Biology Notes Questions Full Book 1 - Watermark

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Biology Notes Questions

Biology Notes


Full Book Questions

Prepared By:
Prof.Rana Shahid

pg. 1
Biology Notes Questions

IMP Short Questions
1. Differentiate b/w osmoregulation and thermoregulation?
2. Define homeostasis. Give components of homeostasis control?
3. Differ b/w hypotonic and hypertonic environment?
4. Define hydrphytes, mesophytes and xerophytes with example?
5. Define Anhydrobiosis with an example?
6. Differ b/w osmoconformers and osmoregulatory?
7. Define Excretophore?
8. Differ b/w ureotelic and urecotelic animals?
9. What is flame cell. Give its function and draw it?
10. Differ b/w protonephridium & metanephridium?
11. What are molphigian tubules?
12. Describe urea cycle and draw it?
13. What are affects of ADH and Aldosterone on work of nephron?
14. What is counter-current multiplier/
15. What are juxtamedullary nephrons?
16. What is vaca recta?
17. Differ b/w reabsorption and recreation?
18. What is lithotripsy/
19. Differ b/w peritoneal dialysis and haemodialysis?
20. What are heat-shock protein?
21. Differ b/w poikilotherm and endotherm with examples?
22. Differ b/w shivering & non-shivering thermogenesis?
23. Differ b/w hetrotherm& ectotherm with examples?
24. What are pyrogens? Give their function?
25. How do bony fishes excrete extra salt in marine environment?

IMP Long Question

1. Discuss marjor homeostatic functions of liver?
2. Define osmoregulation. How the animal osmoregulate in different environments?
3. Give various adaptation of plants to low and high temperature?
4. Explain the thermostat function of hypothalamus in human thermoregulation? And label
the diagram?
5. Excretion in cockroach?
6. Describe nephron of kidney. Explain its function?
7. How concentration of excretory product is maintained?
8. Discuss the temperature classification of animals?

pg. 2
Biology Notes Questions

9. Describe excretion in plants?

10. Thermoregulation in mammals?

pg. 3
Biology Notes Questions

1. Differ b/w sapwood & heartwood?
2. What is callus and its rule?
3. Define tonoplast and its function?
4. Differ b/w collenchymatous & sclerenchymatous cells?
5. Write the types of sclerenchymatous cells?
6. Differ b/w cork cambium & vascular cambium?
7. Define turgor pressure and its function?
8. What is pulvinus?
9. Differ b/w phototactic & phototropic movements?
10. Differ b/w epinasty & hyponasty?
11. Differ b/w endoskeleton & exoskeleton?
12. Why does ecdysis take place in insects?
13. Differ b/w cartilage &bone?
14. Differ b/w compact bone & spongy bone?
15. Differ b/w axial skeleton & appendicular skeleton?
16. What are synovial joints?
17. Differ b/w hinge joint & ball and socket joint?
18. What is herniation of disc?
19. Define rickets and what is sciatica?
20. What is osteoporosis & osteocalcimia?
21. What is cleft palate?
22. Differ b/w smooth muscles and cardiac muscles?
23. Differ b/w thick & thin filament?
24. What is rigor mortis?
25. Differ b/w tendon & ligaments?
26. Differ b/w tetany and tetanus?
27. What are antagonistic muscles. Give example?
28. Differ b/w effective stroke & recovery stroke?
29. What is jet propulsion?
30. What is active and assive flight of birds?
31. Differ b/w plantigrade & digitigrade animals?
32. What are the causes of muscle fatigue?
33. Define vertebral column?

IMP Long Question

1. Explain sliding filament model of muscles contraction?
2. Explain function of skeletal muscles and give the ultra-structure of myofilaments of
skeletal muscle fibers?
3. Explain the repairing of broken bones?

pg. 4
Biology Notes Questions

4. Discuss autonomic and paratonic movements of plants?

5. Explain ecdysis or moulting with exoskeleton?
6. Explain bone of human skull with diagram?
7. Describe the locomotion of paramecium?
8. What is the locomotion in air? Describe locomotion in mammals?

pg. 5
Biology Notes Questions

IMP short Question
1. Differ b/w etiolation and chlorosis?
2. Differ b/e callus & gallus?
3. What are biorhythms and diurnal rhythms?
4. Write down the commercial application of ethane and giberellins?
5. Write four important roles of ethylene?
6. Differ receptors and write down its five types?
7. Differ b/w Pacinian corpuscles & meissner’s corpuscle?
8. Define nissl’s granules?
9. Differ b/w dendrite &axon?
10. Differ b/w reflex arc and reflex action?
11. Differentiate b/w nerve impulse & saltatory impulse?
12. What are resting membrane potential?
13. What are neurotransmitter? Give its examples?
14. What is acetylcholine? Give its role?
15. Compare sympthatic nervous system with parasympthatic nervous system?
16. What is the action of nicotine on co-ordination?
17. What is prankison’s disease and alzhemier?
18. Define hormone. Write down four types of hormones with examples?
19. What are the function of oxytocin hormone?
20. How do you differ b/w cretinism & myxodema?
21. What are the function of parathyroid gland?
22. Give the role of insulin & glucagon?
23. What is leutinizing hormone (L.H). write its role?
24. What is feedback mechanism.Give an example?
25. Differ b/w kineses and taxes?
26. Define habitutation? Give its one example?

IMP Long Question

1. Explain anterior lob of pituitary gland?
2. Describe transmission of nerve impulse through synapse?
3. What are biological clocks? How are they caused?
4. Define nerve impulse? How it is transmitted from one neuron to another neuron?
5. What is active membrane potential?
6. Write a note on thyroid gland ?
7. Describe the role of pancrease as an endocrine gland?
8. What are receptors? Describe various types of receptors found in human?

pg. 6
Biology Notes Questions

9. Describe briefly the function of different parts of brain?

pg. 7
Biology Notes Questions

IMP Short Question
1. Define reproduction. What is its significance?
2. Define sexual and asexual reproduction?
3. Define parthenocarpy and asexual reproduction?
4. Define vernalization. Give its importance?
5. Define seed dormancy. Give its significance?
6. Differ b/w fruit set and fruit ripening?
7. What is climatric?
8. Differ b/w short day and long day plant?
9. What is phytochrome and give its type?
10. Compare haploid parthenogenesis with diploid parthenogenesis with example?
11. Write down the methods of asexual reproduction?
12. What is tissue culture. Explain it?
13. Differ b/w identical twins and triplets?
14. Differ b/w external fertilization & internal fertilization?
15. Differ b/w oviparous & viviparous?
16. What is ovovivparity. Give its example?
17. What is the difference b/w oogenesis and spermatogenesis?
18. What is follicle atresia?
19. Differ b/w oestrous cycle and menstrual cycle?
20. What is corpous luteum? Give its function?
21. Define ovulation? How it is induced?
22. Differ b/w menuarch and menopause?
23. What is ment by after birth?
24. Differ b/w lactation and gestation?
25. What are the text tube babies?
26. Write about the disease syphilis and gonorrhea?
27. What is genitical herpes?

IMP Long Question

1. Write down male reproductive system in human?
2. Define photoperiodism. What is the role of phytochrome in flowering?
3. Describe the part of human female reproductive system and mechanism of oogenesis?
4. Describe human female menstrual cycle?
5. Elaborate the child birth in humans?
6. Write a note on sexual transmitted disease in human?

pg. 8
Biology Notes Questions

IMP Short Question
1. Differ b/w growth and development?
2. Define apical and intercalary meristem?
3. Differ b/w primary growth and secondary growth?
4. Differ b/w maturation and differentiation?
5. What is growth co-relation?
6. What is apical dominance. Give its cause?
7. What is the difference b/w inhibitory effect & compensatory effect?
8. How are opaca differ from area pellucida?
9. How blastoderm is formed?
10. Compare morula with blastula?
11. Define gastrulation?
12. What is primitive streak and hensen’s node?
13. Give the role of cytoplasm in the development of ascidian?
14. Differ b/w primary organizer and primary induction?
15. Define aging. Give symptoms of aging?
16. How aging process can be slow down?
17. Differ b/w gerontology and teratology?
18. What are neoblasts?

IMP Long Question

1. Write down about growth co-relation?
2. Describe role of nucleus in development?
3. Explain embryonic induction?
4. Explain aging process?
5. Define regeneration and explain it?
6. Explain abnormal development?

pg. 9
Biology Notes Questions

IMP Short Question
1. What is karyotype. Give its significance?
2. Differ b/w heterochromatin and euchromatin?
3. What is nucleosome?
4. Define transformation?
5. Differ b/w R and S type of bacteria?
6. What is phosphodiester -bond?
7. Differ b/w purine and pyrimidines?
8. Differ b/w conservative and semi-conservative replication?
9. What is dispersive replication?
10. What is lagging strand and leading strand?
11. What are okazaki fragments and also give their length?
12. Write down the function of DNA polymerease 3?
13. Differ b/w template strand & coding strand?
14. What is one gene-one polypeptide hypothesis?
15. What is central dogma?
16. Differ b/w transcription &translation?
17. What is the universality of genetic code?
18. Differ b/w codon and anti-codon/
19. Define genetic code. Give its properties?
20. What are non-sense codon and give its function?
21. What is phenylketonuria?
22. What is point mutation. Give example?
23. What is sickle cell anemia. Describe briefly?
24. What is chromosomal mutation. Give example?
25. What a cap and tail is added to mRNA?

IMP Long Question

1. What is one gene-one polypeptide?
2. Describe briefly about genetic code?
3. Write a note on mutation?
4. Describe the process of transcription and draw it?
5. How morgan proved the theory of heredity experimentally?

pg. 10
Biology Notes Questions

IMP Short Question
1. Define cell cycle. Give its phases?
2. Draw cell cycle.
3. How chromatin differ from chromosomes?
4. Describe the G1 phase of interphase?
5. Differ b/w interphase and mitotic phase?
6. Compare kinetochore microtubules and polar tubules?
7. Differ b/w Go-phase & s-phase?
8. How and when phragmoplast originates?
9. Define mitotic apparatus and give its function?
10. Distinguish b/w karyokinesis and cytokinesis?
11. Which events occur in anaphase of mitosis?
12. How cytokinesis differ in plants &animal cell?
13. Define mitosis and give its importance ?
14. What is metasis?
15. What is the difference b/w cancer cell and normal cell?
16. Differ b/w malignant tumor and benign tumor?
17. What changes occur during diplotene& diakinesis?
18. What is tetrad?
19. What is synapsis?
20. What is non-disjunction of chromosomes?
21. What is down’s syndrome. Give its causes and symptoms?
22. Differ b/w turner’s syndrome & klinefelter’s syndrome?
23. Differ b/w necrosis and apoptosis?
24. How does cell death help in development of multicellular organism?
25. Compare mitosis with meiosis?

IMP Long Question

1. Describe briefly about interphase?
2. What is karyokinesis. Give its phases?
3. Discuss the prophase-1 of meiosis and give its stages?
4. What meiotic errors. Give three examples?

pg. 11
Biology Notes Questions

IMP Short Question
1. Differ b/w genotype and phenotype?
2. What is the difference b/w homozygous & heterozygous?
3. What is the dominant trait &recessive trait/
4. Define gene and locus?
5. What are the jumping genes?
6. Define gene and allel?
7. Differ b/w population& gene pool/
8. What is mendel’s law of segregation and mendel’s law of independent assortment?
9. What is test cross. Give its significance?
10. Define probability?
11. What is product rule?
12. What is dominance. Discuss over dominance with example?
13. Differ b/w co-dominance and incomplete dominance?
14. Compare allel with multiple allels?
15. What is polygenes. Give two examples?
16. What is erythrobdatosis foetalis?
17. What do you know about epistasis?
18. What is Bombay phenotype?
19. Define pleiotropy with two examples?
20. Differ b/w linkage and gene linkage?
21. Define crossing over. Give its importance?
22. Define recombination frequency. Give it formula & example?
23. Differ b/w autosomes & sex chromosomes?
24. Differ b/w homogametic & heterogametic organisms?
25. What is genic system for determination of sex?
26. What is SRY gene?
27. What is pseudo-autosomal gene?
28. What is haemophilia? Give its types?
29. Explain testicular feminization syndrome?
30. Write down the types of colour blindness?
31. Differ b/w sex limited trait & sex influenced trait?
32. Differ b/w diabetes melitus type-1 and type-2?

IMP Long Quuestion

1. Discuss genetics of colour blindness?
2. Discuss mendel’s law of independent assortment?

pg. 12
Biology Notes Questions

3. Define epistasis and explain it with Bombay phenotype?

4. What is genetics of haemophilia?
5. Discuss mendel’s law of segregation?
6. Discuss genetics of ABO blood group system?
7. Explain diabetes mellitus and its genetic basis?

pg. 13
Biology Notes Questions

IMP Short Question
1. What is genome?
2. Define plasmid. Give its uses?
3. Define biotechnology. Names few biotechnology products?
4. What are transgenic organisms?
5. Write three methods to get gene of interest?
6. What are restriction enzyme? Give example?
7. What are palindromic sequences. Give their significance?
8. Give the role of restriction endonucleases?
9. What is probe. How it is traced?
10. Define genomic library. How it can be made?
11. What is taq polymerase. And give its significance?
12. Give uses of PCR?
13. What is DNA finger printing? Give its uses.
14. What is gel-electrophoresis?
15. What is the importance of gene sequencing?
16. Give two different methods in gene sequencing for generation of DNA fragments?
17. What are two goals of human genome product?
18. Define bioreactors. Name few products of bioreactors?
19. How transgenic animals are developed?
20. What is gene pharming?
21. Why urine is preferable vehicle for biotechnology products?
22. Define gene therapy. Give itstwo methods?
23. Differ b/w ex-vivo & in-vivo gene therapy?
24. What is cystic fibrosis. How it is treated?
25. How cancer patient are being treated by gene therapy?
26. What is hypercholesterolemia? How it is treated now a days?
27. What is ment by totipotent?
28. What is cell suspension culture?
29. What are RFLPs. Give their importance?
30. How glowing occur in tobacoo plant?

IMP Long Question

1. Explain about the restriction endonucleases?
2. What is recombinant DNA. Give the expression of recombinant DNA?
3. Discuss the polymerase chain reaction and give its uses?
4. Describe briefly about the transgenic animals?

pg. 14
Biology Notes Questions

5. What do you know about transgenic bacteria?

6. Explain about the transgenic plants?
7. Describe briefly about the transgenic animals?
8. Explain briefly about gene therapy?

pg. 15
Biology Notes Questions

IMP Short Question
1. Define evolution?
2. Differ b/w theory of natural selection & special creation?
3. What are hydothermal vents?
4. What is endosymbiont hypothesis. Give example?
5. What is membrane invagination hypothesis. Give example?
6. What are vestigial organs. Give examples?
7. Differ b/w homologous & analogous organ?
8. Differ b/w convergent & olivergent evolution?
9. What do you know about biogeography/
10. What are fossils? Where they are found?
11. Differ b/w natural selection & artificial selection?
12. Define the term of neo-darwinism?
13. Define gene pool?
14. Differ b/w species & population?
15. State hardy-weinberg theorem. Give its equation?
16. How does genetic drift affect gene frequency?
17. What is role of migration in affecting gene frequency?
18. Define biodiversity?
19. Differ b/w endangered species & threatened species?
20. Name those species who are declared extinct in Pakistan?
21. Write down th measures for the preservation of endangered species?
22. What do you know about extinct species?

IMP Long Question

1. How prokaryotes evolved into eukaryote? Discuss the different hypothesis in this type of
2. Write a note on Neo-Darwinism?
3. How does comparative anatomy provide the evidence of evolution?
4. Describe comparative embryology and molecular biology as an evidence of evolution?
5. Discuss about the Hardy_weinberg theorem?

pg. 16
Biology Notes Questions

IMP Short Question
1. Compare population and community. Give examples?
2. Differ b/w habitat and niche?
3. Give the role of decomposer in ecosystem?
4. What is biome. Name any four major terrestrial biome?
5. Define biosphere and ecosystem?
6. Differ b/w synecology and autecology?
7. Define humus?
8. What are producers and consumers?
9. Define food chain and food web with examples?
10. Define food web and give its significance?
11. Differ b/w pioneer and climax community?
12. Differ b/w primary succession and secondary succession?
13. Define succession and its types?
14. Differ b/w hydrosere and xerosere?
15. Differ b/w predator and prey?
16. What do you know about predation. Give its significance?
17. What is parasitism. Give its two types?
18. Differ b/w ectoparasite and endoparasite?
19. What is mycorrhiza?
20. Differ b/w mutualism and commensalism?
21. What are lichens. Give its significance?
22. What is symbiosis. Give example?
23. Write down a note on root nodules?
24. What is grazing. How grazing affects the texture of soil?
25. How does over-grazing affects a grass-land ecosystem?
26. What is nitrogen cycle? How nitrogen of organic material is converted into NH3?
27. What is denitrification?
28. What are biogeochemical cycle. Give example?
29. Define ammonification and assimilation?
30. Differ b/w micronutrients and macro nutrients?

IMP Long Question

1. What is food web. How it is constructed to show various trophic level. Give its
2. Define succession. Explain different stages of xerosere?
3. Describe predation and parasitism and their significance?

pg. 17
Biology Notes Questions

4. Write a note on grazing?

5. Explain three major steps of nitrogen cycle and draw it?

pg. 18
Biology Notes Questions

IMP Short Question
1. Differ b/w weather and climate?
2. Define hydrospheric ecosystem. Give its features?
3. Define productivity. Give the productivity of grass land ecosystem?
4. Compare phytoplankton with zooplankton?
5. Differ the characterize b/w profundal zone & limnetic zone?
6. What is eutraphication? write its affects on animal life?
7. What are algal bloom? Give its affects on aquatic life?
8. Give two adaptations of terrestrial ecosystem?
9. Write the name of major terrestrial ecosystem in Pakistan?
10. Differ b/w altitude and latitude?
11. Differ b/w alpine forest and boreal forest?
12. What do you know about taiga?
13. What is the difference b/w savanna and prairies?
14. What is layering in grassland?
15. Describe the animal life of grassland ecosystem?
16. What is desertification. Give example?
17. Differ b/w thal and thar. And where they are located?
18. What is the effect of human impact on tundra ecosystem?
19. What type of animal life is found in tundra?
20. Where desert ecosystem is found in Pakistan?

pg. 19
Biology Notes Questions

IMP Short Question
1. Differ b/w renewable and non-renewable resources?
2. Describe briefly about the nutrient cycle in nature?
3. Define tidal barriage?
4. Define wild life and give its importance?
5. What are fossil fuels?
6. Describe abuse of land?
7. Define hydroelectric power?
8. Define soil and give its role?
9. Define biodiversity and forest?
10. Differ b/w wind and air?
11. Give the methods for energy conservation?
12. Define demography and give its importance?
13. Why forests are called environmental buffers?
14. Differ b/w reforestation and Aforestation?
15. What do you know about deforestation?
16. Give the importance of forest?
17. What is ozone layer? Give its importance?
18. What is ozone layer depletion?
19. What are the affect of ozone layer depletion?
20. What is acid rain? Write its affects?
21. Define pollution. Name its four types?
22. Define green house effects and give its cause?
23. What are industrial effluents. Give their role?
24. Name some pathogenic and congential disease?
25. Differ b/w health & disease?
26. What are the affects of global warming?

IMP Long Question

1. Enlist various measures for energy conservation?
2. Explain the phenomenon of green house effect?
3. What is acid rain. Give its causes and influences?
4. Give classification and causes of disease?
5. Write a short note on “modification of environment”?

pg. 20

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