a poison with

Explanations of highlighted words can be found in the Glossary on page 50 41


A Healthy
Growing Area
A Healthy Growing Area

Keeping your growing area in good health, rather than just pest and
disease free, is at the heart of organic growing. Creating a diverse and
vigorous growing system, good hygiene, and close observation all help
prevent problems.

To achieve a healthy growing area, you should:

• Keep your soil in good condition.

• Source healthy plants which are well suited to where they will grow.
• Be observant – often problems arise from failing to spot the first signs
of disease. Frequent and early intervention prevents problems escalating.
• Practise good hygiene.

In this section we look at:

• Keeping plants and soil in good health

• Sourcing plants, seeds and bulbs
• Cleaning tools, greenhouses and polytunnels
• Healthy growth in pots and other containers

44 A Healthy Growing Area

Keeping Plants and Soil in

Good Health

• Create a fertile, biologically active soil. Add composted organic materials to help reduce
soil pests and diseases, and to encourage strong plant growth.
(See Soil Cultivation Techniques on p. 8).
• Start with healthy plants. Seeds, tubers, plants, fruit bushes, shrubs should all be organic
in origin and show no signs of disease. (See Sourcing Your Plants on p. 46).
• Grow plants that suit the location and soil type. Plants won’t thrive if they are not
in their ideal habitat e.g. plants that are acid loving in an alkaline soil; those that need full sun
or good drainage in a shady, damp area. A weak plant is prone to pests and diseases.
• Choose varieties with some resistance to pest and disease. With ever-improving organic
plant breeding this is certainly possible.
• Grow a mix of plants. This not only provides food, shelter and habitats for wildlife but
also helps prevent diseases spreading.
• Choose sowing and planting dates to avoid specific pests and diseases. If you plant out
tender young green shoots too early, for instance, it can make them susceptible to pests
such as aphids. Allow them to mature and harden off before planting out.
• Plan your planting to include crop rotation. Avoid planting the same vegetable family in
the same place each year. This not only prevents build-up of diseases, but also makes
the best use of the soil’s nutrients.
• Keep a good airflow around plants. To prevent the spread of diseases, prune trees
and bushes to create space between branches; keep greenhouses and polytunnels well
ventilated; and give space around pots and containers.
• Careful watering. Make sure plants are watered sufficiently – neither too much or
too little. Always apply water to the soil rather than the plant foliage to prevent moist
conditions where diseases can thrive.


1. How to manage your soil, go to

2. Planning your planting, go to
A Healthy Growing Area

46 A Healthy Growing Area

Sourcing Plants, Seeds and Bulbs

Growing your own plants from saved seeds and cuttings is ideal. It is now possible to add
to your varieties by using commercially available organic seeds, plants, bulbs and tubers.
If you can’t get any at your local garden centre, be sure to ask them why – and whether they
can start stocking them. Also check if the soil/compost any plant is grown in is certified organic,
without peat and without added pesticides. Very often garden centres will buy in plants with
neonicotinoids added to the soil to prevent pests. These chemicals will be taken up by the
plant and then affect pollinating insects.

Often specialist nurseries take greater care over the soil and where they source their plants.
It is worth seeking them out and checking if their soil is peat and pesticide free.


• Home saved seed and plants, from disease-free parent plants. Helpful guidelines on seed
saving are at
• Home grown ‘swapped’ seed and plants from another organic grower. Be cautious that
you don’t inadvertently import disease or pernicious weeds.
• Seeds, tubers, sets, bulbs, and plants with an organic symbol from an approved organic
certification body.
• Container grown plants in a peat-free mix, with an accredited organic symbol.


• Seeds, tubers, sets and bulbs from non-organic sources, if unavailable as organic.
But check Not Acceptable below.
• Container grown plants and cuttings without an accredited organic symbol.
However, check they are in a peat-free growing media.


• Plants taken from the wild. This can destroy natural habitats and deplete natural specimens.
• Genetically modified seeds and plants.
• Container grown plants that have pesticides within the growing mix. Check with the
supplier, as the soil often contains neonicotinoids, which are used to kill insects.
• Seeds, bulbs, sets and tubers treated with fungicides. Check with supplier, or be sure to
source organic materials.
A Healthy Growing Area

Cleaning Tools, Greenhouses,

Polytunnels, Pots and Containers
Keeping your growing equipment clean helps prevent diseases multiplying.

Green houses and polytunnels should be washed and wiped down annually, both inside and out.
This prevents a build up of dust or algae on the outside, which stops clear sunlight entering,
and helps destroy overwintering pests and diseases. Any empty pots and containers should
also be checked and rinsed to clear overwintering snails and pests.

Keeping your tools clean will prevent transmission of any disease. This combination of
good hygiene methods, and checking your plants regularly, means you won’t need
unnecessary chemicals.


• Hot water/steam and scrubbing of all working areas.


• Pressure-washing
• Wash with natural plant essences, including citrus juices. These are available from
organic suppliers such as The Organic Catalogue.
• Use natural cleaning products, such as vinegar, bicarbonate of soda.


• Use of domestic cleaning liquids such as bleach. They contain strong chemicals which
are poisonous to wildlife.

Explanations of highlighted words can be found in the Glossary on page 50 47

48 A Healthy Growing Area

Growing in Pots and Containers

If you enjoy growing in pots and containers, you can still follow the organic gardening principles.
Think about what your containers are made of (see Use Resources Responsibly on p. 22) and
be aware that anything growing in a restricted environment will always be more reliant on
additional watering and feeding (see Fertilisers and Liquid Feeds, p. 15). Plants could also be
more prone to pest and disease (see Avoid Using Harmful Chemicals on p. 32).


• Use an organic growing medium, ideally home-made compost/soil mix, which provides
the correct nutrients for the plant.
• Use homemade paper pots, wooden trays, recycled non-plastic food containers.
• Hanging basket liners made from recycled, biodegradable materials such as moss
from the lawn, hay, or an old pure wool jumper.
• To clean containers, use steam, hot water, or a high pressure hose.
• Maintain a good airflow between plants, to prevent diseases spreading.
A Healthy Growing Area


• Commercially bought organic peat free growing medium.

• Commercially available biodegradable hanging basket liners.
• Reused plastic pots and trays, clay pots (see Use of Plastic, p. 29 and Appendix 3, p. 55).
• Commercially available pots and containers made from paper, plant wastes
and other biodegradable material, excluding peat.
• Composted organic materials and fertilisers for addition feeding
(see Soil Improvers on p. 10).


• Use organic liquid feeds, and other organic tonics, only when necessary.
• Reused food stuff cans – except those with a chrome lining.


• Tyres as a container for growing food crops, unless lined first. It is thought that tyres
will leach various toxic chemicals into the soil as they degrade when in contact with
sun and water.
• Moss gathered from the wild for hanging basket liners.
• Hydroponic systems. These use no soil, just water with fertiliser in solution. This goes
against the fundamental premise of organic growing, which uses biologically active soil.
• Pots or growing mixes made from peat. The extraction of peat causes the loss of an
ancient habitat, vital for supporting local and often rare life systems. It should never be
used. Filtered or recycled peat has been reclaimed from rivers/streams running out of
peat land. Some argue that this is still damaging to the natural environment.


1. How to grow in containers, go to

2. How to make a soil/compost mix for container growing, go to
3. How to make comfrey liquid feed, go to

Explanations of highlighted words can be found in the Glossary on page 50 49


BSI standard: Established in 1901, the BSI is the world’s first National Standards Body.
It writes and endorses standards for business trading and practice, ranging from health and
safety to environmental management and internet security. Many organic products, such as
commercial composts, should embody BSI standards.

Clopyralid: is a herbicide (weed killer) used for the control of broadleaf weeds, especially
thistles and clovers in lawns. Unfortunately it is known for its ability to persist, even in dead
plants and in compost. Therefore it can affect plants which have been dressed by the affected
compost. Aminopyralids are used by farmers as herbicides and are similarly persistent.

Crop Rotation: is a method of changing where you grow individual vegetables from year
to year. It helps maintain good soil structure, ensures an efficient use of nutrients, helps to
control weeds, and prevents a build-up of pests and diseases.

Fungicide: Fungi are the main cause of disease in vegetable crops. They include blights,
mildew etc. A fungicide is a chemical which kills fungi.

GMOs: Genetically Modified Organisms – plants or living objects which have been genetically
engineered in a laboratory. See

Green Manures: Green manures are plants which are grown to benefit the soil. They can
improve soil fertility, by holding valuable nitrogen, and improve the soil structure by giving
it better drainage or water retention. They also can suppress weeds and attract beneficial
insects. They are sometimes called ‘cover crops’. See

HSE Pesticides Guidance: This is the website of the Health and Safety Executive, which
authorises pesticides, as well as guidance on how to use pesticide products safely. It also gives
information about controls over pesticide residues in food. See

Hot bed: This is usually made from a pile of decaying organic matter, such as well-rotted
farmyard manure, which gets hot naturally from the metabolism of the microorganisms in the
decomposing pile. They are usually made in a coldframe or greenhouse, where you can use
this ‘free’ heat to start growing early in the year.

Intercropping: Growing more than one crop on an area, for example, planting lettuce beneath
runner beans. Intercropping, under-sowing and catch crops are all ways to help improve soil
structure and to prevent bare soil which allows weeds to flourish.

Leafmould: is made from rotted down autumn leaves. It is dark in colour and crumbly in texture.
Often used as a soil improver, it helps break up clay soils in particular. It can also be used as
a mulch. To make leafmould, see

Mulch: To mulch is to create a layer on top of the soil which will exclude light and some moisture.
Mulches can be made from natural materials such as straw, newspaper and cardboard, grass
cuttings, bush prunings, wood chips, bark, and manure. Sometimes a sheet of plastic membrane
is used, particularly in weed suppression – some membranes are more permeable than others.

No Dig: This is a method of cultivation which requires a great deal of surface mulch made
from well-rotted manure or compost – and patience. In principle, by avoiding digging you
will not be disrupting the soil ecosystem, or exposing it to weed seeds. Instead the existing
weeds are in darkness, under the mulch, which causes them to weaken and die.

52 Glossary

Glossary continued

Non-intensive systems: Intensive agriculture, also called factory farming, raises animals
indoors under tightly controlled systems – often with extensive use of drugs and hormones.
Non-intensive systems give the animals access to natural resources, out of doors, and respects
their natural behaviours.

PAS 100: This is the national compost benchmark, BSI PAS 100 stands for the British Standards
Institution’s Publicly Available Specification. It’s a way of defining the quality of the compost.

Pathogen: A bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause or carry disease.

Perlite: A mineral which can be added to soil to help aeration and drainage. Like vermiculite
(see below) it holds water but doesn’t become soggy.

Planting trench: This is a trench, about two spade heads deep, which is filled with fresh
kitchen vegetable waste. When it is two thirds full, the soil is replaced on top. It supports
‘hungry’ crops such as runner beans. As the beans grow, the waste will rot and provide
moisture and nutrients for their roots.

Stale seed bed: A useful weed control technique which involves creating a seedbed some weeks
before seed is due to be sown. This allows any weed seeds that have been disturbed during
cultivation to germinate. They can then be hoed off before sowing of the actual crop is carried out.

Vermiculite: A mineral which has the unusual property of exfoliating or expanding into
worm-like pieces when heated (the name vermiculite is derived from the Latin ‘vermiculare’ –
to breed worms). Vermiculite in potting compost gives a very light open compost, which holds
water well.

Wormery: This is a self-contained unit that is ideal for disposing of kitchen waste. Worms and
waste are kept in something as simple as a bucket or, more often, in a sequence of boxes,
piled on top of each other. The worms feed on the waste. As raw vegetable and fruit waste
have a high water content, the concentrated nutrient rich liquid released by the worms drains
into a sump or drainage tray. This can be used as a plant feed.
Appendix 1

Appendix 1

How and When to Apply Bulky

Soil Improvers
Although adding bulky waste to the soil is a good thing, it is important not to ‘overdose’
it with nutrient rich manures and composts. This can be a wasteful use of resources,
encouraging excessive growth that is more vulnerable to pest and disease attack.

Organic farmers follow strict rules on how and when to apply manure. For instance, a winter
application onto the fields will provide too many nutrients, such as nitrates and phosphates,
which can leach out of the soil in heavy rains and cause run-off which will pollute water bodies.

We have adapted these rules for farmers in the chart below, to give the organic gardener an
understanding of best practice of how much, and when, to apply the following:

Soil Improver When to Apply How much per year (approx.)

Compost – garden, Spring, summer or 1 x wheelbarrow load per

homemade early autumn 5 sq. metres

Compost – from local Apply at any time 1 x wheelbarrow load per

authority, using domestic 3 sq. metres
green waste such as clippings
and lawn mowings

Worm Compost Apply in spring, summer 1 x wheelbarrow load per

or early autumn 10 sq. metres

Leafmould Apply at any time In a layer 2-3cm deep

Manure – straw based animal Apply when well-rotted, 1 x wheelbarrow load per
manures (except poultry) in spring, summer or 10 sq. metres
early autumn

Manure – poultry bedding Apply when well-rotted, 1 x wheelbarrow load per

material in spring, summer or 20 sq. metres
early autumn
54 Appendix 2

Appendix 2

Mineral Based Fertilisers

These can supply important trace elements to your soil.


• Natural forms of calcium carbonate and calcium/magnesium carbonate,

including ground limestone, chalk, marl and magnesian limestone (dolomite).
Use for raising soil pH, and as sources of calcium and magnesium.
• Calcium sulphate (gypsum).
• Ground rock phosphate.
• Aluminium calcium phosphate, where soil pH is over 7.5. (Cadmium content must be less
than 90mg cadmium per kg phosphate)
• Rock dust (stone meal), if a by-product of quarrying.


• Calcified seaweed • Quicklime

• Slaked lime • Guano, urea
• Soluble chemical fertilisers • Chilean nitrate

Materials to Supply Trace Elements


• Rock dust and stone meals if by-products • Manganese sulphate.

of quarrying. • Borax (for boron deficiency).
• Seaweed meal and liquid seaweed • Epsom salts, for acute magnesium
extracts. deficiency.
• Sulphur dust or chips. • Fertilisers and liquid feeds containing
• Calcium chloride solution, for treatment boron, copper, iron, molybdenum,
of bitter pit in apples. cobalt, selenium, zinc, sodium.
Appendix 3

Appendix 3

Plastics You Can Plant In

There are 7 types of plastics commercially processed and sold. The following are the kinds that
are safe to use for planting.

PETE or PET bottles. Used for most clear drinks bottles. However, many of these are designed
for single use, and therefore can break down with continued use and exposure to light or heat.
They have also been found to leach chemicals if exposed to high temperatures.

HDPE (high density polyethylene). Used for opaque milk and water bottles.

LDPE (low density polyethylene). Used in food storage bags and squeeze bottles.

PP (polypropylene). Used in rigid containers, including some flower pots, baby bottles,
yoghurt pots, cups and bowls.

This code is for miscellaneous types of plastic which don’t fit in the
above categories.

The following are NOT safe for planting in:

Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC). Used extensively as a rigid light plastic – from water
pipes to wheelbarrows. Constant exposure to heat will cause chemicals to leach.
PVC often has chemicals called ‘phthalates’ added to make it more durable
and flexible. Research has shown that phthalates affect our natural hormones,
and can lead to reproductive abnormalities.

Polystyrene. Used in food and beverage takeaways, non-cardboard egg cartons

and CD/DVD cases. Long term exposure to small quantities of styrene can cause
neurotoxic and carcinogenic effects. Styrene is classified as a possible human
carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).
56 Appendix 4

Appendix 4

Wood Preservatives
Creosote: Banned in the UK from July 2003. Do not use materials treated with creosote or use
up old supplies. Dispose of old supplies safely, contact your local authority to arrange disposal.
The substitute ‘Creocote’ is unsuitable for use in organic systems.

Pressure treated timber: This has been impregnated with chemicals under pressure to ensure
full penetration into the wood. Copper chrome arsenate (CCA) treatments that used to be
commonly used are now banned for products for domestic use. Safer alternatives include
Tanalith E ®, made from a copper and organic biocide (triazole) formulation, and Wolmanite,
which contains copper and boron (see below).

Boron compounds: Boron compounds appear to have a low toxicity to humans and the
environment. Very soluble in water, so for outdoor use boron is applied in the form of glass rods,
inserted into pre-drilled holes in the timber. Timber pre-treated with boron compounds can
be purchased, but due to the compound’s solubility in wet soil it is only suitable for use above
ground or indoors. Liquid borax timber preservatives can also be painted on, for indoor and
outdoor use. Glycol borates and impregnated glass rods are only licensed for professional use.

‘Natural’ preservatives: Plant based wood preservatives are claimed to be safer to use than the
traditional chemical materials. We do not have the information to support or refute that claim.
Wood pitch and other products extracted from timber have the potential to be as harmful as
coal-derived creosotes. Raw linseed oil and tung oil have been used in the past to treat timber
outdoors. But they do not prevent mildew.

Image credits

Front cover, iStock/paladin13; Inside Front Cover, p. 45, iStock/firina; p. 2, iStock /BasieB; p. 4, iStock/Nicolas;
p. 6, iStock/LukaTDB; p. 8, iStock/ tortoon; p. 18, iStock/Andrew Howe; p. 22, iStock/Marbury; p. 29, iStock/rache1;
p. 30, iStock/bilderfix; p. 32, NCP Photography; p. 42, iStock/More86; p. 48, iStock/linephoto; p. 50, NCP Photography.

Illustrations by Emily Matcham

Design by Same Studio

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