C4 2011
C4 2011
C4 2011
The numbers in the margin indicate the weight that the Examiners anticipate
assigning to each part of the question.
Pages 2 and 3 contain particle physics formulae and data for this paper.
The questions start on page 4.
C4 Particle Physics formulae and data
Unless otherwise indicated, the questions on this paper use natural units with
h̄ = c = 1. The energy unit is GeV.
Cross sections 1 GeV−2 = 0.3894 mb
Length 1 GeV−1 = 0.1973 fm
Time 1 GeV−1 = 6.582 × 10−25 s
Fermi constant GF = 1.166 × 10−5 GeV−2
2754 2
Clebsch–Gordan coefficients
1 × 2
3 3 1 3 1 3
J 2 2 2 2 2 2
m1 m2 M + 32 + 21 + 12 − 12 − 12 − 23
+1 + 21 1
p p
+1 − 12 1/3 2/3
p p
0 + 21 2/3 − 1/3
p p
0 − 12 2/3 1/3
p p
−1 + 21 1/3 − 2/3
−1 − 21 1
1 × 1
J 2 2 1 2 1 0 2 1 2
m1 m2 M +2 +1 +1 0 0 0 −1 −1 −2
+1 +1 1
p p
+1 0 1/2 1/2
p p
0 +1 1/2 − 1/2
p p p
+1 −1 1/6 1/2 1/3
p p
0 0 2/3 0 − 1/3
p p p
−1 +1 1/6 − 1/2 1/3
p p
0 −1 1/2 1/2
p p
−1 0 1/2 − 1/2
−1 −1 1
h̄c 2J + 1
where λ̄ = , g = , p is the magnitude of the centre-of-mass mo-
pc (2sa + 1)(2sb + 1)
mentum of the initial state particles, sa , sb are their spins and Γi , Γf the initial and
final state partial widths.
where |p| = 110 MeV/c is the laboratory momentum of the kaons. Show that the initial
state can be written as a product of KS and KL states. [2]
In a φ -factory (a symmetric e+ e− collider), K0 –K pairs are produced coherently
from the decay of φ0 (1020) mesons at rest in the laboratory. A cylindrically symmetric
detector consisting of low-mass tracking detectors followed by a cylindrical calorimeter
surrounds the interaction point. A magnetic field parallel to the beam direction is
provided by an external solenoid. The tracking detectors extend from r = 0.25 m to
r = 2 m.
Suggest the experimental signatures by which pure samples of KS and KL decays
can be identified with the detector. Hence explain how an unbiased sample of KS decays
can be extracted. [8]
The semi-leptonic charge asymmetry of KL decays is defined as
Γ(KL → l+ π − ν) − Γ(KL → l− π + ν)
AL = .
Γ(KL → l+ π − ν) + Γ(KL → l− π + ν)
2754 4
2. The four ∆(1232) states ∆++ , ∆+ , ∆0 , ∆− are J = 32 baryons that predominantly
decay to a nucleon (N) and a pion.
Write down a simple expression relating the third component of the isospin (I3 ),
the baryon number (B) and the electric charge (Q) and hence identify the isospin states,
| I, I3 i of each ∆(1232). Deduce the four normalised flavour wavefunctions in the N ⊗ π
basis. [4]
A π + beam is incident on a deuterium target. What momentum should the
beam possess to maximise production of ∆(1232)? By assuming isospin conservation,
in what proportion are the following resonances produced: ∆++ : ∆+ : ∆0 ? Which two
fundamental assumptions underpin this prediction? [6]
When considering strangeness S, in addition to I3 the nucleons are seen to be
members of the baryon, spin- 21 octet. The ∆(1232) states are part of a decuplet. Sketch
these two multiplets, remembering to label and enumerate the axes. Name every state
and speculate on their quark content. An asterisk can be used to distinguish an excited
state from its ground state. [4]
With reference to your diagrams, where helpful, discuss the following:
• Though the π + and π − are of equal mass, the Σ+ and Σ− masses differ by
8 MeV/c2 .
• The lifetime of the Σ0 is 10 orders of magnitude shorter than that of Λ0 or Ξ0 .
• What does the observation of the ∆++ imply for the quark?
• What experimental signature might unambiguously identify the Ω− ?
What is U-spin? If SU(3) flavour symmetry were exact, why would the decay
Σ∗− → Σ− γ be forbidden whilst Σ∗+ → Σ+ γ is allowed? [5]
Nucleon isospin eigenstates: | ni =| 12 , − 12 i; | pi =| 12 , + 21 i
Pion isospin eigenstates: | π + i =| 1, +1i; | π 0 i =| 1, 0i; | π − i =| 1, −1i
S = −1, −2, −3 baryons can be labelled Σ (except the Λ0 ), Ξ, Ω respectively.
Particle masses in MeV/c2 : n, 940; p, 938; π ± , 140; π 0 , 135.
4. The mass and width of the W boson can be measured at LEP and at the Teva-
tron. Draw the leading order Feynman diagrams leading to W production (a) in e+ e−
collisions and (b) in pp collisions. Explain why the µ+ from W+ → µ+ νµ in pp colli-
sions are more likely to emerge with a momentum component parallel to the anti-proton
momentum rather than anti-parallel to it. [7]
Discuss how the cross section for e+ e− → W+ W− varies as a function of s in
the region around s ∼ 160 GeV and how this can be used to determine the mass of
the W. In a particular event of this type, two jets are reconstructed with momenta of
(px , py , pz ) = (−12.31, 13.35, −40.79) GeV/c and (−12.92, 26.04, 35.18) GeV/c, along
with an electron with momentum (16.52, −63.65, 12.72) GeV/c. Obtain estimates of
the W mass from this event. [8]
Estimate the fraction of Z → WW events which appear as
(a) four jets,
(b) two jets and an electron,
(c) two jets and a muon,
(d) any other topology. [5]
Discuss whether it is plausible to measure the width of the W and/or the width
of the Z using e+ e− → WW events. [5]
[ΓW ∼ 2.1 GeV, ΓZ ∼ 2.5 GeV]
2754 6
5. Two positive-energy solutions of the Dirac equation are
à !
ψs (r, t) = N σ·p s ei(p·r−Et)/h̄ ,
E+m χ
à ! à !
1 0
where s = 1, 2 . χ1 = and χ2 = .
0 1
Determine the normalization factor N and explain why these wave functions are
not normalized to one particle per unit volume. Which quantum numbers uniquely
identify a free electron state? [7]
Time inversion is achieved through complex conjugation of the wavefunction, fol-
lowed by the application of the iγ 1 γ 3 operator. Show that under time inversion, the
magnetic dipole moment of a free electron changes its direction. Describe what is meant
by Kramers degeneracy and prove it. [8]
Briefly describe why the neutron’s electric dipole moment is expected to be negli-
gible and why it is interesting to measure it with high precision. How could one measure
it? [10]
Data 2010 ( s = 7 TeV)
10 ∫ L dt = 310-315 nb-1
W → lν
W →l ν
+ +
- -
W → lν
/ CDF W → (l/e) ν
/ D0 W→ (e/ µ)ν
W (pp)
-1 UA1 W→ l ν
10 W (pp)
+ UA2 W→ e ν
W (pp)
Phenix W± → (e+/e )ν
- /
W (pp)
1 10
s [TeV]
The figure shows measured and calculated values of the cross section times branch-
ing ratio for W± → e± ν in pp and pp collisions.
Explain why the pp cross section for W production is very much larger than for
pp at Tevatron energies but the difference between the two becomes negligible at high
energies. [9]
Give a brief description of a suitable detector for measuring the energies of
electrons from W decays at the LHC, explaining the detection technique used. [3]
Give an example of a background source that could mimic high transverse momen-
tum electrons and explain how high transverse momentum electrons could be identified
in the presence of such a background.
How is it possible to measure the transverse momentum of a neutrino in an event
in a hadron-hadron collision? Why is the measurement of high energy but low transverse
momentum neutrinos much more difficult? [9]
2754 8
8. The net potential for non-relativistic elastic scattering of an electron from a static
spherical distribution of charges carrying Yukawa potentials is
ρ(r0 )e−µR
V (r) = g 2 d3 r0 ,
R 3 0 0
where R = r − r0 , R = |R| and d r ρ(r0 ) = 1. Given that F (q 2 ) = d3 r0 ρ(r0 )eiq·r
is the form factor of the charge distribution, use the Born approximation to show that
the differential cross-section may be written
· ¸
dσ dσ
= × |F (q 2 )|2 ,
dΩ dΩ point
where [dσ/dΩ]point is the cross-section for pointlike Yukawa scattering and q = k − k0 is
the difference between the 3-momenta k and k0 of the incident and scattered electron. [10]
The charges are effectively confined within a sphere of radius rmax 0
. Show that for qrmax
small the form factor may be approximated by
F (q 2 ) = 1 − aq 2 hr2 i,
where hr2 i is the mean-square radius of the charge distribution. Determine the value of
a. [8]
The figure shows the differential cross-section dσ/dQ2 for neutral current scat-
tering e+ p → e+ X at a centre-of-mass energy of 319 GeV as measured by the H1
experiment at the HERA collider. The data are in good agreement with the standard-
model calculation in which both positrons and quarks are taken to be point-like objects.
Using the above form-factor approach, estimate an upper limit for the rms radius of the
electroweak charge distribution of a quark. [7]
[In the Born approximation one assumes that the wave-functions of the incident and
scattered particles may be represented by plane waves outside the range of the poten-