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Rigoberto Fimia Duarte et al., : Int. J. Pure & Appl. Sci. Res.

Trans; Vol-2, Iss- 1 (2022): 1-18

International Journal of Pure & Applied Science Research Transactions

ISSN Print : 2957-9341| ISSN Online : 2957-935X
Frequency : Quarterly
Language : English
Website: https://ijpasr-transactions.com/

Exploring interactions between anisole and aromatic amines (at 10, 20, and 30
concentrations) through thermophysical properties and ATR-FT IR spectroscopy
reveals insights into solute-solvent dynamics in liquid mixtures.

O. Audiseshaiah1, K. Govindaiah1,N. Mahendra1, N. Sunkanna1, Y.V. Rami Reddy*1

Department of Chemistry, S.V. University, Tirupati-517502, A.P., India.

*Corresponding Author
E-mail addresses:1. dryvrsvu@gmail.com(Y.V.Rami Reddy).

Article History: | Received: 28.06.2022 | Accepted: 24.07.2022 | Published: 25.08.2022|

Abstract: The density (ρ) of binary liquid mixes of Anisole (methoxy benzene) with aniline, N-methyl aniline, and N,N-dimethyl
aniline was accurately calculated at temperatures of 303.15 K, 308.15 K, and 313.15 K to determine their thermophysical
characteristics. In addition, the velocity of sound (u) was determined at temperatures of 303.15 K and 313.15 K. The data were utilised
to calculate the excess molar volumes (VE) and excess isentropic compressibilities (κsE) at the temperatures under investigation. The
VE and κsE values obtained were fitted using the Redlich-Kister polynomial equation. In addition, the sound speed data were
evaluated for their prediction accuracy by comparing them with Schaff's collision factor theory (CFT) and Jacobson's Free Length
theory (FLT). The results were carefully examined to reveal the physical and chemical interactions that arise from the solute and
solvent components in the binary liquid mixtures. Hydrogen bonding between Anisole and aromatic amines was experimentally
confirmed using AT FT-IR Spectroscopic investigations. This work provides a thorough examination of the thermodynamic properties
of binary mixes and confirms theoretical predictions, offering insights into the complex intermolecular interactions involved in these
Keywords: Density, Speed of sound, Excess Molar Volume, FT-IR Spectrum.

Copyright @ 2022: This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium for non-commercial use (Non Commercial, or CC-BY-NC) provided the original author and source
are credited.

1. Introduction Anisole, an aromatic ether, finds widespread

The investigation of molecular interactions in process applications in industries due to its versatility in dyes,
fluids and the analysis of thermodynamic parameters, pigments, perfumes, and as a precursor for various
such as densities and sound speed, play a pivotal role in derivatives. A lot of people in the scientific community
chemical design and effective process optimization. are interested in learning about the physical features of
Designs for fluid flow engineering, heat transfer, mass binary mixes that include anisole. In addition to its
transfer, and chemical separations are all heavily usage as a medicinal and insect pheromone, anisole is
influenced by these characteristics. In example, an important phenolic ether that is involved in the
statistics of sound speed, which provide important production of many other derivatives. In contrast,
information on the interactions between the molecules amines are useful in many chemical reactions, as well
that make up matter, have become more important in as in agriculture, medicines, and rubber. When mixed
comprehending the structure and characteristics of with other compounds, such as chlorine or chlorates,
matter. The study of physical properties of binary aniline, a primary amine, produces aniline colours,
mixtures, especially those containing anisole, holds which are used as a starting ingredient in dye
substantial importance across various industries, production. Aniline is a byproduct of many industrial
including petrochemistry and medicinal chemistry. processes and products, including colours, explosives,
polymers, antioxidants, and varnishes. Amines in
@Kuwait Scientific Society 1
Rigoberto Fimia Duarte et al., : Int. J. Pure & Appl. Sci. Res. Trans; Vol-2, Iss- 1 (2022): 1-18

general, and N-Methyl Aniline and N,N-Dimethyl of sound were compared to published values, indicating
Aniline in particular, are important in many chemical a high degree of chemical purity [12-30]. At
processes and have many practical uses in industry as temperatures between 303.15K and 313.15K, these
agrochemicals, organic compound intermediates, results are reported in Table 2.
coupling solvents, and so on. However, exposure to
N,N-Dimethyl Aniline through inhalation has been 2.2. Methods
associated with adverse effects on the Central Nervous 2.2.1. Preparation of Sample
System (CNS) and Circulatory system, leading to The exact amounts of pure liquids were injected into
symptoms like headaches, cyanosis, and dizziness. screw-capped glass vials to create binary liquid mixes
Understanding the interactions and effects of these of anisole and isomeric cresols, which remained
chemical compounds is essential for ensuring consistently composed throughout. We concurrently
occupational and environmental safety. Finding out monitored the fundamental properties of the binary
how molecular interactions in binary liquid mixtures systems to prevent evaporation-induced loss and
are affected by the chemical structures of various minimise moisture absorption. The ATY 224 digital
solvents is the main goal of the research. electronic balance from Shimadzu, India, was used for
Intermolecular and intramolecular interactions between mass measurements, which had an uncertainty of ±1 ×
and within different molecules are both included in the 10−4 g. To guarantee precision in the experiment, the
investigation. Analysis of excess thermodynamic mixes' mole fraction estimate uncertainty was shown to
characteristics and predicted correlations between these be less than ±1 × 10−4.
changes and variations in the patterns of hydrogen
bonds (H-bonds) controlling molecular interactions in 2.2.2. Measurements of Density (ρ) and speed of
solutions are the tools used in this inquiry. The current sound (u)
literature on binary mixes of anisole with aniline, N- Between 303.15 K and 313.15 K at 0.1 MPa, the
Methyl Aniline, and N,N-dimethyl Aniline is density (ρ) and speed of sound (u) of anisole and cresol
noticeably lacking in experimental data on density but binary mixes were measured. Utilizing a Rudolph
sound speed. In order to fill this void, the research DDM-2911 densimeter and Mittal F-05 ultrasonic
centres on the specified liquid mixes' densities (ρ) and interferometer (2MHz frequency), the thermostat
sound speed data (u), two main thermodynamic maintained a tight temperature control (±0.02 K).
characteristics. The research further confirms the Density imprecision is ±6x10-4 g.cm-3, yielding
existence of hydrogen bonds between anisole and surplus volumes (VE) uncertainties of ±5x10-3
isomeric cresols using FT-IR spectroscopic data. cm3.mol-1. There is an uncertainty of ±0.5 m.s-1 in
Additional analysis of the experimental sound speed sound speed (u) readings and ±0.05 TPa-1 in calculated
data is carried out by use of Jacobson's free length excess isentropic compressibility (κsE) values.
theory (FLT) and Schaff's collision factor theory Interferometer functionality was verified by comparing
(CFT). Intermolecular interactions and structural anisole and aromatic amine sound speeds with
consequences may be better understood by these literature values.
studies, which take into account both observed and
calculated features. In summary, the study employs a 3. Results and discussion
comprehensive approach, combining experimental 3.1. Excess volumes (𝑽𝑬 )
techniques and theoretical frameworks, to gain a deeper Using experimental density data, we can find the excess
understanding of the molecular interactions and molar volume (VE) of anisole in binary mixes with
structural dynamics within binary liquid mixtures aniline, N-Methyl Aniline, and N,N-dimethyl Aniline.
involving anisole and various amines. Anisole forms Using VE, which is computed using the provided
hydrogen bonding connections with three specific equation, the non-ideal behaviour is quantified.
amines: aniline, N-methyl aniline, and N,N-dimethyl
aniline. This work uses Fourier transform infrared
spectroscopy to determine how often these interactions
occur. This holistic exploration contributes valuable
insights to the field of chemical research and process
optimization, especially in the context of diverse The mixture's mole fractions (X_i, i=1,2) and molar
industrial applications and the safety considerations masses (M_i) are related to measured densities (ρ_m
associated with certain chemical compounds. and ρ_i) for components i=1,2. Graphical representation
of volumetric excess (VE) data at 303.15K is shown in
2. Experimental Section Figure-1. VE values, obtained at this temperature, were
2.1. Materials fitted to the Redlich-Kister equation [32], with results
S.D. Fine Chem. Ltd., India, supplied analytical reagent presented in Table 3.
(A.R.) grade chemicals for the study. Gas
Chromatography determined the purities of The equation known as the Redlich-Kister is:
experimental liquids, and the Analab Karl Fischer
Titrator assessed water content. These measurements
are shown in Table 1. The observed densities and speed
@Kuwait Scientific Society 2
Rigoberto Fimia Duarte et al., : Int. J. Pure & Appl. Sci. Res. Trans; Vol-2, Iss- 1 (2022): 1-18

When trying to make sense of how liquid mixes handle A number of variables, shown in Figures 1–3,
excess volume (VE), the mole fraction of anisole, x₁, is contribute to the volume shrinkage seen in binary liquid
crucial. Table 6 details the findings of determining the mixes, including anisole with aniline, N–methyl
parameters a₀, a₁, and a₂ using a least-squares aniline, and N,N–dimethyl aniline. Data showing
technique. In all composition spectra, the VE data for excess molar volume (VE) over the whole composition
Anisole/Aniline, N-Methyl Aniline, and N,N-dimethyl spectrum indicates that anilines and -OCH3 anisoles
Aniline mixes is negative, which is indicative of have hydrogen bonding links with the NH2 anilines.
structural changes in the solvent molecules. Based on Anisoline, aniline, N-methyl aniline, and N,N-dimethyl
the analysis of Figures 1–3, it is clear that VE remains aniline mixes exhibit consistently the same pattern in
negative for all mixes over the whole composition algebraic excess volume data, highlighting the
range, which includes temperatures ranging from substantial impact of hydrogen bonding interactions on
303.15K to 313.15K. The interaction between the total volumetric behaviour.
expansion and contraction forces when two liquids are Anisole +aniline > anisole +N-methylaniline > anisole
mixed causes the directional trend in VE. In a positive +N,N-dimethylaniline
VE, expansion variables have a larger role than As anisole undergoes a transition from aniline to N,N-
contraction ones, and vice versa in a negative VE, dimethylaniline, there is a noticeable decrease in
contraction factors have a larger impact than expansion molecular interaction between anisole and aromatic
ones. The magnitude of the proportional expansion and amines. Several factors contribute to this phenomenon.
contraction of molecules upon mixing sheds light on The thermodynamic properties of the liquids in
the complexity of binary system excess volume data. question indicate that solvent-solute intermolecular
The interplay between these factors becomes pivotal in interaction strengthens with the base strength. Research
shaping the overall VE trend. When expansion- into the dissociation constants (pK) of aryl amines that
inducing elements surpass those inducing contraction, have been substituted with alkyl groups provides
VE manifests as positive. Conversely, when contraction further evidence for this pattern; for example, pKb
forces prevail over expansion, VE takes on a negative values of 9.16 for N-methylaniline, 8.32 for N,N-
character. dimethylaniline, and 9.38 for aniline.
The following substances cause volume contraction: The ionisation constant of similar anilium ions
contributes to the process RNH3 → RNH2 + H+,
A. Chemical interactions between molecule
which is shown in Figures 1 to 3, which weakens the
components, including strong specific
intermolecular contact, which is often called production of hydrogen bonding from aniline to N,N-
dimethylaniline. Tertiary amines, such as N,N-
heteromolecular association formed via
dimethylaniline, have weaker intermolecular
hydrogen bond formation.
interactions, especially hydrogen bonding, since they
B. An association that is founded on slow physical
processes, such as the dipolar moment or do not include an H-atom and do not have an O-H...N
various such forces of a similar kind link between them. Anisole and N,N-dimethylaniline
combined FT-IR spectra clearly show this. Figures 1–3
C. Molecules of one component are found to
show the excess volume data, which shows that
occupy the interstitial positions of the
compared to N-methylaniline and N,N-dimethylaniline,
structural network of compounds that include
the anisole–aniline combination had higher negative
the other element.
values, indicating greater intermolecular interactions. A
D. The ‘geometry’ of the molecular structure,
negative magnitude of molar volume contraction (VE)
which takes into account how well the
is compatible with this finding and the inductive,
individual molecules in the structure will fit
salvation, and steric effects of the alkyl group of aryl
While the variables that contribute to volume expansion The electron density of benzene ring derivatives,
can be explained in terms of influenced by connected groups, plays a pivotal role.
A. The declustering of the ‘structure’ of one or The net electron density within the ring governs
both of the component molecules in a solution, heteromolecular interactions between component
also known as the loss of dipolar interaction molecules. Experimental results support the notion that
between the molecules, is the cause of the molecular interactions stem from residual electric
dispersion forces that are observed in a moments and dispersion forces, which may differ from
solution. those in pure liquids.
B. The geometry of molecular ‘structures’ that In summary, the progression from aniline to N,N-
precludes molecules from one component from dimethylaniline in anisole mixtures is characterized by
fitting into voids generated by molecules from a diminishing strength of intermolecular interactions.
the other component is referred to as the This is substantiated by thermodynamic properties,
intermolecular gap. dissociation constants, and excess volume data, all of
C. A steric barrier between the molecules that which collectively highlight the intricate interplay of
comprise the component is the third factor. various factors influencing molecular behavior in these
binary systems.

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Rigoberto Fimia Duarte et al., : Int. J. Pure & Appl. Sci. Res. Trans; Vol-2, Iss- 1 (2022): 1-18

3.2. Excess isentropic compressibilities (κsE) between dipoles, factors that facilitate interstitial
Quantities of pure liquids' sound speeds (u) and binary mobility, and the creation of hydrogen bonds. On the
Using temperatures of 303.15K and 313.15K, this flip side, positive excess isentropic compressibility
research examined combinations generated by mixing results from the dissociation of the liquid order
anisole with aniline, N-methylaniline, and N,N- structure. The molecular make-up of the liquid
dimethylaniline, spanning the complete compositional components mostly determines the size and direction of
range. Isentropic compressibilities (κs) and excess κsE. In the case of anisole combined with N,N-
isentropic compressibilities (κsE) were calculated using dimethylaniline, the more negative κsE values indicate
observed data of sound speed (u) and density (ρ). The that these liquid mixtures are less compressible
isentropic compressibility (κs), mole fraction of anisole compared to their ideal counterparts (37). This trend is
(x1), mixture density (ρ), speed of sound (u), and observed across various mixtures, including N-
excess isentropic compressibility (κsE) are all shown in methylaniline and aniline. Additionally, when liquids
Table 4. In figures 4 to 5, the κsE data is shown with disparate molecular sizes and shapes are
visually. The experimental density (ρ) and speed of combined, resulting in a volume reduction, negative
sound (u) measurements were used to compute the κsE values are observed. The data presented in Table-5
isentropic compressibility (κs) using the following underscores the exceptional properties of all binary
equation. liquid mixtures involving anisole and aniline, N-
methylaniline, and N,N-dimethylanilines. Notably, the
anisole+aniline system exhibits more negative κsE
(3) data. This is attributed to the higher molar volume of
aniline compared to the other component molecules,
The estimation of the κsE was suggesting that the mixing of anisole and aniline
carried out by utilising the equation specified below: molecules promotes more efficient packing, explaining
the observed negative κsE values in this system. For
(4) mixtures of anisole with the aforementioned aromatic
where κsid is the ideal value of the isentropic amines, the algebraic values of κsE follow a specific
compressibility, which was determined by using the order.
equation developed by Benson and Kiyohara [37 [37]]. Anisole+aniline > anisole+N-methylaniline >
At temperatures of 303.15K and 313.15K, κsE values
exhibit negativity across the entire mole fraction
spectrum, indicative of interstitial component effects,
The temperature expansion coefficient (αi) and molar influenced by the molecular strength ratios outlined in
heat capacity (Cpi) for every component were the literature [41,42]. The attributes decrease with
calculated using references in the literature [38,39]. A increasing temperature, as seen by the consistently
negative trend over the whole composition range at negative values of excess volume and excess isentropic
both 303.15K and 313.15K was shown by the obtained compressibilities across all systems examined.
values for Cpi and αi, which were utilised to assess the Together with actual values, Table-4 summarises the
property, as evidenced by the κsE data in Table-4. The results of an examination of the experimental speed of
interaction of different molecular forces, especially in sound data using collision factor theory (CFT) [9] and
the intermolecular region, is thought to be responsible free length theory (FLT) [10,11]. Results from a
for this occurrence. In general, there are two kinds of comparison of theoretical predictions with
interactions among the component molecules that give experimental sound speeds show that Schaaff's CFT
rise to the κsE data for liquid combinations, such model produces better estimates. Using the method for
anisole with aniline, N-methylaniline, and N,N- relative root mean deviation (RMSD) estimates [43,44],
dimethylaniline [40]. we further evaluated the effectiveness of these theories.
1. A physical interaction that makes a positive 𝟐 𝟏/𝟐
𝟏 𝒚𝒆𝒙𝒑 𝒚𝒆𝒙𝒑
contribution to KSE and is composed of dispersion RMSD = ∑𝒏𝒊 𝟏 (6)
𝒏 𝒚𝒆𝒙𝒑
forces or interactions between dipoles that are weak.
2. A chemical or particular interaction, which
contributes to a negative contribution in ΚsE and Table-5 presents Root Mean Square Deviations
includes charge-transfer forces, the formation of (RMSD) for binary system values, indicating Schaaff's
hydrogen bonds, and other complex-forming CFT model as superior in estimating speed of sound for
interactions. the investigated mixtures. Anisole with aniline, N-
The determination of κsE (excess isentropic methylaniline, and N,N-dimethylanilines' experimental
compressibility) is crucial in anticipating molecular data was fitted to the Redlich-Kister [32] equation.
interactions within both pure components and mixtures. Parameter values, obtained through the least-square
Kiyohara and Benson (37) have postulated that κsE method, are detailed in Table 6. Standard deviations σ
results from a multitude of conflicting influences. (Y^E) are computed using the formula. This analysis
Negative κsE values are caused by a combination of showcases the efficacy of Schaaff's CFT model and
factors, including charge exchange, interactions provides insights into the accuracy of Redlich-Kister

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Rigoberto Fimia Duarte et al., : Int. J. Pure & Appl. Sci. Res. Trans; Vol-2, Iss- 1 (2022): 1-18

equation parameters, enhancing our understanding of these compounds.The study places additional emphasis
sound speed in the studied binary mixtures. on the influence that hydrogen bonding has on the
spectral shifts that have been observed. The –O...HN−
band, in particular, exhibits a higher frequency shift in
(7) the binary system of anisole and aniline, which is
The excess isentropic compressibility (κsE) of anisole indicative of a strong hydrogen bond relationship.
in mixtures with aniline, N-methylaniline, and N,N- While weak hydrogen bonding in the anisole and N-
dimethylanilines is determined by the ratio of the methylaniline system leads to a lower frequency shift
apparent molar volume (V^E) to the square of the of the –O...HN− band, weak hydrogen bonding brings
isentropic compressibility (к_S^E), denoted as σ (Y^E). about the opposite effect. Notably, there are no N-H
The negative values of κsE observed in Figures 4 and 5 absorptions found in the case of anisole with N,N-
across the entire mole fraction range (303.15 K to dimethylaniline. This is an intriguing finding.In
313.15 K) suggest a prevalence of interstitial conclusion, the Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR)
accommodation among component molecules. This spectral analysis of binary liquid mixtures containing
behavior is attributed to the varying strengths of anisole offers valuable insights into the nature and
interactions between the molecules, as explained in strength of hydrogen bonding interactions, thereby
literature [46]. Notably, the stronger O…H bond elucidating systematic trends in the systems that were
formation between anisole and aniline, compared to studied.
other mixtures, results in increasingly negative κsE Anisole + aniline > Anisole + N- methylaniline >
values. The introduction of pure anisole disrupts self- Anisole + N,N-dimethylaniline
associated structures, facilitating the release of free Finally, concluded that experimental FT-IR
anisole and promoting specific interactions and Spectroscopy analysis concur with those of the
intermolecular hydrogen bonding among anisole, experimental, theoretical studies.
aniline, N-methylaniline, and N,N-dimethylanilines,
forming mixed intermolecular complexes. 4. Conclusions:
A binary liquid combination of anisole, aniline, N-
3.3. FT-IR Studies methylaniline, and N,N-dimethylanilines was studied
For the purpose of analysing the intermolecular for its density and speed of sound at temperatures
hydrogen bonding that occurs in binary liquid mixtures, ranging from 303.15K to 313.15K. Various
FT-IR spectroscopy is a powerful instrument that is temperatures were used to test the combinations. To
utilised. In the investigation of anisole in combination find the excess volume and excess isentropic
with aniline, N-methylaniline, and N,N- compressibility, the experimental data were subjected
dimethylaniline, the primary focus is on the alterations to an analysis of the Redlich-Kister equation. In the
that occur in the spectra, particularly in relation to the comparison between the theoretical and experimental
interactions that occur between hydrogen models, the CFT models outperformed the FLT ones.
bonds.According to the findings of the spectral Additional information was gleaned by FT-IR analysis,
analysis, anisole and aniline, as well as anisole and N- which ultimately led to the conclusion that variables
methylaniline, are capable of forming powerful types of such intermolecular hydrogen bonding, molecule size,
hydrogen bonds. At a more specific level, the C-O-C and component shape were responsible for the extra
stretching of anisole interacts with the -NH stretching thermodynamic attributes.
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Table 1:
Name of the chemical, source, CAS number, purity in mass fraction, purity analysis method and water content in mass
fraction of the chemicals used in this work.

Purity in mass Purity in mass

CAS fraction fraction *Analysis
Component Source content in
number (as received (after method
mass fraction
from supplier purification)

Anisole S.D.Fine 64-17-5 >0.99 0.989 GC 0.0003

Aniline S.D.Fine 62-53-2 ˃0.99 0.994 GC 0.0004

@Kuwait Scientific Society 7

Rigoberto Fimia Duarte et al., : Int. J. Pure & Appl. Sci. Res. Trans; Vol-2, Iss- 1 (2022): 1-18

Chemicals. Ltd
N-Methylaniline S.D.Fine 100-61- ˃0.98 0.995 GC 0.0006
Chemicals. Ltd 8

N,N- S.D.Fine 121-69- ˃0.99 0.997 GC 0.0005

dimethylaniline Chemicals. Ltd. 7

*GC=Gas Chromatography

Table 2:
Density (ρ) and sound speed (u) values for the pure components along with literature values at temperatures studied and
ρ/(g.cm3) u/(m.s-1)

Exp. Lit. Exp. Lit.

0.98460 a 1386.57 1387.00c
303.15 0.98459
0.98420 a
308.15 0.98031 0.97971b
0.97570a 1349.87 1349.66c
313.15 0.97566
0.97500 a
1.01278 d
1.01279 e
303.15 1.01276 1615.60 1614.50 j
1.01280 f
1.00864 d
1.00960 g
308.15 1.00862 1.00860 h

1.00449 d 1580.00d
313.15 1.00448 1.00445 f 1580.26 1581.40l
1.00446 i 1579.50k
0.98172 d
303.15 0.98174 1549.36 1545.50e
0.98170 i
0.97604 d
308.15 0.97426

0.97089 d
313.15 0.97084 0.96980m 1511.86
0.9698 n
1470.24 d
0.94815 o
303.15 0.94818 1470.34 1468.00p
0.94840 p
0.94820 q
308.15 0.94358 0.94355 r
0.94386 s
0.93978d 1431.00 p
313.15 0.93974 0.93970 p 1432.62 1435.00 q
0.93980 q 1432.00d
at 0.1 MPa pressure.

@Kuwait Scientific Society 8

Rigoberto Fimia Duarte et al., : Int. J. Pure & Appl. Sci. Res. Trans; Vol-2, Iss- 1 (2022): 1-18

Standard uncertainties are u(ρ) ±5x10-5g.cm−3, u (u) ± 0.5 m.s−1, u (p) = 1kPa, u (T) ± 0.02 and ±0.05 K for ρ and u
measurements respectively.
(a) -ref-12 ,(b)-ref-13(c)-ref-14, (d)-ref-15,(e)-ref-16, (f)-ref-17,(g) ref-18,(h)ref-19,(i)-ref-20 ,(j)-ref-21,(k)-ref-22,(l)-ref-
23,(m) ref-24,(n)ref- 25,(o).ref-26,(p) ref-27,(q)-ref-28,(r)-ref-29,(s)-ref-30.
Table 3:
Mole fraction of Anisole (x1), densities (ρ), experimental excess volumes (VE) and predicted excess volumes (Redlich-
Kister ) at T= 303 K to 313.15 K and 0.1M Pa pressure for the binary mixtures of Anisole (1) with Aniline,N-

x1 Density(ρ) VE/cm3.mol-1
Experimental Redlich-Kister

Anisole (1) + aniline(2)

0.0854 1.01032 -0.035 -0.036
0.1736 1.00775 -0.061 -0.060
0.2647 1.00509 -0.076 -0.075
0.3590 1.00233 -0.083 -0.083
0.4565 0.99951 -0.086 -0.086
0.5575 0.99664 -0.084 -0.085
0.6622 0.99374 -0.074 -0.079
0.7707 0.99078 -0.070 -0.066
0.8832 0.98774 -0.042 -0.042
0.0854 1.00642 -0.058 -0.059
0.1736 1.00407 -0.106 -0.103
0.2647 1.00151 -0.135 -0.134
0.3590 0.99880 -0.150 -0.152
0.4565 0.99597 -0.154 -0.157
0.5575 0.99305 -0.148 -0.149
0.6622 0.99004 -0.132 -0.131
0.7707 0.98690 -0.102 -0.100
0.8832 0.98364 -0.056 -0.057
0.0854 1.00259 -0.093 -0.091
0.1736 1.00016 -0.140 -0.145

@Kuwait Scientific Society 9

Rigoberto Fimia Duarte et al., : Int. J. Pure & Appl. Sci. Res. Trans; Vol-2, Iss- 1 (2022): 1-18

0.2647 0.99751 -0.172 -0.171

0.3590 0.99472 -0.178 -0.178
0.4565 0.99180 -0.174 -0.173
0.5575 0.98879 -0.162 -0.161
0.6622 0.98571 -0.145 -0.145
0.7707 0.98254 -0.122 -0.121
0.8832 0.97920 -0.078 -0.079
Anisole (1) + N-methylaniline (2)

0.0997 0.98225 -0.026 -0.026
0.1995 0.98273 -0.047 -0.047
0.2993 0.98317 -0.065 -0.064
0.3993 0.98354 -0.075 -0.076
0.4992 0.98386 -0.078 -0.080
0.5993 0.98414 -0.077 -0.078
0.6993 0.98436 -0.071 -0.069
0.7995 0.98451 -0.056 -0.053
0.8997 0.98456 -0.028 -0.030
0.0997 0.97511 -0.030 -0.029
0.1995 0.97593 -0.054 -0.054
0.2993 0.97670 -0.072 -0.072
0.3993 0.97740 -0.083 -0.084
0.4992 0.97805 -0.087 -0.089
0.5993 0.97865 -0.087 -0.087
0.6993 0.97918 -0.079 -0.076
0.7995 0.97963 -0.061 -0.058
0.8997 0.97998 -0.031 -0.033
0.0997 0.97163 -0.038 -0.037
0.1995 0.97236 -0.062 -0.064
0.2993 0.97301 -0.084 -0.082
0.3993 0.97359 -0.095 -0.093
0.4992 0.97410 -0.098 -0.098
0.5993 0.97457 -0.094 -0.096
0.6993 0.97498 -0.087 -0.087
0.7995 0.97530 -0.069 -0.069
0.8997 0.97555 -0.041 -0.041
Anisole (1) + N,N-dimethylaniline (2)
0.1147 0.95191 -0.013 -0.014

@Kuwait Scientific Society 10

Rigoberto Fimia Duarte et al., : Int. J. Pure & Appl. Sci. Res. Trans; Vol-2, Iss- 1 (2022): 1-18

0.2258 0.95563 -0.021 -0.021

0.3333 0.95932 -0.026 -0.025
0.4374 0.96298 -0.028 -0.027
0.5384 0.96663 -0.029 -0.027
0.6363 0.97026 -0.026 -0.027
0.7313 0.97388 -0.023 -0.024
0.8235 0.97747 -0.016 -0.020
0.9130 0.98104 -0.014 -0.012
0.1147 0.94736 -0.016 -0.016
0.2258 0.95113 -0.027 -0.027
0.3333 0.95487 -0.035 -0.034
0.4374 0.95858 -0.038 -0.037
0.5384 0.96227 -0.039 -0.037
0.6363 0.96594 -0.038 -0.035
0.7313 0.96958 -0.027 -0.030
0.8235 0.97320 -0.018 -0.023
0.9130 0.97676 -0.015 -0.013
0.1147 0.94348 -0.024 -0.023
0.2258 0.94717 -0.032 -0.035
0.3333 0.95083 -0.039 -0.040
0.4374 0.95446 -0.042 -0.043
0.5384 0.95807 -0.044 -0.043
0.6363 0.96166 -0.042 -0.041
0.7313 0.96523 -0.041 -0.038
0.8235 0.96876 -0.029 -0.030
0.9130 0.97225 -0.018 -0.018

The standard uncertainties are u (x) ± 1x10-4, u (ρ) ± 5x10-5 g.cm−3, u (T) = 0.02K and u(p) = 1 kPa, and u (VE) = ±0.002
Table 4:
Mole fraction (x1) of Anisole Experimental sound speed(u), isentropiccompressibilities (κs), excess isentropic
compressibilities (κsE) and predicted excess isentropic compressibilities (Redlich-Kister) theoretical sound speed values
of Anisole (1) with Aniline,N-methylaniline,NN-dimethylaniline(2) at 303.15K and 313.15 K and 0.1M Pa pressure.

u(exp) κs
uFLT uCFT κsE/(TPa-1)
(m.s-1) (TPa-1)
(m.s-1) Exp.
T=303.15 K
0.0854 1594.85 390.64 1596.99 1595.75 -5.560 -5.655
0.1736 1574.41 401.79 1577.07 1575.27 -10.260 -10.054
0.2647 1552.49 414.27 1556.09 1554.19 -13.430 -13.305

@Kuwait Scientific Society 11

Rigoberto Fimia Duarte et al., : Int. J. Pure & Appl. Sci. Res. Trans; Vol-2, Iss- 1 (2022): 1-18

0.3590 1530.05 427.67 1533.97 1532.44 -15.470 -15.489

0.4565 1507.36 441.90 1511.10 1510.03 -16.440 -16.623
0.5575 1484.86 456.73 1487.57 1486.91 -16.570 -16.656
0.6622 1461.95 472.59 1463.58 1463.02 -15.430 -15.424
0.7707 1438.29 489.82 1438.87 1438.37 -12.660 -12.618
0.8832 1413.36 508.93 1413.28 1412.92 -7.740 -7.735
0.0854 1563.11 408.22 1566.23 1560.19 -9.170 -9.094
0.1736 1543.69 419.58 1547.62 1539.54 -15.160 -15.353
0.2647 1522.48 432.49 1526.92 1518.27 -19.310 -19.387
0.3590 1500.00 446.80 1504.81 1496.32 -21.820 -21.724
0.4565 1476.82 462.30 1481.39 1473.69 -22.860 -22.744
0.5575 1453.44 478.74 1457.00 1450.33 -22.670 -22.613
0.6622 1429.81 496.24 1431.82 1426.17 -21.120 -21.184
0.7707 1405.59 515.15 1405.71 1401.23 -17.860 -17.870
0.8832 1379.25 536.84 1378.11 1375.47 -11.480 -11.480
Anisole + N-methylaniline
T=303.15 K
0.0997 1533.74 432.79 1535.12 1532.82 -2.140 -2.121
0.1995 1518.01 441.59 1520.46 1516.36 -3.730 -3.732
0.2993 1502.06 450.81 1505.44 1499.96 -4.880 -4.902
0.3993 1485.94 460.47 1489.79 1483.59 -5.610 -5.672
0.4992 1469.84 470.46 1473.75 1467.30 -5.980 -6.048
0.5993 1453.72 480.82 1457.36 1451.04 -6.000 -6.005
0.6993 1437.52 491.61 1440.51 1434.87 -5.560 -5.486
0.7995 1421.06 502.99 1423.10 1418.74 -4.530 -4.399
0.8997 1403.94 515.30 1404.95 1402.68 -2.560 -2.623
0.0997 1496.32 459.67 1498.09 1495.20 -3.130 -3.097
0.1995 1480.71 469.06 1483.65 1478.63 -4.920 -4.950
0.2993 1464.44 479.23 1468.58 1462.14 -5.920 -5.998
0.3993 1448.10 489.81 1452.91 1445.70 -6.520 -6.549
0.4992 1431.87 500.71 1436.74 1429.37 -6.780 -6.780
0.5993 1415.74 511.94 1420.25 1413.10 -6.720 -6.735
0.6993 1399.92 523.36 1403.36 1396.93 -6.460 -6.326
0.7995 1383.56 535.63 1385.81 1380.82 -5.350 -5.329
0.8997 1366.69 548.80 1367.81 1364.80 -3.350 -3.385

Anisole (1) + N,N-dimethylaniline(2)

T=303.15 K
0.1147 1461.81 491.61 1462.28 1460.51 -1.030 -1.075
0.2258 1453.67 495.20 1454.27 1451.12 -2.040 -1.958
0.3333 1445.41 498.95 1446.11 1442.07 -2.710 -2.621
0.4374 1436.99 502.89 1437.80 1433.32 -3.030 -3.043
0.5384 1428.62 506.88 1429.44 1424.86 -3.150 -3.210
0.6363 1420.22 510.98 1421.03 1416.69 -3.010 -3.112
0.7313 1411.98 515.03 1412.61 1408.77 -2.740 -2.744
0.8235 1403.66 519.25 1404.03 1401.10 -2.160 -2.101
0.9130 1395.14 523.69 1395.40 1393.68 -1.180 -1.186
0.1147 1422.58 523.74 1425.17 1422.91 -0.453 -0.451
0.2258 1413.34 528.54 1417.24 1413.56 -0.752 -0.750
0.3333 1404.35 533.27 1409.16 1404.53 -0.936 -0.939
0.4374 1395.65 537.88 1400.95 1395.81 -1.036 -1.041
0.5384 1387.21 542.40 1392.62 1387.36 -1.057 -1.070
0.6363 1379.07 546.77 1384.24 1379.17 -1.029 -1.029

@Kuwait Scientific Society 12

Rigoberto Fimia Duarte et al., : Int. J. Pure & Appl. Sci. Res. Trans; Vol-2, Iss- 1 (2022): 1-18
0.7313 1371.18 551.04 1375.78 1371.25 -0.921 -0.912
0.8235 1363.54 555.20 1367.11 1363.56 -0.728 -0.711
0.9130 1356.09 559.30 1358.24 1356.10 -0.404 -0.412

The standard uncertainties are u (X1) =± 1×10-4, u(u) = 0.5m.s-1, u (T) = 0.02 K for speed of sound and u (p) = ±5x10-
g.cm-1, Uc(KSE)=0.03TPa-1.

Table 5:
RMSD of speed of sound (u) of anisole (1) with aniline, N-methylaniline, andN,N-dimethylaniline (2) at T= 303.15K and
313.15 K from CFT, FLT models.
Anisole(1) + aniline (2)
CFT 0.0009
FLT 0.0007
CFT 0.0022
FLT 0.0040
Anisole (1) + N-methylaniline (2)
CFT 0.0013
FLT 0.0031
CFT 0.0050
FLT 0.0037
Anisole(1) + N,N-dimethylaniline (2)
CFT 0.0062
FLT 0.0022
CFT 0.0001
FLT 0.0027

Table 6:
Standard deviation σ (VE) and σ (κsE) values of constants (a0, a1, a2; b0, b1, b2) for Redlich-Kister, Eq. (2) et al. for
Anisole (1) with Aniline,N-methylaniline,N,N-dimethylanilines.

Temperature a0 a1 a2 σ(VE)
Anisole(1) +aniline(2)
303.15K -0.343 0.019 -0.142 0.002
308.15K -0.619 0.125 -0.045 0.002
313.15K -0.674 0.225 -0.445 0.002
303.15K -0.321 -0.025 0.024 0.002
308.15K -0.357 -0.022 0.020 0.002
313.15K -0.3908 -0.026 -0.067 0.002

@Kuwait Scientific Society 13

Rigoberto Fimia Duarte et al., : Int. J. Pure & Appl. Sci. Res. Trans; Vol-2, Iss- 1 (2022): 1-18

303.15K -0.108 -0.009 -0.055 0.002
308.15K -0.150 0.001 -0.017 0.002
313.15K -0.172 -0.0004 -0.085 0.002

Table 7:
Experimental FT-IR Frequencies with wavenumbers (cm-1) and Shifting of bands of Anisole (1) + substituted anilines (2)
binary mixtures at 298.15K.

Compound Band Experimental

 (c.m-1)
Anisole C-O-C 1239.68 (Asym) and 1035.37 (Sym)
Aniline -NH2 3433.05 (w) and 3356.09 (m)
N-MethylAniline -NH 3412.38 (m)
N,N-DiMethylAniline -N No peak
Anisole + Aniline -NH2d 3371.17 (w) and 3348.31(m)
Anisole + N-Methyl Aniline -NH 3416.53(m)
Anisole + N,N-Di Methyl -N No peak
Shift in wavenumbers with respect to Aromatic anilines values (c.m-1)
Anisole + Aniline -NH2d -NH2a 62.05 (w) and 7.79 (m)
e b
Anisole + N-Methyl Aniline -NH -NH 4.15
Anisole + N,N-Di Methyl -Nc -Nf No peak



V (cm .mol )




0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

@Kuwait Scientific Society 14

Rigoberto Fimia Duarte et al., : Int. J. Pure & Appl. Sci. Res. Trans; Vol-2, Iss- 1 (2022): 1-18

Figure 1. Variation of excess volume (VE) of the binary liquid mixture of anisole (1) with aniline (2) (■),N-methylaniline
(2)(●), N,N-dimethylaniline(2) (▲), at 303.15 K











0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


Figure 2 Variation of excess volume (VE) of the binary liquid mixture of anisole (1) with aniline (2) (■), N-methylaniline
(2)(●), N,N-dimethylaniline(2) (▲), at 308.15 K.












0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Figure 3 Variation of excess volume (VE) of the binary liquid mixture of anisole (1) with aniline (2) (■), N-methylaniline
(2)(●), N,N-dimethylaniline(2) (▲), at 313.15 K.

@Kuwait Scientific Society 15

Rigoberto Fimia Duarte et al., : Int. J. Pure & Appl. Sci. Res. Trans; Vol-2, Iss- 1 (2022): 1-18




KS (TPa )





0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Figure 4 Variation of excess isentropic compressibility (κsE) of the binary liquid mixture of anisole (1) with aniline(2)
(■), N-methylaniline (2)(●), N,N-dimethylaniline(2) (▲) at 303.15K.



0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


Figure 5 Variation of excess isentropic compressibility (κsE) of the binary liquid mixture of anisole (1) with aniline (2)
(■),N-methylaniline (2)(●), N,N-dimethylaniline(2) (▲) at 313.15K.

@Kuwait Scientific Society 16

Rigoberto Fimia Duarte et al., : Int. J. Pure & Appl. Sci. Res. Trans; Vol-2, Iss- 1 (2022): 1-18



(a) (b) (c)




0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500


Figure 6: Normalized FT-IR Spectra of (Anisole + Aniline) binary mixture over the range (3500- 1000 cm-1). peak a:
Anisole (A); peak b: Aniline (A); peak c: Anisole with Aniline (A+1A).




0.8 (a)

0.7 (b)




0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500

Figure 7: Normalized FT-IR Spectra of (Anisole + N-Methylaniline) binary mixture over the range (3500- 1000 cm-1).
peak a: Anisole (A); peak b: N-Methylaniline (NMA); peak c: Anisole with N-Methylaniline (A +NMA).

@Kuwait Scientific Society 17

Rigoberto Fimia Duarte et al., : Int. J. Pure & Appl. Sci. Res. Trans; Vol-2, Iss- 1 (2022): 1-18




0.8 (a) (c)


0.7 (b)





0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500

Figure 8: Normalized FT-IR Spectra of (Anisole + N,N-dimethylaniline) binary mixture over the range (3500- 1000 cm-
). peak a: Anisole (A); peak b: N,N-dimethylaniline (NNDMA); peak c: Anisole with N,N-dimethylaniline (A

@Kuwait Scientific Society 18

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