Assignment 1

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Assignments-1, Session: 2023 - 2024 (Spring)
B. Tech 6th Semester
Communication Systems (Code: EE3402)

Answer all questions

1. (a) Show that an arbitrary function g(t) can be expressed as a sum of an even function ge (t) and an
odd function go (t) :
g(t) = ge (t) + go (t)
1 1
Hint : g(t) = [g(t) + g(−t)] + [g(t) − g(−t)]
|2 {z } |2 {z }
ge (t) go (t)

(b) Determine the odd and even components of the following functions (i) u(t); (ii) e−at u(t); (iii) eit .

2. (a) If the two halves of one period of a periodic signal are of identical shape except that one is the
negative of the other, the periodic signal is said to have a half-wave symmetry. If a periodic signal
g(t) with a period T0 satisfies the half-wave symmetry condition, then
g t− = −g(t)

In this case, show that all the even-numbered harmonics (coefficients) vanish.
(b) Use this result to find the Fourier series for the periodic signals in figure below.

3. A periodic signal g(t) is expressed by the following Fourier series:

2π  π
g(t) = 3 sin t + cos 3t − + 2 cos 8t +
3 3

(a) By applying Euler’s identities on the signal g(t) directly, write the exponential Fourier series for
(b) By applying Euler’s identities on the signal g(t) directly, sketch the exponential Fourier series spectra.

4. (a) Sketch the signal g(t) = t2 and find the exponential Fourier series to represent g(t) over the interval
(−1, 1). Sketch the Fourier series φ(t) for all values of t. Where φ(t) = g(t) for −1 < t < 1 and
φ(t + 2) = φ(t).
(b) Verify Parseval’s theorem for this case, given that

X 1 π4
n4 90

5. (a) Sketch the signal g(t) = t and find the exponential Fourier series to represent g(t) over the interval
(−π, π). Sketch the Fourier series φ(t) for all values of t. Where φ(t) = g(t) for −π < t < π is a
periodic signal.
(b) Verify Parseval’s theorem for this case, given that

X 1 π2
n2 6

6. If a periodic signal satisfies certain symmetry conditions, the evaluation of the Fourier series coefficients
is somewhat simplified.

(a) Show that if g(t) = g(−t) (even symmetry), then the coefficients of the exponential Fourier series
are real.
(b) Show that if g(t) = −g(−t) (odd symmetry), the coefficients of the exponential Fourier series are
(c) Show that in each case, the Fourier coefficients can be evaluated by integrating the periodic signal
over the half-cycle only. This is because the entire information of one cycle is implicit in a half-cycle
owing to symmetry.

Hint: If ge (t) and go (t) are even and odd functions, respectively, of t, then (assuming no impulse or its
derivative at the origin),
Z a Z 2a Z a
ge (t)dt = ge (t)dt and ge (t)dt = 0
−a 0 −a

7. The Energies of the two energy signals x(t) and y(t) are Ex and Ey , respectively.

(a) If x(t) and y(t) are orthogonal, then show that the energy of the signal x(t) + y(t) is identical to the
energy of the signal x(t) − y(t), and is given by Ex + Ey .
(b) if x(t) and y(t) are orthogonal, find the energies of signals c1 x(t) + c2 y(t) and c1 x(t) − c2 y(t).
(c) We define Exy , the cross-energy of the two energy signals x(t) and y(t), as
Z ∞
Exy = x(t)y ∗ (t)dt

If z(t) = x(t) ± y(t), then show that

Ez = Ex + Ey ± (Exy + Eyx )

8. Let x1 (t) and x2 (t) be two unit energy signals orthogonal over an interval from t = t1 to t2 . Signals
x1 (t) and x2 (t) are unit energy, orthogonal signals; we can represent them by two unit length, orthogonal
vectors (x1 , x2 ). Consider a signal g(t) where

g(t) = c1 x1 (t) + c2 x2 (t) t1 ≤ t ≤ t2

This signal can be represented as a vector g by a point (c1 , c2 ) in the x1 − x2 plane.

(a) Determine the vector representation of the following six signals in this two-dimensional vector space:
i. g1 (t) = 2x1 (t) − x2 (t)
ii. g2 (t) = −x1 (t) + 2x2 (t)
iii. g3 (t) = −x2 (t)
iv. g4 (t) = x1 (t) + 2x2 (t)
v. g5 (t) = 2x1 (t) + x2 (t)
vi. g6 (t) = 3x1 (t)
(b) Point out pairs of mutually orthogonal vectors among these six vectors. Verify that the pairs of
signals corresponding to these orthogonal vectors are also orthogonal.

9. (a) Find Ex and Ey , the energies of the signals x(t) and y(t) shown in Fig. a Sketch the signals x(t)+y(t)
and x(t) − y(t) and show that the energy of either of these two signals is equal to Ex + Ey . Repeat
the procedure for signal pair in Fig. b.
(b) Now repeat the procedure for signal pair in Fig. c. Are the energies of the signals x(t) + y(t) and
x(t) − y(t) identical in this case?

10. Find the power of a sinusoid C cos (ω0 t + θ).

11. Show that if ω1 = ω2 , the power of g(t) = C1 cos (ω1 t + θ1 ) + C2 cos (ω2 t + θ2 ) is

C12 + C2 2 + 2C1 C2 cos(θ1 − θ2 )

which is not equal to C1 2 + C2 2 /2.

12. Find the power of the periodic signal g(t) shown in Fig. Find also the powers and the rms values of

(a) −g(t) (b) 2g(t) (c) cg(t)

13. Simplify the following expressions:
(a) 2ttan t
2 +1 δ(t)
(b) sintπ(t+2)
2 −4 δ(t − 1)
(c) ωjω−3
2 +9 δ(ω)
(d) cos(πt)
t+2 δ(2t + 3)
(e) e cos(3t − π/3) δ(t + π)
(f) sinωkω δ(ω)

14. Evaluate the following integrals:

(a) −∞ g(τ )δ(t − τ )dτ
(b) −2 δ(3 + t)e−t dt
(c) −∞ δ(τ )g(t − τ )dτ
(d) −2 t3 + 4 δ(1 − t)dt

(e) −∞ δ(t)e−jωt dt
(f) −∞ g(2 − t)δ(3 − t)dt
(g) −∞ δ(t − 2) sin πtdt
(h) −∞ e(x−1) cos π2 (x − 5)δ(2x − 3)dx
Hint: δ(x) is located at x = 0 For example, δ(1 − t) is located at 1 − t = 0, that is, at t = 1, and so on.
15. Prove that
δ(at) = δ(t)
Hence show that
δ(ω) = δ(f ) where ω = 2πf

Hint Show that Z ∞
ϕ(t)δ(at)dt = ϕ(0)
−∞ |a|
16. Derive Eq. (2.19) in an alternate way by observing that e = (g − cx), and

|e|2 = (g − cx) · (g − cx) = |g|2 + c2 |x|2 − 2cg · x

To minimize |e|2 , equate its derivative with respect to c to zero.

17. For the signals g(t) and x(t) shown in Fig., find the component of the form x(t) contained in g(t). In
other words, find the optimum value of c in the approximation g(t) ≈ cx(t) so that the error signal energy
is minimum. What is the resulting error signal energy?
18. Determine the power and the rms value for each of the following signals:

(a) 10 cos 100t + π3

(b) 10 cos 5t cos 10t

π π
(c) 10 cos 100t + 3 + 16 sin 150t + 5
(d) 10 sin 5t cos 10t
(e) (10 + 2 sin 3t) cos 10t
(f) ejαt cos ω0 t

19. Show that an exponential e−at starting at −∞ is neither an energy nor a power signal for any real value
of a. However, if a is imaginary, it is a power signal with power Pg = 1 regardless of the value of a.

20. In Fig., the signal g1 (t) = g(−t). Express signals g2 (t), g3 (t), g4 (t), and g5 (t) in terms of signals g(t), g1 (t),
and their time-shifted, time-scaled, or time-inverted versions. For instance, g2 (t) = g(t − T ) + g1 (t − T )
for some suitable value of T . Similarly, both g3 (t) and g4 (t) can be expressed as g(t − T ) + g(t − T ) for
some suitable value of T . In addition, g5 (t) can be expressed as g(t) time-shifted, time-scaled, and then
multiplied by a constant.

21. For the signal g(t) shown in Fig., sketch (a) g(t − 4); (b) g(t/1.5); (c) g(2t − 4); (d) g(2 − t).

Hint: Recall that replacing t with t − T delays the signal by T . Thus, g(2t − 4) is g(2t) with t replaced
by t − 2. Similarly, g(2 − t) is g(−t) with t replaced by t − 2.

22. For an energy signal g(t) with energy Eg , show that the energy of any one of the signals −g(t), g(−t),
and g(t − T ) is Eg . Show also that the energy of g(at) as well as g(at − b) is Eg /a. This shows that time
inversion and time shifting do not affect signal energy. On the other hand, time compression of a signal
by a factor a reduces the energy by the factor a. What is the effect on signal energy if the signal is (a)
time-expanded by a factor a (a > 1 ) and (b) multiplied by a constant a?
Assignments-1, Session: 2023 - 2024 (Spring)
B. Tech 6th Semester
Communication Systems (Code: EE3402)

Answer all questions

1. 3.8-3 Find the mean square value (or power) of the output voltage y(t) of the RC network shown
in Fig. P3.5-4 with RC = 2π if the input voltage PSD Sx (f ) is given by (a) K; (b) Π(πf ); (c)
[δ(f + 1) + δ(f − 1)]. In each case calculate the power (mean square value) of the input signal x(t).

+ g(t) C y(t)

2. 3.8-4 Find the mean square value (or power) of the output voltage y(t) of the system shown in Fig. P3.84
if the input voltage PSD Sx (f ) = Π(πf ). Calculate the power (mean square value) of the input signal

+ x(t) d
− dt


3. 3.7-4 Show that (

m ̸= n
sinc(2πBt − mπ) sinc(2πBt − nπ)dt = 1
−∞ 2B m=n

Hint. Recognize that

k 1 f
sinc(2πBt − kπ) = sinc 2πB t − ⇐⇒ Π, e−jπf k/B
2B 2B 2B

Use this fact and the result in Prob. 3.7-2 to show that
Z ∞ Z B
sinc(2πBt − mπ) sinc(2πBt − nπ)dt = ej(n−m)/2B)2πf df
−∞ 4B 2 −B

The desired result follows from this integral.

4. 3.7-5 For the signal
g(t) =
t2 + a2
determine the essential bandwidth B Hz of g(t) such that the energy contained in the spectral components
of g(t) of frequencies below B Hz is 99% of the signal energy Eg .
Hint. Determine G(f ) by applying the duality property [Eq. (3.26)] to pair 3 of Table 3.1.

5. 3.7-6 A low-pass signal g(t) is applied to a squaring device. The squarer output g 2 (t) is applied to a unity
gain ideal low-pass filter of bandwidth ∆f Hz (Fig. P3.7-6). Show that if ∆f is very small (∆f → 0),
the filter output is a dc signal of amplitude 2Eg ∆f , where Eg is the energy of g(t). Hint: The output
y(t) is a de signal because its spectrum Y (f ) is concentrated at f = 0 from −∆f to ∆f with ∆f → 0
(impulse at the origin). If g 2 (t) ⇐⇒ A(f ), and y(t) ⇐⇒ Y (f ), then Y (f ) ≈ [2A(0)∆f ]δ(f ). Now, show
that Eg = A(0).
g(t) g 2 (t) y(t) = 2Eg ∆f
()2 LPF

g(t) = C cos (2πf0 t + θ0 ) is given by Rg (τ ) = C 2 /2 cos 2πf0 τ ,

6. 3.8-1 Show that the autocor relation function of
and the corresponding PSD is Sg (f ) = C 2 /4 [δ (f − f0 ) + δ (f + f0 )]. Hence, show that for a signal y(t)

given by
y(t) = C0 + Cn cos (n2πf0 t + θn )
the autocorrelation function and the PSD are given by

1X 2
Ry (τ ) = C02 + Cn cos n2πf0 τ

Sy (f ) = C02 δ(f ) + Cn 2 [δ (f − nf0 ) + δ (f + nf0 )]

Hint: Show that if g(t) = g1 (t) + g2 (t), then Rg (τ ) = Rg1 (τ ) + Rg2 (τ ) + Rg1 g2 (τ ) + Rg2 g1 (τ ), where
R T /2
Rg1 g2 (τ ) = limT →∞ (1/T ) −T /2 g1 (t)g2 (t + τ )dt. If g1 (t) and g2 (t) represent any two of the infinite terms
in y(t), then show that Rg1 g2 (τ ) = Rg2 g1 (τ ) = 0. To show this, use the fact that the area under any
sinusoid over a very large time interval is at most equal to the area of the half-cycle of the sinusoid.

7. 3.8-2 The random binary signal x(t) shown in Fig. P3.8-2 transmits one digit every Tb seconds. A binary
1 is transmitted by a pulse p(t) of width Tb /2 and amplitude A; a binary 0 is transmitted by no pulse.
The digits 1 and 0 are equally likely and occur randomly. Determine the autocorrelation function Rx (τ )
and the PSD Sx (f ).
1 0 1 0 1

Tb Tb Tb t
Tb 2
Tb 2

8. 3.7-1 Show that the energy of the Gaussian pulse

1 t2
g(t) = √ e− 2σ2
σ 2π

from direct integration is 1/2σ π. Verify this result by using Parseval’s theorem to derive the energy Eg
from G(f ). Hint: See pair 22 in Table 3.1. Use the fact that
Z ∞Z ∞ Z ∞
−x2 −y 2 2 √
e dxdy = π ⇒ e−x dx = π
−∞ −∞ −∞

9. 3.7-2 Show that Z ∞

sinc2 (kt)dt =
−∞ 4

10. 3.6-2 The distortion caused by multipath transmission can be partly corrected by a tapped delay-line
equalizer. Show that if α ≪ 1, the distortion in the multipath system in Fig. 3.31a can be approximately
corrected if the received signal in Fig. 3.31a is passed through the tapped delayline equalizer shown in
Fig. P3.6-2.
Hint: From Eq.  (3.64a), it is clear that the equalizer filter transfer function should be Heq (f ) =
1/ 1 + αe−j2πf ∆t . Use the fact that 1/(1 − x) = 1 + x + x2 + x3 + · · · if x ≪ 1 to show what
should be the tap parameters ai to make the resulting transfer function

H(f )Heq (f ) ≈ e−j2πf td

11. 3.5-5 A bandpass signal g(t) of bandwidth B = 2000 Hz centered at f = 105 Hz is passed through
the RC filter in Fig. P3.5-4 with RC = 10−3 . If over the passband, a variation of less than 2% in
amplitude response and less than 1% in time delay is considered distortionless transmission, would g(t)
be transmitted without distortion? Find the approximate expression for the output signal.

+ g(t) C y(t)

12. 3.6-1 A certain channel has ideal amplitude, but nonideal phase response (Fig. P3.6-1), given by

|H(f )| = 1
θh (f ) = −2πf t0 − k sin 2πf T k≪1

(a) Show that y(t), the channel response to an input pulse g(t) band-limited to B Hz, is
y(t) = g (t − t0 ) + [g (t − t0 − T ) − g (t − t0 + T )]

Hint: Use e−jk sin 2πf T ≈ 1 − jk sin 2πf T .

13. 3.5-2 Consider a filter with the transfer function

2 −j2πf t
H(f ) = e−k(2πkf ) 0

Show that this filter is physically unrealizable by using the time domain criterion [noncausal h(t)] and the
frequency domain (Paley-Wiener) criterion. Can this filter be made approximately realizable by choosing
a sufficiently large t0 ? Use your own (reasonable)criterion of approximate realizability to determine t0 .
Hint: Use pair 22 in Table 3.1.
14. 3.5-3 Show that a filter with transfer function

2 105

H(f ) = e−j2πf t0
(2πf )2 + 1010

is unrealizable. Can this filter be made approximately realizable by choosing a sufficiently large t0 ?
Use your own (reasonable) criterion of approximate realizability to determine t0 . Hint: Show that the
impulse response is noncausal.

15. 3.5-4 Determine the maximum bandwidth of a signal that can be transmitted through the low-pass RC
filter in Fig. P3.5-4 with R = 1000 and C = 10−9 if, over this bandwidth, the amplitude response (gain)
variation is to be within 5% and the time delay variation is to be within 2%.

16. 3.3-8 A signal g(t) is band-limited to B Hz. Show that the signal g n (t) is band-limited to nB Hz. Hint:
g 2 (t) ⇐⇒ [G(f ) ∗ G(f )], and so on. Use the width property of convolution.

17. Find the Fourier transform of the signal in Fig. P3.3-3 a by three different methods: (a) By direct
integration using the definition (3.9a). (b) Using only pair 17 Table 3.1 and the time-shifting property.
(c) Using the time differentiation and time-shifting properties, along with the fact that δ(t) ⇐⇒ 1.


−4 −2 2 4

Hint: 1 − cos 2x = 2 sin2 x.

18. The process of recovering a signal g(t) from the modulated signal g(t) cos 2πf0 t is called demodulation.
Show that the signal g(t) cos 2πf0 t can be demodulated by multiplying it by 2 cos 2πf0 t and passing the
product through a low-pass filter of bandwidth B Hz [the bandwidth of g(t)]. Assume B < f0 .
Hint: 2 cos2 2πf0 t = 1 + cos 4πf0 t. Recognize that the spectrum of g(t) cos 4πf0 t is centered at 2f0 and
will be suppressed by a low-pass filter of bandwidth B Hz.

19. Signals g1 (t) = 104 Π 104 t and g2 (t) = δ(t) are applied at the inputs of the ideal low-pass filters

H1 (f ) = Π(f /20, 000) and H2 (f ) = Π(f /10, 000) (Fig.). The outputs y1 (t) and y2 (t) of these filters are
multiplied to obtain the signal y(t) = y1 (t)y2 (t). (a) Sketch G1 (f ) and G2 (f ). (b) Sketch H1 (f ) and
H2 (f ). (c) Sketch Y1 (f ) and Y2 (f ). (d) Find the bandwidths of y1 (t), y2 (t), and y(t).

g1 (t) y1 (t)
H1 (f )
y(t) = y1 (t) · y2 (t)
g2 (t) y2 (t)
H2 (f )

20. Use the frequency shift property and Table to find the inverse Fourier transform of the spectra shown in
Fig. below. Notice that this time, the Fourier transform is in the ω domain.

−10 −5 −3 3 5 10


−10 −6 −2 2 6 10

g(t) G(f )
1 e−at u(t) 1
a+j2πf a>0
2 eat u(−t) a−j2πf a>0
3 e−a|t| 2a
a2 +(2πf )2
4 te−at u(t) 1
(a+j2πf )2
5 tn e−at u(t) n!
(a+j2πf )n+1
6 δ(t) 1
7 1 δ(f )
8 ej2πf0 t δ (f − f0 )
9 cos 2πf0 t 0.5 [δ (f + f0 ) + δ (f − f0 )]
10 sin 2πf0 t j0.5 [δ (f + f0 ) − δ (f − f0 )]
1 1
11 u(t) 2 δ(f ) + j2πf
12 sgn t j2πf
1 j2πf
13 cos 2πf0 tu(t) 4 [δ (f − f0 ) + δ (f + f0 )] + (2πf0 )2 −(2πf )2
1 2πf0
14 sin 2πf0 tu(t) 4j [δ (f − f0 ) − δ (f + f0 )] + (2πf0 )2 −(2πf )2
17 Π τt

τ sinc(πf
18 2B sinc(2πBt) Π 2B  
2 πf τ
19 ∆ τt τ

2   2
20 B sinc2 (πBt) ∆ 2B
f0 ∞ 1
21 n=−∞ δ(t − nT ) √ n=−∞
δ (f − nf0 ) f0 = T
−t2 2 −2(σπf )2
22 e /2σ σ 2πe
g(t) G(ω)
1 e−at u(t) 1
a+jω a>0
2 eat u(−t) a−jω a>0
3 e−a|t| 2a
a2 +(ω)2
4 te−at u(t) 1
5 tn e−at u(t) n!
6 δ(t) 1
7 1 δ(f )
8 ejω0 t δ (ω − ω0 )
9 cos ω0 t 0.5 [δ (ω + ω0 ) + δ (ω − ω0 )]
10 sin ω0 t j0.5 [δ (ω + ω0 ) − δ (ω − ω0 )]
1 1
11 u(t) 2 δ(f ) + jω
12 sgn t jω
1 jω
13 cos ω0 tu(t) 4 [δ (ω − ω0 ) + δ (ω + ω0 )] + (ω0 )2 −(ω)2
1 ω0
14 sin ω0 tu(t) 4j [δ (ω − ω0 ) − δ (ω + ω0 )] + (ω0 )2 −(ω)2
17 Π τt

τ sinc(ωτ /2)
18 2W sinc(W t) 2πΠ 2W
19 ∆ τt τ 2 ωτ
2 sinc 4
2 ω
20 2W
P∞sinc (W t) 2π∆P∞4W 1
21 n=−∞ δ(t − nT ) f0 n=−∞ δ (f − nf0 )

f0 = T
−t 2 2 2
22 e /2σ σ 2πe−2(σπf )
Assignments-3, Session: 2023 - 2024 (Spring)
B. Tech 6th Semester
Communication Systems (Code: EE3402)

Answer all questions

1. For each of the baseband signals: (i) m(t) = cos 1000πt; (ii) m(t) = 2 cos 1000πt+ sin 2000πt; (iii)
m(t) = cos 1000πt cos 3000πt, do the following.

(a) Sketch the spectrum of m(t).

(b) Sketch the spectrum of the DSB-SC signal m(t) cos 10, 000πt.
(c) Identify the upper sideband (USB) and the lower sideband (LSB) spectra.
(d) Identify the frequencies in the baseband, and the corresponding frequencies in the DSB-SC, USB,
andLSB spectra. Explain the nature of frequency shif ting in each case.

2. Repeat Prob. 1 [parts (a), (b), and (c) only] if: (i) m(t) = sinc(100t); (ii) m(t) = e−|t| ; (iii) m(t) = e−|t−1| .
Observe that e−|t−1| is e−|t| delayed by 1 second. For the last case you need to consider both the amplitude
and the phase spectra.

3. Repeat Prob. 1 [parts (a), (b), and (c) only] for m(t) = e−|t| if the carrier is cos(10, 1000t− π/4 ).

4. You are asked to design a DSB-SC modulator to generate a modulated signal km(t) cos (ωc t + θ), where
m(t) is a signal band-limited to B Hz. Figure shows a DSB-SC modulator a vailable in the stock room.
The carrier generator available generates not cos ωc t, but cos3 ωc t. Explain whether you would be able
to generate the desired signal using only this equipment. You may use any kind of filter you like.

(a) What kind of filter is required in Fig.?

(b) Determine the signal spectra at points b and c, and indicate the frequency bands occupied by these
(c) What is the minimum usable value of ωc ?
(d) Would this scheme work if the carrier generator output were sin3 ωc t ? Explain.
(e) Would this scheme work if the carrier generator out put were cosn ωc t for any integer n ≥ 2 ?

M (f )

a b c
m(t) × Filter km(t) cos(ωc t)

−B 0 B f −→

cos3 (ωc t)

5. You are asked to design a DSB-SC modulator to generate a modulated signal km(t) cos ωc t with the
carrier frequency fc = 300kHz (ωc = 2π × 300, 000). The following equipment is available in the stock
room: (i) a signal generator of frequency 100kHz; (ii) a ring modulator, (iii) a bandpass filter tuned to
(a) Show how you can generate the desired signal.

(b) If the output of the modulator is k · m(t) cos ωc t, find k.

6. Amplitude modulators and demodulators can also be built without using multipliers. In Fig., the input
ϕ(t) = m(t), and the amplitude A ≫ |ϕ(t)|. The two diodes are identical, with a resistance of r ohms in
the conducting mode and infinite resistance in the cutoff mode. Show that the output eo (t) is given by

eo (t) = w(t)m(t)

where w(t) is the switching periodic signal shown in Fig. 2.20a with period 2π/Wc seconds.

(a) Hence, show that this circuit can be used as a DSB-SC modulator.

(b) How would you use this circuit as a synchronous demodulator for DSB-SC signals.

7. In previous Fig., if ϕ(t) = sin (ωc t + θ), and the output e0 (t) is passed through a low-pass filter, then
show that this circuit can be used as a phase detector, that is, a circuit that measures the phase difference
between two sinusoids of the same frequency (ωc ).

Hint: Show that the filter output is a de signal proportional to sin θ.

8. Two signals m1 (t) and m2 (t), both band-limited to 5000 Hz, are to be transmitted simultaneously over a
channel by the multiplexing scheme shown in Fig. The signal at point b is the multiplexed signal, which
now modulates a carrier of frequency 20, 000 Hz The modulated signal at point c is transmitted over a

(a) Sketch signal spectra at points a, b, and c.

(b) What must be the bandwidth of the channel?

(c) Design a receiver to recover signals m1 (t) and m2 (t) from the modulated signal at point c.
M1 (f )

−5000 0 5000

m1 (t)

P b c
m2 (t) a
2 cos 40, 000πt
M2 (f )
2 cos 20, 000πt

−5000 0 5000

9. The system shown in Fig. is used for scrambling audio signals. The output y(t) is the scrambled version
of the input m(t).

(a) Find the spectrum of the scrambled signal y(t).

(b) Suggest a method of descrambling y(t) to obtain m(t).

M (f ) m(t) a LPF y(t)

× (Scrambled output)
0-15 kHz

2 cos 30, 000πt

−15 kHz 0 15 kHz

10. A DSB-SC signal is given by m(t) cos(2π106 t). The carrier frequency of this signal, 1MHz, is to be changed
to 400kHz. The only equipment available consists of one ring modulator, a bandpass filter centered at
the frequency of 400kHz, and one sine wave generator whose frequency can be varied from 150 to 210kHz.
Show how you can obtain the desired signal cm(t) cos 2π × 400 × 103 t from m(t) cos(2π106 t). Determine
the value of c.

11. 4.3-1 Figure P4.3-1 shows a scheme for coherent (synchronous) demodulation. Show that this scheme
can demodulate the AM signal [A + m(t)] cos (2πfc t) regardless of the value of A.
[A + m(t)] cos ωc t a y(t)
× LPF (output)

cos ωc t

12. Sketch the AM signal [A + m(t)] cos (2πfc t) for the periodic triangle signal m(t) shown in Fig. corre-
sponding to the modulation indices (a) µ = 0.5; (b) µ = 1; (c) µ = 2; (d) µ = ∞. How do you interpret
the case of µ = ∞ ?

t −→
Figure 1:

13. For the AM signal with m(t) shown in previous Fig. and µ = 0.8 :

(a) Find the amplitude and power of the carrier.

(b) Find the sideband power and the power efficiency η.

14. (a) Sketch the DSB-SC signal corresponding to the message signal m(t) = cos 2πt.
(b) The DSB-SC signal of part (a) is applied at the input of an envelope detector. Show that the
output of the envelope detector is not m(t), but |m(t)|. Show that, in general, if an AM signal
[A + m(t)] cos ωc t is envelope-detected, the output is |A + m(t)|. Hence, show that the condition for
recovering m(t) from the envelope detector is A + m(t) > 0 for all t.

15. Show that any scheme that can be used to generate DSB-SC can also generate AM. Is the converse true?

16. Show that any scheme that can be used to demodulate DSB-SC can also demodulate AM. Is the converse
true? Explain.

17. In a QAM system, the locally generated carrier has a frequency error ∆ω and a phase error δ; that is,
the receiver carrier is cos [(ωc + ∆ω) t + δ] or sin [(ωc + ∆ω) t + δ]. Show that the output of the upper
receiver branch is
m1 (t) cos[(∆ω)t + δ] − m2 (t) sin[(∆ω)t + δ]
instead of m1 (t), and the output of the lower receiver branch is

m1 (t) sin[(∆ω)t + δ] + m2 (t) cos[(∆ω)t + δ]

instead of m2 (t).

18. A modulating signal m(t) is given by:

(a) m(t) = cos 100πt + 2 cos 300πt

(b) m(t) = sin 100πt sin 500πt
In each case:
i. Sketch the spectrum of m(t).
ii. Find and sketch the spectrum of the DSB-SC signal 2m(t) cos 1000πt.
iii. From the spectrum obtained in (ii), suppress the LSB spectrum to obtain the USB spectrum.
iv. Knowing the USB spectrum in (ii), write the expression φUSB (t) for the USB signal.
v. Repeat (iii) and (iv) to obtain the LSB signal φLSB (t).

19. For the signals in Prob. 18, use Eq. (4.20) to determine the time domain expressions φLSB (t) and φUSB (t)
if the carrier frequency ωc = 1000.
Hint: If m(t) is a sinusoid, its Hilbert transform mh (t) is the sinusoid m(t) phase-delayed by π/2 rad.

20. Find φLSB (t) and φUSB (t) for the modulating signal m(t) = πB sinc2 (2πBt) with B = 2000 Hz and
carrier frequency fc = 10, 000 Hz. Follow these steps:
(a) Sketch spectra of m(t) and the corresponding DSB-SC signal 2m(t) cos ωc t.
(b) To find the LSB spectrum, suppress the USB in the DSB-SC spectrum found in part (a).
(c) Find the LSB signal φLSB (t), which is the inverse Fourier transform of the LSB spectrum found in
part (b). Follow a similar procedure to find φUSB (t).

21. If mh (t) is the Hilbert transform of m(t), then

(a) Show that the Hilbert transform of mh (t) is −m(t).

(b) Show also that the energies of m(t) and mh (t) are identical.

22. An LSB signal is demodulated coherently, as shown in Fig. . Unfortunately, because of the transmission
delay, the received signal carrier is not 2 cos ωc t as sent, but rather, is 2 cos [(ωc + ∆ω) t + δ]. The local
oscillator is still cos ωc t. Show the following.

(a) When δ = 0, the output y(t) is the signal m(t) with all its spectral components shifted (offset) by
Hint: Observe that the output y(t) is identical to the right-hand side of Eq. (4.20a) with ωc replaced
with ∆ω.
(b) When ∆ω = 0, the output is the signal m(t) with phases of all its spectral components shifted by
δ. Hint: Show that the output spectrum Y (f ) = M (f )ejδ for f ≥ 0, and equal to M (f )e−jδ when
f < 0.
(c) In each of these cases, explain the nature of distortion.
Hint: For part (a), demodulation consists of shifting an LSB spectrum to the left and right by
ωc + ∆ω and low-pass-filtering the result. For part (b), use the expression (4.20b) for φLSB (t),
multiply it by the local carrier 2 cos (ωc t + δ), and low-pass-filter the result.

φLSB a y(t)
× LPF (output)

2 cos[(ωc + ∆ω)t + θ]

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