Astm G150 99
Astm G150 99
Astm G150 99
Designation: G 150 – 99
1. Scope E 177 Practice for Use of the Terms Precision and Bias in
1.1 This test method covers a procedure for the evaluation ASTM Test Methods5
of the resistance of stainless steel and related alloys to pitting E 691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to
corrosion based on the concept of the determination of a Determine the Precision of a Test Method5
potential independent critical pitting temperature (CPT). G 1 Practice for Preparing, Cleaning, and Evaluating Cor-
1.2 This test methods applies to wrought and cast products rosion Test Specimens6
including but not restricted to plate, sheet, tubing, bar, forgings, G 3 Practice for Conventions Applicable to Electrochemical
and welds, (see Note 1). Measurements in Corrosion Testing6
G 5 Reference Test Method for Making Potentiostatic and
NOTE 1—Examples of CPT measurements on sheet, plate, tubing, and Potentiodynamic Anodic Polarization Measurements6
welded specimens for various stainless steels can be found in Ref. (1).2
See the research report.3
G 15 Terminology Relating to Corrosion and Corrosion
iTeh Standards
1.3 The standard parameters recommended in this test
method are suitable for characterizing the CPT of austenitic
G 46 Guide for Examination and Evaluation of Pitting
stainless steels and other related alloys with a corrosion G 107 Guide for Formats for Collection and Compilation of
resistance ranging from that corresponding to solution an- Corrosion Data for Metals for Computerized Database
nealed UNS S31600 (Type 316 stainless steel) to solution Input6
annealed UNS S31254 (6 % Mo stainless steel).
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1.4 This test method may be extended to stainless steels and 3. Terminology
other alloys related to stainless steel that have a CPT outside 3.1 Definitions:
the measurement range given by the standard parameters
described in this test method. Appropriate test potential and
ASTM G150-99 3.1.1 critical pitting temperature (CPT)—the lowest tem-
perature on the test surface at which stable propagating pitting
must then be determined. occurs under specified test conditions indicated by a rapid
1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as increase beyond a set limit of the measured anodic current
standard. density of the specimen.
1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the 3.1.2 pitting potential range—the range of measured poten-
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the tials where pitting is initiated. This potential range only exists
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- above the minimum critical pitting temperature; see also
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- Appendix X1.
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. 3.1.3 potential independent CPT— the CPT determined at a
potential above the pitting potential range, but below the
2. Referenced Documents
transpassive potential; see also Appendix X1.
2.1 ASTM Standards: 3.1.4 potential dependent CPT—the CPT determined at a
D 1193 Specification for Reagent Water4 potential within the pitting potential range of the tested
material; see also Appendix X1.
This test method is under the jurisdiction of G-1 on Corrosion of Metals and is
3.1.5 temperature ramp—the rate (°C/min) at which the test
the direct responsibility of Subcommittee G01.11 on Electrochemical Measurements temperature is increased during the test.
in Corrosion Testing. 3.2 sign conventions—the sign conventions used in this
Current edition approved Jan. 10, 1999. Published March 1999. Originally procedure are in agreement with Practice G 3.
published as G 150 – 97. Last previous edition G 150 – 97.
The boldface numbers in parenthesis refer to the list of references at the end of
this standard.
3 5
See ASTM Research Report G01-1017. Available from ASTM Headquarters. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.
4 6
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 11.01. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.02.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
G 150 – 99
3.3 Unless otherwise stated, this test method uses the 6. Apparatus
general terminology relating to corrosion and corrosion testing 6.1 The apparatus necessary for determining the CPT con-
as defined in Terminology G 15. sists of instruments for measuring electronic signals, a tem-
perature controlling apparatus, a specimen holder, and a test
4. Summary of Test Method
cell. The instruments for measuring electronic signals may be
4.1 The test method determines the potential independent integrated into one instrument package or may be individual
critical pitting temperature (CPT) by way of a potentiostatic components. Either form of instrumentation can provide ac-
technique using a temperature scan and a specimen holder that ceptable data. Typical test equipment consists of the following:
is designed to eliminate the occurrence of crevice corrosion ( 1) potentiostat (2) potential measuring instrument (3) current
(see Fig. 1). The specimen is exposed, either entirely or in part, measuring instrument ( 4) temperature controller (5) tempera-
depending on test cell configuration to a 1M NaCl solution, ture measuring instrument (6) test cell ( 7) specimen holder,
initially at 0°C. After an initial temperature stabilization and (8) electrodes.
period, the solution is heated at a rate of 1°C/min. About 60 s 6.2 Potentiostat—The potentiostat shall be able to apply the
before the temperature scan is commenced, the specimen is constant potential to within 1 mV at a current density of 10
anodically polarized to a potential above the pitting potential mA/cm2. The applied potential is changed either automatically
range. This potential is held constant during the whole tem- or manually by shifting the potential from the open circuit
perature scan. A potential of 700 mV versus SCE (25°C) has potential to another more noble potential.
been found suitable for most stainless steels. The current is
6.3 Potential Measuring Instrument—Requirements shall
monitored during the temperature scan, and the CPT is defined
be in accordance with the section on Potential Measuring
as the temperature at which the current increases rapidly, which
Instruments in Test Method G 5.
for practical reasons is defined as the temperature at which the
current density exceeds 100 µA/cm for 60 s. Pitting on the 6.4 Current Measuring Instruments—An instrument that is
specimen is confirmed visually after the test. capable of measuring a current accurately to within 5 % of the
actual value. The typical current densities encountered during
the CPT test are in the range of 1 µA/cm2 to 10 mA/cm 2.
iTeh Standards
5. Significance and Use
5.1 This test method provides a prediction of the resistance 6.5 Temperature Controller:
to stable propagating pitting corrosion of stainless steels and 6.5.1 Thermostat equipment is required that can provide
related alloys in a standard medium (see Note 1). The CPT test
can be used for product acceptance, alloy development studies,
and heating of the test solution in the temperature
from 0°C to approximately 100°C. Further, the tempera-
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and manufacturing control. In the case of product acceptance,
the supplier and user must agree upon the preconditioning of
ture controller is used to provide controlled heating, which
gives the test solution temperature a temperature increase rate
of 1°C/min in the range from 0°C to approximately 100°C.
the specimen with regard to surface finish. The test is not
intended for design purposes since the test conditions acceler- 6.5.2 Above 10°C, the average rate of temperature change
ate corrosion in a manner that does not simulate anyASTM actual G150-99
of the test solution shall be 1.0 6 0.3°C/min, where the average
environment. is calculated over a temperature range of 10°C.
5.2 Another method to determine the potential independent 6.6 Temperature Measurement Instrumentation, shall be
CPT with an electrochemical technique has been discussed in capable of measuring the temperature of the test solution with
the literature (1-4). This test method involves a potentiody- an accuracy of 6 0.4°C.
namic (potential sweep) procedure performed on specimens at 6.7 Test Cell:
different temperatures. A comparison (2) of the test method 6.7.1 Option 1, G5 Type—The test cell should be similar to
described in this test method and the potentiodynamic tech- the one described in Test Method G 5. Other similar polariza-
nique has indicated no difference in the test result obtained. tion cells may be equally suitable. The gas purger should
distribute the gas in numerous small bubbles.
6.7.2 Option 2, Flushed-port Cell—This cell design is based
on that published by R. Qvarfort (3) and includes the specimen
holder in the design. The advantages of this cell design are that
the specimen edges and back do not need to be machined, the
specimen does not have to be mounted inside the cell, and
crevice corrosion at the contact area of the cell port is
completely eliminated, even at elevated test temperatures. See
Appendix X2 for a description of this cell. The gas purger
should distribute the gas in numerous small bubbles.
6.7.3 The test cell shall be able to contain a test solution
volume of minimum 100 mL per square centimetre test area. A
maximum dilution of 15 % of the test solution during the test
period is allowed in case a flushed port cell or similar
arrangement is used.
FIG. 1 Determination of CPT 6.8 Specimen Holder:
G 150 – 99
6.8.1 Any part of the specimen holder coming in contact such specifications are available.7 Other grades may be used,
with the test solution during testing shall be made of an inert provided it is first ascertained that the reagent is of sufficiently
material, and any seal shall not allow leakage of electrolyte. high purity to permit its use without lessening the accuracy of
6.8.2 The specimen holder shall have a design that ensures the determination.
no occurrence of crevice corrosion at the contact area between 8.2 Purity of Water—Unless otherwise indicated, references
specimen holder and specimen. to purified water shall be understood to mean reagent water as
6.8.3 Two examples of specimen holder designs in accor- defined by Type IV of Specification D 1193.
dance with this standard are shown in Appendix X2 and 8.3 Standard Test Solution—To prepare 1 L of 1 M sodium
Appendix X3. The major difference between the specimen chloride (NaCl) solution, dissolve 58.45 g sodium chloride
holder designs lies in the allowable specimen geometry and the (NaCl) in purified water to a total solution volume of 1 L. The
number of surfaces on the specimen that are being tested solution can be made up in bulk and stored for one month at
simultaneously. room temperature.
8.4 Purging Gas—Nitrogen gas of minimum 99.99 % purity
6.9 Electrodes:
should be used.
6.9.1 Auxiliary (Counter) Electrode—Requirements shall
be in accordance with the section Auxiliary Electrodes in Test 9. Applied Potential
Method G 5 with the exception that only one counter electrode
9.1 Standard Potential—An anodic potential of 700 mV
is necessary for CPT testing. The electrode material shall be of
versus SCE (25°C) is used. This has been found appropriate for
a type which can be considered inert under the test conditions.
most stainless steels (1).
6.9.2 Reference Electrode—The reference electrode shall be 9.2 Alternative Potential:
kept at room temperature outside the actual test cell. The 9.2.1 If uncertainty exists concerning whether the standard
reference electrode shall be capable of ensuring a constant potential is sufficiently high to obtain the potential independent
reference potential within 65 mV during the entire test CPT, a test at 800 mV versus SCE (25°C) may be performed.
procedure (see Note 2). Electrical contact to the test solution A significant deviation between the CPT obtained at 700 mV
shall be provided by the use of a luggin capillary placed in the
iTeh Standards
test solution. Requirements shall otherwise be in accordance
with the section on Reference Electrode in Test Method G 5.
and 800 mV will indicate a need for a reevaluation and new
choice of potential.
NOTE 2—It may be difficult to ensure a fully constant reference
potential due to the large variations in temperature of the test solution;
NOTE 4—Using a lower potential than the standard potential of 700 mV
versus SCE (25°C) is fully acceptable, provided the determined CPT still
is potential independent. To change the measurement range provided by
G 150 – 99
gloves, soft clean tongs, or equivalent preventive measures, to Note the location of pits relative to the test geometry (in the
avoid surface contamination. center, on edges, at the bottom center, at the bottom edge, and
10.2 Test Solution Preparation: so forth).
10.2.1 Prepare the test solution according to Section 8. 11.2 Any crevice corrosion observed on the specimen after
10.2.2 Bring the solution to an initial temperature at or testing means that the test results are invalid and must be
below 3°C. discarded.
10.3 Mount the specimen in the specimen holder. 11.3 If required, a more thorough examination of the elec-
10.4 Place the specimen, counter electrode, salt bridge trode can involve measurement of pit density and pit depths on
probe, and other components in the empty test cell. specimen electrodes, according to Guide G 46, using a micro-
scope at 20X magnification.
10.5 Fill the cell with cold (# 3°C) solution.
10.6 Ensure that the salt bridge is filled with the test solution 12. Data Analysis
and is free of air bubbles, particularly in the restricted space at 12.1 Measured current as a function of time shall be
the tip. A lugging probe should contain a wick, or equivalent converted to current density values. The data may be presented
device, to ensure electric contact even when small gas bubbles as in Fig. 1, which shows an example of a current density
are formed during the test. versus temperature plot.
10.7 Commence bubbling nitrogen gas through the solution. 12.2 Evaluation of the CPT:
NOTE 5—The purpose of the purging gas is to enhance the stirring of 12.2.1 Standard Evaluation—The critical pitting tempera-
the test solution. No reduction in the oxygen level of the test solution is ture is taken as the temperature at which the current increases
intended. Presence or absence of oxygen has been shown not to affect the above 100 µA/cm2 (see Note 7) and stays above this critical
test result (1). current density for a minimum of 60 s; see Fig. 1.
10.8 Connect the electrodes to the potentiostat and data NOTE 7—The CPT is defined as the lowest temperature at which stable
recording device and the connections for temperature measure- propagating pitting occurs. For practical reasons, this is being translated to
ment and control. Let the system cool and stabilize at 061°C the temperature at which the current density increases above a certain
iTeh Standards
for a minimum of 10 min. level (100 µA/cm 2 has been chosen as a standard in this test method). A
60 s delay is introduced in order to ensure that the observed current
10.9 Record the open circuit potential (OCP) of the test increase originates from stable propagating pitting and not short lived
specimen shortly before the test is begun.
10.10 Set the data acquisition for electrode current and
solution temperature. The sampling rate shall correspond to a
current peaks originating from metastable pitting.
12.2.2 Alternative Evaluation:
Document Preview For materials that generally exhibit a very high
minimum of two measurements every minute to follow solu-
passive current density (for example some, but not all, stainless
tion temperature and the variation of the current on the working
steel welds) or low pitting propagation rate (some, but not all,
nickel-base alloys) a different critical current density may be
10.11 Apply the constant anodic potential to the working ASTM G150-99
chosen, but generally this should be avoided. Any change in the
The potential shall be applied for 60 6 5 s before the
evaluation criteria shall be noted specifically in the report. Comparison of CPTs obtained with different criti-
temperature increase. cal current densities is very difficult and should generally not
10.13 The temperature is then ramped at 1°C/min. be attempted.
10.14 Continue measuring the temperature until the CPT 12.2.3 The registered temperature in the solution will not be
has been determined or the maximum required temperature is exactly the same as the temperature of the specimen, because
reached. The CPT is determined when the current density the solution temperature is continuously changed during most
reaches 100 µA/cm2 and remains above this level for a of the test. A conversion of the increasing solution temperature
minimum of 60 s. Terminate the test and data acquisition after to specimen temperature should be performed and the CPT
either of these limits has been reached. should be defined relative to the temperature of the specimen.
10.15 Completion of Test—Dismount the specimen as soon 12.2.4 The conversion between solution and specimen tem-
as possible after test completion. Inspect the specimen to locate perature may be done either by direct measurement of the
pits (see Note 6). Rinse the specimen in water, clean with specimen surface temperature during the test or by using a
ethanol (95 % is suggested) or detergent, rinse again with suitable calibration formula based on an earlier parallel mea-
water, and then air dry. surement of specimen temperature and solution temperature. A
NOTE 6—Pits may be difficult to locate if the test is stopped shortly
detailed guideline of how to obtain a suitable calibration
after pitting initiation. Pits may be located based on leaking rust or by formula is given in Annex A1.
using a needle to uncover pits hidden below a thin metal or oxide film. The
lack of visible pitting may indicate that general corrosion has occurred, for 13. Report
example, transpassive corrosion. However, only a more thorough exami- 13.1 Report the following mandatory information:
nation of the tested specimen can give a possible explanation. 13.1.1 Test identification number and date of test.
13.1.2 Critical pitting temperature (CPT). CPTs below 10°C
11. Visual Examination of Test Electrode shall only be reported as below 10°C or <10°.
11.1 Confirm the existence of pits and the absence of 13.1.3 Formula for conversion of test solution temperature
crevice corrosion using a microscope at 20X magnification. to specimen temperature shall be reported. If no conversion of
G 150 – 99
the solution temperature to specimen temperature has been determined for four grades of stainless steels with laboratory
done, this shall be stated specifically in the test report. ground surface. Ten laboratories participated in the study. Each
13.1.4 Location of pits on the tested surface. laboratory tested three to five test specimens of each of the four
13.1.5 Test area. materials. Practice E 691 was followed for the design and
13.1.6 Material identification data. analysis of the data.
13.1.7 Type of test cell and test solution volume. 14.2 Precision: See Table 1. The terms, repeatability limit
13.1.8 Surface finish and approximate geometry of the and reproducibility limit, are used as specified in Practice
tested specimen including the approximate storage time be-
E 177. The repeatability and reproducibility limits were ob-
tween final surface finish preparation and testing.
tained by multiplying the respective standard deviations by 2.8.
13.1.9 If no pits were observed despite an observed rapid
current increase, this lack of visual pitting identification shall NOTE 8—The high reproducibility limit for material UNS S31254 is
be noted explicitly. The evaluation of such deviations should believed to be caused by problems with temperature calibration, which is
lead to a more thorough examination of the specimen. most critical for materials with high CPTs. The variations and reported
13.1.10 If parameters deviating from the standard values in procedures in the round robin results were, however, judged to be
this test method have been used, then all deviations shall be insufficient to exclude the values from two laboratories (out of ten
reported. laboratories), which otherwise would have resulted in that the repeatabil-
13.2 Optional Reporting—If required, a more elaborate ity limit would have been 6 7.4°C and the reproducibility limit would
have been 6 12.5°C.
report can, additional to the mandatory report, contain one or
more of the following information: 14.3 Bias—This test method has no bias, because the
13.2.1 Test identification number; specimen number; mate- electrochemically (potentiostatic) determined potential inde-
rial; heat number; product form; solution temperature at CPT; pendent CPT is defined by this test method and no accepted
open circuit potential. reference standard exists.
13.2.2 Together with the basic test results, it is recom-
mended that the data from the CPT test should be presented 15. Keywords
iTeh Standards
graphically, as shown in Fig. 1.
15.1 critical pitting temperature; electrochemical test; pit-
13.2.3 In addition the following data are useful to report, (a)
ting corrosion; stainless steel
the scatter or deviation in the CPT values based on multiple
runs if available, (b) pit geometry, number of pits formed and
their depth in accordance with Guide G 46.
was run in which the critical pitting temperatures were S31600 19.5 1.9 2.8 5.4 7.9
S31803 51.9 1.7 2.4 4.9 6.7
N08904 54.1 3.7 3.7 11.3 11.3
8 S31254 82.7 3.4 6.6 9.4 18.5A
Supporting data are available from ASTM Headquarters. Request RR:G01-
1017. See Note 8.
(Mandatory Information)
A1.1 The registered temperature in the solution will not be A1.3 The temperature lag between solution and specimen
exactly the same as the temperature of the specimen, because can be minimized by providing adequate stirring of the
the solution temperature is continuously changed during most solution. A combination of mechanical stirring and dispersed
of the testing time. gas bubbling has been found beneficial (see Ref (1)).
A1.2 The temperature lag is further enhanced when using
A1.4 When calibrating the specimen temperature versus the
the flushed port cell or similar test cells and specimen holders,
test solution temperature, the following guidelines for the
where the specimen is placed partly outside the test solution. In
these cases there is an added cooling or heating of the specimen calibration are recommended;
from the outside.
G 150 – 99
A1.4.1 The calibration should be performed by comparing A1.4.4 The specimen temperature shall be measured by
the specimen temperature and the test solution temperature at installing a thermistor or similar device inside the specimen.
10°C intervals or less in the temperature range in question. The thermistor shall be located as close to the surface in
A1.4.2 The specimen temperature calibration formula contact with the solution as possible and at the same time
should be calculated based on a linear order regression centrally located relative to the specimen geometry, that is, the
analysis. thermistor should be located on the shortest line between the
A1.4.3 The calibration shall be performed under identical center of the specimen and the exposed surface, but still as
conditions to a real CPT test except that no control of the close to the surface as possible.
electrochemical potential of the specimen is required. It is
A1.4.5 The final accuracy of the temperature measurement
recommended to standardize the specimen geometry and size
of the specimen during the calibration should be 60.4°C.
in order to avoid large variations in the specimens heat
capacity, which may influence the accuracy of the calibration.
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Pitting Potential Range—The measured pitting poten- signifies the potential independent CPT, see also Fig. X1.1.
tial at a given temperature varies because of the random nature
of the pitting initiation process, see Ref (5, 6). Therefore the X1.3 Potential Dependent CPT—At temperatures above the
characteristic pitting potential is best described as a range. potential independent CPT, pitting may occur depending on the
iTeh Standards
Generally the pitting potential will decrease with increasing
temperature. The occurrence of pitting on stainless steels as a
potential, see also Fig. X1.1. Fig. X1.1 depicts the potential
dependent CPT range for a specific low potential. Principally
the low temperature limit of the potential dependent CPT is the
function of temperature and potential is shown in Fig. X1.1.
potential independent CPT.
X1.2 Potential Independent CPT—Below a certain tem- X1.3.1 At potentials within the pitting potential range,
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perature, only passive or transpassive corrosion occurs on a
stainless steel, see Ref (1, 3, 4, 7) . This temperature limit
pitting will occur if the temperature is sufficiently high. In this
case, the critical pitting temperature will depend on the specific
potential and variation in the pitting potential.
ASTM G150-99X1.3.2 At a potential above the pitting potential range and
below the transpassive potential, pitting will occur virtually
X1.3.3 At potentials below the pitting potential range, no
pitting will occur.