Shadow A Teacher Who Works in Special Education
Shadow A Teacher Who Works in Special Education
Shadow A Teacher Who Works in Special Education
Graphic Organizer/Directions
Step 1: Find a teacher who works with students with disabilities and set up a 20 min
time or more that you are free to observe her or him with students. Let your professor
know if you have any questions or concerns with this step one.
Step 2: Overview: Please answer with 2-5 sentences the following 15 pieces for
your observation. Take notes as you observe on anything you find from our class
discussion or text readings:
What grade levels are within the building?
Is the school considered rural, suburban, or urban?
How many students did you observe?
How does the teacher individualize instruction for the strengths and
challenges of each student in reading? math? for any other subjects
What instructional materials are used for reading and math?
Describe any accommodations and modifications used by students you
Describe any assistive technology that was used.
Describe any low-tech instructional aids used such as pencil grips, charts,
specialized paper, manipulatives.
Describe the behavior management system used by the teacher.
Describe any reinforcers the teacher might use.
What are the class rules/procedures?
Describe class routines such as for morning work, going to lunch and
recess, end of the day?
How does the teacher organize student work? Individual folders, bins,
pocket portfolios, cubicles, computers?
Which rules, routines, and/or strategies might you consider using in your
own classroom?
What was your favorite part of the time with your observation?
What data did you see collected or used to support the students/lesson?
Step 3: General Knowledge: Please pick Five of the questions below and expand
on them with two- five sentences. You should look for pieces that succinctly enhance
your understanding of your possible / potential life as an educational professional.
(HINT: Think about how this write up connects to your future as a professional and your
next steps in your learning.)
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Grading Criteria
For this task, you will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
1. Overview: List one piece for the fifteen questions with 2-5 sentences (60 Points)
2. General knowledge . Pick five of the general knowledge questions and expand on
them with 2-5 sentences. (20 points)
4. Summary: Include 2-5 complete sentences for the five summary questions. (10 Points).