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as to a neurotic sympto
explanation and radica
authentic levels of c
appearances of social li
an ostensible cure that o
the promise of practical
on the dynamics of th
equations of economic e
of necessity; it places th
the individual rather th
strongly to the renegad
Trotskyists, who clust
Review in the 1930s and
unfolding of ineluctable
ukase, but a projection
social brotherhood - a
idealized Gemeinschaft
work. Marxists in name
the libertarian bias of
views of the mind tha
By the mid-forties, w
Goodman had embra
groundrules for their
who found in psychoana
illusions. And a decade
Ginsberg would also be
Reichian modalities. If
that their psychoanalys
signalled an end to con
said that it expressed t
into human predicamen
prospects for moral p
militant, Reichian mode
history than a tactical
outflank the reactionary
those intellectuals who t
of the mind. But, in it
advanced the theme of Civilization and Its Discontents that the tension
between human desires and social constraints is both inevitable and
necessary, and that aggression and guilt are built-in features of human
nature which are not subject to amelioration by social means. The later
work of Freud, with its emphasis on aggression and its Manichaean
* * * *
synthesis of philosophy
might well betoken noth
abstractions. Laskell
learning that you don't
you get the general drif
for the better, to be sur
the family, in which i
weight and complexity.
for the seminar room, a
acquaintances who gath
ideas, for nothing dra
dramatic action upon th
is both to play up thei
political value.
♦ * * *
Seeing nothi
hanging in th
he saw it thre
left or by th
deeply connec
essential heal
and the Bow,
Philoctetes, th
neurosis. For i
neurosis, as a
point of appea
its own excess
Liberal Imagi
The cornersto
health of art,
essays as obje
dictum that t
He is not poss
under the sh
original sin, t
over his confl
successful obje
available to o
struggle." Reg
writing, what
We may balk at this logic, since any idea we accept ceases instantly to
be absurd, but what I want to emphasize here is not the logic but the
detachment of a portion of Freud's psychology from the findings that
support it and the consequences of its application, that is, from the
science or craft of psychoanalysis, and its attachment to the character of
the scientist. The validity and theoretical sufficiency of the death instinct
is dispensed with in favor of its philosophical elegance and moral
reference, what Freud called elsewhere "its grandeur, its ultimate tragic
courage in acquiescence to fate? In other words, if the death instinct can't
be entirely believed it may nonetheless, like the mind that conceived it,
be admired.
Psychoanalysis itself, however, was not uniformly compelling for
Trilling, and if he neglected to apply it with all the rigor and zeal that has
been demonstrated by more recent practitioners, it is not because he
misunderstood its in
enthusiasm for the dia
perceptions. As a part
psychoanalytic practice
among the infantile, th
levelsof being. If the bas
every adult harbors a ba
preferences led him in ju
writer for the adult batt
pleasure and reality pri
therefore moral, equili
toward the artist's moral
Thus, the fantasy life o
ordinary sorts pays at
thought, which put a pr
and his commitment to r
Keats, Austen, Orwell,
quality of realization an
nature of existence and
attention and intellectua