Family Reunion Players Guide v1.1.1
Family Reunion Players Guide v1.1.1
Family Reunion Players Guide v1.1.1
Brad Hardwicke
Johnathan Fii
Artie Tessmann
World of Darkness, Vampire: The Masquerade, Vampire: The Dark Ages, Victorian Age: Vampire, Werewolf: The
Apocalypse, Werewolf: The Wild West, Mage: The Ascension, Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade, Wraith: The Oblivion,
Wraith: The Great War, Changeling: The Dreaming, Hunter: The Reckoning, Demon: The Fallen, Mummy: The
Resurrection, Orpheus, Exalted, Chronicles of Darkness, Vampire: The Requiem, Werewolf: The Forsaken, Mage: The
Awakening, Changeling: The Lost, Hunter: The Vigil, Geist: The Sin Eaters, Demon: The Descent, Mummy: The Curse,
Beast: The Primordial, Promethean: The Created, Storyteller System™, Storytelling System™, and Storytellers Vault™
and their respective logos, icons, and symbols are trademarks or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All
rights reserved. This work contains material that is copyright of Paradox Interactive AB. Such material is used with
permission under the Community Content Agreement for the Storytellers Vault.
PROPERTY® Copyright© [year] Paradox Interactive AB (pub). All rights reserved.
About us
Johnathan Fii
(He/Him) Johnathan is an avid World of Darkness fan and LARPer,
with a number of Twitch show credits to his name.
Johnathan is one of the founders of Cerberus Interactive
Media, and will be portraying the NPC Ferrucio Giovanni
FOUNDER, as well as acting as an Event GM.
Brad Hardwicke Hailing from Australia, Brad has been running world of
(He/Him) Darkness games and LARP events since 2007. He is
passionate about Nordic Style Consent based storytelling
CREATIVE and the future direction of live action horror experiences.
PARTNER, Brad is one of the founders of Cerberus Interactive Media,
FOUNDER, Brad will be portraying the NPC Fredrico Giovanni as
well as acting as an Event GM.
The Cerberus
4) Consent Is King – “No” Is a
Complete Sentence
Code of Conduct
In Nordic LARP, all interactions are based on
negotiations and consent. Nothing may happen to your
character without your consent, you may not do anything
1) People Are More Important Than to anyone else’s character without theirs. If you’re not sure
LARPs – Ask, and always ask before you touch someone. Above
While the above seems self-explanatory, the overriding all, No is a complete sentence, not an invitation to ask
thing to keep in mind is that People Are Always More again later.
Important Than LARPs. At no point should you place
your personal immersion, story, or enjoyment over your 5) No Alcohol or Recreational
fellow player’s boundaries, comfort, or feelings. Without Substances are Permitted
your fellow players, there is no community, and without a In the vein of consent being king in all Cerberus
community, there is no game. Interactive Media events, we do not allow the presence of
or consumption of alcohol or other recreational
2) Do Not Attend the Game If You Are substances in our games or game spaces, regardless of local
Sick and state laws. Furthermore, if we feel that you are
We shouldn’t have to say this, but please do not enter the inebriated, you will be asked to leave the event space and
game space if you are sick, or showing any signs/symptoms you will not be permitted to reenter it that evening and
of illness, etc. While many are fully vaccinated against are required to speak with one of the Cerberus Partners
Covid-19 now, there may be immunocompromised before you resume play.
individuals in attendance. Please do not put their lives at
risk over a game – People Are More Important Than 6) Abide By All Venue Rules
LARPs. The host venue/convention’s rules supersede any we may
make. If the venue or convention staff/security approach
3) Respect Is A Requirement, Not A you, comply with their directions.
Respect your fellow players’ race, religion, color, creed, 7) Don’t Make Us Make Another Rule
gender identities, presentations, sexualities, and pronouns We will name it after you and use your actions as a
– both in and out of game. Some players’ pronouns out of cautionary tale to illustrate why that sort of behavior was
game may be different than the ones they use in game – not okay. This is not a challenge, and while it may seem
they are just as valid and must be given equal respect and funny, we are dead serious about this.
Welcome to a journey through the shadowed halls of the shadows, always seeking to expand their dominion over
Giovanni clan and its diverse factions. This book serves as the living and the dead.
a guide to the intricate world of the Clans of Death,
offering a comprehensive introduction to the various In the realm of the Kindred, the Giovanni exist as a
families, bloodlines, and key characters that form the rich paradox: deeply traditional yet continuously evolving,
tapestry of Giovanni lore. shrouded in secrecy yet undeniably influential. They
The Giovanni
command respect and instill fear, embodying the notion
that in the undead world, power is timeless, and death is
merely a new beginning.
Clan Giovanni stands as a formidable and mysterious clan
amongst the Kindred. With origins steeped in mystery and As we delve deeper into the world of Giovanni, we turn
ambition, this clan has etched its name across the annals our attention to the branch families and bloodlines that,
of history, intertwining ambition, secrecy, and a relentless while considered part of the Giovanni, possess their own
pursuit of power. Known among the Kindred for their unique cultures and complexities. Let us now introduce
mastery over death and necromancy, the Giovanni have these distinct groups, each contributing to the rich and
carved a distinct path, setting themselves apart in the intricate tapestry of the Giovanni clan.
nocturnal hierarchy.
Familia Giovanni
their clan, seeking his intervention, a reprieve from
disgrace. Yet, Augustus, with a detachment that bordered
on mockery, seemed to revel in their downfall, observing
their descent with a detached amusement.
The Dunsirns' narrative, once interlaced with prestige Their quest for ascendancy turned the fiscal world into a
within the Giovanni, veered into shadowed chapters. In domain of predation. Unseen by the mortals who played
the early decades of the 18th century, a scandal erupted, upon its stage, the Dunsirns pulled at the strings, their
staining their name with the vile accusation of nocturnal symphony a silent yet potent force.
cannibalism directed at their patriarch. This taint on their
honour led to a swift and merciless ostracism from the In the intricate web of monetary exchange, the Dunsirns'
clan. cold-hearted strategies were unleashed in full measure.
They preyed upon the weak, engineered corporate coups,
Thrust into the cold of exile, the Dunsirns found and left a wake of devastation. Their actions, a silent
themselves navigating a world of obscurity, far from the maelstrom in the world of men, were a testament to their
watchful eyes and whispered judgments of their one-time enduring potency and the fear they inspired—a legacy that
allies. They became whispers themselves flitting on the whispered of power, a shadow cast long and dark across
periphery of the society they once graced. the annals of both human and vampire histories.
In desperation, some sought to reclaim their place, their The legacy of the Dunsirns is one of fear and awe, a
voices reaching out to Augustus Giovanni, the patriarch of testament to their unrelenting pursuit of power. Their
influence extends beyond mortal lifetimes, leaving a
lasting imprint on the fabric of vampire society. As long
as the Dunsirns tread the treacherous path of dominance,
their dark lineage will continue to shape those who cross et us delve into the captivating world of the
their path, forever entwined in a dance of exploitation Milliners, an influential North American
and control. bloodline within the family, the Milliners
bring a unique set of abilities and characteristics that set
them apart within the intricate tapestry of their vampiric
lineage. While one of the younger blood lines amongst the
family they have certainly carved a place amongst us.
instead, they found themselves burdened with more privatized prisons that provided a steady source of income
responsibilities and tighter restrictions on feeding and the and cheap labor for the clan they were able to use their
Embrace. The Millner family reunion did little to rectify influence in law enforcement to turn authorities against
these issues. As a result, the Milliners carry a deep grudge, witch-hunters, denouncing them as "persons of interest"
harboring resentment for not receiving the credit they and "domestic terrorists."
rightfully deserved.
The Milliners stand as a formidable force within Our
The Milliners' unique role within the larger Giovanni clan Family their history shaped by ambition, resentment, and
sometimes leads to tensions and rivalries, with internal unyielding determination to hold grudges. The Milliners'
power struggles and political machinations lurking legacy as an American dynasty carries a power that kin
beneath the surface, testing the strength of their familial must respect, for their talents and their grudges make
bonds. them a force to be reckoned with in the shadowy world of
As true members of an American dynasty, the Millner
name carries a unique power both within and outside of
the United States. Their wealth is considerable, but they
do not lend it freely. Anyone seeking to tap into their
fortune must repay with cash, blood, or labor. The
Milliners are known for their grudges, a trait that sets
them apart and makes them formidable adversaries.
Initially, the Pisanob were a loose collective of priests,
unlike the established Giovanni and Dunsirn families.
In the storied history of the Giovanni clan, the saga of the Upon their integration into the Giovanni, they embraced
Pisanob family emerges as a haunting chronicle, the concept of family, evolving over four centuries into a
intertwining ancient traditions and chilling rites. Their unified bloodline. The Embrace was exclusive to those of
roots trace back to the early 1500s, a time when Hernando Pisanob descent, cementing their identity within the
Cortez and his Spanish forces embarked on their conquest Giovanni.
of the New World, a period marked by the Giovanni's
vigilant eye on potential rivals, including the indigenous The name "Pisanob" itself, rooted in Mayan, translates to
populations they encountered. It was among these native "earth-walking ghosts of the dead." This moniker, drawn
groups that the Giovanni discovered the enigmatic from Mayan lore, reflects the haunted spirits that plagued
Pisanob family, deeply embedded in the religious rites of the living, embodying the spectral mischief of restless
the Aztecs, a culture infamous for its harrowing human ghosts. The Giovanni faction, embracing this legacy, took
sacrifices. its name from these spectral beings, descendants of the
ancient sacrificial priests.
The Pisanob, a
cadre of clerics, Within the Pisanob, lineage is a subject of intrigue and
presided over speculation. Rumors and doubts swirl around the
these terrifying bloodline authenticity of some members. Amidst these
rituals, cloaked uncertainties, a core principle prevails: Pisanob identity
in the guise of hinges not just on blood but on a deep commitment to the
divine family's traditions and mastery of Necromancy, their dark
appeasement. art. Those who embody these traits and remain loyal to
Their followers, the clan are recognized as true Pisanobs, defying those
devout and who question their lineage.
unsuspecting, were blind to the grim realities hidden from
their view. The Pisanob, deeply rooted in their heritage, uphold a
In secret, the Pisanob orchestrated a malevolent scheme, code of honor integral to their existence. Despite adversity
trapping the souls of sacrificed victims within the skulls of and hardship, they cling to this honor, a beacon of pride
their predecessors. These trapped spirits, now enslaved, and resilience. The Pisanob family stands as a testament to
were compelled to fulfill the Pisanob's nefarious survival and unyielding ambition, embracing their eerie
commands, haunting the living at their behest. past while navigating the shifting tides of the Giovanni
Amidst these nightmarish rites, the Pisanob forged a clan. Their legacy endures, a mysterious thread in the
formidable empire, accruing wealth and influence. The tapestry of the undead, as they balance tradition with the
astute Giovanni, recognizing the potential in their ancient ever-evolving landscape of their world.
practices, initiated contact with select Pisanob members,
eventually integrating them into their ranks. This union
marked a sinister chapter in Giovanni history, as the
Pisanob became a pivotal element in the clan's network.
In the past, they were known as the Piccoli Fratellini, or There are several other families, while not at the same
"Little Brothers," and were considered more talented level as the main families, they are worth mentioning for
necromancers than Giovanni by other magic practitioners the skill and prestige they bring to the Giovanni family.
during the Middle Ages. However, their eccentricities and - A English Monastic order involved in the
unstable demeanor often earned them skepticism. occult and the Masons.
– Arms Manufacturers of German heritage.
The Rossellini initially remained unaffected by the - Family of Flemish merchants operating
conversion of the Giovanni rivals into a Cappadocian from Luxembourg with African influence like that of the
Bloodline. Still, they intensified their pursuit of Ghiberti.
necromantic arts to compete with their newfound rivals.
– Merchants that established
Eventually, they were assimilated into the Giovanni family
relationships with Kindred in the provinces of Asia.
after a tense incident with Claudius Giovanni in Rome,
swearing an oath of fealty to the Giovanni.
Clans of Death He clan Cappadocian, often referred to as the
Clan of Death. Their origins trace back to
The following are a collection of clans, each uniquely ancient times, deeply rooted in the sacred
entwined with the enigmatic forces of the afterlife. These lands of Anatolia, where they intertwined
clans, diverse in their origins and practices, share a with death deities and ancient cult rituals. Cappadocius,
common thread – a profound connection with death, the the visionary founder of the clan, possessed a unique
supernatural, and the legacy of the ancient Cappadocians. perspective among the Antediluvians, viewing the
From strange occurrences to bloodline ties, their stories Embrace as an extraordinary opportunity to explore the
are interwoven with the mysteries of the Giovanni and the unfathomable realms of death and unlife. Preferring the
arcane arts of necromancy. These are the clans that stand solitude of endless nights filled with unending reading and
at the crossroads of death and the supernatural, each contemplation, he delved deep into the esoteric mysteries
contributing to the complex and haunting narrative of the alone during the early history of the Damned.
vampire society.
Unlike the power-hungry and politically entangled
Antediluvians, Cappadocius displayed little interest in
such mundane affairs, instead immersing himself in his
ethereal pursuits. With the passage of time, the immortal
sage realized the importance of companionship to advance
his unyielding quest for knowledge. Thus, he embraced his
first childe, the enigmatic and scholarly Caias Koine.
Together, they embarked on a profound exploration of
mortal civilizations, seeking to unravel the intricate
tapestry of life and death that governed the human
enigmatic Harbingers simply dismiss such lines of
questioning, preferring to immerse themselves in
The Harbingers of Skulls are a mysterious family that contemplation of the powers of the dead or linger amid
emerged in the Final Nights. Little known to most the tombstones of cemeteries.
Kindred, they stand as the last surviving remnants of the
once-mighty Cappadocian clan. It is intriguing that Harbingers' masks are reminiscent of
Venetian carnival masks, potentially influenced by the
The Harbingers of Skulls possess an eerie clan weakness, culture of the Giovanni. Among the renowned Harbingers
an extension of the Cappadocian's own vulnerability. are Khurshid, the Wearer of the Sun Mask; Marchesa
Regardless of the quantity of blood consumed, their pallid Liliana, the Wearer of the Triple-Faced Mask; The
skin maintains a deathly hue, and their visage transforms Gentleman, the Wearer of the Medico Della Peste Mask;
into a skeletal semblance. Their limbs and faces take on an Abraham, the Wearer of the Gatto Mask; Erebus, the
immortal death's grin, leaving them with an appearance Wearer of the Pantalone Mask, and the enigmatic Wearer
trait of zero. Social rolls involving the Appearance Trait of the Capuchin Mask.
invariably fail for these haunting Cainites.
In the wake of the Harbingers bear a deep resentment for Cappadocius and
Cappadocian clan's near his lingering legacy, viewing him as the archetypal and
annihilation by the abusive Antediluvian who sacrificed countless members of
treacherous Giovanni, a his own lineage out of delusion. Consequently, they
cabal of 50 ancient and wholeheartedly support the Sabbat, as it aims to thwart
enraged Cappadocians similar excesses from other Antediluvians.
embraced their newfound Their animosity extends to the Giovanni, whom they
power within the perceive as willing pawns of Cappadocius, and the purge
Underworld. Bound by a seal at Kaymakli, they bided of the Cappadocians as a chilling reenactment of the Feast
their time, yearning for vengeance to reclaim their lost of Folly.
honor and avenge their fallen clan and Antediluvian.
Some Harbingers, lost within the passage of time and
In the 2010s, the Harbingers launched a daring assault on their association with the dead, have forgotten their
the coveted holdings of Clan Giovanni in Venice, enlisting vampiric origins altogether. These enigmatic beings see
the aid of a group of enthusiastic young Giovanni themselves as Risen, having taken control over vampire
members. It is rumored that these events may have been bodies rather than their original corpses. They harbor the
orchestrated by a surviving ancient Cappodocian. belief that one day, they will confront all vampires,
dragging their souls into the underworld to stand before
The Harbingers of Skulls embrace the macabre often the Lady of Fate.
rooted in archaic traditions foreign to the modern nights.
Some Harbingers are known to flay their tattered, grave-
tainted flesh from their heads, leaving behind the
haunting grins reminiscent of their namesake.
But the saga of Lamia did not culminate there.
Reconnecting with the clan, she molded her bloodline
The Lamiae, affectionately nicknamed the Gorgons, an into the valiant custodians and unwavering guardians of
alluring bloodline springing from the loins of the the Cappadocians. Despite their modest numerical
Cappadocian clan. These enchanting beings, embracing strength, the Lamiae found a pivotal role as Graverobbers,
their Lamia mantle, not only stood as Cappadocian often lending steadfast companionship to the clan's
warriors but also exuded an irresistible sensuality that set audacious endeavors. The sensuality that defined them
them apart. Their tantalizing tale, interwoven with the seeped into their feeding habits, where their bite carried
mythos of Lilith, unfurled a narrative of devotion and both the kiss of unlife and the contagion of disease.
enigma, forever marked by the merciless Giovanni purge
of 1444 CE. Intriguingly, the Lamiae nurtured a unique path of
Necromancy, one intricately woven around the ancient
At the heart of their saga stood Lamia, a rumored doctrine of the four humors. This profane path mirrored
descendant and high priestess of Lilith, Adam's legendary their distinctive affinity with death. Through the ages,
first wife. The very appellation Lamia resonated with their presence among the Cappadocian ranks evolved into
power, encapsulating both their founder's name and their an invaluable resource. Beneath their allegiance to the
bloodline's moniker. Their enigmatic leader, embodying Cappadocians simmered an even profounder dedication,
this provocative epithet, was whispered to be the direct one tethered to the Dark Mother and the visionary dreams
progeny of the enigmatic Dark Mother herself. The tale of their founder.
unfurls with a Cappadocian elder named Lazarus, who
chanced upon Lamia enmeshed in fervent rituals The sire-childe bond within the Lamia bloodline was
dedicated to Lilith. Enthralled by her exquisite proficiency intense and intimate, dictated by the exacting combat
and potent allure, Lazarus chose to initiate her into the training these vampires demanded. This training was
realm of the undead. indispensable, as Lamiae weren't just warriors but living
embodiments of allure and sensuality. Their infusion into
the Cappadocian fold introduced an intoxicating blend of
physical prowess and irresistible charm.
The Samedi, you inquire? They're an enigma, set apart Yet, to see the Samedi as mere solitary figures bound by a
from the nocturnal chorus of Kindred society. Envision a fascination with death would be to overlook the profound
cadre of the undead, each step they take a dance with the enigma they embody. They are a collective shrouded in
macabre, their visages a chilling tableau of the grave. silence, their bonds a mystery even to themselves,
suggesting a unity that transcends mere affinity.
Whispers trace their lineage to the Caribbean's sun-
drenched isles, yet they are far from sun-kissed. These
beings wear the shroud of death like a second skin, their
forms an unsettling homage to decay. Where other clans
might shy from imperfection, the Samedi hold court with
their disintegration, a morbid spectacle that might either
captivate or repulse.
The Ghiberti's origins have undergone transformation
over centuries. While the initial Ghiberti were Italian
slavers from Florence, most modern Ghiberti hail from
North-West Africa, having repurposed their lineage in
pursuit of their sinister goals. The Ghiberti’s rise from
masters of slave ships to embracers of those sympathetic
to their causes, including participants in illegal
paramilitary units, highlights their dark evolution.
The Nihilists are an oddity among the clans of death in
that, unlike the Progressives and the Traditionalists, they
aren’t particularly invested in either this hope-y change-y
bullshit, or the continuation of this millennia-old blood
feud. As disparate as the Progressives in terms of their
originating ideologies, as diverse in age and generation as
the Traditionalists, the Nihilist faction does not genuinely
believe that there is any hope of reconciliation, and
believes that with the release of all these powerful
Specters in the wake of Augustus’ demise, all of the clans
of death should be focused on doubling down on their
necromantic capabilities to solve that particular issue.
They’re here to ensure that ideal makes it onto the
negotiations table in a position of prominence, as they
believe that if care isn’t taken to address that threat, that
the only inevitability for all necromantically-aspected
Oblivion users is an impending, agonizing demise at the
hands of the spirits that they once claimed dominion
The Nihilists are willing to wheel and deal, willing to
throw their weight - and their votes - behind whatever
outcomes that will enable them to be able to ensure that
someone actually deals with what they perceive to be the
greatest threat that the Clans of Death have ever faced
since the dawn of time. They are, likewise, willing to
sabotage anyone that tries to bury their agenda items in
favor of some personal pet project, and they eye Francis
Milliner as a potential liability to their concerns being
heard and given the appropriate weight they deserve in
favor of the senior Milliner’s desires to control Boston.
The Nihilists are extremely aware of the power they hold
as swing votes without the agendas driving the other two
factions, and they are willing to use it.
Renown Persons
The following are notable members of the clans of death.
Pochtli, the founder of the Pisanob family, once a revered Ferrucio Cesare Giovanni, born a prodigy among the elite
Aztec warrior, his transformation into a vampire only of the Giovanni family, quickly rose to prominence with
intensified his ruthless survival instincts. Pochtli's visage, a his natural spirit medium skills and sharp intellect. Raised
grotesque mask of his former glory, now strikes fear into in Venice's Mausoleum, he was destined for greatness, his
the hearts of those who cross him. His mastery over the Embrace eagerly contested among family elders. However,
secrets of the undead and his strategic prowess make him post-Embrace, Ferrucio unexpectedly exhibited traits of
an invaluable ally and a terrifying enemy. the overthrown Cappadocian clan, leading to his fall from
grace. Isolated and scorned, a mysterious voice in the
Pochtli maneuvers through the vampiric political Shadowlands offered him a chance for revenge and
landscape with the stealth of a predator, always one step transformation.
ahead of his foes. His reputation for ferocity in battle is
matched only by his skill in unearthing hidden truths, Embracing this new path, Ferrucio became the Right
making him a figure both respected and feared in the dark Hand of the Capuchin and leader of the Progressive
corridors of vampire society. Faction of the Clans of Death.
After playing a key role in the demise of Augustus
Giovanni, he now calls for the Clans of Death to unite and
decide their future, though his true influence in this
revolutionary movement is yet to be revealed.
Francis Milliner's life, marked by a relentless vendetta Frederico Aureliu Giovanni, a Master of Diplomacy and
against the Kennedys, transformed dramatically after social grace within the Giovanni family, stands as a unique
losing the presidency of the Columbia Trust Company to figure, influential yet paradoxically powerless. Destined
P.J. Kennedy in 1953. This defeat sparked a deep-seated for greatness, his sharp intellect and keen diplomatic skills
feud, leading him to the Giovanni clan and necromancy suggested a future filled with wealth, influence, and high
under Andreas Giovanni's guidance in 1954. Milliner, status within the family's enterprises. However,
wielding his newfound powers and influence, tirelessly Frederico's journey took an unexpected detour, leading
undermined the Kennedys, even rumored to be involved him to a role far removed from the corridors of power he
in John F. Kennedy's assassination. A significant figure in was meant to traverse. relegating him to the role of “Il
the Giovanni clan, he focused on amassing wealth and Docente”, an educator for the family's most promising new
power rather than mastering necromancy, leading to members. This position, while seemingly modest, has
tensions with the clan elders. In 1999, after public afforded Frederico deep insight into the strengths and
humiliation by Diego Giovanni and a reduction in his clan weaknesses of the family's key figures, yet without the
privileges, Augustus Giovanni offered him redemption authority to use this knowledge for personal gain.
through diablerie of his foe, Genevra.
Frederico has become the central figure of the Nihilist
The Milliner Dynasty, under Francis's guidance, has Faction, gathering support from those disenchanted
become a cornerstone of the Giovanni's influence in within the Giovanni's ruthless internal dynamics. His
America. His lack of proficiency in Necromancy is more faction advocates for sweeping changes to address the
than compensated for by his adeptness in political systemic issues plaguing the Clan of Death. With the
maneuvering and economic strategy. Francis Milliner's upcoming Family Reunion, Frederico's role as a pivotal
name is synonymous with power and fear, a testament to influence has come into sharp focus. Both Ferrucio's
his ability to navigate the complex and often perilous Progressives and Tomasso's Traditionalists must seek his
landscape of vampire politics. support to achieve their objectives, placing Frederico in a
powerful position that eluded him for centuries.
Tomasso Luca Giovanni stands as a pillar of the Giovanni The Ancient One, as they are known by both their
family's ideals. Known more for his shrewd political Harbinger of Skulls fellows and by those who revere and
acumen than his necromantic abilities, Tomasso's rise fear them alike, is a figure about whom many concrete
within the family was marked by a blend of strategic details are difficult to pin down. The name Dabrian or
social maneuvering and an unflinching readiness to engage Dabria has been whispered here and there, but few know
in the darker aspects of vampiric politics. His skills earned the truths of this enigmatic being’s identity.
him an early Embrace by Adriano Carmine Giovanni in It is known that they are one of the original members of
1828, and his influence has only swelled since. the Harbingers of Skulls Faction within the Cappadocian
Rumored to be on the cusp of joining the Anziani, the ranks. It is known that they survived the Giovanni's
powerful council of elders, Tomasso's ascent is shadowed predations and initial purges by retreating into the
only by his contempt for his brood mate, Ferrucio Cesare Shadowlands, and it is rumored that whatever means the
Giovanni. Seeing Ferrucio as an embarrassment to the Harbingers used to survive in that hellscape were
family, Tomasso has made it his mission to torment him, discovered by and taught to the survivors by the Ancient
all while focusing on his own ambitions and the One. Unre may be the political face of the Harbingers to
preservation of Giovanni supremacy. the Sabbat, but the Ancient One is who really calls the
As a staunch traditionalist, Tomasso fiercely resists any shots for the bloodline.
changes to the established order of the Giovanni. He leads They maintain an uneasy alliance with the Progressive
the Traditionalist Faction, upholding the values of Faction leader, Ferrucio, owing to his standing with the
Giovanni purity and opposing progressive movements Capuchin and to the Progressives ensuring the Harbingers
within the family. His presence at the Family Reunion is gained access to Augustus in their assault on the
not only a play for greater control within the family but Mausoleum. But despite this, the Ancient One remains
also an opportunity to seek the long-awaited punishment incredibly hateful of the Giovanni, and it will take more
of Ferrucio, whom he believes should have faced dire than just pretty words and empty promises to sway this
consequences from the night of his Embrace. unlikely Traditionalist from their warpath.
Believed by some to be one of the oldest and most powerful of the Giovanni, Their true origins remain a subject of
speculation and fear. This master of necromancy moves through the world like a shadow, manipulating events and
individuals with a subtlety that belies their immense strength. The Capuchin’s influence extends far beyond the visible,
often felt but seldom seen. Their knowledge of the occult and the secrets of the afterlife is unparalleled, making them a
revered and feared figure within vampiric circles. The Capuchin’s mere presence evokes a chilling sense of the
unknown, and their motives are as inscrutable as the veiled face they often present to the world. The Capuchin is a
hidden maestro, pulling strings in a game only they fully understand.
("Monastery of the All-Savior") was an
underground city located near the Cappadocian
motherhouse of Erciyes
Senior members or elders within Clan Derogatory word for a
Giovanni. Vampire/Kindred/Cainite
A respectful term for a Giovanni elder. ` A shitty person (literally).
Bastard. An estate, in Venice known as the
Coward. Headquarters of Clan Giovanni
"Chains" or fetters. Physical objects or The study and practice of
places to which a wraith is metaphysically tied. necromancy.
(Seek and ye shall find): A phrase or A specialized form of necromancy
motto with significance to Clan Giovanni. practiced by the Giovanni.
Another term for the Giovanni, Longstanding issues or conflicts
emphasizing their association with death and within the Giovanni Clan.
necromancy. A ritual practiced among the Giovanni,
: Complex familial and referring to the introduction of a Giovanni into
political relationships within the clan. deeper mysteries of the family by ghouling them.
The act of consuming another vampire's "Broken." Psychologically abused to the
blood to absorb their power. point of resistance being inconceivable.
Family head of group of Giovanni in a location Used in context of Giovanni
"Double blooded." Refers to those necromancy, a place for necromancy practices.
Embraced into the clan but not born into it. A realm where spirits and wraiths
The act of turning a mortal into a exist, integral to Giovanni necromancy.
vampire. (the): The veil between the shadow realm
A mountain monastery that served as the and the living.
stronghold for clan Cappadocian in the dark ages. Malevolent or tormented spirits
Broadening the clan Refers to ghosts or spirits. Often associated
by including members from outside the original with Giovanni wraiths.
family. (or the Shroud): The veil between the
Various mortal and undead families world of the living and the dead.
within Clan Giovanni. "Of single blood." Refers to "pure"
Idiot. Giovanni.
An activity linked to the (Road of the Bones): A philosophical path
necromancy involving exhuming bodies focusing on understanding death.
Respected members of the A` term for a ghost or spirit.
Giovanni clan who have become spirits. A code of conduct mandating
An ancestral name for the Giovanni, dating information sharing among family members.
back to the Roman Empire.
Give a simple one-word order that a target must
Intermediate ●●
Extrasensory perception, awareness, and premonitions. Forgetful Mind
Rewrite the memories of a target.
Basic ●
Supernatural senses Advanced ●●●
Hear across rooms see the unseen and auras. Mass Manipulation
You can impose your will on many targets.
Intermediate ●●
Speak within another's mind and read their
thoughts. Ability to fortify the body against physical and mental
Advanced ●●●
Psychic Projection Basic ●
Send your senses to other places and realms. Resilience
Resistance bashing damage as well as basic social and
mental disciplines.
Advanced ●●●
Fleetness The ability to remain obscure and unseen, even in plain
Can instantly move about one hundred feet. A floor. sight.
Basic ●
Unseen Presence
Mind control/influence practiced through one's piercing
Become invisible to others so long as you do not
attract attention.
Basic ●
Intermediate ●●
Change your appearance and mannerisms to mimic
someone else. The ability to attract, sway and influence emotions.
Basic ●
Advanced ●●● Sway Emotion
Cloak the Gathering Force someone to pay attention to you or cause them
The vampire can extend their Obfuscate to other to run in fear.
willing individuals.
Intermediate ●●
The Kindred compels someone to come to them
The ability to commune with the dead and channel the immediately.
essence of Death.
Advanced ●●●
Basic ● Majesty
Shroud Senses The vampire can make everyone in their presence unable
Allows you to see and communicate into the to act in conflict against them.
Intermediate ●●
Manipulate Soul
Summon and command wraiths.
Advanced ●●●
Shroud Mastery
Manipulate the wall between the lands of the dead
and living.
Supernatural strength
Basic ●
Lethal Body
Crushing bones is like snapping a toothpick.
Intermediate ●●
Punching through concrete like it's a cheap wooden
door. Sewer lids make good frisbees.
Advanced ●●●
Fist of Caine
Anything weaker than titanium is like a beer can to
you. Dumpsters and small cars are viable melee
weapons. Even Kindred should fear your blows.