ENTR Entrepreneurship Ni Kuya Bohol

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Edited by JayArChocHlsENTR-Entrepreneurship-ni-kuya-bohol.


The state of being spread out or transmitted


A financial benefit that is realized when the amount of revenue gained from a business activity
exceeds the expenses, costs and taxes needed to sustain the activity



As an organization, they developed products that are rich in design and user experience.
Critical to determining attractiveness.
- Duration
The interaction with competitors is usually directly
Entrepreneurs believe in their own ability to control the consequences of their endeavor by influencing
their socio-economic environment rather than leave everything to luck.
-Locus of control
They may sell directly into the market but largely they need to be kept aligned to your strategy.
The most important advantage of having core competencies is having this.
-Long-term competitive advantage
A certain amount of risk is involved in all entrepreneurial ventures, and growth is no different.
-Risk and rewards
Buy less, but are useful as in aggregate they may buy quite a lot.
- Minor customers
Truly think outside the box, stretch the limits, and are combinatorial in non-traditional ways.
-Opportunity Recognizers
Your skill at this is critical to your success.
-No correct answer
Your target market should be measurable, sufficiently large and
There are those people in society whose ultimate goal is to go into business at some defined point life
no matter how attractive wage employment might seem.
-To fulfill a life-long ambition
A profile for a business would include such factors as customer size, number of employees, type of
products, and annual revenue.
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.
-Henry Ford
People who have already purchased your product.
- Existing Customers
In this type of market, individuals, groups or organizations that purchase your product or service for direct use in producing other products or
for use in their day-to-day operations

This is not essential, but is normally a great help in thinking through the case for a new business.
-A formal business plan
Entrepreneurs are always alert to opportunities.
-An eye for opportunity
To succeed as an entrepreneur, you must develop the ability to select and offer the right products or
services to your customers.
-. In a competitive market
Customer classification depending on profitability.
-Profit tiers
Which of these states the importance of core competencies?
- Both of the given choices are correct
Your biggest advocates who want to help you.
-All of the answers correct
If you ask people vague questions, you will also get __________ answers in response
- vague

When teaching the entrepreneurial side, which one should you focus on?
-. All of the answers are correct
Customers understand problems, but they cannot help you to move your product forward.
- Focusing only on customers
Outsourcing can give short term
-Competitive Advantage
His definition of entrepreneurship placed an emphasis on innovation.
-Joseph Schumpeter
Successful entrepreneurs always have the profit margin in sight and know that their business success is
measured by profits.
-. Focus on profits
Typically, anonymous and try to reach as many members of a target market as possible
People in your target market who are not currently looking for a solution.
-Target market users
The desire for status, enhanced appearance and more money are examples of this variable.
- Psychographic

What is/are the thing/s you need to know before you can sell to a potential customer?
-All of the answers correct
If you know what makes them tick, you can serve them in the way they prefer.
-What makes them feel good about buying
Which of these questions will help you analyze the product or service from the customer's point of
-What does the product achieve, avoid or preserve for the customer?
What are things you need to know about your customers?
-Both of the given choices are correct
Explicit statements from your market that declare, "I want a product to do X".
- Stated Needs
Entrepreneurs are the persons who take decisions under uncertainty and thus they are willing to take
risk, but they never gamble with the results.
-Risk bearing
Besides the inability to secure any type of employment this is the most basic reason for self-
-Need to improve personal income
Companies have systems in place to avoid this type of customers.
- Lead
It becomes difficult especially in a service environment where labor as well as time also has a cost factor
associated with it.
-Calculating cost per customer
Without developing a core competency, a company may be highly profitable.
-Only for a short period
Those who sell non-competing products and which generally help your sales.
The total cost associated with delivering goods or services to customers.
-Distribution cost
Attempt to get an understanding of a specific market segment by questioning eight to 12 members of
that group to discover what psychographic and behavioristic factors might motivate the entire group.
-Focus groups
In Entrepreneurship, you may become stressed. Why?
-. Both of the given choices are correct
Helps in growing branches of different businesses and then these businesses grow products as fruit.
-Core competency trunk
To make a product successful, you must be.
- Both of the given choices are correct
It is critical to find a balance between prospects and customers to ensure that your future revenue is
protected, while still keeping existing customers happy.
-Focusing only on revenue
The act of utilizing the promotional mix
- Marketing Cost
Problems with yet undefined solutions.
-Silent Needs
If you have a retail outlet, you have the means of distributing a customer comment card or
How many new businesses fail within 18 months of getting started?
-Three out of five
capacity to create many jobs.
-Inability to secure a desirable job
Entrepreneurs do not give in to failure. Rather, they seek out the faults and weakness and then correct them.

- Perseverance

If you know how your customers view your competition, you stand a much better chance of staying
ahead of your rivals.
-What they think about your competitors

This competencies are the collective learning of the organization, especially how to co-ordinate the
diverse production skill and integrate multiple stream of technologies
Entrepreneurs have strong desire to achieve higher goals.

- Need to achieve

Core competencies play an important role in the process of advantage and we can identify them using
which of these tests?
- Does the trait provide a major competitive differentiation?
It will be capable of creating more value if it has identified its core competencies
An individual who works to fill job openings in businesses or organizations
A reason a person to strike out on his or her own rather than work inside a larger company.
-Key motivator
Entrepreneurs most likely have a keen sense of what type of person is needed to fulfill a position.
- Recruiter
The ability to do something successfully or efficiently
- competency
Core competencies play an important role in the process of
Development of core competencies requires investment in this.
- All of the answers correct
Outsourcing can give short term
-Competitive Advantage


A person who helps others to acquire knowledge, competences or values

A two bladed sword if not handled properly
- outsourcing
Eager for knowledge
- Inquisitive
There are those people in society whose ultimate goal is to go into business at some defined point life
no matter how attractive wage employment might seem.
-To fulfill a life-long ambition
Without developing a core competency, a company may be highly profitable.
-Only for a short period
Which of these states the importance of core competencies?
-. Both of the given choices are correct
The ability to exert interpersonal influence by means of communication towards the achievement of
- Leadership
Besides the inability to secure any type of employment this is the most basic reason for self-
- Need to improve personal income
Crucial for survival but does not confer any specific differential advantage over other competitors in the
-Core Competency
There are not enough employment opportunities in the formal sector. The small business sector has the
capacity to create many jobs.
-Inability to secure a desirable job

Which of this is a personality of an entrepreneur?

-All of the answers correct
Core capabilities are crucial for this
Entrepreneurs have many
As an organization, they developed products that are rich in design and user experience.
The year Dr.C.K Prahalad and Prof. Gray Hamel coined core competency
Which of this is a job you can get with an Entrepreneurship degree?
-Both of the given choices are correct
Strategic intent provides a basis for__________ the goals of the organization
Act as the glue that bind businesses together as well as pave the way for new business development
Coined the term core competency in 1989.
- Both Dr.C.K Prahalad
Entrepreneurs are persistent and strongly believe that working hard will help them attain their goals.
-An appetite for hard work

Adequate reward
- Profit
Being the leader of the enterprise, entrepreneurs should possess which of the following characteristics:
- All of the answers correct
Strategic Architecture requires the distillation of past and present data to answer which of these
-All of the answers correct
Entrepreneurship is the career for you if you have this.
-All of the answers correct
An intra company entrepreneur
The ability to generate ideas
The ability to implement creative ideas
Their core competency is said to be content delivery, but they are now venturing into original content
creation too.
- Netflix
With entrepreneurial degrees are well suited for mid-level management
- Graduates
Which of these is a factor to consider before going into self-employment?
-All of the answers correct
Involves innovation, risk taking, and decision-making
If your customers enjoy dealing with you, they are likely to buy more. In addition, you can only tackle
problems that customers have if you know what they are.
-What they think about you
Hopeful and confident about the future
This budget will be much more cost effective if you promote to one type of customer and speak
directly to them

Which of these questions do you need to ask before you make a final decision on a new product or
service offering?
-All of the answers correct
Time spent with each customer is different
-therefore the cost is different
Which of these questions will help you analyze the product or service from the customer's point of
- What does the product achieve, avoid or preserve for the customer?
To succeed as an entrepreneur, you must develop the ability to select and offer the right products or
services to your customers
-In a competitive market
If you know how your customers view your competition, you stand a much better chance of staying
ahead of your rivals.
-What they think about your competitors
To make a product successful, you must be
-Both of the given choices are correct
It becomes difficult especially in a service environment where labor as well as time also has a cost factor
associated with it.
-Calculating cost per customer
A company in the same industry or a similar industry that offers a similar product or service
- Competitor


Low profit but desirable customers

Net profit is revenue less what costs?
-Sales costs
A company operating in several countries
Accomplishing an aim or purpose
A thought process or method used to generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions.
-Divergent thinking

The degree to which a business or activity yields profit or financial gain

He coined convergent thinking.

- Joy Paul Guilford

What are things you need to know about your customers?

-Both of the given choices are correct
Means to divide the marketplace into parts, or segments, which are definable, accessible, actionable,
and profitable and have a growth.
- Segmentation
Includes homes, schools, businesses, and government organizations.
- market for personal computers
Includes not just the people who regularly go there but also everybody who lives within driving distance.
- market for personal computers
A party that supplies goods or services.
9/10 yung mali ata jan yung #5
Includes all the homes and commercial properties within a logical reach.
-market for downloadable e-books over the internet

What are the four P's of marketing?

-Product, price, place, promotion
The technical equipment or machinery needed for a particular activity or purpose
- apparatus
A name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that distinguishes an organization or product from its
rivals in the eyes of the customer
Discovered the most important factor applied by the best companies was that they first "got the right
people on the bus and the wrong people off the bus."
-Jim Collins
Hear a person's need, and then share expertise in a personal way that is motivated other than to help.
-Be interested, and respond
Figured as a percentage of the seller's cost
Reward your followers with something special and exclusive
- Have a payoff, and say thank you
The last portions of the M's of Production
Packaging refers to
- All of the answers correct
Responsible for every element of your sales, marketing strategies, and activities


The most successful companies pick a competitive position from which they know their brands can win.
- No correct answer
__________ waste is the key to efficient and profitable production
- controlling
A target market description, value proposition and sales goals are conceived at this time.
-Developing Market Strategy
This is the third M in the sequence
- machine
A party that supplies goods or services
This step provides the organization the ability to not only test the marketing, but also the product.
-Test Market
People form their first impression within the first
-30 seconds
A limited list of important items or individuals: especially: a list of candidates for final consideration
- Shortlist
A straightforward product design is essential
-Refine your design with simplicity in mind.
Creating a brand perception requires


When you are developing a name for a business, a product or a service, you have a number of options.
Which one in this list is an option?
-All of the answers correct
Refers to the way your product or service appears from the outside
- Packaging
With enough frequency of the message, any name can become __________.
Narrow the focus of the product by identifying who will be buying.
-Describe the targeted audience for the product
Offer a great opportunity to talk with a number of potential suppliers in the same place at the same time
A person who writes the text of advertisements or publicity material
The drive train that gets us where we are going
Where your product or service is actually sold.
The goal is developing an exchange. Force your opinion and you will end conversations before they
-Ask, do not tell
The overall effect of something

If __________ is not properly involved in the other four M's and it is sufficiently aware of the process
and the possible outcomes, the whole operation and even the problems solution process could yield
only mediocre to poor results
Recognize that place goes beyond geographic location.
-Identify the place where the product will be marketed
A physical product is developed.
- Product Development
The beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something.
- Reputation
Hear the conversation first, and then participate.
- Listen, do not just talk
A disruptive technology with the ability to revolutionize certain industries
At this stage, the product is available for purchase in the marketplace.
Create a promotional strategy that features the product qualities as effectively as possible.
- Define the promotional techniques that you will use for the product
Reflects the decrease in value of capital assets used to generate income
The engine that powers Auto Salvage yards
- sales

The entire size of the market for a product at a specific time.

-Market Potential
Entrepreneurs most likely have a keen sense of what type of person is needed to fulfill a position.
Entrepreneurs have many
- Personalities
A certain amount of risk is involved in all entrepreneurial ventures, and growth is no different.
-Risk and rewards
The income that a business has from its normal business activities, usually from the sale of goods and
services to customers.
Strategic architecture is a
- roadmap
Created when such innovation results in new demand
Which of this is a personality of an entrepreneur?
- All of the answers correct
Coined the term core competency in 1989.
-Both Dr.C.K Prahalad
Strategic Architecture requires the distillation of past and present data to answer which of these
-All of the answers correct
Core competencies play an important role in the process of
A person who is able to identify business opportunities and implement actions to maximize on the
Being an owner is the ultimate career in
A situation in which an individual works for himself instead of working for an employer that pays a salary
or a wage.
- Self-employed
Crucial when beginning a new enterprise.
-Opportunity Recognition
The most important advantage of having core competencies is having this.
-Long-term competitive advantage
A person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial
risks in order to do so.
The ability to generate ideas
- Creativity
There are those people in society whose ultimate goal is to go into business at some defined point life
no matter how attractive wage employment might seem.
-To fulfill a life-long ambition
Core competencies play an important role in the process of advantage and we can identify them using
which of these tests?
-Does the trait cover a lot of business or is useful only for a single business unit?
Just because you can innovate, does not always mean that you should.

-Focusing only on innovation and the competition.


A source of input, but not the only source of input

Crucial for survival but does not confer any specific differential advantage over other competitors in the
-Core Capabilities
Their core competency is said to be content delivery, but they are now venturing into original content
creation too.
The ability to implement creative ideas
- Innovatineness
During this stage, an entrepreneur must assess potential strategies and business models as well as
conduct market and economic analyses.
-Opportunity Assessment
Customers understand problems, but they cannot help you to move your product forward.
-Focusing only on customers
A person whose job or task is to seek financial support for a charity, institution, or other enterprise.
Entrepreneurs believe in their own ability to control the consequences of their endeavor by influencing
their socio-economic environment rather than leave everything to luck.
- Locus of Control
An intra company entrepreneur
- Intrapreneur
Entrepreneurs must demonstrate this characteristic in order to cope with all the risks of operating their
own business.
The job of entrepreneur is not for
- Everyone
People who have not yet purchased your product but are considering it
This competencies are the collective learning of the organization, especially how to co-ordinate the
diverse production skill and integrate multiple stream of technologies
- core
Which of these is part of your market?
- All of the answers correct
As an organization, they developed products that are rich in design and user experience.
Act as the glue that bind businesses together as well as pave the way for new business development
-. competences
A new method, idea, product
They need to know how to represent a company, manage accounts, and follow up on leads.
Truly think outside the box, stretch the limits, and are combinatorial in non-traditional ways.
-Opportunity Recognizers
Core capabilities are crucial for this


The collective learning of the organization, especially how to co-ordinate the diverse production skill and
integrate multiple stream of technologies.
-Core Competencies
In entrepreneurship, your life may lack stability and
- Structure
Besides the inability to secure any type of employment this is the most basic reason for self-
-Need to improve personal income
This is not essential, but is normally a great help in thinking through the case for a new business.
-. A formal business plan
Entrepreneurs enable citizens to survive comfortably without too much borrowing
His definition of entrepreneurship placed an emphasis on innovation.
-Joseph Schumpeter
Eager for knowledge
A two bladed sword if not handled properly
An individual who works to fill job openings in businesses or organizations
The ability to exert interpersonal influence by means of communication towards the achievement of
The year Dr.C.K Prahalad and Prof. Gray Hamel coined core competency
A set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.
-. Opportunity
Latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness
The ability to exert interpersonal influence by means of communication towards the achievement of
- Leadership
Which of this is a job you can get with an Entrepreneurship degree?
- Both of the given choices are correct
A person who helps others to acquire knowledge, competences or values
-. Teacher
Without developing a core competency, a company may be highly profitable.
-Only for a short period
The activity or condition of competing
- Innovation
Entrepreneurs can choose the best way to do something, even if it is different from how they want to do
-Ability to accept change
Eager for knowledge
- Inquisitive


People who have already purchased your product.

-Exiting Customers
People in your target market who are not currently looking for a solution.
- Target market users
Entrepreneurs are always alert to opportunities.
- An eye for opportunity
Development of core competencies requires investment in this.
- All of the answers correct
The ability to implement creative ideas
- Innovativeness
Strategic intent provides a basis for__________ the goals of the organization
Enables you to concentrate on and solve your target market's problems.
-Outside-in approach
There are not enough employment opportunities in the formal sector. The small business sector has the
capacity to create many jobs.
- Inability to secure a desirable job
Adequate reward
The next stage towards developing the core competencies is to leverage the current resources of the
- Strategic Architecture
You need to have heart, are motivated and
- Driven
A situation in which people lie in wait to make a surprise attack
In Entrepreneurship, you may become stressed. Why?
-You manage cash flow
During this phase, it is time to take advantage of the situation and execute all of the great ideas and
projections ascertained from the two prior phases.
-Opportunity Realization
A two bladed sword if not handled properly
- Outsourcing
To undertake
A reason a person to strike out on his or her own rather than work inside a larger company.
-All of answers correct
An individual who works to fill job openings in businesses or organizations
Which of these states the importance of core competencies?
-Both of the given choices are correct
An entrepreneur may decide to offer a new product in a growth area rather than pursuing sales of
existing products that have minimum growth potential.
-Growth potential

To succeed as an entrepreneur, you must develop the ability to select and offer the right products or
services to your customers
-In a competitive market
most important thing you can do before deciding what to sell
- think
Buy less, but are useful as in aggregate they may buy quite a lot.
-Minor customers
Those who sell non-competing products and which generally help your sales.
If you know how your customers view your competition, you stand a much better chance of staying
ahead of your rivals.
-What they think about your competitors
When you determine your target audience
- Both of the given choices are correct
Entrepreneurs are capable of working for long hours and solving different complexities at the same time.
-Make stress work for them

Those who sell non-competing products and which generally help your sales.
If you know what makes them tick, you can serve them in the way they prefer.
-What makes them feel good about buying
This thinking is often used in conjunction with its cognitive colleague, convergent thinking, which follows
a particular set of logical steps to arrive at one solution, which in some cases is a 'correct' solution
- divergent
An amount that has to be paid or spent to buy or obtain something
Collecting answers are one bit, but the next bit comes in processing the answers to qualify them and in
prioritizing, them based on
Means to divide the marketplace into parts, or segments, which are definable, accessible, actionable,
and profitable and have a growth.
Attempt to get an understanding of a specific market segment by questioning eight to 12 members of
that group to discover what psychographic and behavioristic factors might motivate the entire group.
-Focus groups
They are like competitors but their products are not the same.
Existing customers is no doubt a valuable exercise and can create preliminary benchmarks, but the focus
of this article is on surveying non-customers, or people you may not immediately be able to access
Your target market should be measurable, sufficiently large and __________.

Which of these questions will help you analyze the product or service from the customer's point of
-What does the product achieve, avoid or preserve for the customer?
It becomes difficult especially in a service environment where labor as well as time also has a cost factor
associated with it.
- Both of the given choices are correct
Companies would always give the best service and other benefits to this type of customers.
-. Both of the given choices are correct
They may sell directly into the market but largely they need to be kept aligned to your strategy.
- Suppliers
Time spent with each customer is different
-no correct answer
The amount of money that a company actually receives during a specific period, including discounts and
deductions for returned merchandise
- costs
It is at the center of every successful business.
-Both of the given choices are correct
ENTREP 122 Week 20 QE 45/50
Designed to meet the company's marketing objectives by providing its customers with value.
Marketing Strategy
Question 2
Include cash, accounts receivable, inventory and equipment.
Select one:
a. Expenses
b. Liabilities
c. Assets ✔ ✔ ✔

d. All of the answers correct

Question 3
The income statement is designed to convert the accrual basis of accounting used to prepare the income statement and balance sheet
back to a cash basis.
Select one:
a. False ✔ ✔ ✔

b. True
Manpower is fundamental in establishing the proper policies, leadership, clear guidelines, work discipline, effective solution methods plus
the proper work culture.
Select one:
a. True
b. False ✔ ✔ ✔

The balance sheet provides a snapshot of the business's assets, liabilities and owner's equity for a given time.
Select one:
a. True ✔ ✔ ✔

b. False
A low-cost vendor is your best bet.
Select one:
a. True ✔ ✔ ✔

b. False
Your inability to select, recruit, hire and retain the proper people, with the skills and abilities to do the job you need to have done, is more
important than everything else put together.
Select one:
a. False ✔ ✔ ✔

b. True
The marketing mix can be divided into four groups of variables commonly known as the four P's.
Select one:
a. False
b. True ✔ ✔ ✔

By definition, financial projections are estimates of the future financial performance of a business.
Select one:
a. False
b. True ✔ ✔ ✔

What you plan to sell, and what will convince people to buy.
Select one:
a. Operating model
b. Gross margin model
c. Working capital model
d. Revenue model ✔ ✔ ✔

To succeed, you need to know this about your brand.

The best suppliers will want to talk with you regularly to find out what needs you have and how they can serve you better.
Select one:
a. True ✔ ✔ ✔

b. False
Includes all the costs related to the sale of products in inventory.
Select one:
a. Income
b. Cost of goods ✔ ✔ ✔

c. Gross profit margin

d. Operating expenses
Reward your followers with something special and exclusive
Select one:
a. Be interesting, and give
b. Ask, do not tell
c. Be interested, and respond
d. Have a payoff, and say thank you ✔ ✔ ✔

If you need to choose a great brand name for your product, service or business, start by considering the importance of the name in this.
Branding efforts
All material needed to clean and package are always available and are placed to minimize effort.
Select one:
a. False
b. True ✔ ✔ ✔

Most customers think of you in terms of a single attribute, either positive or negative.
Attribution Theory
A credit check will help reassure you that they will not go out of business when you need them most.
Select one:
a. False
b. True ✔ ✔ ✔

A series of steps that includes the conceptualization, design, development and marketing of brand new or nearly branded products or
Product Development
The Fourth P in the marketing mix is the place where your product or service is actually sold.
Select one:
a. False
b. True ✔ ✔ ✔

A bookkeeper must meet with department supervisors and other managers to discuss budget needs and inventory demands.
Select one:
a. Administration
b. Office Communication ✔ ✔ ✔

c. All of the answers correct

d. Accounting
The technical equipment or machinery needed for a particular activity or purpose.
Recognize that place goes beyond geographic location.
Select one:
a. Define the promotional techniques that you will use for the product
b. Describe the targeted audience for the product
c. Identify the place where the product will be marketed ✔ ✔ ✔

d. Define the Unique Selling Proposition (USP) for the company.

A document that records a business dealing.
Business record
The set of controllable, tactical marketing tools that a company uses to produce a desired response from its target market.
Marketing Mix
A stock or any other security representing an ownership interest.
The process of assessing the viability of a new good or service through research conducted directly with the consumer that allows a
company to discover the target market and record opinions and other input from consumers regarding interest in the product.
Market Research
Protects the business in the event of litigation.
Select one:
a. Liability insurance ✔ ✔ ✔

b. Financial plan
c. Business plan
d. Balance sheet
Hear the conversation first, and then participate.
Select one:
a. Listen, do not just talk ✔ ✔ ✔

b. Ask, do not tell

c. Be real, and have a story
d. Be interesting, and give
This figure represents the amount of income earned by the business before paying taxes.
Select one:
a. Net profit before taxes ✔ ✔ ✔

b. Costs of goods sold

c. Operating expenses
d. Net profit after taxes
The goal is developing an exchange. Force your opinion and you will end conversations before they begin.
Select one:
a. Be interesting, and give
b. Ask, do not tell ✔ ✔ ✔

c. Be real, and have a story

d. Listen, do not just talk
Designed to meet the company’s marketing objectives by providing its customers with value.
Marketing Strategy
Most customers think of you in terms of a single attribute, either positive or negative.
Attribution Theory
The most successful companies pick this from which they know their brands can win.
Competitive Position
A good, idea, method, information, object or service created as a result of a process and serves a need or satisfies a want.
Select one:
a. Income
b. Product ✔ ✔ ✔

c. Branding
d. Place
Add to the conversation by offering up whatever knowledge you have.
Select one:
a. Ask, do not tell
b. Be interesting, and give ✔ ✔ ✔

c. Listen, do not just talk

d. Be real, and have a story
Provides a snapshot of the business's assets, liabilities and owner's equity for a given time.
Balance Sheet
After you choose your great brand name, you can create your logo and this.
Corporate Identity
Includes all the ways you tell your customers about your products or services and how you then market and sell to them
Select one:
a. Advertisement
b. Production
c. Convergent
d. Promotion ✔ ✔ ✔

Refers to method companies use to price their products or services.

Things that change based on the amount of product being made and are incurred as a direct result of producing the product.
Variable Cost
A specific, defined series of activities used in marketing a new or changed product or service, or in using new marketing channels and
Marketing Campaign
A straightforward product design is essential.
Select one:
a. False
b. True ✔ ✔ ✔

It is important to develop this before you start the naming process.

Brand Strategy
Shows the company's real bottom line.
Select one:
a. Income
b. Net profit after taxes ✔ ✔ ✔

c. Operating expenses
d. Cost of goods
The marketing of goods or services by means of telephone calls, typically unsolicited, to potential customers.
Fundamental in establishing the proper policies, leadership, clear guidelines, work discipline, effective solution methods plus the proper
work culture.
A written report of the financial condition of a firm.
Financial Statement
Designed to convert the accrual basis of accounting used to prepare the income statement and balance sheet back to a cash basis.
Cash-flow Statement
The investigation of the needs and opinions of consumers, especially with regard to a particular product or service.
Market Research
L.A 3-9/10
1.)Narrow the focus of the product by identifying who will be buying.
Select one: Describe the targeted audience for the product
2.)Take the time to describe the specific value and qualities of the product.
Select one:Define the product in detail
3.)The first visceral connection the consumer makes with the brand
Select one:logo
4.)A disruptive technology with the ability to revolutionize certain industries
Select one: internet
5.)Hear the conversation first, and then participate.
Select one: Listen, do not just talk
6.)A name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that distinguishes an organization or product from its rivals in the eyes of the customer
Select one:Brand
7.)Includes all the ways you tell your customers about your products or services and how you then market and sell to them
Select one:Promotion\
8.)People form their first impression within the first
Select one:30 seconds
9.)Offer a great opportunity to talk with a number of potential suppliers in the same place at the same time
Select one:Shortlist
10.)Add to the conversation by offering up whatever knowledge you have.
Select one:Be interesting, and give

ENTR-122-20172S / Weeks 5-6: Analyze the Market Need / Short Quiz 001 18/20

His definition of entrepreneurship placed an emphasis on innovation.

Joseph Schumpeter
People in your target market who are not currently looking for a solution.
Target market users
One of the best things about pursuing a career as an entrepreneur is the wide-open
This is not essential, but is normally a great help in thinking through the case for a new business.
A formal business plan
How many new businesses fail within 18 months of getting started?
Three out of five
During this phase, it is time to take advantage of the situation and execute all of the great ideas and projections ascertained from the two prior phases.
Opportunity Realization
Customers understand problems, but they cannot help you to move your product forward.
Focusing only on innovation and the competition
Eager for knowledge
A person who is able to identify business opportunities and implement actions to maximize on the opportunities
An entrepreneur may decide to offer a new product in a growth area rather than pursuing sales of existing products that have minimum growth potential.
Growth potential
The ability to exert interpersonal influence by means of communication towards the achievement of goals
A two bladed sword if not handled properly
A person who helps others to acquire knowledge, competences or values
A source of input, but not the only source of input
Critical to determining attractiveness.
To undertake
A two bladed sword if not handled properly
Entrepreneurs are always alert to opportunities.
An eye for opportunity
Market Potential will enable you to more accurately assess this.

-All of the answers correct

ENTR-122-20172S / Week 7: Customer Profitability Analysis / Learning Activity 002 8/10

Companies would always give the best service and other benefits to this type of customers.
Low profit but desirable customers
A party that supplies goods or services.
Most profitable customers
Unprofitable and undesirable customers
Extend the application of a method or conclusion
It is at the center of every successful business.
Understanding customer needs
If you know how your customers view your competition, you stand a much better chance of staying ahead of your rivals.
What they think about your competitors
Includes all the homes and commercial properties within a logical reach.
market for a landscaping business
It becomes difficult especially in a service environment where labor as well as time also has a cost factor associated with it.
Calculating cost per customer

ENTR-122-20172S / Week 3: Career Opportunities / Learning Activity 001 / 9/10

Being an owner is the ultimate career in
A person who is able to identify business opportunities and implement actions to maximize on the
They need to know how to represent a company, manage accounts, and follow up on leads.
The ability to implement creative ideas
You need to have heart, are motivated and
Eager for knowledge
The job of entrepreneur is not for
Which of this is a personality of an entrepreneur?
All of the answers correct
One of the best things about pursuing a career as an entrepreneur is the wide-open
How many new businesses fail within 18 months of getting started?
Three out of five

Being an owner is the ultimate career in
A person who is able to identify business opportunities and implement actions to maximize on the
They need to know how to represent a company, manage accounts, and follow up on leads.
The ability to implement creative ideas
You need to have heart, are motivated and
Eager for knowledge
The job of entrepreneur is not for
Which of this is a personality of an entrepreneur?
-All of the answers correct
One of the best things about pursuing a career as an entrepreneur is the wide-open
How many new businesses fail within 18 months of getting started?
-Three out of five
Besides the inability to secure any type of employment this is the most basic reason for self-
-c. Need to improve personal income
With entrepreneurial degrees are well suited for mid-level management
This is not essential, but is normally a great help in thinking through the case for a new business
-b. A formal business plan
Development of core competencies requires investment in this.
-c. All of the answers correct
How many new businesses fail within 18 months of getting started?
-c. Three out of five
Entrepreneurs most likely have a keen sense of what type of person is needed to fulfill a position.
The possibilities in entrepreneurship are
Entrepreneurship is the career for you if you have this.
-d. All of the answers correc
There are not enough employment opportunities in the formal sector. The small business sector has
the capacity to create many jobs.
-c. Inability to secure a desirable job
Entrepreneurs are always alert to opportunities.
-c. An eye for opportunity

The activity or condition of competing

Truly think outside the box, stretch the limits, and are combinatorial in non-traditional
-Opportunity Recognizers
Entrepreneurs are always alert to opportunities.
-An eye for opportunity
Act as the glue that bind businesses together as well as pave the way for new
business development
This competencies are the collective learning of the organization, especially how to co-
ordinate the diverse production skill and integrate multiple stream of technologies
Entrepreneurs believe in their own ability to control the consequences of their
endeavor by influencing their socio-economic environment rather than leave everything
to luck.
-Locus of Control
When teaching the entrepreneurial side, which one should you focus on?
-All of the answers correct
Entrepreneurs are persistent and strongly believe that working hard will help them
attain their goals.
-An appetite for hard work
During this stage, an entrepreneur must assess potential strategies and business
models as well as conduct market and economic analyses.
-Opportunity Assessment
Without developing a core competency, a company may be highly profitable.
-Only for a short period
Eager for knowledge
The collective learning of the organization, especially how to co-ordinate the diverse
production skill and integrate multiple stream of technologies.
-Core Competencies
They need to know how to represent a company, manage accounts, and follow up on
A person whose job or task is to seek financial support for a charity, institution, or other
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.
-Henry Ford
The most important advantage of having core competencies is having this.
-Long-term competitive advantage
Created when such innovation results in new demand
Entrepreneurs can choose the best way to do something, even if it is different from how
they want to do it.
-Ability to accept change
The ability to implement creative ideas
Entrepreneurship is the career for you if you have this.
-All of the answers correct
Having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed
The degree to which a business or activity yields profit or financial gain
The state or condition of yielding a financial profit or gain
Which of these questions will help you analyze the product or service from the
customer's point of view?
-What does the product achieve, avoid or preserve for the customer?
most important thing you can do before deciding what to sell
If your customers enjoy dealing with you, they are likely to buy more. In addition, you
can only tackle problems that customers have if you know what they are.
-What they think about you
Extend the application of a method or conclusion
If you know how your customers view your competition, you stand a much better
chance of staying ahead of your rivals.
-What they think about your competitors
Desirable and measurable outcome or result from an action, investment, project,
resource, or technology
Time spent with each customer is different
-therefore the cost is different
What is/are the thing/s you need to know before you can sell to a potential customer?
-All of the answers correct
A financial benefit that is realized when the amount of revenue gained from a business
activity exceeds the expenses, costs and taxes needed to sustain the activity
Means to divide the marketplace into parts, or segments, which are definable,
accessible, actionable, and profitable and have a growth.
Includes everyone connected to the web.
-market for downloadable e-books over the internet
It is at the center of every successful business.
-Both of the given choices are correct
Accomplishing an aim or purpose
Profitable customers
To make a product successful, you must be
-Both of the given choices are correct
Companies have systems in place to avoid this type of customers.
A party that supplies goods or services.
Net profit is revenue less what costs?
-Sales costs
Includes homes, schools, businesses, and government organizations.
-market for personal computers
To succeed as an entrepreneur, you must develop the ability to select and offer the
right products or services to your customers
-In a competitive market
A company in the same industry or a similar industry that offers a similar product or
It becomes difficult especially in a service environment where labor as well as time also
has a cost factor associated with it.
-Calculating cost per customer
Which of these questions do you need to ask before you make a final decision on a
new product or service offering?
-All of the answers correct
What are things you need to know about your customers?
-Both of the given choices are correct
Most profitable customers
A company operating in several countries
If your customers enjoy dealing with you, they are likely to buy more. In addition, you
can only tackle problems that customers have if you know what they are.
-What they think about you
It is at the center of every successful business.
-Both of the given choices are correct
Those who have products and services similar to you and where customers who are
buying something will compare your offerings and
prices directly, weighing one up against the other.
Those who have products and services similar to you and where customers who are
buying something will compare your offerings and
prices directly, weighing one up against the other.
Typically, anonymous and try to reach as many members of a target market as
If your customers enjoy dealing with you, they are likely to buy more. In addition, you
can only tackle problems that customers have if you know what they are.
-What they think about you
They are like competitors but their products are not the same.
Includes not just the people who regularly go there but also everybody who lives within
driving distance.
-market of a local movie theater or restaurant
Any group of actual or potential buyers of a product.
If you know what makes them tick, you can serve them in the way they prefer.
-What makes them feel good about buying
A party that supplies goods or services.
Net profit is revenue less what costs?
-All of the answers correct
For a product or service to succeed, it must be the right product being sold
-All of the answers correct
Includes all the homes and commercial properties within a logical reach.
-market for a landscaping business
To succeed as an entrepreneur, you must develop the ability to select and offer the
right products or services to your customers
-In a competitive market
Which of these questions do you need to ask before you make a final decision on a
new product or service offering?
-All of the answers correct
A series of interviews of people in your target market.
-Market Validation
Low profit but desirable customers
An overriding issue in target market selection
Those who sell non-competing products and which generally help your sales.
Attempt to get an understanding of a specific market segment by questioning eight to
12 members of that group to discover what psychographic and behavioristic factors
might motivate the entire group.
-Focus groups
A thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.
In this type of market, individuals, groups or organizations that purchase your product
or service for direct use in producing other products or for use in their day-to-day
The process of assessing the viability of a new good or service through research
conducted directly with the consumer that allows a company to discover the target
market and record opinions and other input from consumers regarding interest in the
-Market Research
A thought process or method used to generate creative ideas by exploring many
possible solutions.
-Divergent thinking
Existing customers is no doubt a valuable exercise and can create preliminary
benchmarks, but the focus of this article is on surveying non-customers, or people you
may not immediately be able to access
Your biggest advocates who want to help you.
-Your respondents
Desirable and measurable outcome or result from an action, investment, project,
resource, or technology
most important thing you can do before deciding what to sell
A commonly used geographic segmentation variable that affects industries such as
heating and air conditioning, sporting equipment, lawn equipment and building
The ability to give the correct answer to standard questions that do not require
significant creativity.
-Convergent thinking
A characteristic of a product/service that automatically comes with it
Which of the following should be a characteristic of your market?
-All of the answers correct
Companies would always give the best service and other benefits to this type of
This thinking is often used in conjunction with its cognitive colleague, convergent
thinking, which follows a particular set of logical steps to arrive at one solution, which in
some cases is a 'correct' solution
How do you get started using a survey and a targeted audience to make smart
-Both of the given choices are correct
A valuable exercise and can create preliminary benchmarks.
-Surveying existing customers
They may sell directly into the market but largely they need to be kept aligned to your
Ideally face to face, where you are still trying to understand the target audience and
how real the pain point is.
To succeed as an entrepreneur, you must develop the ability to select and offer the
right products or services to your customers
-In a competitive market

Buy less, but are useful as in aggregate they may buy quite a lot.
-Minor customers
A pro
ile for a business would include such factors as
customer size, number of employees, type of products, and annual revenue.
-demographic pro
Typically, anonymous and try to reach as many members of a target
market as possible
People in your target market who are not currently looking for a solution.
-Target market users
This is not essential, but is normally a great help in thinking through the case for a new
-A formal business plan
Entrepreneurs have strong desire to achieve higher goals.
-Need to achieve
Their core competency is said to be content delivery, but they are now venturing into
original content creation too.
Which of these questions will help you analyze the product or service from the
customer's point of view?
-What does the product achieve, avoid or preserve for the customer?
Enables you to concentrate on and solve your target market's problems.
-Outside-in approach
Which of these states the importance of core competencies?
-Both of the given choices are correct
To succeed as an entrepreneur, you must develop the ability to select and offer the
right products or services to your customers.
-a. In a competitive market
Entrepreneurs are always alert to opportunities.
-An eye for opportunity
The total cost associated with delivering goods or services to customers.
-Marketing Cost
The act of utilizing the promotional mix
-Process of promotion
Entrepreneurs most likely have a keen sense of what type of person is needed to fulfill
a position.
Entrepreneurs must demonstrate this characteristic in order to cope with all the risks of
operating their own business.
How many new businesses fail within 18 months of getting started?
-Three out of five
-If your customers enjoy dealing with you, they are likely to buy more. In addition, you
can only tackle problems that customers have if you know what they are.
-What they think about you
To make a product successful, you must be.
-Both of the given choices are correct
If you have a retail outlet, you have the means of distributing a customer
comment card or
Customers understand problems, but they cannot help you to move your product
-Focusing only on customers
Explicit statements from your market that declare, "I want a product to do X".
-a. Stated Needs
Truly think outside the box, stretch the limits, and are combinatorial in non-traditional
-Opportunity Recognizers
Companies have systems in place to avoid this type of customers.
Problems with yet undefined solutions.
-d. Silent Needs
A certain amount of risk is involved in all entrepreneurial ventures, and growth is no
-Risk and rewards
They may sell directly into the market but largely they need to be kept aligned to your
As an organization, they developed products that are rich in design and user
It is critical to find a balance between prospects and customers to ensure that your
future revenue is protected, while still keeping existing customers happy.
-d. Focusing only on revenue
Companies would always give the best service and other benefits to this type of
Your target market should be measurable, sufficiently large and
Entrepreneurs are the persons who take decisions under uncertainty and thus they are
willing to take risk, but they never gamble with the results.
-Risk bearing
There are those people in society whose ultimate goal is to go into business at some
defined point life no matter how attractive wage employment might seem.
-To fulfill a life-long ambition
Entrepreneurs believe in their own ability to control the consequences of their
endeavor by influencing their socio-economic environment rather than leave everything
to luck.
-Locus of control
It becomes difficult especially in a service environment where labor as well as time also
has a cost factor associated with it.
-Calculating cost per customer
Your skill at this is critical to your success.
-No correct answer
People who have already purchased your product.
-Existing Customers
There are not enough employment opportunities in the formal sector. The small
business sector has the capacity to create many jobs.
-Inability to secure a desirable job
The most important advantage of having core competencies is having this.
-Long-term competitive advantage
His definition of entrepreneurship placed an emphasis on innovation.
-Joseph Schumpeter
The interaction with competitors is usually directly
What is/are the thing/s you need to know before you can sell to a potential customer?
-Who the customer's current supplier is
Those who sell non-competing products and which generally help your sales.
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.
-Henry Ford
The desire for status, enhanced appearance and more money are

examples of this variable.

-psychographic v
Without developing a core competency, a company may be highly profitable.
-Only for a short period
Critical to determining attractiveness.
Successful entrepreneurs always have the profit margin in sight and know that their
business success is measured by profits.
-Focus on profits
If you know how your customers view your competition, you stand a much better
chance of staying ahead of your rivals.
-What they think about your competitors
Attempt to get an understanding of a specific market segment by questioning eight to
12 members of that group to discover what psychographic and behavioristic factors
might motivate the entire group.
-Focus groups

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