AGABA11111 Merged
AGABA11111 Merged
AGABA11111 Merged
Ticket & receipt Scan the bar code or use the ticket number above at
the self check-in points in the airport.
Your ticket is stored in our booking system. This receipt is your record Check with your departure airport for restrictions on the carriage of
of your ticket and is part of your conditions of carriage. For more liquids, aerosols and gels in hand baggage and check your visa
information you can read the notices and conditions of carriage requirements.
(Opens a new window).
Please check our Dangerous Goods information(Opens a new
You might need to show this receipt to enter the airport or to prove window) to find out what you can and can’t bring on board. Some
your return or onwards travel to immigration. substances and certain items are restricted, like portable electronic
devices, spare batteries or smart bags.
Check in at the airport. At most If you're checking in bags, drop Go through airport security at least Arrive at the boarding gate 45
airports you need to arrive 3 them at the Emirates check-in 60 minutes before your flight. minutes before departure. The
hours before departure, but it can counters no later than 90 minutes gates close 20 minutes before the
be up to 4 hours to complete all before your flight. flight leaves.
the travel requirements. Please
check the best time to arrive for
your journey below.
Enjoy at least 20% off when you Join Emirates Skywards today and Explore the world in every bite of Kids get top flight treatment with
purchase extra baggage online. start off with a bonus of up to our regionally inspired meals. packs, special meals and more.
5,000 Miles on your first flight.
© Emirates. All rights reserved Emirates experience | Check-in online | Manage a booking | Baggage | Contact us Page 1 of 2
Ticket number: 176 1006416133
Ticket & receipt Scan the bar code or use the ticket number above at
the self check-in points in the airport.
Your ticket is stored in our booking system. This receipt is your record Check with your departure airport for restrictions on the carriage of
of your ticket and is part of your conditions of carriage. For more liquids, aerosols and gels in hand baggage and check your visa
information you can read the notices and conditions of carriage requirements.
(Opens a new window).
Please check our Dangerous Goods information(Opens a new
You might need to show this receipt to enter the airport or to prove window) to find out what you can and can’t bring on board. Some
your return or onwards travel to immigration. substances and certain items are restricted, like portable electronic
devices, spare batteries or smart bags.
Check in at the airport. At most If you're checking in bags, drop Go through airport security at least Arrive at the boarding gate 45
airports you need to arrive 3 them at the Emirates check-in 60 minutes before your flight. minutes before departure. The
hours before departure, but it can counters no later than 90 minutes gates close 20 minutes before the
be up to 4 hours to complete all before your flight. flight leaves.
the travel requirements. Please
check the best time to arrive for
your journey below.
Coupon validity: not before 07May2024 / not after 07May2024 Baggage 2 Piece
Enjoy at least 20% off when you Join Emirates Skywards today and Explore the world in every bite of Kids get top flight treatment with
purchase extra baggage online. start off with a bonus of up to our regionally inspired meals. packs, special meals and more.
5,000 Miles on your first flight.
© Emirates. All rights reserved Emirates experience | Check-in online | Manage a booking | Baggage | Contact us Page 1 of 2