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Revision 1.1.

14 – January 2014

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ENVITECH Ltd. – Environmental Data Management Systems

P.O.Box 862 Givataim 53108 ISRAEL. Tel. 972-3-5731944, 5732310 Fax 972-3-7310221
E-Mail- david.farhi@envitech.co.il URL: http://www.envitech.co.il/

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 1 Jan 2014

Envista Air Resources Manager
User's Manual
This manual provides documentation on the use of Envista ARM (Air Resources Manager), the
data management, analysis and reporting program included in the Envista ARM system.
Reference may be made to manuals for other components of the Envista ARM system. Please
consult the manual for the specific component for detailed information.

Copyright notice
This documentation and the software routines contained in the Envista Air Resources Manager
CD are copyrighted 2006-2007, by Envitech Ltd. All rights are reserved. Envitech reserves the
right to make improvements to the products described in this manual at any time without notice.
No part of this manual may be reproduced, copied, translated or transmitted, in any form or by
any means without the prior written permission of Envitech. Information provided in this manual is
intended to be accurate and reliable. However, Envitech assumes no responsibility for its use, or
for any infringement of rights of third parties that may result from its use.

Envista Air Resources Manager, Envista ARM WEB Edition, EnviWEB.Net, Enview 2000
Software Manager, Enview 2000, CommCenter, Enview for Windows, EnviDAS, EnviDAS for
Windows, EnviDAS Ultimate and MaintainView are trademarks of Envitech.
IBM and PC are trademarks of International Business Machine Corporation.
.Net Framework 2.0 is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
MS-DOS and MS-Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 2 Jan 2014

CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................17
1.1 Main Software Features ............................................................................................................... 18
1.2 Dynamic Displays ......................................................................................................................... 19
1.3 Reports ........................................................................................................................................ 19
1.4 Operational .................................................................................................................................. 21
1.5 Ad-Hoc Report Designer ............................................................................................................... 22
1.6 Minimum Client Workstation Requirements ................................................................................. 23
1.7 Minimum Server Requirements .................................................................................................... 24
1.8 Typical System Architecture .......................................................................................................... 25

CHAPTER 2 - GETTING STARTED ......................................................................................................27

2.1 Installation ................................................................................................................................... 27
2.2 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................... 27
2.3 Starting Envista ARM .................................................................................................................... 28

CHAPTER 3 – LOOK & FEEL .................................................................................................................31

3.1 The Toolbars ................................................................................................................................ 32
3.1.1 The Quick Access Toolbar ................................................................................................................................. 32
3.1.2 The Menu & Ribbon Toolbar ............................................................................................................................ 35
3.2 Windows Display (Views Menu) .................................................................................................... 37
3.3 The Lower Taskbar ....................................................................................................................... 42

CHAPTER 4 - FILE ...................................................................................................................................45

4.1 General Commands ...................................................................................................................... 46
4.2 Printing Reports ........................................................................................................................... 47
4.2.1 Page Setup ........................................................................................................................................................ 47
4.2.2 Print Preview .................................................................................................................................................... 55
4.2.3 Print .................................................................................................................................................................. 58
4.3 User Login .................................................................................................................................... 58

CHAPTER 5 - DYNAMIC .........................................................................................................................61

5.1 Dynamic Tabular .......................................................................................................................... 61
5.2 Last Received ............................................................................................................................... 63
5.3 Dynamic Map ............................................................................................................................... 65
5.3.1 The Dynamic Map Toolbar ............................................................................................................................... 66
5.3.2 GIS Map ............................................................................................................................................................ 68
5.3.3 The Layers & Search Tab ................................................................................................................................... 70
5.3.4 The Search Frame ............................................................................................................................................. 73
5.3.5 The Options Tab ................................................................................................................................................ 74
5.3.6 The Legend Tab................................................................................................................................................. 77
5.3.7 Producing Reports ............................................................................................................................................ 78

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 3 Jan 2014

5.3.8 Map Data Table ................................................................................................................................................ 79
5.3.9 Map Data Labels ............................................................................................................................................... 80
5.3.10 Meteorological Flags ...................................................................................................................................... 81
5.4 Dynamic Alerts ............................................................................................................................. 82
5.5 Network Map ............................................................................................................................... 84
5.6 Dynamic Chart.............................................................................................................................. 88
5.7 Dashboard ................................................................................................................................... 89
5.8 Dynamic Multi Station .................................................................................................................. 90
5.9 Last Calibration ............................................................................................................................ 95
5.10 Dynamic Custom Table ............................................................................................................... 97

CHAPTER 6 - REPORTS ...................................................................................................................... 101

6.1 Station Report ............................................................................................................................ 102
6.1.1 Chart Properties ............................................................................................................................................. 114
6.1.2 Scale, Shift and Zoom Graph .......................................................................................................................... 121
6.1.3 Status Colors ................................................................................................................................................... 125
6.1.4 Chart Menu Context ....................................................................................................................................... 126
6.2 Multi-Station Report .................................................................................................................. 127
6.3 Group Report ............................................................................................................................. 131
6.4 Matrix Report............................................................................................................................. 133
6.4.1 Summary Matrix Fast Report.......................................................................................................................... 142
6.5 Wind Report............................................................................................................................... 144
6.5.1 Wind Rose Report ........................................................................................................................................... 146
6.5.2 Wind Polar Report .......................................................................................................................................... 148
6.5.3 Pollution Rose Report ..................................................................................................................................... 149
6.5.4 Polar Time Report ........................................................................................................................................... 152
6.5.5 Scatter Report................................................................................................................................................. 153
6.5.6 Graph Properties for Wind & Pollution Roses ................................................................................................ 154
6.6 Histogram Report ....................................................................................................................... 157
6.7 Index Report .............................................................................................................................. 159
6.8 2Y/XY Reports ............................................................................................................................ 167
6.8.1 2Y analysis ...................................................................................................................................................... 168
6.8.2 XY Analysis ...................................................................................................................................................... 170
6.9 Events Reports ........................................................................................................................... 171
6.10 Annual Reports......................................................................................................................... 174
6.10.1 Average Report ............................................................................................................................................. 176
6.10.2 Percentile Report .......................................................................................................................................... 177
6.10.3 O3 Report ...................................................................................................................................................... 178
6.10.4 CO Report ..................................................................................................................................................... 180
6.10.5 Annual Event Report..................................................................................................................................... 181
6.10.6 SO2 Report .................................................................................................................................................... 182
6.10.7 SMOKE Report .............................................................................................................................................. 183
6.10.8 NO Report ..................................................................................................................................................... 184
6.10.9 NO2 Report ................................................................................................................................................... 185
6.10.10 TEOM Report .............................................................................................................................................. 186

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6.10.11 CWS_O3 Report........................................................................................................................................... 187
6.10.12 CES_PM2.5 Report ...................................................................................................................................... 187
6.10.13 Fin Statistics Report .................................................................................................................................... 188
6.10.14 Per Month Report ....................................................................................................................................... 188
6.11 Edit History .............................................................................................................................. 189
6.11.1 Edit History Data ........................................................................................................................................... 189
6.11.2 Edit History Calibration ................................................................................................................................. 191
6.12 Validation Report ..................................................................................................................... 193
6.13 Parallel Report ......................................................................................................................... 195
6.14 Combination Report ................................................................................................................. 197
6.15 Raw VS Edited .......................................................................................................................... 200
6.16 Percentile Report...................................................................................................................... 204
6.17 Component Report ................................................................................................................... 207
6.18 Interval Graph .......................................................................................................................... 208
6.19 Alerts History Report ................................................................................................................ 211

CHAPTER 7 - OPERATIONAL............................................................................................................ 213

7.1 Calibration Report ...................................................................................................................... 214
7.1.1 Calib_2_Points ................................................................................................................................................ 216
7.1.2 Calib_2_Points_Summary ............................................................................................................................... 217
7.1.3 Calib_3_Points ................................................................................................................................................ 218
7.1.4 Multipoint Report ........................................................................................................................................... 219
7.1.5 Span VS Zero Report ....................................................................................................................................... 220
7.1.6 Span Report .................................................................................................................................................... 222
7.1.7 Span1 Report .................................................................................................................................................. 223
7.1.8 Zero Report ..................................................................................................................................................... 223
7.1.9 Instant Cal Report ........................................................................................................................................... 224
7.1.10 Precision Report ........................................................................................................................................... 226
7.1.11 All Calibrations Report .................................................................................................................................. 227
7.1.12 CUSUM Report.............................................................................................................................................. 228
7.1.13 Shewart Report ............................................................................................................................................. 230
7.2 Status Report ............................................................................................................................. 231
7.3 Alert Report ............................................................................................................................... 233
7.4 Diagnostic Report ....................................................................................................................... 236
7.5 Digital Monitor ........................................................................................................................... 238
7.6 Digital IO .................................................................................................................................... 240
7.7 Communication Report............................................................................................................... 243
7.8 Power Off................................................................................................................................... 244
7.9 Missing Data .............................................................................................................................. 246
7.10 Log Book .................................................................................................................................. 248
7.10.1 Add Log Book ................................................................................................................................................ 249
7.10.2 Log Book Report ........................................................................................................................................... 250
7.11 Availability Report .................................................................................................................... 252
7.12 Data Inventory ......................................................................................................................... 253

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CHAPTER 8 - INFORMATION ........................................................................................................... 257
8.1 Station Information .................................................................................................................... 257
8.2 Monitor History.......................................................................................................................... 259

CHAPTER 9 - EDIT ............................................................................................................................... 263

9.1 Edit Table ................................................................................................................................... 264
9.1.1 Changing the data value of a single item........................................................................................................ 268
9.1.2 Changing the status value for single item ...................................................................................................... 269
9.1.3 Edit Block ........................................................................................................................................................ 270
9.1.4 Edit Graph ....................................................................................................................................................... 273
9.2 Validation Settings ..................................................................................................................... 276
9.3 Edit Validation............................................................................................................................ 278
9.4 Calc. Avg. ................................................................................................................................... 280
9.5 Calibration ................................................................................................................................. 282
9.5.1 Edit Calibration ............................................................................................................................................... 282
9.5.2 Add Calibration ............................................................................................................................................... 285
9.5.3 Delete Calibration ........................................................................................................................................... 289
9.5.4 Corrections ..................................................................................................................................................... 290
9.6 Copy Data .................................................................................................................................. 295
9.7 Edit Block ................................................................................................................................... 298
9.8 Delete Data ................................................................................................................................ 301
9.9 Quality Assurance ...................................................................................................................... 302
9.10 Data Calc. & Trans. ................................................................................................................... 304
9.11 Edit Database ........................................................................................................................... 305

CHAPTER 10 - TOOLS ......................................................................................................................... 309

10.1 Connect To Data-Base ............................................................................................................... 309
10.2 Report Designer View ............................................................................................................... 310
10.3 Calculator ................................................................................................................................. 314
10.4 On Demand Poll ....................................................................................................................... 314
10.5 Import ...................................................................................................................................... 315
10.6 Export To… ............................................................................................................................... 320
10.6.1 Export To Excel ............................................................................................................................................. 321
10.6.2 Export to CSV File ......................................................................................................................................... 321
10.6.3 Export to XML ............................................................................................................................................... 322
10.6.4 Export Report ............................................................................................................................................... 322

CHAPTER 11 - SETUPS ....................................................................................................................... 325

11.1 Groups Setup............................................................................................................................ 325
11.2 Dynamic Tabular Setup ............................................................................................................. 327
11.3 GIS Setup ................................................................................................................................. 329
11.4 Options .................................................................................................................................... 333
11.4.1 General Tab .................................................................................................................................................. 333
11.4.2 Calc Avg. Tab ................................................................................................................................................. 335

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11.4.3 Visuals Tab .................................................................................................................................................... 336
11.4.4 Language tab ................................................................................................................................................ 338
11.5 Network Map Setup ................................................................................................................. 339
11.6 Dynamic Chart Setup ................................................................................................................ 344
11.7 Dashboard Setup ...................................................................................................................... 353
11.7.1 The Toolbar................................................................................................................................................... 355
11.7.2 Page Property ............................................................................................................................................... 356
11.7.3 Selecting Objects .......................................................................................................................................... 357
11.7.4 The Objects Tree ........................................................................................................................................... 357
11.8 Dynamic Multi Station Setup .................................................................................................... 367

CHAPTER 12 - HELP ............................................................................................................................ 371

12.1 Contents .................................................................................................................................. 371
12.2 Smart Update ........................................................................................................................... 375
12.3 About Envista ARM................................................................................................................... 376

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 7 Jan 2014

Envitech Ltd.
Environmental Data Management Systems
Envitech is active in the field of environmental monitoring and data acquisition systems for air,
water, toxic gas, radiation and noise applications.
Monitoring stations, established to provide continuous measurements, use a data acquisition and
control unit to control sample and calibration systems, log data values and determine data quality
measurements such as calibration results. For this purpose, Envitech provides a PC-based
Environmental Data Acquisition System – EnviDAS and EnviDAS for Windows.
Normally a central administrative site communicates with a network of monitoring stations for
supervisory control and to retrieve data values to a central database for storage and subsequent
analysis. Envitech provides Envista ARM for supervisory control and data acquisition.
Envista ARM’s graphical user interface is easy to learn and use. This software package provides
data collection, analysis, display, archiving, reporting. The software components of Envista are

 Envista ARM database implemented in Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle

 Network Manager Setup to create and manage the Envista ARM database.
 Envista Air Resources Manager data analysis and reporting software
 CommCenter communications interface

These components are implemented in a client server environment operating under Microsoft
Windows XP Pro. Windows Vista, and Windows 7.
This solution is flexible, supporting communications with a variety of commercially used data
acquisition products including Envitech EnviDAS products.
Using CommCenter at a central computer station it is possible to connect to the stations in an
environmental network via TCP/IP, Dial Up, Leased Lines, Cellular or Radio Communication
Envista Air Resources Manager (ARM) is based on ".Net Framework 2.0" technology and thus,
the function of the data base analysis and reporting are more useful then the last version of
The program that let the administrator to configure the monitoring stations, channels and all the
general applications is called "Envista Envista ARM Setup". See separate manual for details.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 8 Jan 2014

Guide Revision History
Date Description
Jan 2014  Added Chapter 7.11 "Availability Report"
 Added Chapter 7.12 "Data Inventory" report
 Added Chapter 6.19 "Alerts History Report"
 Chapter 6.14 Combination Report – Added "Removed All" button to the dialog box
 Chapter 6.10 "Annual Report" – few updates related to new checkbox in the "Average"
report type
 Chapter 5.1 "Dynamic Tabular" updates related to "System Time Base" display,
warning alert color and system message that counts down the seconds until the next
 Chapter 5.6 Dynamic Chart – Right click on the mouse will let the user to display
invalid data
 Chapter 5.8 Dynamic Multi Station – Added warning color
 Chapter 5.4 Dynamic Alerts updates related to right click and left click utilities, and
added the color for warning alert
 Chapter 6.5.6 Graph Properties for Wind & Pollution Roses – Added option to apply on
all charts in the session & save chart configuration to memory
 Chapter 6.11.1 Edit History Data Report – Updated to multi-station selection
 Chapter 7.1.9 Instant Cal Report – Updated to graph display and mouse right & left
 Chapter 7.1.1 Calib_2_Points – Updated parameters and the option to get instant calib
report from the table.
 Chapter 7.3 Alert Report – Added option to include rounding alerts and updated the
 Chapter 9 "Edit" and 4.3 "User Login" – Added remark about the new roles in the
system: Viewer, operator, Preliminary Editor and Final Editor
 Chapter 9.5.2 "Add Calibration" – Added a section "Parallel (Shewart" Calibration" that
deals with editing and adding shewart calibration events.
 Chapter11.2 "Dynamic Tabular Setup" – added ""Use Custom Time Exceeding Check"
 Chapter 11.4.3 "Visuals tab" – updated the color of dynamic tabular statuses (added
"Warning" status)
Nov 2013  Added "Opened Windows List" option to Chapter 3.2
 Added "Separate Status Columns" feature to "Station Report" Status field (Chapter
 Added "Add features" feature to "Station Report" (Chapter 6.1).
 Added Chapter 6.18 "Interval Graph"
 Added 2 new calibration reports:
o Chapter 7.1.12 CUSUM Report
o Chapter 7.1.13 Shewart Report
Jul 2013  Update Network Map – Setup (Chapter 11.5) and Dynamic Utility (Chapter 5.5)
 Update Index Station Setup Utility (only for specific Index) in Chapter 6.7 related to
Index Report
 Chapter 6.9 Events Report – Added "Display as Block" and further updates
 Added Chapter 6.4.1 "Summary Matrix Fast Report"
 Update Chapter 6.5 "Wind Report": Now Wind Rose and Pollutant Rose now have 3
different types :
1. Frequency – same as before (Frequency of data according to classes).
2. Average – showing averaged data per directions.
3. Max – showing max value per directions
Jan 2013  Updated Chapter 12.1 "HelpContents"
 Added Chapter 6.1.4 "Chart Menu Context"

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 9 Jan 2014

 Chapter 5.8 "Dynamic Multi Station" – the context menu improved
 Chapter 6.4 – Matrix Report – Added "Summary" report type dialog box
 Chapter 6.4 "Matrix Report" – Changed "Exceedance" box in the dialog box
Dec 2012  Chapter 7.9 Missing Data Report – Added Show Summary Only context menu and
Station Mode checkbox.
 Added Chapter 8.2 – Monitors History
 Added Chapter 9.11 Edit Database
 Chapter 9.1 Edit Table – Added Show Status Colors checkbox and further
 Chapter 9.1.3 and Chapter 9.7 Edit Block – Added Linear Equation label
 Added Chapter 7.1.11 All Calibrations Report
 Chapter 9.5 Calibration (Edit) – Modifications in "Add Calibration" (Precision type), and
in "Corrections"
 Chapter 9.5.4 Corrections – Added explanations about the correction method and
covered the modifications in this utility.
 Added Chapter 9.11 Edit Database
 Chapter 11 "Window" was "moved" to Chapter 3.2 and now chapter 11 is a new
Chapter called "Setups" and contains some utilities that were in the "Tools" Chapter
 Chapter 10 – "Tools" – Some utilities "moved" to Chapter 11 and some were "moved"
from "File" chapter (the Export and Import utilities)
 The "Help" Chapter is now called Chapter 12
 Chapter 11.2 "Dynamic Tabular Setup" and Chapter 11.8 "Dynamic Multi Station
Setup" – added Duplicate button
 Chapter 11.4.1 OptionsGeneral: Added "Use Wind Direction Name" and "Show List
by User Type" checkboxes
 Chapter 11.4.3 OptionsVisualsMisc: Added Alerts Popup Wav File – field
 Chapter 12 – "Help" – The Contents now is a pdf document and the "About" screen
reflects maximum clients and stations supported by the hasp key.
 Added Chapter 5.10 "Dynamic Custom Table"
Nov 2012  Update Chapter 1-2 with captures reflecting the new Look & Feel
 Chapter 3 – changed to "Look & Feel" and reflect the new toolbar, the new lower
taskbar and including the Views menu that replaced the Windows menu. Therefore,
Chapter 11 – Windows has moved to chapter 3.2
 Chapter 4.2 "User Login" – now also "Global" user need to enter password.
 Chapter 4 – "File": updated text and figures according the new look & feel
 Chapter 5 – Dynamic - updated text and figures according the new look & feel
 Verewa Report has moved from the book to a different document that including also
Availability Report that is unique for specific customer.
 Raw VS Edited report has moved from "Operational" to "Reports" menu. Now it's
appear on Chapter 6.15
 Added Chapter 6.17 "Component Report"
 Chapter 6.1 – Added "Partial" and "Separate Monitors" checkboxes to the Station
Report dialog box
 Chapter 6.1 – Added new feature to the "Average Type" in the Station Report dialog
box: Highest Values
 Chapter 6.2 – Multi Station Report – Added Station Time-base checkbox to the dialog
 Chapter 6.3 – Group Report – added Show AVG, Use Raw, Partial checkboxes
 Chapter 6.4 Matrix Report – added Summary report type and Convert to filed
 Chapter 6.5.3 – Pollution Rose Report – Added Poll. Time Base checkbox
 Chapter 6.10 – Modification in the dialog box for several annual reports
 Added Chapter 6.10.13 Fin Statistics Report
 Added Chapter 6.10.14 Per Month Report
 Chapter 6.1 Added Reference Date of Display field to all charts
 Added Chapter 6.17 – Component Report

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 10 Jan 2014

 Added Chapter 7.1.10 Precision Report (Calibration)
 Chapter 10.1 Connect to Database – Added the button that display all databases
related to the server that its details were typed
Aug 2012  Improved and fixed explanation of the RUNNING AVERAGE in Chapter 6.1 (point 8)
and in Chapter 6.3
Apr 2012  Chapter 4.3 "Import" – Added few more types of file and added "Use Method Code
match as criteria" checkbox
 Chapter 5 – Added "Custom Tabular Display" to the figure and table
Oct 2011  Chapter 7.1.1 and 7.1.2 Updated figures reflecting 2 and 3 point calibrations: Figure 7-
4, 7-4b, 7-5 and 7-5a
Mar 2011  Chapter 5.3.1 – added 2 icons to the "Dynamic Map" toolbar (Display Update Time
,Display station Name)
 Chapter 5.8 Added checkboxes to include specific monitors in the Dynamic Multi
Station graph
 Added Chapter 5.8.1 about the chart properties of the Dynamic Multi Station graph
 Chapter 5.9 Last Calibration – Updated figures after changing columns names
 Chapter 6.9 "Events Reports" added "Time Sum" row to the table
 Added Chapter 6.11.2 "Edit History Calibration
 Chapter 7.1.4 "Multipoint Report" replaced figure after "Span" and "Level" terms
 Chapter 7.3 "Alerts Report"- added "Remarks" column to the table
 Chapter 7.11 "Raw VS Edit" – Added "Highlight Differences" checkbox
 Chapter 9.1 Edit Table – Added "Explanation/ Comment" option
 Chapter 9.4 "Calc Average" updated new checkboxes and its function
 Chapter 9.5.1 "Edit Calibration" – updated the "regular Calibration Add/ Edit" dialog
box after adding "Description" field
 Added Chapter 9.10 – "Data Calc & Trans"
 Chapter 10.12 – Export Report added few more export types
Feb 2011  Chapter 4.3 "Import" added two import files: "Win AQMS" and "CR10x"
 Chapter 5.2 "Last Received" – right click on the table let you to see only "on" comm.
state items
Dec 2010  Chapter Add Multipoint Calibration – added "Description" combo box and text
 Chapter 7.10.1 "Add Log Book" – The time now including also seconds
Nov 2010  Added "See Ch (Chapter)" column including hyperlinks for menu tables in chapters
 Quality Assurance (10.13 in the past. Now 9.9) removed from chapter 10 to chapter 9
 Added Chapter 10.13 "Dynamic Multi Station Setup"
 Added Chapter 5.8 "Dynamic Multi Station"
 Added Chapter 5.9 "Last Calibration"
Oct 2010  Added Chapters 6.10.11 and 6.10.12 about 2 new annual reports: "CWS_O3" and
 Chapter 4.6 "Page Setup" – updated figures and added 2 more tabs related to printing
 Chapter 6.7 "Index Report" point 6 (Annually Period) added marking colors in the
matrix and the ability to erase it
 Chapter 11.4.4 OptionsToolsLanguage added "Use Custom Graph Date Time"
 Chapter 4, 4.6 and 4.7 changes after adding the option
Sep 2010  Chapter 6.1.2 updated commands for shift, scale and zoom on graphs and added Z-
axis rotation command
Jun 2010  Chapter 8.1 "Station Information" Minor modifications
 Added chapter 6.1.3 "Status Colors"
 Chapter 6.1 point 16 added information about option to calculating average of data in

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 11 Jan 2014

Station Report with statuses criteria
 Chapter 4.6 "Page Setup" changed according to the new "Customized Printing" screen
 Chapter 4.7 "Print Preview" changed according to the new "Customized Printing
Setup" screen
 Chapter 9.4 "Calc Avg" – Changes in the "Options" checkboxes field
 Chapter 10.4.1 GIS Setup – Added option to select refresh time
 Chapter 10.4.2 GIS SetupData Points – Add "Last Received" box
 Chapter 5.3 "Dynamic Maps" – Several changes in most of the Chapters: Legend was
changed and now the wind speed units are Knot; The Information icon was removed
and more report was added to the "reports" combo box;
 Chapter 10.12 "Export Report" added few export types
 Added Chapter 4.5.3 "Export to XML"\
 Chapter Added items to Axis Y and Axis X tabs in chart properties
9 Feb 2010  Chapter 4.3 Added 2 more import files
 Chapter 6.7 Index Report – add information about new summary types and more
 Chapter 6.10 "Annual Report" modified and added Chapters 6.10.6-6.10.10 that deal
with the new pollutants annual reports: TEMO, SMOKE, NO, NO2, SO2
 Chapter 8.1 "Information Report Station" Added information about new tabs in the
25 Jan 2010  Added Chapter 10.13 "Quality Assurance" ("Tools" menu). Therefore, updated Figure
10-1 and the table in Chapter 10
 Chapter 6.2 "Multi-stations Report" – added information about the new appearance of
Exceedance & Display as Blocks options
24 Jan 2010  Chapter 9.1 "Edit Table" added information about Calc Avg options dialog box that
appears after edit table
 Edit Block (Chapter 9.7 and Chapter 9.1.3) – Added table about formula & operator
usage, and added remark about "Description" tab.
20 Jan 2010  Chapter 6.1.1 & Replaced "Scatter" with "Pie" chart type. Its reflected on the
 Chapter 6.1.1 add "Visible" column to a table in the graph propertiesType and Color
 Chapter 6.1 Point 5 – Add option to select a Time & Location item for mobile stations
 Chapter 6.7 Index Report – Added "Daily By Region" summary type
 Chapter Axis Tab in Chart Properties – Note added related to the Origin in X-
 Chapter 6.6 Histogram Report – Added "Customized Classes" field to the dialog box
9 Nov 2009 Added to Chapter 4.2 information about permissions to several utilities: Import and GIS
Setup and Edit menu are not available for "Global" and "Technician" users. The user
should be at least an editor related to at least one station (configuration via Envista ARM
SetupContacts) in order to see these items (related to the relevant stations)
5 Nov 2009 Added hyperlinks also to references inside the book
19 Oct 2009 Contents – Added hyperlink references between all contents items (chapters and
Chapter) to their topics inside the book. Added "" hyperlinks to each topic inside the
In order to reach the hyperlink's targets click on your mouse and press the <CTRL> key
on your keyboard.
Oct 2009  Add Chapter 6.15 "Varewa Report"
 Add chapter 6.16 "Percentile Report"
 Add auto user login as "Remember me" checkbox in Chapter 2.3
 Graph Properties for Wind Rose & Pollution Rose- changes in design (chapter 6.5.6)
 Chapter 7.11 Raw VS Edited – Added "Display Edit History" checkbox
 Add option to insert custom edit description (see Chapter 9.1.1)
 Chapter 9.5.1 Edit Calibration – change appearance of the table
 Chapter 10.1 Connect to Database – Add combo box
 Chapter 11.4.1 OptionsGeneral add 2 checkboxes, add 1 button ("Custom Edit

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 12 Jan 2014

 Chapter 10.10 "Dynamic Chart" changed according to new features that were added
 Chapter 10.11 Dashboard – Added new features
 Added Chapter "Digital Monitor Status" (related to the dashboard tree
Sep 2009  Chapter 2.3 "Starting EnvistaARM" – Changes in this chapter because now the
"Login" window appears before the main screen is displayed.
 Chapter 5.1 "Dynamic tabular" – Add "Time-bases" item to the context menu.
 Chapter 6: Add 2 reports: Varewa report and percentile report.
 Chapter 6.1 Station Report – add "Summary Only" checkbox
 Chapter 6.1: Add note related to the new utility that enable the user to hide columns
in the tabular report.
 Chapter 6.2 Multi-Station Report – Add "Summary Only" checkbox and add
Exceedance field
 Chapter 6.3 Group – Add "Summary only" checkbox.
 Chapter 6.5.6 add "Container Color" to Graph Properties
 Chapter 6.7 Index Report – Add features to the dialog box
9 Jun 2009 Add note to chapter 6.1.1 related to "Apply On All Charts"
12 May 2009  Chapter 4.3 "Import" in the first point added table reflecting the import types and
format allowed files
 Chapter 6.7 "Index Report" added figures and examples for each summary type
 Chapter 9.6.1 "Copy Raw Data" added features
 The "Owner" combo box in the request fields changed its name to "Organization". As
a result there were replacements in the manual Owner"Organization (Owner)
 Chapter 5.2 "Last Received" added "Time Base" column
 Chapter 5.1 "Dynamic Tabular" - added item to the context menu
Apr 2009  Add Chapter 5.6 "Dynamic Chart"
 Add Chapter 5.7 "Dashboard"
 Add Chapter 10.10 Dynamic Chart
 Add Chapter 10.11 Dashboard
 Add features to Chapter 11.4.1 "General"
 Add "App. Language" button to Chapter 11.4.4 "Language Tab"
 Add Chapter 6.12 "Export Report"
 Chapter 10.8 "On Demand Poll" add new checkbox
 Change request window in the "Index Report" Chapter 6.7
 Chapter 7.3 "Alert Report" add Include Status Changes feature
 Add Chapter 7.1 "Raw VS Edited"
Mar 2009  Changes in Chapter 4.3 (import to Excel)
 Dynamic Tabular (Chapter 5.1) add item to the context menu appears on the table
after right clicking
 Chapter 5 - "Dynamic" add item "Dashboard"
 Chapter 5 - "Dynamic" add item "Dynamic Chart"
 Add Chapter 6.14 Combination Report
 Chapter 6.3 "Group Report" - added "Display Index" option
 Chapter 6.5 "Winds" add "Partial Season"
 Add Chapter 6.5.6 "Graph Properties for Wind & Pollution Roses"
 Chapter 5.7 "Index Report" add new features
 Chapter 6.9 "Events" - add new features
 Chapter 6.10 "Annual Reports" add "All" and "On Monitors" features
 Chapter 6.12 "Validation Report" add "All" and "On Monitors" features
 Chapter 7.1 "Calibration Report" add "All" and "On Monitors" features
 Chapter 7.2 "Status Report" add "All" and "On Monitors" features
 Chapter 7.3 "Alerts" add "All" and "On Monitors" features
 Chapter 7.5 "Digital Monitor" add "All" checkbox

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 13 Jan 2014

 Chapter 7.6 "Digital IO" add "All" checkbox
 Chapter 7.9 "Missing Data" add "All" and "On Monitors" features
 Chapter 9.1 "Edit Table" add items to the menu context in the graph
 Chapter 10 "Tools" add items to the table
 Chapter 10.2 "Groups Setup" add "On Monitors" checkbox
 Chapter 10.3 "Dynamic Tabular Setup" add "Station Time Base" checkbox
 Chapter 10.4 "GIS Setup" add 2 Chapters: 10.4.1 "Layers" and 10.4.2 "Data Points"
 Changes in Chapter 4 (first page) related to "Export To…" option
 Chapter 10.5 "Report Designer View" add "Export Excel" button
23 Feb 2009 Changes in Chapter 4.6 and 4.8 about the function of the "Print" command.
15 Feb 2009 Chapter 4.5 now is called "Export to…" and divided to 2 Chapters: "Export to Excel" and
"Export to CSV" that was added to the program recently.
12 Feb 2009 Chapter 6.1 add coverage for "Accumulate" and "Round Data" checkboxes.
2 Feb 2009 Chapter 9.2 and 9.3 updated the procedure to enable edit data that was "final" validated
before (instead of the "RESET" button that has been removed).
2 Nov 2008 Add "EnvistaARM Database" Chapter to the "EnvistaARM Setup" separate manual
1 Nov 2008 Add new calibration reports: Span, Span1, Zero.
30 Oct 2008  New graph properties issues (Limits and grids, type and color)
 Winds Report: Add "Parameters/ Class Range"
 Digital Input Report – Add figure for graphic presentation
 ToolsOptions: Add few items to "General" section
 Add Criteria option to Station Report
22 Sep 2008 Change -Data Base ORACLE check change to use User Name instead of TNS Name
10 Sep 2008 Change - Histogram report support input of <0 for low value
1 Sep 2008 XY report reflects 'Intercept', 'Slope' and 'R Squared' values
17 Aug 2008 From now on, the items will represent only changes in the user's manual !
 Add Chapter 5.5 "Network Map" to "Dynamic" chapter
 Add Chapter 10.9 "Network Map Setup" to "Tools" chapter
 Chapter 6.1.1 – Add to Chart graph properties 3D "Stylish 3D" item.
 Chapter 11.4.4 "Language" – changed
4 Aug 2008 Change - Edit Validation dialog now open for Preliminary users editing
1 Jul 2008 Add - Delete Data dialog for supervisor's users under Edit Menu
1 Jul 2008 Add - Calibration Span VS Zero Dual graph displaying
1 Jul 2008 Index report max summary + additional separate reports generating
1 Jul 2008 Matrix report: Add an option to hide summary columns and shrink all the column in the
tabular presentation
30 Jun 2008 All On Monitors selection in Matrix + All Multi Station's selection dialogs
30 Jun 2008 Station/Multi-Station/Group/Events reports now have AVG type of Run.Min/Max Forward
26 Jun 2008 Chart Properties new features (chart type, apply changes for all charts etc.) and
26 Jun 2008 Last Received :Time exceeded cells are colored
26 Jun 2008 Dynamic Tabular : cells are colored according their state
26 Jun 2008 File  Import Excel Configuration window :updated & add explanation
5 May 2008 Upgrade the Graph (Chart)Properties section
5 May 2008 Add Parallel Report application
5 May 2008 Changed On Demand Poll request window
15 Apr 2008 Changed Matrix Report request window
3 Apr 2008 Add item: EditCalibrationCopy DataCopy Raw Data
2 Apr 2008 Add item: EditCalibrationCorrections2 Points EPA Corrections
2 Apr 2008 Add Edit Block "direct" application
2 Apr 2008 Add features to Operational Reports Power Off window
31 Mar 2008 Change the Graph (Chart)Properties sections
25 Mar 2008 Add more buttons to the toolbar
20 Mar 2008 Add Alerts Popup to Dynamic Menu

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 14 Jan 2014

27 Feb 2008 Add into matrix report header includes "Valid Days" value + monthly AVG hidden when
WDD monitor is selected
27 Feb 2008 Add – In ReportEdit History "Get By: Date of Data/ Change" feature
21 Feb 2008 Add - Multi time-base selection in station/edit table report
21 Feb 2008 Add to EditCalc AVG Calc by Pre-Defined Settings or regular Hourly/Daily Table(s)
21 Feb 2008 Add to calibration report tabular order by feature + additional display of the current
ITEMP parameter
21 Feb 2008 Add to Logbook report new filters+ edit option(right button click on tabular)
15 Jan 2008 Add "Missing Data" report support adding new records to DB (upper add button/right
button click on tabular).
15 Jan 2008 Groups Setup Web Display enable/disable checkbox
14 Jan 2008 Alerts report supports more filtering fields (need to run "Update V6 to
V7_1.0.1.28872.zip" tool before) and odder filter that can include also the selected
station(s) alerts
14 Jan 2008 Changed - options screen now available to all users
6 Jan 2008 Add EditCalibrationEdit
6 Jan 2008 Add EditCalibrationDeleteMultipoint Calibration
6 Jan 2008 Add EditCalibrationDeleteRegular Calibration
11 Dec 2007 Add to ToolsOptions "Save as PDF file settings" frame
11 Dec 2007 Add into calibration report 2 types:
 Calib_2_Points
 Calib_2_Points_Summary
3 Dec 2007 Calibration Report "Calib_3_Points" report type replaced the "Regular" calibration
27 Nov 2007 Add to "Save As" item the option to save a table as PFD format
25 Nov 2007 Add station report "All Stations" generating feature
25 Nov 2007 Add station report "All On Monitors" selecting feature according to monitor "State" in the
Setup app
25 Nov 2007 Change Last Received report have new column: "Comm. State" + report time fixed +
sorted by Station ID/Name
28 Oct 2007 Change - some GIS changes
28 Oct 2007 Change - data statuses flags text taken from the DB table and corrected
28 Oct 2007 Add - alerts report filtering selection
28 Oct 2007 Add - excel import
28 Oct 2007 Add - logbook report filters
28 Oct 2007 Change - import module now supporting update/overwrite specific to imported file
content + validation dates blocking
28 Oct 2007 Add - print preview for report graphs
28 Oct 2007 Add – OptionsGeneral Sort Stations By: Id/Name
28 Oct 2007 Add - wind/pollution rose partial time filter
28 Oct 2007 Add - wind polar report sectors selection
1 Aug 2007 Change - "Reset" button taken out of the Validation Settings dialog.
1 Aug 2007 Change - dynamic tabular window position and size saving manually only by right
context menu.
1 Aug 2007 Add - Edit Validation module (Edit->Edit Validation).
1 Aug 2007 Add - displayed statuses in reports taken from the DB table: TB_DATA_STATUS.
1 Aug 2007 Add - (OptionsCalc Avg.) round type.
1 Aug 2007 Add (OptionsVisualsMisc.) enable/disable dialog effects.
1 Aug 2007 Add sort all station lists by ABC order.
1 Aug 2007 Add station report special status selected filter report.
1 Aug 2007 Add taken data from RAW tables select (station, multi-station, group, and matrix).
1 Aug 2007 Add display value results with status flags initials. (Station, multi-station, group, matrix).
1 Aug 2007 Add missed data report with selected status flags.
1 Aug 2007 Add station report status-criteria.
1 Aug 2007 Add station report status-results.
1 Aug 2007 Add matrix run. AVG. forward.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 15 Jan 2014

1 Aug 2007 Add matrix multi reports for "Hour Of Day" +"Yearly" types.
13 Jun 2007 New: main window image setting from the "Options" screen in the "Tools" menu.
13 Jun 2007 Graph Shift and Alt interaction keys switched.
13 Jun 2007 FileImportImport File
Added - ESC_8816 import format.
13 Jun 2007 Added - Run Avg. Forward + above/below buttons to Events report.
12 Jun 2007 Histogram report graph default change to 3D.
12 Jun 2007 Last received 2 more data fields added.
30 May 2007 Add "Report Designer View" option to the "Tools" menu.
30 May 2007 DynamicLast Received
Left alignment of the "Station Name" column.
30 May 2007 DynamicLast Received
Red coloring of un-updated values
30 May 2007 DynamicDynamic TabularRight Mouse Click
Add menu context that let you see relevant
reports of related items in the tabular.
30 May 2007 FileImportImport File
Adding 2 import formats: AIST, Re-Engineered AIRS.
30 Apr 2007 Added to "GIS Setup" option in "Tools" menu the "Web Display" checkbox.
12 Apr 2007 Added to "Annual" report the sections: "Annual Events", "O3 Report" and "CO Reports"
11 Apr 2007 Added "Events" report to "Reports" menu.
4 Apr 2007 Added "Multi-Station" report to "Reports" menu.
4 Apr 2007 Added "Power Off" report to "Operational" menu.
1 Apr 2007 Added "Digital IO" (Digital Input) report to "Operational" menu.
21 Mar 2007 Added "Digital Monitor" report to "Operational" menu
21 Mar 2007 Added "2Y/XY" report to the "Reports" menu.
15 Mar 2007 To "General" tab in the "Options" sub-menu (in "Tools" menu) added "Export Hasp
Update Info" button.
7 Mar 2007 "Diagnostic" report was added to "Operational" menu.
5 Mar 2007 "Import" option was added to the "File" menu.
26 Feb 2007 The name of the program was changed to "Envista ARM"
6 Feb 2007 Added "Smart Update" tab into Help menu.
6 Feb 2007 Added "Smart Update" option to "General" tab in Options application (from Tools sub-
5 Feb 2007 Added 2 buttons to "Dynamic Map" toolbar (from Dynamic menu): "View Map Data" and
"View Meteorological Flags".
25 Jan 2007 Added GIS environment to the program in 2 applications:
 GIS Setup was added to Tools sub-menu.
 Dynamic Map was added to Dynamic menu.
21 Jan 2007 Added Information sub-menu included Station Information
18 Jan 2007 Added buttons to the toolbars for Open, User Login, Connect To Database.
18 Jan 2007 The button for Group Report in the toolbar was changed.
18 Jan 2007 Calc Average was added to Edit sub-menu.
18 Jan 2007 The Add Log Book and Log Book Report were combined under the Log Book tab, in the
Operational sub-menu.
18 Jan 2007 Copy Data was added to the Edit sub-menu (Available for editors and supervisors only)
16 Jan 2007 The Enview2000 ARM Version 7 released.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 16 Jan 2014

Chapter 1 - Introduction
This manual provides information about the Envista Air Resources Manager, which is part of
Envista environmental monitoring suite of software programs. All programs work in conjunction
with a system database implemented in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or Oracle10g.
The current program is based on ".Net Framework 2.0" technology and thus, the function of the
data base analysis and reporting are much more useful then the latest versions of Enview2000
Ver. 6 (the "Software Manager").

Four software programs are included in Envista. These are:

 Envista Air Resources Manager - a Windows Vista/XP Pro./Windows 7 Smart

Client/Server application for supervisory control, management analysis and reporting of
data from environmental, meteorological and hydrological Envista ARMs.
 Envista ARM Setup (Envista ARM Setup) - a Windows XP/2003/2007 client-server
application for used to create the required tables and other required database objects.
Setup is the graphical user interface used to define the monitoring station network
configurations including stations, monitors, communications etc. Setup is also used to
create and populate additional database objects that support numerous optional Envista
ARM applications.
 CommCenter - a Windows Vista/XP/2003/2007 client-server application for
communications and data collection. CommCenter connects to remote monitoring
locations using various telephony media. It also supports TCP/IP communications over a
LAN/WAN or Internet.
 Envista DB Builder – Creation and build the Envista Data-Base.

This chapter provides an overview of the Envista ARM system. Chapter 2.1 of this manual
provides details on the installation of these core programs. Users must utilize the Setup program
to configure a Envista ARM before running any other core program or optional applications.
Additional chapters provide complete information for running reports and configuration of the
ARM program.

For further information about "CommCenter" and "Envista ARM Setup" software see the
separate Manuals.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 17 Jan 2014

Figure 1-1 – Envista ARM Overview

Envista ARM allows users to view, analyze, report and distribute environmental quality data and
information products across the full range of media. Envista runs under Windows Vista or XP. It
provides comprehensive access to information that has been collected by the communication
application (CommCenter) and stored in a SQL Server 2005 or Oracle10g database on a
Windows 2003 or Linux/Unix Server/workstation. Because the system data is stored in open
database architecture, system users can access the data and create information products with a
wide variety of commercial and customer developed applications.

1.1 Main Software Features

 Microsoft Windows Vista/XP/7 OS.
 .Net Framework 3.5
 Smart Client/Server, 32/64 bit application.
 SQL Server 2000/2005/2008 or Oracle9i/10g database.
 Local and wide area networking support.
 Open system architecture.
 Multi-lingual design.
 Multi-document interface.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 18 Jan 2014

 Completely menu-driven.
 Collects data from remote stations at scheduled times or upon request.
 Manages up to unlimited remote stations.
 Dynamic displays
 Automatic data backups
 Data analysis and reporting
 Dynamic GIS/Map integration
 Ad-Hoc custom reports

1.2 Dynamic Displays

Envista ARM offers a variety of dynamic displays to support easy observation of system status and
monitored values. The following dynamic displays are available:

 Dynamic Tabular: Display current data for one or more stations.

 Last Received: Date/Time of last data and calibration received from each station
 Dynamic Map: Multi-location current data for a single parameter plus wind flags presented on a
network area map.

Figure 1-2 Dynamic Displays

1.3 Reports
Many different reports are included with Envista ARM. These include both text and graphical
reports. The following are some of the reports that are available:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 19 Jan 2014

 Station Report –Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Periodic tabular and graphic reports for
selected monitors from selected station.
 Group – Reflects group of monitors related to one/more stations as configured.
 Monthly Matrix - Monthly Summary by Hour and by Day.
 Wind Report – Tabular and graphic reports related to wind (direction and speed) and
selected pollutant in several forms.
 Histogram - Frequency distribution.
 Index Report – Show indexes of the pollution.
 Annual Reports – For yearly reports.
 Edit History Reports – Tabular reflecting the changes in the data.
 Validation Report – Validations for stations and monitors (if were any) during selected

Figure 1-3 Daily Station Report - Text

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 20 Jan 2014

Figure 1-4 Daily Station Report - Graphical

Each report is highly configurable. For example in the Station Report the user can select the
following items:

 Averaging for 1 min, 2min, 5 min, 6 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30min, 1hr, 3hr, 6hr, 8hr,
12hr, or 24hr.
 Monitors included
 Table or graphical format.
 Filter criteria to restrict report output.

1.4 Operational
The following Operational reports are available:

 Calibration – 3 kinds of calibration reports.

 Status - Status information per selected monitors and stations.
 Alerts - List of the alerts over selected period.
 Communication – Report reflect the communications errors that has occurred during
the selected period in the selected stations.
 Missing Data – Report that reflects the times that there was no data in the station.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 21 Jan 2014

 Log Book – Let you, as a technician to produce a log report that will reflect in the "Log
Book Report" application.

Figure 1-5 Examples for Operational Reports

1.5 Ad-Hoc Report Designer

By using the Ad-Hoc Reporter Designer the client software report features can be customized
and enhanced to meet specific application requirements and match workplace operations.
Examples are locale specific reports like Daily, Monthly up to complete Annual Report.

Details of these features are not covered in this manual. See the appropriate user guide.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 22 Jan 2014

Figure 1-6 Examples of Ad-Hoc Report Designer working desk.

1.6 Minimum Client Workstation Requirements

Hardware requirements

 IBM PC compatible with a PV 2.8 GHz or compatible AMD microprocessor.

 1024 MB or more of RAM memory.
 A hard drive with 12GB (or more) of available storage space.
 A SVGA graphics adapter and monitor (SVGA or higher recommended).

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 23 Jan 2014

 A modem (depends on application).

Third Party Software requirements

 MS-Windows XP Pro or Vista.

 Dot Net Framework 3.5 for XP Pro.
 Microsoft Office Professional is highly recommended (but not required).

Open AQM Software requirements

 Envista ARM Setup - the Envista ARM configuration program. This need not be
installed on all client workstations.
 Envista ARM (Air Resources Manager) – a data analysis and reporting program
 CommCenter – a communication server for data collection from field data loggers
and instruments as well as from other CommCenter instances. This need not be
installed on any client workstations if it will run from the server. It can be installed
on one workstation instead of the server.
 Send Alerts (optional) – an email server for transmission of system alerts to field,
QA and management personnel. This need not be installed on any client
workstations if it will run from the server. It can be installed on one workstation
instead of the server.
 Envista DB Builder – Creation and built the Envista Data-Base

1.7 Minimum Server Requirements

Hardware requirements

 A server with PV 2.8 GHz or higher microprocessor.

 2048 MB or more of RAM memory.
 A hard drive with 20 GB (or more) of available storage space.
 A SVGA graphics adapter and monitor
 A modem (depends on application).

Third Party Software requirements

 Windows 2003,2008,XP, 7, Vista Server.

 SQL Server 2005,2008 or Oracle 10g.
 Dot Net Framework 2.0,3.5

For small systems an XP Pro or Vista Pro machine can be used. SQL Server Express Edition
2005 can be used in small systems. This express version can be run on Windows 2003 Web
Edition, XP Vista, 7 and 8.

Envista ARM Software’s requirements:

 Envista ARM Setup - the Envista ARM configuration program.

 Envista ARM (Air Resources Manager) – a data analysis and reporting program
 CommCenter – a communication server for data collection from field data loggers and
instruments as well as from other CommCenter instances.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 24 Jan 2014

 Send Alerts (optional) – an email server for transmission of system alerts to field, QA and
management personnel.
 Envista DB Builder – Creation and built the Envista Data-Base

1.8 Typical System Architecture

Typical system architecture is shown below. It utilizes a server for the database, an application
server for CommCenter and public and intranet web sites, and workstations for other client
program access.
Many other arrangements are possible including:

 Operation on a single PC
 Redundant CommCenter installation with failover
 Multiple CommCenter installations for load sharing
 Tiered data collection utilizing Regional CommCenter installations that collect data locally
and then serve data to a single master CommCenter and database
 Redundant databases with automated failover

Here are some typical block diagram examples for Envista ARM system structure:

Figure 1-7 Regional/State System block diagram

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 25 Jan 2014

Figure 1-8 National Monitoring System using Envista – General Block Diagram

Figure 1-9 Envista National Air Quality Monitoring Network

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 26 Jan 2014

Chapter 2 - Getting Started
2.1 Installation
The Envista ARM Installation CD supplied by Envitech Ltd. supports installation of two program
Groups. These are:

1. Server Section

 Dot Net Framework 1.1 and 3.5 (included also version 2.0 and 3.0).
 SQL Server Express Edition 2005.
 SQL Server Express Edition 2005 Enterprise Manager Installation.
 Hasp HL License Manager Installation.
 Envista ARM Setup – the Envista ARM configuration program.
 Envista ARM (Air Resources Manager) – a data analysis and reporting program
 CommCenter Communication package.
 Send Alerts software package.

2. Client Section

 Dot Net Framework 3.5 (included also version 2.0 and 3.0).
 Envista ARM Setup – the Envista ARM configuration program.
 Envista ARM (Air Resources Manager) – a data analysis and reporting program.
 Hasp HL License Manager Installation.

Installation Steps

For detailed information about the installation, consult the separate documentation "Envista ARM
Setup" user's manual.

2.2 Troubleshooting
Typical Problem Resolution

Most problems with the system will automatically create a log with some indication of the
problem. The Windows 2003 Server operating system, SQL Server and the application
programs all can generate error messages and logs. Careful documentation of the error
will assist support personnel in resolving the issue.

Windows Server 2003 Logs

From Programs, Server Administration, Event Logs you can examine events that have
occurred in the Operating System and in Applications. Red events indicate a failure and
must be addressed to ensure reliable operations.

Failure to Collect Data Messages

If the system fails to collect data for the current period a modal message box will appear
on the display of the polling PC. A user can dismiss the display. No acknowledgement is
required. Typical reasons for failure to collect data are

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 27 Jan 2014

 The information source device is off-line
 The station mode is off or hung up.
 The telephone line is bad.
 The polling PC modem is hung
 CommCenter program has been closed.
 The data base connection has been interrupted.
 Server is not running or a fatal SQL error has occurred.

Problem – All data is not being collected

Check that SQL Server is running. Select Programs, SQL Server 2000/2005, SQL
Enterprise Manager. On the screen make sure the SQL Server icon displays a green light.
If not, right mouse click on the icon and select start. If the green light fails to come on you
need to review the NT Event Log for Applications looking for red SQL Server events. Also
review the SQL Server Log in Enterprise Manager. Contact your system administrator.

Review the CommCenter window on the polling PC desktop. It is running. If not, restart by it by
double clicking the desktop CommCenter Shortcut Icon. If the program is running normally check
the messages for indications of modem communications problems. If a particular site is the
problem attempt and On Demand poll of the data. If the modems, telephone line or data logger in
the field are suspect contact your system administrator.

2.3 Starting Envista ARM

When you want to use the Envista ARM you will need to double-click on the short-cut icon in your
desktop as shown in Figure 2-1:

Figure 2-1

The Envista ARM main window is a multi document area. Several other widows can appear
inside it and be arranged by dragging or using the menu item Window to arrange the various
windows. After double clicking on the Envista ARM Icon, the Envista ARM program will load as
seen in the figure below:

Figure 2-2

After few seconds the "Login" window will appear, letting the user to select his/her name from the
User Name combo box and type the relevant password, as was matched to him/her in the
Envista SetupPersonnel application (see separate manual "EnvistaARM setup"). Mark
"Remember Me" checkbox to remember these login details in this computer, so the login will be
automatically in the future (for this computer):

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 28 Jan 2014

Figure 2-3

After clicking <OK>, the main window will appear on the screen, as the following example reflects
,including the user name in the lowest part of the window:

Figure 2-3 The Opening Envista ARM Window

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 29 Jan 2014

Page intentionally blank

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 30 Jan 2014

Chapter 3 – Look & Feel
The program's Look & Feel GUI is changed to Office 2010 design. This involves the addition of a
Ribbon Bar instead of sub menu items. The ribbon bar can be hidden and will automatically
appear and disappears when the main menu item is selected. Item from the ribbon bar can also
be added to the Quick Access Tool Bar where a user will want to place small icons to access in 1
click the features used most often.
The screen of the Envista ARM is based on three fields:

 The Toolbars - On the top of the screen there is a set of toolbars.

 Windows Display Field - On the main filed of the screen, the dialog box of the current
act will appear, among the rest of the opening windows that may reflects the various
textual & graphical reports and on-line objects, maps and images. The window can be
ruled by the user and may be cascaded, horizontally or vertically tiled.
 The Lower Taskbar - On the bottom of the screen there is a lower task bar that reflects
some current parameters of the program, like date & time, user, database details, version
and option for Site Map – all in a label-button displaying.

Figure 3-1 Example for the 3 main fields on typical display of Envista ARM

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 31 Jan 2014

3.1 The Toolbars
There are 3 sets of toolbars displayed on the screen, each curved by a different color in the
following figure:

Figure 3-2 Example for the set of Toolbars

 The Quick Access Toolbar – Curved in red on the figure above and reflects by default
the Change View and Customize Quick Access Toolbar buttons. The user can add
specific buttons to the toolbar for convenience and quick access.
 The Menu Toolbar – Curved in blue on the figure above and reflects the menus of the
program. Clicking on a menu will display on the ribbon toolbar below its items – the labels
and icons that represents the utilities including in this menu.
One exception is the File menu that its items will be displayed vertically and will disappear
after a second clicking.
 The Ribbon Toolbars – One of these toolbars (the "Report" toolbar) is curved in green on
the figure above. This toolbar reflects the various options related to each menu item, for
example: Select "Reports" from the ribbon toolbar and the menu toolbar buttons will
reflect the reports available like sites report, groups report, matrix reports, histogram
report and more. These toolbars are unique for each quick access.

The user can rule on the toolbars position and appearance, as will be detailed in the following

3.1.1 The Quick Access Toolbar

This toolbar including by default 2 buttons( ), as shown below in the table that reflects
each button's image (icon), tooltip (appear when you move your mouse on the button) and

Icon Tooltip Function

Change View Switch between graphic to grid (table) to presentation (you can press the
space bar key instead)
quick access
Click on the "Show Below the Ribbon" item in
order to move the quick access toolbar below the ribbon &menu toolbar,
and another click on the button will change this item in the context menu
to "Show Above the Ribbon".
The "Minimize the Ribbon" item makes the ribbon toolbar to disappear,
until the user will click on one of the menu toolbar items.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 32 Jan 2014

To add items from the Ribbon to the Quick Access Toolbar right click on the wished Ribbon Bar
Icon and select "Add to Quick Access Toolbar", as shown in the following example:

Figure 3-3 Add Sites Report Item to Quick Access Toolbar

The small "Sites Report" icon is then added to the Quick Access Toolbar:

Figure 3-4 Sites Report Icon Added to Quick Access Toolbar

Another way to arrange the toolbars is to right click while the mouse is above any of the toolbars.
The menu context that will appear is almost similar to the menu context that was exampled on

Figure 3-5 Menu context appear while the quick access toolbar is below the ribbon

You can also minimize the ribbon by click twice on the menu toolbar.
Here are three captures that exampled, step by step the effect of minimizing the ribbon:

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Figure 3-6 Step 1: Ribbon Minimized

Figure 3-7 Step 2: Ribbon Appears After Report Menu is Clicked

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Figure 3-8 Step 3: Ribbon Disappears When a Type of Report is Selected

3.1.2 The Menu & Ribbon Toolbar

The ribbon toolbar appearance ruled by the buttons of the menu toolbar, representing the utilities
available in the Envista ARM. Each button of the menu toolbar reveals another set of buttons- the
ribbon toolbar, as shown below in the example that reflects the ribbon toolbar related to the
button from the menu toolbar:

Figure 3-9 "Operational" Ribbon toolbar and the menu toolbar above

One exception is the toolbar that is displayed vertically while clicking on its label and
disappear after the next click:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 35 Jan 2014

Figure 3-10 "File" Commands Displayed Vertically

The following table reflects the menu toolbar buttons, their purpose and where you can find
related details in the manual (the "See Also" column):

Button Purpose See Also

File Including User, printing and further general utilities Chapter 4
Dynamic Including dynamic tables and displays, that updated online Chapter 5
Reports Including all the basic reports that related to acquitted data. Chapter 6
Operational Including further reports related mainly to analyzers, machines Chapter 7
and technical issues.
Information Display information tables about stations and monitors history Chapter 8
Edit Including edit options, in order to change, add or delete data (not Chapter 9
available for "Viewer" users).
Tools Specify database, import and export characteristics & Chapter 10
Setups Let you create the dynamic features: groups, dynamic tabular, Chapter 11
dynamic multi site, dynamic chart, dashboard and also ruling the
general options of the Envista ARM
Views Including arranging report window solutions. Chapter 3.2
Help Offers this manual in 'help' format and the "About" window Chapter 12

Note: The Edit button is shown only if the user is editor or administrator as was configured via
the Envista Setup program (see separate manual).

The new look & feel toolbars acts different when the Envista window become narrow. In case the

screen cannot display all the buttons, you will see a icon that represents a bunch of buttons
and text below that reflect its name. When you will click on this icon you will see all bunch
members. Example below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 36 Jan 2014

Figure 3-11

3.2 Windows Display (Views Menu)

On the main field of the screen the dialog boxes and windows reflecting the reports and the rest
of the displays is shown.
When you have two or more opened report windows, you can manually re-size and move them,
so that you can view all of them at once. However, it is easier to let Envista ARM to do it for you.
You can have Envista ARM cascade the windows, or line them up like cards in a stack, with just
the title bars showing. You can also have the program tile the windows. Tiling arranges the
windows edge-to-edge, so you can see the contents of each of them.
To rule the windows appearance on the screen, choose from the main menu. The ribbon
toolbar will look like the example on the following figure:

Figure 3-12

The following table describes the commands available in the "Views" menu:

Icon Command Function

Cascade Arranges the windows in a stack, so that they are over-lapped with
their title bar showing
Tile Horizontal Arrange windows in a Horizontal Tile form. All of them are shown.

Tile Vertical Arrange windows in a Vertical Tile form.

Close All Close all windows.

Change View Change the view of the selected window from table to chart or from
chart to table (Alternatively, you can click on the space bar to change

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 37 Jan 2014

When two or more report windows are open at the same time, only one document window can be
active. The active window will always stay on the screen, overlapping any other window that may
also be on the screen. If the active window is maximized on the screen, it completely hides the
other open windows behind it.
To switch between open reports windows, click on the report you want to be the active one. The
report window you select becomes the active one, its title bar becomes shaded, and the window
itself moves in front of all the other open report windows, over-lapping all of them. If it is
maximized, it completely hides the other open windows.


When clicking on the button, the "cascade" feature arranges the windows in a stack, so
they over-lap each other with their title bars showing. The active window is placed on top. The
cascade is handy when you want to see which documents are currently open. (It is easy to
"lose" a report, which is hidden behind other reports).
An example of cascaded windows is shown below:

Figure 3-13: Cascade mode


When you choose (Tile Horizontal) or (Tile Vertical), the tile feature arranges the
windows so that you can see all of them, making it easier to work with several documents at
once. The active window is placed first, and the others are tiled in the order that they were

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 38 Jan 2014

opened. Although the active window is always placed first, the order of which the others are
sized depends on the number of currently opened document windows.
Horizontal tiling appears like the screen exampled below:

Figure 3-14: Horizontal tiling mode

In case of selecting Vertical tiling, the Envista desktop will look like the screen shown in the
example below:

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Figure 3-15: Vertical tiling mode

If you have more than four open windows they may be too small to realistically work with until you
re-size them. You can also close some, and open additional ones and then cascade or tile the
windows again, as was shown in the example above.
The following capture is an example for tiling 5 windows:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 40 Jan 2014

Figure 3-16: Vertical tiling For 5 Windows

After you choose Cascade or Tile, you can switch between the windows quickly by clicking on
another tiled report to make it active. You can also re-size any or all of the document windows
manually, or minimize some.
You can maximize one window, though when you maximize one all the other windows become
hidden behind the active window.

Opened Windows List

At the right upper corner of the Envista screen there is a label: .

Click on the button to see a list of all active windows in the system.
Select the wished window you wish to display on top of the others and it will appears on the
screen, even if it is not the last window that was opened:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 41 Jan 2014

Figure 3-17

3.3 The Lower Taskbar

On the bottom of the screen there is a lower task bar that reflects some current parameters of the
program, like date & time, user, database details, version and option for Site Map – all in a label-
button displaying, as shown in the example below:

Figure 3-17 Example for Lower Taskbar Label-Buttons

The following table reflects the buttons, commands and their functions:

Label Command Function

Show Site Click to see "Site Map" of the program. From the site map you
Map can apply directly each utility from all the menus that appears
on this table:

Show server This is not a button. It only shows the server that hosts the

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 42 Jan 2014

name current data-base. In the current example the server name is
DB Details The label reflects the current data-base name.
Clicking on this label will display the DB Connection details
window (You can display it by clicking ToolsConnect):

Using this window you can change the database, as detailed on

Chapter 10.1.
User Name The label reflects the current user name.
Details Clicking on this label will display the user login window (you can
display it by clicking FileUser Login):

Using this window you can change the user, as detailed on

Chapter 4.3
Show version This is not a button. It only shows the Envista ARM version
Nr number.
Show Date & This is not a button. It only shows the current date and time.

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Page intentionally blank

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Chapter 4 - File
The menu is the only one that appears vertically on the screen while the other menus
appear on the background. It reflects general command which deals with the user, the printing
and further issues.
The following figure reflects the File menu:

Figure 4-1

The table below describes the commands available in the "Operational" menu:

Icon Command Function
Open File Let the user to load a file 4.1

User Login Lets you change the program user 4.3

Save As Lets you save a chart to selected image file or a table to 4.1
PDF format
Page Setup Lets you configure the page before printing 4.2.1

Print Preview Display the current report as it will be shown in a future 4.2.2
printed page/s
Print Print the current report 4.2.3

Print Mode Check this button in order to make the Page Setup and 4.2.1
Print Preview to appear in their simple display 4.2.2
Exit Click to exit the program (the program will be closed after 4.1
answering <Yes> to insuring message)

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 45 Jan 2014

4.1 General Commands
There are 3 general commands in the File menu:

1. Open File – Click for opening any external file for display on the screen.

2. Save As – Click File to save the current chart that appears on the screen to
selected folder or to save the current table to PDF format.
 Chart Saving – After selecting Save As a dialog box similar to the one shown below
will appear:

Figure 4-2

Select the directory in which to save the graph file and type the file name for the
graph you wish to save.
Use "Save as type" to choose the type of image file. The options are BMP,
WMF, Jpeg, gif, EMF, png.
Click "Save".

 Table Saving – After selecting Save As the table will be exported automatically to a
PDF file. From this point you can save or print the file. Example below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 46 Jan 2014

Figure 4-3

3. Exit – Click and the following message will appear:

Figure 4-4

Answer <Yes> to close the program.

4.2 Printing Reports

The File menu contains 3 commands that related to the printing of the reports: Page Setup, Print
Preview and Print.

4.2.1 Page Setup

In order to configure the page properties before printing, click File Page Setup and one of
the following 2 windows will appear:

In case the option from File menu is checked the display will be a
simple "Page Setup" windows, as shown below and let the user to select size, orientation
and margins of the page:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 47 Jan 2014

Figure 4-5 Page Setup display in case of is checked
If the option from File menu is applied, the "Customize Printing" display will
appear; reflecting few tabs, that clicking on each will present the relevant screen and
"Page Example" field beside.
In case there is a report appearing on the screen, table or graphic the Customize Printing page
will reflect in the "Page Example" field a preview presentation of this report. Otherwise, it will
reflect universal example of grid & graph.
At the bottom of the page there are buttons that let you refresh the preview according changes
that were made, apply on all printings, preview and print the page.

The following figure is an example for "Customize Printing" screen, reflecting graphic example for
2Y report and the presentation of tab (the default one) boxes:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 48 Jan 2014

Figure 4-6 General Page Setup display

All options use the same buttons and checkbox at the bottom of the screen. The
checkbox is meant for display example on the right wing of the screen (the "Page Example" field)
and the other buttons are meant for saving, printing and so on.
The following list contains generic information about the functions available from each tab:
1. - Select printer and printer settings. Select paper size & orientation and so on as
specified in the various boxes.
2. - Upload image logo and locate it on the page. Click on the button to
browse for the image from your server.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 49 Jan 2014

Figure 4-7

3. - Write, design and locate a header, topic to the report. First you have to enable
the appearance of the header (mark the checkbox) and then type the text into
"Text" textbox, select its color, font and add free text according to your needs. You can
also rules the location of the header and drawing a separator line between the header and
the chart:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 50 Jan 2014

Figure 4-8

4. - Rules the report's details (station name, time, monitors, time-base and more),
their location and style of appearance:

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Figure 4-9

5. - In case of grid determine the rows and columns dimensions and number. In
case of chart rules the border and align & locate it:

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Figure 4-10

6. - Like "Header" but related to the footer text.

7. - Let you creating printing templates that will be unique for specific report. In
order to create such a template configure the wished parameters from the six tabs that
were described in points 1-6 and click . The following message will appear:

Figure 4-11

Leave the default name for the template or replace the text for change its name and click
<OK>. The template will appear on the templates field, as shown in the following example:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 53 Jan 2014

Figure 4-12

As you can see from the figure above, you should select one of the printing templates. If
you will mark the checkbox you will be demand to select
template before printing.
8. - Let you select report and match it to the printing template that was created
in the previous point. Example is shown below for relating the "Without Logo" template
(after clicking on the button) to the "Histogram" report:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 54 Jan 2014

Figure 4-13

4.2.2 Print Preview

To display preview for a tabular or graphic data presentation, click File Print Preview and
one of the following 2 windows will appear:

In case the option from File menu is checked and printing templates
were configured and the from Page Setup utility is checked
(see Chapter 4.2.1) the following figure will appear, before the printing preview window
will be shown, letting you select the printing template for the current report:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 55 Jan 2014

Figure 4-14

The message above will not appear if the current report was related to specific template via the
Page Setup utility (see Chapter 4.2.1).
In case the option from File menu is applied a dialog box will be shown
from which you can view the report, as it will appear when printed:

Figure 4-15

As you can see from the figure above, there are some buttons available on the screen, located in
a toolbar at the head of the window.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 56 Jan 2014

The toolbar is divided into five groups; each can be separated from the other by dragging the
group with the icon in its left side. The figure below is an example from the toolbar in two rows
after the groups were separated:

Figure 4-16 The toolbar in two rows

Each button in the tool bar has a tool tip with a yellow background color.
The tool tip will appear when you move the mouse cursor onto the button. The user should
examine each button and tool tip to become familiar with these items.
The following table detailed each button from the toolbar (from left to right as was shown in the
default presentation), the command as shown in the tooltip and its function:

Icon Command Function

Open File Open another report file so you will be able to watch it in
the Preview Report format.
Save File Save the specific report (including the relevant numeric
values) as PDF or other format to selected folder.
Page Setup Let you change the page size, source, margins, and
orientation and print the page.
Print Let you select a printer and print the file.
Reflow Make a refresh for the screen.
Singe Page View Show on the screen each page separately.
Continuous View Show on the screen the pages one below the other in
continuous order.
Pages Facing View Show on the screen 2 pages one beside the other.
Pages Facing Show on the screen all pages one beside the other in
Continuous View continuous order.
Go To First Page Show the first page of the report on the screen.
Go To Previous Page Show the previous page in the report on the screen.
Go To Next Page Show the next page of the report on the screen.
Go To Last Page Show the last page of the report on the screen.
Previous View Show the previous page that was shown in the screen.
Page X of Y You can see which page is shown on the screen and how
many pages are in the report in the tab between the
and buttons. Example for this tab is in the left column of
this row. You can type any other number (from 1 to 3)
instead of "1" and this page will be shown on the screen.
Next View Show the next page that was shown on the screen before
the user went back.
Zoom In Tool / Zoom Click on the part and you will be able to select Zoom In
Out Tool Tool or Zoom out Tool. Drag the icon that will be shown as
a result of the clicking and click on the area that you want to

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 57 Jan 2014

enlarge/reduce while the selected point is the center of the
future screen.
The zoom (in % units) is seen in the tab between the
and icons as shown in the following example in the left
column of this row. Click on the button and a menu
context will open, let you select the zoom and other
presentation options.
Zoom Out Make zoom out to the report/ page that shown on the
screen. Every time you click on this button, the report is
seen smaller and smaller.
Zoom In Make zoom in to the report/ page that shown on the screen.
Every time you click on this button, the report is seen bigger
and bigger.
Hand Tool Let you "travel" on the screen by clicking on this icon and
then drag the mouse on the report page/s.
Text Select Tool Click on this icon and then select text from the report. Click
<CTRL>+C in order to copy the selected text and later, you
will be able to paste it, but not to the Preview Report
Find Text Click on this button and a special window will be opened,
letting you find words in the report.

4.2.3 Print

To print a graph or tabular first make sure that the report window is active. Then click FilePrint

The report will be printed automatically, according the printer and printing properties that were
configured via the "Page Setup" field.

4.3 User Login

Program Users are added using the "Envista ARM Setup" program (see separate manual for
further information) via "Personnel" dialog box and classified into 3 levels related to each station
by "Personnel" screen-tab.
The user's levels are specified below from the junior to the senior:

A user can be assigned to stations according to 4 levels:

1. Viewer - The viewer has only the right to view the reports, but not to view edits or making
changes in the configurations or data.
2. Operator - An operator does not have edit permissions but unlike most users can View
the Edit Table report ,Change a status to "OK" or "Invalid" and Change the state of alerts
from "open" to "close" and vice versa.
3. Preliminary Editor - Editor that has permission for almost all the activities in the Envista.
4. Final Editor - The highest level of permission, the administrator that has all permissions
in the Envista system.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 58 Jan 2014

Each user has specific permissions (like Edit database, making validations, and changing
parameters in the program or just watch them) and his\her own password, so there is a need to
change user after working on the program.
Within Envista ARM, the Program User’s profile controls also access to Groups. Groups, which
were created by the user, are those that will be available to that User. Groups created by other
Users will be unavailable.

Click to change the user and therefore, its permissions. The following window will appear:

Figure 4-17

 User Name – Select from this combo box the wished user name that was entered to the
database by the administrator using the Envista Setup program.
 Password – Click the allowed password for the specific user name you have just selected.
 Remember Me – If you will check this checkbox the current username will appear each
time you will running the Envista ARM, but anyway you will have to enter the password.
 Click <OK> when you are done.

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Chapter 5 - Dynamic
The Envista ARM offers several online data analysis and displaying features. These program
features are chained under the "Dynamic" menu. To access any of these features choose
from the menu toolbar. The ribbon toolbar will look like the example below:

Figure 5-1

The table below describes the commands available in the "Dynamic" menu:

Icon Command Function
Tabular Displays current site data in tabular format 5.1

Multi Showing dynamic multi stations table 5.8

Custom Configuration and viewing custom table that reflects online and 5.10
previous data from last received backwards
Dynamic Showing Real Time Graph display 5.6
Dashboard Showing dynamic dashboard display 5.7

Network Display station's place and basic information on regional and

Map state maps
Dynamic Display current station measurements along with GIS
Map parameters
Last Display the date and time for which data and calibrations were
Received last received for every station
Last Display further details about last calibration events in the
Calibration system
Alerts Display alerts items history and real time in a pop up window 5.4

Open Display all items that were configured to run at startup, like in -
Startup Dynamic Tabular Setup

5.1 Dynamic Tabular

For convenience, the user can configure Dynamic Tabular display each of which may display the
current values for a specific group of stations. The data are presented in a table with the Station
names down the left column and the Channel Names Across the top. Tabular display groups are
configured from "SetupsDynamic Tabular Setup" (see Chapter 11.2). The Displays that have

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 61 Jan 2014

been configured will appear in the "DynamicDynamic Tabular___" sub menu or appear after

clicking on the icon. If no displays have been defined, no tabular has been configured and
nothing will be shown in the sub menu.
When creating the Dynamic Tabular configurations there is an option to have the display appears
on program start. Multiple displays may be shown. If not automatically displayed, a Dynamic
Tabular can be easily added to the Desktop.
To display a dynamic tabular, choose "DynamicDynamic Tabular___" and the window of the
selected tabular as configured will be shown in the screen. An example of one of the tables is
shown in the figure below:

Figure 5-2

The first table's row "Sys" indicates the system (Central) date & time. System date should be
automatically updated by the Commcenter/FTP applications. Every 2nd refresh an inspection is
done to check if the Commcenter/FTP are still sending data. If they are not, a message will

The System Message box in the right lower field of the window is a counter that will count down
until the next update to the dynamic tabular (updates once per minute).

The window size and the size of the columns are all changeable by dragging on the window or
column borders.

As you can see from the figure above, some of the cells are colored by result states, that is
activated only for open alerts:

 ‘Comm State Off’

 ‘Invalid’
 ‘Alert’ - Reflects open non-warning alerts (from last 24 hours). Rounding alert will not be
colored at all.
 'Warning' – Reflects warning alerts
 ‘Time Exceeded’ – In order to configure a time, that values that are older than this time
will be considered ‘Time Exceeded’ click Setups Options General and select the time

(in minutes) from field (see also Chapter 11.4.1).

There is an option to select custom time exceeding check in SetupsDynamic Tabular
Setup (see Chapter 11.2).

The colors for these result states are configurable from Setups Options Visuals  Colors 
Dynamic Tabular (see Chapter 11.4.3).

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 62 Jan 2014

If you will right click on top of the tabular, you will notice a menu context that let you see relevant
reports of related items in the tabular, as the following example (that including legend) reflects:

Figure 5-2b

From the example above you can learn that if you will double click on a row, the current daily
report related to the selected station (row) will appear on the screen.
If you will click on each monitor in the menu context, the relevant report will appear on the screen
according to your choice. For example, if you will click the reports that will appear
are the current daily reports for each monitors that member in the selected group of monitors.
Click on the tab to save this window's dimensions and place.
The / option is meant to disappear/ appear the legend in that indicates the
colors for result states.
- This row means that you can see alert information window if you will
right click on this kind of data (that will be colored in red).
- Let you switch reflecting according to different time-bases.
- In case there is invalid data, select how to reflect it in the table: "Value" (like -
9999 that represents 'Do Data'), "Status" (default) or "Value Status".

5.2 Last Received

The Last Received dynamic displays the date and time of the last values and calibration received

from all stations. To view the "Last Received" dynamic table, choose Dynamic Received.
A box similar to the figure will appear reflects tabular with each station and its parameters as
appears on the table's columns:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 63 Jan 2014

Figure 5-3

All the Station Names are listed along with the date and time that data was last received from that
station. For stations that perform and record automatic calibrations, the last calibration received is
also shown.
The data displayed is always the most recent collected. If the values are in "On" state they will be
colored in blue, as was shown in Figure 5-3.
‘ON’ (Comm. State =ON) items that are older than ‘Time Exceeded’ (as was configured from

Setups Options General  will be colored according the

configuration from Setups Options Visuals  Colors  Dynamic Tabular (see Chapter
In order to see only Comm. State ‘ON’ items right click on the table and click on the

message that will appear . Figure 5-3b is an example for such

table (right click again and select in case you wish to see the
origin appearance of the table will be reflected):

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 64 Jan 2014

Figure 5-3b

Note: In order to exclude the "Time Base" column mark the checkbox in
SetupsOptionsGeneral field (see Chapter 11.4.1).

5.3 Dynamic Map

Dynamic Map offers you dynamic GIS map with all GIS characteristics (zoom in, zoom out, scale,
calc distance, labels etc), and with the help of this map you can get general and online
information (like basic reports, pollutants values etc) related to the pointed station from the map,
including meteorological flags.
The common use of the Dynamic Map presentation is to display current station measurements
along with GIS information.
The administrator will create Station layer indicating monitoring station location symbols.
Other layers desired for presentations should be obtained locally. Typical layers would show:
Highways and streets, Schools, hospitals, nursing homes, Geopolitical boundaries, Air Quality
Management, Area boundaries and Terrain.
These layers will be grouped into a folder that the administrator will place on the server.
The path to the "Layers" folder will be configured by the administrator by the "GIS Setup"
application (see Chapter 11.3), and from this folder the administrator will add and call names to
layers as need and also will be able to change each layer's properties.

In order to get into the GIS environment and work with the dynamic map select Dynamic
Dynamic Map, and the following window will appear, as the example on the following figure

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 65 Jan 2014

Figure 5-4 Dynamic Map Window before setting the map

5.3.1 The Dynamic Map Toolbar

As you can see from the example in Figure 5-4, a control panel is provided with tools to
manipulate all the GIS layers and objects.
The upper part of the Dynamic Map window is actually a toolbar, which meant for this application
If the window of the Dynamic Map is not wide enough to show all the buttons and combos, the
button will be presented in the right side of the toolbar. Clicking on this button will reveal the un-
seen buttons of the toolbar, as was shown in Figure 5-4.
The buttons (each has its own tooltip) from left to right, will function as described below in the
table. The table show details for each icon the command (name for the icon, as the tooltip
reflects), its function (what a click on each button will cause) and "See Also" column, that point on
the section\Chapter that you can read more details related to this button:

Icon Command Function See Also

Add New Layer Let you to add layer to the layers list, in addition to the 5.3.3
default layers, as were configured by the administrator before Fig
via "Tools GIS Setup". 5-6
Save map image Save GIS layers and objects to a file for future reload. -
as… The picture is saved as and format you will choose.
Print Print the map. -
Print Preview Display the map as will be printed. -
Back to Default Display only the Default layers, as were defined by the 5.3.3
Layers administrator via "Tools GIS Setup" (another layers After Fig
can be defined by any user by the "Open New Layer" 5-8
button). This could be useful, for example, when you
choose the region/border layer via the "GIS Setup"
utility, you could toggle it off and view the area without
View Grid Display the grid of latitude & longitude in degrees -
(include a letter that indicates East, West, South or North

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 66 Jan 2014

relatively to the equator) on the map.
Remove Layer Click on the button and select one of the two options: 5.3.3 After
Remove one layer (the one that you will click on its Fig 5-8
name and will have blue background) or remove all
layers that appear on the screen.
Move Layer Move the selected layer (the one that you will click on its 5.3.3 After
Down name and will have blue background) down to be the Fig 5-8
last layer.
Move Layer Up Move the selected layer (the one that you will click on its 5.3.3 After
name and will have blue background) up to be the first Fig 5-8
Simplify Map Decrease or increase shapes (of polygons) resolution, -
by selecting the % related to the default state from the
combo box.
Hide Menu Side Hide the left frame menu. -
Back to user Click to set the current map position as the default start 5.3.5
default map size position, In subsequent GIS startups the display will load Before
at the same position. Fig 5-14
Central Map Move the map back to the center of the screen. -
Pan Moving Map on Screen - Drag the hand symbol to pan Arrows
left, right, up, down. keys
Zoom IN Click on the map area to view less area. "+" Key/
roller up
Zoom Out Click on the map area to view more area. "-" Key/
View Shapes Click on the button and mark one of the two options -
Label (or none of them): Show Labels – All the labels will be
shown on the map, or Auto (By Zoom) – Only labels that
not hide each other will be shown on the map. You can
also uncheck both and no labels will be shown.
Custom Map Select and then mouse to zoom in to the area included -
Zoom in the rectangle defined by the drag.
Calc Distance Click on the map twice to get distance between two -
View Map Data Superimpose current station values at up to four 5.3.9
positions around the station symbol, in case the zoom is
large enough to distinguish between adjacent stations.
View Display Meteorological flags related to the stations that 5.3.10
Meteorological appear on the screen, in case the zoom is large enough
Flags to distinguish between adjacent stations.
Clear Clear results from the map. -
Save as default Creating a default map, by saving the current state as -
map size the default presentation.
Display Station Click on it to display stations names on the map. Click -
Name again to remove stations names from the map

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 67 Jan 2014

Display last Click to display last update time of the system at the -
update time head of the map. Ex:
Reports Combo After clicking on information icon, the combo will be 5.3.7
available for choosing a report that will be shown after
clicking on the station.
Monitors Combo After selecting the "Pollutant" report (from the Reports 5.3.7
combo) this combo will be available for choosing a
pollutant that it's report will be shown after clicking on
the wished station.

5.3.2 GIS Map

After configuring the layers (by the administrator) the layers that create the map will be presented
on the right side of the screen, when GIS Map tab is chosen as shown in the example on Figure
As you can see from the example below (and from Figure 5-4 too, although there was not any
map shown there), beside the map itself, there are three more images related to the map (in the
same frame). You can enable\disable any of the three images above (see Chapter 5.3.5). The
three images are:

 Pan – The four arrows that lay in the left upper corner of the frame let you moving the
map on the screen up, down, left and right (click on the wished arrow).
 Zoom Pan – The gauge below the pan let you make zoom in and zoom out for the map by
clicking on the / icons (zoom in/zoom out), or dragging the needle up/down
(zoom in/zoom out).
 Zoom Scale – The image in the right down corner of the frame is the zoom scale and
presents a horizontal range and the actual distance that it's represents in kilometers and
in miles. At the example on Figure 5-5, the range in the map (a few centimeters)
represents 700 kilometers and a little bit low range represents 400 miles in the reality.

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Figure 5-5 Example for Network Map – Default Size

You can see the map in many variations, and implement each of the command that were shown
in Chapter 5.3.1, and change colors, size and fonts and layers (see Chapter 5.3.3). The following
Chapters will demonstrates some of these variations and more.

The Map Toolbar

If you will make a right click with your mouse, when it is on the map, you will see the following
toolbar menu that let you implement some toolbar buttons (as were detailed in Chapter 5.3.1) and
two more buttons that not appear in the main toolbar:

Figure 5-6 The Map Toolbar

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The toolbar items that not appear in the main toolbar are:
 - Click on this tab and the following figure will appear, let you set up some
properties (style and colors) related to the map background:

Figure 5-7
 - Click here to refresh map performance and data, beside the automatic
refresh that occur every X minutes (as was selected via GIS Setup).
 - Select if you want to same map as XML, Image or Binary format.

5.3.3 The Layers & Search Tab

In the left side of the screen, there is a frame with three tabs. The frame may become wider or
thinner if you will drag it's right margins. You can also save a default wide for this frame by
making a right click on top of the margins and click on the tab that will
The first tab in the left frame called Layers, and it is the default presentation, as was shown in
Figure 5-5. The upper window is "Layers" option, and the lower frame represents the "Search"
The Layers tab reflects the layers that available for participate in the dynamic map.
The default layers have been configured by the administrator (see Chapter 11.3), but you can
add or remove or change layers properties as a user, but only temporarily; when the Dynamic
Map window will be closed, the changes that you have made will be lost and only the default
layers (with their properties as was configured) will remain.
The Layers tab reflects the default tabs and the added layers.
The checked layers ( ) are the layers that will be seen in the dynamic map, you can uncheck
layer that you do not want to include in the map.
There is a meaning for the order of the layers: the last layer that appears on the Layers frame
(the layer that in the bottom, "Stations" in the example on Figure 5-5) can hide the "former" layer,
the layers that appear above it ("Regions" in the example on Figure 5-5 that itself hide the "Cities"
You can change this order, and handle the layers appearance by a few applications:
 Add New Layer – Click on the button and a window will appear, letting you to browse
for the folder that contains the relevant file that is actually the layer, as shown in Figure 5-

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Figure 5-8 Example for window appearing after click on Add New Layer button

After selecting and opening the file the following window will appear, let you to determine
properties for this new layer, like name, colors, fonts etc.
Figure 5-10 is an example for adding new layer, called "Layer 3" (default before the user
replaces its name). The new layer is also appears in the Layers frame (rounded by red
curved rectangular).
 Remove Layer –Click on the button beside the icon and select one of the two
options: Remove one layer (the one that you will click on its name and will have blue
background) or remove all layers that appears on the Layers frame.
 Move Layer Down – Mark a layer in your mouse and click on the button. The layer
will "go down" one-step.
 Move Layer Up – Mark a layer and click . The layer will "go up" one-step.
 Back to Default Layers – Clicking on the button will remove the layers that you
added, add the layers that you removed and change back the layers properties to their
default state, as was configured by the administrator in the "GIS Setup" application.

The Layers Toolbar

If you will make a right click with your mouse, when it is on a layer, you will see the following
toolbar menu that let you implement some toolbar buttons (as were detailed in Chapter 5.3.1) and
one more that not appear in the main toolbar:

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Figure 5-9

The toolbar item that not appears in the main toolbar is : Click on this tab and the
Object Properties window will appear, as shown in Figure 5-10.
This window will appear also when you will select "Change Properties" (as will be detailed in the
one of the next pages).

Figure 5-10 Object Properties of "Stations" Layer

The Object Properties window offers you to configure the next items:

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 Layer Name – Type into this tab the name you wish to call to the layer, or skip on this tab.
The default name (Layer #) will remain.
 Background - Select the Hatch Style of the background (like zigzag, wave, cross etc) from
the combo box, select the color of the background from the Back Color tab, and select the
Gradient Type from the relevant combo box.
 Border – Select the Border Width from the combo box, and select the color of the text
from the Text Color tab.
 Text – Select the Text Size from the combo box, and select the color of the border from
the Border Color tab.
 Type – From Category combo box select point, polygon or line and from Point Size combo
select the size of the point that will indicate the items in the layer.
 Layer Fields – This frame contains 3 combo boxes, that the third is the necessary to
o ID Field is need to be configured in order the right items in the layers will be
presented. Select from the combo box, the whished ID Field as it shown in the
o Text and Tooltip combos are meant for the presentation of the items. Select of
these combos the way you wish to see the text beside the items and the tooltip: by
name, serial number, AIRS code, ID etc.
 Visibility Options – Let you decide if you want the layer to be zoom limited, invisible or
seen in any zoom rate:
o Zoom Base – Type the rates of the zoom you want to see the layer's item (From
Zoom, To Zoom) and the label (Label Visible From Zoom).
o Show Always – Check this option if you want to see the layer's items in any zoom.
o Hide Always – Check this option if you want the layer's item will not be seen in any
 Click on the button in order to implement the changes.

5.3.4 The Search Frame

The lower frame in the "Layers" tab represents the Search utility, and meant for searching text on
the map, as Figure 5-11 reflects:

Figure 5-11 The Search tab before configure

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In order to search for text follow the next steps:

 Type the text you want to search for in the first tab, "Enter Text for Search".
 Check "Exact Match" if you want searching for 100% the same text.
 Check "Fill Results" for coloring the items that will be found.
 Click on the tab in order to replace the background color for the searched item.

Figure 5-12 is an example for searching "New" text, while the rest tabs are the same as was
shown in Figure 5-11. After the Results window was filled in the topics, the user selected "New
Brunswick City" and the city appeared on the map frame, colored in red:

Figure 5-12 Searching for "New" and find "New Brunswick City"

5.3.5 The Options Tab

In the left side of the screen, there is a frame with five tabs.
The third called Options and the sub-screen it causes to present is shown in Figure 5-13.
There are three sub-frames in the Options screen (will be detailed in the next page):

 Zoom Configuration – Control the way the zoom buttons will act.
 Information Box Configurations – Deals with the Information labels options.
 Map Options – Control the default zoom and the pan.

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In order to change some of the properties that mentioned above, follow the next steps, but
remember that these changes will not be saved, and will disappear when you will close the
"Dynamic Map" window:

 Click on the tab. The picture that you will see in the left side of the screen, will be
much like the example in Figure 5-13:

Figure 5-13 Example for Options frame

o Uncheck the View Zoom Scale checkbox in order to remove the "Zoom Scale"
image (see Chapter 5.3.2).
o Uncheck the View Zoom Pan checkbox in order to remove the "Zoom Pan" image
(see Chapter 5.3.2).
o Uncheck the View Pan checkbox in order to remove the "View Pan" image (see
Chapter 5.3.2).
o The Zoom Step Value tab default is 20. Change it if you want to make the zoom
step (the rate of the zoom every time you click on the / buttons, or take the
needle up/down in the "Zoom Pan" image) lower or higher.
o Search Zoom tab handle the items that you will find by the "Search" tab (see
Chapter 5.3.4 and Figure 5-11) this value the zoom will be larger.

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o Map Zoom combo box let you select 100,150,200 as the default rate of zoom after
clicking on the button (set map to default size).
 In order to view information box, you need to check the
box, and move the mouse on top of the station's symbol on the
map. The information box ( a box with information about the item) related to the "selected"
station (or any other item) will appear, as shown in Figure 5-14:

Figure 5-14 Information Box Appearing

The next items will detail how to make changes related to the information box:
o Back Color tab is meant for changing the background of the box (gray in Figure 5-
14). Click on the tab in order to change the color.
o Text Color tab is meant for changing the text written in the box (blue in Figure 5-
14). Click on the tab in order to change the color.
o Type into the Text Size, Box Width and Box Height tabs the wished values.
Figure 5-15 is an example for different (from the default) information box:

Figure 5-15 Example for Changed Information Box

 - Type a point value that you want the map to reflect (type the X and Y values

in the "Point X" and "Point Y" tabs) and click on the button. The point you

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selected will be seen in the map in a yellow star and the coordinates, as shown in Figure

Figure 5-16

o View Flag at Zoom – Select from which zoom you will be able to see the meteorological
flags (see Chapter 5.3.10).
o View Map Data at zoom - Select from which zoom you will be able to see the map data
(see Chapter 5.3.9).
 - Map Grid Color is changeable. Click on the tab beside in order to
select a new color from the grid.
 Click on <Restore Default> to display the default configuration (see Figure 5-13).

5.3.6 The Legend Tab

In the left side of the screen, there is a frame with three tabs.
The third called Legend and the frame it causes to present is shown in Figure 5-16:
The screen, as will be shown below, is informative mostly, beside the Units Conversion frame let
you open each unit by click on the button, and see this units converted, as demonstrated in
Figure 5-18 related to m\s:

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Figure 5-18 the Legend Tab Screen

The screen, as shown above is informative mostly, beside the Units Conversion frame let you
open each unit by click on the button, and see this units converted, as demonstrated in Figure
5-18 related to m\s.

5.3.7 Producing Reports

The combo box includes some kinds of reports as shown in Figure 5-19:

Figure 5-19 Reports Combo Box

Daily, Weekly and Monthly will cause relevant station report appear on the screen, with daily,
weekly or monthly duration, backwards from today.
Station's status will color the stations symbol according their air quality index status.
Station Info will present information station of the station (see Chapter 8.1).
If you will select "POLLUTANTS" in the "Reports:" combo, the combo box, will be
available, as shown in Figure 5-20:

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Figure 5-20 Monitor Combo Box

Selecting one of the monitor will not produce any reports, but indicates on the map the name of
the selected monitor (and its current value) on each station that this monitor includes, as shown
in the next example:

Figure 5-21

5.3.8 Map Data Table

Map Data table (but different from the Map Data Labels that will detailed in Chapter 5.3.10), is
table that reflects four columns: The name of the layer (that the item is related to), the name of
the item, X coordinate and Y coordinate of each item.
The rows of the table are the items of the layer, for example if the layer is stations, each row will
reflect a station and the number of rows will be the number of stations.
The values are changeable, but not saved. If you will close the Dynamic Map window, it will
return the default configuration.
An example for part of the map data table for "Stations" layer is shown below in the next figure:

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Figure 5-22 Example for Map Data Table for "Stations" layer

5.3.9 Map Data Labels

Clicking on the Map Data button ( ) reflects visible labels on the map (but different from the
Map Data table that was detailed in Chapter 5.3.8).
The labels are four numbers, each on other side of the specific station (layer's item) that can
represent online pollutants or other monitors (like wind speed, wind direction, temperature) that
surround the station, according the configuration of the administrator.
In order to see the map data labels you have to zoom above number that you select from the
"Options" tab (see Chapter 5.3.5).
Then click on the icon (unless it is already clicked and then it will appear like this: ). Figure
5-23 is an example for map data labels (31, 32, 33, and 34 digits, before configuration) around
"Camden Lab" and "Camden-RRF" stations:

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Figure 5-23 Example of Map Data Labels

5.3.10 Meteorological Flags

Meteorological flags are images on the map that by their direction and shape reflects the wind
direction and wind speed online (last received) values for the presented station. The direction of
the flag is the direction of the wind, as was measured in the last round hour, while the speed of
the wind is shown generally (not accurate) by units, as was shown in the Legend Chapter (5.3.6)
in Figure 5-18. Wind speed is measured in m/s (meter/seconds) or Knots units. The flags can be
presented on each unit, according the units that each user work. A general meteorological flag
can be shown like this: .
Each horizontal line in the flag represent 5 knots if it is short ( ), or 10 knots if it is
long ( ). There is also presentation for 50 knots: .
According to this legend, the example flags appearing in Figure 5-24 below represent 4 different
wind speeds that may include combination between several symbols.
In order to see the flags you have to zoom above number that you select from the "Options" tab
(see Chapter 5.3.5).
Then click on the icon (unless it is already clicked and then it will appear on the screen like
this: ). Figure 5-24 is an example for meteorological flag presentation:

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Figure 5-24 Meteorological Flags

As you can see from the figure above, there are 4 flags. Let's take 2 flags for examples: The flag
that points to the north (Clarksboro) reflects 50+10+10=70 knots and the flag that points to the
south (Camden City) reflects 10+10+5=25 knots.

5.4 Dynamic Alerts

Use the Alerts button from the Dynamic menu to view a list of alert and warning events.
The alerts are divided to two: Alarm (that indicates red color background in the description field)
and warning.
An example for this window that appears first time after clicking on the Alerts tab is reflected in
Figure 5-25:

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Figure 5-25

By default, only Open alerts (the alerts from the last 24 hours) are displayed. If you want to show
the closed state alert items as well, click on the button.
Click on the button in order to minimize the Alerts Popup window to the lower
task bar of the screen. It will pop up every time a new alert will occur.
The alert is escorted by vocal alarm. Click to mute the alarm.
You can close alerts (if you have the right permission) by selecting their rows and make a right
click on the mouser and select "Close Selected Alarms".
If you will select a single row and make a right click, you will notice a tooltip that indicates the
alerts threshold values, for example:
If you will click on the alert's tab in the "Description" column ( for example) you
will see the following window, let you edit the remarks, close the alert (for users with Operator
permission or above) and see the item's details:

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Figure 5-25b

5.5 Network Map

Network map is a utility that displays state and regional maps that reflect the stations place (on
the map) and basic parameters: Air Quality Index last received values and more.
The maps and stations included in each region were configured via Setups  Network Map
Setup item. See Chapter 11.5 for configuration instructions.
In order to view a network map click "Dynamic Network Map" and the items, named after the
maps that were configured will reveal, as shown below:

Figure 5-26

Select a map and it will appear on the screen. If you will choose a state map (UK Map in the
example above) you will see the available regions on the map, as shown below:

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Figure 5-27

Click on a region and its map will appear (Exactly like you have selected it from the "Network
Map" item that was shown in Figure 5-26).
The following figure is an example for 'South East England' regional map that appear after
clicking on the point (Figure 5-27) or after selecting (Figure 5-26):

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Figure 5-28

Each station is indicated by red, yellow or green color point. The legend is shown in the left lower
In the example above you can see for example that "Hart Blackwater" station is categorized as
"Invalid" (which means, there is no valid data in this station's configured monitors) because it's
colored in yellow.
Move your mouse on the hot spot that represents the station and you will see online data (last
received values) as a tooltip, as shown in the example below:

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Figure 5-29

Click twice on the tooltip that displays the last received values and the data will appear as a table:

Figure 5-29b

If you want to see the air quality index for each station, select "Index" from the "Report" combo
box" and select the wished index (like "Canada", "USA EPA" and more) from the "Index" combo
box. Figure 5-30 is an example for such appearance for 'Northern Territory' region in Australia:

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Figure 5-30

5.6 Dynamic Chart

Dynamic chart is an option that included in the "Dynamic" menu and configured via Setups 
Dynamic Chart menu (see in Chapter 11.6). The chart that will be shown reflecting monitor(s)
from selected station(s) according ore-configuration and setup.

If you will click Dynamic  Dynamic Chart, all the chart items that has already configured
will appear beside the "Dynamic Chart" tab, as shown below:

Figure 5-31

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Clicking on the wish chart item will display the on- line chart as was configured. If you will right
click on the mouse in the chart itself you will be able to activate display of invalid data (

The following figure is an example for "Nosh Chart" that its configuration was demonstrated in
Chapter 11.6:

Figure 5-32

5.7 Dashboard
Dashboard is an option that included in the "Dynamic" menu and configured via Setups 
Dashboard menu (see in Chapter 11.7). The displayed dashboard reflecting gauges, chart,
images, labels, and further on-line displays reflecting the system data.

If you will click Dynamic  Dashboard from the main menu, all the dashboard items that
has already configured will appear beside the "Dashboard" tab, as shown below:

Figure 5-33

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Clicking on the wish dashboard item will display the on- line dashboard as was configured.
The following figure is an example for configured dashboard on-line screen, including 4 gauges,
label, images and a chart:

Figure 5-34

When you will move the mouse over the dashboard's items and make a right click, you will notice
a context menu that depends on the selected item. It can let you to display invalid data if is is a
chart, it can let you to display alerts if it is a gauge and more.

5.8 Dynamic Multi Station

In Chapter 5.1, the Dynamic Tabular option was described.
This utility is much more intelligent utility that let you to see not only table but graphic
presentation for last received data of selected monitors from the various stations during the last
day, week, month or year, including the option to highlight selected statuses.
Dynamic multi-station items are created via the SetupsDynamic Multi Station Setup (see
Chapter 11.8).

The topics of each display that have been configured will appear in the Dynamic Dynamic
Multi Station__ sub menu.
To display one of the dynamic multi station items, click on the wished items that appears from the
menu context that will be revealed. An example for such display is shown in the figure below:

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Figure 5-35

The example that appears above is outcome of the configuration that was example in Chapter
11.8. As you can see from the example above, the screen is divided to 2: a table and graph that
reflects the monitors' data that lay inside the period that was configured.
As you can see from the figure above, there are checkboxes beside each monitor's topic in the
table. The default is to include all monitors in the graph but if you wish to include only one or
more monitors, mark the checkboxes beside each wished monitor and the graph will be changed
and will show only checked monitors. See example in the following figure:

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Figure 5-35b

In case you wish the graph will reflect part of the period/ monitors you can select the wished
column or left click & move the mouse on the wished cells from the table so the graph will be
shown according to your selection, as shown in the example below. Pay attention that the x-Axis
(the time axis) will be scaled according to your selection:

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Figure 5-36

The Legend refers to highlighted cells in 4

colors in 4 cases:
1. 'Invalid' or any other status that was checked (see Chapter 11.8) in the dialog box while
the item was configured.
2. Alarm – Only in case you have marked the relevant checkbox (see Chapter 11.8).
3. Warning Alarm
4. Instantaneous Data – In case there is a data that was configured to reflect time base that
lower than 1 minute, the relevant cell will be colored in light blue and clicking on it will
reflect all the records that were collected during this period.

The legend or the chart can be disappeared and the window position & size can be saved by
making a right click on the mouse and select one of the following options from the menu context.
It contains also the option to show invalid data, status display that will appear:

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Figure 5-36a

Chart Properties

There is an option to rule Dynamic Multi Station chart properties. Make a right click on the graph
and the following figure will appear:

Figure 5-36b

This Chart Properties menu is different from the 'regular' chart properties screen that related to
the reports, and detailed in Chapter 6.1.1.
This menu is divided to 3:
The "Gallery / Data/ Axes" Field – Click on the "Gallery" label to design the graph and
select the type by the tab (as shown in the example above) or by the
tab, that let the user to design the type of graphs presentation, as shown in
the example on Figure 5-36c below.
The "Preview" Field – Appears at the lower left wing of the window.
The Field – The main filed that let you to select the
graph's type and present a large preview, as shown in the example on Figure 5-36d

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Figure 5-36c

Figure 5-36d

5.9 Last Calibration

In order to see last calibration event for each station, including specific calibration parameters'

values click Dynamic  Last Calibration and the following table will appear, as shown in the
next figure:

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Figure 5-37

If you will make a right click on the table a menu context will appear, including 3 options:

Figure 5-38

1. Clear Selected – In case you will click on a cell, its row will become red, so you can select
one or more rows in order to display last calibration graph/s for selected rows (see point 3
Graph Display). Click Clear Selected in order to cancel the selection of the rows. The red
background will disappear from the former selected rows as a result of this click.
2. Show 3 Point – Click on this item and 3 more columns will be added to the table, indicates
the data for the third point. The columns are: Span1 Ref., Span1 Value, Span1 Diff. and
Span1 STD. Another click on this label (that now appears as Hide 3 Points) will hide these
3. Graph Display – Move your mouse on this label and the menu context that will appear will
let you select which graph to display: 2 Points, 2 Points Summary, 3 Points or Multipoint.
In case you will click on the graph Display label itself, all 4 charts will appear. The graph/s
will reflect the recent data (last 24 hours) related to the rows that were selected (and
colored in red). See Point 1. The following figure is an example for such graph that
corresponds to the highlighted rows in the table:

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Figure 5-39
In case you will click on the toolbar button or press on the <Space> button, the graph will
replace to a table presentation.

5.10 Dynamic Custom Table

The Custom table is a powerful tool that makes the user to configure and display a dynamic table
that reflects online and historic data from current minute backwards from last received record.
The user can navigate between the dates to display previous data and can export, print and
select time period related to the table.
In order to display the Custom Dynamic Table, first you need to add and configure such item/s.

Click Dynamic  and the following window will appear:

Figure 5-40

Select from first combo box Site, from the second combo (that will appear after selecting the site)
choose the Channel and type the units.
In order to add further channels make a right click on your mouse and select Add New Item. New
column will appear as shown below:

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Figure 5-41

Click Save (from the context menu that appear after right click on the mouse) when you are done.
The following window will appear:

Figure 5-42

After clicking the item will be added to the Custom list and you will be able to click
DynamicCustom and clicking on this table's label to display it on the screen. Example below:

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Figure 5-43

You can add further columns to the table or edit other, export to PDF, Excel and change setup
Another major utility is Reference Date of Display:

These buttons & boxes that were relevant for station report are shown here too in the bottom of
the screen. It let you to navigate back and forward in the date.
The default is the date that was selected from the Date and Time field of the dialog box.

Click to display the graph that reflected earlier data. You can keep clicking to see early and
early charts.
Click to display the graph that reflected later data. You can keep clicking to see later and
later charts.
You can select from the combo box the exact date to display or click <Today> anytime to see
current data.

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Chapter 6 - Reports
To produce tabular and graphic reports for measurements choose "Reports" from the main menu.
The following figure reflecting the available types of report:

Figure 6-1 Reports Menu

Reports can present information for selected monitors in a station or a group of monitors from
multiple stations. Reports may present results for the monitors in the averaging periods in which
the data is stored or in block averages built from the stored values. The following table lists the
options available in the Reports menu:

Icon Command Function See Ch

Station Standard tabular and graphical reports for Station values.
Several report intervals are supported. Values reported 6.1
may be filtered.
Multi-Station The same as "Station Report", but for more than one
Matrix Table of values & statistics for the hours of a day/ days of
month 6.4
Summary Matrix Summary Report
Group Reflects a group of monitors related to one or more
stations as configured.
Histogram Frequency of occurrence for various ranges of a
monitor’s value
Index Performance of the indexes value for a station or several
stations 6.7
2Y/XY Reflects data for 2 monitors, by graphic presentation of 2
axes 6.8
Wind Tabular and graphic reports related to wind (direction and
speed) and selected pollutant in several forms.
Events Creating event (over value) report by scanning pre-
defined period
Parallel Creation of parallel analyses. (Comparing one year, etc.
against another)
Percentile Creation of data set statistics including percentile values
as a function of time
Annual Special Annual Reports: Average, Percentile, O3, CO,
Event, Quarterly, AQI and Exceedance reports 6.10
Component Monthly or yearly tabular report that reflected unique
statistic parameters of monitor's data
Interval Graph Report that shows time periods on intervals. (Summer Vs
Winter , Weekend Vs Weekdays)

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 101 Jan 2014

Daily Display daily report that contains combination of monitors
Combination from different stations that are not included in any other 6.14
Monthly Display monthly report that contains combination of
Combination monitors from different stations that are not included in 6.14
any other group
Yearly Display yearly report that contains combination of
Combination monitors from different stations that are not included in 6.14
any other group
Edit History Reports on the edits that have been made to raw station
Data data values and/or status
(Edit History) Alerts history report that allows users to view changes
Alerts State were done related to alerts 6.19
Edit History Reports on the calibration edits that have been made
Validation Report of intentioned validating of station as configured
in Validation Date application from Edit menu 6.12
Raw VS Edited Compare between the raw data and edited data for
selected monitor

6.1 Station Report

To create a station report, click on Reports Station .The Station Report dialog box will
appear, as shown below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 102 Jan 2014

Figure 6-2 Example of selecting textual Report

In order to configure a Station Report, follow these steps:

1. Select the desired station directly from combo box or by selecting from
and/or and/ or ( ) criterions combo boxes and then choose the
whished station from the relevant category. Another option: check in order to
include all the stations in the report.
You can select further criteria by clicking on the Advanced label. After clicking you will be
able to select stations with specific agency code, local and use or location settings:

Figure 6-2a

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 103 Jan 2014

2. Mark for all monitors or check any combination of individual monitors. Another
Option: check in order to include in the report all the monitors that were
configured as "On" in the Setup program.
3. Select the Option ( , or ). The Excel option exports the
report as an Excel Worksheet.
4. Select the of time that the report refers to: , , or
for other period of time that will be configured in the box.
5. Mobile Stations – In case the selected station is a mobile station (a mobile station
changing its location from time to time) the "Output" and "Duration" fields will be hided.
Instead of them, a new field called "Mobile Station" will appear, letting you select an
item that represents one of the locations & time according to the configuration in the
Envista ARM Setup related to the station.
These details will appear as a tooltip after you will move with your mouse on top of the
topic item.
You can hide the "Mobile Station" field by click on the button.
The following figure is an example for this field including a tool tip to "Mobile2" location
& time:

Figure 6-2b

6. Select from box, dates and time for start and stop the report, according to
the previous selection. If it's a daily, weekly or monthly report, you can select only the
Start Date. The other options will be light up when you select Periodic.
7. The right lower box reflects two tabs, each cause other items to be shown after clicking on
it. The first tab is , as shown in Figure 6-2. The following three steps refer to the
tab items.
8. Select as AVG, Running AVG, Max, Min, Running max, Running min and
Running Forward. In a mean report the values reported are the mean over the time base
 AVG =The averages values of the data polled in the requested period of time (as
selected in "Date and Time" frame) that shown for every X minutes\hours (as selected
in "Time Base" combo box).
 Running AVG = An average that takes into account also the previous data.
The Running average value is an average of all the previous records that were polled
during the last X minutes\hours in the database default time-base.
Select from "Time Base" combo box this X value.

Example: Checking "Running AVG" option and selecting "8 Hours" in the "Time Base"
combo box for 20.7.2006 will show in each cell on the table the average of all the

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 104 Jan 2014

averages that were taken in the previous 8 hours, which means from 16:00, 10.7.2006
to 00:00, 20.7.2006.
 Max = Maximum, the largest value for each day according to the X minutes\hours time
base which was selected in the "Time Base" combo box for the requested Date and
 Min = Minimum, the smallest value for each day according to the X minutes\hours
time base which was selected in the "Time Base" combo box for the requested Date
and Time.
 Running max = Running Maximum like in "Running AVG" option but refers not to
average values but to maximum values.
 Running min = Running Minimum like in "Running AVG " option but refers not to
average values but to minimum values.
 Running Forward = like in "Running AVG" option but refers not to average values but
to running 8 hour average calculating forward.
 Running Min Forward = like in “Running Forward” option but refers to minimum
 Running Max Forward = like in “Running Forward” option but refers to maximum
 Highest Values = Available only for a single monitor. Lets the user to set up X highest
value(from Highest Value Num box), type Standard Value, display only values that are
below standard (Show<Standard Value). The user must type standard value that only
values (up to X values) that are higher than it will be displayed. In case you wish to
show all X highest value regarding the standard value mark the Show<Standard Value
checkbox. Example below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 105 Jan 2014

Figure 6-2c

The following figure is 2 vertical windows reflecting the outcome of the dialog box that appears
above, tabular and graphical presentation:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 106 Jan 2014

Figure 6-2d

9. This value defines the database table to use as source data. When value is
empty, source data will be according the "Options" settings in the "Setup" program.
10. Select to be reflected in the report. Time bases that can be formed from the
station database data or time bases that will be calculated from the (if this
box is not empty) will be shown.
11. Mark the checkbox if you want the report will reflect data from RAW database
12. Mark the checkbox in order to produce an accumulate report for SUM AVG
monitor (this report related to a single monitor each time).
The report will reflect the original monitor in one column beside another column that will
reflect accumulated values for the selected monitor (named "Accum. <Monitor Name>").
The following example is such report in both presentations, the tabular and the graphic
side by side after vertical tiling of their windows:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 107 Jan 2014

Figure 6-2f
13. Mark the checkbox in order to display only the summary statistics part of the
report, like the last 8 rows (in light blue background) in the figure above.
14. Mark the checkbox in order the report will reflect the averages of the last X
minutes of among the 'Y' minutes, each 'Y' minutes. 'X 'is selected from the
combo box and 'Y' is selected from the combo box.
Figure 6-2f2 is an example for such report while = 3 hours, and =
30 minutes. The report reflects each 3 hours the average of the last 30 minutes among
this period of 3 hours:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 108 Jan 2014

Figure 6-2f2

15. Partial – This option is available only for Periodic duration and display only the data
between Start Time to Stop Time in each day. Example: suppose you wish to display
2011 data of NOX pollution in a station inside B.Z school, but only when the school is
open (8:00-13:00). In such case you will check the Partial checkbox, enter Start Date =
01-01-2011, Start Time= 08:00, Stop Date = 31-12-2011, Stop Time = 13:00.
16. Separate Monitors – Mark this checkbox in order to display each monitor's data in a
separate window.
17. The second tab in the right low box is , as shown in Figure 6-2g. The following step
refers to the tab items.

Figure 6-2g The Status tab Box from Station Report Screen
18. Mark checkbox in order to include all statuses available or mark in
order to enable the right table that lets you check the desired statuses to be reflected in
the report. In case of "Use Status Criteria" there is an option to make average calculation
for selected cells in the reports, by making right click on the table and select "Calc Avg."
item (see left window in the example below). A message will appear, asking you to select

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 109 Jan 2014

the wished cells for calculating their average. An example for the result is shown in the
right window below. The average itself appear on the upper left wing of the window:

Figure 6-2g2

19. Mark "Separate Status Columns" if you wish the tabular report will reflect in separate
columns beside the numeric value of data also the status for each data record.
20. The third tab in the right low box is , as reflected from the example on Figure 6-2c.
This tab is meant to add several criteria items by this method:
 Click on the button (in Figure 6-2h). A new row will appear on the field
with the first monitor of the station as default.
 Select monitor from the "Monitor" column.
 Select condition (like >, <, =, <=, and so on) from "Condition" column.
 Type value/s relevant to the condition from "Value" column, for example in
Figure 6-2h the first condition is meant: Display in the reports only rain records
that are bigger than 2.

Figure 6-2h

Note: You can select only one monitor for criteria report.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 110 Jan 2014

21. Choose and the results will appear as seen in the example that Figure 6-3

Figure 6-3 Example of Textual Report

Note: There is an option to hide columns from the tabular report by right clicking on the wished
column and select from the context menu that will appear . In case
you wish to re-display it, make a second right click on a column and the context menu will contain
also the item.

At the end of a station tabular report, there are few statistic parameters as was shown in Figure
6-3. The parameters are:

 Minimum - The minimum value of data in the specific period (day, week, month etc.).
 Min Date - The time (date and hour) that the minimum value was measured.
 Maximum - The maximum value of data in the specific period (day, week, month etc.).
 Max Date - The time (date and hour) that the minimum value was measured.
 Avg - The average of the values that was measured in the specific period (day, week,
month etc.).

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 111 Jan 2014

 Num - The number of valid records that was averaged during the specific period (day,
week, month etc.).
 Data [%] – The percent of valid data that was averaged (Num/the number of total possible
 STD – The standard deviation value.
In order to see the graphic presentation of the same report, click on the button from the
toolbar or press the <SPACE BAR>. Figure 6-4 is the graphic form of the tabular report as was
reflected in Figure 6-3:

Figure 6-4 Example of Graphic Report

Note: Left clicking on the chart will makes a vertical line (marker) indicate the specific X and Y
values of the clicked point on the graph, as shown in the following example (right click on the
mouse will open a context menu letting you to hide this marker):

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 112 Jan 2014

Figure 6-4b

22. "Add Features" – Click on the tab and the following options will be displayed:

Figure 6-4c

 "Show Monitor Ranges" – Display monitor ranges, as were configured via "Envista Setup"
application for each monitor in separate rows, as shown below:

Figure 6-4d

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 113 Jan 2014

 "Show Time Below Dates" – In case of Minimum /Maximum report you can choose to
display the time of max/min value below its date, as shown in the example below":

Figure 6-4e

Reference Date of Display –

In the bottom of station graphical report there are several boxes and buttons that let you to
navigate back and forward in the date.
The default is the date that was selected from the Date and Time field of the dialog box.

Click to display the graph that reflected earlier data. You can keep clicking to see early and
early charts.
Click to display the graph that reflected later data. You can keep clicking to see later and
later charts.
You can select from the combo box the exact date to display or click <Today> anytime to see
current data.

6.1.1 Chart Properties

Line graph is the default presentation but many other options exist. Right click the mouse
anywhere within the chart area will make a menu context with this option appear:

. Click inside and the Graph Properties dialog box including its
seven tabs will appear on the screen as shown in Figure 6-5.
At the left wing of the window, there is a frame that reflects the preview for specific curve
You can apply the changes you make on one chart to all the future charts by marking the
(see following figures) checkbox. Note: These changes will only affect the
common chart properties, Ex: Fonts, background, border style and so on).
Mark the checkbox (see Figure 6-5) in order to see the chart in 3 dimensions, and
define their characteristics in the tab (see Chapter 6.1.1).
The following Chapters deals with each property tab, its functions and examples for various
appearances for the graph.
The fist tab (the default tab) called and exampled on Figure 6-5, let you to select
the (line, bar, scatter, steps, area) in 2 and 3 dimensions for each curve, by
check/uncheck the checkbox. More utilities from this tab screen are curve's color (you

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 114 Jan 2014

can change it by click on its color symbol, like in Figure 6-5, and type the
into this text box (the default is 2 units).

Figure 6-5 Graph Properties Default Presentation (Type and Color)

As you can see from the figure above, each curve in the graph, that represents another monitor
appears on a table that including its name, color and "Visible" checkboxes.
In case you wish to disable presentation of monitor/s you can un-marked their "Visible"
checkboxes. There is an option to rename the "Monitor" cells (name of monitor & its units) beside
the possible color changing in the "Color" column.
Note: For 3-Dimensions charts, you can rotate the graph by left clicking the mouse and moving it
up& down and left & right.
Note 2: Scatter chart type has no 3-dimension appearance from itself. If you will choose to
present it in this performance it will display the Line 3-D presentation.
If you will click <CTRL> and at the same time left click on the mouse and moving it, you will be
able to scale the graph, like in the 2 dimensions chart (see Chapter 6.1.2).
Note 3: Other clicks on the chart type may change its presentation, like other symbols in the
scatter, dash lines for Line type and triangle bars in Bar type.

The Chart Tab

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 115 Jan 2014

Figure 6-6 Chart tab Presentation

The Chart tab, as was shown in Figure 6-6 let you handle the chart design properties like colors,
fonts, type, size etc…
Click on the tab and the following chart items will appear in the right wing of the Graph
Properties window, each with sign before its name, letting you click on in order to open and
reveal the sub items. Clicking on each item will make a relevant explanation row to appear below
(Ex: in Figure 6-6 the "Color" explanation row is:"Setting the chart's border color):
 3D – 3 dimensions characteristics (in case the checkbox that was shown in
Figure 6-5 is checked):
o 3D Depth – Setting a 3D chart depth (0 to 100) as a percentage of chart width.
Changing this attribute will not affect the preview chart.
o 3D Elevation - Setting a 3D chart degree (-45° to 45°) of inclination above the X-
axis. Changing this attribute will not affect the preview chart.
o 3D Rotation - Setting a 3D chart degree (-45° to 45°) of rotation. Changing this
attribute will not affect the preview chart.
o 3D Shading - Setting a 3D chart shading type. Changing this attribute will not
affect the preview chart.
o 3D Stylish - Setting a 3D stylish visual effect. Changing this attribute will not affect
the preview chart.
 Border – This item handle the frame border that wrapped the entire chart:
o Color – Select the color of this frame.
o Thickness – Select the width of this frame.
o Border Style – Click on this combo and select the style of the border like solid,
dashed, empty, double and more.
 Chart Properties – This item include 5 main sub-items that rules all the visual properties of
the chart:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 116 Jan 2014

o Font – Click on the sign in order to see the "Font" items and change the written
letters size, type and pattern.
o Chart Color – Select the color of chart (not the color of the curve!).
o Chart Color Shading – Shading effect of the chart color.
o Color Shading – Enable/ Disable shading effect.
o Background Color – Select the color of the graph's background (that surrounds the
chart and the axes).
o Series Thickness – Change the width of the curves in the graph.
o Chart Header – Type the wished header text (it will be reflected in the head of the
o Chart Footer – Type the wished footer text (it will be reflected in the bottom of the
o Boxed Chart – Select “True” in order to surround the chart (X & Y axes) in a
rectangular frame.
 Legend – Characteristics of the chart’s legend.
o Legend Visibility – Select “True” or “False”.
o Legend Position – Select “North”, “South”, “East” or “West”.
o Legend Orientation – Select “Auto”, “Vertical”, “Horizontal” etc…

The following figure reflected examples for four other types (3D enabled) of graphs refer to the
same report:

Figure 6-7 Examples for Different Charts Presentations

The Axis tabs

There are 3 Axis tabs: .( option is relevant for 2Y report only and
rules the properties of the second Y axis. For further information about 2Y report, see Chapter
6.8.1) .The items including in these tabs are common more or less, except some minor

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 117 Jan 2014

differences. Figure 6-8 is an example for presentation and the items that will be detailed
below the image are the items that including in the other 2 axis tabs as well:

Figure 6-8 Graph Properties Axis Y Presentation

 Axis Position – Select the position of the axis: if it is Y-axis, select west or east and if it is
X axis, select north or south. The north is the upper wing of the window.
 Font – Click on the sign in order to see the "Font" items and change the written letters
size, type and pattern.
 Fore Color – (This item is not appearing related to the tab) Select the color of the
 Label Alignment – set axes label position to the center, near or far (from the axis).
 Color – This item related to the tab only, and meant to give an option to select a
color for the Y2 axis.
 Maximum Value – Change the maximum value of the Y-axis (not available for
 Minimum Value – Change the minimum value of the Y-axis (not available for tab).
 Number Of Units – Change the number of units that divided the Y-axis (not available for
 Origin – Type the value of the axis that will be considered to be the origin, for example: If
you will type “20” for Y-axis, the horizontal axis will be reflected not on the y=0 line but on
the y=2- line. For X-Axis the origin will be scaled according to dates.
 Rotate – Set the angle of the axis label.
 Text – Type the content that will be reflected in the axis label.
 Thickness – Change the width of the axis itself.
 Tickers Direction – Select the direction of the tickers (the scales that reflected in the
middle of each unit on the axis): outside, inside, cross or none.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 118 Jan 2014

 Tooltip Text – type the text that will appear as tooltip each time the mouse will move on
top of the axis.
 Units Gap – Type the gap between two units on the Y-axis (not available for tab).
 Use Auto Min/Max – Use auto minimal and maximum values for the axis. Custom minimal
and maximal values will not be used.
 Use Auto Origin – Use auto origin values for the Axis.

The Tooltip Tab

The tab let you rule the tooltips characteristics. The tooltip in the chart screen is a text that
appears on the screen related to each specific curve and axis.
In order to configure these changes click on the tab, and the 2 sub-items rules on the
tooltip will appear, as shown below:

Figure 6-8b

 Action – Select if the tooltip will appear if the mouse will moving over the item (Mouse
Over) or after clicking on the item (Click).
 Enable – Enable or disable the appearance of the tooltip.

The Limits and Grids Tab

This tab let you to configure limit horizontal lines in selected places (on the Y-axis), colors and
Click on the tab and the following figure will appear, as shown below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 119 Jan 2014

Figure 6-8c

 Values – Type the value (in Y-axis) that you want the limit line will reflect.
 Description – Type into this tab the text that will appear as tooltip related to this line.
 Thickness – Type the width of the limit line. The default is 2 units.
 - Click on this button in order to change font of the limit's label.
 Position – Select the position of the limit line's label, related to the limit line.
 Offset – Select the number of units that will separate between the line to its label.
 Line Color – Click on the color tab in order to select the color of the line from a window
that will appear.
 Text Color – Click on the color tab in order to select the color of the text in the limit line's
 Enable Grid – Mark this checkbox in order to view the grid, according the position of the
"X" and "Y" gauges ( ), that are movable by the mouse.
 Click on the button and the limit line value will appear on the large frame. You
can add several lines for each graph.
 In order to apply changes in a limit line's characteristics, click on a line item, and the "Add"

button will become a button. Make the wished changes and click on this button.
 You can remove a line by click on its value from the large frame and click on the

 Click on the button. Figure 6-8d is an example for such configuration:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 120 Jan 2014

Figure 6-8d

6.1.2 Scale, Shift and Zoom Graph

You can control on the graphic presentation of the graphs in the "Envista ARM" program, and
make zoom in, shifting and scaling as detailed below:

 Zoom – When the graph is shown on the screen and your mouse is on top of it, click
<SHIFT> and at the same time, click on the mouse (left click).
You will notice a rectangular on the screen, that you can handle its area. When you will
leave your finger from the mouse only the area that you have marked with your click will be
shown in the graph that caused a zoom in for the area.
In order to go back to the original presentation of the graph, press on the <R> button.
Figure 6-9 is an example for a screen divided to 2 windows: the upper window is the original
daily graph of NOX, and reflects also the broken line rectangular that was created by the
user in order to make the zoom. The lower window reflects the same graph after zoom in,
which means the curve that was rounded in the broken rectangular (and was shown in the
upper window) is now bigger and sprawl the entire window:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 121 Jan 2014

Figure 6-9 Before and After "Zoom In" for the Section that Rounded in Broken Rectangular

 Scale – When the graph is shown on the screen and your mouse is on top of it, click on top
of the mouse wheel and at the same time, move the mouse up & down. You will notice that
when you move your mouse down, the graph scale become bigger (which means, you will
see the curve smaller and smaller), and when you move your mouse up, the scale of the
graph become smaller (which means you will see the curves bigger).
In order to go back to the original presentation of the graph, press on the <R> button.
Figure 6-10 is an example for a screen divided to 2 windows: the upper window is the
original daily graph of NOX, and the lower window reflects the same graph after scaling the
picture, so the curve is seen much more smaller because the axes reflects wider range of
time (in the X axis) and value (in the Y axis):

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 122 Jan 2014

Figure 6-10 Before and After Scaling

 Shift - When the graph is shown on the screen and your mouse is on top of it, click on the
mouse (left click) and at the same time, move your mouse left & right, up& down.
When you will move your mouse, you will actually shift the graph to the direction that your
mouse will be moved.
In order to go back to the original presentation of the graph, press on the <R> button.
Note: To shift according to date you can use the Reference Date of Display filed at the
bottom of the chart.
Figure 6-11 is an example for a screen divided to 2 windows: the upper window is the
original daily graph of NOX, and the lower window reflects the same graph after shifting the
curve to the left and a little bit to the right:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 123 Jan 2014

Figure 6-11 Before and After Shifting the curve to Down& Left

 Rotate the Third Axis – In 3-Dimensions presentation there is an option to rotate the
third axis (Z-axis) by clicking on the mouse and at the same time click on the <CTRL>
button and moving the mouse up& down, left & right , as shown in the example below,
while the lower window is reflecting the WD curve after the manipulation:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 124 Jan 2014

Figure 6-11a

6.1.3 Status Colors

For single monitor's presentation, if you will right click on the chart you will be able to select
beside the also option. It will reflect the curve's value in case of
valid statuses that are not _(OK). The curve will color each status in its relevant color, as were
configured via SetupsOptionsVisualsColorsStatus (see Chapter 11.4.3).
The following figure is an example for such presentation first tabular, than without checking the
"Status Colors" options and finally after checking this option:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 125 Jan 2014

Figure 6-11b Status Colors Implementation

6.1.4 Chart Menu Context

In case you will right click on your mouse while it is on a chart of station report you will notice the
following menu context:

Figure 6-11c

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 126 Jan 2014

This menu context including 3 items:

 Chart Properties – See Chapter 6.1.1.

 Horizontal Axis – Reverse the axes so the X-axis is now the vertical one, Example below:

Figure 6-11d

 Show Invalid Data – Click to view invalid values (like zero, span ,<sample and other
statuses that are nor "OK" and not "-9999") on a multiple monitors chart.

6.2 Multi-Station Report

This kind of report is the same as the previous one (the Station Report, as was detailed in
Chapter 6.1) with one difference: the Station Report was meant for one station, while the Multi-
Station report is meant for more than one station; it can include monitors from two or more
stations and even all the stations, according to the user's selection.
In order to produce Multi-station report, follow the next steps:

 Click ReportsMulti Station button from the main menu and the next figure will

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 127 Jan 2014

Figure 6-12

 The , and Organization ( ) combos are meant for categorized the

stations and reduce the options according to these common details. You can select from
these combos the wished items or skip on them, and leave the "All" option
 Check the desired stations and monitors from the stations-monitors frame (or mark the All
checkbox). If you want to check specific monitors from a specific station, click on the
sign beside the station name, and the list of the monitors will appear. If you will check the
station name without "open" this list, you will check all the monitors related to this selected
station. The number inside the tree (first row) indicates the number of selected monitors
("0" in the example on Figure 6-12).
 Select for including all monitors or check any combination of individual monitors or
to include all the monitors that are in ‘ON’ state.
 If you will click on the button, a tree of monitors will replace the station & monitors
tree, as shown in Figure 6-12b. Selecting a monitor from this tree will be selecting all the
same monitors from all the stations

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 128 Jan 2014

Figure 6-12b
Press the button for return to the first stations-monitors presentation.
 From the frame, select the plot of the report, , or .
 From the frame, select the period that the report will reflect: , ,
or .
 From frame, type the time (date& hour) that the report will begin to reflect
data and time for ending the report coverage.
 Select as AVG, Running AVG, Max, Min, Running max, Running min
,Running Forward, Running Max Forward and Running Min Forward.
 After selecting monitor(s), the From Time Base & To Time Base combo boxes will be
lightened, letting you choosing the wished time base. You can alternatively mark the
Station Time-base and the From Time-base combo will be enabled.
 Mark the combo box if you want statuses to be shown in the report.
 Mark the checkbox in order to display only the summary statistics part of the
report that will appear in the last 8 rows (in light blue background).
 Mark the checkbox and the lower part of the dialog box will be lightened.
Select "Above" or "Below" and type the value into the "Value" text box. The report will
display only the data that is higher or lower from the number that was typed into this
"Value" text box or will display all the records while the wished records are colored in
different color (depending on the checkbox).
Mark in order to display the tabular report in blocks of common monitors
(from common stations) in 5 columns: Date Time, Station, Monitor, Units, Value. In this
case the records that will appear on the report are only these that are lower/higher from
the "value".
The following figure reflects the 'regular' exceedance tabular report (the upper window
that including all data while the bigger than 1.0 records are colored in red) beside the
'display as blocks' presentation for the same report that reflects blocks for each monitor
that describes only the 'wished' (bigger than 1.0 in the example) records. In case there are
no such records it reflects "0" in "Total Events" row:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 129 Jan 2014

Figure 6-12c Exceedance (Higher than 1.0) with and without blocks displaying

Note: The 'regular' report (if is not checked) can reflect only the 'wished'
records if you will make double-click on the table. In addition, there will be a rows that
reflects the total events and time sum, as shown in the following example (another
double- click will return to the previous presentation):

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 130 Jan 2014

Figure 6-12d Exceedance report after double-click on the table
 Click and the report will be shown on the screen. The report itself is much
more like the station report, including all its utilities. The difference is that it reflects
several monitors that may be from several stations, while the "Station Report" was reflect
several monitors from the same station. In the graph, it is looking the same, and in the
tabular, you will see the name of the station above the name of the monitor.

6.3 Group Report

The Group analysis displays data from a defined group of monitors in a table or graphical time
platform. These monitors may be from one or more stations.
Before producing group report, you have to configure group(s), as detailed in Chapter 11.1, by
clicking on the "Groups Setup" tab in the "Tools" sub-menu.
To perform a "Group" analysis, follow the next steps:

 Choose ReportsGroup . A dialog box will appear as shown in the following figure:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 131 Jan 2014

Figure 6-13

 Mark from the box below the checkbox, the whished group, as was
configured, or mark this checkbox in order to produce report for each group. In the box
below ( ) the monitors from the checked group/s will be shown.
 Select the Option ( , or ). The Excel option exports the
report as an Excel Worksheet.
 Select the of time that the report refers to: , , or
for other period of time that will be configured in the box.
 Select from box, dates and time for start and stop the report, according to
the previous selection. If it's a daily, weekly or monthly report, you can select only the
Start Date. The other options will be light up when you select Periodic.
 Select as AVG, Running AVG, Max, Min, Running max, Running min
Running Forward, Running Min Forward and Running Max Forward. In a mean report the
values reported are the mean over the time base period.
 AVG =The averages values of the data polled in the requested period of time (as
selected in "Date and Time" frame) that shown for every X minutes\hours (as selected
in "Time Base" combo box).
 Running AVG = An average that takes into account also the previous data.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 132 Jan 2014

The Running average value is an average of all the previous records that were polled
during the last X minutes\hours in the database default time-base.
Select from "Time Base" combo box this X value.

Example: Checking "Running AVG" option and selecting "8 Hours" in the "Time Base"
combo box for 20.7.2006 will show in each cell on the table the average of all the
averages that were taken in the previous 8 hours, which means from 16:00, 10.7.2006
to 00:00, 20.7.2006.
 Max = Maximum, the largest value for each day according to the X minutes\hours time
base which was selected in the "Time Base" combo box for the requested Date and
 Min = Minimum, the smallest value for each day according to the X minutes\hours
time base which was selected in the "Time Base" combo box for the requested Date
and Time.
 Running max = Running Maximum like in "Running AVG" option but refers not to
average values but to maximum values.
 Running min = Running Minimum like in "Running AVG " option but refers not to
average values but to minimum values.
 Running Forward = like in "Running AVG" option but refers not to average values but
to running 8 hour average calculating forward.
 Select . Only time bases that can be formed from the station database data
will be shown. For example, a 6-minute option will not show if the data collected is 5-
minute averages.
 Mark the combo box if you want statuses to be shown in the report.

 Mark the combo box in order to reflect index report (as will be detailed in
Chapter 6.7) related to this group. The "Index Type" combo will be available to select the
relevant index type that will be reflected from the report.
 Mark the checkbox in order to display only the summary statistics part of the
report that will appear in the last 8 rows (in light blue background).
 Partial – This option is available only for Periodic duration and display only the data
between Start Time to Stop Time in each day. Example: suppose you wish to display
2011 data of NOX pollution group in stations inside schools, but only when the school is
open (8:00-13:00). In such case you will check the checkbox, enter Start Date =
01-01-2011, Start Time= 08:00, Stop Date = 31-12-2011, Stop Time = 13:00.
 - Mark the Show Avg checkbox in order to display an "Average" column that
is the arithmetic average of each row.
 - Marking this checkbox will display the raw data-base tables and not edited
 Choose and the results will appear on the screen in a tabular or graphic
form like the "Station Report" presentation, only it refers to a group of configured
monitors from several stations, and not for checked monitors from selected station,
like was in the "Station Report" application.

6.4 Matrix Report

The matrix report presents data of a single monitor for a period of month a matrix of cells, each
cell shows the specific value by date (the rows) and hour (the columns).

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 133 Jan 2014

To create a Matrix Report follow these steps:

 Select ReportsMatrix button. A dialog will appear, as shown in the example below:

Figure 6-14

 Select the desired station directly from combo box or by selecting from
and/or and/ or Organization ( ) criterions combo boxes and then choose the
whished station from the relevant category.
 Select for including all monitors or check any combination of individual monitors or
mark to include all the monitors that are in ‘ON’ state.
 Select the Option ( , or ). The Excel option exports the
report as an Excel Worksheet.
 Select the of time that the report refers to: , , or
for other period of time that will be configured in the box.
 Select from box, dates and time for start and stop the report, according to
the previous selection. If it is a daily, weekly or monthly report, you can select only the
Start Date. The other options will be light up when you select Periodic.
 Select from combo box one from the following options:
o Hour Of Day –This report will show a tabular: the rows are the days (according to
the duration that selected) and the columns are the hours (from 0 to 23) of the day.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 134 Jan 2014

Each cell represents the average value for the specific hour in the specific date.
Graphic presentation is also available reflects curves for minimum, maximum,
average and STD values, as shown in Figure 6-15 and Figure 6-16. Note: In case
several monitors selected each monitor's matrix will be displayed in a separate

Figure 6-15 Daily Matrix Report for Week Period and Radiation Channel – Tabular Form

Figure 6-16 Daily Matrix Report for Week Period Radiation Channel – Graphic Form

o Day Of Month – This report will show a tabular: the rows are the selected
monitors and the columns are the days of the selected month (from 1 to 31). Each
cell represents the average value for the specific monitor in the specific day.
Graphic presentation is also available reflects curves for minimum, maximum,
average and STD values, as shown in Figure 6-17 and Figure 6-18:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 135 Jan 2014

Figure 6-17 Day of Month Matrix Report for some channels – Tabular Form

Figure 6-18 Day of Month Matrix Report for some channels – Graphic Form

o Yearly - This report will show a tabular: the rows are the days of the month and
the columns are the month of the selected year (from 1 to 12). Each cell
represents the average value for the specific day in the specific month. Graphic
presentation is also available reflects curves for minimum value, maximum value ,
average and STD values, as shown in Figure 6-19 and Figure 6-20.
Note: In case several monitors selected each monitor's matrix will be
displayed in a separate window.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 136 Jan 2014

Figure 6-19 Yearly Matrix Report for Relative Humidity – Tabular form

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 137 Jan 2014

Figure 6-20 Yearly Matrix Report for Relative Humidity – Graphic form

 Summary – Display daily, weekly, monthly or periodic matrix (for each monitor in a single
window) by 2 columns, one for the value and the other for the status. The cells may be
colored according to the status. You can right click on the matrix to hide or show the
status columns. At the bottom of the screen there is a summary of some statistic
parameters and a checkbox which enable you to show or hide the status colors. When
selecting "Summary" the dialog box will include different combo boxes and checkboxes as
shown below:

Figure 6-20a Summary Report Type Unique Boxes

The "Summary" type combo box have 3 options:

 Final - the default option with extended statistics summary.
 Preliminary - basic statistics summary.
 Corrected - basic statistics summary with formatted values.

An example for "Summary" report is shown below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 138 Jan 2014

Figure 6-20b Ex for Summary Matrix Report with Status Columns & Colors Displayed

After covering the Report Type options, here are the rest of the boxes in the Matrix Report dialog

 Check the box in order to labeling of the 3,6,8,12 or 24 hour rolling

average with the beginning hour of the 3,6,8,12,24 hour rolling period rather that the
ending hour of the period. If you will check this option the "Time Base" combo box below
will be available for selecting 3,6,8,12 or 24 hours.
 Mark the checkbox for "Running Average Forward" average method. (This
checkbox will be lightened only if the checkbox is marked).
 Mark the checkbox in order to disappear the "status" items (the items that
are not categorized as 'Valid'). Otherwise, these values status will be shown as "No Data"
or "Invalid".
 Mark the checkbox in order the RAW tables from the database will be
reflected in the report.
 - Mark this checkbox in order to reflect edited data.
 This value defines the database table to use as source data. When value is
empty, source data will be according the "Options" settings in the "Setup" program. This
explanation will appear on the screen if you will click on the button.
 Select to be reflected in the report. Time bases that can be formed from the
station database data or time bases that will be calculated from the (if this
box is not empty) will be shown.
 The Status frame let you select which statuses will be included in the report:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 139 Jan 2014

Figure 6-20b

 The Exceedance frame allows entry of two levels of data that will be used to calculate the
number of values above/below that level. Click on the tab in order to see
this option items:

Figure 6-20c

 Selecting a single monitor than checking the "Use Exceedance Mark" checkbox will load
the Exceedance default values for that monitor from the database to the form, according
to the report type.
 Default DB values checkbox allows the user to automatically select default values from
the database.
 You can replace the default db values and type low and high values. The top box must
always hold the higher of the two “exceeding” values. The and tabs let
you select the way of the cells will be colored in the tabular matrix report:
o - The matrix report will show in red color the values that are >= the
entered. In green color, it will show the values that are bigger than the
and smaller then the ; and in white color, it will show the
values that are below the .
o - The matrix report will show in white color the values that are >= the
entered. In red color, it will show the values that are bigger than the
and smaller then the ; and in green color, it will show the
values that are below the .
 Use Underlines – Instead of colors the report will reflect the exceedances in underlines,
while bold underline replacing the red color and underline without bold replacing the
green color.

Figure 6-21 reflects two examples (in two windows) for using the exceedance option for "Hour of
Day" matrix report in relative humidity channel.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 140 Jan 2014

The upper channel reflecting Above state and the lower window – Below. The exceedance values
are 40% ( for dry air) and 80% ( for moist air).

Figure 6-21 Daily Matrix Report with Exceedance for the and Options

Note: The Exceedance tab for Summary matrix report is a little bit different. There is only Above
option and it refers to hourly value and daily mean value:

Figure 6-21a

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 141 Jan 2014

The following figure is the same example for relative humidity but for summary report with hourly
value of 80% and daily mean of 70%:

Figure 6-21b

 The Convert To field: Click to make conversion between the origin unit to
selected one. In the example below the units will be automatically converted to PPB:

Figure 6-21c

6.4.1 Summary Matrix Fast Report

You can display the same matrix report in simplified interface that requires minimal selection from

the user by clicking Reports (Summary). The following dialog box will appear:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 142 Jan 2014

Figure 6-21d

Note: This type of summary matrix don't ask the user to type exceedance values, so you must
configure these values for each monitor by EditEdit DatabasePollutants Factor table, as
shown in the next example:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 143 Jan 2014

Figure 6-21e

6.5 Wind Report

Wind report includes five different reports in one tab/button, selected by the Wind Report combo
box (see Figure 6-22 in the Type frame):

 Wind Rose – For details, see Chapter 6.5.1

 Wind Polar - For details, see Chapter 6.5.2
 Pollution Rose - For details, see Chapter 6.5.3
 Polar Time - For details, see Chapter 6.5.4
 Scatter - For details, see Chapter 6.5.5

In order to produce any kind of wind report, follow the next steps:

 Click ReportsWind . From Wind Report combo box select the wished wind report
type Example for "Wind Rose" dialog box below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 144 Jan 2014

Figure 6-22 Wind Report Dialog Window

 Select the desired station directly Station combo box or by selecting from Purpose and/or
Region and/or Organization (Owner) criterions combo boxes and then choose the
whished station from the relevant category.
 Select from the "Wind Direction" combo box, the monitor that reflect the wind direction.
 Select from the "Wind Speed" combo box, the monitor that reflect the wind speed.
 Type into the "Calm" (inside the tab) text tab the wind speed value that is
considered to be calm.
 Select from frame the plot of the report, "Tabular" for tabular presentation or
"Graph" for graphic presentation or "Excel" for exporting report to Excel.
 Select the of time that the report reflect "Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly", or "Periodic"
(for period of time that is not one of the above) .
 Select start &stop time (hour &date) that the report will reflect from frame.
 Select from the "Wind Report" combo box one of the five kinds of reports, as was detailed
above. According to this selection, the other tabs and combos will enable or disable.
Select or type in the lightened tabs & combos the items as will be specified related to
each report at the next five Chapters.
 This value defines the database table to use as source data. When value is
empty, source data will be according the "Options" settings in the "Setup" program.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 145 Jan 2014

 Select to be reflected in the report. Time bases that can be formed from the
station database data or time bases that will be calculated from the (if this
box is not empty) will be shown.
 - This is the default average. You can change it to "Average" or "Max"
only for Pollution Rose and Wind Rose.
 Check for period that includes only part time of the day (in daily report) or in the
first & last days in other reports. The & tabs will be available for
changes. Ex: For monthly partial report with "Start Time = 10:00 and "Stop Time" = 14:00
the report will reflect data for each day in the month, but only between 10:00 and 14:00.
 : This checkbox will be available only for "Periodic" duration and meant for
multi- year coverage. The report will cover data for each year, but only between the "Start
Date" and "Stop Date". If checkbox is marked as well the report will reflects data
for each year only between the start and stop dates and time. Figure 6-22b exampled a
'spring daytime' report, that will reflect the spring time (21 March to 21 June), and only in
daytime (7:00- 19:00) between the years 2003 to 2009:

Figure 6-22b

 Click "OK".

Note: In case the "Wind Direction" or "Wind Speed" monitors related to different station (there is
such option via the EnvistaARM Setup program  Wind Setup option), beside the "Station"
combo box there is a remark in different text color that mention the source station, as shown in
the following example:

6.5.1 Wind Rose Report

The Wind Rose graph displays the joint frequency distribution of the wind speed and wind
The three tabs & combos that will be lightened after selecting "Wind Rose" are:
 – Select from this combo the number of direction (of the wind) sectors.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 146 Jan 2014

 – Select from this combo the number of speed (of the wind) classes.
 – Type into this tab the highest value of the wind, as will reflected in the report
(the high wind sector will be "<high value").
The figure below is an example of tabular and graphic wind rose report (corresponds to the dialog
box that was shown in Figure 6-22) in the same screen:

Figure 6-23 Tabular & Graphic Wind Rose Report

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 147 Jan 2014

 - This type of average will display the averages of wind speed according to
each wind direction sector. Example (table and graph at the same screen tiling vertically)

Figure 6-24 Wind Rose Graphic & Tabular Report

 - This type of average will display the maximum values of wind speed according
to each wind direction sector. The display is similar to type of average that
was exampled above.

6.5.2 Wind Polar Report

This report reflects a polar plot of mean value or percent occurrence by direction.
The unique combos that will be lightened after selecting "Wind Polar" are
 - For selecting the pollutant that will be reflected in the report.
 - For selecting the number of direction-sectors as will appear on the report, as
shown in the following examples (weekly report for O3 in "1 Haam" station [8 sectors]):

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 148 Jan 2014

Figure 6-25 Example of tabular wind polar report with O3 pollutant monitor

Figure 6-26 Example of graphic wind polar report with O3 pollutant monitor

6.5.3 Pollution Rose Report

This report reflects joined pollution concentration & wind direction relative frequency analysis in
The five tabs & combos that will be lightened after selecting "Wind Rose" are:
 - Mark the checkbox and you will be able to select a station from the combo box
that the selected pollutant will be related to this station (useful for measuring the pollution
in station that caused by pollutant from adjacent area). If the checkbox is un-marked, the
pollution will be related to the current station as was selected from the combo box.
 - In case the pollutant is related to different station its time base may be
different. Select time base for this pollutant from this combo box.
 – Select from this combo box the number of direction (of the wind) classes.
 – Type into this tab the highest value of the pollution that cause from the
pollutant that will be selected in the next point.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 149 Jan 2014

 – Select from this combo box the pollutant that will be reflected in the report.
 – Select from this combo box the number of pollution ranges (from the pollutant
that will be selected) that will be reflected in the columns of the table.
 - This checkbox is marked as a default. Unchecked it in order to
define manually the classes range. After clicking the tab will be available:

Figure 6-26b

Type into each text tab the range of the relevant class.
Figure 6-27 is an example of pollution rose tabular report (the numbers in the cells are percents)
.Each column indicate the pollution range, according to the selected and defined
Figure 6-28 is the graphic presentation of the same example.

Figure 6-27 Pollution Rose tabular Report

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 150 Jan 2014

Figure 6-28 Pollution Rose Graphic Report

 - This type of average will display the averages of pollutant according to each
wind direction sector. Example (table and graph at the same screen tiling vertically)

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 151 Jan 2014

Figure 6-28b Pollution Rose Graphic & Tabular Report

 - This type of average will display the maximum values of the selected pollutant
according to each wind direction sector. The display is similar to type of
average that was exampled above.

6.5.4 Polar Time Report

Polar time report reflects the 'wind speed' and 'wind direction' monitors data in a polar form as
function of time. No special combos or tabs will be lightened after selecting this report. Figure 6-
29 is and Figure 6-30 are tabular & graphic Polar Time examples:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 152 Jan 2014

Figure 6-29 Polar Time Tabular Report

Figure 6-30 Polar Time Graphic Report

6.5.5 Scatter Report

The scatter report reflects in a polar form three monitors: wind direction, wind speed and selected
pollutant, which you should select from the combo box.
The following figures reflect the scatter tabular and graphic reports for NOX pollutant:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 153 Jan 2014

Figure 6-31 Scatter Tabular Report

Figure 6-32 Scatter Graphic Report

6.5.6 Graph Properties for Wind & Pollution Roses

You can rule the properties of graphic presentation of Pollution Rose or Wind Rose analyses by
right click and select one from 5 tabs that reflect group of characteristics.
The following figures reflect the Graph Properties window that will appear after clicking on each

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 154 Jan 2014

Figure 6-32b Background

Figure 6-32c Border

Figure 6-32d Label

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 155 Jan 2014

Figure 6-32e Legend

Figure 6-33f Limit Lines

Figure 6-33g Axis

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 156 Jan 2014

As you can see from the figures above, the user can rule the properties of the chart, from colors
to fonts, border, label, legend and adding limit lines.
In addition, the user can save chart configuration to memory and reload it even if the program is
shut down or apply to all charts in session (when this checkbox is checked the configuration will
only apply until the Envista will shut down).

6.6 Histogram Report

A histogram depicts the frequency of occurrence for various ranges of a monitor’s value. Each
vertical bar in the histogram represents a range class interval. The height represents the
corresponding frequency of occurrence for values in that range class. When configuring this
analysis bear in mind that low end class represents the percent of the values less than the
specified lowest class value. The high-end class contains the values that are greater than the
specified highest-class value.

To set up a "Histogram", click ReportsHistogram .A dialog box will appear as the

example below:

Figure 6-33 Histogram Report- Dialog Box

 Select the desired station directly from combo box or by selecting from
and/or and/or criterions combo boxes.
 Select from combo box the wished monitor.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 157 Jan 2014

 Select the Option (Excel, Graph or Tabular). The Excel option exports the report
as an Excel Worksheet.
 Select the of time that the report refers to: , , or
for other period of time that will be configured in the box.
 Select from box, dates &time for start &stop the report coverage. For
/ / report, you can select only the . The other options will
enable when select .
 Select from the combo box the time base. Only time intervals that can be
formed from the station database data will be shown.
 The left lower field reflects 2 tab-buttons: , each reflects
other boxes. By default the "Parameters" tab's boxes appear, letting you determine
the following parameters:
o Type into the tab the number of classes that will be
o Type into the tab the low range value that will be the
lower bound of the first class.
o Type into the tab the high range value that will be the
higher bound of the last class.
o If you will un-mark the checkbox the "Customized
Classes" appearance will be shown instead, letting you adjust each class
limit manually, as shown in the following example:

Figure 6-34 Customized Classes Field from the Histogram Report Dialog Box

 Click OK. A table/graph (as selected) will appear as reflected in the next figure that
show 2 forms (tabular& graphic) for the same example:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 158 Jan 2014

Figure 6-35 Histogram Tabular and Graphical Report

6.7 Index Report

The Air Quality Index is measure of air quality based on one or more pollutants. Different
jurisdictions have different calculation methods.
In the USA there are several air quality index calculation protocols. Envista support the U.S.A
EPA and the EPA Forecast protocols. The former is the formal AQI used for reporting. The
latter is used in the display of the AQI on web sites in real-time.
To produce an Index report, follow these steps:

 Click ReportsIndex . A dialog window will appear as shown in the following figure:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 159 Jan 2014

Figure 6-36 Index Report Dialog box

 Check the desired stations directly from the stations frame or by selecting from
and/or and/or criteria combo boxes. You can also check the checkbox
in order to select all the stations
 Select the Option (Excel, Graph or Tabular). The Excel option exports the report as
an Excel Worksheet.
 Select the of time the report refers to: , , or that will be
configured in the box.
 Select from box, dates &time for the start &stop of the report. For /
/ report, you can select only the . The other options will be enabled
only when you select .
 Select from combo the type of index.
 Select a Summary Type from the combo box. The summary information is included in a
report after the data table rows. The Types are described below:
Summary Type "None" - does not show any summary rows. The tabular
presentation is shown in Figure 1 and the graph in Figure 2. This report was
requested for two stations (Ancora State Hospital & Jersey City) and 3 indices
(CO, SO2 and O3).

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 160 Jan 2014

Note: There are 2 curves in the graph one for each station. The curve shows the
highest AQI level for any pollutant at the station. To show only 1 graph presenting
the highest AQI across all stations check on the report configuration
dialog. This example reflects USA EPA index type.

Figure 6-37 "None" Tabular Report

Figure 6-38 "None" Graphic Report

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 161 Jan 2014

Summary Type “Hourly" (Max) Using the same report parameters as shown in
Figure 1 the summary shows the date, time and AQI value for each pollutant
during the whole reporting period. The graphical option presentation is identical to
the "None" option, as was shown above.

Figure 6-38a "Hourly Max" Tabular Report

Summary Type “Daily" (Max) This report shows the daily maximum AQI across all
stations and pollutants in the report. The following figure reflects the tabular report
run for a single day:

Figure 6-38b "Daily Max" Tabular Report for 1 Day

When the report is done for multiple days you get the maximum for all days as
well as the individual days. See figure 6 below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 162 Jan 2014

Figure 6-38c "Daily Max" tabular report for 4 Days

The following figure represents the same report in a graphic presentation. It

can only display the AQI’s on each day, not the max across all days.

Figure 6-38d "Daily Max" report for 4 Days – Graphic Presentation

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 163 Jan 2014

Summary Type "By Region" reports the Index across a Region. In this type the
stations included are all those configured in the Envista ARM Setup program. The
following figure shows this configuration screen:

Figure 6-38e Configure the stations in each region to include in the AQI regional calculations

For each Region the maximum AQI for each pollutant is shown (Figure 9
below) along with the maximum pollutant and the station at which the
maximum occurred. The graph form of the report shows for each station the
station max AQI for each day in the report period.

The following report reflects the table for 8 regions and all indices.

Figure 6-38f "By Region" Tabular Report for 4 Days

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 164 Jan 2014

Summary Type "Daily By Region" – This is similar to the Daily Summary Type but
the rows represent regions (instead of individual stations) and the index data
refers to the entire region:

Figure 6-38g "Daily By Region" – Tabular report for 4 Days

Summary Type "Annual Period" This report is done for any combination of
stations. The report table includes all months of the year and each day on the
month. For each day the max AQI of all selected stations and pollutants is
presented as a text description or value. The information inside each table's cell is
defined according to the choice from the dialog form that are exposed after
selecting "Annual Period": (Ex: Good, Moderate) or (for
numeric values, like 345, 40).

Mark the checkbox in order to show separate reports in separate

windows for each desired station.

The following figure reflects the tabular report with selected.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 165 Jan 2014

Note: The summary rows at the bottom of the report indicate the number of days
in each month for each AQI category.

Figure 6-38h "Annual Period" ( ) Tabular Report

As you can see from the figure above, the index appears on each cell in a single
letter and in its color, for better signification. In case you wish the cells' colors will
disappear – click twice on your mouse.
Summary Type "Annual Period By Region" the same as the Annual Period
Summary Type, but related to the entire region not the stations. When you select
this type the Station/Region selection box changes to show all regions. Select the
region(s) to be included in the report.
 Mark the checkbox in order to show separate reports in separate windows for
each desired region.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 166 Jan 2014

 - You can select All indices be included or only selected ones. The list of
indices is determined by what was configured in the Envista SetupIndex application.
The "Avg.Type" column is un-changeable except one case: If the index type is EPA. For
EPA you can change from the default running to block averages. In order to include any of
these indices in the report, mark it from the frame below the All Indices. In order to include
them all - mark this checkbox.
 - This utility is available only for specific index and will be lightened

after configuration you might set. In case you cannot click on the
button, it means this utility is not meant for your type of index.

If case you are using the 'right' index, you will be able to click and set a
form. This form allows you to select a secondary station to use for any pollutant missing
from the Source Station.
The following figure reflects part of the configuration of "Near Stations 1" profile that
identifies secondary stations for some of the stations:

Figure 6-38i
In order to configure you should click the <Add> button. The stations will appear below the
"Source Station" column. Match each wished station a secondary station by the combo
boxes and click <Save>.
Now you can use the checkbox and check it, select the configuration
beside (for example, the "Near Stations 1" configuration that was demonstrated above,
and the system will use this index configuration.

6.8 2Y/XY Reports

Click Reports2Y/XY in order to produce XY and 2Y reports. The dialog box will appear,
as the example below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 167 Jan 2014

Figure 6-39 Request Window for 2Y Report

Select "XY" or "2Y' analysis from the "Report Type" combo box (rounded by red curve rectangular
in Figure 6-39) and the suitable options will be lightened.

6.8.1 2Y analysis

The 2Y Analysis presents the values from two monitors with different scales plotted versus time.
The monitors may come from different stations.
The advantage of this analysis is the ability to see both curves in a common scale and make a
comparison between them. In a "regular" graph, if 2 monitors, one with very high peak and the
other with very low peak, will be presented in a common graph the "shorter" graph will be
presented in low resolution and will be seen almost as a flat graph as comparison to the "high"
In order to create 2Y analysis, follow the next steps:

 Select from "Output" frame the plot of the report, "Tabular" for tabular presentation or
"Graph" for graphic presentation or "Excel".
 Select the period of time that the report reflect "Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly", or "Periodic"
(for period of time that is not one of the above) and according to this choice select from
"Duration" frame.
 Select start and stop time (hour and date) that the report will reflect from "Date And Time"
 Select "2Y" from the "Report Type" combo box.
 Select the time base from "Time Base" combo box, from 30 minutes to 24 hours.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 168 Jan 2014

 The left column is meant for selecting the stations and monitors that the report will reflect:
You can select the station according to its purpose, region, Organization (Owner) combo
boxes, and you can select the station without those categories, by select from these 3
combos boxes 'ALL'.
o For each station selected, choose the monitor from the relevant combo.
o "Monitor Y1" frame represent the monitor that will be shown in the first (left) Y-axis,
and will be colored in blue.
o "Monitor Y2" frame represent the monitor that will be shown in the second (right)
Y-axis and will be colored in red.
 Click on the button.

Figure 6-40 reflects the table & graphic presentation that corresponds to the dialog box that was
demonstrated in Figure 6-39:

Figure 6-40

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 169 Jan 2014

6.8.2 XY Analysis

An XY analysis plots one monitor versus another. It can be a comparison of pollutant versus wind
direction \speed, a comparison between the temperature inside (Itemp) the station against the
temperature outside the station (perhaps in order to check if the air condition was working) and
also comparison between 2 monitors from different stations. An option exists to compute and
display the linear regression line computed for the selected data set. Figure 6-41 reflects the
Type field, while "XY" is chosen:

Figure 6-41 Dialog box for XY Report

To produce "XY" report, follow these steps:

 Select from frame the plot of the report, "Tabular" for tabular presentation or
"Graph" for graphic presentation or "Excel" for exporting report to Excel.
 Select the of time that the report reflect "Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly", or "Periodic"
(for period of time that is not one of the above) .
 Select start &stop time (hour &date) that the report will reflect from frame.
 Select "XY" from the combo box.
 Check the checkbox in order to see a line that reflects the direction of the
dots (the report itself is actually dots in the space).
 Select the time base from combo box, from 30 minutes to 24 hours.
 The left column is meant for selecting the stations and monitors that the report will reflect:
You can select the station according to its purpose, region, Organization (Owner)) combo
boxes, and you can select the station without those categories, by select from these 3
combos boxes 'ALL'.
o For each station selected, choose the monitor from the relevant combo.
o Frame represents the monitor that will be shown in the X-axis.
o Frame represents the monitor that will be shown in the Y-axis.
 Click on the button.

Figure 6-42 reflects the graphic presentation (the tabular is identical to the table that reflects 2Y
report) that corresponds to the dialog box that was demonstrated in Figure 6-41:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 170 Jan 2014

Figure 6-42

You can see from Figure 6-42 the regression line (in red) that indicates one thing: the pollution is
mainly fading when the speed of the wind increasing. You can see in the header of the chart the
calculated 'Intercept', 'Slope' and 'R Squared' values.
This trend is rational and was expected because when the wind is calm the pollution is still on the
area, and when the wind get stronger, the pollution is evaporating and spreading in the air, so its
concentration getting lower.

6.9 Events Reports

The Events report reflects only the items refer to the times that the measured data for a monitor
was above/below determined value.
The user select monitor, type the wished value, and select which parts of the reports it will reflect:
the data that is above this value or below this value.
In order to produce Events report, follow the next steps:

 Click ReportsEvents . A dialog box will appear. Example below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 171 Jan 2014

Figure 6-43 Example for Events Report Request Screen

 The upper-left side of the window is meant for selecting the group (by checking the
checkbox) or stations and monitors that the report will reflect: You can select
the station according to its purpose, region, Organization (Owner)) combo boxes, and you
can select the station without those categories, by select from these 3 combos boxes
 Select the wished monitor from the combo box.
 - Marking this checkbox will enable the extra monitor combo box, so the
user will be able to select another monitor to be considered in the report in separate
column beside the 'first' monitor.
 - Mark this checkbox in order to include in the report the wind speed
and wind direction monitors data.
 Check the in order the report will reflect only the items that the data will
be below the number that you will type later into the tab.
 Check the in order only the items that are bigger then the number that
will be typed in tab will be seen in the report.
 Type into the tab the number that the items that will be shown in the report will be
below/above him.
 Select from frame the plot of the report, "Tabular" for tabular presentation or "excel"
(there is no graphic presentation for this report).
 Select the of time that the report reflect "Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly", or "Periodic"
(for period of time that is not one of the above).
 Select start &stop time (hour &date) for report reflecting from box.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 172 Jan 2014

 Select from combo AVG or Min, Max, Run. AVG, Run Min, Run Max, Run.
Forward, Run Min Forward, Run Mac Forward options.
 Select the 'from' time base from the upper combo box. This value defines the
database table to use as source data. When value is empty, source data will be according
the "Options" settings in the "Setup" program.
 Select the 'to' time base from the lower combo box. This is the time base that
will be reflected in the report as period between every 2 data items.
 Mark the checkbox for the report will reflect the RAW database tabled.
 Mark "Display as Blocks" checkbox to display the results in different block for each
monitor, including a column for the station, a column for the monitor, units and value.
 - Check to see the report table displayed according to stations blocks
with Station, Monitor, Unit, Value columns.

 Click

Figure 6-44 is an example for the reports that comes as a result for the request screen, as was
exampled in Figure 6-43 above: The table reflects times that "PM10" group monitors were above
100 [ppb] during the selected period. Pay attention to the "Time Sum" row that reflects the total
time of events.
The right window is the 'regular' display, while the left window is the display:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 173 Jan 2014

Figure 6-44 Events Report Example

6.10 Annual Reports

Annual Reports will work with all data tables that exist for a station and for the Daily and Running
Average tables that support all stations. To produce any of the annual reports, click

ReportsAnnual . A dialog box will appear. Example below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 174 Jan 2014

Figure 6-45

 Check the desired stations and monitors from the tree. Filter the selections by selecting
purpose/ region/ Organization (Owner) from the category combos). If you click on the
button, a tree of monitor types will replace the tree. Checking a monitor from this tree will
add all monitors of that type from all stations. See Figure 6-46.
 - Mark this checkbox in order to include all the monitors in the report.
 - Mark this checkbox in order to include all the On monitors in the report.
Press the button to return to the original tree presentation of the stations and
 Select the Option of Graph Tabular or Excel to create the report in the selected
 Select from box, the & that the report will reflect. Start
and Stop years are included in the report.
 Mark the check box in order to select a group from the "Group" combo box.
This disables the "Stations & Monitors" tree because a Group is a set of predefined
stations and monitors.
 Select one of the Annual Reports types from the combo box. The types are:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 175 Jan 2014

AQI (This report is not available at this moment)
Quarterly (This report is not available at this moment)
Exceedance (This report is not available at this moment)
Fin Statistics
Per Month

 - This checkbox is available only for CWS_O3 and CWS_PM2.5 reports and
let you produce the report related to regions and not to stations-monitors.
 Mark the checkbox for including RAW data in the report.
 Round/ Truncate By Monitor Configuration – This checkbox is available only for "Average"
report type. Check if you wish the report will reflect the round method according to each
monitor configuration that was made via the Envista Setup application.
 Click <OK> and the report will appear on the screen.

The following sections describe each annual report type.

6.10.1 Average Report

This report reflects a tabular and graph of yearly averages related to every selected monitor.
Figure 6-47 reflects average annual report in tabular for, for some monitors in few Australian
stations from 2008 to 2012. Figure 6-48 is graphic presentation for another example for 3
monitors in N.E.S station during 2001-2004:

Figure 6-47 Tabular form of Average Annual Report

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 176 Jan 2014

Figure 6-48 Graphic form of average Annual Report

6.10.2 Percentile Report

Percentile analysis presents the 1st-99th percentile value as the statistic for every selected monitor
every year in the chosen period of time.
The following figure is the relevant fields that reflect the percentile unique boxes in the dialog box:

Figure 6-49

To specify what percentile value is to be calculated enter it in the box.

You can start the analysis not in January but in any other selected month. Select the month from
Starting Month Selection combo box.
The report displays the highest values that are lower than the requested percentile value for each
year in the same style like the Average Report.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 177 Jan 2014

6.10.3 O3 Report

This report reflects statistics information about Ozone monitors from selected stations or a group
of ozone monitors. The Type filed in the dialog box reflects now 3 parameters of default threshold
values, which you can change:

Figure 6-49a

These 3 threshold values appear in the report as criteria columns.

The following is an example for O3 report for Ewing station between the years 2007-2009:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 178 Jan 2014

Figure 6-49

Each column represents an O3 statistic, as follows:

 Valid Data – Percent of valid records, related to all records (valid & invalid) that should
have been collected during each month/ year.
 Hourly Avg Max – Highest hourly value that was measured during the month/ year.
 Hourly Avg 2nd – The second highest hourly value that was measured during the month/
 Hours>0.084 – Number of hours that were above 0.084[ppb] (hourly threshold value -1)
during the month/ year.
 Hours>0.124 – Number of hours that were above 0.124[ppb] (hourly threshold -2) during
the month/ year.
 Days>0.124 – Number of days that were above 0.124[ppb] (daily threshold value)during
the month/ year.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 179 Jan 2014

 Monthly Avg – Monthly average of ozone for each month (in the year row, it represents
the average of all 12 months).
 12 Month Moving Average – Rolling (running) 12 month average.

6.10.4 CO Report

This report presents statistics about CO monitors from selected stations, as detailed below:

 Valid Data – Percent of valid records, related to all records (valid & invalid) that should
have been collected during each month/ year.
 Hourly Avg Max – Highest hourly value that was measured during the month/ year.
 Hourly Avg 2nd – The second highest hourly value that was measured during the month/
 Times>35 - Number of hours that the concentration was above 35[ppb] (hourly threshold
 8 Hr. Moving Avg. Max – Highest rolling (running) average 8 hour value that was
calculated in during the month/ year.
 8 Hr. Moving Avg. 2nd – The second highest rolling (running) average 8 hour value that
was calculated during the month/ year.
 8 Hr. Moving Avg. 2nd-a – The highest rolling (running) average 8 hour value that was
calculated in non-overlapping 8-hour time periods during the month/ year.
 Times>9 - Number of times that the 8 hour rolling (running) average concentration was
above 9[ppb] (Regular +NOL Threshold).
 Times>9a - Number of times that the non overlapping 8 hr rolling (running) concentration
was above 9[ppb].
 Daily Avg. – Average 24 hr concentration during the month/ year.
 Monthly Avg. – Average hourly concentration for the entire month.
 12 Month Moving Average – Rolling (running) 12 month average

The Type filed in the dialog box reflects now 2 parameters of default threshold values, which you
can change:

Figure 6-50a

These 2 threshold values appear in the report as criteria columns.

The following figure is an example Annual CO report for Ewing station for the years 2007-2009

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 180 Jan 2014

Figure 6-50

6.10.5 Annual Event Report

Note: This report is different in the structure from the "regular" Event Report that was detailed in
Chapter 6.9 of the Envista ARM manual.

The Annual Event report shows (for every day in the selected period) the highest value that
occurred that was in excess of the "Exceed Value" that was entered by the user. The monitors
included in the report logically all must be of the same type (i.e. all O3)
To produce this report, follow these steps:

 Select "Annual" from "Reports" menu.

 Mark the checkbox and select a group. Groups often are made to including
only a single type of monitor.
 From the frame, select "Tabular" or "Excel" (graphic form is not available).
 From box, select start &stop year.
 From combo box select "Event".
 Mark the checkbox for using RAW data in the report.
 Click .

Example for event report is shown below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 181 Jan 2014

Figure 6-52

6.10.6 SO2 Report

This report presents statistics about SO2 monitors from selected stations.

 Valid Data – Percent of valid hourly records, related to all records (valid & invalid) that
should have been collected during each month/ year.
 Hourly Avg Max – Highest hourly value that was measured during the month/ year.
 Hourly Avg 2nd – The second highest hourly value that was measured during the month/
 3 Hr. Avg Max – Highest 3 Hr Block Average value that was measured during the month/
 3 Hr. Avg 2nd – The second highest 3 Hr Block Average value that was measured during
the month/ year.
 Times>0.5 – Number of times that the concentration was above 0.5[ppb] (threshold 3
hours value).
 24 Hr. Avg Max – Highest daily value that was measured during the month/ year.
 24 Hr. Avg 2nd – The second highest daily value that was measured during the month/
 Times>0.14 – Number of times that the concentration was above 0.14[ppb] (threshold 24
hour value – 1).
 Times>0.10 – Number of times that the concentration was above 0.1[ppb] (threshold 24
hour value – 2).
 Monthly Avg. – Average hourly value for entire month.
 12 Month Moving Average – Rolling (running) average for last 12 months.

The Type filed in the dialog box reflects now 3 parameters of default threshold values, which you
can change:

Figure 6-53a

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 182 Jan 2014

These 3 threshold values appear in the report as criteria columns.
The following figure is an example of a SO2 report related to Ewing station for the years 2007-

Figure 6-53

6.10.7 SMOKE Report

This report reflects statistics information about SMOKE monitors from selected stations, as
detailed below:

 Valid Data – Percent of valid hourly records, related to all records (valid & invalid) that
should have been collected during each month/ year.
 Hourly Avg Max – Highest hourly value that was measured during the month/ year.
 Hourly Avg 2nd – The second highest hourly value that was measured during the month/
 Daily Avg. Max – Highest daily value that was measured during the month/year.
 Daily Avg. 2nd – The second highest daily value that was measured during the
 Monthly Avg. – Average for entire month.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 183 Jan 2014

 12 Month Moving Average – Rolling (running) 12 month average.

The following figure is an example SMOKE report for the "Bathurst-Rough Waters Drive" station
during 2008:

Figure 6-54

6.10.8 NO Report

This report presents statistics NO monitors from selected stations, as detailed below:

 Valid Data – Percent of valid hourly records, related to all records (valid & invalid) that
should have been collected during each month/ year.
 Hourly Avg Max – Highest hourly value that was measured during the month/ year.
 Hourly Avg 2nd – The second highest hourly value that was measured during the month/
 Daily Avg. Max – Highest daily value that was measured during the month/year.
 Daily Avg. 2nd – The second highest daily value that was measured during the
 Monthly Avg. – Average for entire month.
 12 Month Moving Average – Rolling (running) 12 month average.

The following figure is an example NO report related to "Belledune East" station during 2008:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 184 Jan 2014

Figure 6-54a

6.10.9 NO2 Report

This report reflects statistics about NO2 monitors from selected stations, as detailed below:

 Valid Data – Percent of valid hourly records, related to all records (valid & invalid) that
should have been collected during each month/ year.
 Hourly Avg Max – Highest hourly value that was measured during the month/ year.
 Hourly Avg 2nd – The second highest hourly value that was measured during the month/
 Daily Avg. Max – Highest daily value that was measured during the month/year.
 Daily Avg. 2nd – The second highest daily value that was measured during the
 Monthly Avg. – Average for entire month.
 12 Month Moving Average – Rolling (running) 12 month average.

The following figure is an example NO2 report related to "Grandview West 2" station during 2006-

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 185 Jan 2014

Figure 6-54b

6.10.10 TEOM Report

This report reflects statistics TEOM (Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance) monitors from
selected stations, as detailed below:

 Valid Data – Percent of valid hourly records, related to all records (valid & invalid) that
should have been collected during each month/ year.
 Hourly Avg Max – Highest hourly value that was measured during the month/ year.
 Hourly Avg 2nd – The second highest hourly value that was measured during the month/
 Daily Avg. Max – Highest daily value that was measured during the month/year.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 186 Jan 2014

 Daily Avg. 2nd – The second highest daily value that was measured during the
 Monthly Avg. – Average for entire month.
 12 Month Moving Average – Rolling (running) 12 month average.

The TEOM report is identical to the NO2 & NO reports that were detailed in Figure 6-54a and 6-

6.10.11 CWS_O3 Report

This report is a unique O3 annual report, one of two reports meant for CWS company that let the
user to produce the report by regions (beside the stations-monitors option).
In order to produce such report, select CWS_O3 from Report Type combo box and choose the
wished O3 monitors from the stations (or press to select all the Ozone monitors in the
system) or mark the checkbox and select a region that its monitors will be included in
the report.
Another parameter that is unique for this report is that you cannot select Start Year, only Stop
An example for such report (only tabular option is available) is shown below:

Figure 6-54c

6.10.12 CES_PM2.5 Report

This report is a unique PM2.5 annual report, one of two reports meant for CWS company that let
the user to produce the report by regions (beside the stations-monitors option).
In order to produce such report, select PM2.5 from Report Type combo box and choose the
wished PM2.5 monitors from the stations (or press to select all the PM2.5 monitors in the
system) or mark the checkbox and select a region that its monitors will be included in
the report.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 187 Jan 2014

Another parameter that is unique for this report is that you cannot select Start Year, only Stop
An example for such report (only tabular option is available) is shown below:

Figure 6-54d

6.10.13 Fin Statistics Report

This report is a table reflects side by side hourly and daily values with some statistical parameters
in each column. Example below:

Figure 6-54e

6.10.14 Per Month Report

This report is only for one year and reflects averages for each month in separate row. Example

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 188 Jan 2014

Figure 6-54f

6.11 Edit History

The edit history reports including provides a record of all edits that were made to stations data/
calibration values and/or status by the editor from the "Edit" sub-menu (available only for editors
and operators that can only view the report).
This chapter is deals with two types of Edit History Reports:

Edit History Data

Edit History Calibration
Edit History Alert

6.11.1 Edit History Data

Click Reports (Edit History)Data to produce an edit history report that will reflect data
manipulations. A dialog box, Edit History Report, will appear as shown below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 189 Jan 2014

Figure 6-55

 Select the desired station/s and/or monitor/s directly from Stations-monitors field or by
selecting from Purpose and/or Region and/or Organization (Owner) criterions combo
boxes and then choose the whished station from the relevant category.
 Select the duration of time that the report refers to: Daily, Weekly, Monthly or
Periodic for other period of time that will be configured in the Date and Time box.
 Select from Date and Time box, dates and time for start and stop the report,
according to the previous selection. If it is a daily, weekly or monthly report, you can
select only the Start Date. The other options will be light up when you select
 Select from TypeGet By frame the way the items will be shown: by Date of Data
or by Date of Change (as will be reflected in Figure 6-56).
 Select from the "Time Base" combo box the time base. Only time intervals that can
be formed from the station database data will be shown. For example, the 6-minute
option is hiding if the data collected is 5-minute averages.
 Editor – Mark this checkbox in order to display only edit events that were made by
the editor that will be displayed from this combo box.
 Click "OK" and the edit report will appear, as shown in the following figure:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 190 Jan 2014

Figure 6-56 Edit Report

6.11.2 Edit History Calibration

Click Reports(Edit History) Calibration and the following window will appear, letting you
produce edit history report that will reflects only calibration events, according to its type.
The differences between the "Data" and "Calibration" edit history report dialog box are:

Type Combo box – Letting you to select between:

o Two Point Calibration
o Three point calibration
o Multi-point calibration
Highlight Differences checkbox – Mark it in order to distinguish between the original
calibration values to the edited values.

The following figure reflects the dialog box of edit history calibration report:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 191 Jan 2014

Figure 6-56b

The following figure is the example for the edit history calibration report:

Figure 6-56c

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 192 Jan 2014

6.12 Validation Report
Sometimes there is a need to validate station for period of time, from minutes to days. The
reason may be constructions, damage, changes in the array of stations and more.
In order to do this, an editor (according to their level of edit – 'Preliminary' or 'Final') as was
configured in the "Personnel" tab (for each station separately) in the "Envista Setup" program can
do this validation by "Validation Date" application from the "Edit" menu as detailed on Chapter
The Validation Report is the application that let you watch these changes that were edited by the
Beside the tabular report, a graphic presentation indicates the period of time that the monitor is
under validation is available.
The graph differs between the edit levels of validation (as was configured in the "Envista Setup"
program), which related to the classification of the user that was made the validation: In orange
color, it reflects the "Final" edit level and in blue color- the "Preliminary" edit level (lower than the
"Final" level).
In order to produce validation report, follow the next steps:

 Click ReportsValidation and the next window will appear, like the example on
Figure 6-57:

Figure 6-57

 Check the desired stations and monitors from the tree (directly or by selecting purpose/
region/ Organization (Owner) from the categorized combos) or click on the button, a

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 193 Jan 2014

tree of monitors will replace the tree. Checking a monitor from this tree will add all the
same monitors from all stations, as was shown in Figure 6-46.
 - Mark this checkbox in order to include all the monitors in the report.
 - Mark this checkbox in order to include all on monitors in the report.
 Select from box, dates &time for start &stop the report, according to the
previous selection.
 Check from the frame the edit levels of the validations that you wish to
see: (the validations that an editor has made), (the validations that
an editor has made) or both.
 Check in order to see the specific period for every item in the
graph that your mouse will move on.
 Click "OK" and the report will be shown, as the following example reflects:

Figure 6-58

Figure 6-58 reflects the initial state, while only the stations that their monitor(s) were validated are
shown. In order to see the items related to each station click on the button beside the station
or click on the button and all the items will open.
Figure 6-59 is an example for the same report that was shown in Figure 6-58, this time with some
recognizable items:

Figure 6-59
In order to see the graphic presentation, click on the button.
The following figure is an example for such graphic report, in Cambridge 1 station. The graph
displays the period that each monitor was validated and by the color of the bar, the user that has
validated. A final editor (Final – brown color) or Preliminary Editor (Preliminary – green color) :

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 194 Jan 2014

Figure 6-60

6.13 Parallel Report

A Parallel Analysis presents multiple periods of data on the same X-axis. The period of the
analysis can be broken down into a superimposed display of days, months or years. Thus, you
can present multiple years of data superimposed on one another to compare years. To set up a

Parallel Analysis, click ReportsParallel .

A dialog box will appear as shown below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 195 Jan 2014

Figure 6-62

 Select the desired station directly from Station combo box or by selecting from Purpose
and/or Region and/or Organization (Owner) criterions combo boxes and then choose the
whished station from the relevant category.
 Select the desired monitor you want to include in the report.
 Select the Output Option (Excel, Graph or Tabular). The Excel option exports the report
as an Excel Worksheet.
 Select the duration of time that the report refers to: Daily, Monthly or Yearly for other
period of time that will be configured in the Date and Time box.
 Select from Date and Time box, dates and for start and stop the report coverage.
 Summary Only – Mark this checkbox in order to display in the table only the summary
rows (minimum, maximum, Average, Num and more).

 Click .

The following figures reflect example for a parallel report, table and graph:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 196 Jan 2014

Figure 6-63

Figure 6-64

6.14 Combination Report

The Combination analysis displays data from different monitors, different stations, and for
different dates, as defined by the user, and presents it on a table. The report can be either for a
day, month or annual. In order to produce combination report click:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 197 Jan 2014

 Reports Daily for daily combination report

 Reports Monthly for monthly combination report

 Reports Yearly for yearly combination report

The difference between the daily, monthly and the annual combination report is in the "Date" field
(for daily report it contains only one combo box "Date"), as shown in the example below for yearly
combination report:

Figure 6-66

 Select from "Date" combo box the day/ month/ year (according the kind of report selected)
that the report will cover.
 For monthly or yearly (annual) reports select time base from combo box.
 For monthly or yearly (annual) reports select the type of report from combo
box. The options are average, minimum or maximum.
 Select station, directly from "Station" combo box or by the 'help' of the 3 categorized
combos: Purpose, Region and Organization (Owner).
 After selecting the wished station its monitors will appear on the field below the "Station"
combo box. Check the wished monitors you want to include in the report, or mark the
checkbox in order to include them all.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 198 Jan 2014

 Click on the button and the selected monitors will appear on the table in the
lower right wing of the window.
 Select another station/s monitor/s click <Add> in order to add monitors from other

 In order to remove monitor from the list click on it and press . To remove all
selections in one act you can click on the button.

 Click . The following captures are example for table and graphic combination
daily report for NOX pollutant from several station in different dates:

Figure 6-67

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 199 Jan 2014

Figure 6-68

6.15 Raw VS Edited

This report reflects comparison between the raw data (the original records of the database before
any changes or editing actions were made) and the edited data from the same monitor in the
same period in table and graphic presentation.

Click Reports Raw VS Edited and the following window will appear:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 200 Jan 2014

Figure 6-69

 The , and combos are meant for categorized the stations and
reduce the options according to these common details. You can select from these combos
the wished items or skip on them, and leave the "All" option
 Check the desired stations and monitors from the stations-monitors frame (or mark the All
checkbox). If you want to check specific monitors from a specific station, click on the
sign beside the station name, and the list of the monitors will appear. If you will check the
station name without "open" this list, you will check all the monitors related to this selected
station. The number inside the row indicates the number of
selected monitors ("1" in the example on Figure 6-69).
Note: each monitor will be reported in separate window.
 Select for including all monitors or check any combination of individual monitors or
to include all the monitors that are in ‘ON’ state.
 If you will click on the button, a tree of monitors will replace the station & monitors
tree, as shown in Figure 6-70. Selecting a monitor from this tree will be selecting all the
same monitors from all the stations

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 201 Jan 2014

Figure 6-70
Press the button for return to the first stations-monitors presentation.
 From the frame select the type of the report as tabular, graph or Excel table.
 From the frame, select the period of the report's coverage: , ,
or .
 From frame, type the time (date& hour) that the report will begin to cover and
time for ending the report's coverage.
 From Time Base - You can change the default time base that will appear on this combo
after selecting the wished monitor/s.
 Click on the button and the report will appear on the screen.

Figure 6-71is the report that follows the example that was captured in Figure 6-69 and Figure 6-
72 is the graphic presentation for the same example.
Pay attention that in the table, the 2 left columns reflect the edited data, that different from the
raw data in02:30, 03:00 and 05:00-08:30 o'clock and before in the status.
In the graphic appearance:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 202 Jan 2014

Figure 6-71

Figure 6-72

- This checkbox is meant to enable reflection of 3 columns that

describe the following information about the edited records: date of change and
comments, as shown in the following example:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 203 Jan 2014

Figure 6-73

- This checkbox will cause the different cells, that reflect the edited
and raw data for the same date and time and monitor to be colored (the value and the
status will be colored in different colors), as shown in the following example:

Figure 6-74

6.16 Percentile Report

To display percentile analysis for a pre-defined group or for specific monitors click Reports

. The following dialog box will appear:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 204 Jan 2014

Figure 6-75

The Percentile analysis window offers 2 applications:

1. Percentile Analysis for a Group – Implemented when checkbox is marked.

2. Site/s Percentile = Percentile Analysis on monitors from one or more stations –
Implemented when checkbox is marked.

The Percentile report performs a percentile analysis on identical type monitors from a pre-
configured group or by checked monitors from one or more stations.
These monitors must all be the same parameter and units. The analysis determines a variety of
statistics about each monitor’s data set. These include:

Mean (AVG)
Maximum (MAX)
Minimum (MIN)
The value corresponding to each percentile class value.
The number of values that fall above or below two (2) limit levels.
Percent of total possible values available (All 'OK' values) (DATA[%]).
Number of values that have 'OK' status (NUM).

To set up a Percentile Analysis follow the next steps:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 205 Jan 2014

1. In case of group analysis: mark the checkbox and select a group (as was
configured via Setups Groups Setup application) from the combo box below.
In case of selected monitors' analysis (Site/s Percentile): Check the wished monitors from
wished stations (click on the sign beside each station to select the monitors or check
the entire station to include all its monitors in the report) or click on the button to
check monitors without consider their origin stations (in such case, the checked monitor
will be reflected separately related to each station that host is).
2. Select the output of the report: Tabular, graph or Excel.
3. Select the Period that the report will cover: Day, Week, Month or Periodic.
4. Type inside the "Date And Time" text box(s) the requested date(s).
5. Select "Report Type Time Base". Only time intervals that can be formed from the station
database data will be shown. For example, the 6-minute option is not shown if the data
collected is 5-minute averages.
6. The right lower field of the dialog box reflects 2 tabs: while clicking
on each tab will reflects its items. By default the "Parameters" tab's items are shown, as
reflected from the figure above (Figure 6-71).
The items are:
 Time Base – Select common time base for selected monitors as will be
reflected from the report.
 - Mark this checkbox and the 2 tabs below (Value1 & Value2) will
be lightened. By these 2 text tabs, or one of them you can choose one or two
limit values. A column in the table will indicate how many observations values
were higher than Value 1 and other column will indicate the number of records
that were higher than Value 2 (in case a number was typed into this text tab).
 Time Base – Select common time base for selected monitors as will be
reflected from the report.
The items are shown in the figure (Figure 6-72) below and including 12
available classes that the user can type inside each text tab the wished percentile level to
include in the report in separate columns. For example, class 1 may be 5%, class 2 10%
… and class 7 95%:

Figure 6-76

7. Click OK. The following figure reflects "Pollutant EP" group monthly records, including 2
exceeding columns (Value 1=15 and Value 2=45) and 3 columns reflecting 3 classes:
50%, 80%, 90%:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 206 Jan 2014

Figure 6-77
As you can see from the figure above, there are bars that indicate the maximum values.
Note: for now, the graphical display is available only for a group.

6.17 Component Report

Click Reports Component to produce component report.

This report provides statistics for either a single month or a single year time period.
It can operate on multiple stations and monitors.
For each monitor and station and according to the type selection (Monthly or
Yearly) presents data calculations and statistics such as:

 Standard average
 8 hours block average.
 Moving average (8 hours)
 Hourly percentiles.
 Daily percentiles.
 Standard deviation.
 Max Daily and Hourly values.
 Data count and valid records percentage.

The following capture is an example for component report dialog box:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 207 Jan 2014

Figure 6-78

1. In case of group analysis: mark the checkbox and select a group (as was
configured via Setups Groups Setup application) from the combo box below.
In case of selected monitors' analysis: Check the wished monitors from wished stations
(click on the sign beside each station to select the monitors or check the entire station
to include all its monitors in the report) or click on the button to check monitors
without consider their origin stations (in such case, the checked monitor will be reflected
separately related to each station that host is).
2. Type – Select Monthly or Yearly report.
3. Date and Time – Select the year for yearly report or year & month for monthly report.
4. Click <OK> when you are done. The following figure is an example for yearly report:

Figure 6-79

6.18 Interval Graph

The interval graph is a table and graphic report that reflects bar diagram for each hour/day in
"normal" display or comparison curves fro weekend VS weekdays or summer VS winter.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 208 Jan 2014

Click Report and the interval graph dialog box will appear:

Figure 6-80

 Select station and monitor from the relevant combo boxes.

 Features – Select from this field the type of the report:
 Normal – For bars diagram that reflects hourly of daily averages of the monitor.
 Weekend Vs Workdays – For graph that compares the data between weekend
and workdays. If you will select this option, a new frame will appear on the dialog
box, letting you configure what is called "Weekend": Friday to Saturday or
Saturday to Sunday.
 Summer Vs Winter – For graph that compares the data between summer and
winter. If you will select this option, a new frame will appear on the dialog box,
letting you configure what is called "Winter": Select the months of start and
ending of the winter.
 Average Time Base – Select "From Time Base" and "To Time Base": Hour of Day or Day
of week (not relevant for "weekend Vs Workdays" feature).
 Period – Select the output, duration and Date & time for the report.
 Click <OK> when you are done.

The following figure is an example for "Normal" feature, graphic and tabular presentation (below
its chart) for "Hour of Day" (at the left side of the screen) and for "Days of Week" in the right:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 209 Jan 2014

Figure 6-81

The following figure reflects in two windows the "Weekend Vs Workdays" feature at the left and
"Summer Vs Winter" feature at the right (both display "Hours of Day" to time base):

Figure 6-82

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 210 Jan 2014

6.19 Alerts History Report
Alerts history report that allows users to view changes that were done related to alerts.
In order to produce such report, follow the next steps:

 Click Reports (Alert State) and the following dialog box will appear:

Figure 6-83

 Check the desired stations and monitors directly from the stations frame or by selecting
from Purpose and/or Region and/or Organization (Owner) criterions combo boxes and
then choose the whished station from the relevant category. You can include all monitors
by checking , or include only the 'On' monitors by checking the
 Duration – Select duration the report will cover.
 Date and Time – Select start (and stop for periodic duration) date & time for report
 Get By – Select the order of the table's rows to display edit alert events: According to date
of data or according to date of change.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 211 Jan 2014

 Opened – Check this checkbox to include in the report opened alerts.
 Closed – Check this checkbox to include in the report closed alerts.
 Include Station Alerts – Check to include in the report station alerts.
 Include Status Changes – Check to include in the report status changes.
 Include Rounding Alerts – Check to include in the report rounding alerts. This type of alert
will be activate when the data will be rounded to a close reasonable value, for example:
rounding data of relative humidity from 102% TO 100% or rounding global radiation data
from -5 to 0.
 Alert Types – Check each alert type you wish to include in the report or select them all by
checking the "All" checkbox.
 Click <OK> when you are done.

The following figure is an example for alerts history report:

Figure 6-84

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 212 Jan 2014

Chapter 7 - Operational
The Envista ARM offers many data analysis and presentation features. These program features
are chained under the Operational menu.
To access any of these features click . The following figure display the Operational

Figure 7-1

The table below describes the commands available in the "Operational" menu:

Icon Command Function See Ch

Calibration Analyzer calibration report
Alerts Reports the history of the alerts that have displayed on
the Alerts pop up screen
Diagnostic Displays a report related to diagnostics as requested
Digital Monitor Reports on monitor status/alarms based on the digital
status information retrieved from smart analyzers with 7.5
serial interfaces.
Digital IO Reports on digital input changes based on the digital input
information retrieved from the digital inputs of data 7.6
Status Gives information about % of the data with various status
codes 7.2
Communication Display the errors that occurred because of using the data
acquisition program, by date, station and port according 7.7
the relevant communication type.
Power Off Station power failure report
Missing Data Display every time that a monitor has not received data as
an item
Add Log Book Enable a technician to write periodic notes related to the
system, and let the user to see these notes as a report.
Log Book Display report that reflects these log book notes that were
Report written by technicians.
Availability Display a table that reflects the percent of valid data for
Report specific meteorological and pollutants monitors during the 7.11
months and the quarters of the year.
Data Displays data percentage for monitors and stations.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 213 Jan 2014

7.1 Calibration Report

In order to view report on calibration events, click Operational Calibration. A dialog box,
Calibration Report, will appear as shown in the following figure:

Figure 7-2

Calibration reports present information of either 2 (regular and summary) or 3 point (the
"Calib_3_Points" report that will appear if you will choose "Tabular" or "Graph" in the "Plot" frame)
or multipoint calibrations. It is also offers "Span Versus Zero" analysis.
3-point calibrations consist of paired zero and span level checks and if "Span1" point exists, it
reflects his data as well. 2 Point calibrations consists of paired zero & span without any "Span1"
Such checks are typically conducted on a schedule ranging from daily to every two weeks.
Multipoint calibrations consist of multiple span level checks and optionally a zero check. Up to 8
span levels and a zero may be reported.
In order to produce any of the various calibration analyses, follow the next steps:

 Check the desired stations and monitors directly from the stations frame or by selecting
from Purpose and/or Region and/or Organization (Owner) criterions combo boxes and
then choose the whished station from the relevant category. You can include all monitors

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 214 Jan 2014

by checking , or include only the 'On' monitors by checking the
 If you will click on the button, a tree of monitors will replace the station & monitors
tree, as shown in Figure 7-3. Selecting a monitor from this tree will be selecting all the
same monitors from all the stations

Figure 7-3
Press the button for return to the first stations-monitors presentation.
 Select the Option (Excel, Graph or Tabular). The Excel option exports the report as
an Excel Worksheet.
 Select from frame Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Periodic report.
 From the frame, select the Start Date, Start Time, Stop Date and Stop Time
for the items that will be included in the report.
 Select from the frame the whished analysis:
Calib_2_Points – For details, see Chapter 7.1.1.
Calib_2_Points_Summary – For details, see Chapter 7.1.2.
Calib_3_Points – For details, see Chapter 7.1.3.
Multi Point – For details, see Chapter 7.1.4.
Span VS Zero – For details, see Chapter 7.1.5. This option will enable two more
 – Type into this tab the percent of the margins of the
reference lines that will escort the span line in the graph.
 – Type into this tab the range of the margins of the reference
lines that will escort the zero line in the graph.
Span – For details, see Chapter 7.1.6.
Span1 – For details, see Chapter 7.1.7.
Zero – For details, see Chapter 7.1.8.
Instant Cal – For details, see Chapter 7.1.9.
Precision – For details, see Chapter 7.1.10.
All Calibrations – For details, see Chapter 7.1.11.
CUSUM – For details, see Chapter 7.1.12.
Shewart – For details, see Chapter 7.1.13.
 Mark the checkbox in order to include in the tabular report a column for
ITEMP = internal temperature of the station (if was configured by the "Pollutant Setup"
option in the "Setup" program).
 Include Single Cals (Only for "Calib 2 Points" Type) – Mark this checkbox to include in the
table report single point calibrations.
 - You can select to arrange the items in the table by station,
monitor, both (mark both checkboxes) or no ordering at all.
 Click .

The following Chapters deal with the three kinds of the calibration report.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 215 Jan 2014

7.1.1 Calib_2_Points

Calibration 2 points consists of paired span & zero and reflects for each zero & span their "Ref"
(Reference),"Meas" (Measurement) and "STD" (Standard deviation) values.
The report reflects also calculated values that will be displayed in the table, as follows:

1. Zero Block :
 Zref - Zero Reference
 Zmeas - Zero Measure
 ZDiff(%FS) – Calculated Zero as percentage difference from full scale (according
to monitor ranges).
 ZDiffLast – The difference between the current Zero measure and the previous
Zero measure.
 ZStd – Standard deviation.
2. Span Block :
 Sref – Span Reference.
 Smeas – Span Measure.
 SDiff(%FS) - Calculated factor as percentage difference from full scale (according
to monitor ranges).
 SDiff(%REF) – Span Difference.
 SDiffLast – The difference between the current span measure and the previous
span measure.
 SStd – Span Standard deviation.
3. Result :
 Calculated Zero.
 Calculated Factor.
 Calibration Status (Valid or Invalid).

Example for tabular and graphical presentation for the same report is shown below :

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 216 Jan 2014

Figure 7-4

Mouse double click on a row will open Instant Calibration graph to show the calibration

7.1.2 Calib_2_Points_Summary

This option reflects the same data as the "regular" Calib_2_Points option (as was demonstrated
in Chapter 7.1.1) but in different style of column that presented these values in more convenience
way, as a summary of all the calibration events that occurred in the specific date & time.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 217 Jan 2014

Figure 7-4c is an example for that kind of tabular report that reflects the same example as was
shown in Figure 7-4 (the graphic presentation is almost identical to the "regular" calib_2_Points

Figure 7-4c

7.1.3 Calib_3_Points

Calib_3_Points calibration event is one consisting of a zero and span pair of calibration checks
and another span "Span1" if exists. This type of calibration is often also referred to as a Daily
calibration or a Precision Check.
Some columns in the tabular reports shown in short phrases, here are them:

 (Reference) = Concentration of Span-Gas (in case of span) or expected value of

Zero-Air (in case of zero
 (Measurement) = Average instrument output when measuring Zero –Air (in case
of zero) or when measuring Span-Gas (in case of span).

Example is shown below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 218 Jan 2014

Figure 7-5 Calib_3_Points

The Graph as shown in Figure 7-5 below selection plots the results versus time. Two curves are
shown in the same 2Y graph, the left Y axis represents the curve that colored in blue while
the right Y axis represents the curve that colored in red.
is the ratio of the Measured Span to the Reference Span. is the difference Measured
Zero – Reference Zero, as the following formulas reflect:

 Factor = (Span Ref.)/ (Span Meas. – Zero Meas.)

 Zero = Zero Meas. – Zero ref.

7.1.4 Multipoint Report

A Multipoint calibration event is one consisting of a zero and two or more spans (the Levels) with
an optional zero. This type of calibration is often also referred to as an Audit. This report is only
tabular and no graph can be produce.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 219 Jan 2014

Figure 7-6 reflects such report (by selecting "Multipoint" from the combo box), and
reflect the formula for Zero Diff (actually, the that was detailed below) and the Diff. (actually
the "Span Difference"):

(Level = Span)

Note: There is no graphic presentation for Multipoint report.

Figure 7-6 Calibration Multi-Point Report

7.1.5 Span VS Zero Report

The Span vs. Zero selection shows the actual zero measurement and span measurements
plotted along with their respective reference values, (the and tabs that
appear in the request window, as shown in Figure 7-2 and will be lightened when you will select
"Span VS Zero").
Those reference values will be yield reference lines for span and for zero curves, in the ranges
that were typed in the graphic report.
The accurate formulas for "Span Low" and "Span High" are:

Span High = Span Ref + *Span Ref

Span Low = Span Ref - *Span Ref

The accurate formulas for "Zero Low" and "Span High" are:

Zero High = Zero Ref +

Zero Low = Zero Ref -

Figure 7-7 reflects a request window while "Span Vs Zero" option is selected frame is the unique
part of the window), and Figure 7-8 is the graphic form of the result report:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 220 Jan 2014

Figure 7-7

 The value that was selected in the figure above will "make" a straight
reference lines ( and in the graph) that will escort the light
green span line in Figure 7-8, in a range of 10% from the span's value (from both sides of
the green curve). The red line is a horizontal line that indicates the flat line of the light
green span curve.
 The value that was selected in the figure above will "make" a curved reference
lines ( and in the graph) that will escort the blue zero line in
Figure 7-8, in a range of 4 units from the zero's value (from both sides of the blue curve).
The red line is a horizontal line that indicates the flat line of the blue zero curve.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 221 Jan 2014

Figure 7-8 Span VS Zero Graphic Report

There is also tabular presentation of this report, as shown in Figure 7-9:

Figure 7-9 Span VS Zero Tabular Report

7.1.6 Span Report

The span report displays the span values and let the user to track after the actual span curve
related to the "Span Ref." curve and see its deviation from the selected range (Span High to
Span Low) of span.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 222 Jan 2014

In order to produce a span report you should configure the following items in the request window,
as was shown in Figure 7-3 (beside the rest of the parameters that the user has to configure
related to each calibration report):

 Select "Span" from "Report Type" combo box.

 Type into the "Span Percent (%)" text box the wished value that will appear in the report
as range that consists of 2 limit lines (in +X% and –X% from the "Span Ref." curve).
 Select one monitor.

Figure 7-9a is an example for graphic presentation of span report while =10%:

Figure 7-9a

The accurate formulas for "Span Low" and "Span High" are:

Span High = Span Ref + *Span Ref

Span Low = Span Ref - *Span Ref
As you can see from the example above, part of the day the span is consists with the range
(between the "Span High" and the "Span Low" curves) except from 02:00 to 05:30 and from
09:00 to 14:00 o'clock.

7.1.7 Span1 Report

This report is identical to "Span Report", as was detailed in the previous chapter (7.1.6) with one
difference: The report will reflect "Span1" values (including "Span1 Ref", "Span1 High" and
"Span1 Low") that related to 3 point calibration report.

7.1.8 Zero Report

This report displays the zero values and let the user to track after the actual zero curve related to
the "Zero Ref." curve and see its deviation from the selected range (Zero High to Zero Low) of the
actual zero.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 223 Jan 2014

In order to produce a zero report you should configure the following items in the request window,
as was shown in Figure 7-3 (beside the rest of the parameters that the user has to configure
related to each calibration report):

 Select "Zero" from "Report Type" combo box.

 Type into the "Zero Diff" text box the wished value that will appear on the report as range
that consists of 2 limit lines (in +X and –X units from the "Zero Ref." curve).
 Select one monitor.

Figure 7-9b is an example for graphic presentation of zero report, while =1:

Figure 7-9b

The accurate formulas for "Zero Low" and "Span High" are:

Zero High = Zero Ref +

Zero Low = Zero Ref -

As you can see from the example on Figure 7-9b during the selected day (1 November 2007) the
zero is lay inside the selected range (+- 1 unit) except one event: on 06:00 the zero is 'on the

7.1.9 Instant Cal Report

This graphic report reflects calibration periods of a single monitor. The user should enter Span
Percent that will appear on the graph as the distance between Span Low & Span High.
The graph shows the following information (Assume span interval to be 10%):

1. Pollutant Values.
2. Span High Line. (100% + 10%)
3. Span Low Line. (100% - 10%)
4. Span Rise Point (Fixed to 10%).

Example for O-Xylene is shown below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 224 Jan 2014

Figure 7-9c

Mouse right click button will now open the "status colors" option, after clicking on it the pollutant
values line will be colored according to the status colors configuration.

Mouse double click – Now shows a red marker with small header showing the time and values at
the selected timestamp. If "status colors" has been selected the status will appear on the header
as well.

Note: Remember you can focus the graph and make zoom-in – When the graph is shown on the
screen and your mouse is on top of it, click <SHIFT> and at the same time, click on the mouse
(left click).
You will notice a rectangular on the screen, that you can handle its area. When you will leave
your finger from the mouse only the area that you have marked with your click will be shown in
the graph that caused a zoom in for the area.
In order to go back to the original presentation of the graph, press on the <R> button.

The following example is for zoom-in graph including red vertical cursor line and with status color

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 225 Jan 2014

Figure 7-9c2

7.1.10 Precision Report

The precision report shows precision check results (span Vs span measure) and several statistics
about the difference between the two.
3 options are available for this report:

 Tabular
 Graph (views can be changed using the spacebar key).
 Save to Excel data sheet. (useful for printing as well).

Dates can be presented with or without time of day.

Example is shown below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 226 Jan 2014

Figure 7-9d

7.1.11 All Calibrations Report

This report is actually combined two and multi-point calibration report. It display in the table two
point and multi point calibration rows side by side from the early to the latest item. Example is
shown below:

Figure 7-9e

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 227 Jan 2014

7.1.12 CUSUM Report

CUSUM (Cumulative Sum Control Charts) report is using to check measuring devices in the
stations & chimneys according to European standard EN 14181.

The check is acting by selecting time ranges for specific monitor and calculating the differences in
the calibration that were acted during this range between the value that was inserted to the
measurement device to the value that was acquitted in the measurement for Zero and Span.

The user should enter to the report the calculation standard deviation values (Span & Zero
sAMS). These values will be used to define parameters for calculations in the Drift & Precision
tables that appear in the report:

// Drift variables
HxZero = 2.85 * ZeroSams
KxZero = 0.501 * ZeroSams

HxSpan = 2.85 * SpanSams

KxSpan = 0.501 * SpanSams

// Precision variables
HsZero = 6.90 * (ZeroSams)^2
KsZero = 1.85 * (ZeroSams)^2

HsSpan = 6.90 * (SpanSams)^2

KsSpan = 1.85 * (SpanSams)^2

In the report itself, all calibrations in the range will be considered as a single continuous event
and the display will be cumulative sums, positive Σ(pos) or negative Σ(neg) for the differences
between the AMS (Automated Measuring System) measured value to the SRM (Standard
Reference Method) expected value.


The calculations always based on zero start conditions.

Delta (t) = The difference between expected and measured value.
N(pos), N(neg) = The number of continuous negative/positive differences above specific
threshold and depending former values.
Drift = Is there a need of fixing, and what is the fixed value? (it is automatically calculated).
S(t) = Calculated standard deviation

Example for calculating standard deviation to Span:

S(t) = STDPrevious + (((Delta - DeltaPrevious)^2) / 2) - KsSpan

The following figure is an example for dialog box of CUSUM calibration report, while Span
sAMS=4 and Zero sAMS = 1:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 228 Jan 2014

Figure 7-9f

The report reflects3 displays:

 Table plot – Including Zero and Span rows reflecting all parameters in the columns.
 Graph 1 plot – Chart that reflected in tow horizontal windows Cusum Drift – Zero & Span
 Graph 2 plot – Chart that reflected in two horizontal windows Cusum Precision – Zero &
Span curves.

You can switch between graph 1 and graph 2 displays by pressing the space bar.
The following figure is an example for the 3 reports in 3 different windows:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 229 Jan 2014

Figure 7-9g

7.1.13 Shewart Report

The Shewart calibration report plot is a table that reflects all shewart calibration events, according
to European Standard En-14181 related to selected monitors, as reflected from the following

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 230 Jan 2014

Figure 7-9h

The Shewart calibration can be edited vie EditCalibrationsAddParallel Calibration (see

Chapter 9.5.2 Add CalibrationParallel Calibration.

7.2 Status Report

'Status' analysis presents monitor status (in percentage) over a chosen period for all monitors in a

station. To perform a Status Analysis click OperationalStatus .

A dialog box as will appear as shown in the example below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 231 Jan 2014

Figure 7-10

To set up the Status analysis, follow these steps:

 Check the desired stations and monitors directly from the stations frame or by selecting
from Purpose and/or Region and/or Organization (Owner) criterions combo boxes and
then choose the whished station from the relevant category. You can include all monitors
by checking , or include only the 'On' monitors by checking the
 If you will click on the button, a tree of monitors will replace the station & monitors
tree, as was shown in Figure 7-3. Selecting a monitor from this tree will be selecting all
the same monitors from all the stations.
 Select the Option (Excel, Graph or Tabular). The Excel option exports the report as
an Excel Worksheet.
 Select from frame Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Periodic report.
 From the box, select the Start &Stop Date &Time for report coverage.
 Select the for the report.
 From the right lower frame check the statuses that you wish to include in the report, or
check the checkbox in order to include them all.
 Choose .

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 232 Jan 2014

When you press <OK> in the dialog box, a table will be presented- as shown in Figure 7-11. The
Graph option is presented in Figure 7-12.
In the Table option (as seen in Figure 7-11), availability of the data is depicted as a percent of the
total number of values (and number of values) for each data status code.

Figure 7-11

When switched to the Graph option, the data appears as shown below in Figure 7-12.

Figure 7-12

You can rule the graph's properties by right click on the chart. The window that will appear will be
divided to 5 tabs; each represents other group of characteristics, as shown in Chapter 6.5.6.

7.3 Alert Report

To View Alerts report Click OperationalAlerts and follow these steps:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 233 Jan 2014

 Check the desired stations and monitors directly from the stations frame or by selecting
from Purpose and/or Region and/or Organization (Owner) criterions combo boxes and
then choose the whished station from the relevant category. You can include all monitors
by checking , or include only the 'On' monitors by checking the

If you will click on the button, a tree of monitors will replace the station & monitors
tree, as was shown in Figure 7-3. Selecting a monitor from this tree will be selecting all
the same monitors from all the stations.
 From the box, select the Start &Stop Date &Time for report coverage.
 Status frame – Check and/or in order to include 'Opened' and/or
'Closed' alert events.
 Include Station Alerts – Mark this checkbox in order to including alerts that not alerting to
specific monitor, but related to the entire station.
 Include Status Changes - Mark in order to include alerts that reflecting status changes.
 Include Rounding Alerts – Mark in order to include rounding alerts in the report. This type
of alert will be activate when the data will be rounded to a close reasonable value, for
example: rounding data of relative humidity from 102% TO 100% or rounding global
radiation data from -5 to 0.
 Alert Types frame – Check specific alerts events (related to each monitor and station) you
wish to see in the report or mark them "All".
 Click on the button.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 234 Jan 2014

Figure 7-13

This reports the history of the alerts that have displayed on the Alerts pop up screen.
The report shows date, time and additional data about Alerts that occurred in the chosen period.
An example of a report that only & checkbox is marked of that kind is shown
in Figure 7-14 and another example with only checkbox enable is shown in Figure 7-

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 235 Jan 2014

Figure 7-14 Alerts Report

7.4 Diagnostic Report

Digital Monitors have RS-232 ports through which additional diagnostic information can be
obtained. Instrument manufactures may supply separate software to access and record this
Using this software would interfere with normal data collection from the instrument. Same
information can be logged in the background while data is being collected. Envista ARM can
collect diagnostics from API and Thermo Environmental Instruments analyzers.
Each instrument will have different parameters that can be collected. The software will obtain
diagnostics readings every two minutes whenever the RS-232 diagnostics option is selected.
Data stored in the database can be reported by selecting diagnostics from the Reports menu.

To display diagnostic report click OperationalDiagnostic . A dialog box will appear as

shown in the example below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 236 Jan 2014

Figure 7-16

Follow the next steps for producing Diagnostic report:

 From the left combos, select the station and its monitor for which a report is desired and
select the reporting period.
 The "Parameter" frame reflects the diagnostics parameters according your former
selections. Check the desired parameters you want to include in the report or mark "All" in
order to include them all.
 Select the Output of the report: Tabular, Graphic or Excel.
 Select the Duration that the report will reflect.
 Select from "Date And Time" frame the start & stop times (hours and dates) that the report
will reflect.
 Mark the "Separate" checkbox in order to display report for each parameter in separate
 Click "OK".

The following figure is an example for Diagnostic report (not separated):

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 237 Jan 2014

Figure 7-17

7.5 Digital Monitor

Digital monitors are those that have a serial interface. Through a serial interface such monitors
report not only the current measurements but also detailed status information. This digital status
information is recorded by Envidas units in the stations and then transferred to the central. For
the digital status information to be correctly processed the station definitions in the central must
have the correct instrument models assigned and the digital status information for the model must
be correct. Before running a digital monitor report, please verifies that all station configurations
has been completed and is accurate.

To report on Digital Monitor choose OperationalDigital Monitor . A dialog box will appear,
as shown in the example below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 238 Jan 2014

Figure 7-18

Follow the next steps for producing Digital Monitor report:

 From the left combos, select the station and its monitor for which a report is desired and
select the reporting period.
 In the "Alarms" frame, you will notice the names of the instruments, as were configured
through the "EnvidasFW" program. Check the items you want to include in the report or
mark the checkbox in order to include them all.
 Select the Output of the report: Tabular, Graphic or Excel.
 Select the Duration that the report will reflect.
 Select from "Date And Time" frame the start & stop times (hours and dates) that the report
will reflect.
 Click "OK".

Figure 7-19 is an example for digital monitor report for "N.Sh" station and "High Range" alarm, as
was configured in Figure 7-18:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 239 Jan 2014

Figure 7-19

7.6 Digital IO
This report, called also "Digital Input" report, reflects a table of the digital input items ,as were
configured by the "Envista ARM Setup" program (see separate manual), and according to their
occurrence in selected period for selected station.
In order to produce such report, follow the next steps:

 Click OperationalDigital IO and the following figure will appear, as shown in the
example below:

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Figure 7-20

 Select the desired station directly from the Station combo or by selecting from Purpose
and/or Region and/or Organization (Owner) criterions combo boxes and then choose the
whished station from the relevant category.
 Check the desired digital input items (as configured in the "Envista ARM Setup" program)
from the Digitals frame or mark the checkbox in order to include them all.
 Select the Output Option (Excel, Graph or Tabular). The Excel option exports the report
as an Excel Worksheet.
 Select from "Duration" frame Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Periodic report.
 From the "Date and Time" frame, select the Start Date, Start Time, Stop Date and Stop
Time for the items that will be included in the report.
 Check "Display As Numeric" checkbox in order to see the items according to their
Boolean state (0 or 1) and not in their configure presentation that the digits 0 and 1
represent text states. For example : the "door" digital input was configured to display
"Open" for "1" and "Close" for "0". If you will choose to display the numeric presentation,
you will see "0" instead of "Close" and "1" instead of "Open", as shown in Figure 7-21.
 Click <OK> and the report will appear on the screen.

Figure 7-21 is an example for digital IO report for the 3 items that were shown in Figure 7-20, the
left window is the "regular" presentation, while the right window is the same report, but with
"Display As Numeric" checkbox selected.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 241 Jan 2014

Figure 7-21 Digital IO Report, the right window reflects the numeric presentation

Figure 7-21b is an example for graphic presentation of digital input report that reflects the digital
input items as "1" and "0" values:

Figure 7-21b Digital Input Report – Graphic Presentation

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 242 Jan 2014

7.7 Communication Report
This application let you watch the errors that were caused during communication and data
In order to produce such report, follow the next steps:

 Click OperationalComm. and a dialog box will appear, as shown in the example

Figure 7-22

 Check the desired stations directly from the stations frame or by selecting from Purpose
and/or Region and/or Organization (Owner) criterions combo boxes and then choose the
whished station from the relevant category.
 Select the Output Option (Excel, Graph or Tabular). The Excel option exports the report
as an Excel Worksheet.
 Select from "Duration" frame Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Periodic report.
 From the "Date and Time" frame, select the Start Date, Start Time, Stop Date and Stop
Time for the items that will be included in the report.
 Check the "Use Port" checkbox in order to select from the combo box the communication
type that the data has been polled by, and that you wish to see (in the report) its errors
that were caused while using this communication type.
 Click "OK" and the report will appear on the screen.

Figure 7-23 reflect an example of a communication report:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 243 Jan 2014

Figure 7-23

7.8 Power Off

The Power Off report is a table that reflects the occurrences of 'power off' (failure in the power
related to a station) in selected station during selected period.
In order to produce Power Off report, follow the next steps:

 Click Operational>Power Off . A dialog box will appear, as shown in the example

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 244 Jan 2014

Figure 7-24

 Select the desired station directly from the Station combo or by selecting from Purpose
and/or Region and/or Organization (Owner) criterions combo boxes and then choose the
whished station from the relevant category.
 Select the Output Option (Excel or Tabular). The Excel option exports the report as an
Excel Worksheet.
 Select from "Duration" frame Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Periodic report.
 From the "Date and Time" frame, select the Start Date, Start Time, Stop Date and Stop
Time for the items that will be included in the report.
 Click <OK> and the report will appear on the screen, as in the example below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 245 Jan 2014

Figure 7-25 Power Off Report

7.9 Missing Data

This report shows in tabular format the period that each monitor from each station has not
received data.
By this information, you can find faults and damages in the stations, detectors or the system
In order to produce such report, follow the next steps:

 Click OperationalMissing Data . A dialog box will appear as shown below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 246 Jan 2014

Figure 7-26

 Check the desired stations and monitors directly from the stations frame or by selecting
from Purpose and/or Region and/or Organization (Owner) criterions combo boxes and
then choose the whished station from the relevant category. You can include all monitors
by checking , or include only the 'On' monitors by checking the
 If you will click on the button, a tree of monitors will replace the station & monitors
tree, as was shown in Figure 7-3. Selecting a monitor from this tree will be selecting all
the same monitors from all the stations.
 Select the Option (Excel, Graph or Tabular). The Excel option exports the report as
an Excel Worksheet.
 Select from frame Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Periodic report.
 From the box, select the Start &Stop Date &Time for report coverage.
 From combo box, select the whished table you want to see the report related
to: Select "Station(s) Time Base", "Hourly tables" or "Daily Tables".
 Check the status flags you want to include in the report from the checkboxes
frame. The default is , as appears in the note beside.
 Station Mode – Mark this checkbox in order to display the missing data parameters not for
each monitor but for each station in a row (including summary row).

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 247 Jan 2014

 Click and the report will appear on the screen.

The following figure is an example for missing data report (not in a station mode):

Figure 7-27

You can display only the Summary rows (those that are colored in green) by right clicking on the
table and selecting .

7.10 Log Book

The Log Book is actually notes that a technician writes for time to time, related to the systems
every X time or in case of damage or anything else. It can be periodic test notes, damage or
problem report or general notes about a station monitor etc…
There are two Log Book commands on the Operational toolbar: one for adding log book and the
other for producing a log book report that show the log books items on a table.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 248 Jan 2014

7.10.1 Add Log Book

This application let a technician to write the notes that will be shown later in the "Log Book

In order to add log book click OperationalAdd (Log Book) . Example for a log book item is
shown below:

Figure 7-29

 Select from Station combo box the station the logbook will be related to.
 Select from Generic list combo an issue to report on. It can be specific monitor or other
general issues like communication, data logger, evaporation, the station itself etc…
 Select from Maintain Type combo box from 2 weeks to half a year if it's periodic test or
'Fault' if there is a problem or 'other' for non regular messages.
 Type the Technician Name in the match tab or select it from the combo if there are any
former notes by this technician.
 Type in the main frame the message itself.
 In case you want to report on invalid data, mark the checkbox.
 Manufacturer – You can select manufacturer of the analyzer (in case the item is related to
an analyzer).

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 249 Jan 2014

 Analyzer – If the log book item deals with an analyzer select its model from this combo
 Spare Parts Table – Check the wished spare parts that are related to the item from the list
or include them all by checking All Parts. Each part you will select will appear on the log
book report.
 Click when you are done.

7.10.2 Log Book Report

The application presents the notes that a technician has wrote as was detailed in the previous

To produce log book report click OperationalReport (Log Book) . A dialog box will appear,
as shown below:

Figure 7-30

 There are some filters you can check and lightened (zero, one or all the filters) in order to
see categorized log book items (if you leave all the checkbox unmarked, all the log book
items will appear on the screen after pressing <OK>):

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 250 Jan 2014

o – In order to see logbook items for specific station mark this
checkbox and select the desired station directly from the Station combo box or by
selecting from Purpose and/or Region and/or Organization (Owner) criterions
combo boxes and then choose the whished station from the relevant category.
o – In order to see logbook items related to one issue from the generic
list mark this checkbox and select the specific issue from the combo box.
o – In order to see logbook items categorized by maintain type mark
this checkbox and select the specific maintain type from the combo box.
o – In order to see logbook items that were written by specific
technician mark this checkbox and select the specific technician you wish from the
combo box.
o - Mark this checkbox to include in the report logbook items that were
categorized/ not categorized as "Invalid Data" (select True/False from the combo
o - Check to include in the report the analyzer model name, off coarse
only if the item is related to an analyzer.
o - Mark this checkbox for see logbook items from specific period and
select the wished period from Duration and/ or Date and Time frames.
 Click and the report will be shown, as the following example reflects:

Figure 7-31 Log Book Report - Example

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 251 Jan 2014

The 'Description' row is not enough to see 500 words, so you can move your mouse on the
relevant cell of the description in order to see the entire note as a tooltip.
There is an option to edit or delete the records, by making a right click on the table.
The following context menu will appear:

Figure 7-32

 Edit Record – Click on this tab and the window, like the one that was demonstrated in
Figure 7-29 (but related to the selected item) will appear on the screen, letting you to edit
the specific record.
 Delete Record – Click on this tab related to specific row (item) and an insure message will
appear. If you will answer <Yes> this item will be removed.

7.11 Availability Report

Availability report displays a table that reflects the percent of valid data for specific meteorological
and pollutants monitors during the months and the quarters of the year.
In order to produce availability report, follow the next steps:

 Click Operational and the following dialog box will appear:

Figure 7-33

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 252 Jan 2014

 Check the desired stations and monitors directly from the stations frame or by selecting
from Purpose and/or Region and/or Organization (Owner) criterions combo boxes and
then choose the whished station from the relevant category. You can include all monitors
by checking , or include only the 'On' monitors by checking the
 Date and Time – Select the year you wish to cover.
 Minimum Value – you can check the "Show critical Value" checkbox and type this critical
value into the "Value under" text box. You can determine that below this critical value of
valid record percent, you will ignore the data is this period, for example.
 Report Type – Select her one of 4 report types that will cover another group of monitors,
meteorological of pollutants:
General Report
Gas Final Report
Meteo Final Report
SLA report
 Time Base Settings – After selecting the stations & monitors, the combo box will reflect
the lowest common time base. You can change it or check the "Use Pollutant Values"
checkbox in order to set the time base to be according to pollutant values.
 Click <OK> when you are done.

The following figure is an example for General availability report, while critical value is 50%:

Figure 7-34

You can see from the example above that for the pollutant (SO2), each month the valid data is
less than 50% (critical value) – the color indicate this fact and the data is colored in red.

7.12 Data Inventory

The data inventory report is a table or graphic report that displays data percentage for monitors
and stations according to selected threshold.
In order to produce such report, follow the next steps:

 Click Operational and the following dialog box will appear:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 253 Jan 2014

Figure 7-35

 Tabular Selection – Select the table that will be displayed according to the dynamic
tabular items, as were configured in the system. The example above and below contains
3 dynamic tabular items: Dyn1, Campbell, Testing WD and WS.
 Threshold – Type here the threshold that below it the data will be colored in red.
 Time Base – Select time base.
 Output – Select the plot of the report: Table, Graph or Excel sheet.
 Duration – Select duration the report will cover.
 Date and Time – Select start (and stop for periodic duration) date & time for report
 Click <OK> when you are done.

The following figure is an example for tabular and graphic format for the same reports for Dyn1
(at the left wing of the screen) and for Campbell (at the right side of the screen):

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Figure 7-36

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Page intentionally blank

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Chapter 8 - Information
Information menu including generic reports about the stations and monitors in the system:

Figure 8-1

8.1 Station Information

Station Information is a tabular report that reflects all the relevant details that related to the
selected station and its monitors as were configured in the "Envista ARM Setup" program (see
separate manual).

In order to produce such report, click InformationInfo Station and a dialog box will appear,
as shown below:

Figure 8-2

 Select the station, directly from the "Station" combo box, or by the help of the categorized
combo boxes "Purpose", "Region" and "Organization (Owner)".
 Click and the report will be shown on the screen, as the example on Figure
8-3 reflects:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 257 Jan 2014

Figure 8-3 Example for the entire report – General Station Details

As you can see from the figure above there are 2 fields on the screen:

 Station Details – Information about the station itself, as was configured by the setup
Envista program when the station was established.
This field is divided to 5 tabs. Clicking on each tab will present the relevant information on
this field:
1. General (as was shown in Figure 8-3)
2. Location – See Figure 8-4
3. Communication – See Figure 8-5
4. Contacts – See Figure 8-6
5. Other – See Figure 8-7
 Monitors Details - Information about the monitors (like their name, number, ranges, units
etc) that included in the selected station, as was added by the setup Envista program to
the station. Each monitor is presented in a separate row, in numeric order as was
This field don't use any tabs and the presentation will not changing as a result of clicking
on the tabs in Station Details field.

Figure 8-4 – Example for Location Station Details Field

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 258 Jan 2014

Figure 8-5 – Example for Communication Station Details Field

Figure 8-6 – Example for Contacts Station Details Field

Figure 8-7 – Example for Other Station Details Field

8.2 Monitor History

This report display a table for selected monitors details, as were configured via Envista Setup
program, including the history of every single change that were made in these details.

To produce such report click InformationMonitor History . A dialog box will appear:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 259 Jan 2014

Figure 8-8

 The , and Organization combos are meant for categorized the stations and
reduce the options according to these common details. You can select from these combos
the wished items or skip on them, and leave the "All" option
 Check the desired stations and monitors from the stations-monitors frame (or mark the All
checkbox). If you want to check specific monitors from a specific station, click on the
sign beside the station name, and the list of the monitors will appear. If you will check the
station name without "open" this list, you will check all the monitors related to this selected
station. The number inside the tree (first row) indicates the number of selected monitors
("0" in the example on Figure 6-12).
 Select for including all monitors or check any combination of individual monitors or
to include all the monitors that are in ‘ON’ state.
 If you will click on the button, a tree of monitors will replace the station & monitors
tree, as shown below. Selecting a monitor from this tree will be selecting all the same
monitors from all the stations

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 260 Jan 2014

Figure 8-9
Press the button for return to the first stations-monitors presentation.
 From the frame, select the period that the report will reflect: , ,
or .
 From frame, type the time (date& hour) that the report will begin to reflect
data and time for ending the report coverage.
 Options – Select the order of rows, by date effective (date & time of establish the monitor)
or by date recorded (date & time of last editing in the monitor's details) columns.
 Monitor Type – You can select to display history for monitors related to specific monitor
type, as was related via the Envista Setup program or leave the default 'Off' option that
will display all monitors from this criteria.
 Instrument – You can select to display history for monitors related to specific instrument,
as was related via the Envista Setup program or leave the default 'Off' option that will
display all monitors from this criteria.
 Serial Number – You can select to display history for monitors related to specific serial
number, as was related via the Envista Setup program or leave the default 'Off' option that
will display all monitors from this criteria.
 User – You can select to display history for monitors related to specific user, as was
related via the Envista Setup program or leave the default 'Off' option that will display all
monitors from this criteria.
 Click <OK> when you are done.

Example for monitor's history report is shown below in two horizontal windows, ecause the table
is wider that a single capture can reflect:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 261 Jan 2014

Figure 8-10

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Chapter 9 - Edit
The ability to edit the data values, data status and calibration results is important to the
maintenance of an accurate database. Data collected from the data loggers installed at
monitoring stations may sometime be incorrect. In other instances, data values must be entered
manually. This is the case if normal communications fails.
For stations and monitors that do not use data loggers or only generate values based on
laboratory analyses, the values must be entered manually. The Envista Data Manager’s Edit
capability supports these activities.

Edit Permissions and roles:

A user can be assigned to stations according to 4 levels:

5. Viewer - The viewer has only the right to view the reports, but not to view edits or making
changes in the configurations or data.
6. Operator - An operator does not have edit permissions but unlike most users can View
the Edit Table report ,Change a status to "OK" or "Invalid" and Change the state of alerts
from "open" to "close" and vice versa.
7. Preliminary Editor - Editor that has permission for almost all the activities in the Envista.
8. Final Editor - The highest level of permission, the administrator that has all permissions
in the Envista system.

The "Edit" tab is enabled only when the user is an Operator and above (but not Viewer) as was
configured in "Personnel" tab on the Envista ARM Setup program (see separate manual for
details). The role definition is relevant only for the station(s) that were contacted to the specific
user as an editor or operator.
To select Edit functions, click on the label from the main menu. The Edit items appear in the
example below:

Figure 9-1 Edit Sub-Menu

The following table describes the commands available in the Envista ARM Edit menu:

Icon Command Function See Ch

Edit Table Change or add data values and data status values
Edit Block Edit data for block of data records according to
specific rules
Validation Validate monitors and stations for selected period
Edit Validation Change, add or delete validation periods

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Calc. Avg. Calculates average values for Avg. Data Tables
Quality Running quality assurance check
Delete Data Let the editor to delete data 9.8
Delete Calc. & Transfer calculated data according the "From Time
Trans. Base" and "To Time Base" selection
Calibration Apply Calibration Correction. Delete or add regular
calibration and multiple calibrations
Copy Raw Data Copy data from Raw Station tables to Editable
Station Tables 9.6
Copy Monitor's Copy data from one monitor to another
Edit Database Edit "Status table", "Pollutant factors" and
"Conversion formats" tables

9.1 Edit Table

Edit table let you to change data – numeric and status for selected monitors in selected period.

Click EditEdit Table and the following dialog box will appear:

Figure 9-2

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To obtain a table of data values in which you can perform edits and add new data follow these

 Select the desired Station (directly by select one from the "Station" combo box, or with
the help of the "Purpose", "Region" and "Organization (Owner)" category combo
 Check the monitor(s) you wish to include in your report, or check the "All" checkbox in
order to include them all (related to the selected station).
 Enter the start date and end date for the data you wish to edit.
 Select the Output Option (Excel, Graph or Tabular). The Excel option exports the report
as an Excel Worksheet.
 Select the duration of time that the report refers to: Daily, Weekly, Monthly or
Periodic for other period of time that will be configured in the Date and Time box.
 Select from Date and Time box, dates and time for start and stop the report,
according to the previous selection. If it is a daily, weekly or monthly report, you can
select only the Start Date. The other options will be light up when you select
 Select Time Base. And nark the "Use EPA Statuses" checkbox in order to include EPA
statuses in the report.
 View Style – Right now there is only Standard option in this combo box.
 Click OK and the table that let you edit will appear on the screen, as shown in the
example below:

Figure 9-3 Edit Table before Editing

You can use the Edit Table to change or add data values and data status. You can move through
the table with either the mouse or the keyboard. Values shown in the Edit Table either are as
stored in the database or formatted to the precision configured for the monitor selected. The

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changes you are about to make here will be shown in the "Edit History" report (see Chapter
Moving the mouse on the table over a single record and making a right click will cause the
following context menu to appear:

Figure 9-3a1

Enter/ Change Edit info – Click on this label (it will be available only if this record was
edited by your username) in order to change the edit info message you have typed after
changing this record (see Figure 9-4).
Open Edit Block – Click to open the Edit Block window that will reflect the table cells that
were selected by the mouse (see Chapter 9.1.3).
Enter/ Change Explanation/ Comment – Clicking on this label will let you to add an
explanation related to this record from a combo box and/or add comment, including
checking up to 9 additional explanations as shown in the example below:

Figure 9-3a

Save Columns Size – Click here to save the wide of the column.
Clear Explanations/ Comments – Click to erase any explanations or comments that may
be written related to this object.
Hide Status Columns – Click to hide the status column and to edit only numeric data.

At the lower field of the report there are several checkboxes:

- Display as a tooltip the description that was typed after editing.
- Display as a tooltip beside the status cells the information related to
this status. For example: status "_" will escorted with "Data OK" status info.
- Hide/Show the status columns in the talble.
- Display as a tooltip the "Explanation/ Comment" as was
example on Figure 9-3a. Example is shown below:

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Figure 9-3b

- Check to color each status (and its value) according to the status
color that was configured via the SetupsOptionsVisualsColors. Example is shown

Figure 9-3c

After changing items, press the button, a message will appear, asking "Are You
Sure You Want to Save Changes?":
If you will answer <Yes> the "Calc Avg Options" window will appear, letting you check /uncheck
the time-bases that were configured related to this station (in the Envista Setup program
"Communication" field) and the Calc Average items (in the Envista Setup program "Calc Average"

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Figure 9-3d

Check the relevant items and the Calc Average process will act related to these checked items,
as shown in the following example:

Figure 9-3e

9.1.1 Changing the data value of a single item

 Click on a data value item. It will color in blue.

 Type the new whished value and press <Enter>. The following message will appear, ask
for description, as shown below:

Figure 9-4

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 Type a description for the act (like reason, name or any other letter) or find in the
"Message" combo box a pre-typed description and click "OK".
Note: To set a new custom message click SetupsOptionsGeneral Custom Edit
Description button (see Chapter 11.4.1). In the same field you can uncheck the
checkbox and the figure above will not appear.
 The new value will reflect from the table, colored in the color that was configured as
"Edit Final Manual" color from Setups Options Visuals Colors (see Chapter
11.4.3), as shown below. The figure reflects also the validated items that colored
according the same path (see Chapter 11.4.3). In the example below you can see that
NOX was validated during this period:

Figure 9-5

9.1.2 Changing the status value for single item

 Click on a status value item. It will color in blue and a combo will be open from it.
 Open the combo box that was created. It’s a combo for status items, as shown in Figure

Figure 9-6

 Select the wished status item and press <Enter> (or click the mouse) .A message as was
shown in Figure 9-4 will appear.
 Type a description for the act (like reason, name or any other letter) and click "OK". The
new status will reflect from the table, colored in light red color, as shown in Figure 9-7:

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Figure 9-7

9.1.3 Edit Block

While working with the "Edit Table" it may be faster to apply the same change to more than one
period at a time. To do this highlight the values by dragging the mouse down the column of
values (selecting a single column to be edited in "Edit Block" pattern is allowed). They will all be
highlighted and a new menu will popup, as shown below:

Figure 9-8

Click on the "Open Edit Block" tab and the Edit Block window will appear as shown below:

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Figure 9-9 Edit Block Window

 Check the monitors you wish to include in the edit.

 The time (from 'Duration' and 'Date and Time' frame) that the edit will refers to was
selected by highlighting the cells in the "Edit Table" screen. You cab change it by the
Duration and Date and Time features.
 Select the Time Base that the edit will include.
 Check the 'Use Filter' checkbox in order to limit the value to be smaller then, bigger then,
equal to or between selected values. After checking this checkbox the 'Filter' frame will be
lightened and you will be able to select >, <, =, <> and type numeric values.
 There are four options for a numeric value and one more for status value, to set a
common numeric value for the block of items:
o Fix Value - Type into the "Set to Value" tab the numeric value you want all the
selected items will get.
o Calc Value (AX+B) – Click on this tab and the frame will become like below:

Figure 9-10 Calc Value

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Type into the A and B tabs value that will be calculated according to the formula
y=AX+B (direct line), while "y" will be the new value which will be set up to the
entire selected block.
o Formula - Click on this tab and the frame will become like below:

Figure 9-11 Formula

Type one of the formulas that will appear after clicking on the button, and
displayed on the following table. Use the operators that appear in the
field (see Figure 9-9):

Function Operato Description

SQR - Square function which can be used as SQR(X)
SIN - Sinus function which can be used as SIN(X), X is a real-type
expression. Sin returns the sinus of the angle X in radians
COS - Cosines function which can be used as COS(X), X is a real-type
expression. COS returns the cosine of the angle X in radians
ATAN - Arctangent function which can be used as ATAN(X)
SINH - Sinus Hyperbolic function which can be used as SINH(X)
COSH - Cosines Hyperbolic function which can be used as COSH(X)
COTAN - Cotangent function that can be used as COTAN(X)
TAN - Tangent function that can be used as TAN(X)
EXP - Exponential function that can be used as EXP(X)
LN - Natural log, which can be used as LN(X)
LOG - 10 based log, which can be used as LOG(X)
SQRT - Square root function which can be used as SQRT(X)
ABS - Absolute value, which can be used as ABS(X)
SIGN - SIGN(X) returns -1 if X<0; +1 if X>0, 0 if X=0; it can be used as SQR(X)
TRUNC - Discards the fractional part of a number. e.g. TRUNC(-3.2) is -3,
TRUNC(3.2) is 3
CEIL - CEIL(-3.2) = 3, CEIL(3.2) = 4
FLOOR - FLOOR(-3.2) = -4, FLOOR(3.2) =3
INTPOW - The INTPOW function raises Base to an integral power. -INTPOW(2, 3)
= 8. Note that result of INTPOW(2, 3.4) = 8 as well
POW - The Power function raises Base to any power. For fractional exponents
or exponents greater than MaxInt, Base must be greater than 0
LOGN - The LogN function returns the log base N of X. Example: LOGN(10,
100) = 2
MIN - Minimum between 2 numbers: MIN(2, 3) is 2
MAX - Maximum between 2 numbers: MAX(2, 3) is 3
RND - RND() function generates a random number (double value) between 0
and 1
- Channel ChannelXX sign will be typed as "Mxx". EX: Rain is M12 if its id=12
- Plus Plus sign will be typed as "+". Ex: M04+M03
- Minus Minus sign will be typed as "-". Ex: M01-2M13

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- Mul Multiplication sign will be typed as "*".Ex: 4M05*2M06
- Div Division sign will be typed as "/". Ex:2M06/12
- Root Root sign will be typed as "^". Ex: M3^2+15
- Brack Brackets signs will be typed as ")" &"(". Ex: (M2+3M4)^3

o Status – If a block of status items had been chosen, the frame will become like

Figure 9-12 Status

Select from the 'Set to Status' combo box the desired status.
o Linear Equation – Display a checkbox that apply interpolated baseline corrections
between selected start & stop times:

Figure 9-12b Linear Equation

 Type into the 'Description' tab, at least one letter to describe the act or select one of the
"Custom Description" that was configured via the Options section (see Chapter 11.4.1).
 Click "OK" and answer "Yes" to the follows message in order to insure the act.
 After closing the Edit window another message will appear on the screen, ask you
whether to save the changes you have just done. Answer "Yes" in order to implement
these changes.

9.1.4 Edit Graph

If you will select by mouse in the Edit Table tabular any item(s) from any monitor(s) (like in Figure
9-5 for example) the item(s) will be colored in blue. Clicking on the button (or pressing
<SPACE>), a graph will be shown, for each selected monitor for the period the report reflects.
The specific item(s) that were chosen will be presented on the graph as vertical line/rectangle
according the selected period.
The figure is an example for Edit table that a few items from 2 monitors selected:

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Figure 9-13
The following figure is the graph that shown after click on the button in the same example.
The figure reflects also a gray rectangle that indicates the items that were selected (that related
to the period 01/05/2011 03:00 to 01/05/2011 17:00). At the upper row, above the graph you will
see the day that contains the selected period, which rounded by a rectangular:

Figure 9-14

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You can see also from Figure the figure above a red arrow in the time axis and a vertical red line
follows. If you will move your mouse on the graph and click on it, the red line will appear, showing
you the value for the time you had chosen. At the example above, the value for NO on 17:00 is 2
ppb and for NO2 is 18 ppb. If you will place the arrow in any other place in the graph, the upper
row above the graph will show the exact date & time as was selected and a curve rectangular will
appear at the top of the graph, reflects the value, date& time and status for the item that was

chosen as the following example: .

Further Graph Utilities

Move the mouse on the graph and right clicking will make the following menu appear:

The items including in this context menu are:

 - Click on this tab, and the edit block window will appear, as was shown in
Figure 9-9, but in 1 difference: most of the options have already selected (like station,
monitor, time etc), so only the "Filter" combo box and the lower frame will be lightened.
 - Click on this tab in order to reflect in the graph the statuses, each in different
 - Click on this tab and the graph (and the tabular) will reflect in different
color the validation items. (For details about validation, see Chapters 9.2 and 6.12).
 - Clicking on this tab will make the following window appear, letting the
user to change the default values for minimum and maximum Y axis.

Figure 9-14c

 - Marking this checkbox will reflect only valid data in the graph.
 - Click on this label to change Explanation and/or Comment
text related to the relevant point on the graph. The window that will appear on the graph is
the same as was example on Figure 9-3a.

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Figure 9-15 is an example for the same graph that was shown in Figure 9-14, but after clicking on
the "Status Colors" tab and unmarking the "Show only Valid" label related to the upper graph
(NO). You can see that now the missing data values (from 12:00 to 15:00) that were absent from
figure 9-14 because it showed only valid values now appears with different colors – an outcome
of the status colors (<Sample, Zero and Span):

Figure 9-15

9.2 Validation Settings

Sometimes there is a need to validate station for period, from minutes to days. The reason may
be constructions, damage, changes in the array of stations and more.
In order to do this, an operator and editor (not viewer) as was configured in the "Personnel" tab
(for each station separately) in the "Setup" program can do this validation by "Validation Date"
application. If the Validation Date menu is visible – you are an editor and can work with this
application. If not – check with the "Envista Setup" program your status.
The Validation Date screen is look like in the figure below and appears after clicking

EditValidation Settings :

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Figure 9-13 Validation Settings

 The stations, which appear in the main frame, were each configured also for the specific
editor as a user name in the "Contact" tab.
 In order to validate an entire station check the box beside its name (in the right field) and
type the start & stop date & time for the validation and click .
 You can check "All" checkbox in order to validate all the stations at the same time.
 In case you wish to validate one or more monitor but not the entire station, click on the
sign beside the desired station and the list of its monitors will be revealed. Check the
monitor(s) you would like to validate and click .
 Every new validation to a station that have already validation row will replace the previous
validation, and will appear on the main frame instead of the 'old' one.
 After Clicking "Add" the next message will appear: Are You Sure To Change Monitor's
Validation Data?
Answer "Yes" and a new message will appear "Action Succeeded !".

All the validations that you have made are visible in the main frame here (click on the button to
reveal them all or click on the button beside each station in order to reveal the validations
related to this specific station. Example below:

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Figure 9-14

The validations are shown also in the "Reports" menu (as detailed in Chapter 6.12), and reflects
also the Edit Level of the validation that is a result of the User that was made the validation:

 Final – Is the high edit level, indicates that a person that was configured to be a final
editor (by the "Contact" tab in "Envista Setup" program) made the validation.
 Preliminary – Is the low edit level, indicates that a person that was configured to be an
Preliminary Editor (by the "Contact" tab in "Envista Setup" program) made the validation.

Pay attention that the highest edit level is shown on the screen in Figure 9-13 on the first row,
beside the name of the user, beside the specific edit level in the table that appears beside every
validating item.

9.3 Edit Validation

The way of editing final data must be that Final validation data must have the validation removed
before anyone can change it.
Data Validated as Preliminary must have the validation remover before and editor can change the
In order to change /add /delete the validation items follow the next steps:

 Click EditEdit Validation .

 Select the desired Station (directly by select one from the "Station" combo box, or with
the help of the Purpose/ Region /Organization (Owner) category combo boxes).
 Check the monitor(s) you wish to include in your report, or check the "All" checkbox in
order to include them all (related to the selected station).
 Enter the start date and end date for the data you wish to edit.
 The Output option is tabular only.
 Select the duration of time that the report refers to: Daily, Weekly, Monthly or
Periodic for other period of time that will be configured in the Date and Time box.

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 Select from Date and Time box, dates and time for start and stop the report,
according to the previous selection. If it is a daily, weekly or monthly report, you can
select only the Start Date. The other options will be light up when you select
 Mark the Filter By Final/ Preliminary checkboxes in order to filter the validation items
that will appear.
 Click . The following figure is an example for Edit Validation dialog box that
will appear:

Figure 9-15

Figure 9-16

 In order to edit an item, click on it and press and the following window will
appear, as shown in Figure 9-17:

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Figure 9-17
 For changing validations select time for start & stop validation & click . Note:
You cannot edit final validations from this window.

 For removing the validation item, click on the button.

 In order to erase a final validation item (in case you want to edit this data), select this final

item (like the second item in the example on Figure 9-16) and click on the
button. Now, you can edit this data by clicking "Edit Table" or "Edit Block" like it was
before the final validation process.

9.4 Calc. Avg.

Calc Avg. performs the following calculations and stores the values in tables for use by various
reports and analyses:

 Calculates 60 minute and 1440 minute (daily) average values from the station
observations. Depending on the Configuration, Option, Averages settings the daily
averages maybe based on the hourly values or the original station time base data (e.g 5,
minute, 30 minute etc)
 Calculates CO and O3 rolling 8-hour averages. The rolling 8 hr table is based on the
hourly table values.
 Calculates rolling 24 hr dust averages.
 Calculates daily maximum values for CO, O3 and dust.

To run Calc Avg., follow the next steps:

 Click EditCalc Avg. . A dialog box, similar to the figure below will appear.

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Figure 9-18

 Check the desired station(s) from the stations window, or with the help of the "Purpose",
"Region" and "Organization (Owner)" categorize combo boxes.
 From Duration frame, select the period that the calc. avg. will run: Daily, Weekly, Monthly
or Periodic (for period of time that is different from the above).
 From "Date and Time" frame, select the start time & date and stop time & date for running
the calc. avg.
 From frame, check the tables that you want to update:
o The is marked by default and meant to use the explicit pre-
defined settings, as were made by the "Envista Setup" program (see separate
user's manual).
o - For hourly tables mark this checkbox, but first you need to
unmarked the default checked checkbox. This option calculates
the 60 minutes tables from the station's primary time-base tables.
o - For daily tables mark this checkbox, but first you need to
unmarked the default checked checkbox. This option calculates
the 1440 minutes tables from the station's 60 minutes tables.
o - Mark this checkbox for calculated the running average of:
CO 8 hr, Ozone 8 hr, Dust 24 hr, SO2 24 he, Smoke 24 hr.
o - For using the Extra time Bases, as were made by the
"Envista Setup" program (see Separate user's manual), unmark the
checkbox and mark this one. This option takes the station's
primary time-base as "FROM" time-base source and calculate from the lowest to
the highest one with no cascading.
Note: The "Calc Extra Time-Bases" done before the "Cal Avg Settings"

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 Click and a warning message will appear.
 Answer <Yes> to the message and the process will begin, as you will be able to see in the
trace that will be shown in a separate window, as the example in Figure 9-19 reflects
(example of calc average for "Ahuza" station on 31/1/07):

Figure 9-19

9.5 Calibration
Using edit calibration utilities, you can correct data values based on calibrations or edit/add/delete
calibration results themselves.

Figure 9-20a reflects the options appear from the EditCalibration icon:

Figure 9-20a

The following Chapters will deal with every feature from the fourth items that were revealed and
shown in the figure above.

9.5.1 Edit Calibration

In order to edit existing calibration records click EditCalibrationEdit. A dialog box will appear
as shown below:

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Figure 9-20

This figure is identical to the "Report Calibration" window, as was detailed in Chapter 7.1 and in
Figure 7-2. The reason is that the Edit Calibration (or "Calibration Report – [Edit Mode]" as it
called) let you producing the same calibration report, but with one difference: you can edit the
data on the report.
Figure 9-21 demonstrates the Calib_2_Points tabular report (the graphic report is not editable) :

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Figure 9-21

In order to edit data item/s click on the wished row of and a window will appear letting you change

each item (including status and date & time) and click to implement them.
The following figure is an example for such window for editing calibration items. You can edit the
Zero and Span parameters, the Date and Time, Status, or description for this item:

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Figure 9-22

9.5.2 Add Calibration

If calibration records are not collected automatically through polling of station data loggers or a
download of data from the MaintainView program they can be entered manually. Add Calibration
functions support adding both multi-point and regular calibration events to the database.

Add Regular Calibration

To add Regular calibrations, follow the next steps:

 Click EditCalibrationAddRegular Calibration. The "Regular Calibration Add/Edit"

window will appear, as shown below:

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Figure 9-23

 Select the Station (directly by the Station combo box, or with the "help" of the Purpose
and Region and Organization (Owner) category combo boxes).
 Select the monitor you want to add calibration to from the "Monitor" combo box.
 Enter the Start Date and Start Time of the calibration to the "Date and Time" frame.
 Select whether the calibration status is valid or invalid, by the "Status" combo box. It is not
automatically determined. Valid implies the calibration results were within acceptable
 Calibration Type – Select Manual to add all types of calibration report beside the Precision
Report or Precision to add Span values for Precision Calibration Report (see Chapter
 Fill in the values for Zero Reference (Zero Ref) and Zero Measured (Zero Meas). The
"Zero" tab will automatically respond to the typed values and will reflect the calculated
zero numeric value.
 Fill in the values for Span Reference (Span Ref) and Span Measured (Span Meas). The
"Factor" and the "Span Diff" tabs will automatically respond to the typed values and will
reflect the calculated factor and span diff numeric values.
 Fill in the values for Span1 Reference (Span1 Ref) and Span Measured (Span1 Meas).
The "Factor1" and the "Span Diff1" tabs will automatically respond to the typed values and

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will reflect the calculated factor and span diff numeric values for the second span,

 Press the button when done entering the calibration record.

Add Multipoint Calibration

To add a multipoint calibration, follow the next steps:

 Click EditCalibrationAddMultipoint Calibration. The following window will appear as

shown in the example below:

Figure 9-24

 Select the Station (directly by the Station combo box, or with the "help" of the Purpose
and Region and Organization (Owner) category combo boxes).
 Select the monitor you want to add calibration to from the "Monitor" combo box.
 Enter the Start Date and Start Time of the calibration to the "Date and Time" frame.
 Fill in the values for Reference (Ref) and Measured (Meas) calibration values (up to 9
rows/points) in the "Zero +Span Values" table.
 Type – Select Calibration or Audit (in case this item is for testing).
 Description – Select one of saved description text rows or type below new description that

will be saved after clicking among the rest details of this act.

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Add Parallel Calibration (Shewart Calibration)

To add and edit shewart (parallel) calibration that has introduced in Chapter 7.1.13, follow the
next steps:

 Click EditCalibrationAddParallel Calibration. The following window will appear as

shown in the example below:

Figure 9-24b

 Select the Station (directly by the Station combo box, or with the "help" of the Purpose
and Region and Organization (Owner) category combo boxes).
 Select the monitor you want to add calibration to from the "Monitor" combo box.
 Calibration Title – Type here calibration title.
 S(Ams) Value & S(srm) Value – Here you can type the requested values for span.
 Raw Data – Mark this checkbox to include raw data.
 Sample Date and Time – Select start date & start time and end time for the calibration
 Click on the <Add Sample> button to add it to the table.
 Repeat the steps above to add further samples, or click on an item and press <Delete
samples> for delete it.
 Click <Save> when you are done.

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9.5.3 Delete Calibration

Editor can delete regular or multipoint calibration records from each wished station and monitor
for selected period.

Delete Regular Calibration

In order to delete regular (not multi-point) calibration follow the next steps:

 Click "EditCalibrationDeleteRegular Calibration". The "Calibration delete - Regular"

window will appear, as shown in Figure 9-25:

Figure 9-25

 Select the Station (directly by the Station combo box, or with the "help" of the Purpose
and Region and Organization (Owner) category combo boxes).
 Select the monitor you want to its calibration events to be deleted from the "Monitor"
combo box.
 Enter the Start Date and Start Time of the calibration to the "Date and Time" frame, or set
the duration to "Daily", "Weekly", or "Monthly".
 Click .

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Delete Multipoint Calibration

In order to delete multipoint calibration, follow the next steps:

 Click "EditCalibrationDeleteMultipoint Calibration". The "Calibration delete -

Multipoint" window will appear, as shown below:

Figure 9-26

 Select the Station (directly by the Station combo box, or with the "help" of the Purpose
and Region and Organization (Owner) category combo boxes).
 Select the monitor you want to delete its calibration records to be deleted from the
"Monitor" combo box.
 Enter the Start Date and Start Time of the calibration to the "Date and Time" frame, or set
the duration to "Daily", "Weekly", or "Monthly".
 Click .

9.5.4 Corrections

The calibration correction is an act that changes automatically and linearly the data of pollutants
according to calibration zero and/or factor results between 2 points of calibration-time under the
editor request.

In case the zero difference between two calibration events is different than 0 and in case the
Factor difference between two calibration events is different than 1.0 the monitor is not reflecting

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 290 Jan 2014

exactly the right outcome. Therefore, the data is needed to be corrected, and it should be
referring to 2 points – which represent 2 calibration events.

Example: Suppose an automatic calibration is being acted every night on 00:00 in a station.
Suppose the Zero in 28.11.2012, 00:00 was 6 and the factor was 1.2 and in the next day
29.11.2012, 00:00 the zero was 7.9 and the factor was 1.35.
In such case there is a need to make a correction, so the data of the pollutant's concentration
between 28 to 29 November will reflect the reality.

The correction change the concentration according to a formula that is taking account the Zero
and/or (according the editor request)the Factor values of the first and last row (calibration event).

In order to make such 2 point linear correction Click EditCalibrationCorrections and the
following window will appear:

Figure 9-27

 Select the wished station (directly by the Station combo box, or with the "help" of the
Purpose and Region and Organization (Owner) category combo boxes).
 Select the desired monitor from the Monitor combo box.
 Date And Time - From this frame, select start & stop date & time for the period that the
correction will occur. The default start date & time is from the earliest calibration event. In
order to change this default and select start date & time click on the button.
 Correction – There are 2 options to correct:
Between two points – The calculation will be made on every 2 adjacent rows from
the first to the last calibration event that lays on the selected period. Note: The first
calibration event that will be taking account is actually the second row in the table
and the last is actually one before the last. This is because the table display in the
first row the previous calibration and in the last row the last calibration.
Two Points – The editor determine the 1st and last point of calibration by clicking on
its row. The row will be lightened and will be called & . The
calculation will be taking account only these two rows (actually their zero and/or
factor values) but will change all the data between these two dates & time.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 291 Jan 2014

 Click and the following table will appear, as shown in the example below (for
Two Points option) after selecting the first and last cal:

Figure 9-28

 Check and/ or related to the records you want to correct.

 To specify 1st cal and Last cal row click on the wished row, the first click will make it "1st
Cal" and the second (if it is later) – "Last Cal".
 In order to change the and rows follow the next steps:
o Click on the row that indicate as or and this tab/s will
o Click on the row that you wish to be first/ last and it will be indicating as
or (depend which label has deleted first).
 The "Days Before" and "Days After" ="1 Day" each frame indicates the default value for
days before& after, which means the number of days prior to the start date and follow the
stop date that should be included in the search for calibration events.

 You can make a simulation before correcting the data by clicking . A trace
and a chart will appear indicating the zero, span and the value before and after the

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 292 Jan 2014

Figure 9-29

Sometimes, the difference between the Value Before and the Value After curves are so small you
cannot see them on the chart. In this case you may make a zoom in by clicking <Shift>+drawing
a rectangular with the mouse. Example below:

Figure 9-29a

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 293 Jan 2014

Click or press on the <Space> bar to see the table form of the simulation:

Figure 9-29b

Now, after the simulation you can apply these changes by click . A trace will
appear on the screen, indicating the corrections were made on data:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 294 Jan 2014

Figure 9-29c

At the end of the trace there is the follow recommendation:

Figure 9-29d

9.6 Copy Data

It may be useful to copy data from one monitor to another or to copy raw data (the original
records of the database before any changes or editing actions were made).
In order to copy data (raw data or monitor data) Move your mouse on top of the "Copy Data" tab,
and two more tabs will open: "Copy Raw Data" and "Copy Monitor Data", as detailed in the
following Chapters:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 295 Jan 2014

Copy Raw Data

The Raw data table contains data that has not been changed by other system processes such as
edits. It may be useful to copy the raw data over the regular data if the regular data has been
damaged or you want to reverse all the edits.

To copy raw data, click EditCopy DataCopy Raw Data and a dialog box will appear.

Figure 9-30

 Choose a station [directly by the Station combo box or with the "help" of the Purpose,
Region and Organization (Owner) category combo boxes] from which to copy raw data.
 Select the wished monitor/s by checking it/them or mark the checkbox in order to
copy them all.
 - Choose Start and End dates and times to determine the period of time for
which raw data will be copied to the regular data.
 Select the wished time base (the default is the common time base) from the "Time Base"
combo box.
 Mark the "Run Quality Assurance after Copy" checkbox in order to implement the
changes automatically after coping.
 Click and you will notice the trace that indicates the process. Figure 9-31 is
an example for such trace (as a result of the request that was demonstrated in Figure 9-

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 296 Jan 2014

Figure 9-31

Copy Monitor's Data

To copy Monitor's Data, click EditCopy DataCopy Monitor Data and a dialog box as
shown below will appear.

Figure 9-32

 - Choose a source station and monitor from which to copy data from.
 - Choose a target station and monitor from which to copy data to.
 - Choose Start &End dates &times to determine the period of time for which
data will be copied from one monitor to the other and click .
 Mark in order to copy monitor's status only.
 The trace of the process will appear, as shown in the example on Figure 9-33:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 297 Jan 2014

Figure 9-33

9.7 Edit Block

This application is available from the "Edit Table" feature (as shown in Chapter 9.1) after
selecting several record items beside the direct edit block option.
The edit block application let you edit a bunch of data records from selected period by one act,
according to specific rules and an option to filter only specific records.

In order to edit block in the direct way, select EditEdit Block . The following figure is an
example for the window that will appear on the screen:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 298 Jan 2014

Figure 9-34

 Select the wished station [directly by the Station combo box, or with the "help" of the
Purpose and Region and Organization (Owner) category combo boxes].
 Check the monitors you wish to include in the editor mark the All checkbox in order to
include them all.
 The time (from 'Duration' and 'Date and Time' frame) that the edit will refers to was
selected by highlighting the cells in the "Edit Table" screen. You can change it by the
Duration and Date and Time features.
 Select the Time Base that the edit will include.
 Check the 'Use Filter' checkbox in order to limit the value to be smaller then, bigger then,
equal to or between selected values. After checking this checkbox the 'Filter' frame will be
lightened and you will be able to select >, <, =, <> and type numeric values.
 There are four options for a numeric value and one more for status value, to set a
common numeric value for the block of items:
o Fix Value - Type into the "Set to Value" tab the numeric value you want all the
selected items will get.
o Calc Value (AX+B) – Click on this tab and the frame will become like below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 299 Jan 2014

Figure 9-35 Calc Value

Type into the A and B tabs value that will be calculated according to the formula
y=AX+B (direct line), while "y" will be the new value which will be set up to the
entire selected block.
o Formula - Click on this tab and the frame will become like below:

Figure 9-36 Formula

Type one of the formulas that will appear after clicking on the button, and
displayed on the following table. Use the operators that appear in the
field (see Figure 9-9):

Function Operato Description

SQR - Square function which can be used as SQR(X)
SIN - Sinus function which can be used as SIN(X), X is a real-type
expression. Sin returns the sinus of the angle X in radians
COS - Cosines function which can be used as COS(X), X is a real-type
expression. COS returns the cosine of the angle X in radians
ATAN - Arctangent function which can be used as ATAN(X)
SINH - Sinus Hyperbolic function which can be used as SINH(X)
COSH - Cosines Hyperbolic function which can be used as COSH(X)
COTAN - Cotangent function that can be used as COTAN(X)
TAN - Tangent function that can be used as TAN(X)
EXP - Exponential function that can be used as EXP(X)
LN - Natural log, which can be used as LN(X)
LOG - 10 based log, which can be used as LOG(X)
SQRT - Square root function which can be used as SQRT(X)
ABS - Absolute value, which can be used as ABS(X)
SIGN - SIGN(X) returns -1 if X<0; +1 if X>0, 0 if X=0; it can be used as SQR(X)
TRUNC - Discards the fractional part of a number. e.g. TRUNC(-3.2) is -3,
TRUNC(3.2) is 3
CEIL - CEIL(-3.2) = 3, CEIL(3.2) = 4
FLOOR - FLOOR(-3.2) = -4, FLOOR(3.2) =3
INTPOW - The INTPOW function raises Base to an integral power. -INTPOW(2, 3)
= 8. Note that result of INTPOW(2, 3.4) = 8 as well
POW - The Power function raises Base to any power. For fractional exponents
or exponents greater than MaxInt, Base must be greater than 0
LOGN - The LogN function returns the log base N of X. Example: LOGN(10,

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 300 Jan 2014

100) = 2
MIN - Minimum between 2 numbers: MIN(2, 3) is 2
MAX - Maximum between 2 numbers: MAX(2, 3) is 3
RND - RND() function generates a random number (double value) between 0
and 1
- Channel ChannelXX sign will be typed as "Mxx". EX: Rain is M12 if its id=12
- Plus Plus sign will be typed as "+". Ex: M04+M03
- Minus Minus sign will be typed as "-". Ex: M01-2M13
- Mul Multiplication sign will be typed as "*".Ex: 4M05*2M06
- Div Division sign will be typed as "/". Ex:2M06/12
- Root Root sign will be typed as "^". Ex: M3^2+15
- Brack Brackets signs will be typed as ")" &"(". Ex: (M2+3M4)^3

o Status – If a block of status items had been chosen, the frame will become like

Figure 9-37 Status

Select from the 'Set to Status' combo box the desired status.
o Linear Equation – Display a checkbox that apply interpolated baseline corrections
between selected start & stop times:

Figure 9-38 Linear Equation

 Type into the 'Description' tab, at least one letter to describe the act or select one of the
"Custom Description" that was configured via the Options section (see Chapter 11.4.1).
 Click "OK" and answer "Yes" to the follows message in order to insure the act.
 After closing the Edit window another message will appear on the screen, ask you
whether to save the changes you have just done. Answer "Yes" in order to implement
these changes.

9.8 Delete Data

If you are an editor, you can use this utility and delete data from selected stations referring to
selected date & time. In order to do this, follow the next steps:

 Click Edit  Delete Data and the following window will appear, as shown below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 301 Jan 2014

Figure 9-39

 Select the stations, directly from the "Station" combo box, or by the help of the
categorized combo boxes "Purpose", "Region" and "Organization (Owner)".
 Check the stations you wish to include in the editor mark the All checkbox in order to
include them all.
 From “Date and Time” frame, select the start & stop date & time .The data will be deleted
from the start date& time until the stop date & time.
 The Raw data table contains data that has not been changed by other system processes
such as edits. Mark the “Delete Raw Data” checkbox if you want to delete the raw data as
 Mark the “Delete Edit History Data” checkbox if you want to delete the data that was
edited by the “Edit History” utility as well.
 Select time base to match the wished data-base table to be deleted or mark the "Station
Time-bases" for common large time base.
 Click on the button.
 Answer <Yes> to the "Are You Sure?" message that will appear.
 A Message "Done. Completed" will appear.

9.9 Quality Assurance

'Quality Assurance' is a tool for checking the data on the fly. Data which exceeds reasonable
limits will be corrected or changed to "Invalid". Data changes are considered Alert events. When
the Quality Assurance functions detect and modify the data an Alert is generated and
annunciated by the Envista ARM.
The Quality Assurance checks done by this utility extend the quality review performed within
the stations that were configured to be contact to the current user (see Envista Setup
separate manualPersonnel).

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 302 Jan 2014

The Envista ARM checks include both data status override, range checks, rate of change
review and statistical checks on data deviation.
In order to running quality assurance check for selected user's stations, follow the next steps:

 Select EditQuality Assurance from the main menu. The following dialog-box will
appear, contains only the stations that were configured related to the current user:

Figure 9-38

 Check desired stations for the checking, with or without the Purpose, Region,
Organization categorized combos.
 Select duration of data that will be checked.
 Select Date & Time for start (and stop, if you have selected "Periodic" in the "Duration"
field) date & time.

 Click .

The system checks the data and fixes the records according the quality assurance limitations that
were configured via the Envista Setup Alerts tab.
The user will see a relevant trace, as shown in the example below:

Figure 9-39

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 303 Jan 2014

9.10 Data Calc. & Trans.
The Data Calculations & Transfer option let you transfer calculated data (for now, the "Maximum"
option is available) according the "From Time Base" and "To Time Base" selection.
In order to running such act, follow the next steps:

Click EditData Calc & Trans and a dialog box will appear, as shown in the
following example:

Figure 9-40

- This field is meant for selecting the origin monitor, that its data will be transfer
(after calculation). Choose from the combo boxes the monitors by its station and perhaps
by its purpose, region and/or organization.
- This field is meant for selecting the target monitor that will receive the calculated
data from the origin monitor. Choose from the combo boxes the monitors by its station
and perhaps by its purpose, region and/or organization.
, - Select the Start & Stop time for calculated data transfer, according
to the selected duration.
: - For now, there is a single option – Max. The calculation will transfer the
highest record in each period, according to the time-base.
Ex: The example in Figure 9-40 demonstrates a situation that the data that will be
transferred from RAIN monitor (belong to TABAM_NEW station) to NO2 monitor (from
SANOA station) during the 14 March 2011.
Because the is 60 minutes and is 5 minutes, each hour, the
highest 5 minutes average will be considered to be this hour data in NO2 monitor.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 304 Jan 2014

Therefore, there will be 24 records, each represent the highest 5 minutes average during
this hour.

Click on the button to start the act. The following message will appear:

Figure 9-41

Answer <Yes> and the process will begin and its trace will be shown on the screen.

9.11 Edit Database

The editor can change few columns in "Status table", "Pollutant factors" and "Conversion formats"

tables. In order to make these changes click EditEdit Database . The "Status Table" will
appear as a default, but you can navigate between the tables by clicking on each topic's label.

Status Table

This is the table of various statuses available in the Envista system including its code, name and
The editor can change only the Status Code Text column. After editing, the cell will colored in red.
Example below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 305 Jan 2014

Figure 9-42 Status Table

Pollutant Factor

This table shows the table that holds the conversion Factors for each pollutant.
Conversion factor represents the value multiplied for conversions between ppm and mg/m3
(currently relevant upon conversions using matrix report).
The editor can change each numeric format (beside the Pollutant Name).
After editing, the cell will colored in red. Example below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 306 Jan 2014

Figure 9-43 Pollutant Factors Table

Conversion Formats

Conversion Formats – Allow the user to set the display format for data converted according to
unit names.(currently relevant upon conversions using matrix report).
Supports conversions for:


Important note: requires the database to have unit names with the exact names as the units
The editor can change only the Conversion Numeric Format column.
After editing, the cell will colored in red. Example below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 307 Jan 2014

Figure 9-44 Conversion Formats Table

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 308 Jan 2014

Chapter 10 - Tools
Use Tools for import & export utilities and for further generic tools, like data-base connection and
on demand poll.
The following figure display the Tools commands:

Figure 10-1

The following table describes the commands available in the Envista ARM Tools menu:

Icon Command Function See Ch

Connect To Data- Reconnect to database
Base 10.1
On Demand Poll Let you poll data by demand, from selected
monitors and dates.
Report Designer Let you see the preview of the report as designed
View and saved by the "report Designer" program.
Calculator Display numeric calculator for arithmetic
Export to Excel Export a tabular repot to Excel document
Export to CSV Export a tabular repot to CSV document
Export to XML Export a tabular repot to XML file
Export Report Let you export data for selected monitors and
stations during selected period 10.6.4
Import Let you import data, calibration and other files from
selected folder to selected station and add the file
to their database or to raw table.
Available for Administrators only!

10.1 Connect To Data-Base

Click ToolsConnect to Data base in order to change data base connection. The following
window will appear:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 309 Jan 2014

Figure 10-2

 Type - Select database type, SQL (for SQL Server) or Oracle.

 Server – Type the name of the server that hosts the database.
 Authentication – Select Windows Authentication or DB Server Authentication for
approving the connection with the database. If you will select the second option, you will
need to type the allowed username & password of the database.
 Username – In case you have selected Windows Authentication type here the allowed
username related to the database.
 Password – In case you have selected Windows Authentication type here the allowed
password related to the database.

 Database – Type here the nick name of the database or click to load into this combo
box a list of all databases related to the server that its details were entered. Select the
wished database name.
 Press the button. The software will move to the new database or reconnect
to the current database specified by the DSN. Using this connection the program
refreshes the system network information it uses. Note: Any time you modify the system
setup you should reread the database with this feature. You can also use this feature to
use Envista ARM with different databases. In a Wide Area Network you can potentially
connect to regional databases as well as the central main database. Just set up a
different DSN for each regional database and the central and select the one desired.

10.2 Report Designer View

This option let you load the "Preview Dialog" from the "Report Designer" program (see separate
manual) and make preview for saved reports or export them to Microsoft Word documents.
Report Designer is a program that meant for users that want to design by themselves the
reports that available according to the selected database.
The reports designed in a specific format, but for users that need to change this format this
program is available.
The changes that you can make by the help of the Report Designer are various like images and
text at the head/bottom of the page, option for changing the labels, topics and changing the
general presentation of the table.
The program let you see the "new" configured tables including real data, according to selected
date& time, and even save the patterns of the reports that were configured into groups, so you

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 310 Jan 2014

will be able to produce future reports in the same style without need to make again all the
The preview report let you see the report itself (after selecting the wished report from the
relevant group), including the real data in the cells, according selected date and even let you to
export the report to Microsoft WORD document.
The main purpose of this option is to see the general view of all the report pages, before printing
In order to produce a preview report, follow the next steps:

 Click ToolsReport Designer View . The following window will appear, as shown

Figure 10-3

 Select the Group that the desired report is belongs.

 Select the Report that you wish to see its preview.
 From Month combo, select the date that the report will reflect its data.
 Click on the button in order to export the selected report during the selected
date to a Microsoft WORD document.
 Click on the button in order to export the selected report to EXCEL
 Click on the button , and after a few second the Preview Report window will
appear, as the following example reflects:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 311 Jan 2014

Figure 10-4 Example for Preview Report Window – The Full Screen

Preview Report Toolbar

The Preview Report window has its own toolbar, that different from the main program toolbar.
The following figure reflects the Preview Report toolbar in the default presentation:

Figure 10-5 The Toolbar in one row

The toolbar is divided into five groups; each can be separated from the other by dragging the
group with the icon in its left side. The following figure is an example for the toolbar in two rows
after the groups were separated:

Figure 10-6 The toolbar in two rows

Each button in the tool bar has a tool tip with a yellow background color.
The tool tip will appear when you move the mouse cursor onto the button. The user should
examine each button and tool tip to become familiar with these items.
The following table detailed each button from the toolbar (from left to right as was shown in the
default presentation in Figure 10-14), the command as shown in the tooltip and its function:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 312 Jan 2014

Icon Command Function
Open File Open another report file so you will be able to watch it in
the Preview Report format.
Save File Save the specific report (including the relevant numeric
values) as PDF or other format to selected folder.
Page Setup Let you change the page size, source, margins, and
orientation and print the page.
Print Let you select a printer and print the file.
Reflow Make a refresh for the screen.
Singe Page View Show on the screen each page separately.
Continuous View Show on the screen the pages one below the other in
continuous order.
Pages Facing View Show on the screen 2 pages one beside the other.
Pages Facing Show on the screen all pages one beside the other in
Continuous View continuous order.
Go To First Page Show the first page of the report on the screen.
Go To Previous Show the previous page in the report on the screen.
Go To Next Page Show the next page of the report on the screen.
Go To Last Page Show the last page of the report on the screen.
Previous View Show the previous page that was shown in the screen.
Page X of Y You can see which page is shown on the screen and how
many pages are in the report in the tab between the
and buttons. Example for this tab is in the left column
of this row. You can type any other number (from 1 to 3)
instead of "1" and this page will be shown on the screen.
Next View Show the next page that was shown on the screen before
the user went back.
Zoom In Tool / Zoom Click on the part and you will be able to select Zoom In
Out Tool Tool or Zoom out Tool. Drag the icon that will be shown as
a result of the clicking and click on the area that you want
to enlarge/reduce while the selected point is the center of
the future screen.
The zoom (in % units) is seen in the tab between the
and icons as shown in the following example in the left
column of this row. Click on the button and a menu
context will open, let you select the zoom and other
presentation options.
Zoom Out Make zoom out to the report/ page that shown on the
screen. Every time you click on this button, the report is
seen smaller and smaller.
Zoom In Make zoom in to the report/ page that shown on the
screen. Every time you click on this button, the report is

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 313 Jan 2014

seen bigger and bigger.
Hand Tool Let you "travel" on the screen by clicking on this icon and
then drag the mouse on the report page/s.
Text Select Tool Click on this icon and then select text from the report. Click
<CTRL>+C in order to copy the selected text and later,
you will be able to paste it, but not to the Preview Report
Find Text Click on this button and a special window will be opened,
letting you find words in the report.

10.3 Calculator

Clicking ToolsCalculator will display the Windows operating system calculator in order to
make arithmetic calculations as shown below:

Figure 10-7

10.4 On Demand Poll

To schedule a manual collection of data click ToolsOn Demand Poll . A dialog box similar
to the figure below will appear:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 314 Jan 2014

Figure 10-8

 Select the wished station/s to poll from (directly by the Station combo box, or with the
"help" of the Purpose and Region and Organization (Owner) category combo boxes) or
mark the All Stations checkbox.
 Mark the Set Date & Time Manually checkbox in order to enable the frame.
 - This checkbox enabled only for stations that use Campbell analyzer that
work with pointers and not with data & time. Mark this checkbox in order to poll all buffer
by the Campbell device.
 From frame, type the time (date& hour) that the report will begin to reflect
data and time for ending the report coverage.
 Click <OK> and the poll process will start.

10.5 Import
The "Import" application let you import data, calibration and other files from selected folder to
selected station and add the file to their database or to raw table.
Note: This application is available for editors only. The stations that will appear in the "Station"
combo box and are available for import will be those that were configured (via "Envista ARM
Setup Personnel") to be chained to this editor.
In order to import a file, follow the next steps:

 Click ToolsImport and the next window will appear, as shown below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 315 Jan 2014

Figure 10-9

 From the combo box, select type of file that will be imported. Each selection will
dim part of the combos and checkboxes (as shown in Figure 10-9) and other will light
another combos & checkboxes or make another buttons to appear. The available import
file's types including a pattern (the format) of the files that can be imported by each type
are listed in the following table:

File's type
Description & Allowed File Format
( combo box)
Data EnvidasFW Data files (D_*.???)
Calibration EnvidasFW Calibration files (Caln_*.???)
AIRS AIRS files (*.dat)
Re_Engineered_AIRS Re Engineered AIRS files (*.dat)
ESC_8816 ESC 8816 files (*.dat)
Excel Excel filed (*.xls)
Opsis Opsis files (*.dat)
Meteo Meteo files (*.dat)
Win AQMS WinAQMS Files (*.wad)
CR10x CR10x Files (*.dat)
Eca Hourly Eca Hourly Files (*.eca)

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 316 Jan 2014

Eca Daily Eca Daily Files (*.ecad)
cc9 Instantaneous cc9 Instantaneous Files (*_.iv)
Ecan Text EcanText Files (*.ED)
Washdyke Washdyke Files (*.csv)

 Click on the button in order to browse for file that will be imported.
 Click on the button, and the file will be loaded to the main
window, as shown in Figure 10-10.
Note: For "Excel" import file button will replace the "Load File"
button. Clicking on this button will cause the "Excel Configuration" window to appear,
letting you configuring parameters in the Excel document (there are explanations appear
on the head of the window), as will be shown in Figure 10-11.
Note: For AIRS, ESC_8816 and Re-Engineered AIRS import files the "Load File" button is
 Mark the checkbox for import file with "Time beginning" format (the day
begins on 00:00 and the second record will be on 00:05 for 5 minutes time base or 01:00
for 60 minutes for example), or uncheck this checkbox for import "Time Ending" (the day
begins on 00:05 for 5 minutes time base) file.
 The frame is meant for selecting the station that will be the target for the
imported file. Select the station directly from the "Station" combo box, or by the help of the
categorized combo boxes "Purpose", "Region" and\or "Organization (Owner)".
 Time Base – This combo box is enabled for Excel import file. If the file is ESC_8816, the
Julian Year combo box will replace the current combo.
 Uncheck the checkbox in order to save the imported file to the raw
table of the selected station (or check it for implement the opposite).
Note: This option is dimmed for Calibration and Re-Engineered AIRS import files.
 Mark the checkbox in order to overwrite the new data instead of the older.
Note: this option is disabled for Calibration and Data import files.
 For Excel import file there is an option to mark the checkbox in order to implement
Quality Assurance for the file.
 For Re_Engineered_AIRS file there is an option to mark the
checkbox in order to use as criteria the method code.

 When you will load the imported file, you will be able to click on the
button. After clicking on this button, the imported file will be merged into the original
database of the selected station.
The following reflects an example for import screen after loading a data file, before saving:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 317 Jan 2014

Figure 10-10 Data Load File

The following figure reflects an example for Excel Configuration window after clicking on
"Configuration" button for Excel import file:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 318 Jan 2014

Figure 10-11 Window that appear after click on "Configuration" button (For Excel files)

As reflected from the note that written in red (In Figure 10-11), it is important to match selected
time base with import source file, which means: make sure the “Time Base” combo box (dimmed
in Figure 10-9 but enabled for Excel files) is the same time base that appears on the Excel file (60
minutes on the example in Figure 10-11) and if not- adjust it.
In order to design the imported Excel document and match its date & time appearance to be
imported properly, follow the next steps:

 Click in order to add new template.

 Adjust the date format according to the format in the excel document (from
combo box). For example, in Figure 4-6 the date format according to the Excel file should
be “dd_mm_yyyy” (like 12/05/2008).
 Select the time format form the combo box. For example, in Figure 10-11 the
time format should be “h24_mm” (like 00:05).

 Click on the button in order to insure the date format you have chosen
is matching the format in the Excel file. Note: In case the date and time values are written
in the same cell (like in Figure 10-11: 18/03/2007 05:00) you will see the “OK” message
only if the date format and the time format both in the suitable format.

 Click on the button in order to insure the time format you have chosen
is matching the format in the Excel file.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 319 Jan 2014

 From the combo box select the target station (from the list containing the user
permissions to import from specific stations) to import the data.
 From the combo box match the time base for the imported data.
 In order to match monitors to the columns in the Excel table, make a right click on your
mouse while it is on top of the wished column and select the wished monitor from the
menu context that will appear (as shown in the example on Figure 4-6b):

Figure 10-11b

 Stand on a raw and use right mouse button to set this row as the start row (which means,
this row will be the first that will be imported) or the end row (which means, this row will be
the last row that will be imported):

Figure 10-11c

 If you want to save these parameters you have just configured, type a name for this

template into the text\ combo box and click on the button.
 - You can type into this text box description of the template.

 - You can change column/s width by dragging its margins. Clicking on this
button will present the table so that each column width will reflect all its letters in one row.
 - Click on this button if you want to apply existing template on the current Excel
 - Mark this checkbox in order to apply the current template for all
pages in the excel worksheet.

 In order to import the configured document click on the button.

10.6 Export To…

The Export To is a group of four buttons in Tools menu, as shown below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 320 Jan 2014

Figure 10-12

10.6.1 Export To Excel

In case you wish to export a tabular report to an Excel document click Tools Excel while
the report is displayed on the screen. An Excel worksheet will appear, letting you save and locate
it in your browser, print it or any other utility that the Microsoft Excel document offers:

Figure 10-13

10.6.2 Export to CSV File

Click ToolsCsv and a window will appear, letting you to name and locate the csv into a
folder, as shown in the example below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 321 Jan 2014

Figure 10-14

10.6.3 Export to XML

Click ToolsXML and a window will appear, letting you name and locate the XML page
into a folder. The following figure is an example for such XML page:

Figure 10-15

10.6.4 Export Report

This utility is an addition way to export data with one major difference: Here you don't have to
open the report. The export corresponds to a dialog box.
In order to export data from selected monitors and stations during selected period follow the next

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 322 Jan 2014

 Click Tools  Export Report . A dialog box will appear, as shown in the example

Figure 10-16

 The , and combos are meant for categorized the stations and
reduce the options according to these common details. You can select from these combos
the wished items or skip on them, and leave the "All" option
 Check the desired stations and monitors from the stations-monitors frame (or mark the All
checkbox). If you want to check specific monitors from a specific station, click on the
sign beside the station name, and the list of the monitors will appear. If you will check the
station name without "open" this list, you will check all the monitors related to this selected
station. The number inside the row indicates the number of
selected monitors ("0" in the example on Figure 10-16).
 Select for including all monitors or check any combination of individual monitors or
to include all the monitors that are in ‘ON’ state.
 If you will click on the button, a tree of monitors will replace the station & monitors
tree, as shown in Figure 10-17. Selecting a monitor from this tree will be selecting all the
same monitors from all the stations

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 323 Jan 2014

Figure 10-17
Press the button for return to the first stations-monitors presentation.
 From the frame, select the period of the export: , , or
 From frame, type the time (date& hour) that the export will begin to act and
time for ending the export process.
 Export Type - Select type of data that will be exported. Select from: CSV, ACII, XML,
 Path and File - Click on the button in order to browse for folder that will be the target

for the exported file or on the to open the selected folder.

 Click and the export process will begin and the relevant trace will be shown
on the screen, as shown in the following example:

Figure 10-18

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 324 Jan 2014

Chapter 11 - Setups
Use Setups for configuration and setting some features and displays appearing in the Envista
ARM (like groups and dynamic displays) and for specifying some characteristics of the program.
The following figure display the Setups commands:

Figure 11-1

The following table describes the commands available in the Envista ARM Setups menu:

Icon Command Function See Ch

Groups Setup Define groups of monitors for reports and
Dynamic Tabular Configure the dynamic tabular displays
Dynamic Multi Configure the Dynamic Multi-Station displays
Station Setup
Dynamic Chart Configure dynamic chart items
Dashboard Setup Configure dashboard performance items
Network Map Configure the network map parameters
GIS Setup Let you browse for layers and set their properties.
Available for Administrators only!
Options Define timestamp and averaging rules, file paths,
fonts etc.

11.1 Groups Setup

A Group is several monitors for any combination of stations. An unlimited number of monitors
may be included in a Group. The monitors can all be alike (all Ozone) or different. In some cases,
you will want a pollutant specific group so you can evaluate all monitors of that pollutant in a
single report. For example, evaluate ozone exceedances. In other cases, you may want different
but related monitors in a group. For example, hydrocarbons, oxides of nitrogen, ozone and some
meteorological data are often grouped.
To define grouping of monitors for reports and analyses follow the next steps:

 Click SetupsGroup . A box similar to the figure below will appear. It is possible to
add or delete groups.
 Select the user that will be related to the group from the User combo box.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 325 Jan 2014

Figure 11-3
 Click the button.
 The button is meant for quick general instructions about the Groups Setup, in case
the user is not experienced in this application and instead of reading this detailed manual.
The following figure reflects the window that appears after clicking this button:

Figure 11-4

 Enable/Disable Web Display, by checking/un-checking this combo box.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 326 Jan 2014

 Enter a Group Name into the relevant tab (the default name is "AddNew_" (_ is the
number of the chronology group).
 The smallest common time base of the selected monitors will be shown in the "Time
Base" tab. You can change it (for larger time base)
 Select from the "Station" combo box each desired station and the monitors included in the
selected station will show on the left window. If the checkbox is marked,
only the 'On' monitors will be displayed.
 Drag each monitor you want to include in the group toward the main table (included
"Station Name" and "Monitor Name" columns) until the last row of the table will be colored
green. The name of the selected monitor and station will be shown in the tabular and this
is the sign that this monitor was added to the group.
 Repeat the last 3 steps until the group is filled as your wish.
 Click on the button.

Users may log on with their User Name or as the Global User. The Global User has access to
Groups created by all Users while a User has access only to Groups assigned to their User
Profile. User Profiles are created with the Envista Setup program (see separate user's manual).

11.2 Dynamic Tabular Setup

To define a Dynamic Tabular display click Setups Dynamic Tabular . A box similar to the
figure below will appear. In this option you choose the monitors which are going to be
represented in the Dynamic Tabular display(s). It is possible to build up to 10 different Dynamic
Tabular Display definitions. Users can then view any or all of these displays. Dynamic displays
may be selected for view on startup if desired.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 327 Jan 2014

Figure 11-6
 Click the button.
 The button is meant for quick general instructions about the Groups Setup, in
case the user is not experienced in this application and instead of reading this detailed
manual. See Figure 11-4 for the window that appears after clicking this button.
 Enter a Dynamic tabular Name into the relevant tab (the default name is "AddNew_" (_ is
the number of the chronology group).
 Type the wished time base (in minutes) into the "Time Base" text box or mark the
checkbox and the "Time Base" box will be disabled, and the time base
that will be reflected from the report will be the common time base of all selected stations.
 Select from the "Station" combo box each desired station and the monitors included in the
selected station will show on the left window.
 Drag each monitor you want to include in the dynamic tabular toward the main table
(below the "Header" and "Unit" rows) until the last row of the table will be colored green.
The name of the selected monitor and its units will be shown in the tabular and this is the
sign that this monitor was added to the dynamic tabular.
 Repeat the last 3 steps until the dynamic tabular is filled as your wish.
 Check the "Run At Startup" checkbox in order the dynamic tabular will be shown on the
screen every time the Envista ARM will startup.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 328 Jan 2014

 Use Custom Time Exceeding Check (Min) – Mark this checkbox in order to ignore the
global time exceeding (that appears in SetupsOptionsGeneral) and use the time that
you should type beside this checkbox. This time is number of minutes before the data will
be considered as "Time Exceeding" and will be flagged according to this status.

 - You can click on this button to duplicate the current dynamic table that
appears on the screen.
 Click on the button.

The following figure is an example of configured dynamic tabular:

Figure 11-7

11.3 GIS Setup

This application is meant for browse for GIS layer(s) (The "Layers" folder should be in the server,
as placed by the administrator), add or remove layers to the list and configure the layer
All of these configurations are needed for the "Dynamic Map" application (see Chapter 5.3).
Note: The "GIS Setup" application is available only for administrator/editor users, as was
configured at the "Personnel" tab in the "Envista Setup" program (see separate manual).

Click SetupsGIS and a window will appear, as shown in Figure 11-8 and Figure 11-11
displaying 2 label buttons, clicking on each will display another items, as will be detailed on the
following Chapters.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 329 Jan 2014

The Layers Tab

Click on the tab and the following window will appear, let the user to add, remove or edit
GIS layers:

Figure 11-8

 Besides adding layers and data point you can select the number of minutes for refreshing
the map data. Select it from the "Refresh Every (minutes)" box.
 To add layers click on the button, and the following figure will appear:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 330 Jan 2014

Figure 11-9

 You can call name to the current layer in the "Name:" tab or leave the default name ("New
Layer #" in the example above).
 Click on the browse button ( ) at the end of the "File:" tab.
 After browsing for the wished layer, it's path will appear at the "File:" tab.
 Click on the button in order to complete the adding layer process.
 After adding at least one layer, the "Layer:" tab will be available for selecting specific
layers for configure the Layer Properties from the right frame (click on the wished property
and it will be available for changing), for changing the name, or for removing the selected

layer, by click on the button.

 The button is meant for remind you the following message:

Figure 11-11 The Info. Tip

The Data Points Tab

Click on the tab and the following image will appear:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 331 Jan 2014

Figure 11-11

By this tab the user can add four point map for specific station. In order to do so, follow the next

 Select the wished station, directly from "Station" combo, or by the help of the 3
categorized combo boxes "Purpose", "Region" or "Organization (Owner)".
 Select from "Value 1" combo box the monitor that its value will be displayed in the top
place above the station's name in the map (north).
 Select from "Value 2" combo box the monitor that its value will be displayed in the right
place beside the station's name in the map (east).
 Select from "Value 3" combo box the monitor that its value will be displayed in the upper
place below the station's name in the map (south).
 Select from "Value 4" combo box the monitor that its value will be displayed in the left
place beside the station's name in the map (west).
 Text Size - Type here the text size of the values that will be displayed on the map.
 Offset - Type here the offset range between the station's name to these 4 values in the
 Last Received – In case of no current data the "Last Received" values will appear. Here
you can select the 'age' (in minutes) of these last received records.
 Click and the configuration will be displayed in the table.
 You can remove configuration related to a single station by mark it from the table and click
 You can remove all the configuration by click .
 You can configure the 4 values related to all stations by selecting the 4 wished monitors
and click twice on the button.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 332 Jan 2014

11.4 Options

Choosing SetupsOptions sets the most common options in the Envista ARM.
A window with four tabs will appear. Each tab is described below.

11.4.1 General Tab

Figure 11-12

The General Tab, as shown above supports the setting of the followings features:
 - mark this checkbox in order to exclude the "Time Base" column
from the "Last Received" table (see Chapter 5.2).
 - Mark "Time Beginning" for presentation of the date time labels as the
beginning time of a value. In beginning time the first hour of the day is labeled 00:00. In
ending time it is labeled 01:00.
 - Mark this checkbox in order the data that was alerted during the time
that was selected from the box and now is OK will not reflected
in the dynamic tabular (see Chapter 5.1) as alert, and not colored in red.
 - Mark this checkbox in order to demand description in edit
table configuration.
 - Mark this checkbox in order to display all numeric data according
the configuration in the EnvistaARM Setup program and uncheck this checkbox in order to
display data in the same format that exists in the database.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 333 Jan 2014

 – Check this if the values seen in the editor should be formatted to
the precision specified in the configuration database. Otherwise data values are shown at
the precision the value is present in the database tables.
 - Mark this checkbox in order to display in the Excel/ csv
exported files the date and time in separate columns.
 - Mark this checkbox in order to enable selection of monitors
and stations, in case there is a "Stations - Monitors" tree by one click. If you leave this
checkbox un-marked, the selection of stations and monitors will follow 2 clicks.
 - In the Envista Setup program (see separate manual) there is an
option to type description for each configured monitor. Mark this checkbox in order each
monitor topic in the reports will reflect its description instead of its name.
 - Mark to use wind direction name in the station report (instead of
numeric data in [degrees] units). After mark this checkbox the Sectors combo box will be
available to select the number of sectors will be displayed. Example: If you will select 4
sectors only N,S,E,W (north, south, east, west) names will appear.
 Select the time that the tables will be updated (from 5 to 1440
minutes). Values that are older than this time will be considered ‘Time Exceeded’ in
Dynamic Tabular and in Last Receive applications and will be colored according to the
coloring configuration.
 - Select from this combo box "Name" or "ID" for stations order list.
 - Click on this button to configure edit description text that will be
selected when changing records in Edit Table application (see Chapter 9.1.1) in case the
is checked. The following window will appear:

Figure 11-13

 Click to add new message, type its nick name into the "Name" text tab, and
write the message itself into the "Content" field. Clicking on the button will
add this message into the "Message" combo box, so it will be available in the Edit Table
 - Let you exporting the information of the "Hasp" update to selected

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 334 Jan 2014

 - Mark this checkbox to run the "Alerts PopUp" window at
EnvistaARM startup.
 - Path definition of the Excel data export files.
– Let you open the excel files which were exported by "Open"
option from "File" sub-menu.
 - This frame lets you configure the paper size (the PDF paper), and
change its width & height (for "Custom" paper size), disable the "Open PDF Files" and
enable "Landscape" presentation. The button is meant for refreshing the paper
parameters after a replacement of a printer.
 – Browse for a folder in the server that you know that the updates of
Envista ARM are updated to this folder. After you will click "OK", every time you will run
the program, it will ask you if you want to update the version (if there was any update
since you opened it in the last time). You can also check during the program is open if
there is a new version to update by click on the "Smart update" tab in "Help" menu.

11.4.2 Calc Avg. Tab

Figure 11-14 reflects the "Calc Avg." tab:

Figure 11-14

This tab reflects four items:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 335 Jan 2014

 - Some average calculations use other tables, which
contain running averages. By having daily and running averages pre-calculated and
stored in the database, report calculation performance is improved.
There is a selection to specify the basis for calculating averages for several hours' report
(more than 1 hour but less than 24 hours). These values can be made either from values
stored in the Station Time Base (5 min, 30 min etc.) or from Hourly Table values for the
 – For reports longer than 24 hours, select from this box like in the
previous section Station Time Base or Hourly Table or Daily Tables (this is an option that
was absent in the previous section, because it was for periods shorter than a day).
 – Enter the minimum percentage of possible samples that
must be present and valid to result in a valid statistical analysis into the Percent box.
 – Select from this combo box the pattern of rounding values (or select "None"
for showing the accurate values): "Round" (rounding toward the closed value), "Round
Up", or "Truncate" (cutting the last digit after the point).

11.4.3 Visuals Tab

The Visuals tab includes three sub-tabs:

 Fonts tab – Let you change the fonts of tabular, graph, and dynamic tabular, by clicking
on the "Change Properties" button, as shown in Figure 11-15:

Figure 11-15

 Colors tab – Let you change the colors of various items, as shown below:

Figure 11-16 Colors Status & Edit

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 336 Jan 2014

Figure 11-16 reflects the tab that let you configure the colors of the edit & validations
levels (by clicking on each button and changing the color in the appearing window) as will
be reflected from the validation graphic report (see Chapter 6.12) and edit graph (see
Chapter 9.1.4). In addition, the right frame reflects the color that represents the status as
will appear in the Status graphic report (see Chapter 7.2).

Figure 11-17 Series (=curves in the graph) Tab .Let you set their color

Figure 11-17 reflects the series colors. You can add/ remove or update a color for a
series. All you need is to select the wished series from the “Current Color Order” combo
box and click on the relevant button. For updating, click on the button beside the
“New Value” tab and select the wish color. Then click on the button.

Figure 11-18 Dynamic Tabular Tab. Let you set cell’s state color

Figure 11-18 reflects the ‘result states’ colors of the dynamic tabular cells (see Chapter
5.1). For changing a state’s color, select the wished state and click on the

 Misc tab – Let you rules the Main Window appearance by the following options:
o Mark this checkbox in order to enable fade-in & fade-out dialog
o – Let you select an image that will appear at the background of the
EnvistaARM main screen. Click on the button in order to browse for an image
to this purpose.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 337 Jan 2014

o – Select from this combo box the way that the image will be shown on the
screen: None/ Tile/ Center/ Zoom/ Stretch.
o Alerts PopUp Wav File – Select the sound file (.was file type) that may be heard in
case of alert. Click to browse for such wav file and click to hear a
preview for this sound track.

Figure 11-19 reflects the "Misc" screen:

Figure 11-19

11.4.4 Language tab

Figure 11-22 reflects the Language tab, that actually ruled the default regional of the EnvistaARM
date & time appearance.
Click on the in order to select the language of the EnvistaARM program's
Select from the combo box (Figure 11-20) the wished language that its regional
setting will be used in the Envista ARM program.
Mark the checkbox in order to change the default regional settings related
to the selected language.
Mark the checkbox to determine the graph date time format. In such
case the box beside the checkbox will be available for typing the base date-time format template
(for example dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm) according to the instructions that appear below this box, as
shown in the figure:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 338 Jan 2014

Figure 11-20

11.5 Network Map Setup

This utility is meant for configuring the "Network Map" (See Chapter 5.5) items that enable the
user to see the location of the stations (and more parameters) in regional and state maps.
In order to setup network map parameters follow the next steps:

 Click SetupsNetwork Map and the following window will appear:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 339 Jan 2014

Figure 11-24

 Select from "Region" combo box "All" (for entire state's map) or the wished region (as
exists in the data base).

 Click on the button beside the "File" box and browse for the relevant map according
to the former selection.
 Type into the "Description" text tab the name of the map or any other information you wish
to appear.
 Click .

 Click when you are done. After clicking <Save> the button will
be available.
 Repeat the 3 steps above for each region. The details of the maps will be shown in the
lower field, as will shown in Figure 11-25:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 340 Jan 2014

Figure 11-25
 You can update details for each item by click on it and press or remove an

item by click on it and press <Delete> or remove them all by click on the
 Click on the tab (at the head of the window) and the following window will
appear, letting you to select stations and monitors that will appear on each region and in
the state's map.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 341 Jan 2014

Figure 11-26

 Select a region from "Region" combo box (or select "All" to include the station in the
state's map).
 Select a station you want to locate on the region/ state map.
 Click .
 Select the station's monitors you want to appear (or click "All" in order to include them all).
The selected stations and monitors will appear on the right "Stations" and "Monitors"
 Click when you are done.
 Click on the button in the or in the tab and the following
window will appear, letting you locate the stations on the region's map and the regions on
the state's map:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 342 Jan 2014

Figure 11-27 Example for "North" and "South" hot spots on Australia Map

 Select from "Map Type" combo box 'Regions' (as shown in Figure 11-27) or 'Stations' (as
will be shown in Figure 11-28).
 In case 'Stations' was selected, choose from the "Region" combo box the wished region
('Northern Territory' in the example on Figure 11-28).
 Add an item to the map by dragging it from the items list. Remove an item from the map
using the mouse right click.
 Click .

Figure 11-28 is an example for 'South Australia' region after some of the stations were located on
the map:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 343 Jan 2014

Figure 11-28

11.6 Dynamic Chart Setup

Dynamic chart is an option that included in the "Dynamic" menu (see in Chapter 5.6) and
displayed a chart reflecting monitor(s) from selected station(s) according the configuration that
acted here.
In order to configure such dynamic chart follow the next steps:

 Click Setups Dynamic Chart . The following window will appear:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 344 Jan 2014

Figure 11-29
 Click on the button and the following window will appear:

Figure 11-30

 Type the wished chart name and Click <OK>. An icon with the new item's name will
appear on the window that was shown in Figure 11-29:

Figure 11-31
 Click twice on the chart icon or select it and click . The configuration window
will appear as shown below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 345 Jan 2014

Figure 11-32

The "Instant Chart Setting" window including 7 tab-buttons, clicking on each will present its
unique presentation on the main field of the window.
The right field of the window is chart preview that reflects the current chart as will be displayed in
the program.
Mark Run On Startup checkbox in order to display this dynamic chart each time you will run the
Envista ARM program.
The following Chapters will reflect each tab-button of the window above.

Monitors tab

This tab performance was shown in Figure 11-32. It allows the user to add monitors from wished
stations according to the following steps:

 Click on the button. The following window will appear:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 346 Jan 2014

Figure 11-33

 Select the wished station, directly from the "Station" combo box, or by the 'help' of the 3
categorized combos "Purpose", "Region" and "Organization (Owner)".
 Select the wished monitor from "Monitor" combo box.
 Click .
 Repeat the last steps to add further monitors.
 Select from the combo box the common time base that will be reflected from the
report. Figure 11-34 is an example for the "Instant Chart Setting" window after few
monitors were selected:

Figure 11-34

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 347 Jan 2014

 - Mark this checkbox to show this chart at EnvistaARM startup.
 You can change the color of each curve by click on it and open the combo box in the
relevant row.
 You can change the text beside each curve by click on its row and typing the wished topic
into the text box in the relevant row.

 In order to delete monitor. Click on its row and click on the button.

Chart tab

Click on this tab and the following boxes will appear, letting the user to configure general
characteristics of the charts, as shown in the example on the next figure and will be detailed in
the points below the figure:

Figure 11-35

 Chart Type - Select the type of the curves themselves: "XY Plot" (default), "Bar", "Area",
or "Step".
 Chart Color - Select the color of the background of the graph. In case of shading this will
be the initial color.
 Chart Color Shading - Select the end color of the background of the graph, in case the
shading option will be active.
 Shading Type - Select the type of shading or disable it by choosing "None".
 Background Color - Select the color of the area that wrapped the chart's frame.
 Legend Visible - Enable/ Disable the appearance of the legend by selecting "True" or
 Legend Font - Click on the button in order to change the legend's
 Legend Position - Select the position of the legend (related to the graph).
 Legend Orientation - Select the way the legend will appear.
 Line Thickness – Select the width of the curve lines.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 348 Jan 2014

 - Mark the checkbox to see the graph in 3 dimensions
appearance. Use the Depth, Elevation and Rota (rotation) combos to rule this 3-D

Axis Tab

Click on this tab and the following boxes will appear, letting the user to configure the
characteristics of the X & Y axis, as shown in the example on the next figure and will be detailed
in the points below the figure:

Figure 11-36

 Axis X  Time - Type the time (in minutes) the axis will reflect.
 Axis X  Text - Type here the topic of the axis.
 Axis X  Unit Gap - Type here the range (in seconds) between 2 values.
 Axis X  Font - Click on the button in order to change the axis
topic's font.
 Axis X  Date Format - Specify the format of the date & time, as will be reflected in the
 Axis Y  Auto Minimum Maximum - mark this checkbox in order the low value and high
value of the axis will be fixed automatically.
 Axis Y  Minimum Val - Type here the minimum value (in case the former checkbox is
 Axis Y  Maximum Val - Type here the maximum value (in case the former checkbox is
 Axis Y  Unit Gap - Type here the range between 2 values.
 Axis Y  Text - Type here the topic of the axis.
 Axis Y  Font - Click on the button in order to change the axis
topic's font.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 349 Jan 2014

 Origin - Drag the sign from left to right in order to move the X-axis along the Y-axis up&

Border tab

Click on this tab and the following boxes will appear, letting the user to configure the
characteristics of the border (that wrapped the entire chart, including legend), as shown in the
example on the next figure and will be detailed in the points below the figure:

Figure 11-37

 Border Color - Select the color of the border.

 Border Style - Select the type of the border from this combo box.
 Border Thickness - Type here the thickness of the border. The default is 1 unit.

Limit Line & Range

Click on this tab and the following boxes will appear, letting the user to add limit lines or areas
(range) and configure its characteristics, as shown in the example on the next figure and will be
detailed in the points below the figure:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 350 Jan 2014

Figure 11-37

 Click on the and a default red limit line will appear.

 From Value - Type the lower value of the limit line/ range.
 To value - Type the higher value of the limit line/ range.
 Thickness - Type the thickness of the line /range.
 Color - If you wish to change the default red color of the limit line/ range click here and
select the desired color.
 In order to delete limit line/ range select its row and click on the button.

Header & Footer

Click on this tab and the following boxes will appear, letting the user to enable and type the text
for the header and footer of the chart, as shown in the example on the next figure and will be
detailed in the points below the figure:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 351 Jan 2014

Figure 11-38

The screen is divided to 2 identical sections: one for the Header and the other for the Footer. The
available combos and tab are:
 Visible - Enable/ disable the header/footer appearance.
 Position - Locate the header/footer, related to the graph.
 Font Color – Select the wished text color for the header/footer.
 Back Color – Select the back color of the text in the header/footer.
 Select Font - Click on this button in order to change the default font of the header/footer.
 Header Text/Footer Text – Type here the header/footer text.


Click on this tab and the following boxes will appear, letting the user configure the characteristics
of the grid itself, as shown in the example on the next figure and will be detailed in the points
below the figure:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 352 Jan 2014

Figure 11-39

 Grid Visible - Enable/ disable the grid's appearance.

 Color - Select the grid's color (the default is gray).
 Pattern - Select the type of the grid.
 Auto Grid Size - If you select "Yes" the following 2 options will be dimmed.
 X spacing - In case there is no auto grid size, drag the sign from left to right in order to
make the horizontal dimension of the grid crowded.
 Y spacing - In case there is no auto grid size, drag the sign from left to right in order to
make the vertical dimension of the grid crowded.

 Click on the button in order to save the configuration. The chart that was
configured here will be shown in the "Dynamic Chart" option in Chapter 5.6.

11.7 Dashboard Setup

The dashboard is an image that reflects on line information about selected monitors by gauges,
clocks, figures, graph, table and further visual shapes as will be configured via this application.
In order to add dashboard follow the next steps:

 Click Setups Dashboard . The following window will appear:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 353 Jan 2014

Figure 11-40
 Click on the button and the following window will appear:

Figure 11-41

 Type the wished dashboard name and Click <OK>. An icon with the new item's name will
appear on the window that was shown in Figure 11-40:

Figure 11-42
 Click twice on the dashboard icon or select it and click . The configuration
window will appear as shown below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 354 Jan 2014

Figure 11-43

11.7.1 The Toolbar

As you can see from the example in Figure 11-43, a control panel is provided with tools to
manipulate all the design and general objects.
The upper part of the Dashboard window is actually a toolbar, which meant for this application
The buttons (each has its own tooltip) from left to right, will function as described below in the
table. The table shows details for each icon the command (name for the icon, as the tooltip
reflects) and its function (what a click on each button will cause):

Ico Command Function

Save Save the dynamic VIEW item
Page Property Rules the page's name, background color and image. See Chapter
Delete Control Delete selected objects from the GUI. Note: This button will appear
related to a selected object in a unique menu.
Bring to Front Bring to front the selected object (if it is lay on the same surface with
another object) so it will hide the other object. Note: This button will
appear related to a selected object in a unique menu.
Send to Back Send to back the selected object (if it is lay on the same surface with
another object) so it will be hide by the other object .Note: This
button will appear related to a selected object in a unique menu.
Align Left Align all the selected objects to the left margin of the first object that
was selected (see Chapter 11.7.3)
Align Center Align all the selected objects to the center of the first object that was
selected (see Chapter 11.7.3)
Align Right Align all the selected objects to the right margin of the first object that
was selected (see Chapter 11.7.3)

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 355 Jan 2014

Align Top Align all the selected objects to the top margin of the first object that
was selected (see Chapter 11.7.3)
Align Middle Align all the selected objects to the middle of the first object that was
selected (see Chapter 11.7.3)
Align Bottom Align all the selected objects to the bottom of the first object that was
selected (see Chapter 11.7.3)
Make Same Make the objects at the same height like the first object selected (see
Height Chapter 11.7.3)
Make Same Make the objects at the same width like the first object selected (see
Width Chapter 11.7.3)
Same Size Make the objects at the same height & width like the first object
selected (see Chapter 11.7.3)
Make Make an equal horizontal space between selected objects
spacing equal
Make vertical Make an equal vertical space between selected objects
spacing equal
Increase Each click will move the objects further and further from the first
horizontal selected object, toward the bottom of the screen(see Chapter 11.7.3)
Increase Each click will move the objects further and further from the first
vertical selected object, toward the right wing of the screen(see Chapter
spacing 11.7.3)
Decrease Each click will move the objects closer and closer to the first selected
horizontal object, from the bottom to the head of the screen down(see Chapter
spacing 11.7.3)
Decrease Each click will move the objects closer and closer to the first selected
vertical object, from right to left (see Chapter 11.7.3)
Grid Click on this button will make a grid appear. In order to specify the
width (density) of the grid move right & left the sign inside the

11.7.2 Page Property

Click on the button from the toolbar, or stand on the page and make a right click on your
mouse and the following window will appear:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 356 Jan 2014

Figure 11-44

As you can see from the figure above, this window let you call nick name to this dashboard item
and rule its layout, its back-color and refresh rate (type here the minutes that this dashboard
item's data will be refreshed).
You can also decide you wish this item will open on EnvistaARM startup by checking the
There is an option to insert image that will be the background of this item. Click on the

button to browse for such an image.

11.7.3 Selecting Objects

The alignment ( , , , , , ) and 'Make…' (like Make Same Size/ Height/ Width)
buttons let the user to align or change dimensions/positions of objects according to the first
selected object.
You can select objects by drawing a rectangle with the 'hand' sign by your mouse, or by clicking
on the first object +<CTRL> and keep clicking <CTRL> +left button of mouse in order to select
the other objects that will be aligned (or re-sized) according the button that will be clicked toward
the first object selected.
After the alignment/ the re-size action, the group of selected objects can be moved on the screen
all together as a group. In order to separate the objects and move each object alone, make a
right click on your mouse while standing on the screen but not on the group.
Figure 11-45 is an example for a bounce of 3 objects: a clock, a gauge and a chart, while the
clock was first selected, after the (align right) button was clicked:

Figure 11-45

11.7.4 The Objects Tree

At the left wing of the Dashboard window there is a tree that contains the following items, as
shown in Figure 11-46 and contains display objects that may represent current data by dragging
each one to the dashboard:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 357 Jan 2014

Figure 11-46


This item is meant to present the data of specific monitor from selected station in simple gauge
In order to add such gauge, drag the item into the GUI. The gauge item in its default

presentation ( ) will appear on the screen and after click on it, you will notice a
menu offers 4 options:

1. - Clicking on this button will remove this item from the screen.
2. - Click on this item in order to bring to front the item.
3. - Click on this item in order to send to back the item.
4. - Clicking on this button will make the "Gauge Settings" window to appear, as shown
Figure 11-47, letting you to configure its properties and match the wished monitor as will
be detailed below the figure:

Figure 11-47

 Select the station that hosts the wished monitor , directly from the Station combo box or
with the 'help' of the 3 categorized combos Purpose, Region, Organization (Owner) (by
default, these 3 categorized combo boxes displayed "All").

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 358 Jan 2014

 Monitors - Select the desired monitor from the selected station.
 Time Base - Select the time base of the data that will be reflected by the gauge.
 Tool Tip - You can type here the tooltip that appears on the screen when the user will
move the mouse on top of the gauge.
 Color Preset - Select the color of the gauge.
 Total Digits - Select the number of digits that will be shown by the gauge.
 Decimal Precision - Select the digits that will appear after the decimal point.
 Test Value - Type here test value that will be reflected by the gauge in the "Dashboard"
screen (as was shown in Figure 11-43).
 Font - Click on the button in order to change the font of
gauge's digits.


Click on the item and the following window will appear, letting you to select the gauge
type you wish:

Figure 11-48

Select Preset Color from the combo box, click on the wished gauge and press on the
button. The wished gauge will appear on the screen. You need to place it.
Click on the gauge and the same 4 buttons ( ) as were detailed before will
Click on the button and the "Gauge Settings" window will appear, like was detailed before
related to the 'simple' gauge but with additions unique for each other gauge, like the following

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 359 Jan 2014

Figure 11-49 Pointer Gauge Settings

Figure 11-50 Clock Gauge Settings


Drag the item toward the GUI window and locate it in the wished place. You will noticed
a resizable frame in the place you moved the label.
Click on this tab and the same menu will appear (related only to this object).
Click on the button and the "Chart Settings" window will appear, including 7 tabs, as was
detailed in the Dynamic Chart chapter. See Chapter 11.6 for details.

Digital Input

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 360 Jan 2014

Drag the item toward the GUI window and locate it in the wished place. You will

notice this sign: . Click on it and the same menu will appear (related
only to this object). Click on the button and the following window will appear:

Figure 11-51

 Select the station related to the digital input item, directly from the Station combo box or
with the 'help' of the 3 categorized combos Purpose, Region, Organization (Owner) (by
default, these 3 categorized combo boxes displayed "All").
 Digital Input - Select the desired digital input item as was configured via the "Envista
Setup" program (see separate manual).
 Text - type the text that will escort the sign of the digital input item in the dashboard.
 Tool Tip - You can type here the tooltip that appears on the screen when the user will
move the mouse on top of the digital input item.
 Back Color - Select the back color of the digital input item.
 Fore Color - Select the color of the digital input item's text (topic).
 Font - Click on the button in order to change the font of the
text reflected in the digital input item.
 Border Style - Select style of border that wrap the digital input item.


Drag the item toward the GUI window and locate it in the wished place. You will

notice this sign: . Click on it and the same menu will appear
(related only to this object). Click on the button and the following window will appear:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 361 Jan 2014

Figure 11-52

 Select the station related to the digital input item, directly from the Station combo box or
with the 'help' of the 3 categorized combos Purpose, Region, Organization (Owner) (by
default, these 3 categorized combo boxes displayed "All").
 Monitor - Select the wished monitor that the diagnostics will refer to.
 Diagnostics - Select the desired diagnostics item as was configured via the "Envista
Setup" program (see separate manual).
 Tool Tip - You can type here the tooltip that appears on the screen when the user will
move the mouse on top of the diagnostics item.
 Color Preset - Select the color of the item, as will be shown in the dashboard.
 Total Digits - Select the number of digits that will be shown by the gauge.
 Decimal Precision - Select the digits that will appear after the decimal point.
 Test Value - Type here test value that will be reflected by the gauge in the "Dashboard"
 Font - Click on the button in order to change the font of
gauge's digits.


Drag the item toward the GUI window and place it in the wished place. You will noticed
a tab in the place you moved the label.
Click on this tab and the following menu will appear (related only to this object):

Figure 11-53

You can click on the label and type the text you wish, you can change the rectangle's dimensions
by the mouse and you can click on the button that will make the "Label Settings" window to

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 362 Jan 2014

appear (unlike the toolbar button that let you configure the entire page's property, here it is
related to the label), as shown in the configured example on Figure 10-54:

Figure 11-54

 Text – Type here the text you wish to appear in the label.
 Tool Tip – Type here the text you wish to appear as a tooltip related to this label.
 Back Color & Back Color End – Select the spectrum of back color for the label.
 Fore Color – Select the letters color.
 Border Color & Border Width – Rules the rectangular that wrap the label.
 Rotate – Select angle for rotation the label.
 Opacity – Select the opacity of the label.
 Font – Click on the tab in order to select the text font (size,
type and so on).
 Click .

Figure 10-55 is an example for the label that was configured in Figure 11-54:

Figure 11-55


Drag the item toward the GUI window and place it in the wished place. You will notice
an empty frame, and after clicking the menu will appear. Click on the button

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 363 Jan 2014

and the "Image Settings" window will appear, as shown in the configured example on Figure 10-

Figure 11-56

 Layout – Select image's layout on the screen: "Normal", "Stretch Image", "Auto Size",
"Center Image", or "Zoom".
 Tool Tip – Type here the text you wish to appear as a tooltip related to this image.
 Back Color – Select back color of the image.
 Border Style – Select "None", "Solid" or "3D" as the image's border.
 Click .

After the image will appear, you may need to resize the frame. Use the mouse buttons to change
the frame's dimensions.

Geometric Drawing

Drag the item toward the GUI window and place it in the wished place. You
will notice an empty circled frame, and after clicking the menu will appear. Click
on the button and the "Drawing Control" window will appear, as shown in the configured
example on Figure 11-57:

Figure 11-57

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 364 Jan 2014

Select the color and border of the drawing, its type (Circle, arrow, box or star) and its rotate &
opacity. The geometric drawing that was exampled in Figure 11-58 is: .

Figure 11-58 is an example for configured dashboard with chart, label, few different gauges,
digital input item and geometric drawing:

Figure 11-58

Digital Monitor Status

Drag the item toward the GUI window and place it in the wished place.
You will notice the following symbol: . Click on this symbol and after clicking the
menu will appear. Click on the button and the "Digital Monitor Status"
window will appear, as shown in the configured example on the following figure:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 365 Jan 2014

Figure 11-59

 Select the station related to the digital input item, directly from the Station combo box or
with the 'help' of the 3 categorized combos Purpose, Region, Organization (Owner) (by
default, these 3 categorized combo boxes displayed "All").
 Monitor - Select the wished monitor that the diagnostics will refer to.
 Digital Monitor Status - Select the desired digital monitor status item as was configured
via the "Envista Setup" program (see separate manual).
 Text – Type here the text that will escort the item.
 Tool Tip - You can type here the tooltip that appears on the screen when the user will
move the mouse on top of the item.
 Back Color – Select color of item's background.
 Fore Color - Select the color of the item, as will be shown in the dashboard.
 Total Digits - Select the number of digits that will be shown by the gauge.
 Font - Click on the button in order to change the item's font.
 Border Style – Select the style of item's border.

The following figure is an example for another Dashboard screen, well designed and using
attractive images and background:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 366 Jan 2014

Figure 11-60

11.8 Dynamic Multi Station Setup

Click SetupsDynamic Multi Station to define a Dynamic Multi Station display (see
Chapter 5.8). A box similar to the following figure will appear. In this option you choose the
monitors, the statuses and period of records which are going to be represented in the dynamic
tabular/ graph display(s). It is possible to build up to various different Dynamic Multi Station
Display definitions. Users can then view any or all of these displays.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 367 Jan 2014

Figure 11-61

In order to edit existing dynamic multi station item, select its name from the combo box,
and add monitors or delete monitors by clicking on their row and pressing <Delete>. In order to
add new dynamic multi station item, follow the next steps:

 Click the button.

 - Select from this combo box the user that this item will refer to.
 Enter a Dynamic Multi Station item's nick name into the box.
 The button is meant for quick general instructions about the Groups Setup, in case
the user is not experienced in this application and instead of reading this detailed manual.
 - Select the period the table & graph will reflect its records from now backwards.
You can select day, week, month or year.
 – Check the wished statuses from the frame in the lower left wing of
the window or mark the checkbox in order to color them in yellow (see
 - Mark this checkbox in order to color the records according to alerts in
red (see Legend).
 On Monitors – Mark this checkbox in order to include only 'On' monitors in the monitors
display of each selected station.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 368 Jan 2014

 Select from the "Station" combo box each desired station and the monitors included in the
selected station will show on the left window.
 Drag each monitor you want to include in the dynamic tabular toward the main table
(below the row) until the last row of the table will be
colored green. The name of the selected monitor and its origin station will be shown in the
tabular and this is the sign that this monitor was added to the dynamic tabular.

 - You can click on this button to duplicate the current dynamic multi station
table that appears on the screen.
 Click on the button and wait for the "Saved successfully!" message.

An example for configured Dynamic Multi Station display is shown below, while its outcome will
be shown in Chapter 5.8:

Figure 11-62

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 369 Jan 2014

Page intentionally blank

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 370 Jan 2014

Chapter 12 - Help
The Help menu provide an option to install Envista ARM updates, an option to display this User's
Manual as help file and an option to see the About window that display stations and clients limits
that the your hasp key supports:

Figure 12-1

The following table describes the commands available in the Help menu:

Icon Command Function

Contents Display this manual in Help format (pdf file).

Smart Update Let you check for new versions, and update if there is any.

About Envista ARM Display the "About" Image that shows number of stations and
clients limits that your hasp key supports.

12.1 Contents

Click HelpContents , and this manual will be open, as a help PDF file, letting you select
topics (chapters and sub-chapters) from the tree in the left side of the screen. The tree frame
(see Figures 12-2 and 12-3) is width changeable by dragging its right margin with the mouse.

Each item in this contents tree is clickable. One click on each topic will display the relevant
chapter or Chapter on the screen.
Every chapter that contains Chapters in, is presented like a book on the tree like this example:
. Click on the sign and the sub-topics that related to this book topic will
be revealed as shown in the following example, which reflects in Figure below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 371 Jan 2014

Figure 12-2

As you can see from the figure above, the "Chapter 6 – Reports" book is now open and there are
17 topics chained directly to, and they are seen one below the other in right column relative to the
"Chapter 6 – Reports" topic.
Some of the Chapter topics (6.1,6.5, 6.8, 6.10 and 6.11 in this example) are "books" themselves,
and if you will click on the sign beside each one, the topics that are chained to each one will
be revealed too and so on.

The following figure is an example for a specific page of this manual's help file, 5.8 Dynamic Multi
Station, including the tree frame at the left side of the screen:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 372 Jan 2014

Figure 12-3

As you can see from the figure above, there are few utilities in the help files:
 Click on the to increase/decrease the magnification of the entire page.
 Click to go to the next/previous page in the document or scroll with your mouse.
 In order to Search for text in the document click <CTRL>+<F> and type into the "Find"
text box the wished string and click <Enter>. If more than one result was found, use the
buttons (will appear after the search act) to display the next/previous item that
match the text or click <Enter> for next items. Example for searching "Matrix" text is
shown below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 373 Jan 2014

Figure 12-4


 For latest revision of the user's manual, check the www.envista-arm.com web site.
 In order to see the help file you need Adobe Reader to be installed in your server. In case
you don't have this program, you can install it for free, from this path:

http://get.adobe.com/reader/ .Click and follow the instructions that

will appear on the screen.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 374 Jan 2014

12.2 Smart Update
There is an option to browse for Envista ARM folder in the server by the Options application in
the Setups menu, see Chapter 11.4.1.
If this folder is configured and every time the program will release new version, it will update into
this folder, every time you will run the program (and there is a new version since the last time you
have opened the Envista ARM), a message will appear, letting you to implement this update by
answering <Yes>.
If the program is still running and you want to update it (or just check if there is a new available

version) click HelpSmart Update .

If there is no new version, a message will appear, as shown below:

Figure 12-5

If there is a new version, the message will be:

Figure 12-6
Click on the button in order to update the new version. The insurance message
will appear as shown below:

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 375 Jan 2014

Figure 12-7

Answer <Yes> and the following message will appear:

Figure 12-8

12.3 About Envista ARM

Click HelpAbout Envista ARM , and the "About" image will appear, indicating the number
of stations and clients limits that your hasp key supports.
Example is shown below:

Figure 12-7

As you can see from the figure above, this example reflects hasp key that supports maximum of
10 clients and 999 stations connected to the Envista.

Envista ARM Ver.7.7.25 Page 376 Jan 2014

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