WPS Review Guidelines 2007
WPS Review Guidelines 2007
WPS Review Guidelines 2007
Prepared by the
SEAONC Construction Quality Assurance Committee
February 2007
Board of Directors, 2006 - 2007
Douglas Hohbach, President
Bret Lizundia, Vice President
Gary Mochizuki, Secretary
William Andrews, Treasurer
Andrew Merovich, Past President
Grace Kang, Director
Peter Lee, Director
Peter Revelli, Director
David Murphy, Director
While the information presented in the document is believed to be correct, SEAONC and its Board and Commit-
tees assume no liability for its accuracy or for the opinions expressed herein. The material presented in this docu-
ment should not be used or relied upon for any specific application without competent examination and verification
of its accuracy, suitability, and applicability by qualified professionals. Users of information from this document
assume all liability arising from such use.
All rights reserved. This document or any part thereof may not be reproduced in any form without the
written permission of the Structural Engineers Association of Northern California.
Merl Isaak
Inspections of welded steel structures following and widely enforced. The importance of the welder
the 1994 Northridge earthquake found steel moment qualification in the process is critical and is usually ad-
frames and other welded connections had fractured with dressed by steel fabricators, erectors, and inspectors
minimal ductility instead of absorbing plastic strains prior to production. However, the materials and param-
as expected. The causes of these fractures included eters of the welding process are often taken for granted
inadequate oversight, insufficient toughness in the and are not always properly documented in the required
connection weldment, and Welding Procedure Specifi- written form known as the Welding Procedure Specifica-
cations that either did not exist or did not conform to tion.
the recognized welding code for structural steel, AWS Welders and inspectors who work without a
D1.1, Structural Welding Code – Steel. Testing and research written WPS and rely on their experience may or may
conducted by the FEMA/SAC Joint Venture team and not produce good welds. AWS D1.1 mandates that all
others confirmed these findings. As a result, the im- welding be performed and inspected in accordance with
portance of adhering to strict controls on the welding the written WPS “recipe” to help ensure the consistent
process, particularly as it relates to welded steel connec- production of sound welds. A common misconcep-
tions that resist seismic forces, has been identified as an tion is that welds using joints that are “prequalified”
important factor in helping to preclude premature failure (see Definitions) in accordance with AWS D1.1 do not
of welded joints. SEAONC and others are now advo- require the written documentation of the WPS, when in
cating the Engineer of Record (EOR) to take an active fact a written WPS is required for all welds.
role in reviewing and monitoring the welding processes There are no specific provisions related to WPSs
employed by the contractor, including review of welding in model building codes such as the Uniform Building
documents. The 2005 AISC Seismic Provisions for Structural Code (UBC) or the International Building Code (IBC).
Steel Buildings, for example, requires the EOR to review Instead, these documents adopt the AISC Specification for
each Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) used in Structural Steel Buildings and the AISC Seismic Provisions for
fabrication and erection. Structural Steel Buildings by reference. The AISC Specifica-
AWS D1.1 describes welding as an engineered tions and Seismic Provisions, in turn, adopt AWS D1.1
process. Requirements are specified for welding elec- by reference. There are additional WPS requirements for
trode and usage parameters, equipment, steels to be “demand-critical welds” (see Definitions) in the 2005
joined, joint configurations, welder (performance) quali- AISC Seismic Provisions and in AWS D1.8, Structural
fications and workmanship for the purpose of produc- Welding Code – Seismic Supplement, that are in addition to
ing a sound weld joining the steel materials. the requirements specified in AWS D1.1.
AWS provisions for confirming the workman- All references in these guidelines to AWS D1.1
ship ability of the individual welder, called welder quali- are to the 2006 edition.
fication (also known as “certification”), are well known
Prequalified WPS: A WPS that is exempt from qualifi- joint proposed for fabrication meets AWS D1.1 require-
cation testing according to AWS D1.1. ments for weld quality. WPSs are qualified by testing
according to procedures outlined in the code. How-
Procedure Qualification: The demonstration by speci- ever, some WPSs that use established procedures are
fied tests that welds made by a specific procedure can “prequalified” and exempt from testing.
meet prescribed standards.
Prequalified WPS
Procedure Qualification Test Record (PQR): Written In AWS D1.1, a WPS is considered to be
documentation of the welding parameters details and prequalified if the selected joint configuration, welding
test results of a qualification test piece that demonstrate process and variables, and other parameters conform to
that welds using a particular WPS meet prescribed stan- the mandatory code requirements. A WPS that meets
dards. A PQR is not required for prequalified WPSs. the criteria specified in AWS D1.1, Section 3 is exempt
from qualification testing.
Weldment: An assembly whose components are joined Although prequalified procedures are exempt
by welding. from tests, AWS D1.1 does require that the contractor
prepare written WPSs for the joints to be used in fabrica-
Welder Qualification: The demonstration, by speci- tion. These specifications indicate the limits and re-
fied tests, of a welder’s ability to produce welds meeting quirements for material and welding variables, providing
prescribed standards. Documented evidence of qualifi- documentation that the joint welding meets the require-
cation is often called “certification.” ments for prequalified status. A sample prequalified
WPS is included as Exhibit 1.
Welding Procedure: Detailed methods and practices
required to produce an acceptable weldment, including WPS Qualified by Testing
weld processes, connections, joint welding procedures, A WPS that is not prequalified must be qualified
joint details, preheat, inspection requirements, sequence, by testing according to the requirements of AWS D1.1,
shrinkage allowance, postheat, and any other factors. Section 4.1.1. Qualification tests are intended to dem-
onstrate that a welded joint using a specific WPS meets
Welding Procedure Specification (WPS): A docu- the prescribed standards of the code. The contractor or
ment detailing the method and the welding variables fabricator is required to make a test sample, typically a
required to produce a welded joint. It directs the welder butt-jointed plate using the joint in the proposed WPS,
how to weld a specific joint, and includes requirements for mechanical testing and evaluation. In preparing the
such as joint preparation, weld process, preheat, elec- test plate, the welder must follow the written details in
trode type and diameter, voltage and current, and travel the proposed WPS. A sample WPS qualified by testing
speed. Its purpose is to assure consistent production of is included as Exhibit 2.
sound welds. The WPS is the focus of these guidelines. The test plate configurations and dimensions are
shown in AWS D1.1, Section 4. The test plate is welded
Qualification Requirements under the conditions simulating the actual production
AWS D1.1, Section 4 defines the qualification require- work. The number and types of test specimens to be
ments for both WPSs and individual welders. removed from the completed test plate are shown in
AWS D1.1, Tables 4.2-4.4. Tests may include visual
WPS inspection, tensile strength, guided bends, macroetches,
Documenting welding processes and variables in radiography, and impact tests. If the test results do not
a written WPS provides a standard method for repro- meet the requirements of AWS D1.1 or project specifi-
ducing welds. A qualified WPS establishes that a weld cations, then a new WPS must be prepared and qualified
4$ 4% 4^ 4& 4* 4( 5)
Approved for production by_______________________________________________________________________
Fabricator Date
Exhibit 1 - cont.
t Asides.
single welded joint is welded from one side only. A double welded joint is welded from both
y Backing is a material or device placed against the back side of the joint, or at both sides of the
weld (for electrogas welding (EGW) and electroslag welding (ESW) to support and retain molten
weld metal. Backing is not required for fillet and partial joint penetration welds.
u The root opening is a separation at the joint root between the workpieces.
is root gap.
The nonstandard term
i The root face is the portion of the groove face at the weld root.
o The groove angle is the total included angle of the groove between the workpieces.
a Groove radius in a J-groove or a U-groove joint weld.
s Backgouging is the removal of weld metal and base metal from the weld root back side of a
welded joint to facilitate complete fusion and complete joint penetration upon subsequent welding
from that side.
d A prequalified WPS for complete and partial joint penetration groove welds is valid only for the
permitted groove weld positions shown in AWS D1.1, Figures 3.3 and 3.4. See Figures 4.1, 4.3
and 4.4 for types of groove weld positions.
f AFigures
prequalified WPS for fillet welds shall meet the requirements of AWS D1.1, Section 3.9.
4.5 and 4.6 for types of fillet weld positions.
g Welding in the vertical position for a prequalified WPS requires the progression of passes to be in
the upwards direction. Welding in the vertical down position would require the WPS to be quali-
fied by testing. Note: welding of tubulars may be upwards or downwards but only in the direction
for which the welder is qualified.
h For Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) there are four types of transfer modes of molten metal from
the electrode tip to the work: short-circuiting (which is not prequalified), globular, axial spray, and
Exhibit 1 - cont.
j DCEN indicates the power source is DC and the welding leads are arranged so that the electrode
is the negative pole, i.e., the polarity is “straight”.
k See 3&
l For Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW), the size and type of the tungsten electrode shall be
recorded. GTAW is not prequalified.
; ASTM, ABS, or API designation for the base metal material(s).If applicable, the type or grade
should be included. Base metals approved for prequalified WPSs are listed in AWS D1.1, Table
2$ E71T-8 is the AWS classification number of electrode listed in the Specification A5.20-XX. Elec-
trodes are classified according to as-welded mechanical properties, suitable welding positions,
and usability characteristics, such as the use or absence of shielding gas. In this sample the
manufacturer’s name and type of electrode are provided for information only.
2% An external flux is not required for FCAW but would be specified for Submerged Arc Welding
2^ External shielding gases are used with GMAW, GTAW, EGW, and some FCAW electrodes. For
the E71T-8 classification electrode in this sample, shielding is provided by the flux contained in
the electrode core.
3! A weave bead is a weld bead or layer made with transverse oscillation. A stringer bead is made
without appreciable oscillation.
3@ A single pass weld is made with one weld bead. Multiple passes consist of multiple weld beads.
Exhibit 1 - cont.
3* Peening is the mechanical working of metals using impact blows to relieve shrinkage stresses.
If peening is performed, the method, such as striking with a hammer or using pneumatic tools,
should be indicated.
3( After each weld pass, the weld surface should be cleaned to remove any deleterious material
such as slag, spatter, etc.
4) Preheating is the application of heat to the base metal prior to welding. Proper preheat (and
elevated interpass temperatures) reduces the possibility of cracking by slowing the cooling rate in
a workpiece. Preheating also equalizes the temperature in the workpiece to reduce local expan-
sion and the tendency to warp or distort. Methods of preheating include using an oxyfuel torch,
electrical resistance equipment, and induction heating. Prequalified minimum preheat and inter-
pass temperature requirements for different base metals, thicknesses and welding processes are
shown in AWS D1.1, Table 3.2.
4! The minimum interpass temperature must conform to minimum preheat requirements as dis-
cussed in 4)
4# Postweld heat treatment may be required for stress relieving the weldment.
4$ Designates the weld pass.
4% See 2$
4^ Electrode size(s).
4& See j
Exhibit 1 - cont.
4* The amperage is an essential variable for FCAW. To be prequalified, the amperage must be
within the electrode manufacturer’s recommended range. A single amperage value has a + 10%
tolerance for FCAW. Each range specified should not exceed this tolerance. The listed amper-
age should be specific to the welded joint. See AWS D1.1, Section 3.6 and Table 4.5, Item 13.
In this sample WPS, an acceptable range of amperages is provided for each electrode size.
4( The voltage is an essential variable for FCAW. To be prequalified, the voltage must be within
the electrode manufacturer’s recommended range. A single voltage value has a + 7% tolerance
for FCAW. Each range specified should not exceed this tolerance. The listed voltage should be
specific to the welded joint. See AWS D1.1, Section 3.6 and Table 4.5, Item 15. In this sample
WPS, an acceptable range of voltages is provided for each electrode size.
5) Travel speed is the rate of travel of the arc in the direction of the weld progression. Travel speed
is an essential variable for FCAW. A new or revised WPS must be written if there is an increase
or decrease from the mean travel speed by 25 percent. The listed travel speed should be specific
to the welded joint. See AWS D1.1, Section 3.6 and Table 4.5, Item 17. In this sample WPS, an
acceptable range of travel speeds is provided for each electrode size.
5! Prequalified joint details and the limitations for weld processes, base metal thicknesses, groove
dimensions, welding positions, and weld sizes for partial and complete joint penetration groove
Exhibit 2 Welding Procedure Specification
COMPANY____Pacific Fabrication Inc.__________________________ DATE_____January 11, XXXX_________________________________
WELDING PROCESS__Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW)_________
q TYPE: Manual Semi-Automatic r
WELDING CODE___AWS D1.1-XX_____________________________ Machine Automatic
SUPPORTING PQRs__P-2___________________________________
TYPE: Single Double Weld t d
POSITION OF GROOVE______Flat (1G), Horizontal (2G)___________
BACKING: Yes No y f
POSITION OF FILLET_____________-------______________________
BACKING MATERIAL____3/16” x 1” flat bar______________________ VERTICAL PROGRESSION: Up Down g
ROOT OPENING_3/8”_ u i
RADIUS (J-U)____n/a_____________ TRANSFER MODE (GMAW): n/a h
METHOD_______________ Short-Circuiting Globular Spray Pulsed
MATERIAL SPECIFICATION_____ASTM A36-XX__________________ OTHER__________________________________________________
TYPE OR GRADE___________________________________________ __ k
THICKNESS: GROOVE_1/2” to 3/4”_; 2)
DIAMETER (PIPE)___________n/a_____________________________ TECHNIQUE
STRINGER or WEAVE BEAD_______Stringer Passes______________
AWS SPECIFICATION______A5.20-XX__________________________ 3!
MULTI-PASS or SINGLE PASS (per side)______Multi-pass__________
AWS CLASSIFICATION__E7018 (Lincoln Electric LH-70)____________ 3@
NUMBER OF ELECTRODES________1_________________________
FLUX________n/a____________ 2%
GAS__________n/a____________ 3$
LATERAL ____________n/a_____________
COMPOSITION___n/a__________ 3%
ANGLE _____________n/a______________
1 to 2 SMAW E7018 1/8” DCEP 130-140 20-21 8-10
4# 4$ 4% 4^ 4& 4* 4(
Approved for production by_______________________________________________________________________
Fabricator Date
Exhibit 2 - cont.
e A WPS qualified by testing is supported by a procedure qualification record (PQR). See Exhibit
2A: PQR P-2.
r SMAW is a manual process whereby the welder uses a hand-held holder to grip the electrode.
t Asides.
single welded joint is welded from one side only. A double welded joint is welded from both
y Backing is a material or device placed against the back side of the joint, or at both sides of the
weld (for electrogas welding (EGW) and electroslag welding (ESW) to support and retain molten
weld metal. Backing is not required for fillet and partial joint penetration welds.
u The root opening is a separation at the joint root between the workpieces. The nonstandard term
is root gap.
i The root face is the portion of the groove face at the weld root.
o The groove angle is the total included angle of the groove between the workpieces.
a Groove radius in a J-groove or U-groove joint weld.
s Backgouging is the removal of weld metal and base metal from the weld root back side of a
welded joint to facilitate complete fusion and complete joint penetration upon subsequent welding
from that side.
d This sample WPS for the joint designation TC-U4a was qualified by testing for a corner joint
welded in the horizontal position. See AWS D1.1, Figures 4.1, 4.3 and 4.4 for types of groove
weld positions. Because the WPS was qualified by welding the PQR test plate in the horizontal
position (See Exhibit 2A: PQR P-2), AWS D1.1, Table 4.1, also qualifies the WPS for groove and
fillet welds in the flat position.
f See AWS D1.1, Figures 4.2, 4.5 and 4.6 for types of fillet weld positions.
g A WPS qualified by testing for the vertical position must indicate the direction of the weld progres-
sion – up or down. A change from up to down, or vice versa, would require requalification, i.e,
another PQR test.
h For Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) there are four types of transfer modes of molten metal from
the electrode tip to the work: short-circuiting, globular, axial spray, and pulsed. Any WPS using
GMAW with the short-circuiting transfer mode requires qualification by testing.
Exhibit 2 - cont.
j DCEP indicates the power source is DC and the welding leads are arranged so that the electrode
is the positive pole, i.e., the polarity is “reverse”.
k For Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW), the size and type of the tungsten electrode shall be
recorded. Any WPS using GTAW requires qualification by testing.
l ASTM, ABS, API or other designation for the base metal material(s) qualified by testing. If appli-
cable, the type or grade should be included.
; Base metal thickness range for groove welds. This sample WPS is written only for complete
joint penetration groove welds for plate thicknesses of ½ to ¾”. However, PQR P-2 in Exhibit 2A
qualifies a WPS for a plate thickness range of 1/8” to 1-1/2”, for complete joint penetration and
partial penetration groove welds, and fillet welds, based on the PQR test plate thickness of ¾”.
Refer to AWS D1.1, Table 4.2 for qualified plate, pipe, and tube thicknesses.
2# E7018 is the AWS classification no. for a low hydrogen type of electrode listed in the specification
no. A5.1-XX. Electrodes are classified according to as-welded mechanical properties, suitable
welding positions, and usability characteristics. In this sample the manufacturer’s name and type
of electrode are provided for information only.
2% External shielding gases are used with GMAW, GTAW, EGW, and some FCAW electrodes. The
covering on the SMAW electrode creates a gas during the welding to shield the arc and prevent
excessive atmospheric contamination of the weld metal.
3) A weave bead is a weld bead or layer made with transverse oscillation. A stringer bead is made
without appreciable oscillation.
Exhibit 2 - cont.
3! A single pass weld is made with one weld bead. Multiple passes consist of multiple weld beads.
3@ For machine or automatic processes, multiple electrodes may be used.
3# Longitudinal spacing between multiple electrodes.
3$ Lateral spacing between multiple electrodes.
3% Angle of multiple electrodes.
3^ Distance from the contact tube in welding gun to the work for SAW. Electrical stickout, which is
the electrode length between the point of electrical contact in the welding gun and the arc, can be
indicated for FCAW and GMAW.
3& Mechanical working of metals using impact blows to relieve shrinkage stresses. If peening is
performed, the method, such as striking with a hammer or using pneumatic tools, should be indi-
3* After each weld pass, the weld surface may be cleaned to remove any deleterious material such
as slag, spatter, etc.
3( The minimum preheat temperature for a FCAW, GMAW, SAW, or SMAW WPS qualified by test-
ing is 25°F less than the preheat temperature used during the welding of the PQR test plate. See
Exhibit 2A: PQR P-2. Refer to AWS D1.1, Table 45, and Section 5.6 for allowable decreases in
preheat temperatures.
4) The minimum interpass temperature is equal to the minimum preheat temperature. Refer to
AWS D1.1, Table 4.5, Note 7, and Section 5.6.
4! Maximum interpass temperatures may be specified for welding of steels with toughness require-
ments, high strength steels, quenched and tempered steels, etc.
4@ Postweld heat treatment may be required for stress relieving the weldment.
4# Designates the weld pass.
4$ See 2#
4% Electrode size(s). See j
4^ A SMAW WPS qualified by testing must be re-qualified if the amperage, an essential variable, is
outside the range recommended by the electrode manufacturer. For other processes, re-quali-
fication is required if the amperage varies from that used in the PQR test by more than the toler-
ance given in AWS D1.1, Table 4.5.
Exhibit 2 - cont.
4& Aoutside
SMAW WPS qualified by testing must be re-qualified if the voltage, an essential variable, is
the range recommended by the electrode manufacturer. For other processes, re-qualifi-
cation is required if the voltage varies from that used in the PQR test by more than the tolerance
given in AWS D1.1, Table 4.5.
4* A SMAW WPS qualified by testing must be re-qualified of the voltage, an essential variable, is
outside the range recommended by the electrode manufacturer. For other processes, re-qualifi-
cation is required if the voltage varies from that used in the PQR test by more than the tolerance
given in AWS D1.1, Table 4.5.
4( Travel speed is the speed of the arc in the direction of the weld progression. Travel speed is
not an essential variable for SMAW. However, for other processes, requalification is required if
the travel speed varies from that used in the PQR test by more than the tolerance given in AWS
D1.1, Table 4.5.
Appearance __Acceptable__ Undercut __Acceptable__ Piping Porosity __Acceptable__ Convexity __-----------__
RT Report No. __96-101__ Result __Passed__ UT Report No. ___-------___ Result __--------__
Specimen Type of Bend Result Remarks
1 Side Passed complete fusion, no discontinuities
2 Side Passed complete fusion, no discontinuities
3 Side Passed complete fusion, no discontinuities
4 Side Passed complete fusion, no discontinuities
Specimen Width, Thickness, Area, Ultimate Ultimate Fracture
No. in. in. sq. in. Tensile Load, lbs. Tensile Stress, psi Location
1 0.751 0.747 0.561 35,900 64,000 Base Metal
2 0.748 0.747 0.599 35,100 62,800 Base Metal
We, the undersigned, certify that the information in this record is correct, and that the test weld was prepared, welded, and tested in accordance with
the requirements of Section 1, Part B, [Section 5, Part B] of AWS D1.1-XX,
Structural Welding Code - Steel.
Signed by ________________________________________________________________
Exhibit 2A - cont.
q Joint details for the test assembly. Also shown are the sequence of weld passes. To qualify the
corner joint for WPS P-2 in Exhibit 2, a butt jointed PQR test plate, with the same joint configu-
ration to be used in production, is welded. Per AWS D1.1, Section, butt joint test speci-
mens are used to qualify corner and T-joint welds instead of corner or T-shaped specimens.
Specimens are removed from the completed test plate to evaluate the mechanical properties of
the welded joint. See AWS D1.1, Figure 4.10 for dimensions of the PQR test plate.
w In this sample the complete joint penetration groove weld was welded in the horizontal (2G) po-
sition. Passing results for the PQR test plate qualifies the WPS for welding in the horizontal and
flat positions for groove and fillet welds per the AWS D1.1, Table 4.1.
e Base metal material(s) used for the PQR test plate. Nominal thicknesses considered qualified
by the PQR are listed in AWS D1.1, Table 4.2.
r Backing is a material or device placed against the back side of the joint, or at both sides of the
weld in electroslag and electrogas welding, to support and retain molten weld metal. Backing is
not required for fillet and partial joint penetration welds.
t Backgouging is the removal of weld metal and base metal from the weld root back side of a
welded joint to facilitate complete fusion and complete joint penetration upon subsequent weld-
ing from that side.
y Preheat temperature used for welding of the PQR test plate. In this sample a preheat was not
applied to the test plate. Therefore, the temperature of the test plate, which was at the shop
ambient temperature, is recorded.
a See AWS D1.1, Figures 4.9, 4.10, and 4.11 for PQR test plate dimensions and locations of test
DCEP indicates the power source is DC and the welding leads are arranged so that the elec-
f trode is the positive pole, i.e., the polarity is “reverse”.
j Rate of travel for the arc stream in the direction of the weld progression.
k A weave bead is a weld bead or layer made with transverse oscillation. A stringer bead is made
without appreciable oscillation.
; Peening is the mechanical working of metals using impact blows to relieve shrinkage stresses.
If peening is performed, the method, such as striking with a hammer or using pneumatic tools,
should be indicated.
2) Typical procedure qualification tests include visual inspection, non-destructive testing, and me-
chanical testing such as guided bend tests and reduced-section tensile tests. Macroetch tests
may be required to check weld size and/or fusion. See AWS D1.1, Tables 4.2 – 4.4 for number
and type or test specimens required. Charpy V-notch impact tests for toughness shall be per-
formed when required by the contract drawings or the project specifications.
2! Visual inspection includes checking for items such as appearance, undercut, underfill, porosity,
cracks, slag inclusions, excessive reinforcement, etc. Excessive convexity, insufficient throat,
overlap, and insufficient leg are other items to be checked for fillet welds.
2# For groove weld test plates or pipes, four bend tests are required. For base metal thicknesses
less than or equal to 3/8 inch, two face bend tests and two root bend tests are performed. For
base metal thicknesses greater than 3/8 inch, four side bend tests are conducted.
2$ For groove weld test plates or pipes, two reduced section tensile tests are required.
Exhibit 3
The welder is qualified for the welding process, weld types, positions, and material thicknesses shown below.
Welding Process Qualified For: FCAW (without shielding gas)
Welding Positions and Material Thicknesses Qualified For: j
Plate Flat Horizontal Vertical (up) Overhead Material thickness: Groove welds on pipe only
Groove qualified for pipe over 24 in. dia.
Welds Pipe Flat Horizontal Vertical (up) Overhead 1/8” to unlimited with backing
Plate Flat Horizontal Vertical (up) Overhead Material thickness:
Welds Pipe Flat Horizontal Vertical (up) Overhead 1/8” to unlimited
The undersigned certifies that the statements in this record are correct and the test welds were prepared, welded, and tested in accordance with the
requirements of Section 4 of AWS D1.1-XX, Structural Welding Code - Steel.
q Identifies the fabricator’s WPS that the welder used for welding of the test plate. AWS D1.1 Sec.
4.18 requires that a WPS applicable to the performance qualification test be followed.
e In this sample WPS, FCAW is a semi-automatic process using a hand-held welding gun with an
automated electrode feed.
t DC or AC power source.
y The polarity might be “straight” (negative) or “reverse” (positive). In this sample welder qualifica-
tion, the direct current welding leads are arranged so that the electrode is the negative pole and
the workpiece is the positive pole of the welding arc.
a Backing is a material or device placed against the back side of the joint, or at both sides of the
weld in electroslag and electrogas welding, to support and retain molten weld metal. Backing is
not required for fillet and partial joint penetration welds.
s Protective gas used to prevent or reduce atmospheric contamination to molten weld metal.
d A material used to hinder or prevent the formation of oxides and other undesirable substances in
molten weld metal an don solid metal surfaces, and to dissolve or otherwise facilitate the remov-
al of such substances. In the FCAW process the flux is contained in the electrode. For other
processes such as Electroslag Welding (ESW) and Submerged Arc Welding (SAW), the flux is
supplied externally to the molten metal.
f Joint configuration and test assembly used. For groove welds, see AWS D1.1, Figures 4.21
– 4.22, 4.24 – 4.25 and 4.27 – 4.31. For fillet welds, see Figures 4.19, 4.32, and 4.36. For plug
welds, see Figure 4.37. For tack welds, see Figure 4.38.
g Position of test assembly used to qualify the welder. See AWS D1.1, Figures 4.3 – 4.6 for posi-
tions of groove and fillet welds. In this sample, the welder welded the test plate in the vertical
position with the progression of passes in the upwards direction. If the welder must weld verti-
cally with the progression of passes in the downwards direction, the welder shall take another
performance qualification test by welding vertically down.
Exhibit 3 - cont.
h Typical welder performance qualification tests for groove welds include a visual inspection of the
welding followed by mechanical testing. Visual inspection includes checking for items such as
appearance, undercut, underfill, porosity, cracks, slag inclusions, excessive reinforcement, etc.
In this sample, machined specimens were removed from the 1 inch thick welded test plate for
two side bend tests. If a test plate is less than or equal to 3/8 inch, one face bend test and one
root bend test are required instead of two side bends. In lieu of conducting bend tests, the code
states the test assembly can be radiographically examined (x-rayed). Refer to AWS D1.1, Table
4.9 for the required number and type of tests for all configurations of welder performance qualifi-
cation test assemblies.
j The table indicates the welding positions and material thicknesses for both groove and fillet
welds that the welder has been qualified to weld. These are based on the passing test results
for the 1 inch test plate welded in the vertical (up) position. See AWS D1.1, Table 4.9, for weld-
ing positions qualified, Table 4.10 for material thickness range qualified, and Table 4.11 for
welder essential variables requiring requalification.
Exhibit 4
B. American Welding Society, AWS D1.8, Structural Welding Code – Seismic Supplement
B. Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) in accordance with AWS D1.1 for all procedures
qualified by testing.