EIA-On Stone Mining Dara-Adameteso-2020
EIA-On Stone Mining Dara-Adameteso-2020
EIA-On Stone Mining Dara-Adameteso-2020
(Small-Scale Machinery)
MOBILE PHONE: 0912021627
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
ARCCH Authority for Research and Conservation for Cultural Heritage
oC Degree Cellicious
EP Environmental Protection
ha Hectare
KM Kilo Meter
mm Millimeter
PH Power of Hydrogen
PE Personal Protective
SS Suspended Solids
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
ACRONYMS .......................................................................................................................... 1
LIST OF TERMS ................................................................................................................... 6
List of Figure ....................................................................................................................... 6
List of Tables....................................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER- ONE..................................................................................................................... 7
1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER TWO ..................................................................................................................... 9
2. BACKROUND INFORMATION OF THE PROJECT ................................................................ 9
2.1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 9
2.2 AUTHOR PRESENTATION.............................................................................................................................. 9
2.3 PROMOTER PRESENTATION ...................................................................................................................... 10
2.4 TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR)................................................................................................................... 10
2.5 LEGAL AND POLICY ASPECTS ANALYSIS.............................................................................................. 11
2.6 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY .................................................................................................................... 12
2.7 METHODOLOGY USED FOR THE STUDY ............................................................................................... 13
CHAPTER THREE ............................................................................................................... 15
3. 0 LEGISLATIVE AND REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS ................................................... 15
3.1 LEGISLATIVE AND POLICY FRAMEWORK FOR EIA IN ETHIOPIA .................................................... 15
3.1.1 THE CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA ................................................................. 15
3.1.2 ETHIOPIA VISION ...................................................................................................................................... 15
3.1.4 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY OF ETHIOPIA ........................................................................................... 16
3.1.5 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT LAW ............................................................................... 17
3.1.6 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ......................................................................................... 18
3.1.7 MINING LAW ............................................................................................................................................... 19
3.2. THE INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK OF EIA ............................................................................................ 19
3.2.1 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AUTHORITY .................................................................................. 20
3.2.2 REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL AGENCIES (REA) .............................................................................. 20
3.2.3 ZONAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ORGANS .......................................................................... 21
3.2.4 DISTRICT ...................................................................................................................................................... 21
3.2.5 KEBELE (PEASANT ASSOCIATION) ...................................................................................................... 21
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
Environment Includes surroundings of human beings e.g. Land, water,
atmosphere, climate, air, people, animals etc.
List of Figure
Figure 1: Suporting Leatter from the Keble to woreda administrative ......................................................... 32
List of Tables
Table 1: Environmental setting in 5-km radius .................................................................................................... 23
Table 2: List of mandatory machines for the project ......................................................................................... 27
Table 3: Details of estimated production ............................................................................................................... 28
Table 4 : Year wise production of building stone for the first 3 years period ............................................. 29
Table 5: Summary of Project Plan Modification .................................................................................................... 33
Table 6: Impacts on the human environment during the quarrying and crushing activities .................. 37
Table 7: Impacts on biophysical environment during the quarrying of stones ........................................... 37
Table 8: Mitigation measures .................................................................................................................................... 42
Table 9: Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan ............................................................................. 47
Table 10: Methods to Assess Procedural Effectiveness ..................................................................................... 49
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
The acquisition of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) license is a requisite under
299/2002 which stipulates that a proponent must seek an Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) license “notwithstanding any approval, permit or license granted under
this Act or any other law in force in Kenya” This requirement applies to all projects listed in
the Second Schedule of the Ministerial Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
order no. The project has been proposed in favor of ADAME TESO QUARRY MINING AND
The article 3 of the Proclamation no. 300/2002; determining the modalities of protection,
conservation and promotion of environment and article 4 of the Proclamation n°513/2007
urban administration engaging in collection, transportation, use or disposal of solid waste,
in Ethiopia stipulates that every development project shall be required to undergo
Environmental Impact Assessment prior to its commencement.
Furthermore the Ministerial Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change order No.
9/3-1/1136/10 of 26/01/2010 establishing the list of works, activities and projects that
have to undertake an environmental impact assessment lists construction of industries,
factories and activities carried out in those industries and quarry Mine and stone crushing
etc…. such activities carried out in those categories and also the qualified consultancy
organization list down in the national level and cascaded to the region, Zone and Woreda
Environment, Forest and Climate Change governmental organization.
the consultancy firm, Rekik Development Consultants (PLC) to carry out the present
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
The identification of the impacts of the project on the environment showed that during the
operation, there will be no negative impact on environment as it is a stone crushing project
which does not use any chemicals. The stones are dry and hence no effluent. In general we
are not concluded no negative impact at all, the type of rock to be crushed is no harder gray
type with specialized equipment and therefore minimal emissions is expected to be released
to the atmosphere..
There will be an important number of positive impacts on the human environment such as
availability of semi crashed stone and size crashed stone to supply the highly growing
construction industry in the region and Sidma Zone and neighboring Zone and Woreda at
large, the improved employment opportunities to the population of the district, the increase
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
in the income of the population working on the site, the payment of taxes to the local and
regional government as well contributing then to the poverty reduction in the country in
The project will also have some marginal negative impacts especially during the crushing
process such as production of dust emissions and noise pollution; on the socio-
economical and biophysical environment such as the degradation of air quality by the
dust emitted during the site clearing, effects of air pollution, risk of excess soil being eroded
from the site where stones are manually extracted, Loss of habitat for some fauna and flora
species and biodiversity reduction due to vegetation clearing neighboring the stone
extraction site.
During the operation phase of quarry mining there will be a soil disturbance, form of gully
and soil pit that will have soil erosion and stagnant water around the project site inhabitant
which is favor for the malaria multiplication.
Different mitigation measures for these negative impacts have been proposed to reduce to
the minimum their effects on the socio-economic environment as well as on the biophysical
Among the proposed mitigation measures are to use different type of equipment and have
them serviced regularly so as to minimize noise and dust emissions, good site management
system is proposed in order to minimize the risk of accidents during the process of crushing.
Eosin toilet to will be installed to prevent pollution from human waste.
In order to ensure that the proposed mitigation measures will be implemented, an
environmental management plan has been developed to guide all activities of the project
during all its phases concerning the protection of the environment. This plan specifies the
nature of the negative impact, the proposed mitigation measures, the indicators in the
execution of these mitigation measures, the time period, the responsibilities and the follow-
up needed from concerned and specified parties. An emergency plan in case of accident
was also developed.
Project Quarry Mining and Stone Crushing are proposed to be carried out by semi-
mechanized method of opencast mining. Drilling is involved excavation of quarry will
basically involve removal of overburden by manual digging attachment. Proposed quarry
mining in in year one 8000Mt and in 3 years shall be carried out for a target production of
the 240,000 MT and total Waste will generate about 2,590 cu.m (top soil) & 3,885 cu.m
(Over burden) in 3 years and the annual products of masonry stone is 74,880Mt and in 3
years period operation is 224640MT.The excavated pits at the conceptual stage shall be
backfilled with the overburden generated during overburden removal.
Therefore some negative impacts of this project can be eliminated, reduced or compensated
if the proposed environmental management plan is followed as proposed. Additional to that
some recommendations have been proposed so that the execution of the project becomes a
success without harming or with the least negative effect to the environment in general.
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
This project was established during in 2012 year Ethiopia calendar for the purpose of
Quarry mine and masonry stone production. Stone crushing local industry is an important
industry sector in the country engaged in producing crushed stone of various sizes
depending upon the requirement which act as raw material for various construction
activities such as house construction, bridges, among others.
The stone crushing project employs many people both skilled and unskilled who are
involved in the entire process of mining, crushing and transportation of the crushed stone.
The project’s ideal location is supposed to be near growing towns or cities so as to supply
the demand for the stone and at the same time near the source to the stone to be crushed.
all types and grades of gravel to public and private customers based all over the production
region and mainly in Dara woreda Kebado town and the neighboring zone and woreda
town, urban and rural investment projects. The site of 9,560 square meters is called
“special location at Adame Teso keble, Village- Kello number one site” and is located
in Dara district.
This Study consists in assessing the Environmental Impacts for the project of quarry mine
and Stone crushing in the site mentioned above.
This Report has been produced by Rekik Development Consultants (PLC) that was hired
PROJECT PLC, to carry out the study. The Consultancy firm is based in Ethiopia EIA
regulation and has got strong background and knowledge in the area of Environmental
Assessment, and a track record of over 10 years for conducting studies of Environmental
Impact Assessment for Development Projects in Ethiopia in general and particularly in
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
PLC members groups and all have Ethiopia nationality. They holds equal contribution of the
capital and has an extensive experience in all phases of gravel and crushed stone,
production and stone mining practices they have well experience in different place of
operations in quarry mine. The project manager is Ato. Yohanis Bekele, he has an
Ethiopian nationality and he has good experience in production of quarry mining and had
had in charge of public accounts and day to day management.
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
TOR is listed below. However, the project newly established in 2012 year in Ethiopia
colander, the terms of reference were focused only on the quarry mine and stone crushing
mining focus in the following activities:
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
In practice, EIA is applied primarily to prevent or minimize the adverse effects of major
development projects. It is also used as a planning tool to promote sustainable development
by integrating environmental considerations into a wide range of proposed actions. Most
notable issue is the use of policies and plans to focus on the highest levels of decision
making and take care of the environment in considering development alternatives and
options. More limited forms of EIA can be used to ensure that smaller scale projects like the
appropriate environmental standards or site and design criteria.
The aim and objective of EIA can be divided into two categories. The immediate aim of EIA
is to inform the process of decision making by identifying the potentially significant
environmental effects and risks of development projects. The ultimate (long term) aim of EIA
is to promote sustainable development by ensuring that development projects do not
undermine critical resource and ecological functions or the wellbeing, lifestyle and livelihood
of the communities and people who depend on them.
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
The main objective of the study consists in carrying out a comprehensive Environmental
Impact Assessment study and to develop environmental waste management plan for
the quarry mine and crushing stone production activities impact on the environment during
the site preparation and operation phase.
Based on terms of reference (ToR) prepared by the Rekiki development consultant PLC,,
the methodology used by the consultant consisted in the following:
a) Literature review: Documentation on policies, laws, regulations and guidelines
related environmental management, industry sector, waste management, land use
EIA process etc, at the national level as well as the international level have been
b) Interviews: The consultant has interviewed people in the area of the project as well
as in the woreda institution and other governmental institutions related to this project.
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
c) Data collection: Through site visit of the site, required qualitative and quantitative
data have been collected
d) Stakeholders consultation: the consultant analyzed key partners/stakeholders
including three Adam Teso keble sub-village inhabitants and in Mechisho kebele
neighboring communities etc, to find out their involvement, role, suggestion and
responsibilities on this project.
e) Mapping and zoning of the site
f) Reporting: the data and information collected were organized and compiled in a
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
developed and implemented a wide range of legal, policy and institutional frameworks on
environment, water, forests, climate change, and biodiversity. Under the plan for
Accelerated and Sustained Development to End poverty (PASDEP), implemented from
2005/06 to 2009/10, Ethiopia achieved rapid economic growth and laid a foundation for
future growth by e.g investments in infrastructure and human capital.
Ethiopia’s new five years strategic plan, the growth and transformation plan(GTP) for
2010/11,2014/15 sets even higher growth and investment targets, including achievement
of all Millennium Development Goals. The Environmental policy of Ethiopia was approved in
1997 and is the first key document that captured environmental sustainable development
principles. Ethiopia’s program of Adaptation to Climate Change (EPACC) is a program of
action to build a climate resilient economy through adaptation at sectorial, regional and
local community levels. The EPACC updates and replaces Ethiopia’s National Adaptation
program of Action (NAPA), which was formulated and submitted it to the UNFCCC
Secretariat in 2007.
Ethiopia also has on overarching framework and a national strategy towards a green
economy, the ‘’ Climate Resilient Green Economy’’ (CRGE) 2011. EIA procedures should be
applied to plans according to the EIA proclamation No: 299/2002. Strategic Environmental
Assessment (SEA) has been introduced to Ethiopia quite recently. However, there is no SEA
proclamation or guideline on SEA in place
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
Ethiopia as a key prerequisite for lasting success (EPA, 1997). The most important steps in
setting up the legal framework for EIA in Ethiopia have been the establishment of
Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) in 1995, and the adoption of Conservation
Strategy (CSE), Environmental Policy (EPE), EIA Law and EIA Guidelines (EPA, 2002; EPA,
1997). The Conservation Strategy of Ethiopia (CSE) was initiated in 1989 as a project
supported by the World Conservation Union (IUCN), and among the successful activities of
the project was the development of a legal framework for environmental management in
Ethiopia. The policy and strategy documents recognized and addressed environmental
issues in a holistic manner, and were adopted as well as approved by the Government of
Ethiopia in 1997.
The overall goal of the Environmental Policy of Ethiopia(EPE) is to improve and enhance the
health and quality of life of all Ethiopians, and to promote sustainable social and economic
development through the sound management and use of natural, human-made and cultural
resources and the environment as a whole (EPA, 1997). The policy seeks to ensure the
empowerment and participation of the people and their organization’s at all levels in
environmental management activities, and to raise public awareness and promote
understanding of the essential linkage between the environment and development.
EIA policies are included in the cross-sectorial policies of the EPE (EPA, 1997). They
emphasis, among others, the early recognition and incorporation of environmental issues
and mitigation plans in project design and implementation.
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
obtaining authorization from the competent environmental agency (Art. 3(1)). In line
with this, project proponents must undertake EIA and submit the report to the
concerned environmental body, and, when implementing the project, fulfill the terms
and conditions of the EIA authorization given to them (Art. 7).
The proclamation also provides for public participation in the environmental impact
assessment process. It requires environmental bodies to ensure that the comments
made by the public (in particular the comments by the communities likely to be
affected by the implementation of a project) are incorporated into the EIA study
report as well as into its evaluation (Art. 15). To this end, it requires environmental
bodies to make any EIA study report accessible to the public and to solicit comments
The proclamation also requires public instruments, which are identified by directive as requiring EIA,
to pass through environmental impact assessment process prior to their approval. In line with this, it
obliges government organs to ensure that their policies have passed through EIA process prior to
their submission for approval (Art. 13). Ingenera the law stipulates that the following activities are
Dumping or disposal of any solid, liquid waste or hazardous gaseous substances in a stream,
river, lake and in their surroundings;
Damaging the quality of air and of the surface or underground water;
Non authorized bush burning;
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
Environmental guidelines are among the tools for facilitating the consideration of
environmental issues and principles of sustainable development and their inclusion in
development proposals. The promoter of this project fulfills the basic requirement from the
concerned governmental and non-governmental bodies.
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
The proclamation stipulates the mandatory need for establishment of Environmental organs
by regions. Mandates of the regional environmental organs are to enable regions to
coordinate environmental activities, avoid duplication of efforts and improve the
dissemination of environmental information. This proclamation also mandates the EPA to
undertake studies and research, to develop action plans etc, in the area of combating
Under proclamation No. 925/2002, all regional states are expected to establish their own
environmental organs. Following this, regions and two city administration have established
their respective environmental organs and the other regional states are in the process.
Regional environmental organs are vested in, among others, the responsibility in their
respective region.
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
Sidama Zone is one of the administrative zones of SNNP regional state. The Zone
administration is the highest decision maker organ next to regional Authority. Zonal
administration is accountable for regional Authority According to Ethiopia’s government
governance structure; zonal offices are headed by cabin members. Therefore, Sidama Zone
Rural land and Environmental protection organ is the middle administrative level
responsible for monitoring and evaluating environmental issues of the washed station
The highest administrative structure at district level is the District council consisting of the
administrative arm and a cabinet. Therefore, the Woreda environmental issues were seen at
district level. The most policies, laws and directives of the state Coordination of the activities
applied at woreda level.
The peasant associations have their own council consisting of the administrative structure
and the cabinet members. The cabinet members are composed of three professionals from
local school, Agricultural offices and locally selected health centuries and another four. The
main responsibilities of the kebeles include promoting rural development, Executing
government policies and facilitate their implementation and conducting tax collection.
Furthermore, they have a mandate to visit development and correct their negative impacts
through advising the investors. Therefore kebele administrative office, will conduct such
activities for social and environmental sustainability of the established washed station
On June 13th 2003, the Minister of Environment, Natural Resources and Wildlife
promulgated the Environment (Impact Assessment and Audit) regulations 2003 (EIA/EA
Regulations) under section 147 of the EMCA. These regulations provide the framework for
carrying out EIAs and EAs in Ethiopia
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
The Occupational Safety and health act, 2007 applies to all workplaces where any person is
at work, whether temporarily or permanently. The purpose of this Act is to: Secure the
safety, health and welfare of persons at work; and Protect persons other than persons at
work against risks to safety and health arising out of, or in connection with, the activities of
persons at work.
a) Safety
Workers must be trained on personal safety and how to handle waste emission from
washing station. They should be provided with Personal Protective equipment which should
be worn at all times.. There should be a toxic acidic contamination risk preparedness plan
clearly spelt out and implemented. Adequate protection close should be installed at every
pump, in the office, escape route clearly marked and an assembly point provided and
b) Health
Associated with mining industry are vector borne diseases such as malaria. Conditions
favoring the proliferation of vectors include stagnant waste water in disposal thank, drains,
reservoirs and seepage sites. Furthermore, lack of sanitary and waste water treatment
facilities as well as increased incidence of human-water contact will exacerbate the problem
of vector-borne diseases. Wastewater generated from this process is acidic, rich in
suspended dissolved and organic matter. This processing activity in the project area could
affect public health and safety in a negative manner; because of appropriate mitigation
measures are not implemented. Specific risks include:
Spinning sensation, eye, ear and skin irritation, stomach pain, Nausea and breathing
problem among the residents of nearby areas and risk of increase of water-related diseases
from standing wastewater in abandoned borrows areas and seepage.
c) Welfare
Every occupier shall be provide and maintain so as to be readily accessible, a first-aid box
or cupboard of the prescribed standard. The occupier of a workplace shall cause a thorough
safety and health audit of his workplace to be carried out at least once in every period of
twelve months by a safety and health advisor, who shall issue a report of such an audit
containing the prescribed particulars to the occupier on payment of a prescribed fee and
shall send a copy of the report to the Zonal and district EPA.
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
The project site is located on a small hill in side of Adame Teso Keble, Dara district, Sidama
Zone. It is a rural area, where most of the people live of agriculture. The site is situated in
western side of international road to Dara to Dilla town Via Nairobi international road. The
specific location of the project is KELLO -NUMBER ONE at Adame Teso PA.
KELLO -NUMBER ONE is one of Adame teso PA sub-village which is situated between in
the west Ato. Wtera Berena farm, in the east Ato. Kumalo Kenisera farm, in the North Mulu
Wonigel Charch and in the South bordered with Ato.Worku wesito and Shebiru Berasa
farm. There are no wet lands existing in the site area. The required land for quarry mine
and stone crushing is an area of approximately 9,560 square meters. There is no passing
through site area. Due care has been taken while identifying the project site to avoid
habitations, forest lands and vicinity of wildlife sanctuaries, national parks and other
sensitive areas. There are no industries/ factories in the vicinity of the site area and no
residential houses either in the radius of 1000 meters.
Dara Woreda of the project site there is an all-weather rod, the roads 800meaters far from
international road to Dara to Dilla town Via Nairobi international road which is suitable to
transport and distributed the products.
This section gives in details the description of existing environment and describes the
present land use of the project and area contiguous to it.
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
The site selected for the implementation of the stone mining and crushing site in Dara
District has little natural flora, and the existing land use at the beginning of the project
included subsistence crops like Enst, banana trees, sorghum and beans. The site also
presents different types of bushes that can, on the wildlife point of view, shelter rodents
and lizards or serve as ecological niche for various types of birds.
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
The quarry is mainly surrounded by agricultural products grown mainly beans, sorghum,
banana, maize and legumes such as fruit plants, etc… The main domestic animals are
cows, goats, sheep, and chickens
The site is located at 1500 m above sea level. There was no detailed geological study
conducted however, the information got from CSA indicated that the underground rock is a
sedimentary rock formed through a process of lithification of weathered rock debris which
was physically transported and deposited. Lithification could have occurred through: Drying
and compaction; Oxidation of iron and aluminum; and Precipitation of calcium and silica.
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
Dara district is located between 6° 30′ 0″North Latitude and 38° 25′ 0″ East Longitude with
an elevation of 1500 t0 1811 meters above sea level. Dara is one of the woreda in the
Sidama Zone and in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples' Region of Ethiopia
According to a 2004 report, Dara had 8 kilometers of asphalt road, 66 kilometers of all-
weather roads and 16 kilometers of dry-weather roads, for an average road density of 369
kilometers per 1000 square kilometers. Based on the 2007 Census conducted by the CSA,
this woreda has a total population of 155,265, of whom 76,475 are men and 78,790
women; 10,660 or 6.87% of its population are urban dwellers. With Sidama as the
predominate tribe (CSA, 2007). The project site lies within the Hawssa- Dilla town via
Kenya international road route. Dara Woreda is high landscape and at a mean level of
1811 meters above sea level.
The peoples of Dara district are engaged in various economic activities for their livelihoods.
Whereas the majority is engaged in agriculture, especially coffee as cash crops and
livestock keeping still remains the income earner in the district. People practice mixed
farming because livestock acts as a buffer during poor rain seasons. Most of what is
harvested is consumed domestically, and there is hardly any net surplus.
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
allocated approximately 9,560 square meters for extraction of stones. The project is
expected to be semi- mechanized so as to meet the production target. Equipments which are
mandatory for this project comprises one main machine which have been detailed as shown
below table 2.
Table 2: List of mandatory machines for the project
Equipments Quantity
Jaw crusher 20”x12” 1
Body plate thickness: sail 36 mm
SwingJaw, stationary jaw,pitman,Toggle (RearFront): Steel casting
Bearing: Ecc-22340- Pedestral 22222
Jaw Plate size (Teethed&Plain): 500mm x 750mm
Fly wheel :single
Max Feed:250 mm
Drive motor:30HP
Weight: 4600Kg
Capacity: 15 to 30 tons with jaw setting off
Drilling machine
Back Hoe(Size/Capacity 0.9M3) 1
Rock Breaker (Size/Capacity0.9M3) 1
Compressor(CFM/100) 1
DG set(125 kVA) 1
Other Spare parts 15
Owing to the nature of work ie hard and risky all the equipments are expected to
depreciated within two years only. By the third year an evaluation is needed to analyze
and decided about their possible replacements. The quarry mine and stone crushing will be
operational 8 hours a day six days a week and 312 days per annum. During the first
year, production shall be maintained at the minimum level (80%) so as to maximize the
operationalization of the mitigation measures of the project impacts to the environment and
the production will be stepped up by 15% (92%) in the second year. One machine will work
at the same time in the first year, if additional machine is purchase two machines in the
second year to produce different sizes of gravels. The waste shall be used to produce gravel
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
related products such as “bricks, cobbles, crusher fines etc. There are therefore four
different types of products to be produced at the beginning of the project: Crushed stone
with different sizes, cobbles with two different sizes and crusher fines. It is proposed to
produce 80,000 MTA of Stone Quarry from the area of 9,560 square meter by open cast
semi-mechanized method of mining and the raw material requirement for crushed stone
production is detailed shown in table 4.
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
Table 4 : Year wise production of building stone for the first 3 years period
From this envisaged project during raw materials mining operation total Waste will generate
in 3 years is about 2,590 cubic meter (top soil) & 3,885 cubic meter (Over burden) and total
Stone will excavated in 3 years of operation period is 240,000 MT. DRILLING
The excavation of mineral is proposed by excavators. The mineral is fractured and easily
exploitable by rock breakers and excavators. The hard strata are proposed to excavate after
drilling and blasting.
Proclamation (Art. 3(1)) of EPA, 2002; EPA, 1997 and subsequent EIA/EA Regulations of
299/2002 requires any project to carry out environmental impact assessments for
development proposals. According to EIA/EA Regulations, 2003 such studies have to
incorporate consultation and public participation (CPP) process.
EIA process is largely determined by effective consultation and public participation (CPP)
which basically provides a cornerstone for project planning and successful implementation.
Consultation and Public participation helps to:
1) Facilitate involvement and participation of affected persons throughout the project
2) ii) Ensures a sense of responsibility and commitment towards implementing the
proposed EMP.
CPP should be undertaken mainly during project planning, in implementation and
decommissioning phases. It should involve the affected persons, lead agencies, private
sector, among others. The methodology for CPP may include; Meetings and technical
workshops with affected communities, Questionnaires, Interviews, Notices
It is the responsibility of the project proponent to adequately ensure effective distribution of
the information to the affected persons to militate against unnecessary delays in decision
making and project implementation
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
Consultation specific to the project was initiated through contacting the Environmental
officer of Dara District Mr. Belaynh Beredo who thereafter provided the consultant team
with contact persons at Woreda Sector.
The consultation process included to a large extent public consultation through Ademe Teso
Keble with the local people and interested and affected parties. Questionnaires were
administered and filled as annexed at the end of the EIA report.
(a) Awareness about the proposed Quarry mine & stone Crushing development project.
(b) Whether the proposed project development project will cause negative impacts on the
Local residents
Natural ecology of the area
The human environment
Public health and safety
Effect on water resources and quality
The soil Quality in the local area
The areas of scenic beauty
Road transport and related infrastructure
Drainage of the area
Any other comment.
Meeting with local residents-This meeting was held for five days as from Tuesday 8st
April to 15th April 2020 at the site. The public consultation process continued in 20th April
2020/2012 after receiving detailed Terms of Reference from DARA WOREDA
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION OFFICE dated 20th April 2020/2012. Further meetings
were held in May 2nd to 5th 2020 as required by Woreda EPA for the full study and a list of
attendees and photos are provided at the end of this project report.
Residents raised the following issues; the proponent should consider the locals during
employment. The proponent strongly support by Keble leader and the keble leaders send
letter to the wored official the importance of the project.
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
The proposed development project is accepted by the interested and the affected
parties (i.e. almost all of the respondents)
The proposed project will benefit the general population of by providing the much-
needed jobs and in the long run reduce dependency and poverty.
Other industries in the area hope to good masonry stone for the development
activities like construction of building maintenance of the roads, security etc.
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
Participants Attending Result: The respondents however, did not object the project and
were in agreement that it should be implemented but the proponent should consider
employing people from the local area for jobs that do not need specialized skills before he
brings other people in. put in place measures to curb insecurity. Members of the public who
participated in this public participation were so passionate about insecurity and how it
needs to be addressed.
To date, stakeholder input has largely focused on creating an appropriate and contextual
design for the project in coordination with community input. Areas of particular interest have
included the preparation of effective environmental and socio-economic impact assessment,
the mitigation of environmental effects. Most stakeholder’s comments, and concerns focused
cumulative effects and the need for clarity around the project operations. A brief summary
of the stakeholders concerns that were incorporated into the project
Table 5: Summary of Project Plan Modification
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
During conducted site visits, we noted that the mining will be done open cast Semi
mechanized. The working will be done by forming benches of 5.0m (Average) height. The
proposals of mining for the next five year workings are given in the table. Different size
Masonry Stone production will be started from the first year the systematic working of
open cast mines, the main development work will be the forming of systematic benching.
The height of bench will not be kept more than 5.0m at a time and the width of the benches
will be always kept safe according to provisions. The Mining will be done with the help of
tools such as drills, jack-hammer, compressors, hand shovel, picks, excavators etc.
Loading of Stone will be done with the help of shovel and excavators at face and at stock
yard. Stone gitti will be loaded in truck / tipper manually. The truck / tipper will be used for
transportation of Stone and Stone Gaetti from mine site to destination. The cost of the Stone
is directly dependent on the size of the material mined. First Stone bench will be opened by
removal of Soil will be mined out either by labour or small machine.
Production proposed in first five years: Total Waste will generate in 3 years is 2,590
cubic meter (top soil) & 3,885 cubic meters (Over burden). Total raw material Stone will
excavated in one year 80,000 MT and in 3 years period of operation is about 2, 40,000 MT
and Total masonry Stone will excavated in one year 74,880 tones and 3 years period of
operation is about 224,640MT.
The project would definitely have some impacts (positive and negative) on the surrounding
environment in both direct and indirect ways, as there will be direct and indirect
interactions between project activities and the environment. This will have different effects
on the environment and on the project itself.
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
This chapter identifies analyses and classifies these impacts that could arise from the
activities of the project, either during the extraction phase, crushing or transportation The
impacts apply as well on the socioeconomic environment (health, security, economic
activities, finances, etc) and on the biophysical environment (fauna, flora, water, air, soil,
energy). These impacts can also be positive or negative, direct or indirect and they are
described in this study.
The impacts are classified and their range varies in space and time. The intensity of theses
impacts is classified according to the following criteria:
Effects on the health species
Effects on endangered species
Reduction of the diversity of species
Loss of habitats
Transformation of natural landscapes
Impacts on the human health
Effects on the present use of available natural resources
Abandonment of either use or future production of natural resources
The criteria of classification of the impacts as being important, middle or weak are according
Size and geographical extent
Duration and Frequency
Ecological context
The Major impacts that are expected to arise as a result of the implementation of the project
are the following:
Supply the stone for construction sector in Dara district at a reasonable price
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
Job creation and employment opportunities for those who will be employed by the
project, either in the extraction or transportation;
Increase in the income of the population working on the site and development of
small businesses that will serve the employee of the staff;
Possibility of meeting the fundamental social needs for the employees and their
families (health care, schooling children, etc;)
Possibility of savings for the local population and employee of the project.
Risk of excess soil being eroded from the site during extraction and deposited
downhill and finally into the wetland ;
Loss of habitat for some fauna and flora species and biodiversity reduction as a
consequence of migrating species due to vegetation clearing of the quarrying site;
Risk of noise pollution of plant machinery and vehicles and its related impacts like
air pollution increased in the area;
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
Table 6: Impacts on the human environment during the quarrying and crushing activities
2 Increase in the income of the population working on Positive, important and long
the site and development of small businesses that term
will serve the employee of the project
3 Possibility of meeting the fundamental social needs Positive, important and long
for the employees and their families (health care, term
schooling children, etc.
4 Possibility of savings for the local population and Positive, important and long
employee of the stone crushing project. term
6 Risk of the accidents on the personnel of the site. Negative, middle and
Some of the workforce may not be familiar to temporary impact
quarrying techniques which can be a cause of
accidents. If the protection equipment is not
adequate accidents are most likely to occur.
7 Provision of country with all the needed stones Positive, important and
permanent impact
1 Air pollution by the dust emitted during crushing Negative, middle and long term
2 Risk of excess soil being eroded down from the Negative, middle and temporary
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
3 Loss of habitat for some fauna and flora species and Negative, middle and
biodiversity reduction as a consequence of migrating permanent impact
species due to vegetation clearing of the quarrying site;
4 Soil erosion due to exposure of the soil after removal of Negative, middle and temporary
ground cover; impact
6 Risk of noise pollution of machinery and vehicles and its Negative, weak and permanent
related impacts like air pollution increased in the area; impact
7 Risk of increase in road accidents resulting from Negative, weak and permanent
increase in road traffic especially due to big trucks that impact
come to by stones;
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
This chapter analyzes the possible alternatives besides the methods and other parameters
already considered in the design of the project. Bearing in mind the critical need for the
protection of environmental ecosystems and the core role that the quarry mine & stone
crushing site will play in the social and economic development of the country, it’s
imperative to analyze and balance the need for planet, people and profit in the context of the
sustainable development.
In the scenario where Dara Woreda Environment Protection Office is not permitted to
quarry in the site in question, soil erosion will still be evident given the fact that the site was
already been quarried before and no rehabilitation of the area was done.
The provision of good quality masonry stone for different construction purposes will not be
achieved as will be the case when the quarrying is permitted. The neighboring population
will not benefit from the natural resource available.
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
This section provides measures envisaged to avoid, reduce minimize present or compensate
negative impacts of the project. Considering the project design, most of the mentioned
impacts are not likely to happen. The following mitigation measures which consider policy,
engineering and social-economic interventions, have been recommended.
During stone extraction and crushing, it is anticipated that the surrounding air might be
polluted by the dust emitted during crushing. For this it would be important to constantly
water the site so as to reduce the amount of dust emitted in the air. Also appropriate
machines should be used for crushing as well as the appropriate stones i.e the hard ones
which produce less dust. The water to be used will be delivered by a tank from Ethiopia
water supply service (EWSS) during the dry season and stored in a plastic tank at the
project site. During the dry season, rain water harvesting will be maximized which will
reduce the cost of buying water but also reduce the problems by storm water from upstream
to neighboring population. Detention basins will have to be established at the lower side of
the plot/site to allow catchment of water run-off from the site.
Toilets will be set up: The best system is to use the “Ecosan” system consisting of plastic
cabins with regularly empty able contains. This is a sanitation system that does not require
any water to function. Not only does it save on water use, but it is entirely isolated from the
surrounding environment and cannot contaminate underground water resources. The
system utilizes a natural biological process to break down human waste into a dehydrated
odorless compost-like material. With each rotation the human excrement slowly moves
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
along, taking approximately twenty-five days before falling into a reusable collection bag.
It takes six months for the bag to fill with dry and odourless waste.
Through the uniquely designed ventilation pipe, adequate airflow is provided for the
dehydration / evaporation, deodorising process. Human excrement consists of roughly
95% moisture. As the solids dry in the conveyer the urine and moisture is vented into the
atmosphere. The solid waste then dries into a compost-like material, roughly 5 - 10% of its
original mass.
As a variation on the home model designed for normal use, a special modification was
made to accommodate installations where there is a high frequency of use of toilets. This
model uses a drum instead of a bag for waste collection. The unit is therefore not a
completely dry system and also means that the drum needs to be emptied on a regular
basis. This unit is ideally suited for places where the installation of sewerage pipes are
difficult, for instance underground mines or very busy public places.
The dry waste is manageable and can be processed and used in the making of compost,
dispose of it by using municipal waste services or use it as a source of fuel.
Solid waste from the stone crushing plant is mainly organic waste produced by the
employees of the project site. All these wastes must be separated after their production,
collected and managed according to their nature. The principle of waste prevention,
minimization/reduction will be implemented in the Plant. Waste, will be minimized, recycled
or reused. There is a possibility of the project giving rise to metal scrap expected to originate
from old parts of the machines.
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
o Protective uniform
o Dust Masks
o Helmets
o Eye goggles with a dark shade so as to protect the workers from the bright sun
First aid equipments should be available at the site at all time, and several individuals
among the permanent personnel on the site should have the skills necessary to use the
A contract should be signed between management of the stone crushing plant and the
nearest dispensary or hospital for taking care of injured staff in case of accident.
The insurance should be contracted for all the personnel during the construction phase and
for those who will be employed in the factory during the operation phase.
Workers will be regularly trained on the use of the equipment as well as on the safety
measures and procedures so as to limit the risk of accidents due to the ignorance in the
equipment use as well as the importance of the safety procedures.
Table 8 below summarizes all the proposed mitigation measures in line with the anticipated
Table 8: Mitigation measures
1 Air pollution by the fugitive emission Soil watering when soil works are
generated during drilling, blasting, being executed and where dust is
excavation, breaking and loading of the emitted.
2 Risk of excess soil being eroded down the Construction of radical terraces and
wetland below the site planting of grass and trees on those
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
3 Loss of habitat for some fauna and flora During land clearing, to maintain a
species and biodiversity reduction due to maximum of vegetation
vegetation clearing of the site;
Implementation of agro forestry
techniques well adapted to the site
4 Risk of the accidents on the personnel of the Provide all staff on quarrying site with
site. Some of the workforce may not be protective equipments (helmets, gloves,
familiar to quarrying techniques which can coats and boots where applicable).
be a cause of accidents. If the protection
To teach the workers how to use
equipment is not adequate accidents are
adequately these equipments
most likely to occur.
5 Risk of the increase of HIV/AIDS and other The biggest workforce will be recruited
Sexually Transmitted Diseases due to the from the region, and they normally
increase in income which may cause unsafe return to their homes.
Sensitization campaign to the staff on
HIV/AIDS and other STDs, and avail
condoms on site, free of charge
6 Effects of generated solid wastes; The garbage will be sorted on site and
5 categories of wastes will be treated
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
Plantation at 3 m. x 3 m. grid will be done. Plantation will be planted every year. Saplings of
Local plants will be planted as per the consultation of the local Forests Department Officers.
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
The pit will be filled by the soil from the site and leveled. Tree species that are
environmental friendly will be planted as well as grass preferably elephant grass will be
planted so as to stabilize the soil. It is believed that after this the plot will be ready for re
utilization as the relevant authority deems it necessary. The master plan of Dra Woreda
Kebdo town indicated that the area is to be used as a commercial end when actual
implementation of the same starts.
Stone mining processing includes the costs of raw material for mitigation measure
development, waste disposal transport, training for labour. Therefore, for to achievement
zero environmental pollution this Stone mining waste management plan is estimated for the
first operation period.
Mitigation cost includes works’ Safety: periodic check of the safety of works is
important to prevent on job accidents and employees health hazards. Resource for
implementation of the above recommended environmental management program is two
parts; personal and finance. The recommended personnel include the environmentalist at
the operations of the Stone mining industry, environmental management and technical
administration; and finance to government officials at all levels. Regular internal auditing
and monitoring were made and audit report should be submitted to Sidama Zone
environmental protection, Forest and climate change authority from regional to kebele on
quarter basis in hierarchy levels. The Financial Requirement for Environmental protection
costs in the first project year Birr 72,304 and the cost increased by 0.5% throughout the
project life.
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
This section describes the modalities provided in the project for the implementation of the
proposed mitigation measures to its potential negative impacts. It proposes the institutional
responsibilities for the implementation of the mitigation measures, the implementation
indicators, the time frame for monitoring and follow-up and also the estimated cost for the
implementation activities. The Environmental Management Plan of the stone crushing plant
is summarized in a table below
This Quarry mining and Stone Crushing is hereafter address the potential negative impacts
and mitigation measures as well as roles, costs and monitor able indicators that can help to
determine the effectiveness of actions to upgrade the quality of environment; as regards to
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing project PLC.
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
Adame Teso Risk of the accidents on the Provide all workers on with Number of accidents on site Throughout the worked, zonal
Keble- Kello personnel of the quarry site protective equipments (helmets, project cycle environmental
Number one gloves, coats and boots where Availability of protective protection Forest
Village applicable). equipments and climate
change Authority
Use adequately these equipments
Pollution of surface and Oil servicing of machines will be Number of times when All the project worked, zonal
ground water from due to oil made in garages. service is done life environmental
from machines protection Forest
Any oils available at the site will be and climate
collected in appropriate jerry cans change Authority
and taken to the petro station
where servicing is done for
Increase in the risk of health Use of local machine with minimum Noise intensity of machines Entire life of worked, zonal
because of the noise from noise and select only new the project environmental
the air pollution from fugitive machines and vehicles Amount of dust in the protection Forest
dust atmosphere and climate
Soil watering change Authority
Air emission by dust emitted Soil watering during the time of soil Amount of dust in the Entire life of worked, zonal
during site clearing works atmosphere the project environmental
protection Forest
and climate
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
Quarry Site Negative Impacts Mitigation measures Implementation indicators Timeframe Responsibility
change Authority
Risk of excess soil being Construction of contours on the Area covered with terraces Initial stages of worked, zonal
eroded and deposited in the steep slope of the hill and planting and vegetation Initial stage the quarrying environmental
wetland beneath the quarry of grass and trees on the radical of the quarrying activities i.e activities protection Forest
site terraces first rainy season. and climate
Initial stage of change Authority
Establishment of storm water the quarrying
retention basins at the lower side activities i.e
of the site first rainy
Loss of habitat for some Implementation of agro forestry Number of agro forestry Entire life span worked, zonal
flora and fauna species and techniques well adapted to the site trees planted of the project environmental
biodiversity reduction as a protection Forest
consequence of species and climate
migration due to vegetation change Authority
clearing on the construction
Noise during the crushing of Quality and numbers of Entire life span worked, zonal
stones By use of public address systems announcement of the project environmental
to alert people on the time of the protection Forest
noise. A radius of 3km from the
and climate
quarry will be covered.
By use technology other than use change Authority
of dynamites.
Adame Teso Effect of generated solid To take the rest solid waste in the 5 categories to be treated During worked, zonal
appropriate dumping site separately environmental
Keble- Kello waste Operation
Garbage will be sorted on site and protection Forest and
Number one climate change
5 categories of waste will be Contract with the garbage
Village Authority
treated separately collector (local NGO)
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
The implementation and effectiveness of this management plan and its associated
procedures will be regularly assessed to ensure:
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
The EMP is a living document and shall be reviewed at least every three years or
sooner if any of the following occur:
The plan is not adequately managing the issue (refer Section 10);
Reviews and changes to the EMP are to be communicated to relevant Adame Teso
Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing project personnel
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
It is recommended THAT;
In ensuring proper mitigation measures are instituted the proponent and contractor
will need to ensure the following:
They are involved in every stage of the project implementation and particularly
on the management of the anticipated wastes & emissions into the
environment as well as other concerns that may touch on the neighbors
especially control of noise & waste management.
That the project is implemented as described and the management plan
implemented to the letter.
That the project implementation will not cause any unnecessary disruption to
public utilities, storm water/surface runoff drainage systems, ecological
systems & human settlement.
Conservation measures are implemented that ensure sustainable use of energy
and natural resources
Annual Environmental Audits are conducted every year by Woreda and Zone
Environment Protection office registered experts so as to confirm the status
of the compliance with the relevant legislation and implementation of the
Environmental management plan.
IT is concluded THAT;
In conclusion the proposed project will have several positive economic benefits during
its different phases and it will also have negative impacts. However, these impacts
are synonymous with development project and can adequately be mitigated through
the implementation of the EMP prepared. Our conclusion is that the project is
important for economic development and its benefits out weight its shortcomings. We
therefore recommend that the project be licensed.
Adame Teso Quarry Mine and Stone Crushing EIA at Dara District, Sidama Zone 2019
1 Birley (1991), Guidelines for forecasting the vector-borne disease implications of
2 Resources Development. PEEM Guidelines Series 2. Second edition PEEM Secretariat,
WHO, Geneva. WHO/CWS/ 91.3
Ethiopia-Addis Ababa-2003
4 Bureau of Africa; Office of Sustainable Development (June1996); Environmental
Guidelines for Small-scale Activities in Africa
No 295: ``Environmental Organs Establishment Proclamation``
proclamation No 299: ``Environmental Impacts Assessment Proclamation``
proclamation No 300: ``Environmental pollution control Proclamation`` Guidelines
Washington D.C, fourth printing
8 IIRR (2002), Managing Dry land Resources-An Extension manual for Eastern and
9 Africa. International Institute of Rural RE- construction, Nairobi, Kenya. Impact
Assessment Service of EPA (June 2003), Environmental and social Management plan
(ESMP) for Agricultural Support project
10 The World Bank (2002), the Environment and the Millennium Development Goals.
11 The world Bank (May/1995) Environmental Assessment Sound Book; Volume II
Sectorial FDRE August 24,1995-proclamation No9: ‘’Environmental protection
Authority Establishment proclamation’’