Interview Questions - Networking
Interview Questions - Networking
Interview Questions - Networking
+91 9739009939
Ans: virtual switch is same like physical switch works in Layer 2 , used to create portgroups on the host
to send and receive the traffic
2: What is a portgroup
Ans: Portgroup is seperated virtual path on the virtual switch to send and receive traffic
1: Standard switch is a host level switch , we need to manually create portgroups and make sure they
are consistent across all the hosts in the cluster
2: Distributed switch is vcenter level switch and is common switch for multiple hosts, what ever
portgroups we create on the DVS will be same for all the hosts
4: DVS will come with advanced features like port mirroring , netflow , PVLAN where these features are
not available in standard switch
5: what is netflow
6: After vmotion , my vm has lost network connection how will you troubleshoot
#22-1 , Devasandra Main Road, Ayyapanagar , KR Puram , Bangalore
SVIT Services
+91 9739009939
- Might be VLAN Trunk is missed on the physical switch port , i will check with network team
- CDP should be enabled to see the switch port info from the host ( vswitch -- nic -- details --cdp)
7: what is an UPLink
Ans: vmkernel
9 : what is a VLAN
Ans: VLAN is a virtual local area network is a private network with a network ( LAN )
if we set to Accept, packet will be flooded to all the vms on that portgroup
If we set to accept , there will be no incoming traffic towards the vm but there will be only outgoing
from the VM
+91 9739009939
Ans : vice versa to mac address change
If we set to accept , there will be only incoming traffic towards the vm but there will be No outgoing
from the VM
explicit failover