Eldritch Evocations1
Eldritch Evocations1
Eldritch Evocations1
n your study of occult lore, you have unearthed Warlock Invocation Classifications
eldritch invocations, fragments of forbidden Player's Handbook Invocations
knowledge that imbue you with an abiding magical Combat Invocations Utility Invocations
ability. At 2nd level, you gain one Combat invocation,
and one Utility invocation of your choice. Your Agonising Blast Ascendent Step
invocation options are detailed below. When you gain Armour of Shadows Beast Speech
certain Warlock levels, you gain additional Combat
and Utility Invocations, as shown in the Invocations Known Bewitching Whispers Beguiling Influence
table below. Book of Ancient Secrets Devil's Sight
Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can Chains of Carceri Eldritch Sight
choose up to one combat invocation you know, and up to one
utility invocation you know, and replace them with other Dreadful Word Eyes of the Rune Keeper
invocations that you could learn at that level. Eldritch Spear Gaze of Two Minds
At 10th level, Warlocks that took the Pact of the Blade
increase the maximum number of Combat invocations they Fiendish Vigour Mask of Many Faces
can take by 1. Life Drinker Master of Myriad Forms
At 10th level, Warlocks that took the Pact of the Tome Minions of Chaos Misty Visions
increase the maximum number of Utility invocations they can
take by 1. Mire the Mind One with Shadows
At 10th level, Warlocks that took the Pact of the Chain may Repelling Blast Otherwordly Leap
store an invocation they have not chosen in their Familiar.
During a short or long rest, the Warlock may switch the Sculptor of Flesh Visions of Distant Realms
stored invocation for an invocation they have, which becomes Sign of Ill Omen Voice of the Chain Master
the new stored invocation. Thief of Five Fates Whispers of the Grave
Warlock Invocation Maximums Thirsting Blade Witch Sight
Maximum Maximum
Warlock Combat Utility Maximum Total
Level Invocations Invocations Invocations UA: Warlock and Wizard Invocations
Combat Invocations Utility Invocations
2 1 1 2
Burning Hex Aspect of the Moon
3 2 2 3
Chilling Hex Caiphon's Beacon
4 2 2 3
Claw of Acamar Chronicle of the Raven Queen
5 2 2 4
Cloak of Baalzebul Gaze of Khirad
6 2 2 4
Curse Bringer Green Lord's Gift
7 2 2 4
Frost Lance Path of the Seeker
8 3 3 5
Grasp of Hadar Sea Twin's Gift
9 3 3 5
Improved Pact Weapon Seeker's Speech
10 3 3 6
Kiss of Mephistophiles
11 3 3 6
Mace of Dispater
12 3 3 6
Moon Bow
13 4 4 7
Relentless Hex
14 4 4 7
Shroud of Ulban
15 4 4 8
Superiour Pact Weapon
16 4 4 8
Tomb of Levistus
17 4 4 8
Ultimate Pact Weapon
18 5 5 9
19 5 5 9
20 5 5 10
New Invocations Uncanny Incunabula
Comabt Invocations Utility Invocations Prerequisite: Pact of the Tome feature, Great Old One Patron
Cursling Bonds Book of Leaves
As an action, you may attempt to connect to the mind of a
Dour Harvest Brimstone Shackles creature you can see. The ability fails if the target does not
Flickers of Fear Uncanny Incunabula speak any languages. The target must make an Intelligence
saving throw. If they succeed, they become aware of your
Lich's Ledger Final Authority mental presence, though targets not versed in magic may not
Brilliant Bonds Grave Sight be able to discover that it is you in their mind. If they fail the
Shining Blast Shadow of Death saving throw, you learn subtle secrets about the target. These
secrets aren’t consciously known by you, but as long as you
Spear of Heliod Enigmatum Codex know the subtle secrets, you add your spellcasting ability
Vessel Overflowing Threads of Inquiry modifier to all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma checks
made to influence the targets behaviour, even if you already
Vital Outburst Cadaverous Insight add that modifier to those checks. If you ever roll an
Graven Tethers unmodified result on a d20 for one of these checks that is
Corpsehatch equal to or less than your proficiency modifier, you lose the
subtle secrets you know about that target creature,
Deeper Knowledge regardless of whether the check is successful or not.
Eiken's Gathering
Cursling Bonds
Key to the Mind Prerequisites: Pact of the Chain feature, Hexblade Patron
Knowledge from Beyond
When a creature affected by your hex spell moves away from
Malefic Feedback you, they take necrotic damage equal to your proficiency
Reactive Shroud modifier for each five feet further away from you they are
Unfurling Flesh
when they finish moving from when they started.
Final Authority
New Invocations Prerequisites: Raven Queen Patron
If an invocation has prerequisites, you must meet them to You learn the Spare the Dying and Toll the Dead Cantrips. If
learn it. You can learn the invocation at the same time you you lose this invocation, you also lose the ability to cast those
meet its prerequisites. A level prerequisite refers to your level cantrips unless you learn them from another source, or you
in this class. take this invocation again.
Book of Leaves
Prerequisites: Pact of the Tome feature, Archfey Patron Grave Sight
Prerequisites: Raven Queen Patron
Your Patron knows many things lost to time, forgotten even You can use your action to send your Raven spirit from you
before they could have been known. You may cast legend lore shoulder to a corpse with a head that you can see. The Raven
using a warlock spell slot, even if you don’t have a high spirit enters the corpse’s eyes as a black smoke, which drifts
enough spell slot for it. However, the information the spell from any holes and orifices in the corpse's head, and you can
reveals is provided by your Patron. The information may be perceive through the corpse’s senses as if it were still alive. As
limited by your Patrons knowledge, or by your Patron may long as that corpse is on the same plane of existence as you,
limit the information it reveals if it feels your dedication you can use your action on subsequent turns to maintain this
hasn’t been fervent enough. Once you cast Legend Lore in connection. While perceiving through the corpse’s eyes, you
this way, you may not do so again until you finish a long rest. benefit from any special senses the creature had whilst alive,
Brimstone Shackles and you are blinded and deafened to your own surroundings.
Prerequisites: Pact of the Chain feature, Fiend Patron
Shadow of Death
A creature that fails its saving Throw against your charm Prerequisites: Pact of the Chain feature, Raven Queen Patron
person spell must make additional saving throws of the same As an action, you send out your Raven spirit to harass and
kind at the end of the spell’s duration. If they fail the save curse an enemy. Whilst the Raven spirit harasses that enemy,
again, they are affected by the spell as if you had cast it on they suffer a d4 penalty to all attack rolls and saving throws.
them for the first time again. No additional spell slots are You must concentrate on this effect. If you lose concentration
expended. If they fail the saving throw three times in a row, on this effect, or the creature the Raven spirit is harassing
they become permanently charmed by you unless you take dies, the Raven spirit returns to your shoulder at the end of
actions that would break the spell. your next turn.
Enigmatum Codex Flickers of Fear
Prerequisites: Pact of the Tome Feature, Seeker Patron Prerequisites: Undying Patron
Your quest for knowledge allows you to master anything you When an undead creature succeeds on a Wisdom saving
set your mind to, if only for a time. When you complete a throw for your Among the Dead feature, they do not become
short or long rest, you can pick any combination of two skills immune to that feature, unless you target it with an attack or
or tools. You gain proficiency in them until you finish your a harmful spell. If they fail their Wisdom saving throw for
next short or long rest. You cannot choose the same skill or your Among the Dead feature, they also have disadvantage on
tool if you have already chosen it since your last long rest, or their next attack roll until the end of their next turn.
if you picked it at the end of your previous rest.
Lich's Ledger
Threads of Inquiry Prerequisites: Pact of the Tome feature, Undying Patron
Prerequisites: Pact of the Chain Feature, Seeker Patron
Improvement to animate dead efficiency You learn the
You gain the ability to lace your words with magical energy, Animate Dead spell, which does not count against your spells
which acts as a mental compulsion for beings beyond the known. Additionally, when you cast Animate Dead to reassert
natural. When you ask a question to a celestial, fiend, or control over undead you created you may do so over three
elemental, you may invoke this power, and force the creature additional undead creatures for each spell slot higher than
to make a Charisma saving throw. If it fails, it must answer third, rather than two, each time you cast one of those spells.
your question truthfully and to the full extent of its When you cast Create Undead to reassert control over
knowledge. When a creature succeeds on this saving throw, it undead creatures you created, you may reassert control over
does not suffer any compulsion to answer in a truthful an additional creature.
manner, and you cannot use this feature on that same
creature until the next new moon. Brilliant Bonds
Prerequisites: Pact of the Chain feature, Undying Light
Cadaverous Insight Patron
Prerequisites: Undying Patron
As an action, you may expend a Warlock spell slot to form a
When you make a skill check using Intelligence, Wisdom, or luminous chain between you and a dying creature within 30
Charisma that deals with either death or corpses, you may feet of you. You must concentrate on this link, for a maximum
add your proficiency bonus if you do not already, or you can number of rounds equal to your Warlock spell slot level.
double your proficiency bonus if you do. You may also elect to During this time, the dying creature may act as if they were
make one of these checks at advantage. Once you do, you conscious on their turn, though they are still dying. While
may not give yourself advantage in this way until you acting in this way, their movement speed is halved, and they
complete a short or long rest. may take an action, or a bonus action, but not both. They
must make death saving throws during this time as normal.
Dour Harvest
Prerequisites: Pact of the Blade feature, Undying Patron Shining Blast
Prerequisites: eldritch blast cantrip, Undying Light Patron
You can create a blackened silver scythe using your Pact of
the Blade feature, using the statistics of a war pick. When you When you roll maximum damage for a ray of Eldritch Blast
hit a creature with it you can expend a spell slot to deal an the target of that ray is blinded until the start of their next
additional 2d8 necrotic damage to the target per spell slot turn.
level, and the creature is frightened of you until the end of
their next turn. Spear of Heliod
Prerequisites: Pact of the Blade feature, Undying Light
Graven Tethers Patron
Prerequisites: Pact of the Chain feature, Undying Patron
You can create a shining, golden spear using your Pact of the
As an action, you target one undead creature that you can Blade feature. When you hit a creature with your spear, if
see, with a challenge rating equal to half your level (rounded there is a different creature within 5 feet of your target, and
down) or lower. That creature must make a Wisdom saving your original attack roll would have hit that creature as well,
throw. If it fails, it is bound to you, and must act as your you may inflict half of the damage you dealt to the original
familiar. Any familiars you have when you successfully use creature to the additional creature as well.
this feature disappear, or break free from your control.
Vessel Overflowing
Prerequisites: Undying Light Patron
Whenever you receive HP, and the amount you receive would
cause you to increase your hit points over your hit point
maximum, rather than lose the excess, you gain the excess
instead as temporary hit points.
Vital Outburst
Prerequisites: Undying Light Patron
When you have temp hit points, as an action you may expend
any or all of them to damage nearby foes. All creatures within
5 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw against
your spell save DC. If they fail, they take radiant damage
equal to the temporary hit points you expended, or half as
much damage if they succeeded. If they fail by 5 or more, they
take double that damage instead.
Prerequisites: 6th level
As an action, you may point at a corpse you can see that is
within 30 feet of you. Insects and vermin spontaneously
generate with the corpse, and at the start of your next turn,
they spew forth as an Insect Swarm. The swarm is hostile to
all creatures it is aware of, including you, and will attack the
closest creature it is aware of until it is destroyed. Once you
reach 12th level, you spawn 2 Insect Swarms with this
feature, and once you reach 18th level you spawn 3. Once you
have used this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a
long rest.
Deeper Knowledge
Choose two skills, tools, or instruments that you are
proficient in. You double your proficiency modifier when you
make a check involving those skills or tools. You may take this
invocation multiple times, choosing different skills,
instruments, or tools each time.
Eiken’s Gathering
Prerequisite: 3rd level
As a 10 minute ritual, you can regain a spent spell slot,
however the regained spell slot is 1st level rather than your
regular spell slot level.
Key to the Mind
You can cast the Puppet at will without expending a spell slot.
Knowledge from Beyond
Prerequisites: 9th level
You may cast Contact Other Plane once per long rest without
spending a spell slot.
Malefic Feedback
When you reduce a creature that you are affecting with a Hex
spell to 0 hit points, you can regain a spell slot as a bonus
action if you end the Hex spell.
Reactive Shroud
When you cast a spell or a cantrip, you gain resistance to the
damage type that spell deals until the end of your next turn.
Unfurling Flesh
As a bonus action, you cause you flesh to contort and stretch
into a new and more elastic form. You gain one of the
following benefits; your reach increases by 5 feet, or your
speed increases by 10 feet. This changes last for one minute.