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Спеціальності: ІП, КІ, ТР


Task 1

Read and translate the text


Everyone has heard of Bill Gates? He is an icon of business and the
richest man in the world. Microsoft, the business he started with a friend
in 1975, has become the world’s largest computer software company.
Bill Gates was born on the 28th of October,1955, in Seattle, the USA.
From his parents Bill received a good business sense and a quick mind.
At school Bill soon showed that he was very intelligent.
His favorite subjects were Maths and Science. At 13 he got
interested in computers. Bill Gates and his friend Paul Allen were soon
spending all their time writing programs and learning computers instead
of doing their homework. After finishing school, Bill entered Harvard,
the famous university in the USA. Most of the time he worked on the
computers in the university laboratory. He and Pal Allen wrote an
operating program for the Altair, one of the world’s first computers. Bill
left Harvard before finishing his studies. Two friends started Microsoft
in 1975, and very soon it became successful. In 1980, Gates bought a
small company that produced an operating system called DOS. He made
some changes and renamed it MS-DOS. He sold the rights to use this
system to IBM. Since 1980MS-DOS has been the standard operating
system for all PCs. Microsoft has also developed such well known
programs as Windows, Excel and Internet Explorer.
Bill’s dream is to computerize everything – TV’s, telephones, even
the way we cook dinner.
One reason of his success is that Bill has always been very
ambitious and hard-working. Bill Gates has written two famous books:
“The Road Ahead” and “The Speed of Thought”. Both books are best-
For such a rich person his life is very simple, and he spend very
little time on himself. When it comes to helping others, Gates is very
generous. He has already given more than $ 300 million to charity.

Learn the words by heart

№ Word Transcription Translation
1 to receive [ rɪˈsiːv ] отримувати
2 sense [ sens ] відчуття
3 mind [ maɪnd ] розум
4 intelligent [ ɪnˈtelɪdʒənt ] розумний
5 favorite [ ˈfeɪ.vər.ɪt ] улюблений
6 subject [ ˈsʌbdʒɪkt ] предмет
7 to spend [ spend ] проводити
8 instead of [ ɪnˈsted əv ] замість
9 to enter [ ˈentər ] вступати
1 successful [ səkˈsesfl ] успішний
1 to buy [ baɪ ] купувати
1 to produce [ prəˈduːs ] виготовляти
1 right [ raɪt ] право
1 hard-working [ ˌhɑːdˈwɜː.kɪŋ ] трудолюбивий
1 to develop [ dɪˈveləp ] розробляти
1 dream [ driːm ] мрія
1 ambitious [ æmˈbɪʃ.əs ] честолюбний
1 speed [ spiːd ] швидкість
1 thought [ θɔːt ] думка
2 charity [ ˈtʃærəti ] благодійність
Task 2

After careful reading of the text tell which of the following

statements are true and which are false
1. Microsoft, the business he started with a friend in 1973, has
become the world’s largest computer software company.
2. From his parents Bill received a good business sense and a quick
3. When it comes to helping others, Gates isn’t very generous.
4. Since 1980 MS-DOS has been the standard operating system for
all mainframes.
5. After finishing school, Bill entered Oxford, the famous university
in the USA.
6. In 1980, Gates bought a small company that produced an
operating system called DOS.
7. He has already given more than $ 700 million to charity.
8. His favorite subjects were Physics and Chemistry.
9. Microsoft has also developed such well known programs as
windows, Excel and Internet Explorer.
10. Two friends started Microsoft in 1976, and very soon it became

Task 3

Answer the following questions using the text

1. When did two friends start Microsoft?
2. What did Bill receive from his parents?
3. What were Gates’ favorite subjects?
4. Where did Bill enter after finishing school?
5. What did he do in the university laboratory?
6. What did Gates buy in 1980?
7. Since what time has MS-DOS been the standard operating system
for all PCs?
8. What is Bill’s dream?
9. What is the main reason of Bill’s success?
10. What well known programs has Microsoft developed?

Task 4
Translate the text into Ukrainian
1. He and Pal Allen wrote an operating program for the Altair, one
of the world’s first computers.
2. Bill’s dream is to computerize everything – TV’s, telephones,
even the way we cook dinner.
3. Two friends started Microsoft in 1975, and very soon it became
4. After finishing school, Bill entered Harvard, the famous
university in the USA.
5. One reason of his success is that Bill has always been very
ambitious and hard-working.
6. When it comes to helping others, Gates is very generous.
7. In 1980, Gates bought a small company that produced an
operating system called DOS.
8. He is an icon of business and the richest man in the world.
9. Bill Gates and his friend Paul Allen were soon spending all their
time writing programs and learning computers instead of doing their
10. Microsoft has also developed such well known programs as
Windows, Excel and Internet Explorer.

Task 5

Write down 10 basic sentences on the following topics

1. Bill Gates. An icon of business and the richest man in the world.
2. Bill Gates. The history of success.
3. Bill Gates. The reason of success.


Task 1

Read and translate the text

A computer is really a very specific kind of a counting machine. It
can do arithmetic problems faster than any person alive. By means of
electric processes it can find the answer to a very difficult and
complicated problem in a few seconds.
A computer can “remember” information you give it. It keeps the
information in its “memory” until it is needed.
There are different kinds of computers. Some can do only one job.
There are special- purpose computers. Each specific problem requires a
specific computer. One kind of computer can help us build a spaceship,
another kind can help us navigate it. A special-purpose computer is built
for this purpose alone and cannot do anything else.
But there are some computers that can do many different jobs. They
are called the general-purpose computers. There are the big “brains” that
solve the most difficult problems of science.
We used to think of a computer as a large machine that took up a
whole room. But today computers are becoming smaller and smaller.
Though the small devices are called microcomputers or minicomputers,
they are still true computers.
The most important parts of a general purpose-computer are as
follows: 1) memory, where the information is kept; 2) an arithmetic unit
for performing calculations; 3) a control unit for the correct order of
operations; 4) input devices; 5) output devices for displaying the results
of calculations. The input and output devices are called peripherals.
There are several advantages in making computers as small as one
can. Sometimes weight is particularly important. A modern plane carries
many heavy electronic apparatus. If it is possible to make any of them
smaller, it can carry a bigger weight. But weight is not the only factor.
The smaller the computer, the faster it can work. The signals go to and
for at a very high but almost constant speed.
Some of the first computers cost millions of dollars, but people
quickly learned that it was cheaper to let a million dollar computer make
the necessary calculations than to have a hundred clerks trying to do the
same by hand. Scientists found that computers made fewer mistakes and
could fulfill the tasks much faster than almost any number of people
using usual methods. The computers became popular. As their
popularity grew the number of factories producing them also grew.

Learn the words by heart

№ Word Transcription Translation
1 to count [ kaʊnt ] обчислювати
2 arithmetic [ əˈrɪθ.mə.tɪk ] арифметичний
3 complicated [ ˈkɑːmplɪkeɪtɪd ] складна
4 special-purpose [ ˈspeʃl ˈpɜːrpəs ] спеціального
5 general-purpose [ ˈdʒenrəl ˈpɜːrpəs загального
] призначення
6 to require [ rɪˈkwaɪər ] вимагати
7 spaceship [ ˈspeɪs.ʃɪp ] космічний
8 brain [ breɪn ] мозок
9 to solve [ sɑːlv ] вирішувати
1 science [ ˈsaɪəns ] наука
1 to perform [ pərˈfɔːrm ] робити
1 to input [ ˈɪn.pʊt ] вводити
1 to output [ ˈaʊtpʊt ] виводити
1 speed [ spiːd ] швидкість
1 advantage [ ədˈvæntɪdʒ ] перевага
1 weight [ weɪt ] вага
1 constant [ ˈkɑːnstənt ] постійний
1 to produce [ prəˈduːs ] виробляти
1 scientist [ ˈsaɪəntɪst ] науковець
2 to fulfill [ fʊlˈfɪl ] виконувати

Task 2

After careful reading of the text tell which of the following

statements are true and which are false
1. We used to think of a computer as a small machine that took up a
whole room.
2. By means of electric processes computer can find the answer to a
very difficult and complicated problem in a few hours.
3. Some of the first computers cost millions of dollars.
4. The bigger the computer, the faster it can work.
5. Today computers are becoming smaller and smaller.
6. There are two most important parts in a general-purpose
7. Output devices are used to display nice pictures.
8. Computers can fulfill the tasks much faster than any number of
people using the traditional methods.
9. Computers became very expensive today.
10. It is cheaper to let the expensive computer do the job than to
have a hundred clerks.

Task 3

Answer the following questions using the text

1. What is a computer?
2. What are the most important parts in a general-purpose
3. Where is information kept?
4. What purpose are output devices used for?
5. What are special-purpose computers?
6. How are the input and output devices called?
7. What purpose is an arithmetic unit used for?
8. How much did the first computers cost?
9. What are general-purpose computers?
10. What does a computer keep in its “memory”?

Task 4

Translate the text into Ukrainian

1. A computer can keep the information in its “memory” until it is
2. Today computers are becoming smaller and smaller.
3. Computers could be used to solve difficult problems.
4. There are five important parts in a general purpose computer.
5. A computer is really a very specific kind of a counting machine.
6. There are several advantages in making computers as small as one
7. Computers can fulfill the tasks much faster than any number of
people using the traditional methods.
8. Some of the first computers cost millions of dollars.
9. It is cheaper to let the expensive computer do the job than to have
hundred clerks.
10. A computer can do arithmetic problems faster than any person alive.
Task 5

Write down 10 basic sentences on the following topics

1. A special-purpose computer.
2. Important parts in a general-purpose computer.
3. Requirements to modern computers.


Task 1

Read and translate the text


Today the computer plays a vital role in the lives of many people all
over the world and is seen as one of the greatest technological
developments of all times.
A computer is an electronic machine that can perform mathematical
tasks to solve scientific or clerical problems in a relatively short period
of time. It can process data.
Past. When people first started counting, they counted on their
fingers, a fact recalled by the word digit. But the process was inefficient,
and about 5,000 years ago, the search for improved ways of counting
provided the abacus. In an adaptation of the abacus, used by the
Romans, small stones took the place of beads. The stones were called
calculi, from which the word calculation came. In the nineteenth
century, Charles Babbage devoted much of his life (and fortune) to
developing mechanical computers of increasing capability that
represented numbers by the rotational position of gear wheels.
Babbage’s most ambitious project unfortunately never completed.
Today’s computers are primarily electronic, although optical data
transmission is becoming popular, and optical processors are being
tested in the laboratory.
Today. The modern history of computers can be broken down into
five generations.
It is amazing to see the progress of computers over the last 25 years
or so. The first generation computers with vacuum tubes were very large
and generated much heat. Such computers filled whole rooms. The
second generation used smaller, cooler transistors and diodes. The third
generation was the introduction of integrated circuits. An integrated
circuit is a network of transistors all contained on a silicon chip about
the size of the top of a pencil. The fourth generation uses very large-
scale integrated circuits. These computers have much greater processing
ability than the original room-sized computers. Today personal
computers are the fourth-generation computers. The so called the fifth-
generation of computers is being developed now.
The latest generation may be characterized by artificial intelligence,
expert systems, office automation, and manufacturing information
The fifth generation computers are much faster. They are able to use
artificial intelligence software. That is, the computer systems are able to
“ reason” and “learn” using data from their past actions. Such systems
are now being used in financial management, petroleum refinery
monitoring, diagnosing medical problems, providing vision systems for
robots, and allowing people to use English to communicate with
The earliest commercial digital computer was the ENIAC, that was
worked out in 1943 in the USA.
A personal computer (PC) is the smallest and the least expensive
class of computers. PCs became available in the late 1970s. By the early
1980s, their speed, memory capacity, and reliability had improved to the
point where they could handle real accounting and managerial tasks.
In addition to PCs, today’s technology includes minicomputers and
mainframe computers.
Minicomputers are more powerful, more expensive, and accept
more programming languages than microcomputers, but they are not as
large, expensive, or powerful as mainframe computers.
Microcomputers are cheaper and provide a more flexible and
reliable system. Microcomputers have become popular for accounting
purposes and offer many advantages over larger machines.
Portable, and notebook computers are successive generations of
computers that can be carried around. All of these small computers are
attractive to accountants, managers, economists and other business
people because they can be operated on aircraft, in automobiles and,
most importantly, in clients’ offices.
Mainframes are the largest, fastest, and most expensive class of
computers. They are used for information processing in large businesses.
Future. What will computers be like in the future? Already here are
prototypes of computers that are voice activated. Others are able to read
instructions written out by hand or translate such instructions into
computer printing. Such developments will be as significant as the
industrial revolution.

Learn the words by heart

№ Word Transcription Translation
1 to count [ kaʊnt ] обчислювати
2 finger [ ˈfɪŋɡər ] палець
3 beads [ biːd ] намисто
4 gear wheel [ ɡɪr wiːl ] шестерня
5 vacuum tube [ ˈvæk.juːm tuːb ] електронна лампа
6 circuit [ ˈsɜː.kɪt ] схема
7 artificial [ ˌɑːrtɪˈfɪʃl ] штучний
8 intelligence [ ɪnˈtelɪdʒəns ] інтелект
9 software [ ˈsɔːftwer ] програмне
1 petroleum refinery [ pəˈtrəʊ.li.əm rɪ очищення нафти
0 ˈfaɪ.nər.i ]
1 to allow [ əˈlaʊ ] дозволяти
1 expensive [ ɪkˈspensɪv ] дорогий
1 available [ əˈveɪləbl ] доступний
1 reliability [ rɪˌlaɪəˈbɪl.ɪ.ti ] надійність
№ Word Transcription Translation
1 cheap [ tʃiːp ] дешевий
1 flexible [ ˈflek.sɪ.bl̩ ] гнучкий
1 successive [ səkˈses.ɪv ] послідовний
1 processing [ ˈprəʊ.ses ] обробка
1 significant [ sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt ] суттєвий
2 digital [ ˈdɪdʒ.ɪ.təl ] цифровий

Task 2

After careful reading of the text tell which of the following

statements are true and which are false
1. The modern history of computers can be broken down into four
2. The earliest commercial digital computer was the ENIAC, that
was worked out in 1945 in Poland.
3. In addition to PCs, today’s technology includes minicomputers
and mainframe computers.
4. The first generation computers with vacuum tubes were very
small and didn’t generated much heat.
5. A personal computer (PC) is the largest and the most expensive
class of computers.
6. The third generation was the introduction of integrated circuits.
7. Microcomputers are cheaper and provide a more flexible and
reliable system.
8. The first generation may be characterized by artificial
intelligence, expert systems, office automation, and manufacturing
information systems.
9. Mainframes are the smallest, and the least expensive class of
10. Portable and notebook computers are successive generations of
computers that can be carried around.
Task 3

Answer the following questions using the text

1. What can be broken down into five generations?
2. What were the main features of the first generation computers?
3. What generation of computers may be characterized by artificial
4. The second generation wasn’t the introduction of integrated
circuits, was it?
5. When was the earliest commercial digital computer worked out?
6. Where are mainframes used?
7. When did the first home personal computers become available?
8. What are the advantages of notebook computers?
9. Where was the ENIAC worked out?
10. What are microcomputers?

Task 4

Translate the text into Ukrainian

1. The third generation was the introduction of integrated circuits.
2. A personal computer (PC) is the smallest and the least expensive
class of computers.
3. The modern history of computers can be broken down into five
4. When people first started counting, they counted on their fingers,
a fact recalled by the word digit.
5. Charles Babbage devoted much of his life (and fortune) to
developing mechanical computers of increasing capability that
represented numbers by the rotational position of gear wheels.
6. Today the computer plays a vital role in the lives of many people
all over the world and is seen as one of the greatest technological
developments of all times.
7. The latest generation may be characterized by artificial
intelligence, expert systems, office automation, and manufacturing
information systems.
8. Microcomputers are cheaper and provide a more flexible and
reliable system.
9. Mainframes are the largest, fastest, and most expensive class of
10. The earliest commercial digital computer was the ENIAC, that
was worked out in 1943 in the USA.

Task 5

Write down 10 basic sentences on the following topics

1. Computers in the past.
2. The modern history of computers.
3. What will computers be like in the future?


Task 1

Read and translate the text

Whether you know it or not you depend on computers for almost
everything you do in modern day life. It is impossible to live without
computers nowadays.
Many people think of computers as a new invention but it is really
very old. It is about 2000 years old. The first computer was the abacus.
It was made of wood, two wires, and beads and used for normal
arithmetic operations. Such type of computer was considered to be
analog computer. Another analog computer was the circular slide ruler.
It was invented in 1621 by William Oughtred, an English
mathematician. That slide ruler was a mechanical device made of two
rules (one sliding inside the other). That slide ruler could do such
calculations as division, multiplications, roots, and logarithms.
In 1642 Blaise Pascal’s computer appeared. It was considered to be
the first automatic calculator. It was consisted of gears and interlocking
cogs. It was originally made for his father, a tax collector.
Later there were many similar inventions. There was the Leibniz
wheel that was invented by Gottfried Leibniz. It looked like a cylinder
with stepped teeth.
Computers were not used widely until the invention was Thomas of
Colmar. It was the first successful mechanical calculator that could do
all the normal arithmetic operations.
In 1812 in Cambridge, England, new advancement in computer was
made by Charles Babbage. His idea was that long calculations could be
done in series of steps repeating over many times. Ten years later in
1822 he had a working model. He called his invention the Difference
Engine. In 1833 he stopped working on his Difference Engine because
he had another idea. It was Analytical Engine. It was the first digital
computer, programmatically controlled. Such computer was to use
punch cards, steam power, and was operated by one person.
In 1939 there was the first true digital computer. It was called the
ABC, and was designed by Dr. John Astanasoff. In 1942 John O. Eckert,
John W. Mauchly decided to make a high speed computer. It was known
as the ENIAC. The ENIAC was 1000 times faster than previous
computers. The ENIAC was accepted as the first successful high speed
computer and was used from 1946 to 1955.
At the same time another new computer was made. It was more
popular because it could also do the dissension like human brain. When
it was finished in 1950 it became the fastest computer in the world. It
was designed by the National Bureau of Standards and was named the
National Bureau of Standards Western Automatic Computer or SWAC.
The discovery of magnetic core memory influenced on the second
generation of computers. Now magnetic types and disks were used to
store programs.
The third generation appeared when computers were
commercialized. They were getting smaller, cheaper and power
requirements were less. That was probably because of the invention of
the silicon semiconductor. Computers of the third generation were the
first microcomputers.
The fourth generation of computers started in 1970. It started with
the idea of Ted Hoff. He considered that all the processing units of a
computer could be placed on one single chip. Today every computer has
a microprocessor built into it.
Beginning with the 1980s there was a large demand for
microcomputers such as the IBM PC and Apple not only in industry but
at homes. Many other computers appeared during the 80s. They were:
the Commodore, Tandy, Atari and many others.
Learn the words by heart
№ Word Transcription Translation
1 invention [ ɪnˈvenʃn ] винахід
2 wire [ ˈwaɪər ] провід, кабель,
3 bead [ biːd ] намисто
4 to consider [ kənˈsɪdər ] вважати
5 to slide [ slaɪd ] ковзати
6 ruler [ ˈruːlər ] лінійка
7 division [ dɪˈvɪʒn ] ділення
8 root [ ruːt ] корінь
9 multiplication [ mʌltɪplɪˈkeɪʃn ] множення
10 gear [ ɡɪr ] шестерня
11 tax [ tæks ] податок
12 wheel [ wiːl ] колесо
13 teeth [ tiːθ ] різці
14 advancement [ ədˈvɑːns.mənt ] прогрес
15 engine [ ˈendʒɪn ] двигун
16 digital [ ˈdɪdʒ.ɪ.təl ] цифровий
17 punch card [ pʌntʃ kɑːrd ] перфокарта
18 storage [ ˈstɔːr.ɪdʒ ] зберігання
19 steam [ stiːm ] паровий
20 dissension [ dɪˈsen.ʃən ] незгода

Task 2

After careful reading of the text tell which of the following

statements are true and which are false
1. Many people think of computers as an old invention but it is
really very new.
2. That slide ruler could do such calculations as division,
multiplications, roots, and logarithms.
3. In 1640 Blaise Pascal’s computer appeared.
4. In 1812 in Cambridge, England, new advancement in computer
was made by Charles Babbage.
5. The ENIAC was 100 times slower than previous computers.
6. The discovery of magnetic core memory influenced on the fifth
generation of computers.
7. Beginning with the 1980s there was a large demand for
microcomputers such as the IBM PC and Apple not only in industry but
at homes.
8. It is possible to live without computers nowadays.
9. Computers were not used widely until the invention was Thomas
of Colmar.
10. Computers of the third generation were the first minicomputers.

Task 3

Answer the following questions using the text

1. What was the first computer?
2. What was the first computer made of?
3. When was the circular slide ruler invented?
4. What was Blaise Pascal’s computer consisted of?
5. Whom was the Leibniz wheel invented by?
6. Why did Charles Babbage stop working on his Difference
7. How was the first true digital computer called?
8. What influenced on the second generation of computers?
9. When was punch card first used?
10. What was computer of the third generation?

Task 4

Translate the text into Ukrainian

1. Whether you know it or not you depend on computers for almost
everything you do in modern day life.
2. Computers were not used widely until the invention was Thomas
of Colmar.
3. In 1939 there was the first true digital computer.
4. Many people think of computers as a new invention but it is
really very old.
5. Another analog computer was the circular slide ruler.
6. The ENIAC was accepted as the first successful high speed
computer and was used from 1946 to 1955.
7. The discovery of magnetic core memory influenced on the second
generation of computers.
8. Beginning with the 1980s there was a large demand for
microcomputers such as the IBM PC and Apple not only in industry but
at homes.
9. Today every computer has a microprocessor built into it.
10. Computers of the third generation were the first

Task 5

Write down 10 basic sentences on the following topics

1. The first computers.
2. Important inventions.
3. Computer generations.


Task 1

Read and translate the text

Every information system has five parts: hardware; software;
people; control; and data. Information is based on data, but it is a
meaningful, useful interpretation of them.
There are two major components of a computer system: hardware
and software. Hardware is a physical equipment, i.e. the machinery and
electronic components.
The computer hardware devices handle the input, processing,
storage, transmission, and output of data.
Input devices are those through which the properly prepared pieces
of information known as data are put into the computer. Data are raw
facts and figures. The most common input device is the keyboard.
The output devices are those which convey the results of the
processing operations from the central processing unit to the user.
The results are made available to the users (output). The
combination of these tasks is known as data processing.
Processor devices provide the capability for arithmetic and logical
manipulation of numerical data and the editing of textual material.
Processor devices also control the system’s operation; start monitor, and
stop the execution of programs; keep track of data; and maintain
communications with other devices.
Computers typically incorporate more than one level of storage.
Main memory, also called random-access memory (RAM) or primary
storage, is built into the processor unit and provides fast, addressable,
random access to its contents.
Secondary storage provides for more permanent storage of data and
software not immediately in use. While the payroll is being processed,
an accounts receivable program or an inventory file may reside in
secondary storage.
Equally as important as hardware in the operation of computers is
software. Today it is more important to find the right software before
finding the right hardware. Computer software is the programs that give
the computer the instructions to complete the tasks. Computer software
consists of the instructions that determine how the data are to be
processed. Software can be divided into three types: systems software,
applications software, and end-user software.
Business people most frequently use software for five major
purposes: 1) writing (word processors); 2) manipulating numbers
(spreadsheets); 3) filing and retrieving data (database); 4) presenting
information visually (graphics); 5) communicating.
Using a word processing program, you can correct errors or revise
your text quickly and easily.
A spreadsheet program is simply the electronic equivalent of an
accountant’s worksheet. A spreadsheet is a table made of rows and
columns which enables a manager to organize information.
Database programs allow working with information one normally
keep in lists: names and addresses, schedules, inventories, and so forth.
Computer graphics programs can use data from spreadsheets to
visually summarize information by drawing bar graphs, pie charts and
line charts.
Communications software makes it possible for different brands of
computers to transfer data into each other. These programs enable the
computer to exchange files with other computers, retrieve information
from databases, and send and receive electronic mail or messages by

Learn the words by heart

№ Word Transcription Translation
1 hardware [ˈhɑːrd.wer] технічне
2 software [ˈsɔːftwer] програмне
3 data [ˈdeɪtə] дані
4 equipment [ɪˈkwɪpmənt] обладнання
5 input [ˈɪn.pʊt] ввід
6 output [ˈaʊtpʊt] вивід
7 processing [ˈprəʊ.ses] обробка
8 transmission [trænzˈmɪʃ.ən] передача
9 storage [ˈstɔːr.ɪdʒ] зберігання
1 to convey [kənˈveɪ] передавати
1 random-access [ˈræn.dəm ˈækses оперативна
1 memory ˈmeməri] пам’ять
1 primary [ˈpraɪmeri] первинне
1 to convert [kənˈvɜːrt] перетворювати
1 contents [ˈkɒn.test] зміст
1 instruction [ɪnˈstrʌkʃn] вказівка
1 to complete [kəmˈpliːt] завершувати
1 spreadsheet [ˈspred.ʃiːt] електронна
7 таблиця
1 to determine [dɪˈtɜːrmɪn] визначати
1 database [ˈdeɪ.tə.beɪs] база даних
2 to retrieve [rɪˈtriːv] повертати

Task 2
After careful reading of the text tell which of the following
statements are true and which are false
1. The output devices are those which convey the results of the
processing operations from the central processing unit to the user.
2. The most common input device is the keyboard.
3. There are two major components of a computer system.
4. Every information system has five parts.
5. Secondary storage provides for more permanent storage of data
and software not immediately in use.
6. Using a word processing program, you can correct errors or
revise your text quickly and easily.
7. Business people most frequently use software for five major
8. The computer hardware devices handle the input, processing,
storage, transmission, and output of data.
9. A spreadsheet program is simply the electronic equivalent of an
accountant’s worksheet.
10. Main memory, also called random-access memory (RAM) or
primary storage, is built into the processor unit and provides fast,
addressable, random access to its contents.

Task 3

Answer the following questions using the text

1. How many major components of a computer system are there?
2. What do the computer hardware devices handle?
3. What are input devices?
4. What do processor devices provide?
5. What is the most common input device?
6. What does computer software consist of?
7. Why do business people use software?
8. What can you do using a word processing program?
9. What do database programs allow?
10. What is a spreadsheet program?

Task 4

Translate the text into Ukrainian

1. Data are raw facts and figures.
2. Every information system has five parts: hardware; software;
people; control; and data.
3. There are two major components of a computer system: hardware
and software.
4. Processor devices provide the capability for arithmetic and
logical manipulation of numerical data and the editing of textual
5. Main memory, also called random-access memory (RAM) or
primary storage, is built into the processor unit and provides fast,
addressable, random access to its contents.
6. Computer software is the programs that give the computer the
instructions to complete the tasks.
7. Using a word processing program, you can correct errors or
revise your text quickly and easily.
8. Software can be divided into three types: systems software,
applications software, and end-user software.
9. Secondary storage provides for more permanent storage of data
and software not immediately in use.
10. A spreadsheet is a table made of rows and columns which
enables a manager to organize information.

Task 5

Write down 10 basic sentences on the following topics

1. Components of a computer system.
2. Hardware.
3. Software.

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