Module 4 Biodiversity

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Biodiversity is coined from the words, biological diversity.  Organisms that belong to this kingdom are all
Usually, scientists would refer to three levels of biodiversity microscopic.
namely:  They live in various places, some even in the most
A. Species diversity (different kinds of organisms), severe environments.
B. genetic diversity (genetic information that organisms
contain) and Ex. Methanogens, - can survive in places where there is no
C. ecosystem diversity (different kinds of places where oxygen, present on bottoms of lakes, swamps and rice fields;
organisms live and the interconnections that bind these halophiles and thermophiles
organisms together.)  If you live near rice paddies and swamps the bubbles
By that pop at the water surface is methane.
The Levels of Classification using scientific names, confusion among scientists is avoided
which can happen if common names are used. Because Bacteria -consist of a very diverse group.
Taxonomy (which literally means “arrangement law”) is the common names of organisms vary according to the language  -They have varied shapes.
science of classifying organisms to construct internationally- spoken in each country, scientific names allow the use of  - They can be found in almost all kinds of places, in soil,
shared classification systems with each organism placed into universal names which helps scientists clarify the particular water and air.
more and more inclusive groupings. Think about how a grocery organism they are referring to. Scientific names also provide the  - Some are present in raw or spoiled food; others live in
store is organized. One large space is divided into departments, identity of organisms and indicate their true nature. or on other organisms including your body.
such as produce, dairy, and meats. Then each department  - You must have known that they also cause disease
further divides into aisles, then each aisle into categories and ---- and harm to other organisms. But most importantly,
brands, and then, finally, a single product. This organization bacteria have a variety of uses for the environment and
from larger to smaller, more-specific categories is called a In EUKARYOTES, these materials are enclosed in a membrane for humans.
hierarchical system. while in PROKARYOTES they are not.
 EUKARYOTES - A lot of eukaryotes are multicellular, Different shapes of Bacteria:
Taxonomy Domain Plants Species Nomenclature Genus thus, are larger in size because of the greater number 1. cocci (sing. coccus), - are differently arranged. They can
Common name Animals Order Fungi Reptiles Linnaeus Latin of cells their bodies contain. form pairs (diplococcus), chains (streptococcus), or clusters
Mammalia Aves Family Chordate Phylum Structural  PROKARYOTES - Most prokaryotes are tiny and (staphylococcus).
unicellular, thus, are referred to as microorganisms. 2. Bacilli can also occur in chains (streptobacillus).
3. Spirilla
Taxonomy and Carolus Linnaeus two domains of Prokaryotes
Taxonomy is the part of science that focuses on naming and  Archaea  Propionibacterium acnes – bacterium that result to
classifying or grouping organisms. A Swedish naturalist named  Bacteria. pimples,?
Carolus Linnaeus is considered the 'Father of Taxonomy'  Mycobacterium tuberculosis – bacterium caused by
because, in the 1700s, he developed a way to name and (Eukarya) – the third domain of The eukaryote group that Tuberculosis,
organize species that we still use today. His two most important includes protists, fungi, plants and animals.  Leptospira interrogans – bacteria from Leptospirosis
contributions to taxonomy were: , a bacterial infection due to exposure to the spirochete
1. A hierarchical classification system SIX-KINGDOM CLASSIFICATION bacterium,.
2. The system of binomial nomenclature (a 2-part naming  Archaebacteria,  -These bacteria are present in the urine and tissues of
method)  Eubacteria, cattle, pigs, horses, dogs, rats, and wild animals.
 Protist,  It has been found out that the largest number of
The modern taxonomic classification system has eight main  Fungi leptospira bacteria are in the urine of rats.
levels (from most inclusive to most exclusive): Domain,  Plant,
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species  Animal kingdoms. Bacillus anthracis - is responsible for the disease called
Identifier anthrax. The bacterium is found in the soil and can survive for
many years.
Skin anthrax - occurs in the Philippines through contact with
animal tissues or their products. Inhalation and intestinal
anthrax caused by inhaling spores and eating of contaminated a - - have been developed into a microbial pesticide. - Eucheuma muricatum - or kanot-kanot, another
or undercooked meat, respectively, are more deadly.  It is used to control pests and and insects carrying name for gozo, is a member of the red algae group.
Antiobiotics - are substances that kill or inhibit disease- diseasecausing organisms. The group differs from the rest of the algae by storing
causing organisms. food in the form of floridean starch. As their name
 Streptomycin, - an antibiotic used to treat tuberculosis PROTISTS – suggests, red pigments mask their chlorophyll.
and Streptomyces griseus. – used to treat certain  come from unrelated ancestors. Red algae - can change color depending on whether they are
types of pneumonia  This grouping is referred to by biologists as an artificial exposed or hidden from light. When they are exposed to light,
 Streptomyces venezuelae - produces grouping. they are bright green in color.
chloramphenicol used in killing bacteria that cause  Protists differ in size, movement and method of
typhoid fever and skin infections. obtaining energy. Though most of protists are Heterotrophs - - with no permanent structure for movement
microscopic, some can grow to as high as several include the radiolarians, foraminiferans and amoeba.
Escherichia coli -naturally found in the large intestine of meters.  They move by means of the pseudopods or
humans. pseudopodia.
 -It feeds on partially digested food moving from the Three Groups Of Protist.
stomach to the small intestines. 1. PHOTOTROPHS - produce their own food. Entamoeba histolytica
 These bacteria meanwhile provide the much needed  are like plants in that they have chlorophyll. This group - - is a harmful species of amoeba living in freshwater
vitamin B12 that otherwise the human body cannot includes the algae, dinoflagellates, and euglenoids. bodies.
produce. 2. HETEROTROPHS feed on other organisms. - If present in underground water, it can contaminate
 This group is also divided into a group with no drinking water.
Lactobacilli bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus of permanent part for movement, those with cilia, - Can cause amoebiasis. If the protist invades the
the lactic acid bacteria group. and those with limited movement. intestinal lining it leads to amoebic dysentery.
 - These are specifically involved in making sour milk or 3. SPOROZOAN - nonmotile and form spores Members of this
yogurt. group are all parasitic. Paramecium
ALGAE-  - moves using the cilia attached to parts or all over its
Yogurt is made by adding a culture of Lactobacillus  may be green, golden, brown or red. body.
bulgaricus present in the starter to skimmed milk powder.  The chlorophyll in green algae is not masked in contrast  - free-living and present in both fresh and salt water.
Lactase in the bacteria changes the milk sugar into lactic acid. to the other members of the group. The carbohydrate They also use the cilia to get food. Other examples are
When this occurs, proteins in milk curdle which gives yogurt its that green algae produce is stored as starch. They grow the Didinium and Vorticella.
semi-liquid texture. on wet, humid rocks or bark of trees, in non-flowing Sporozoan - cannot move on their own.
canals, in seas, freshwater bodies and even polluted -They may be free-living and parasitic.
BACTERIA WHICH CAN HELP SOLVE THE PROBLEM OF waterways. Green algae differ in size and shape. Some Plasmodium - are harmful for they cause malaria, a serious
OIL SPILLS. are unicellular; others form colonies, sheets, filaments, disease in humans. This malaria-causing sporozoan is
These are: tubes and ribbons. transmitted to humans by Anopheles mosquito.
 Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Examples of Green Algae Flagellates - Another group of heterotrophs.
 Acinetobacter baumanii,  (a) Chlorella,  They are unicellular and they use one or many of their
 Paenibacillus thiaminolyticus,  (b) Draparnaldia, threadlike flagella to move.
 Bordetella bronchiseptica and  (c) colonial Pediastrum,  There are parasitic and free-living flagellates.
 Lysinibacillus sphaericus.  (d) filamentous Spirogyra Trichonympha - - is beneficial to other organisms.
 It lives in the intestine of termites.
the CYANOBACTERIA are plantlike because they have Golden algae - - cells also contain chlorophyll but is masked by  Since termites cannot digest the wood that they eat,
chlorophyll-containing cells. Most of them are single-celled, yellow pigments. Members of this group are mostly microscopic. Trichonympha do it for them. Termites in turn give them
some form filaments, while others form spores. They store food in the form of leucosin oil or chrysolaminarin. a home and food to eat.
Brown Algae- Most members of this group are marine so you FUNGI - - the orange colored growth on spoiled corn,
Anabaena azollae, - another cyanobacterium is important in can see them just lying around on the beach. Brown pigments  - the gray to black or white spots on a three-day old
agriculture. mask their chlorophyll. bread left in a warm and humid or moist place.
 - It converts nitrogen in air into compounds usable by - the largest of the algae species. Giant kelps, a member  - Or the kabuti, that your father gathered from the
plants for growth and development. The same is being of this group can grow to more than 30 meters in woods and yeast used in making bread.
done by the Rhizobium group of bacteria. They are length. This group of algae store carbohydrate in the  they have no chlorophyll thus, cannot produce their own
present in the root nodules of legumes. form of laminarin. food.
• consist of animals whose tentacles contain stinging • (Phylum Mollusca) are soft-bodied invertebrates with
SAPROPHYTES. - feed on decaying matter cells called nematocysts. most of them covered by a shell.
Examples of fungi used as food are: • These poison-filled structures are used for defense and • They have complex respiratory, reproductive,
 Volvariella sp. to capture their prey or food. circulatory, digestive and excretory systems
 Pleurotus sajor-caju (oyster mushroom). functioning together for their survival. The mollusk’s
 Others utilized in soy sauce making include the yeast, body has three parts: a muscular foot for locomotion,
Saccharomyces rouxii and the mold, Aspergillus a mantle that produces the shell, and the visceral
oryzae. mass that contains their internal organs. Mollusks
 Yeast - is an ingredient in making bread. consist of three classes:
 Fungi - are involved in decomposing organic materials. a. the Gastropods,
Decomposition - is made faster using Trichoderma b. Bivalves and
harzianum. c. Cephalopods
 Penicillium notatum - An important mold to mention
 It is used in making penicillin, a drug that kills disease-
causing bacteria.

The mold Aspergillus flavus - produces aflatoxin, a poisonous

substance. If large amounts of aflatoxin in moldy corn, garlic or
peanuts are ingested, both poultry and humans can be 3. Flatworms
poisoned. • belongs to Phylum Platyheminthes (in Greek platys
means flat, helmins means worm).
The parasitic fungi Trichophyton mentagrophytes and T. • they are flat and ribbonlike organisms.
rubrum, cause athlete’s foot. T. rubrum can also cause • They include the free-living or nonparasitic worms,
ringworm. the parasitic flukes, and the tapeworm group.
Planaria is an example of a free-living flatworm.
• Flukes are parasites that live in other animals
including humans. Gastropods, also called univalves, as you have observed, has
THE ANIMAL KINGDOM only one shell. They are mostly marine with freshwater and
4. Roundworms terrestrial members.
Animals consist of two major groups, • members of Phylum Nematoda.
1. Invertebrates - lack backbone Bivalves are attached to rocks while others remain in the sand
• have long, cylindrical and slender bodies. Parasitic
2. vertebrates. – with backbone or mud. They use their mantle cavity to feed by trapping
roundworms can be found in moist tissues of plants
and animals. suspended particles in water and for gas exchange. Ex.
• Ex. Heartworms , trichina worms, hookworms and the Mussels, oysters, and clams
more common pinworms and Ascaris
Cephalopod group include the squid and cuttlefish with internal
1. Sponges - skeleton.
5. Segmented Worms
• the simplest animals, belong to Phylum Porifera.
• belongs to Phylum Annelida.
• They live in shallow and deep oceans. 7. Echinoderms
• Also known as annelids, these animals are
• The body of a hard sponge is supported by a “skeleton” • belong to Phylum Echinodermata.
characterized by a segmented or repeated body
called spicules, made of either glasslike silica or
parts. • All echinoderms are found in a marine environment.
calcium carbonate. Ex. Sea lily,
• Examples of annelids are earthworms, polychaetes
• Water and food enter through the pores into the • Echinoderm species which are edible include the sea
and leeches. Most polychaetes are marine living in
sponge body. Food is brought to the collar cells with urchin and sea cucumber.
tubes attached to rocks or sand. They get floating
the beating of flagella. Waste water and materials go
food through the feathery gills. Sandworms are • Ex. Holothuria edulis, a sea cucumber, is dried and
out of the sponge through the osculum. used as ingredient for chopsuey and soups.
examples of polychaetes.
2. Cnidarians 8. Arthropods
6. Mollusks
• Members of Phylum Cnidaria • Ex. spiders, crabs and centipedes
• they have jointed legs. 3. Reptiles
• belong to Phylum Arthropoda. - are animals that exhibit more adaptations for
• There are arthropods that walk or crawl, some living on land.
can fly, while others swim in salty and - They lay eggs with shells to protect them from
freshwaters. drying. They also have smooth or rough scales
for protection from loss of body water.
Crustaceans - form one group of arthropods - Ex. Lizards and snakes, Crocodiles and
- Ex. includes water fleas, crabs, shrimps, lobsters and alligators, turtles and tortoises, Pawikan
barnacles. (marine turtles)
Arachnids - have two body sections, most with four pairs of
legs and mouthparts called chelicerae and pedipalps. 4. Birds
- They use book lungs to respire. Spiders with thin and - adapted to fly.
flexible exoskeleton are the largest members of the - Characteristics of birds that enable them to fly
group. Mites and ticks are parasitic arachnids. They include: presence of wings and feathers, large
cause itching to some mammals, flight muscles in the breast bone and reduced
Scorpions- have a poisonous sting. weight.
horsehoe crab- a close relative of arachnids, is considered the What characteristics differentiate mammals from other animals?
oldest living arthropod. 5. Mammals
Millepedes and centipedes, close relatives of insects have - they have mammary glands that produce milk Mammals are present in various places, from the very cold to
long, wormlike segmented bodies. to nourish their young and most have hair or the warmest regions and in salt waters. Many live among
fur. humans. Mammals have become an important part of
An important insect that you should learn about is the mosquito. - monotremes, The first group of mammals, ecosystems. In grasslands, zebras eat plants and in turn are
A species of this group, Aedes aegypti pose a danger to called lay eggs similar to those of birds. killed and eaten by lions. In forests, bats eat insects and
people of all ages. It carries and transmits through its bite the - Marsupials or the pouched mammals also give compete with monkeys for fruits. Seeds are then spread for
virus that causes dengue. birth to live young. plants to grow in other areas. Wastes of these mammals serve
- eutherians comprise the largest group of as fertilizers to plants. In human communities, rats carry
9. Chordates mammals. Known as the placental mammals, bacteria and dogs virus that cause diseases. In farmlands,
- Animals belonging to Phylum Chordata have four they bear fully developed young inside the carabaos work for people, while cows, sheep and goats provide
characteristics that are present in any of the stages in mother’s uterus. meat and milk. Rats destroy crops and compete with humans
their life cycle. for rice grains. In whatever way, good or bad, mammals affect
Primates - are the most highly developed of all the ecosystems where they live.
- They are able to walk erect, with fingers and
1. Fishes toes adapted to grasp or hang on branches and
- Fishes are vertebrates found in salty, fresh, cold or hold things or manipulate food.
even hot water. - They also have a high degree of intelligence.
- belong to Class Agnatha. Primates exhibit social behavior like living in
- Cartilaginous fishes include the rays, skates and organized groups or communities.
- The diverse groups of bony fishes belong to Class
2. Amphibian-
- means “double life” from which amphibians got
their name. This refers to animals that live part
in water and part on land.
- Amphibians are divided into three groups, the
caecilians, salamanders, and frog and toads.
THE PLANT KINGDOM - They are also called flowering plants since flowers, as
well as fruits, are involved in their reproduction and
- belong to the EUKARYOTE GROUP. development.
- They are multicellular and because they have chlorophyll, they Angiosperms can be classified according to their lifespan.
can make their own food. 1. Annuals - live for a year or one growing season and
die like rice and corn.
Plants consist of two big groups: 2. Biennials develop roots, stems and leaves during the
1. (NONVASCULAR) - those which do not have tissues to first year, produce seeds on the second year, then die.
transport water and food and 3. Perennials live for many years, usually producing
2. (VASCULAR) - those that have this transport system woody stems like tsitsirika, bamboo, and trees.

Nonvascular Plants
Ex. Liverworts, mosses and hornworts
- They are attached to the places where they live by Importance of Angiosperms
means of their root-like rhizoids. These rhizoids absorb Angiosperms of importance worth mentioning are Filipinos’
water and nutrients instead of true roots. staple food: rice for most of us, corn in some areas; vegetables
- Nonvascular plants may seem very small but they play like camote tops, malunggay, cabbage, carrots, saluyot and
an important role in the environment. squash.

Dried Sphagnum or peat moss - is used to wrap plants and Many angiosperms have been developed to prevent and cure
breakable items during transport. some diseases.
1. Lagundi,
Vascular Plants 2. sambong,
Ex. Ferns also reproduce by spores. 3. ampalaya, and
Monocotyledons or monocots - have only one cotyledon 4. banaba
The Anabaena cyanobacterium - are present in the underside present, ex. Coconut and grasses
of azolla, a water fern. Dicotyledons or dicots - have two. Ex. Gumamela and Harmful Plants
Gymnosperms 1. Jatropha curcas (tuba-tuba/tubang bakod) is -
- Plants whose seeds are borne in cones popular due to its being an alternative source of bio-
- Seed plants consist of those which bear seeds fuel. Although known to have medicinal properties, its
contained in cones and those inside a protective layer seed is poisonous.
of tissue. 2. Manihot esculenta (cassava) if boiled with its bark on
- are sources of quality wood for making plywood and it can be poisonous.
furniture. 3. Echinochloa crus-galli (dawa-dawa) and Digitaria
Examples: sanguinalis (saka-saka) are weeds which are
a. conifers - pine trees grow in cold countries and in alternative hosts to abaca and corn mosaic viruses.
elevated places in warmer climates. They are woody
trees and have tough needlelike leaves.
b. cycads - short, palm-like plant growing in tropical and
subtropical areas.,
c. ginkgoes, and
d. gnetophytes - represented by Welwitschia which can
be found in Namibia, Southwestern Africa.

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