Iso 1167 1996
Iso 1167 1996
Iso 1167 1996
Second edition
1996-l I-01
Reference number
IS0 1167:1996(E)
IS0 1167:1996(E)
0 IS0 1996
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International Organization for Standardization
Case Postale 56 l CH-1211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies a method for determination of the resistance of thermoplastics pipes to
constant internal water pressure at constant temperature.
IS0 161-I :I 996, Thermoplastics pipes for the conveyance of fluids - Nominal outside diameters and nominal
pressures - Part I: Metric series.
ISOfTR 9080: 1992, Thermoplastics pipes for the transport of fluids - Methods of extrapolation of hydrostatic
stress rupture data to determine the long-term hydrostatic strength of thermoplastics pipe materials.
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the definitions given in IS0 161-l apply.
4 Principle
After conditioning, test pieces are subjected to a specified constant internal hydrostatic pressure for a specified
period of time or until failure.
Throughout the test, the test pieces are kept in an environment at a specified constant temperature: this is water
(“water-in-water” test), another liquid (“water-in-liquid” test) or air (“water-in-air” test).
IS0 1167:1996(E)
5 Test parameters
The following test parameters are set by the standard making reference to this International Standard:
0 the duration of the test under pressure and the criteria for a failure (see 10.3);
I) the requirements, or patterns of requirements, if any, which determine the initiation of additional testing.
6 Apparatus
6.1 End caps, fixed to the ends of the pipe.
By means of an appropriate system, they shall allow sealing and connection to the pressurizing equipment.
ISO 1167:1996
The end cap shall be of one of the following types:
a) Type A: Fittings rigidly connected to the test piece but not to each other, and hence transmitting the
hydrostatic end thrust to the test piece, e.g. as shown in figure 1 a). They may comprise flanged plates on the
ends of a large-diameter pipe, optionally welded when flanges, caps, plugs or plates are of a material
compatible with that of the test pieces.
b) Type B: Sockets, made of metal, fitted with joints ensuring sealing onto the external surface of the test piece
and connected to one another, and hence not transmitting the hydrostatic end thrust to the test piece. They
may comprise one or more metal rods, as shown in figure 1 b), allowing sufficient longitudinal movement at
the ends of the test piece to avoid buckling due to thermal expansion.
Other than toothed grips, any sharp edges which would come into contact with the outside surface of the pipe
shall be rounded off.
The constituent material of the end cap shall not have any known adverse effect on the pipe under test.
1 In general, times to failure with type B end caps are shorter than those obtained with type A end caps because of
differences of stress in deformation.
2 When no precautions are taken, type B end caps can cause buckling of the test piece when the test piece is assembled
with the end caps at a lower temperature than the test temperature.
For the evaluation of pipe and/or fitting materials in accordance with lSO/rR 9080, type A end caps shall be used
unless otherwise specified in the referring standard.
IS0 1167:1996(E)
ISO 1167:1996
I -
6.2 Tank, filled with water or another liquid, kept at a constant temperature, as specified in the referring
standard, to within a mean of + 1 OC and a maximum deviation of + 2 OC (see 10.2), or oven, the temperature of
which shall be kept at the specified value to within a mean of ‘_y OCand maximum deviations of ‘-4 OC.
When an environment other than water is used, all necessary precautions shall be taken, in particular those
concerning safety and any interaction between liquids and the material(s) of the test piece.
When environments other than water are used, tests which are intended to be comparative shall be carried out in
the same environment.
IS0 1167:1996(E) @IS0
As the results are strongly influenced by temperature, the tolerance on temperature shall be kept as small as
possible within the specified limits, e.g. by using forced circulation of the fluid. When testing in air, it is
recommended that the pipe surface temperature is checked in addition to the air temperature.
The water shall not contain any impurities which could affect the results.
6.3 Supports or hangers, enabling test pieces to be placed in the tank or oven (6.2) in such a way that there is
no contact between them or with the side walls of the tank or oven.
6.4 Pressurizing equipment, capable of applying the required pressure gradually and smoothly in accordance
with 10.1 and then of keeping it constant to within +*
_ 1 % for the duration of the test.
As t he results are st rongl y influenced by pressure, the tolerance on pressure shall be kept as small as possible
with in the specified Iimits.
1 The pressure should preferably be applied individually to each test piece. However, the use of equipment enabling the
pressure to be applied simultaneously to several test pieces is also permitted if there is no danger of interference when failure
occurs (e.g. by the use of an isolation valve or a test based on the first failure in a batch).
2 To maintain the pressure within the specified tolerance, it is recommended that a system be introduced which
automatically resets the pressure, if it drops slightly (e.g. because of swelling of the test piece), to the specified value.
6.5 Pressure measurement devices, capable of checking conformity to the specified test pressure [see 8.22
ISO 1167:1996
and item f) in clause 51. In the case of gauges or similar calibrated pressure measurement devices, the range of the
gauge shall be such that the required pressure setting lies within the calibrated range of the device used (see 8.1).
The pressure measurement devices shall not contaminate the test fluid.
6.6 Thermometer or equivalent, capable of checking conformity to the specified test temperature [see 6.2 and
item c) in clause 51.
6.7 Timer, capable of recording the duration of the pressure applications up to the moment of failure or leakage.
NOTE - It is recommended that WJ ipment be used which is sensitive to pressure var iations due to lea ks or a failure and which
is capable of stopping the timer an d, if necessary, closi ng the pressure circuit for the test piece concerned
6.8 Means of measuring the wall thickness, conforming to IS0 3126, with hemispherical tips, and of such a
design that measurements can be made along the whole length of the pipe.
69. Means of measuring the mean outside diameter of the pipe, conforming to IS0 3126, e.g. a metal tape.
0 IS0 IS0 1167:1996(E)
7 Test pieces
7.1 Dimensions
The free length lo of each test piece between the end caps shall be at least three times the outside diameter for
pipes with a nominal outside diameter less than or equal to 315 mm, with a minimum of 250 mm. For pipes with a
nominal outside diameter greater than 315 mm, a minimum free length of greater than or equal to 1 000 mm shall
be used.
For type B end caps, the total length of the test piece shall be such that the test piece does not make contact with
the end surface of the end caps during the test.
7.2 Number
Prepare a minimum of three test pieces unless specified in the referring standard.
The number of test pieces depends on the purpose of the test (e.g. performance test, internal and/or external
quality control test).
8.2.1 Determine, in accordance with IS0 3126, the minimum wall thickness and the mean outside diameter of the
free length of the test piece, using apparatus conforming to 6.8 and 6.9, respectively.
8.2.2 If necessary [see item f) in clause 51, calculate the test pressure p in bars*), to three significant figures,
using the following equation:
2e min
dem - emin
CT is the hoop stress, in megapascals, to be induced by the applied pressure;
d em is the measured mean outside diameter, in millimetres, of the test piece;
emi,-, is the measured minimum wall thickness, in millimetres, of the free length of the test piece.
9 Conditioning
Clean and dry the test pieces (see clause 7) to remove any traces of dirt, oil, wax or any other contamination, and
fit them with the end caps (6.1) chosen for the test. Fill the test pieces with water, which may be preheated to a
temperature not more than 5 OCabove the test temperature.
After filling, immerse the test pieces in the water bath or place in the oven at the required temperature and
condition for the time period specified in table 1. When conditioning at temperatures in excess of 100 OC, apply
some pressure to prevent vaporisation.
6 h + 30 min
The test pieces shall not be tested within a period of 15 h after production of the pipes, except for manufacturing
checks, unless there are specifications to the contrary in the referring standard for the material involved.
10 Procedure
ISO 1167:1996
10.1 Select the type of test, i.e. “water-in-water”, “water-in-air” or “water-in-liquid” I as specified by the referring
Connect the conditioned test pieces (see clause 9) to the pressurizing equipment (6.4) and bleed off the air.
Progressively and smoothly apply the test pressure (calculated in accordance with 8.22) to ‘: %, in the shortest
time practicable between 30 s and 1 h, depending upon the material, the size of the pipe and the capability of the
pressurizing equipment.
10.2 Keep the test pieces suspended in the thermally controlled environment. Maintain a constant temperature
(see the referring standard) and keep within a mean of + 1 OCand a maximum deviation of + 2 OC when a liquid
environment is used, and within a mean of ‘y OCand a maximum deviation of ‘; “C in the case of an oven (see 6 .2)
until testing ceases in accordance with 10.3 or 10.4, as applicable.
10.3 stop t he test either when the specified duration is reached [see item i) in clause 51 or when a failure or leak
occurs in the test piece, in which case record the time to failure unless the procedure given in 10.4 is applicable.
NOTE - Failure is “brittle” if no plastic deformation has occurred in the failure zone. If the failure is accompanied by plastic
deformation in the failure zone, visible without magnification, it is of the “ductile” type.
In the event of equipment failure, tests which have been under way for more than 1 000 h can be continued
providing the equipment is reinstated within 3 days. For tests which have been under way for more than 5 000 h,
the test can be continued providing the equipment is reinstated within 5 days. Following equipment failure, if the
test pieces are closed off at the test pressure by a solenoid valve or other means the test can be continued in the
@ IS0 IS0 ‘I 767:1996(E)
event of periods of breakdown in excess of that stated above. It should be noted that, in this situation, the pressure
will gradually decrease due to continuing creep in the test piece. The time whilst the equipment is not able to
function normally shall not be included in the test time.
10.4 If a break occurs in the test piece at a distance of less than 0,l lo from an end cap, disregard the result and
repea t the test u sing an other test piece.
11 Test report