Miss - Sanika Shinde Project Report
Miss - Sanika Shinde Project Report
Miss - Sanika Shinde Project Report
MAY, 2024.
I hereby declare that the work presented in the project work “A CASE STUDY ON LIFE
INSURANCE CORPORATION OF INDIA”, carried under the supervision of Dr. Rahul
Sadashiv Kharat is original and not has been copied or submitted for any other degree of this or
any other University.
I further declare that the material obtained from other sources has been duly acknowledged in the
project report.
CERTIFIED that the work incorporated in the project report “A CASE STUDY ON LIFE
SHINDE was carried out under my supervision. The material obtained from other sources has been
duly acknowledged in the project report.
I have done my project in such a well-organized and diversified organization. I am grateful to all those who
helped and supported me in completing the project in time. I take this opportunity of expressing my profound
gratitude to my guide Dr. Rahul S. Kharat HOD of M.Com whose continuous support has been a constant
source of motivation for me.
I am extremely thankful to him for providing valuable and attention to me. I would like to give my special
vote of thanks to Mr.PRAVIN VATRE for sparing his valuable time in helping and guiding me throughout
this summer internship program. I am grateful to the Organizational members of LIFE INSURANCE
CORPORATION OF INDIA , Baramati Branch for their support.It is great privilege help and support
throughout the project.
I thank all the respondents who have given their precious time to answer my questionnaire during the survey
for primary data collection.
• Someone has greatly said that practical knowledge is far better than classroom teaching.
During this project I fully realized this and come to know about the present real world of
Insurance sector. It includes all the activities involved in providing insurance products to the
final customers. I am pleased to know about the consumers’ wants and competitors activities
in the real world of Insurance.
• The subject of my study is to analyze the present insurance sector and products offered by
LIC by applying various tools like cold calling and through direct interaction with
customer’s. I have also done research on the growth of private life insurance companies in
the last five years.
• The report contains first of all brief introduction about the company. Then it contains
the current status of private insurance companies and foreign insurance companies in
• I also put forward recommendations of the consumers and conclusions that will help LIC to
provide consumer satisfactory services in the insurance sector
• Life insurance is a contract between an insurer and a policyholder. A life insurance policy guarantees
the insurer pays a sum of money to named beneficiaries when the insured policyholder dies, in
exchange for the premiums paid by the policyholder during their lifetime.
• For the contract to be enforceable, the life insurance application must accurately disclose the
insured’s past and current health conditions and high-risk activities.
• For a life insurance policy to remain in force, the policyholder must pay a single premium up front or
pay regular premiums over time.
• When the insured dies, the policy’s named beneficiaries will receive the policy’s face value, or death
• Term life insurance policies expire after a certain number of years. Permanent life insurance policies
remain active until the insured dies, stops paying premiums, or surrenders the policy.
• A life insurance policy is only as good as the financial strength of the company that issues it. State
guaranty funds may pay claims if the issuer can’t. Who Should Buy Life Insurance? Life insurance
provides financial support to surviving dependents or other beneficiaries after the death of an insured.
Here are some examples of people who may need life insurance.
• Parents with minor children—If a parent dies, the loss of their income or caregiving skills could
create a financial hardship. Life insurance can make sure the kids will have the financial resources
they need until they can support themselves.
• Parents with special-needs adult children—For children who require lifelong care and will never be
self-sufficient, life insurance can make sure their needs will be met after their parents pass away. The
death benefit can be used to fund a special needs trust that a fiduciary will manage for the adult
child’s benefit.
• Adults who own property together—Married or not, if the death of one adult would mean that the
other could no longer afford loan payments, upkeep, and taxes on the property, life insurance may be
a good idea. An example would be an engaged couple who took out a joint mortgage to buy their first
• Elderly parents who want to leave money to adult children who provide their care—Many adult
children sacrifice by taking time off work to care for an elderly parent who needs help. This help may
also include direct financial support. Life insurance can help reimburse the adult child’s costs when
the parent passes away.
• Young adults whose parents incurred private student loan debt or cosigned a loan for them—Young
adults without dependents rarely need life insurance, but if a parent will be on the hook for a child’s
debt after their death, the child may want to carry enough life insurance to pay off that debt.
• Young adults who want to lock in low rates—The younger and healthier you are, the lower your
insurance premiums. A 20- pg. 8 something adult might buy a policy even without having dependents
if there is an expectation to have them in the future.
• Wealthy families who expect to owe estate taxes—Life insurance can provide funds to cover the
taxes and keep the full value of the estate intact.
• Families who can’t afford burial and funeral expenses—A small life insurance policy can provide
funds to honor a loved one’s passing.
• Businesses with key employees—If the death of a key employee, such as a CEO, would create a
severe financial hardship for a firm, that firm may have an insurable interest that will allow it to
purchase a life insurance policy on that employee.
• Married pensioners—Instead of choosing between a pension payout that offers a spousal benefit and
one that doesn’t, pensioners can choose to accept their full pension and use some of the money to buy
life insurance to benefit their spouse. This strategy is called pension maximization. Types of Life
Insurance Many different types of life insurance are available to meet all sorts of needs and
• Term Life—Term life insurance lasts a certain number of years, then ends. You choose the term
when you take out the policy. Common terms are 10, 20, or 30 years. The best term life insurance
policies balance affordability with long-term financial strength.
• Increasing Term—The premiums are lower when you're younger and increase as you get older. This
is also called “yearly renewable term.”
• Return of Premium—Return of premium (ROP) policies include a built-in savings mechanism. You'll
pay a flat rate for the duration of your policy, but unlike traditional term life insurance, you'll get your
money back at the end of the term.
• Permanent—This stays in force for the insured’s entire life unless the policyholder stops paying the
premiums or surrenders the policy. It’s typically more expensive than term.
• Single Premium—In this case the policyholder pays the entire premium up front instead of making
monthly, quarterly, or annual payments.
• Whole Life—Whole life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance that accumulates cash value.
• Universal Life—A type of permanent life insurance with a cash value component that earns interest,
universal life insurance has premiums that are comparable to term life insurance. Unlike term and
whole life, the premiums and death benefit can be adjusted over time.
• Guaranteed Universal—This is a type of universal life insurance that does not build cash value and
typically has lower premiums than whole life.
• Variable Universal—With variable universal life insurance, the policyholder is allowed to invest the
policy’s cash value.
• Indexed Universal—This is a type of universal life insurance that lets the policyholder earn a fixed or
equity-indexed rate of return on the cash value component.
• Burial or Final Expense—This is a type of permanent life insurance that has a small death benefit.
Despite the names, beneficiaries can use the death benefit as they wish.
• Guaranteed Issue—A type of permanent life insurance available to people with medical issues that
would otherwise make them uninsurable, guaranteed issue life insurance will not pay a death benefit
during the first two years the policy is in force (unless the death is accidental) due to the high risk of
insuring the person. However, the insurer will return the policy premiums plus interest to the
beneficiaries if the insured dies during that period.
• Most people use life insurance to provide money to beneficiaries who would suffer a financial
hardship upon the insured’s death. However, for wealthy individuals, the tax advantages of life
insurance, including tax-deferred growth of cash value, tax-free dividends, and tax-free death
benefits, can provide additional strategic opportunities.
• Funding Retirement—Policies with a cash value or investment component can provide a source of
retirement income. This opportunity can come with high fees and a lower death benefit, so it may
only be a good option for individuals who have maxed out other tax-advantaged savings and
investment accounts. The pension maximization strategy described earlier is another way life
insurance can be used to fund retirement.
• Avoiding Taxes—The death benefit of a life insurance policy is usually tax free.4 Wealthy
individuals sometimes buy permanent life insurance within a trust to help pay the estate taxes that
will be due upon their death. This strategy helps to preserve the value of the estate for their heirs. Tax
avoidance is a law-abiding strategy for minimizing one’s tax liability and should not be confused
with tax evasion, which is illegal.
• Borrowing Money—Most permanent life insurance accumulates cash value that the policyholder can
borrow against. Technically, you are borrowing money from the insurance company and using your
cash value as collateral. Unlike with other types of loans, the policyholder’s credit score is not a
factor. Repayment terms can be flexible, and the loan interest goes back into the policyholder’s cash
value account. Policy loans can reduce the policy’s death benefit, however.
• How Life Insurance Works A life insurance policy has two main components—a death benefit and a
premium. Term life insurance has these two components, but permanent or whole life insurance
policies also have a cash value component.
• Death Benefit—The death benefit or face value is the amount of money the insurance company
guarantees to the beneficiaries identified in the policy when the insured dies. The insured might be a
parent, and the beneficiaries might be their children, for example. The insured will choose the desired
death benefit amount based on the beneficiaries’ estimated future needs. The insurance company will
determine whether there is an insurable interest and if the proposed insured qualifies for the coverage
based on the company’s underwriting requirements related to age, health, and any hazardous
activities in which the proposed insured participates.
• Premium—Premiums are the money the policyholder pays for insurance. The insurer must pay the
death benefit when the insured dies if the policyholder pays the premiums as required, and premiums
are determined in part by how likely it is that the insurer will have to pay the policy’s death benefit
based on the insured’s life expectancy. Factors that influence life expectancy include the insured’s
age, gender, medical history, occupational hazards, and high-risk hobbies.2 Part of the premium also
goes toward the insurance company’s operating expenses. Premiums are higher on policies with
larger death benefits, individuals who are higher risk, and permanent policies that accumulate cash
value. 3. Cash Value—The cash value of permanent life insurance serves two purposes. It is a
savings account that the policyholder can use during the life of the insured; the cash accumulates on a
tax-deferred basis. Some policies may have restrictions on withdrawals depending on how the money
is to be used. For example, the policyholder might take out a loan against the policy’s cash value and
have to pay interest on the loan principal. The policyholder can also use the cash value to pay
premiums or purchase additional insurance. The cash value is a living benefit that remains with the
insurance company when the insured dies. Any outstanding loans against the cash value will reduce
the policy’s death benefit.
The report gives the brief b ac k gro un d of the sector and pro ce eds to hi ghl i ght the
short com ings of the ex i sti ng setup and pl a ye rs. The ben efi t s of sector are
en um er at e d. The report a l so t r i es to i d e nt i f y the market p ot ent i al for
i ns uranc e produ ct s and the strategy that can we em pl o yed to exploit the same.
The st ress i s a l so gi ven on knowing the awar eness level of general publi c.
Secondary data is one which already exists and is collected from the
published sources.
The sources from which secondary data was collected are:
“Ensure and enhance the quality of people through financial security by providing products
and services of aspired attributes with competitive returns, and by rendering resources for
economic development.”
General Insurance:
General insurance business in the country was nationalized with effect from 1st January, 1973 by the
General Insurance Business (Nationalization) Act, 1972. More than 100 non-life insurance
companies including branches of foreign companies operating within viz., the National Insurance
Company Ltd., The New India Assurance Company Ltd., The Oriental Insurance Company Ltd.,
and The United India Insurance Company Ltd. with head offices at Calcutta, Bombay, New Delhi
and Madras, respectively. General Insurance Corporation (GIC) which was the holding company of
the four public sector general insurance companies has since been delinked from the later and has
been approved as the "Indian Reinsurer" since 3rd November 2000. The share capital of GIC and that
of the four companies are held by the Government of India. All the five entities are Government
companies registered under the Companies Act, 1956. The general insurance business has grown in
spread and volume after nationalization. The four companies have 2699 branch offices, 1360
divisional offices and 92 regional offices spread all over the country. GIC and its subsidiaries have
representation either directly through branches or agencies in 16 countries and through associate
locally incorporated subsidiary companies in 14 other countries. A wholly- owned subsidiary
company of GIC, i.e. Indian International Pvt. Ltd. is operating in Singapore and there is a joint
venture company, viz. Ken-India Assurance Ltd. in Kenya. A new wholly owned subsidiary called
New India International Ltd., UK has also been registered
LIC of India provides diverse insurance and investment products catering to customer needs. From
traditional life insurance to investment plans, they offer comprehensive financial solutions,
ensuring individuals find tailored plans for their unique requirements. Here is the list of all the
available LIC Plans:
The endowment Plans offered by the company promise a life cover for the insured and increased
savings opportunities. These plans offer a guaranteed maturity benefit on surviving the whole
policy term, and, therefore, can be used to save for the future.
Below-mentioned are the pension plans offered by the Life Insurance Corporation of India are:
LIC Endowment Plan Name Entry Age Maturity Age Minimum Sum Assured
(in Rs.)
New Endowment Plan 8 Years -55 years 75 years Rs. 1 Lakh
Single Premium Endowment Plan 90 days -65 years 75 years Rs. 50,000
Jeevan Azad 90 days-65 years 70 years Rs. 2 Lakhs
2. LIC Whole Life Plans
Life Insurance Corporation of India also offers a whole life plan that offers insurance coverage
throughout the insured's lifetime. These plans are designed to provide the dual benefits of life
protection and savings till 100 years of age.
LIC Whole Life Insurance Plans Entry Age Maturity Age Minimum Sum Assured (in Rs.)
3. LIC Unit-Linked Plans
These plans allow customers to invest in the equity market to grow their wealth through market -
linked returns. A part of the premiums paid towards the policy goes towards this investment and
the remaining is used to secure a life cover that protects the dependents' financial future.
New Pension Plus 25 years -75 85 years For Regular Premium Payment: Rs. 3,000
years monthly
For Single Premium Payment: Rs.
4. LIC Pension Plans
Everyone should save enough to live a financially protected retirement life. Life Insurance
Corporation of India offers several pension plans to guarantee financial stability in old age. These
plans are designed to look after your post-retirement life and ensure that you live independently.
LIC Pension Plan Name Entry Age Vesting Age Minimum Purchase Price
Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana 60 years- no limit - Rs. 1,56,658/- annually
5. LIC Money Back Plans
Money-back plans are life insurance policies providing life cover during the term. Such plans offer
pay-outs at specific intervals, which are known as survival benefits.
LIC New Money Back Plan- 20 13 Years -50 70 years Rs. 1 Lakh
years years
LIC New Money Back Plan- 25 13 Years -45 70 years Rs. 1 Lakh
years years
The term insurance plans protect the family of the insured against his/her death at affordable costs.
These insurance plans assure financial to the nominee on the policyholder's death during the policy
term. The LIC of India usually does not pay maturity value under term plans if the individual
survives until the end of the policy tenure.
The term plans offered by the Life Insurance Corporation of India are as under:
LIC term Plans Entry Age Maturity Age Policy Term
7. LIC Riders
Riders or add-on benefits are optional or sometimes in-built additional protections that you can
attach to your base LIC policy to enhance its coverage. You can opt for these additional add -on
benefits by paying an additional premium
Here is the list of riders that the Life Insurance Corporation of India offers with its insurance
Auto Cover)
To understand the premiums payable under the LIC Plans, let us take the example of Mr Sharma,
a 30-year-old individual who decided to invest in the LIC Plan for 20 years. Let us see how much
premium he needs for different LIC Policies. Mr. Sharma can carefully analyze these premium
illustrations to select the ideal plan that aligns with his financial goals and coverage requirements,
LIC Jeevan Labh Plan 936 (previously known as LIC Jeevan Labh 836) is an endowment plan
that combines the benefits of life protection and savings. The plan comes with maturity benefits
if you survive the policy term. Its participating nature allows customers to earn a percentage of
the profits made by LIC of India. This makes it an ideal choice for savings, increased returns, and
insurance protection, all in one product.
➢ Features:
⚫ Customers have to pay premiums for a limited period to enjoy long-term protection.
⚫ Policyholders can avail of loan facilities on this plan, after paying a regular premium for 2
years. It is limited to 90% of the surrender value.
⚫ The plan offers the option to avail of the death and maturity benefit in installments across 5,
10, or 15 years.
⚫ If the plan is bought for a child, parents can add the LIC’s Premium Waiver Benefit Rider with
the policy. If the parent dies, LIC waives future premiums so that the child does not have to
bear the burden of keeping the policy in force.
⚫ One can enjoy rebates on the premium amount if the sum assured is Rs.5 lakhs and above.
Let’s take a look at the eligibility criteria of the policy.
Entry Age 8 years 59 years for PT 16 years 54 years for PT 21 years 50 years for PT 25 y
⚫ Death Benefit
The death benefit is paid by the insurer to the beneficiary in case of death of the insured person
during the tenure of the policy. The death benefit under LIC Jeevan Labh will be either of the
following –
⚫ Maturity Benefit
If the insurance holder survives the entire policy tenure and has been paying due premiums till the
end, he/she gets the maturity benefit. It is equal to the basic sum assured plus a vested simple
reversionary bonus and final additional bonus (if any).
⚫ Tax Benefits
The premium paid towards the policy up to the maximum limit of Rs.1.5 lakh in a financial year
and the maturity proceeds are tax exempted under Section 80C and 10(10D) of the Income Tax
2. LIC Jeevan Umang- An Overview
LIC Jeevan Umang is a life assurance plan in which the policy holder will be covered till he/she
turns 100 years of age. The key benefit of this plan is that it comes with dual benefits of income
and insurance protection to help the family of the insured in his/her absence. The assured benefits
act as a strong financial backup in case of any emergency.
⚫ This LIC plan provides annual survival benefits starting at the end of the premium payment
tenure and continues till maturity.
⚫ The plan also provides a lump sum amount as a maturity benefit at the end of the policy term,
if the insured survives.
⚫ The death benefit can be claimed if the policyholder dies during the policy tenure. It is paid
either as a lump sum or in regular installments.
⚫ The plan offers an option to choose from different premium paying terms i.e. 15 years, 20
years, 25 years, and 30 years.
⚫ LIC Jeevan Umang policy is a participating policy that entitles buyers to additional bonuses
depending on the profits earned by LIC in a year.
⚫ There are discounts available for choosing the either half-yearly or yearly premium payment
Premium paying term 15 years, 20 years, 25 years, and 30 years
Here are some of the prime benefits of the LIC Jeevan Umang plan:
➢ Death Benefit
⚫ On Death of the Life Assured After the Commencement of Risk & Before Maturity
⚫ Nominee can claim the higher amount between 7 times the annual premium and the basic sum
assured amount. Applicable bonuses such as the simple reversionary bonus and final additional
bonus are also paid out along with the death benefit.
➢ Survival Benefit
⚫ If the life assured survives the premium payment tenure and provided the policy is in force,
LIC Jeevan Umang starts paying out an annual survival benefit.
⚫ It is equal to 8% of the basic sum assured amount.
⚫ The same amount is offered every year till the policyholder survives or till the last plan
anniversary before the date of maturity (whichever event occurs earlier).
➢ Maturity Benefit
In case the life assured survives the specified maturity date, then LIC offers them the basic sum
assured along with the simple reversionary bonus and final additional bonus if any.
➢ Loans
⚫ The loan facility can be availed under the LIC Jeevan Umang plan as per the following terms
and conditions:
⚫ A policyholder is eligible for a loan if they have paid premiums for a minimum of 2 years
without fail.
⚫ If in case the loan is availed during the premium paying term, the maximum loan amount is
limited to 90% of the surrender value.
⚫ In the case of paid-up policies, the cap on the loan amount is 80% of the paid-up value.
⚫ Any loan unpaid shall be recovered from the claim proceeds during exit along with the
applicable interest.
LIC's Kanyadan policy stands as an excellent insurance choice for girls children, allowing the Life
Insurance Corporation of India to build financial support for your daughter.
The Life Insurance Corporation of India accumulates funds for your girl child and also pays a
handsome sum to your loved ones every year for her schooling.
• The premium payment period is three years shorter than the policy payment term.
• Term of paying premiums is limited.
• Payments can be made on an annual, half-yearly, quarterly, or monthly basis.
• The disability rider benefit is available if the premium tenure is at least 5 years.
• The account maturity period ranges from 13 to 25 years.
➢ Additional Details
Below are some additional details about LIC Kanyadan policy -
4.LIC New Children Money Back Plan
Children are the future of our world, and as parents, most of us strive to provide sufficient platforms
for our children to excel in life. The New Children's Money Back Plan from LIC is a unique plan
designed to cater to multiple needs of growing children, including their education, wedding, etc. This
participating, non-linked money back scheme offers survival benefits in addition to the risk cover for
Listed below are the important features of LIC New Children’s Money Back Plan:
• This plan is subjected to one individual essentially at one time and is non-linked money back
plan for the children growing up.
• The LIC New Children’s’ Money Back plan offers survival benefit, maturity benefit and death
• The policy period is on the premise of the maturity age that is 25 years of age minus the age of
entry. For instance, when the age of entry is 9 years then the period will be 25-9= 16 years.
• The maturity benefit will likewise be the complete sum of the base sum assured when the plan
is bought along with the bonuses as applicable.
• The sum assured would range ideally from Rs 1, 00,000 up to highest of no specified upper
• From the date of purchase, the LIC New Children’s Money Back Plan can be returned within
15 days.
• An individual can pay the LIC premium on a yearly, half-yearly, quarterly or monthly basis as
per the convenience. Moreover, the insured could also look for loans from this plan.
• The grace period or payments delayed could differ from the premium payment frequency. In
case, an individual is paying monthly so the grace period will be approximately 15 days. In
case of any other frequencies, it might go up to 30 days.
• An individual could also choose the premium waiver benefit rider option, which implies that
in case the insured passes away, the remaining premiums will be waived.
• The plan could be surrendered once the payment of premiums for three years is completed.
Under such a situation, the value of surrender will be the complete percentage value of all the
premiums that have been paid till date that will be excluded from ant of the premiums that have
been paid extra and if any premium rider values the survival benefit, which is due and even
then payable to the insured.
• The probability of obtaining a high sum assured rebate is on the premise of the rebate mode. In
case the mode is half-yearly then it will be 1 per cent of the tabular premium. In case the mode
is yearly, then it will be 2 per cent of the tabular premium. The rebates are not payable for
monthly and quarterly mode.
• In case, less than 2 years premiums have been duly paid and any of the subsequent premiums
are not paid, then benefits will cease within the plan after the grace period expires from the date
of initial unpaid premium that means nothing will be payable. In the case where the subsequent
payments are not duly paid and the premiums are completely cleared for two years, then the
LIC New Children’s Money Back Plan offers paid-up value until the end of the policy period.
Within this, it will not be treated as a void and mostly be reduced to below specific plans:
• The sum assured upon demise within the policy will be reduced and referred to as ’death paid-
up sum assured’ and be equivalent to the sum assured upon demise that will be multiplied by
the total period ratio for that the premium that has been paid to the highest period and the
premiums are payable originally.
• The sum assured upon maturity within the paid-up policy will be reduced and referred to as
maturity paid-up sum assured and will be equivalent to the sum assured upon the maturity
adding the complete sum of survival benefits payable within the plan and then multiplied by
the total period ratio for that the premium that has been paid to the highest period and the
premiums are payable originally and then reduced by the complete sum of survival benefits
that are already paid within the plan inclusive the deferred survival benefit.
Listed below are the three key benefits offered within LIC New Children’s Money Back Plan:
• Survival Benefit: When the life assured survives every policy anniversary that is either
coinciding or is followed with the completion of 17, 20 and 22 years of age then 20 per cent of
the sum assured on either of the occasion will be payable if the LIC New Children’s Money
Back Plan is in force.
• Maturity Benefit: If the life assured survives the policy period when the plan is still in force,
then the sum assured on maturity along with final additional bonus and vested simple
revisionary bonuses will be payable wherein the sum assured on maturity is equivalent to the
40 per cent of the basic sum assured.
Minimum Maximum
Sum Assured 100,000 No limit
• Death Benefit: If under any unfortunate circumstances, the policyholder is no more the sum
payable will be the complete sum assured at demise including the bonuses to the sum.
• Participation in Profits: When the policy is in force, it will participate in the profits of the
corporation and entitled to obtain simple reversionary bonuses as per the corporation’s
experience. Within paid-up policies, the final additional bonus will not be payable. Likewise,
the final additional bonus will be declared within the policy during the year where the policy
has not been claimed either by demise or maturity.
Product Specification:
➢ Policy Details of LIC’s New Children’s Money Back Plan
⚫ Grace Period: 15 days’ grace period is allowed for premium payment in monthly mode and 30
days in other modes. If policyholder fails to make payment within the grace period, the policy
⚫ Policy Termination or Surrender Benefit: Policyholder is allowed to surrender the policy and
receive the Surrender Value after 3 completed years’ premiums have been paid. The Surrender
Value will be higher of the Guaranteed Surrender Value (GSV) or the Special Surrender Value.
⚫ GSV = (GSV % of Premiums paid – Survival Benefits already paid) + GSV % of vested
⚫ Free Look Period: If you would not be pleased with the coverage, and terms and conditions of
the policy, you have the option of canceling the policy within 15 days of receipt of the policy
documents, provided there has been no claim.
⚫ Inclusion
Insurance plans:
The Money Back Policy-20 Years The
Money Back Policy-25 Years Jeevan
Surabhi-15 Years Jeevan Surabhi-20
Jeevan Surabhi-25 Years
Jeevan Rekha (closed for sale) Bima
Jeevan Bharati
Two Year Temporary
Assurance Policy The
Convertible Term
Assurance Policy
Anmol Jeevan-I
Amulya Jeevan
Jeevan Saathi
• Entry Age- This policy is available for individuals from 12 years to 45 years.
• Death Benefits- In the case of the death of the policyholder, the nominee gets the sum assured
with the bonus, and is either ten times the total annual premium or is calculated as per the terms
of the policy.
• Maturity Benefits- The sum assured is paid with the bonus and the reversionary bonus for the
full term of the policy. Minimum sum assured is Rs.1, 50,000/-. Maximum age atmaturity is
65years. Maturity amount is tax-free under section 10 (10D).
• Tax Benefit - The amount of premium paid is exempted under section 80C.
• Loan Facility- It is available after you have paid a premium for three years.Riders
Available: The optional riders are for accidental death and disability.
• This policy is limited premium paying and is not linked to share markets. It is an endowment
plan with profits and hence the holder gets the sum assured with bonus and other benefits.
• Entry Age – The age of the policyholder should be between 8 years and 59 years.
• Loan Facility- Once you have paid the premium for three years, you can avail the loan.
• Tax Benefits- The amount of premium paid is exempted under section 80C and the maturity
• The plan is a combination of whole life plan and an endowment plan. The plan continues to
provide coverage in case of the sudden death of the insured and even after the maturity of the
• Maturity- A traditional endowment plan with the added feature that even after thematurity,
the plan continues to be in force.
• Tax Benefits- Premium paid and the maturity amount is exempted under section 80C and10(10D).
• Entry Age- It is available for individuals between the age of 18 years and 50years.
• Rider Available: LIC’s Accidental death and disability benefit rider are applicable.
• This is a conventional endowment plan with profits. The policy is useful for minors and offersa
lump-sum amount irrespective of the survival of the insured at the time of policy maturity
• Entry Age – The insured should be between 18 years and 50years of age and the maturityage is 6
• Premium Tenure- Irrespective of the tenure of the policy, the premium tenure is 3 years.
• Maturity Benefits- Sum Assured plus Bonus and the Final Additional Bonus (FAB).
• Death Benefits- Sum assured (110% of the premium paid) plus bonus and FAB. Riders
• It is a perfect plan for individuals who are looking for a short-term investment with periodic
guaranteed return and added benefits.
• Extended Protection Period- Your protection is extended, even after the completion ofthe policy
tenure, to half of the policy tenure.
• Money Back- After every 4th year of the policy, you get an assured amount as moneyback.
• Addition Cover Period- In the case of non-payment of the premium for full five policyyears, an
Auto Cover Period of two years is offered.
• Maturity Benefits- The sum assured and the loyal additions are paid at maturity.
• Maturity is calculated as – 55% of the basic sum assured for 16 years and 45% of thebasic sum
assured for 20 and 24 years.
• Riders Available:
• LIC’s New Money Back Plan -20 Years
• This plan is a money-back traditional endowment plan. It is a non-linked plan. The survival
benefits are disbursed after the completion of every fifth year of the policy.
• Survival Benefits- 20% of the sum assured is paid on the 5th, 10th, and 15th year of thepolicy.
• Death Benefits- The nominee receives the sum playout plus the bonus and the FAB. It isten times
the total sum of the annual premium or 125% of the basic sum assured.
• Maturity Benefits- The balance 40% of the sum is paid with Bonus plus FAB to the
5. LIC's New Bima Bachat
• It is a traditional single premium endowment plan. However, the survival benefits are paid justlike
in a money back plan.
• Survival Benefits- After every three years, if the insured is alive, 15% of the basic sumassured
is paid as survival benefit.
• Maturity Benefits- The complete single premium along with Loyalty Addition is paid.
• Death Benefits- In the case of death of the policy tenure the complete, sum assured alongwith the
Loyalty addition are paid to the nominee.
• A traditional money back policy specially designed for the benefit of children, even in the caseof
the absence of parents. The child’s life is also covered.
• Life Cover of Child- If the age of the life assured is less than 8 years, the risk cover startsone day
before the commencement date of two years.
• Survival Benefits- The survival benefits are disbursed once the life assured has attained the age
of 18years and is paid @20% of the sum assured. It is paid every policy anniversary year.
• Death Benefits- If the life assured dies before the commencement of the risk, the paid premiums
are returned. The benefits of sum assured plus bonus and FAB is paid in case the death is after
the commencement of risk.
• Tax Benefits- The premium paid and the sum assured are exempted under the section 80C and
• This is a participating endowment plan for children up to the age of twelve years. There are four
options to receive the maturity and survival benefits. It is best suited for a child’s education.
• Premium Period- 20 years but the policy continues till 25 years.
• Risk Cover- Either at the age of 8years or two years after the commencement of the policy.
• Survival Benefits- The last five years, when the policyholder is not paying the premium,he has
the option of receiving the survival benefits in four different forms- 0%, 5%, 10%and 15% of the
sum assured.
• Maturity Benefits- The balance sum assured and the bonus are paid as the maturity benefits after
the completion of tenure of the policy.
• Death Benefits- In the case of the death of policyholder, the nominee gets the sum assuredat the
time of death and the acquired bonus. This is irrespective of the amount paid as the“survival
• Tax Benefits- The premium paid and sum assured are exempted under section of 80C and10(10D).
• Riders Available:
• This is purely a term plan whereby in case the insured dies within the policy tenure, the nomineegets
the sum assured or the death benefits.
• Sum Assured - Minimum Sum Assured is Rs.25Lacs. However, it can be as high as 1crore.
• Tax Benefits - The Premium paid and the sum assured are exempted under the section80C and
9. LIC Bhagya Lakshmi Plan
• This micro insurance policy is specially designed for lower- income groups and has features of
investment, savings, and insurance. Unlike any term plan, it also offers Maturity Benefits to the
surviving policyholder.
• Death Benefit- In case of sudden death of the policyholder within the policy tenure, the nominee
gets the assured sum.
• Unit plans:
Unit plans are investment plans for those who realize the worth of hard-earned
money. These plans help you see your savings yield rich benefits and help you
save tax even if you don’t have consistent income.
• Jeevan plus
• Future plus
• Bima plus
• Market plus
• Money plus
• Profit plus
• Fortune plus
It is a unit linked Endowment plan where the premium payment term (PPT) is limited to single lump sum, or
uniformly over 3, 4 or 5 years. You can choose the level of cover within the limits, which will depend on
whether the policy is a Single premium or Limited premium contract, term chosen and on the level of
premium you agree to pay.
Four types of investment Funds are offered. Premiums paid after allocation charge will purchase units of the
Fund type chosen. The Unit Fund is subject to various charges and value of units may increase or decrease,
depending on the Net Asset Value (NAV).
Payment of Premiums:
You may pay premiums regularly at yearly, half-yearly, quarterly or monthly (ECS) intervals over the
premium paying term of 3, 4 or 5 years. The minimum premium will be Rs.10000/-. Alternatively, a Single
premium can be paid subject to a minimum of Rs.20, 000/- .
Other Features:
i) Partial Withdrawals: You may in cash the units partially after the third policy anniversary subject
to the following:
In case of minors, partial withdrawals shall be allowed from the policy anniversary coinciding with
or next following the date on which the life assured attains majority (i.e. on or after 18th birthday).
Partial withdrawals may be in the form of fixed amount or in the form of fixed numbers of units.
For 2 years’ period from the date of withdrawal, the Sum Assured under the Basic plan shall be
reduced to the extent of the amount of partial withdrawals made.
Under Limited Premium Paying Term policies where less than 3 years’ premiums have been paid
and further premiums are not paid, the partial withdrawals shall not be allowed.
Under Limited Premium Paying Term policies where atleast 3 years’ premiums have been paid,
partial withdrawal will be allowed subject to Policyholder’s Fund Value being at least Rs. 10000/-.
Under Single Premium policies, the partial withdrawal will be allowed subject to a minimum balance
of Rs. 5000/- in the Policyholder’s Fund Value.
Switching: You can switch between any fund types for the entire Fund Value during the policy term
subject to switching charges, if any.
I Where at least 3 years’ premiums have been paid, the Life Cover, Accident Benefit and Critical Illness
Benefit riders, if any, shall continue during the revival period.
During this period, the charges for Mortality, Accident Benefit and / or Critical Illness Benefit cover, if any,
shall be taken, in addition to other charges, by canceling an appropriate number of units out of the
Policyholder’s Fund Value every month. This will continue to provide relevant risk covers for:
Till such period that the Policyholder’s Fund Value reduces to Rs. 5,000/-, whichever is earlier.
The benefits payable under the policy in different contingencies during this period shall be as under:
In case of Death: Higher of Sum Assured under the Basic Plan or the Policyholder’s Fund Value.
The Sum Assured shall be subject to provisions of Partial Withdrawals made, if any.
In case of Death due to accident: Accident Benefit Sum Assured in addition to the amount under ‘A’
above, if Accident Benefit is opted for.
In case of Critical Illness claim: Critical Illness Rider Sum Assured, if opted for.
In case of Surrender (including Compulsory Surrender): The Policyholder’s Fund Value. The
Surrender value, however, shall be paid only after the completion of 3 policy years.
In case of Partial Withdrawals: For 2 years period from the date of withdrawal, the sum assured
under the basic plan shall be reduced to the extent of the amount of partial withdrawals made.
II Where the policy lapses without payment of at least 3 years’ premiums, the Life Cover, Accident Benefit
and/or Critical Illness Benefit rider covers, if any, shall cease and no charges for these benefits shall be
deducted. However, deduction of all the other charges shall continue. The benefits under such a lapsed policy
shall be payable as under:
In case of Surrender (including Compulsory Surrender): Policyholder’s Fund Value / monetary value
as the case may be, shall be payable after the completion of the third policy anniversary. No amount
shall be payable within 3 years from the date of commencement of policy.
In case of Partial withdrawal: Partial Withdrawals shall not be allowed under such a policy even after
completion of 3 years period.
Revival: If due premium is not paid within the days of grace, the policy lapses. A lapsed policy can
be revived during the period of two years from the due date of first unpaid premium or before
maturity, whichever is earlier. The period during which the policy can be revived will be called
“Period of revival” or “revival period”.
If premiums have not been paid for at least 3 full years, the policy may be revived within two years from the
due date of first unpaid premium. The revival shall be made on submission of proof of continued insurability
to the satisfaction of the Corporation and the payment of all the arrears of premium without interest.
If at least 3 full years’ premiums have been paid and subsequent premiums are not paid, the policy may be
revived within two years from the due date of first unpaid premium but before the date of maturity. No proof
of continued insurability shall be required but
all arrears of premium without interest shall be required to be paid.
The Corporation reserves the right to accept the revival at its own terms or decline the revival of a lapsed
policy. The revival of a lapsed policy shall take effect only after the same is approved by the Corporation and
is specifically communicated in writing to the Proposer / Life Assured.
Irrespective of what is stated above, if less than 3 years’ premiums have been paid and the Policyholder’s Fund
Value is not sufficient to recover the charges, the policy shall be terminated and thereafter revival will not be
entertained. If 3 years’ or more than 3 years’ premiums have been paid and the Policyholder’s Fund Value
reduces to Rs.
5000/-, the policy shall terminate and Policyholder’s Fund Value as on such date shall be refunded to the Life
Assured and thereafter revival will not be allowed.
Settlement Option: When the policy comes for maturity, you may exercise “Settlement Option” and
may receive the policy money in instalments spread over a period of not more than five years from
the date of maturity. There shall not be any life cover during this period. The value of installment
payable on the date specified shall be subject to investment risk i.e. the NAV may go up or down
depending upon the performance of the fund.
A policy once surrendered can not be reinstated.
The premium paid in Unit Linked Life Insurance policies are subject to investment risks associated
with capital markets and the NAVs of the units may go up or down based on the performance of fund
and factors influencing the capital market and the insured is responsible for his/her decisions.
Life Insurance Corporation of India is only the name of the Insurance Company and LIC’s Profit
Plus is only the name of the unit linked life insurance contract and does not in any way indicate the
quality of the contract, its future prospects or returns.
Please know the associated risks and the applicable charges, from your Insurance agent or the
Intermediary or policy document of the insurer.
The various funds offered under this contract are the names of the funds and do not in any way
indicate the quality of these plans, their future prospects and returns.
All benefits under the policy are also subject to the Tax Laws and other financial
enactments as they exist from time to time.
Assignment will be allowed under this plan.
In case the Life Assured commits suicide at any time within one year, the Corporation will not
entertain any claim by virtue of the policy except to the extent of the Fund Value of the units
held in the Policyholder’s Fund Value on death.
Your Corporation offers a wide variety of products, which fulfil the needs of different
customer segments of the society.
During the financial year 2022-23, the Corporation introduced seven (7) new Individual
products viz LIC''s Bima Ratna, LIC''s Dhan Sanchay, LIC''s New Pension Plus, LIC''s
Dhan Varsha, LIC''s New Tech -Term, LIC''s New Jeevan Amar, LIC''s Jeevan Azad
and one (1) Group Rider viz. LIC''s Group Accident Benefit Rider.
In addition, the Corporation also introduced modified versions of five (5) Individual
Products viz; LIC''s Aadhaar Stambh, LIC''s Aadhaar Shila, LIC''s New Jeevan Shanti,
LIC''s Jeevan Akshay -VII and LIC''s Saral Pension.
As at the end of the financial year 2022-23, the Corporation had thirty seven(37)
Individual Products, eleven (11) Group Products, seven (7) Individual Riders and 1
Group Rider available for sale.
Servicing of policies is one of the important aspects in the value chain of life insurance, due
to the nature of its long-term contract. Our customer service facilities start with our Branch
Offices/ Satellite Offices through which the customers can avail all the required services, like
nomination, assignment, change of address, loan, surrender etc. In an endeavour to provide
best services to our Customers we have taken many initiatives like ''Anywhere Services''
where policy holder can avail services at branches other than servicing branch, customer
portal has been created to avail online facility of premium paid certificate, online loan, change
in address, mode of paying premium, NEFT Registration and validation of E-NACH. There
are many alternate channels available for payment of premium which includes digital
payment through net banking, credit card,
debit card, UPI, e-wallets on LIC Customer portal, Premium can also be paid through Auto
Debit, NACH and Electronic Bill pay process. Offline channels where premium can be paid
in cash or through Cheque are enabled at IDBI Bank, City Union Bank, Common Service
Centre (CSC), Suvidha Infoserve and APT Online and Premium paying points operated by
selected Agents.
LIC has centralized call center which is operational 24x7 by calling at 022-68276827.
Services are available in eight Regional languages (Bengali, Guajarati, Kannada, Malayalam,
Marathi, Oriya, Tamil and Telugu) in addition to English and Hindi. There are 74 Customer
Zones operative across India which functions from 8.00 AM to 8.00 PM. Customer can also
connect now through our new WhatsApp services No.8976862050.
An initiative called LICHELP, where policyholders can SMS LICHELP<POLICYNO> on
9222492224. An official from Customer Zone mapped to the servicing branch of the policy,
contacts the customer and support for any service requirement.
The Corporation has an online system wherein a policyholder registered on the Customer
Portal of LIC of India can register complaint and track its status through LIC''s e-services
available on our website www.licindia.in The Complaints registered under IRDAI''s
Grievance Management System-BIMA BHAROSA are synced with LIC''s Complaint
Management System. The Corporation has Grievance Redressal Officers (GROs) at Branch/
Divisional/Zonal/Central Office levels to redress grievances of customers. Their names are
available on our website. The respective GROs are available at their Offices for personal
interaction with the customers on all Mondays between 2.30 PM to 4.30 PM. Customers can
meet the GROs on other days with prior appointment. Customers may also send their
grievances through Post, by email etc. to the respective servicing offices / GROs.
(B) Claims Related Performance: Settlement of Claims:
LIC''s Claims Settlement ratio has been the best in post COVID Era, both in Maturity as well
as in Death Claim and there is a declining trend in unclaimed amounts.
During the year, the Corporation has settled 225.51 lakh claims amounting to '' 2,09,938.63
Crore (Including Individual, Micro Insurance and Pension & Group Schemes). All payments
were made through digital mode i.e., 100% payment through NEFT. All Claims reported
under COVID Claims were settled. The figures in respect of settlement of claims for the last
three years are provided in the Management Discussion & Analysis report which forms part
of the annual report.
As on March 31, 2023, the Corporation has a total of 98,463 employees on roll which
includes 23,157 female employees (constitutes approx. 23.52% of total employees). The
details are as under:
CLASS-1 23,244 7,085 30,329
Your Corporation has received various awards and accolades during the year under review in areas of
Customer Service, Claim Service, Training etc., including the awards for Most Trusted Brand in insurance.
Some of the key ones are listed below:
• National award for leadership & excellence in BFSI under four categories namely Insurance Company of
the year-Life, Claims services leader-large, Customer Service Excellence & Best persistency award.
• ET Ascent Presents - National Award for Excellence in CSR and Sustainability under two categories
namely Brand Excellence Award and Award for Customer Service and Loyalty.
• Berkshire Media - India's Best Company of the year.
• IBC Infomedia - India's Most trusted Brand.
• Kantar - Most Purposeful Non-FMCG Brand in India.
• ASSOCHAM - Moment of Truth (Claims Experience) Life Insurance.
• Navbharat BFSI Awards 2022 - Best Life Insurance Company in Claims settlement.
• World BFSI Congress and Awards under three categories namely Insurance Company of the year,
Excellence in Claims Service and Customer Service Excellence award.
• Golden Peacock National Training Award
LIC of India is the top ranked Indian Firm on latest Fortune Global 500 list- ranked 98th - as per
August/September 2022 issue.
Spread Life Insurance widely and in particular to the rural areas and to the socially and economically
backward classes with a view to reaching all insurable persons in the country and providing them adequate
financial cover against death at a reasonable cost.
Maximize mobilization of people's savings by making insurance-linked savings adequately
Bear in mind, in the investment of funds, the primary obligation to its policyholders, whose money it
holds in trust, without losing sight of the interest of the community as a whole; the funds to be
deployed to the best advantage of the investors as well as the community as a whole, keeping in
view national priorities and obligations of attractive return.
Conduct business with utmost economy and with the full realization that the moneys belong to the
Act as trustees of the insured public in their individual and collective capacities.
Meet the various life insurance needs of the community that would arise in the changing social and
economic environment.
Involve all people working in—the corporation to the' best of their capability in furthering the
interests of the insured public by providing efficient service with courtesy.
Promote amongst all agents and employees of the Corporation a sense of participation, pride and job
satisfaction through discharge of their duties with dedication towards achievement of Corporate
Respondents = 80
Respondents Responded = 60
According to you, which have played a major role in the field of life- insurance companies?
No. of Respondents
After analyzing this data it is found that from the given three respective level of Pvt. Govt. and Business 10
out of 20 (30%), 13 out of 20 (39%) and 10 out of 20 (30%)
are in favour of LIC, while 5 out of 20 (15%), 3 out of 20 (9%) and 5 out of 20 (6%),
1 out of 20 (30%) and 1 out of 20 (30%) are in favour of other Pvt. Companies.
Which insurance companies have been successful to make strong public base by advertisement?
Which insurance company has gained massive public support in the current fiscal year?
Do you think insurance policy is in the direction of public welfare?
No. of Respondents
Pvt. Sector Govt. Sector Business Man
The above table shows that from private sector 13 out of 20 (30%) agree and 7 out of 20 (21%) disagree,
from govt. sector 16 out of 20 (48%) think it right but 4 out of 20 (12%) don’t thick it so and from business
man 12 out of 20 (36%) are in favour of the above statement but 8 out of 20 (24%) don’t favour it.
Is retirement bond or pension policy launched by the number of private player as well as public sector
Company in the direction of secured old AGE?
It is obvious from the above table that 15 out of 20 (45%), 18 out of 20 (54%) and 13 out of 20 (39%) from
the given three think retirement bend or pension policy a legitimate step in the direction of secure old age but
5 out 20 (15%), 2 out of 20 (6%) and 7 out 20 (21%) don’t agree with the opinion of the majority class.
Do you think that risk coverage factor included in Insurance policy attracts general public towards the
No. of respondents
Pvt. Sector Govt. Sector Business Man
From the above table it is found that 12 out of 20 (36%) from Private sector 16 out of 20 (48%). From Govt.
sector and 11 out of 20 (33%) thinks risk coverage factor
attractive but rest 8 out of 20 (24%), 4 out of 20 (12%) and 9 out 20 (27%) from the above them sector don’t
think it so encouraging towards saving trend whereas 3 out of 20 (9%), 2 out of 20 (6%) and 4 out of 20
(12%) don’t think it so.
What according to you, the term plan that only covers risk and doesn’t cover maturity benefit on
survival at the end of the term provides security cover over policy holders or a smart way of
accumulative money from policy holders?
No. of Respondents
Security Cover
Accumulative Money
It is obvious from the above data that 11 out of 20 (33%), from the Pvt. Sector, 15 out of 20 (45%) from Govt.
sector and 12 out of 20 (36%) think term plan as a security cover but 9 out of 20 (27%), 5 out of 20 (15%)
and 8 out of 20 (24%) from the three respective group think it as a way of accumulating money insurance
Do you think that the arrival of so many private companies in this insurance sector envisage a lot of
choice to policy holder?
No. of Respondents
From analyzing the above data it is found that 16 out of 20 (48%) from Pvt. Sector, 18 out of 20 (54%) from
Govt. sector and 16 out of 20 (48%) think that the arrival of private players envisage a lot of choice to policy
holder. But 4 out of 20 (12%), 2 out of 20 (6%) and 4 out of 20 (12%) don’t think it so.
Do you agree that customer-centricity and transparency are the buzzwords for success in this evolving
Pvt. Sector Govt. Sector Business Man
From this above data, it is found the 18 out of 20 (54%) from Pvt. Sector and 20 out of 20 (60%) from Govt.
Sector 19 out of 20 (57%) from Business men agree with this statement whereas only 2 out of 20 (6%) from
Pvt. Sector and 1 out of 20 (3%) from Business men do not agree with this statemen
A joint venture presents various advantages: Each party involved in the joint venture
contributes an agreed-upon initial capital, as per the partnership terms, thereby reducing the
financial burden on individual companies. The shared pool of resources among the involved
parties contributes to an overall cost reduction.
Incorporated in 1977 with a share capital of Rs. 10 crores, HDFC has since emerged as the largest residential
mortgage finance institution in the country. The corporation has had a series of share issues raising its capital
to Rs. 119 crores. The net worth of the corporation as on March 31, 2000 stood at Rs. 2,096 crores.
HDFC operates through 75 locations throughout the country with its Corporate Headquarters in Mumbai,
India. HDFC also has an international office in Dubai, V.A.E., with service associates in Kuwait, Oman and
Standard Life
Standard Life is Europe's largest mutual life assurance company. Standard Life, which has been in the life
insurance business for the past 175 years, is a modern company surviving quite a few changes since selling its
first policy in 1825. The company expanded in the 19th century from its original Edinburgh premises,
opening offices in other towns and acquiring other similar businesses.
Standard Life currently has assets exceeding over £70 billion under its management and has the distinction of
being accorded "AAA" rating consequently for the past six years by Standard & Poor
HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Limited was one of the first companies to be granted license by the
IRDA to operate in life insurance sector. Each of the JV player is highly rated and been conferred with many
awards. HDFC is rated 'AAA' by both CRISIL and ICRA. Similarly, Standard Life is rated 'AAA' both by
Moody's and Standard and Poors. These reflect the efficiency with which DFC and Standard Life manage
their asset base of Rs. 15,000 Cr and Rs. 600,000 Cr respectively.
HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Ltd was incorporated on 14th August 2000. HDFC is the majority
stakeholder in the insurance JV with 81.4 % stake and Standard Life has a stake of 18.6%. Mr. Deepak
Satwalekar is the MD and CEO of the venture.
Money Back
Flexible Bond
ICICI Ltd. was established in 1955 by the World Bank, the Government of India and the Indian Industry, to
promote industrial development of India by providing project and corporate finance to Indian industry.
Since inception, ICICI has grown from a development bank to a financial conglomerate and has become one
of the largest public financial institutions in India. ICICI has thus far financed all the major sectors of the
economy, covering 6,848 companies and 16,851 projects. As of March 31, 2000, ICICI had disbursed a total
of Rs. 1,13,070 crores, since inception.
Prudential plc.
Prudential policy was founded in 1848. Since then it has grown to become one of the largest providers of a
wide range of savings products for the individual including life insurance, pensions, annuities, unit trusts and
personal banking. It has a presence in over 15 countries, and caters to the financial needs of over 10 million
customers. It manages assets of over US$ 259 billion (Rupees 11, 39,600 crores approx.) as of December 31,
Prudential is the largest life insurance company in the United Kingdom (Source: S&P's UK Life Financial
Digest, 1998). Asia has always been an important region for Prudential and it has had a presence in Asia for
over 75 years. In fact Credential’s first overseas operation was in India, way back in 1923 to establish Life
and General Branch agencies.
ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited was incorporated on July 20, 2000. The authorized capital
of the company is Rs.2300 Million and the paid-up capital is Rs. 1500 Million. The Company is a joint
venture of ICICI (74%) and Prudential plc UK (26%). The Company was granted Certificate of Registration
for carrying out Life Insurance business, by the Insurance Regulatory and
Development Authority on November 24, 2000. It commenced commercial operations on December 19, 2000,
becoming one of the first few private sector players to enter the liberalized are
ICICI Pru Life Insurance Products
Aditya Birla Group is India's second largest, business house, with a turnover of over
$4.75bn and an asset base of$3.8 bn. The Group is a well diversified conglomerate with 72,000 strong
workforce spanning 40 Companies spread across 17 countries.
The flagship companies of the Group - Grasim, Hindalco, Indian Rayon and Indo Gulf - hold leadership
positions in their respective areas of business.
Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada, established in 1871, is licensed in Canada, the U.S., the Philippines, Hong
Kong, and the U.K. Its major lines of business are life insurance, annuities and mutual funds and investment
services. Sun Life's rating reflects extremely strong diversification of revenues and profitability, outstanding
capitalization, good fundamental earnings, and high-quality investments. In Canada, the company is
especially strong. in the corporate life and health insurance and savings markets. In the U.S., the company is a
top 20 player in the variable annuity market and a significant force in the upscale individual insurance market.
In the U.K., Sun Life is among top 20 life and health insurers.
The Joint Venture Birla
Birla Sun Life Insurance Company, the 74: 26 joint ventures between Aditya Birla Group and Sun Life
financial Services --of Canada, has an equity capital of Rs. 150 crore. Birla Sun Life has Mr. Nalli B Javeri as
its CEO.
A six-member Board, with equal representation from each of the JV Companies has been constituted to run
the Company. Mr. Donald A. Stewart, Chairman and CEO, Sun Life Financial Services will head the Board.
Mr. Kumar Mangalam Birla will be a director on the board. Other directors include Mr. Douglas Henck,
Executive Vice President of Sun Life's Asian operations, Mr. Vijay Singh, Vice President India, Sun Life
Financial Services, Mr. B. N. Puranmalka, Group Vice-Chairman, and Mr. S. K. Mitra, Group Director,
Financial Services of the Aditya Birla Group.
The area of focus will be the rural segment as the company plans to leverage the network of the Aditya Birla
Centre for Community Initiative and Rural Development in rural areas. Its multi-channel distribution set up
comprises insurance advisors for life and an expert marketing team for group products.
Money Back
Whole Life
(? in crore)
Embedded Value (? in crore) 5,82,243.00 5,41,492.00 7.52%
• Solvency margin is calculated before considering the proposed final dividend for the FY, which is subject to
shareholders’ approval in AGM.
Your Corporation witnessed consistent performance and growth in FY2023. Some of the other key financial
parameters of the Corporation are as follows:
• Gross NPA has decreased by 55.58% from ?27,087.11 crore in FY 2022 to ?12,031.36 crore in FY 2023.
• Net NPA has decreased by 96.63% from ?175.81 crore in FY 2022 to ?5.93 crore in FY 2023.
• Basic & Diluted EPS for the FY 2023 is ?57.55.
• Net retention ratio for the FY 2023 is 99.86%
COVID - 19:
In view of the changed claim experience during last two years and uncertainty of change in claim experience,
additional COVID reserve was provided for, in the valuation for the years ended March, 2021 and March,
2022. However, with the COVID related claims now significantly coming down and in view of improving
overall claim experience, no additional COVID reserve has been provided for the valuation as at March,
2023, as the mortality assumptions are adequate.
Now days also Insurance is most popular as more plain protection against death and people are
unaware about the other aspects of insurance.
According to current scenario life and mater Insurance are the mast popular ones followed by fire
Majority of people consider the Insurance premium paid by them as reasonable.
Only few counted people are unaware about the entry of private players into. The insurance industry
and a very high majority of people support their entry.
By the entry of private players. Consumers are expecting the premium to down which would be the
biggest blessing.
Benefits to Insurance Policy Holder
Tax Benefits:
Relief in income tax is available for amount paid by way of premium for life insurance. Investment qualifying
for rebate viz. insurance premia, premium paid toward annuity plans for life insurance are specified under
section 88(2) of the income tax Act.
In life insurance, on death, the full sum assured is payable (with bonuses wherever applicable)whereas in other
saving scheme, only the amount (saved with interest) is payable.
Loans can be raised on sole security of the policy which has acquired a paid-up value. Besides,a Life Insurance
policy is also generally accepted as security for even a commercial loan/housing loan.
Aid to Thrift:
Life Insurance encourages ‘thrift’ Long term saving can be made in a relatively painless manner because of
‘easy instalment facility’ (Premium can be made through monthly,quarterly, half yearly or yearly
instalment). The Salary Saving Scheme, popularly known as SSS provide
a convenient method if paying premium each month through deduction from one’s salary. The Salary
Saving Scheme can be introduced in an institution of establishment subjectto specified terms and condition.
Money at the time of Requirements:
A suitable insurance plan or a combination of different plans can be taken to meet specific needs that are
likely to arise in future such as children’s education, start in-life or marriage provision or even periodical
needs for cash ones a predetermined stretch of time. Alternatively, policy money can be so arranged to be
used for other investments subject to certain conditions, loans are granted to policy holders for house or for
purchase of flats.
Insurance affords peace of mind:
The security is the prime motivating factor. The security ends the tension and finally leads topeace to mind.
Insurance encourages savings:
In most of the life policies, element of saving is predominant, these policies combine of programme of
Insurance and saving. Saving with insurance has certain extra advantage.
Economic Growth of the country:
For the growth of the country insurance provides string hand and mid to protect against loss of death. From
the insurance government get more financial resource and utilize strengthen the economic condition of the
Marketing Mix of LIC analyses the brand/company which covers 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) and
explains the LIC marketing strategy. There are several marketing strategies like product/service innovation,
marketing investment, customer experience etc. which have helped the brand grow.
Marketing strategy helps companies achieve business goals & objectives, and marketing mix (4Ps) is the
widely used framework to define the strategies. This article elaborates the product,pricing, advertising &
distribution strategies used by LIC.
Let us start the LIC Marketing Mix & Strategy:
The product strategy and mix in LIC marketing strategy can be explained as follows:
LIC or Life Insurance Corporation of India, is the biggest insurance company in India. LIC offers a range of
financial and investment products in its marketing mix like insurance, special,unit, pension, Micro investment,
withdrawn and health plans. LIC also offers participation in the government scheme of Aam Admi Bima
Yojana. Insurance plans include different types ofplans like Endowment plan (Jeevan Utkarsh, Jeevan
Rakshak), Whole life plan (JeevanUmang), Money Back plans (New Bima Bachat, Jeevan Tarun), Term
assurance plan (AnmolJeevan I & II) and Riders like New Critical Illness Benefit Rider. The special plans are
combinations of insurance, investment and the security because of it. Pension plans are more suited for senior
citizens for secure future. Through pension plan, LIC also gives access to government plan of Pradhan Mantri
Vaya Vandana Yojana. Unit plans are the schemes for people with inconsistent income and has benefits of
rich returns and tax savings. It also offersgroup schemes for employers, families, societies or associations.
Life Insurance Corporation has different subsidiaries for specialized services. These are; LIC Housing
Finance, LIC Pension Fund Ltd, LIC International, LIC Cards Services and LIC Mutual Fund.
LIC Price/Pricing Strategy:
Below is the pricing strategy in LIC marketing strategy:
The main objective of LIC is to offer adequate financial cover to all insurable persons at reasonable and
affordable cost.
In 2017, LIC's market share for number of policies was 76.09% and sold 20 million new policies. The
product range of LIC is varied and so is the price range. The website is equippedwith a 'Premium Calculator '
service wherein the premium for each scheme of Life Insurance Corporation can be calculated. It depends on
variables like age, term and sum assured. The payment of the premium can be paid by cash, cheque or DD at
cash counter of any LIC branch.Apart from this for ease of customers, premium can also be paid through
Alternate channels asdescribed on website. Keeping up with the implementation of GST by Government of
India, LIC has replaced the service tax from earlier transaction with GST. The Tax rate will be different for
different schemes. It will also be charged on interest of delayed payments.
LIC Place & Distribution Strategy:
Following is the distribution strategy of LIC:
LIC of India operates on the principle of providing life insurance on wider scale and urban andrural areas so
all the insurable individuals have access to it. When Life Insurance Corporationwas established, it had 5 zonal
offices, 33 divisional offices and 212 branch offices governed by corporate office. To maintain long term
accessibility for the consumers and build up the trust with them, LIC expanded their operations and opened
the branches in each district. Due to this lot of organizational changes were initiated and branches got more
functionality and acted as accounting units. Presently, LIC headquarter is located in financial capital of India,
Mumbai with 2048 computerized branch offices, 113 divisional offices 8 zonal offices, 1381 satellite offices.
In tier 1 and 2 cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Chennai, New Delhi, Pune on line kiosks and
IVRS info centres have been specially made. The new initiativecalled 'Satellite Sam Park' offices have been
opened for easy access to policy holders. Thus, LIC has thoroughly penetrated the Indian market with reach in
all the segments. Outside India,LIC operated in 13 countries through joint ventures or subsidiaries.
These countries include Bahrain, Qatar, Nepal, Singapore etc
LIC Promotion & Advertising Strategy:
The promotional and advertising strategy in the LIC marketing strategy is as follows:
The product of LIC is intangible in nature involving customer involvement and loyalty in highly competitive
market. Life Insurance Corporation has strong market share. With the emergence of new insurance
organizations, LIC has to maintain its dominant position. LIC hasused print and broadcast media exclusively.
LIC advertisements feature in many national as well as local newspapers and magazines. It shows returns on
the product and tax benefits fromit. The television commercials for LIC appeal to emotions of consumer by
depicting importanceof life insurance for the family when the earner of the family is no more. It ends with the
taglineof 'Zindagi Ke Sath Bhi, Zindagi Ke Baad Bhi' (With you during and after your life). LIC alsoinvolved
in co-promotion at various exhibitions, seminars for other products like real estate, medical services. The
communication with customer is maintained through multiple channelslike IVRS, Call centres, Customer
zone, SMS, e-mail, website and social networking sites.
Since this is a service marketing brand, here are the other three Ps to make it the 7Ps marketingmix of LIC
(Life Insurance Corporation of India).
LIC believes in insurance for all, i.e., all the insurable persons from rural and economically backward class
should receive financial security of insurance. It has the objective of involvingall their employees to their
fullest capacity to serve the customers better. They also believe in integrating the corporate objective of
organization with personal objective of employees leading to job satisfaction and pride. Life Insurance
Corporation has a separate portal for its customers to submit their grievances. The grievance officers at
respective Grievance RedressedOffice, attend the customer without prior appointment. LIC insurances can be
availed throughthe authorized LIC agents. The agents undergo exclusive training by LIC and have access to
the infrastructure access in the branch offices and sales-marketing support. Domestic as well as NRI
customers have information portal on the website providing guidance on services like premium calculation,
bonus information, policy status etc.
LIC is a pioneer in the insurance industry. It is highly respected and trusted organization. Thewebsite of Life
Insurance Corporation is very informative and starts the customer education right from the need for
insurance, enlists its benefits and describes detailed information regarding all aspects of insurance and other
related financial services. It also gives detailed information about all the products and allows calculation of
cost and benefits of each. The formfor the policy can be procured from the website or the agent or the nearest
branch of LIC. Application for policy requires the documents from the applicant. There are multiple ways for
payment of the premium making the process easy for consumer. The claim for the policy can also be made by
submission of formal request through form and producing necessary documentation. Thus, over the years LIC
has improved and adjusted its operations as per the changing times, keeping them customer centric.
Physical Evidence:
The offices of Life Insurance Corporation are in every district. The contracts for infrastructuredevelopments
of the offices are invited through the Tender Notices. These notices are circulated in the newspapers and
website and bids are invited. The infrastructure is congenial to the requirements of customer having spacious
building with proper layout, adequate seatingand waiting arrangements, pleasing ambiance, clear sign boards
for assistance, availability of the informative material and literature, telephone and basic restroom and
drinking water facilities. The physical proofs of all the necessary documents are required for the application
and availing of the policy. After the policy is acquired, it can be procured in the physical formand for some of
the official purposes, it is considered as a proof of address and date of birth. LIC logo consists of joined hands
holding a lamp.
Hence this completes the marketing mix of Life Insurance Corporation (LIC).
LIC is said to be the largest life insurance company in the world with 23 crore customers and counting. It
offers some of the most reasonably rated premiums and adequate coverage options,
regardless of which walk of life an individual belongs to. The brand name is not the sole reasonone should opt
for LIC since it is not ideal to rely on life insurance products from a single brand. Here is why one should opt
for LIC as a life insurance provider:
Technologically superior Network: LIC has been the leader as an insuranceprovider for its efforts to
stay ahead of the game by being at par if not better in termsof its network when it comes to providing
advanced and efficient services with over2000 branch offices and 156 satellite branches. The
company uses technology such as WAN, IVRS, LAN, IVRS & even EDMS that allow people to go
paperless whendealing with insurance documentation.
Not Alone in the Game: The company does not work alone but partners with insurance and financial
tycoons including NSE, LIC Mutual Fund, NCDEX, Stock Holding Corporation of India, Insurance
institute of India and National insurance Academy among many similar organizations. Hence, it is
working through convergence as well.
Going International: It has fully functional offices in countries such as Nepal, SriLanka, Saudi Arabia
and Bahrain. LIC has also been ambitious enough to plan opening offices in Australia, Canada and
Product Variety: You will soon discover from the below given list that this company boasts of one
of the highest numbers of policy types available in life insurance alone. It has the largest portfolios
when it comes to life insurance group schemes to be one of their highlights. They have a huge
clientele of corporates for group insurance.
Innovation in the Industry: The company launches new products every other quarter and they are
mostly to serve the society than to make profits although they are doing pretty well as an insurance
company, financially. They were the first to
launch micro-insurance products so that people living below the poverty line in Indiacould afford insurance for
a certain amount of discount.
Performance in The Stock Market: When it comes to stock market positioning, LIC stocks are one of
the most stable stocks available in the BSE. Someof the most well-performing stock lists almost
always feature this company especiallywhen it comes to insurance providers.
After overhauling the all situation that boosted a number of Pvt. Companies associated with multinational in
the Insurance Sector to give befitting competition to the established behemoth LIC in public sector, we come
at the conclusion that :
There is very tough competition among the private insurance companies on the level of new trend of
advertising to lull a major part of Customers.
LIC is not left behind in the present race of advertisement.
The entry of the Pvt. Players in the Insurance Sector has expanded the product segment to meet the
different level of the requirement of the customers. It has brought about greater choice to the
Private insurers have restricted reach to the customers.
LIC has vast market and very firm grip on its traditional customers and monopoly of life insurance
Bank assurance - that allows life insurers to leverage on the risk product through bank network, was
adopted by private players. But LIC was also not left behind as picking up majority stake in the
corporation Bank and large equity stake in the Oriental Bank of Commerce.
IRDA is also playing very comprehensive role by regulating norms mandating to private
players in this sector, that increases the confidence level of the customers to the private
The purpose of the study was how LIC works and how it retains the market. In FY21 LIC has the one of the
leading organisations who offers best insurance plans. LIC collects highest ever premium of Rs. 1.84 trillion
in FY21. LIC continued its performance in new business, despites a highly challenging business environment
dueto the covid- 19. LIC is offering several plans which it says will provide insurance, protection, wealth
creation in the long term, secure financial future after retirement, health insurance. Apart from these, one will
get tax benefits under income tax act.
LIC employees are expected to benefit from wage revision with over 25 per cent hike in their packets 5 days’
work week. They always try to hold their customers by offeringthem with great new policy every quarters.
The customers have keen faith in LIC. And during pandemic of second wave on the month of may it
benefited to lots of customers financially and give relief for them andto their family.
Due to the great performance, it contributed 11% in the GDP growth during pandemic.Which make me
curious how it survives in pandemic and make such growth in this yearthat’s why I choose LIC as a topic
of internship report.
In the modernized well advanced hi-tech approach to the customer every possible facilities and effort to build
up the confidence of the rising policy holders towards. Insurance companies, to complete one another nothing
is left to recommend. But some recommendations that are intensely felt and highly required for insures to
sustain in the market. These are as follows:
More and more transparency should be ascertained between insurers and policy holders.
Particularly, in the emerging boom in the insurance company, every insurance company should be
customer centered, and well versed in the handling of problem and grievances of the policy holders.
Each and Every product launched by the Insurance company should be in favour of increasing need
of policy holders.
IRDA should be more and more responsible to the insurance sector by determining some standard. It should
be mandatory to every insurers to make more and more responsible and responsive to the policy holders so
that comprehensive understanding may be developed among policy holders. It may be beneficial on both
Insurance Post
Dr. Gupta S.P& Dr. Gupta M.P., Business Statistics by Addition 2004, New Delhi,