NCM 101 Review Guide 1.2 Finals
NCM 101 Review Guide 1.2 Finals
NCM 101 Review Guide 1.2 Finals
assessments, respecting patients' arise in the context of health
cultural assessment.
• values, preferences, and practices.
Health assessment is a core competency in
8. Legal and Ethical Considerations:
nursing practice, essential for providing safe,
• Understand legal and ethical
effective, and patient-centered care. By mastering
standards governing health
the principles, techniques, and considerations
assessment practice, including
outlined in this review guide, nursing students can
informed consent, confidentiality,
enhance their competence and confidence in
privacy, and professional boundaries.
conducting health assessments and contribute to
• Learn to navigate ethical dilemmas
positive health outcomes for their patients.
and conflicts of interest that may
Key provisions of Republic Act No. 9173 (BON) as the regulatory authorities
include: responsible for implementing and
enforcing the provisions of RA 9173.
1. Licensure Examination: Specifies the
It outlines their roles, powers, and
qualifications and requirements for
functions in overseeing the nursing
individuals seeking to become profession.
registered nurses in the Philippines. It
outlines the procedures for the Overall, Republic Act No. 9173 plays
administration, conduct, and results a crucial role in promoting the
of the nursing licensure examination.
professionalism, competence, and
2. Scope of Nursing Practice: Defines integrity of nurses in the Philippines,
the scope of nursing practice, while ensuring the delivery of safe
including the roles, functions, and and quality healthcare services to the
responsibilities of registered nurses. public.
It delineates the specific acts that
nurses are authorized to perform, as
well as the limitations and restrictions
• Code of Ethics for Registered
on their practice.
3. Regulation of Nursing Education:
✓ Promulgated by the
Establishes standards and guidelines
for nursing education programs and Philippine “Board of
institutions in the Philippines. It
outlines the requirements for ✓ Principal Basis is the Code of
accreditation, recognition, and Good Governance for the
Profession in the Philippines
monitoring of nursing schools and
curricula. The Code of Ethics for Nurses is a guiding
4. Professional Development: Mandates document that outlines the ethical principles,
continuing professional education for values, and standards of conduct expected of
registered nurses to ensure the nurses in their professional practice. It serves
maintenance and enhancement of as a framework for ethical decision-making
their knowledge and skills. It also and behavior, promoting integrity,
provides opportunities for accountability, and the highest standards of
specialization and advanced practice nursing practice. While specific codes of
nursing. ethics may vary slightly between different
5. Code of Ethics for Nurses: Sets forth nursing organizations or countries, they
the ethical principles, standards of generally emphasize similar core principles.
conduct, and professional obligations Below are the key components typically
that registered nurses are expected found in codes of ethics for nursing:
to uphold in their practice. It
emphasizes the importance of ethical 1. Respect for Human Dignity
behavior, integrity, and 2. Patient-Centered Care
accountability in nursing care. 3. Integrity and Accountability
6. Regulatory Bodies: Designates the 4. Professional Competence
Professional Regulation Commission 5. Ethical Practice
(PRC) and the Board of Nursing 6. Collaboration and Communication