Learning Centers Form Voyagers
Learning Centers Form Voyagers
Learning Centers Form Voyagers
Ian- Searching for Children search for shadows Science and Inquiry Children will be able to Opaque objects
Example Shadows while on the playground. identify that shadows block light
They mark the placement of SC 1.b Develops ability appear to move over time
a shadow by outlining it with to reason about cause by marking shadow Earth’s movement
chalk or sticks. After 20 and effect. positions in 20-minute influences the
minutes, the children will intervals or at different position of
return to their markings to times of the day. They will shadow/perspectiv
see if the shadow moved or begin to ask questions and e of sunlight
stayed in the same place. make hypotheses about
Children will be asked the apparent movement of
preliminary questions like shadows.
“What is a shadow?” and
“How did the shadow
A Tierney Painting with The students will be given a Students will be able to Students explore
Tatosian Ingredients! meaningful opportunity to think symbolically and see different colors of
(Broccoli) learn how broccoli can be Cognitive Development that broccoli can be used paint and how they
used symbolically. They will for many different things. mix together to
be able to use the broccoli CO 2.a. Demonstrates make new colors.
as paint brushes/sponges to increasing ability to Students will be able to
paint on cardstock paper. think symbolically. strengthen their fine motor Students can
They will be asked questions skills as it promotes hand- discuss the
such as, “What is broccoli eye coordination and anatomy of plants
typically used for?” “What Creative Development: reflexes. and connect that to
does broccoli do for our broccoli. They will
bodies?” “How do we cook CR 1.a. Expresses Students will demonstrate learn about the
with broccoli?” ideas and feelings creativity and engagement parts of the broccoli
through visual art. with the lesson. such as the stem,
florets, and leaves.
B Sophie S’more Pops Students will follow my Approaches to Students will understand Ingredients can be
Tomashot directions step-by-step and Learning: a. Engages in that the ingredients in similar in recipes
create their delicious treat by new and unfamiliar s’mores can be used to but in different
using the ingredients in a experiences and create a similar outcome steps have different
specific order to create a activities. even though the steps are outcomes.
specific outcome. different than a normal
Cognitive Development: S’more. This can help
Solves problems by prepare them for the future
questioning, planning, recipes and cooking with
and carrying out a their families
of actions.
C Mara Making Children will step by step Science Inquiry and Children will be able to Students will learn
Sandlewick cupcakes learn about the key Application understand the role of about temperature
ingredients needed to make 1.b. Develops ability to different ingredients used and how mixing
cupcakes. reason about cause and to bake cakes. ingredients can
effect. make a product.
1. Engagement and
b. Completes activities
with increasingly
complex steps
D Anna What’s In Your Place a variety of foods from Domain: Physical The students will place a Ingredients are
Spragg Lunch Bag? all of the food groups on Wellness. variety of foods from all the used from all
their paper lunch bag. 2.c. Consumes healthy food groups on their paper different types of
food and develops lunch bag. food groups.
healthy eating habits.
Demonstrates basic
understanding that
eating a variety of foods
helps the body grow
and be healthy.
E Lauren Categorizing The children will have the Engagement and Students will work on They will learn that
Anderson Kitchen food opportunity to sort through a Persistence: categorizing and all foods and
big bowl of all different kinds 1.a. Engages in new classifying all the different ingredients are
of play food and sort it and unfamiliar foods that there are. different and
according to either color, experiences and belong to different
size, fruits, and vegetables. activities areas and are used
Science Inquiry and for different things.
1.a. Explores and
investigates objects and
events in the
F Jordan Karn How to use The students will be given a Physical Development -Students will be able to -Using utensils to
Utensils Safely meaningful opportunity to and Wellness, Motor demonstrate an cook safely, using
in the Kitchen learn how to use real-world Development, 1.b. understanding of safety science and
kitchen utensils safely and Demonstrates practices for how to use cooking with them.
practice using them with developing control of kitchen tools when cooking
play dough as “pretend fundamental fine motor and cutting foods. -Safety in Science
food”. Students will be given skills, including
the following utensils: cutting hand-eye coordination. -Students will be able to -Scientific
board, plastic scissors, strengthen their fine motor Observation of
plastic knives, plastic Physical Development skills by using kitchen tools rolling play dough,
spoons, measuring cups, and Wellness, safely when playing with flattening play
rolling pin, tongs, mixing Wellness, Play-Doh and pretending to dough, placing it in
bowls, mixing spoon, 2.f. Demonstrates prepare food for a kitchen. measuring cups.
spatula, and more. With increasing
proper supervision and understanding of safety
support, students will learn practices and behaviors
how to safely use them.
They will be able to
strengthen their fine motor
skills and show what they
learned within their daily
routines and even in the
home center of the
classroom during play.
G Lily Kvidera Glitter germs! - The students are shown a Physical development - Students will understand - Understanding to
understanding tray of glitter and a separate and wellness - 2.f. and see that germs can wash hands
how germs table of washable toys. I Demonstrates travel from one surface to correctly to cook
spread explain to the students that increasing safely
since we cannot see germs understanding of safety - Scientific
with our eyes, the glitter that practices and behaviors - Students will learn how to observation skills
I have shown you is going to eliminate germs by washing (using touch) -
serve as the germs. Each Cognitive development their hands with warm water seeing how things
student one by one will be - 3.a. Uses increasingly can transfer onto
and soap for at least 20
able to put their hands into complex strategies to others
the tray of glitter and then solve problems. seconds.
carefully walk over to the
table of toys. They will then
take their hands that are
now full of glitter and use
them to play with the toys.
This will show the students
how the germs (glitter)
transfer from place to place.
Afterwards I will ask them
how we can get rid of germs.
H Clara Kitchen Safety Students will be grouped Approaches to Learning: Recall past knowledge of Understanding that
Minardi Mix n’ Match into groups of 4 and are 1a- Engagement and what they know on kitchen our senses allow
seated at the round table. Persistence: Engages in safety and what they need us to understand
Students will then be given 2 new and unfamiliar to do to keep themselves what is hot and not
photo cards with items in the experiences and safe. hot
kitchen that are sharp or not Understanding how
sharp. There are three we handle certain
topics total: Sharp/not sharp, kitchen tools with
Cognitive Development:
hot/not hot, safe to touch/not care and safety
1a- Memory: Develops
safe to touch. The students
will take time to look at their the ability to recall
two photo cards per topic information about
and then will come up to the objects, people, and past
poster board and use tape to experiences.
stick their photo onto the
correct side of the table on
the poster board. During
this, talking out loud about
why it is safe or not safe and
what we can do to keep us
Mixing and
K KC Finfrock What Makes The children will make Science and Inquiry The student will be able to The heating
Popcorn Pop? scientific observations about make inferences, process (heat,
popcorn kernels before they Science 1.b.6: Makes generalizations, and expanding,
are heated in the inferences, explanations about why condensation,
microwave. Then, the generalizations, and popcorn pops based on steam).
children will watch the explanations (may not prior knowledge and
popcorn as it is being be correct) based on experiences with popping Scientific
cooked in the microwave prior knowledge or popcorn. observation skills
and make scientific evidence using the five
observations based on what The student will be able to senses.
they are hearing, smelling, Science 1.a.5: Engages engage in the science of
and seeing during the in investigations, makes cooking investigation, Safety in science
popcorn cooking process. comparisons between make comparisons
Finally, the children will have two or more items or between popcorn kernels
the opportunity to use their events, and makes and cooked popcorn, and
five senses to compare predictions based on make predictions about
popcorn kernels with cooked previous observations. what will happen to the
popcorn as well as explore popcorn kernel when they
the effect that the application are heated based on
of heat has on food. The previous observations.
children will be assessed
during the pre-assessment
and post-assessment on
their ability to answer the
following questions: “Do you
know how popcorn is made,”
“Can you identify what
popcorn looks like before,
during, and after the heating
process,” “How is popcorn
transformed from a popcorn
kernel to cooked popcorn,”
and “What are the important
kitchen safety rules that we
should follow when working
with hot materials?”
L Emme Is it a solid or a The children will mix water 1.A - The students will be - The
Slaght liquid? and cornstarch to household Creative development able to identify changing of
kitchen ingredients to create Expresses ideas and cornstarch and the
oobleck. The students will feelings through visual other kitchen items, ingredients
mix the ingredients together they will use these making a
and then the question of the preferences, pleasures
items to combine new
oobleck while observing it or displeasures when and mix the substance
will be is it a solid or liquid? interacting with various ingredients. - The
Once they have observed materials and activities - The students will be changing of
the oobleck they will then able to think about viscosity of
begin playing with it. The the oobleck and the oobleck
question while they play with 2.a substance of the when
the oobleck is, “is this a solid Cognitive development oobleck, thinking pressure is
or a liquid”. Once they have Demonstrates increasing and wondering applied to it
discussed with each other ability to think about it being a -
that the oobleck becomes a symbolically solid or a liquid
solid when touched, the Explores real objects, - The students will be
people, and actions
question will be asked “so is able to use
this a solid or a liquid”. The measuring cups
students will discuss but I and mix the
will lead them in discussion ingredients together
interrupting with questions creating a
such as “how can it look like transformation.
a liquid but feel like a solid?”
“why does it become a solid
when it is touched” Once
they have discussed why the
oobleck looks like a liquid
but feels like a solid. I will
also discuss why they think
water and cornstarch when
mixed completely changes
substance and transforms.
M Emma Making No The students will have the Domain:PhysicalDevelo 1. The children will learn - exploring
Golden Bake Cookies opportunity to mold non pment and Wellness, about cooking by practicing concept of
bake cookie dough into any Strand:Motor preparing chemistry
shapes they want. They will Development,Standard: cookies,completing the behind
have their own plate, napkin 1.b.Demonstrates activity,and having a cooking
and fork set up. They will Developing Control Of discussion
wash their hands, put on fundamental fine motor - Mixing
their smock, and wait for me skills, including 2. The children will be able ingredients
to start a 5 minute timer. hand-eye coordination. to identify cooking tools to form a
Once I explain the and matter functions by new
directions, I will start the Domain:Language and completing an activity that substance
timer to let them make their Literacy, Strand: will allow them to identify (cookie)
cookies. While making their Language and cooking tools.
own cookie, I will facilitate a Communication,Standar
discussion about cooking, d:1a.Demonstrates
recipes, and why these Understanding of
cookies don’t need to be increasingly complex
baked. language.
N Brynne
O Kellie Understanding The students will be given -Domain: Cognitive --The students will be able to -Using specific
Fedkoe Cooking Tools! the opportunity to share prior Development demonstrate their kitchen tools to
knowledge about cooking Strand: Memory understanding of kitchen tools prepare and eat
tools displayed. The teacher Standard Statement: 1. A. by naming a food item that different types of
will explain to the students Develops the ability to could be made or eaten by foods relates to the
recall information about using a given tool
the use of each cooking tool, science of how
objects, people, and past
and what foods can be -The students will be able to each tool was
prepared or eaten with the demonstrate their designed to have a
tool. The students each get understanding of kitchen tools purpose.
-Domain: Language and
the name of two cooking by identifying the correct tool,
tools that were discussed. Strand: Language and provided it’s given name. -observing the
They will be assessed on Communication cooking tools
whether they are able to Standard: 1.b. Develops enhances sensory
identify the given tools and and expands exploration by
provide an example of a understanding of allowing the
vocabulary and concepts.
food that can be prepared or students to explore
eaten using the tools. The the different tools
students will be given time to and observe their
investigate and play with the texture, structure,
provided kitchen tools. and shape.
P Molly Painting with The kids will have a chance Domain: Creative 1. Students will This activity
Becker Cooking Tools to talk about kitchen tools development experiment with provides scientific
and share what they know. Strand: 1. Artistic using cooking relevance by
Then, I'll add any extra Engagement and utensils as allowing children to
information they might have Expression paintbrushes. explore cause and
missed. After that, we'll 1.a. Expresses ideas 2. Students will effect, sensory
move on to the fun part! The and feelings through understand the experiences, and
kids will get to use those visual art uses and purposes material properties.
same kitchen tools in a new of cooking tools By experimenting
way—by making art. They Domain: Physical 3. Students will with various kitchen
can pick tools like a rolling Development and demonstrate tools as
pin, pizza cutter, cup, fork, Wellness creativity and fine paintbrushes, they
spoon, or whisk. Then, Strand: Motor motor skills while learn about texture,
they'll dip them in paint and Development painting with pattern, and color
use them to make cool 1.b. Demonstrates different utensils. mixing. Through
designs on paper. They can developing control of hands-on
try different ways of painting, fundamental fine motor exploration, they
like swirling or tapping, to skills, including observe how
see what happens and have hand-eye coordination. different tools
fun experimenting with produce different
colors and shapes. effects on paper,
fostering scientific
inquiry through
observation and
Q Kate Newell Making Music The children will be asked 1. Artistic Engagement 1. Students will be able This allows for
with Utensils what they know about the and Expression b. to name kitchen children to
kitchen tools and if they can utensils. investigate the
Expresses self
name them and their use in 2. Students will be able science of sound
creatively through to engage with the
the kitchen. The children will music and dance. and texture. The
be provided with kitchen utensils in a way that students make
Explores making sounds they would not in the
tools. The tools include sounds with
with a variety of kitchen.
spoon, fork, bowl, plate, different materials
whisk, spatula, etc. I will ask and learn that
the students if they have any 1. Motor Development different materials
alternate uses for the b. Demonstrates make different
utensils. After they share developing control of sounds.
their ideas, I will suggest fundamental fine motor
using them for music if skills, including
nobody brought it up. Then
hand-eye coordination.
the students will begin to
make music with the kitchen Uses one or both hands
utensils. to reach for, hold, shake,
and release objects.