Exam Paper Markschemes 2023

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May 2023

Integrated humanities

On-screen examination

34 pages

This markscheme is confidential and for the exclusive use of examiners in this examination session.

It is the property of the International Baccalaureate and must not be reproduced or distributed to any
other person without the authorization of the IB Global Centre, Cardiff.

The following are the annotations available to use when marking responses.

Annotation Explanation Annotation Explanation

Benefit of the doubt Highlight tool

Clear knowledge shown Irrelevant

Descriptive On page comment (text box)

Effective evaluation Underline tool (can be expanded)

Excellent use of sources Seen

Good analysis Synthesis

Good example Unclear

Good explanation Unfinished answer

Incorrect Point Vague

Good Response/Good Point


The following are the command terms used in the exam, along with their definitions as provided in MYP: From Principles into Practice.

Command term Definition

Break down in order to bring out the essential elements or structure. To identify parts and relationships, and to interpret information
to reach conclusions.

Describe Give a detailed account or picture of a situation, event, pattern or process.

Offer a considered and balanced review that includes a range or arguments, factors or hypotheses. Opinions or conclusions should
be presented clearly and supported by appropriate evidence.

Evaluate Make an appraisal by weighing up the strengths and limitations.

Explain Give a detailed account including reasons or causes.

Formulate Express precisely and systematically the relevant concept(s) or argument(s).

Justify Give valid reasons or evidence to support an answer or conclusion.

Outline Give a brief account or summary.

State Give a specific name, value or other brief answer without explanation or calculation.

Summarize Abstract a general theme or major point(s).

Synthesize Combine different ideas in order to create new understanding.

Consider the merits or otherwise of an argument or concept. Opinions and conclusions should be presented clearly and supported
To what extent
with appropriate evidence and sound argument.

Note to all examiners: The approach used in assessment in the application of assessment criteria is a “best fit” model. The examiner applying an assessment criterion
must choose the achievement level that overall best matches the piece of work being marked. It is not necessary for every detailed aspect of an achievement level to be
satisfied for that level to be awarded but it must reflect the balance of student achievement against the markband. For example, if student work matches two of the three
requirements within a markband but one is seriously lacking, the student should be awarded for the strands that have been met well, but the mark awarded should be at
the lower end of the markband to compensate for what is lacking in one strand. If the level of student work spans multiple markbands, compensation depends on the
performance in the higher order skills. It is worth noting that the highest level of any given criterion does not represent perfection.

Note to all examiners: Examiners should mark positively rewarding what is correct and not take marks away for what is incorrect.
Please note that spelling errors should not impact the marks awarded in any part of the examination.

Question 1 – Criterion A

Explain how one international institution or organization has improved either peace, stability or cooperation in the world. (4 marks)

Note: if no international institution or organization is mentioned, 0 marks must be awarded.

Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not reach a standard

described by any of the descriptors below.
The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (1 mark).
The student states how one international
institution or organization has improved either The UN has helped to maintain international peace.
peace, stability or cooperation in the world.
A (1 mark) response is likely to be a brief sentence.

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (2 marks).

The student outlines how one international The UN has helped to maintain international peace after WW2 with the intention to promote
2 institution or organization has improved either collective security.
peace, stability or cooperation in the world.
A (2 marks) response is likely to be a single sentence that is elaborated on; the detail provided will be
The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (3 marks).

The UN has helped to maintain international peace after WW2 with the intention to promote collective
The student describes how one international security. Members of the UN respond to violations of peace with sanctions.
3 institution or organization has improved either
peace, stability or cooperation in the world. Responses should be considered in detail without any comprehensive reason given. An example
may be used to support the description.
More important than the length of the response is the quality and depth provided.
At this level, responses may include many examples or details but without clear reasoning.

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (4 marks).

The UN has helped to maintain international peace after WW2 with the intention to promote collective
The student explains how one international security. Members of the UN respond to certain violations with military and economic sanctions. By
4 institution or organization has improved either using these sanctions, the UN is able to influence countries to follow international law and
peace, stability or cooperation in the world. customs to ensure a decent standard of living around the world and to prevent other conflicts.

Responses should be considered in detail, along with a reason. An example may be given to
support the explanation but is not essential to be awarded (4 marks).

Question 2 – Criterion A

With reference to Source A or your own knowledge, outline how one current global challenge could be resolved. (2 marks)

Note: a rewording of the context of the question will be awarded (0 marks) (e.g.: “There needs to be cooperation between countries to
stop climate change” or “there needs to be cooperation between countries to stop economic inequality”).
Note: Responses must focus on “how” the challenge could be resolved.
Note: Responses can refer to the challenges that are included in the question.
Note: Cooperation between countries does not need to be specifically mentioned in the response to award marks.
Note: Responses need to include a global challenge, if not 0 marks must be awarded.
Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not reach a standard

described by any of the descriptors below.
The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (1 mark).

The student states how one current global To stop costal water deterioration, countries need to prevent pollution.
challenge could be resolved.
A (1 mark) response is likely to be one sentence including brief details on the challenge.

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (2 marks).

To stop costal water deterioration, countries need to prevent pollution by disposing of chemicals
The student outlines how one current global
2 properly.
challenge could be resolved
A (2 mark) response is likely to be a single sentence with a challenge that is elaborated on; the detail
provided will be brief.

Question 3 – Criterion B

There are many factors that can have an impact on superpowers or empires.
A team developed an action plan for an investigation into the importance of one of these factors: cultural strength.
You will be asked to evaluate their action plan.

Evaluate the team’s action plan for the investigation on the importance of cultural strength for a superpower or an empire. (8 marks)

Note: Students do not need to discuss both strengths and limitations of every part of the investigation to access full marks. Marks are
awarded based on the quality of the response, not the number of strengths or limitations referred to.


Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not reach a standard

described by any of the descriptors below.
The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (1 mark).

The action plan includes detailed information on the tasks to be completed.

The student states the strength(s) of the
action plan. Only one strength needs to be mentioned to warrant (1 mark). The quality of the response is what is
rewarded, not the number of strengths referred to.

A (1 mark) response can be one sentence that refers to a single strength.

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (2 marks).

The action plan includes detailed information on the tasks to be completed such as team strategy, a
brainstorm session, the sources to look at and writing the report.

The student outlines the strength(s) of the Only one strength needs to be mentioned and elaborated on to warrant (2 marks). The quality of the
action plan. response is what is rewarded, not the number of strengths referred to. However, if a student outlines 3
or more strengths, they can be awarded (3 marks).

A (2 marks) response is likely to be a single sentence with two clauses or two/three short sentences;
the detail provided will be brief.

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (3 marks).

The action plan includes detailed information on the four tasks to be completed such as team strategy,
a brainstorm session, the sources to look at and writing the report. Establishing a clear plan before
the start of the investigation helps to understand all the work there is to do.
The student explains the strength(s) of the
action plan.
Only one strength needs to be mentioned and elaborated on in additional detail with reasoning to
warrant (3 marks). The quality of the response is what is rewarded, not the number of strengths
referred to.

If a student outlines 3 or more strengths, they can be awarded (3 marks).


Note: suggesting alternative methods can be interpreted as addressing limitations.

Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not reach a standard
0 described by any of the descriptors
The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (1 mark).

The research question is too vague for this investigation.

The student states the limitation(s) of
1 Only one limitation needs to be mentioned to warrant (1 mark). The quality of the response is what is
the action plan.
rewarded, not the number of limitations referred to.

A (1 mark) response can be one sentence that refers to a single limitation.

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (2 marks).

The research question is too vague for this investigation. It doesn’t name a superpower or an empire.

The student outlines the limitation(s) of Only one limitation needs to be mentioned and elaborated on to warrant (2 marks). The quality of the
the action plan. response is what is rewarded, not the number of limitations referred to. However, If a student outlines 3 or
more limitations, they can be awarded 3 marks.

A (2 mark) response is likely to be a single sentence with two clauses or two/three short sentences; the
detail provided will be brief.
– 10 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (3 marks).

The research question is too vague for this investigation. It doesn’t name a superpower or an empire. As
such, the information found might not be focused enough to help fully understand the importance
The student explains the limitation(s) of of cultural strength for a superpower or an empire.
the action plan.
Only one limitation needs to be mentioned and elaborated on in additional detail with reasoning to warrant
(3 marks). The quality of the response is what is rewarded, not the number of strengths referred to.

If a student outlines 3 or more limitations, they can be awarded (3 marks).


Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not reach a standard

described by any of the descriptors below.
The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (1 mark).

Overall, the action plan is good, it has some strengths, but it could also be improved.
1 The appraisal is stated.
Responses will give an overall appraisal without referencing aspects of the investigation to support it.
It may be a general or vague comment that could apply to any investigation.
The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (2 marks).

Overall, the action plan is good, it has some strengths as it includes clear tasks to complete but it
could also be improved with a focused research question.
2 The appraisal is outlined.
The appraisal statement will weigh up both positive and negative points and make an overall
judgement on the students’ investigative process.

The appraisal can appear anywhere in the response; it does not have to be a concluding statement.
– 11 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

Question 4 – Criterion B

For a school project, your teacher has asked you to work in a team. Your task is to investigate the effect of one of the following factors on a
superpower or empire:
 Military
 Economy
 Geography
 Technology
 Political system (12 marks)

Question 4a

Formulate a clear and focused research question to investigate how one of the factors listed above has affected a superpower or an empire. (2 marks)

Note: Rewording the context of the question should be awarded (0 mark) (e.g., To what extent the economy affects a superpower/empire?)
Note: Examiners should mark positively rewarding what is correct and not take marks away for what is incorrect.
Note: A response can include a specific aspect related to one of the factors, for example nuclear power is related to the Military factor or even
technology (e.g., How has nuclear power affected the US after WW2?).
Note: A response that doesn't include a superpower/empire but that includes two specific aspects such as in this example can be awarded 1 mark: How
did technology affect superpowers positively in the 20th century?
Marks Descriptor Notes
The student does not achieve a standard
0 described by any of the descriptors given A bullet point with a question term at the start should be awarded (0 marks).
The following are examples of the type of response that would be awarded (1 mark).

#1-To what extent did military strength affect the United States?

The student formulates a research question

1 that is either clear or focused and connected #2-How has the military affected the United States?
to the investigation.
In examples 1 and 2 above, the RQ are clear (you can easily understand the intention of the
investigation) and are connected to the investigation of a superpower or an empire. However, the
questions lack focus as they don’t specify, for example, a specific time or other specific aspects related
to the country, the effect, or the chosen factor.
The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (2 marks).
The student formulates a research question
2 that is both clear and focused and connected #1- To what extent did military strength affect the United States after WW2?
to the investigation.
#2- How has the military affected the United States negatively?
– 12 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

In the examples above, the RQ are clear (you can easily understand the intention of the investigation)
and are connected to the investigation of a superpower or an empire. The first RQ focuses on a
superpower and a time period so merits 2 marks. The second RQ focuses on a superpower and an
effect (negatively) so also merits 2 marks.

Question 4b

Justify the relevance of the research question to the investigation. (4 marks)

Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not achieve a standard
0 described by any of the descriptors given
The following are examples of the type of response that would be awarded (1 mark).

Ex. The research question will help to find out about US military strength.

Ex. My question is relevant to the investigation that is about the effect of a factor on a
superpower/empire and is linked to the investigation while being clear and focused.
The student states how the research question
is relevant to the purpose of the investigation.
No detail is required. This is likely to be a single sentence response that makes a simple connection to
the investigation of a superpower or an empire. The 2nd example is vague and makes a very simple
connection even if it’s longer than the 1st example.

A response that could apply to any research is likely to be awarded this level, like the 2nd
The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (2 marks).

The research question will help to find out about how military strength helped the United States after
The student outlines how the research WW2.
question is relevant to the purpose of the
investigation. Likely to be a single sentence with two clauses or two/three short sentences that provides brief detail
on how the RQ is relevant to the investigation of a superpower or an empire.

General or vague information that repeats the content of the question without adding new
details is likely to be awarded this level as a maximum.
– 13 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (3 marks).

The research question will help to find out about how military strength helped the United States after
The student describes how the research
WW2. During this period, military expansion was unlike any other in the United States’ history.
question is relevant to the purpose of the
At least one argument/factor should be considered in detail without providing reasoning why the RQ
is relevant to the investigation of a superpower or an empire.

More important than the length of the response, is the quality and depth provided.

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (4 marks).

The research question will help to find out about how military strength helped the United States after
The student justifies how the research WW2. During this period, military expansion was unlike any other in the United States’ history as they
4 question is relevant to the purpose of the relied on a large army due to the ongoing Cold War between them and the Soviet Union.
At least one argument/factor should be considered in detail, along with reasoning why the RQ is
relevant to the investigation of a superpower or an empire.

More important than the length of the response, is the quality and depth provided.

Question 4c

State one primary source you would use that is clearly linked to your investigation and research question. (1 mark)

Responses may include:

 An interview with a military specialist
 Photographs of US military equipment
 A speech from a US president at the time

Accept any valid response relevant to the student’s investigation.

Note: responses must be detailed enough so that a link to the investigation and/or RQ is clear.
Note: For example, interview/photograph/speech are not specific enough for 1 mark.
– 14 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

Question 4d

Outline the method you would use to record the information from the source stated in part (c). (2 marks)

Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not reach a standard

described by any of the descriptors below.
The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (1 mark).

The student states how information from the I would use my notepad.
source would be recorded
A (1 mark) response is likely to be one brief sentence.

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (2 marks).

The student outlines how information from I would use my notepad and highlight the main points.
the source would be recorded.
A (2 mark) response is likely to be a single sentence with detail that are elaborated on; the detail provided
will be brief.

Question 4e

State one secondary source you would use that is clearly linked to your investigation and research question. (1 mark)

Responses may include:

 A book on the cold war
 A biography of a US political figure during the cold war
 An essay on military warfare

Accept any valid response relevant to the student’s investigation.

Note: responses must be detailed enough so that a link to the investigation and RQ is clear.
Note: for example, book / biography / essay are not specific enough for 1 mark.
– 15 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

Question 4f

Outline how you would make sure the team collaborates effectively during the investigation. (2 marks)

Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not reach a standard

described by any of the descriptors below.
The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (1 mark).
The student states how to make sure the team
I would keep the team focused on the tasks.
1 would collaborate effectively during the
A (1 mark) response is likely to be one brief sentence.

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (2 marks).
The student outlines how to make sure the
I would keep the team focused on the tasks by reminding everyone of our common goal.
2 team would collaborate effectively during the
A (2 mark) response is likely to be a single sentence with detail that is elaborated on; the detail
provided will be brief.
– 16 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

Question 5

As a leader of a shopkeeper association in your area you have been invited to the Trade Fair advertised in the video shown in Source B below.
You have been asked to deliver a persuasive speech to an audience of stakeholders involved in production and consumption including producers,
consumers, employees, governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and members of the community.

In your persuasive speech, explain how sustainable production and consumption can benefit at least one of the stakeholders mentioned above.
Your speech must be accompanied by a supporting presentation slide with:
 a slogan to draw attention to the topic
 at least three points related to your speech. (18 marks)

Criterion A
Note: Elements taken directly from the source should not be awarded any marks.
Note: Knowledge and understanding demonstrated in the presentation slide can contribute to the marks awarded for criterion A.

Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not achieve a standard

0 described by any of the descriptors given

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (1 mark).
The student demonstrates limited
Fair Trade farming families have good income and stability.
knowledge and understanding by outlining
how sustainable production and
Convince your family and friends to buy fair trade!
consumption can benefit stakeholders, using
limited examples and limited relevant
Responses are likely to be brief, with little detail.
There is requirement to include an example but the lack of one does not mean the student
cannot be awarded (1 mark).
Terminology may be limited in terms of accuracy and/or frequency.
– 17 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (3 marks).

Fair Trade farming families have good income and stability. Not only does Fair Trade
help the planet, but the people too.

As consumers, the next time you are grocery shopping with your family, be sure to
look for the green sticker on products. All you need to do is to start with only one
product, and then make the switch!
The student demonstrates adequate
Convince your family and friends to do it too! The market for Fairtrade products
knowledge and understanding by
continues to grow every year. Buy fair and be fair.
describing how sustainable production and
2–3 consumption can benefit stakeholders, using
satisfactory examples, and appropriate
It should be evident that the student has knowledge of fair trade/sustainable production
relevant terminology.
and they should be able to call on example(s) but these examples might be lacking in
detail, they may be vague or not be the most appropriate.

There is likely to be little or no reasoning provided in the response i.e. there may be some
reasoning provided but the examples/terminology/detail in the response is not sufficient
enough to warrant a mark in the higher band then a mark in this band should be awarded
(see best-fit guidance at the start of the document).

Terminology used should be accurately used in the correct context.

– 18 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (4 marks).

Fair Trade certification products mean that you are getting a quality product and that
workers have good working conditions

Fair Trade helps provide farming families and small scale producers with the income
and stability they need to keep their children in school, instead of in the fields. Not
only does Fair Trade help the planet, but the people too.

As consumers, the next time you are grocery shopping with your family, be sure to look for
The student demonstrates substantial
the green sticker on products. All you need to do is to start with only one product, like
knowledge and understanding by
bananas from the Dominican Republic and then make the switch!
explaining how sustainable production
Convince your family and friends to do it too! The market for Fairtrade products continues to
4–5 and consumption can benefit stakeholders,
grow every year, and the more we support it, the more this growth will continue and the
using accurate examples, and
more the low-income producers will benefit. Buy fair and be fair.
appropriate relevant terminology.

At this level, students need to demonstrate good understanding of how fair trade supports
local communities by providing a detailed response to the question.
The student should call on appropriate specific example(s) that support their point(s).

Some reasoning is provided but if the examples/terminology/detail in the response are not
sufficient to warrant a mark in the higher band then a mark in this band should be awarded
(see best-fit guidance at the start of the document).

Terminology used should be accurately and effectively used in the correct context.
– 19 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (6 marks).

Fair Trade certification products mean that you are getting a quality product, that workers
receive fair wages, safe working conditions, and access to education and healthcare.

Fair Trade helps provide farming families and small-scale producers with the income and
stability they need to keep their children in school, instead of in the fields. From Nicaragua to
The student demonstrates detailed knowledge India, farmer and worker associations have used Fair Trade funds to provide school
and understanding by thoroughly explaining supplies, pay for tuition and uniforms, set up scholarship programs, and finance free,
how responsible production and consumption healthy meals for children. Not only does Fair Trade help the planet, but the people too.
can benefit stakeholders, using accurate and
effective descriptions and examples, and As consumers, the next time you are grocery shopping with your family, be sure to look for the
appropriate relevant terminology. green sticker on products. All you need to do is to start with only one product, like bananas
from the Dominican Republic and then make the switch!
Convince your family and friends to do it too! The market for Fairtrade products continues to
grow every year, and the more we support it, the more this growth will continue and the more
the low-income producers will benefit. Buy fair and be fair.

The response should be very detailed and provide clear reasoning, making use of
specific and detailed example(s). However, comprehensive understanding of Fair Trade
or/and Sustainable consumption should be included.

Terminology used should be accurately and effectively used in the correct context.
– 20 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

C1: Format
Note: If the slogan and points are entered into the answer box provided for the presentation script, this should still be rewarded.

Marks Descriptor

0 The student does not achieve a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.

One of the following features are included in the presentation slide:

1 ● A slogan to draw attention to the topic
● At least three points related to their speech

Two of the following features are included in the presentation slide:

2 ● A slogan to draw attention to the topic
● At least three points related to their speech

C2: Communicating information and ideas

Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not achieve a standard

0 described by any of the descriptors given

Language is rarely clear or appropriate to what would be expected in a speech. The text
reads more formally e.g. like an essay.
The student communicates information and
ideas using a style and language that are rarely
1–2 Language is basic/simple and doesn’t engage the audience effectively.
appropriate to the format of persuasive speech
for an audience of stakeholders.
Text may be extremely short (5-6 lines or less) so that not enough evidence is available
to award a higher level.
– 21 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

Language is clear and appropriate to what would be expected in a persuasive speech.

The text reads at times more formally e.g. like an essay and at times like a
The student communicates information and presentation. (A speech that is written more like an essay is likely to be awarded 3
ideas using a style and language that are marks. If it is written more like a speech, it is likely to be awarded 4 marks. Best-fit
3–4 occasionally appropriate to the format of should always be applied.)
persuasive speech for an audience of
stakeholders. Some language features such as first person singular/plural, adverbs/adjectives,
hyperbole, metaphor, rhetorical questions, concise sentences and emotive vocabulary
are used to engage the audience. Award (4 marks) for the use of first person

Language is clear and completely appropriate to what would be expected in a persuasive


The student communicates information and The text reads like a persuasive speech throughout, including by addressing the
ideas using a style and language that are audience directly
5–6 consistently appropriate to the format of
persuasive speech for an audience of Some language features such as first person singular/plural, adverbs/adjectives,
stakeholders. hyperbole, metaphor, rhetorical questions, concise sentences and emotive vocabulary
are often used to engage the audience. Including elements such as “dear
colleagues/friends” and “thank you for listening” along with other language
features can be considered as consistently appropriate.
– 22 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

C3: Organizational structure

Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not achieve a standard

0 described by any of the descriptors given

Ideas rarely build on each other in a logical manner.

The student structures information and ideas
When appropriate, the student rarely uses effective transitions within sentences and/or
in a way that is rarely effective and
1 between sentences and/or paragraphs to show relationships between ideas.
appropriate to the audience of stakeholders
and the purpose of persuading.
Text may be extremely short (5-6 lines or less) so that not enough evidence is available to
award a higher level. Text may read like a list of items.

The student structures information and ideas

in a way that is occasionally effective and Ideas occasionally build on each other in a logical manner.
appropriate to the audience of stakeholders When appropriate, the student sometimes uses effective transitions within sentences
and the purpose of persuading. and/or between sentences and/or paragraphs to show relationships between ideas.

The student structures information and ideas

in a way that is mainly effective and Ideas frequently build on each other in a logical manner.
appropriate to the audience of stakeholders When appropriate, the student often uses effective transitions within sentences and/or
and the purpose of persuading. between sentences and/or paragraphs to show relationships between ideas.

The student structures information and ideas

Ideas consistently build on each other in a clear and logical manner.
4 in a way that is consistently effective and
When appropriate, the student always uses effective transitions within sentences and/or
appropriate to the audience of stakeholders
between sentences and/or paragraphs to show relationships between ideas.
and the purpose of persuading.
– 23 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

Question 6a – Criterion D

State the origin of Source C. (1 mark)

Responses may include:

 Tom Publishing, Wisconsin, United States
 Tom Publishing
 https://countryeconomy.com/demography/population-structure/singapore

Note: only stating “Wisconsin, United States” is not sufficient to earn (1 mark).

Question 6b – Criterion D

State the purpose of Source C. (1 mark)

Responses may include

 To give information about population
 To show changes in population
 To teach about population

Accept any valid response that is not copied from the source.
– 24 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

Question 6c

Outline one value of Source C for a student studying population patterns in Singapore. (2 marks)

Note: Responses may include content (accuracy/objectivity of information, scope/perspectives included and depth, layout and communication), origin
(bias, how recent the source is, country or author - experts/reliability of source or studies, citations), purpose (intended audience, platform, facts or

Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not achieve a standard

0 described by any of the descriptors given

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (1 mark).

It gives good information on population patterns.

The student states the value of the
1 source to a student studying population
Only one value needs to be mentioned to warrant (1 mark). The quality of the response is what is rewarded,
not the number of values referred to.

A (1 mark) response can be one sentence that refers to a single value.

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (2 marks).

It allows students to compare population patterns across two different years.

The student outlines the value of the
2 source to a student studying population Only one value needs to be mentioned and elaborated on to warrant (2 marks). The quality of the response
patterns is what is rewarded, not the number of values referred to.

A (2 mark) response is likely to be a single sentence with two clauses or two/three short sentences; the detail
provided will be brief.
– 25 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

Question 6d

Outline one limitation of Source C for a student studying population patterns in Singapore. (2 marks)

Note: Responses may include content (accuracy/objectivity of information, scope/perspectives included and depth, layout and
communication), origin (bias, how recent the source is, country or author - experts/reliability of source or studies, citations), purpose
(intended audience, platform, facts or opinions).
Note: suggesting alternative methods can be interpreted as addressing limitations.
Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not achieve a standard

0 described by any of the descriptors given

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (1 mark).

The source does not explain population changes.

The student states the limitation of the
1 source to a student studying population
Only one limitation needs to be mentioned to warrant (1 mark). The quality of the response is what is
rewarded, not the number of limitations referred to.

A (1 mark) response can be one sentence that refers to a single limitation.

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (2 marks).

The source does not explain why the population changed to be narrower at the base and wider at the
The student outlines the limitation of the
2 source to a student studying population
Only one limitation needs to be mentioned and elaborated on to warrant (2 marks). The quality of the
response is what is rewarded, not the number of limitations referred to.

A (2 mark) response is likely to be a single sentence with two clauses or two/three short sentences; the
detail provided will be brief.
– 26 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

Question 7

With reference to data from the population pyramids, justify why the prime minister chose to use the two different slogans in 1972 and 1986.
1972: “Zero, possibly even negative population growth.”
1986: “At least two children. Better three. Four if you can afford it.” (6 marks)

Note: If the student only considers either 1972 or 1986, the maximum mark that can be awarded is (4 marks). Best-fit should be applied.
Note: A response that only includes reasons for both years should be awarded (2 marks) as a maximum.
Note: Including the slogans in the response is not considered as details and should not be rewarded.
Note: Examiners should mark positively rewarding what is correct and not take marks away for what is incorrect.
Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not achieve a

0 standard described by any of the
descriptors given below.

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (1 mark).
The student states why the prime
1 minister chose to use one of the In 1972 there was lots of young people.
different slogans in 1972 and 1986
Responses refer to limited data/details for one year (1972 or 1986).

The student outlines why the prime The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (2 marks).
minister chose to use the two different
2–3 slogans in 1972 and 1986 with limited In 1972 there was lots of young people. By 1986 the percentage of people under 19 had fallen.
reference to data from the population
pyramids Responses refer to limited data/details for both years (1972 and 1986).
– 27 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (3 marks).

In 1972, there was lots of young people and fewer older people. By 1986 the percentage of people under
19 had fallen and the percentage living longer had increased.

Responses refer to data/details for both years (1972 and 1986).

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (4 marks).

In 1972, there was lots of young people and fewer older people, the prime minister might have been
worried about the population becoming too large. By 1986 the percentage of people under 19 had fallen
and the percentage living longer had increased.

Responses refer to data/details for both years (1972 and 1986) and include reasoning for one of the two
years (1972 or 1986).
The student justifies why the prime
If the student only considers one of the years, the maximum mark that can be awarded is (4 marks). Best-fit
minister chose to use the two different
should be applied.
4–5 slogans in 1972 and 1986, with
reference to data from the population
The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (5 marks).
In 1972, there was lots of young people and fewer older people, the prime minister might have been worried
about the population becoming too large. By 1986 the percentage of people under 19 had fallen and the
percentage living longer had increased, he might have worried about the population becoming too

Responses refer to data/details for both years (1972 and 1986) and include reasoning for both years
(1972 and 1986).

The following is an example of the type of response that would be awarded (6 marks).

In 1972, there was lots of young people and fewer older people, the prime minister might have been worried
The student fully justifies why the
about population becoming too large and so they might not be able to provide sufficient basic goods,
prime minister chose to use the two
such as food and clothing for everyone. By 1986 the percentage of people under 19 had fallen and the
6 different slogans in 1972 and 1986,
percentage living longer had increased, he might have worried about the population becoming too small so
with reference data from the population
this could mean that there would not be enough young workers to support an aging population.
Responses refer to data/details for both years (1972 and 1986) and include detailed reasoning for both
years (1972 and 1986).
– 28 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX
– 29 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

Question 8

To what extent are changes in population related to changes in resources?

In a well-structured essay, you should:
 provide examples from your MYP studies
 consider different perspectives
 consider at least one of the resources shown in Source D. (24 marks)

Criterion A

Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not achieve a standard described by any of the
descriptors given below.
The student demonstrates limited contextual and conceptual  Responses are likely to be brief, with little detail.
1–2 understanding in an outline, using limited examples and limited  There is requirement to include a resource, as per the question.
terminology  Terminology may be limited in terms of accuracy and/or frequency.
 It should be evident that the student has knowledge of at least one
resource. Example(s) to support their point(s) are accurate but might be
The student demonstrates adequate contextual and conceptual lacking in detail or not be the most appropriate.
3–4 understanding in a description, using satisfactory examples and  There may be some reasons provided but the
appropriate terminology. examples/terminology/detail in the response are not sufficient enough.
 Terminology should be accurately used in the correct context.

 At this level, students need to demonstrate a very good understanding

of at least one resource by providing a response that is accurate and
responds to the question posed. An explanation requires reasons to
The student demonstrates substantial contextual and conceptual
be included.
5–6 understanding in an explanation, using accurate examples and
 The student should call on appropriate examples that support their
appropriate terminology.
 Terminology should be accurately and effectively used in the correct
context in most of the essay.
– 30 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

 The response should provide accurate detail throughout and provide

clear reasons that support the point(s) made, making use of examples
that demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of at least one
The student demonstrates detailed contextual and conceptual  The response must reference examples in detail to support their points.
understanding in a thorough explanation, using accurate and  Terminology should be accurately and effectively used in the correct
effective examples and appropriate terminology. context throughout the essay.
 The student may have demonstrated an excellent understanding,
however this does not mean that the response must be perfect or the
best example of a response you have seen; there are multiple ways of
demonstrating ability and quite different responses may be awarded the
same mark.

Criterion C1: format

Marks Notes
0 The student does not achieve a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.
Two of the following elements are included:

 introduction
1  a main body of argument
 a conclusion

Additional note: The elements must appear as separate paragraphs. If this is not the case (0 marks) should be awarded.
Three of the following elements are included:

 introduction
2  a main body of argument
 a conclusion

Additional note: The elements must appear as separate paragraphs.

– 31 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

Criterion C2: communicating information and ideas

Note: The use of first-person singular is appropriate and formal in the context of a “to what extent question” (e.g.: “I believe that […]”).

Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not achieve a standard described by any of
the descriptors given below.
The style of writing is rarely consistent with what would be expected in an essay.
Language is rarely clear, use of basic, familiar, vague words.
1 The style and language used are rarely appropriate.
Text may be extremely short (5-6 lines or less) so that not enough evidence is
available to award a higher level.

2 The style and language used are occasionally appropriate. The style of writing is not always consistent. Language is less clear in places.

3 The style and language used are consistently appropriate. The style of writing is consistent with what would be expected in an essay. Language
is formal and clear, and the vocabulary is rich and precise.

Criterion C3: organizational structure (essay should be easy to read with ideas logically connected to one another from one sentence to the next)

Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not achieve a standard described by any of

the descriptors given below.
Paragraphs/ideas sometimes build on each other in a logical manner.

When appropriate, rarely uses effective transitions within sentences or between

1 The organizational structure is rarely effective. sentences and/or paragraphs to show relationships between ideas.

Text may be extremely short (5-6 lines or less) so that not enough evidence is
available to award a higher level.
Paragraphs/ideas build on each other in a mainly logical manner.
2 The organizational structure is occasionally effective.
When appropriate, sometimes uses effective transitions within sentences and
between sentences and/or paragraphs to show relationships between ideas.
The organizational structure is consistently appropriate Paragraphs/ideas build on each other in consistently clear and logical manner.
and effective.
– 32 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

When appropriate, uses effective transitions within sentences and between

sentences and/or paragraphs to show relationships between ideas.
– 33 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

Criterion D

Note: examples of perspectives that could be provided include, but are not limited to, considering how changes in population
positively/negatively impact changes in resources and vice versa, different countries, different historical situations.
Note: A response that includes one perspective is likely to be awarded (1-2 marks).
Note: A response that does not include a conclusion indicating to what extend are changes in population related to changes in
resources is likely to be awarded (1-2 marks).

Marks Descriptor Notes

The student does not reach a standard described by any of

the descriptors below.
The student provides one perspective in a basic analysis  One perspective is included and is only considered superficially, i.e. only general
and summarizes information to a limited extent in or vague points are made.
response to the question posed.  The response might not reach a conclusion or fully answer the question at this
The student provides different perspectives in an analysis  At least two perspectives must be included with development of these to show
and summarizes information to make clear arguments in some understanding and their implications; the perspectives will not be
response to the question posed. equally considered/balanced.
 A conclusion is expected but is likely to be not fully developed at this level.
 At least two perspectives must be included with development of these to show a
The student provides different perspectives in an analysis good understanding and their implications; the perspectives must be equally
and synthesizes information to make clear arguments in considered/balanced but might not be highly detailed.
5–6 response to the question posed.  Ideas on the relationship between changes in population and changes in
resources are combined to form a clear and coherent conclusion.
 The synthesis (combining ideas) could appear in the main body of the essay or in
the conclusion.
 At least two perspectives must be included with thorough development of these
to show an excellent understanding and their implications. The perspectives
must be equally considered/balanced and detailed.
The student provides different perspectives in a detailed  Ideas on the relationship between changes in population and changes in
discussion and synthesizes information to make clear resources are combined to form a clear, coherent and convincing conclusion.
7–8 arguments in response to the question posed.  The synthesis (combining ideas) could appear in the main body of the essay or in
the conclusion.
 Although the student will have demonstrated critical thinking, this does not mean
that the response must be perfect or the best example of a response you have
seen; there are multiple ways of demonstrating analytical skills and quite different
responses may be awarded the same mark.
– 34 – humanMOEENGTZ0XXXX

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