Alila 2005
Alila 2005
Alila 2005
Adsorption of a Cationic Surfactant onto Cellulosic Fibers
I. Surface Charge Effects
Sabrine Alila,† Sami Boufi,*,† Mohamed Naceur Belgacem,‡ and
Davide Beneventi‡
LMSE, Faculté des Sciences de Sfax, BP 802-3018, Sfax, Tunisia, and LGP2-UMR5518,
Ecole Française de Papeterie et des Industries Graphiques, INPG, BP 65,
F-38402 St. Martin d’Hères, France
The adsorption of four cationic surfactants with different alkyl chain lengths on cellulose substrates was
investigated. Cellulose fibers were used as model substrates, and primary alcohol groups of cellulose
glycosyl units were oxidized into carboxylic groups to obtain substrates with different surface charges. The
amount of surfactant adsorbed on the fiber surface, the fiber ζ-potential, and the amount of surfactant
counterions (Cl-) released into solution were measured as a function of the surfactant bulk concentration,
its molecular structure, the substrate surface charge, and the ionic strength. The contribution of each of
these parameters to the shape of the adsorption isotherms was used to verify if surfactant adsorption and
self-assembly models usually used to describe the behavior of surfactant/oxide systems can be applied, and
with which limitations, to describe cationic surfactant adsorption onto oppositely charged cellulose substrates.
Figure 11. Possible adsorption isotherms and aggregation states of cationic surfactants at the surface of negatively charged
cellulose fibers. These isotherms and aggregation states are consistent with models proposed for surfactant/oxide systems.31-33 (a)
Three-region adsorption isotherm with monolayer aggregation, i.e., C12. Dispersive interactions among C12 molecules are too weak
to overcome electrostatic repulsion and to allow bilayer packing. (b) Five-region adsorption isotherm with monolayer and bilayer
aggregation, i.e., C14 and C16. Dispersive interactions among surfactant molecules are strong enough to allow the formation of
a bilayer. The monolayer to bilayer transition is retarded (presence of region III). (c) Three-region adsorption isotherm with
monolayer and bilayer aggregation, i.e., C18. Strong dispersive interactions boost surfactant self-assembly, monolayer and bilayer
aggregates form simultaneously, and region III (b) disappears.
than 200-300 m2 g-1.46 This result could be justified only was linked with the charge density of the substrate and
if we consider that surfactant molecules were adsorbed the length of the surfactant hydrocarbon chain.
not only at the external surface of the fibers but also inside (ii) The increase in the negative charge density of
their porous structures thanks to the fiber swelling cellulose improved electrostatic forces promoting surfac-
occurring during fiber oxidation. In other words, the tant adsorption and self-assembly, thus allowing the dense
cellulose surface available for surfactant adsorption in packing of adsorbed molecules into monolayered and
the water-swollen state was much larger than that bilayered aggregates.
measured for the dry substrate. (iii) The alkyl chain length affected surfactant self-
aggregation especially near the saturation of the substrate.
Conclusions The increase in the surfactant adsorption density and in
The adsorption and self-assembly of cationic surfactants the surface charge observed when the alkyl chain length
on oxidized cellulose displayed a complex behavior de- was increased from 12 to 18 C atoms was associated with
pending on the cellulose charge, the surfactant molecular the progressive transition from monolayer to bilayer
structure, and the ionic strength of the solution. Although aggregates. With C12 dispersive interactions are not
we did not rationalize experimental results with a rigorous strong enough to prevail over electrostatic repulsion and
mathematical treatment, the contribution of these vari- after the neutralization of the surface charge adsorption
ables to surfactant adsorption and aggregation was in decreases quickly; only monolayered aggregates are
agreement with tendencies which can be predicted by supposed to form. With C18 strong dispersive interactions
DLVO theory. promote surfactant adsorption and aggregation even after
(i) Adsorption of cationic surfactants proceeded via surface charge reversal; bilayered aggregates are supposed
electrostatic and dispersive interactions whose intensity to form.
(iv) The ionic strength influenced adsorption by screen-
(46) Thakulsukaant, C.; Lobban, L. L.; Osuwan, S.; Waritswat, A. ing the cellulose surface charge and the surfactant ionic
Langmuir 1997, 13, 4595. head. At low surfactant concentration, when adsorption
Surfactant Adsorption onto Cellulosic Fibers Langmuir, Vol. 21, No. 18, 2005 8113
is driven by electrostatic forces, adsorption was retarded cellulose-water interface and adsorption isotherms is
when the ionic strength was increased. At high surfactant given in Figure 11.
concentration, when electrostatic forces among surfactant
headgroups hinder a dense molecular packing on the Acknowledgment. This work was financially sup-
substrate, adsorption was boosted when the ionic strength ported by the Tunisian “Ministère de la Recherche
was increased. Scientifique, technologique et de developpement des
The negative charge of the cellulose substrate, the alkyl compétences” and by the International Foundation for
chain length, and ionic strength affected in similar ways Science through Grant W/3358-1.
surfactant adsorption and self-assembly. Indeed, an Supporting Information Available: Details pertain-
increase in one of these parameters was reflected by an ing to conductometric titration, FT-IR characterization, and X-ray
increase in surfactant adsorption and aggregation with a characterization. This material is available free of charge via
consequent variation in the shape of the adsorption the Internet at
isotherm, which switched from a five- to a three-region
curve. A sum of possible surfactant configurations at the LA050367N