NCM 101 Review Guide 1.2 Finals

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NCM 101 Review Guide 1.2 • Familiarize yourself

techniques and procedures for
with the

Health assessment: is a foundational skill in performing a head-to-toe physical

nursing practice, providing the basis for examination, including inspection,
understanding patients' health status, identifying palpation, percussion, and
health needs, and developing individualized care auscultation.
plans. This review guide is designed to help nursing • Understand the sequence and
students reinforce their knowledge and skills in rationale for conducting physical
health assessment, covering key principles, assessments of different body
techniques, and considerations essential for systems, such as cardiovascular,
competent practice. respiratory, gastrointestinal,
musculoskeletal, and neurological
1. The Nursing Process: systems.
• Understand the nursing process and • Practice appropriate positioning,
its application to health assessment, draping, and patient safety measures
including assessment, diagnosis, during physical examinations.
planning, implementation, and 5. Assessment Techniques and Tools:
evaluation. • Review common assessment
• Recognize the importance of techniques and tools used in health
systematic and holistic assessment in assessment, such as vital signs
providing patient-centered care. measurement, pain assessment
• Identify the roles and responsibilities scales, assessment of skin integrity,
of the nurse in conducting health and neurological assessment tools.
assessments within the context of • Learn to use assessment instruments
interdisciplinary healthcare teams. and technology effectively, including
2. Principles of Health Assessment: stethoscopes, blood pressure cuffs,
• Review the fundamental principles of thermometers, otoscopes, and
health assessment, including ophthalmoscopes.
thoroughness, accuracy, objectivity, 6. Documentation and Reporting:
and cultural competence. • Understand the importance of
• Understand the importance of accurate and comprehensive
establishing rapport, communication, documentation in health assessment,
and trust with patients to facilitate including subjective and objective
the assessment process. data, assessment findings, nursing
3. Health History: diagnoses, care plans, and progress
• Learn the components of a notes.
comprehensive health history, • Practice documenting assessment
including biographical data, chief findings using appropriate
complaint, present illness, past documentation formats, terminology,
medical history, family history, social and charting systems.
history, and review of systems. 7. Cultural Considerations:
• Practice conducting health history • Recognize the influence of culture,
interviews using open-ended ethnicity, religion, and socioeconomic
questions, active listening, and factors on health beliefs, behaviors,
therapeutic communication and healthcare practices.
techniques. • Develop cultural competence and
4. Physical Examination: sensitivity in conducting health


assessments, respecting patients' arise in the context of health
cultural assessment.
• values, preferences, and practices.
Health assessment is a core competency in
8. Legal and Ethical Considerations:
nursing practice, essential for providing safe,
• Understand legal and ethical
effective, and patient-centered care. By mastering
standards governing health
the principles, techniques, and considerations
assessment practice, including
outlined in this review guide, nursing students can
informed consent, confidentiality,
enhance their competence and confidence in
privacy, and professional boundaries.
conducting health assessments and contribute to
• Learn to navigate ethical dilemmas
positive health outcomes for their patients.
and conflicts of interest that may

Ethico-Legal in Conducting Health Assessment

Ethics 4. Respect for Autonomy and
Ethics refers to the moral principles and 5. Competency and Scope of
values that guide individuals or groups in Practice
determining what is right or wrong, good or 6. Duty to Report
bad, and how they should behave in various 7. Documentation and Record-Keep
situations. Ethics provides a framework for
evaluating and making decisions about what Classical/Universal Ethical Principle:
actions are morally acceptable or
1. Respect for Autonomy
2. Beneficence
"Ethico-legal" refers to matters or issues 3. Nonmaleficence
that involve both ethical considerations and 4. Justice
legal principles. It pertains to situations 5. Veracity
6. Accountability
where ethical concerns intersect with legal
7. Fidelity
regulations or requirements, or where ethical
principles guide legal decision-making. ___________________________________

In conducting health assessments, Republic Act No. 9173:

healthcare professionals encounter various Philippine Nursing Act of 2002
ethical and legal considerations that guide
their practice. These ethical-legal Republic Act No. 9173, also known as the
considerations ensure that health "Philippine Nursing Act of 2002," is a
assessments are conducted with integrity, legislation enacted by the Philippine
respect for individuals' rights and autonomy, government to regulate and supervise the
and adherence to legal requirements. Here nursing profession in the country. It was
are some key ethical-legal considerations in signed into law on October 21, 2002 and
conducting health assessments: serves as the primary legal framework
governing the practice of nursing in the
1. Informed Consent
Philippines. RA 9173 aims to ensure the
2. Privacy and Confidentiality
quality of nursing education, licensure, and
3. Cultural Sensitivity and Respect
practice, as well as to protect the welfare of
for Diversity
nurses and the public they serve.


Key provisions of Republic Act No. 9173 (BON) as the regulatory authorities
include: responsible for implementing and
enforcing the provisions of RA 9173.
1. Licensure Examination: Specifies the
It outlines their roles, powers, and
qualifications and requirements for
functions in overseeing the nursing
individuals seeking to become profession.
registered nurses in the Philippines. It
outlines the procedures for the Overall, Republic Act No. 9173 plays
administration, conduct, and results a crucial role in promoting the
of the nursing licensure examination.
professionalism, competence, and
2. Scope of Nursing Practice: Defines integrity of nurses in the Philippines,
the scope of nursing practice, while ensuring the delivery of safe
including the roles, functions, and and quality healthcare services to the
responsibilities of registered nurses. public.
It delineates the specific acts that
nurses are authorized to perform, as
well as the limitations and restrictions
• Code of Ethics for Registered
on their practice.
3. Regulation of Nursing Education:
✓ Promulgated by the
Establishes standards and guidelines
for nursing education programs and Philippine “Board of
institutions in the Philippines. It
outlines the requirements for ✓ Principal Basis is the Code of
accreditation, recognition, and Good Governance for the
Profession in the Philippines
monitoring of nursing schools and
curricula. The Code of Ethics for Nurses is a guiding
4. Professional Development: Mandates document that outlines the ethical principles,
continuing professional education for values, and standards of conduct expected of
registered nurses to ensure the nurses in their professional practice. It serves
maintenance and enhancement of as a framework for ethical decision-making
their knowledge and skills. It also and behavior, promoting integrity,
provides opportunities for accountability, and the highest standards of
specialization and advanced practice nursing practice. While specific codes of
nursing. ethics may vary slightly between different
5. Code of Ethics for Nurses: Sets forth nursing organizations or countries, they
the ethical principles, standards of generally emphasize similar core principles.
conduct, and professional obligations Below are the key components typically
that registered nurses are expected found in codes of ethics for nursing:
to uphold in their practice. It
emphasizes the importance of ethical 1. Respect for Human Dignity
behavior, integrity, and 2. Patient-Centered Care
accountability in nursing care. 3. Integrity and Accountability
6. Regulatory Bodies: Designates the 4. Professional Competence
Professional Regulation Commission 5. Ethical Practice
(PRC) and the Board of Nursing 6. Collaboration and Communication


7. Social Justice and Advocacy 2012 and became effective on

September 8, 2012.
These principles and values outlined in the
Code of Ethics for Nurses serve as a A tort is a legal term that refers to a
foundation for ethical nursing practice and civil wrong or a wrongful act or
guide nurses in fulfilling their moral and omission that causes harm or injury
professional responsibilities to their patients, to another person or their property,
colleagues, and communities. Adherence to for which the injured party may seek
the code helps to maintain public trust in the compensation through a civil lawsuit.
nursing profession and ensures the delivery Torts are generally categorized into
of safe, compassionate, and ethical care. three main types: intentional torts,
negligent torts, and strict liability
___________________________________ torts.
• Patient’s Bill of Rights 1. Intentional Torts:
1. Right to Appropriate Medical - occur when an individual
Care and Humane Treatment intentionally engages in
2. Right to Informed Consent conduct that causes harm or
3. Right to Privacy and injury to another person or
Confidentiality their property.
4. Right to Information - Examples of intentional torts:
5. The Right to Choose Health include assault, battery, false
Care Provider and Facility. imprisonment, intentional
6. Right to Self- Determination infliction of emotional
distress, trespass to land,
7. Right to Religious Belief
trespass to chattels, and
8. Right to Medical Records
9. Right to Leave - In intentional tort cases, the
10. Right to Refuse Participation plaintiff must prove that the
in Medical Research defendant acted with intent to
11. Right to Correspondence and cause harm or with
to Receive Visitors knowledge that their actions
12. Right to Express Grievances would likely result in harm.
13. Right to be Informed of his 2. Negligent Torts/Unintentional
Rights and Obligations as a Torts:
Patients. - Negligence involves a
• Republic Act No. 10173 breach of duty of care
also known as the "Data Privacy Act owed to others, typically
of 2012," is a legislation enacted by arising from a failure to
the Philippine government to protect act as a reasonably
the fundamental human right to prudent person would
privacy of communication while under similar
ensuring free flow of information to circumstances.
promote innovation and growth. It - Examples of negligent
was signed into law on August 15, torts include medical


malpractice, car accidents injury occurred as a result of the

caused by reckless defendant's actions or activities.
driving, slip and fall
Definition of Terms:
accidents due to unsafe
premises, and 1. Malpractice: refers to a
professional negligence. professional's failure to perform
- In negligent tort cases, their duties with the level of skill,
the plaintiff must prove care, and diligence expected from
that the defendant owed a someone in their profession. It
duty of care, breached involves the breach of a duty
that duty, and that the owed to another person or entity,
breach caused harm or which leads to harm, injury, or
injury to the plaintiff. damages.
3. Strict Liability Torts: 2. Negligence: is a broader legal
- Strict liability torts occur concept that applies to any
when an individual or situation where someone fails to
entity is held liable for exercise reasonable care,
harm or injury caused by resulting in harm or injury to
their actions, regardless another person or their property.
of intent or fault. ✓ Important doctrines of
- Examples of strict liability negligence include:
torts include liability for 1. Duty of Care
defective products, 2. Breach of Duty
ultrahazardous activities 3. Causation
such as storing 4. Foreseeability
explosives, and liability for 5. Res Ipsa Loquitor
certain types of animal
behavior. These doctrines of negligence
- In strict liability tort cases, provide guidance for courts in
the plaintiff does not need determining whether a defendant is
to prove negligence or liable for negligent conduct and for
intent on the part of the establishing the elements of a
defendant; instead, they negligence claim.
only need to demonstrate Negligence (omission and
that the harm or injury commission)
occurred as a result of the
defendant's actions or Omission negligence involves a
activities. failure to act or a failure to fulfill a
duty of care, while commission
In strict liability tort cases, the negligence involves an affirmative act
plaintiff does not need to prove or action that directly causes harm or
negligence or intent on the part of injury.
the defendant; instead, they only
need to demonstrate that the harm or Respondeat Superior: “let the
master answer for the acts of the


subordinate” means that liability is to make ALL the FACTS available to

expanded to include employer. agency.

Liability: is a penalty or sanction _________________________

suffered by nurse if found guilty of
violation of any of the existing laws in
Health Care Team in Health
the Philippines as well as
implementing rules and regulations.
The 3 kinds of liability are: A team-based approach in healthcare
Administrative, Civil and involves various professionals
Criminal. collaborating to provide
comprehensive care to patients. This
Delegation: is defined as
approach recognizes that each
“TRANSFERRING” to a component
member of the healthcare team
individual the authority to perform a
brings unique skills, knowledge, and
selected nursing task in a selected
expertise to the table, and by working
situation.” The delegate assumes the
together, they can achieve better
responsibility for the actual
patient outcomes.
performance of the task. The
delegator retains accountable. Team-based approach: This
approach emphasizes
Conspiracy: to commit crime exists
communication, cooperation, and
when two or more people agree to
coordination among different
commit a felony and decide to do it.
healthcare professionals, such as
Principals: are those who take nurses, physicians, pharmacists,
direct part in the execution of the act. social workers, and therapists, to
deliver holistic care to patients. It
Accomplices: are those who
involves shared decision- making,
cooperate in the execution of the
mutual respect, and understanding of
offense by previous or simultaneous
each team member's role and
act and must have knowledge of the
criminal intention of the principal.
Roles of the nurse and other
Accessories: are those who have
members of the health team:
knowledge of the commission of the
crime and take part subsequent to Nurse: Nurses play a crucial role in
the commission by profiting health assessment as they are often
themselves or assisting the offender the first point of contact for patients.
of the crime or the effects or the Their roles include conducting
instruments, in order to prevent comprehensive health assessments,
discovery, concealing or helping in collecting patient history, performing
the escape. physical examinations, analyzing
data, identifying health problems,
Incident Report: (unusual
developing care plans, providing
occurrence report) is an agency
patient education, and coordinating
record of an accident or unusual
occurrence. These reports are used


care with other healthcare • Practicing evidence-based

professionals. assessment techniques and utilizing
Physician: Physicians diagnose appropriate assessment tools and
medical conditions, prescribe instruments.
treatments, and oversee the overall The core values of nursing in
management of patient care. conducting health assessment
Pharmacist: Pharmacists ensure
safe and effective medication use by Compassion: Nurses approach
reviewing prescriptions, providing health assessment with empathy and
medication counseling to patients, understanding, considering the
physical, emotional, and
and monitoring for drug interactions.
psychological needs of patients.
Social Workers: Social workers
Integrity: Nurses uphold ethical
assess social and emotional factors standards and maintain honesty,
affecting patients' health, provide professionalism, and confidentiality in
counseling and support services, and their interactions with patients during
help patients access community the assessment process.
Advocacy: Nurses advocate for
Therapist: Therapists, such as patients' rights to receive
physical therapists, occupational comprehensive and accurate health
therapists, and speech therapists, assessments, ensuring their voices
provide rehabilitation services to are heard and their concerns are
patients to improve their physical and addressed.
functional abilities. Excellence: Nurses strive for
Program Instruction in Health excellence in health assessment by
Assessment include: continuously improving their skills,
staying updated on evidence-based
• Learning the principles and practices, and delivering high-quality
techniques of health assessment, care to patients.
including obtaining a comprehensive
Collaboration: Nurses collaborate
health history, performing physical
with other members of the healthcare
examinations, and documenting team to gather comprehensive
findings. assessment data, develop holistic
• Developing skills in conducting care plans, and promote positive
interviews, communicating effectively patient outcomes through teamwork
with patients, and establishing and cooperation.
Professionalism: Demonstrating
• Understanding the importance of
competence, accountability, and
cultural competence and sensitivity in
respect for the dignity and rights of
health assessment.


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