BBC Feed Your Brain
BBC Feed Your Brain
BBC Feed Your Brain
sugar rush - zastrzyk energii po spożyciu cukru fibre - błonnik
collapse - zawalić się, spaść gwałtownie boost your brain - wzmocnić mózg
alter - zmieniać walnuts - orzechy włoskie
average - przeciętny, średni berries - owoce leśne
mammal - ssak freezer - zamrażarka
balanced diet - zrównoważona dieta batch cooking - gotowanie ‘na później’
full complement - pełny zestaw pre-made - przygotowany wcześniej
go low - mieć niski poziom czegoś chuck sth in the microwave - wrzucić coś do
sharp - bystry, blyskotliwy
leafy greens - warzywa liściaste, zielenina lack nutrients - brakować składników odżywczych
20 minutes flat - 20 minut równo
Ex. 1 True/False
1. Sugar rush gives you energy boost after an hour.
2. Brain uses less energy than its weight (in percentage).
3. The ‘Rainbow Rule’ means you can only eat food of one colour a day.
4. Microwave ready meals don’t contain many nutrients.
5. One of the water mammals has the biggest brain.
Ex. 4 Complete the sentences with the words brain, brains or brainer.
1. Oh, I forgot to buy the bread - I've got a _____________ like a sieve these days!
2. My decision to fire that idiot was a no- ______________.
3. My son is on all the sports teams, but he failed college. He’s all brawn and no _____________ .
4. The police have arrested a man believed to be the ______________ behind the bank robbery.
5. Could we have lunch together? I'd like to pick your ______________ about something.