Ehs Orm Minors
Ehs Orm Minors
Ehs Orm Minors
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
Release of Liability Waiver: By signing the Waiver Form, I acknowledge that the participant, listed
above is capable of participating in all activities. I also assume all risks of the participant in the activities,
whether such risks are known or unknown to me at this time. I release and hold harmless this
organization, leaders, volunteers, and any agents from any claim the student or I may have due to the
result of an injury or illness incurred during participation of the NSU camp(s). I accept and assume full
responsibility for any and all injuries, damages, and losses that may occur to me from any participation
in camp activities. Initial: ________
First Aid and Medical Treatment: I understand that the participant may need first aid or emergency
medical treatment due to an accident, illness, or other health conditions. I give permission for the
appropriate personnel of the organization to seek and secure any needed medical attention or
treatment for the minor, including hospitalization. I also give permission to transport via university
vehicle, personal vehicle or ambulance (if personnel deem necessary). Initial: ________
Release to use Image and Likeness: I give permission to use the minor’s likeness in either photographs
or video materials for future promotion of the university’s activities. (optional) Yes No
Participant Code of Conduct: I understand that if the participant listed above causes constant
disruption during the camp or activity, demonstrates disobedience, presents a risk of harm to the other
participants, or displays types of misconduct listed on back, the instructor or NSU staff member has
permission to do one or all of the following: place the participant in time out, notify me or the
responsible guardian, or remove the participant from the camp/activity without refund. Initial: _______
Medical History:
1. Does the minor have any known physical defect or illness which might interfere with his/her
participation in strenuous activity?
2. Does the minor have any severe allergies or reactions to over-the-counter drugs or prescription
medications? ________
3. Is the minor presently taking any medications (over the counter or prescription), or have any
special diet or exercise restrictions?
Emergency Contacts: Name and phone numbers to call in case of emergency. (please list in order of
which to call first)
I give my permission for the minor named above to participate in the activities of this organization. In
consideration for allowing the participation of the minor in these activities, I hereby consent to the
Permission/Waiver Form, including the Release of Liability above, on behalf of the minor and agree that
this Permission/Waiver Form shall be binding upon me, my family, heirs, legal representatives and
____________________________________________ _______________
Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian Date