A Project Proposal On Affordable Housing

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College Urban Development & Engineering

Department of Housing Development and Management

Master’s Program



By: - Abdissa Erko ID No-ECSU 2102424

Submitted To: Goitom Abraha (Ph.D.)

April 14 /2022

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Project information
a. Project name: Affordable Housing project program
b. project type: Residential housing building
c. country: Ethiopian
d. Contract Person: - own
e. Project Duration: 3 years
f. Project Owner: Adama City Municipality
g. Project Location: Oromia region Adama city
h. Project composition: Buildings G+4
i. Premises Required: 5 hectares
j. Total cost: 957,660,909 ETB Requisite amount
k. Employment opportunity: 20 individuals on permanent 320 on a temporary
l. Social and Economic Beneficiaries: low and middle-income groups of local people.

Table of Contents
Project information...........................................................................................................................i
1. Project summary......................................................................................................................1
2. Problem statement...................................................................................................................1
2.1. Problem Housing Issues....................................................................................................1
3. Background of the Organization..............................................................................................3
3.1. Project Description:...........................................................................................................3
4. Project objectives.....................................................................................................................4
4.1. Specific Objectives:..........................................................................................................4
4.2. Project Output...................................................................................................................4
4.3. Project Outcome................................................................................................................5
4.4. Beneficiaries:....................................................................................................................5
4.5. Handover of the house:.....................................................................................................5
5. Methodology............................................................................................................................5
6. Project Work Plan....................................................................................................................6
7. Project site...............................................................................................................................6
7.1. Project Area.......................................................................................................................6
7.2. Infrastructure Development:.............................................................................................7
8. Construction work and Technology.........................................................................................7
8.1. Construction schedule.......................................................................................................7
8.2. Architectural Design & Layout.........................................................................................8
8.3. Structural design...............................................................................................................8
8.4. Reinforced concrete..........................................................................................................9
8.5. Foundation Design............................................................................................................9
8.6. Construction Plan and process..........................................................................................9
8.7. Utilities............................................................................................................................10
8.8. Building Ground and Design G+4..................................................................................11
9. Organizational Structure........................................................................................................11

9.1. Organization and management....................................................................................11
9.2. Organizational Structure..............................................................................................11
9.3. Human resource...........................................................................................................12
10. Monitoring and Evaluation.................................................................................................12
10.1. Rationale......................................................................................................................12
10.2. Data collection, Analysis, and Reporting....................................................................13
10.3. Framework for Monitoring and Evaluation.................................................................13
10.4. Ex-ante Evaluation......................................................................................................13
10.5. Ongoing Evaluation.....................................................................................................13
10.6. Annual Projects Reports..............................................................................................14
11. Project Risk Management...................................................................................................14
12. The budget of the project....................................................................................................15
12.1. Fixed capital building..................................................................................................15
12.2. Building Machinery and Equipment...........................................................................15
12.3. Salaries of Staff Cost:..................................................................................................16
12.4. Capacity Cost:.............................................................................................................16
12.5. Project Budget summary Cost.....................................................................................17

1. Project summary
The three year project 2022-2025, sets out the Adama Municipality’s project priorities that will
form the basis for preparation of building for low and middle-income group’s plans and budgets.
The Adama Municipal has thus developed a three year project Plan that stipulates the projects
that the municipal board will endeavor to undertake towards the betterment and local economic
development for prosperity of the Municipal board

Urban housing development has faced various challenges. The first major challenge is the failure
to build low-cost housing for low-income urban residents. This is due to the rising cost of
construction materials and labor, low organizational capacity in implementing the program, low
capacity in project leadership, and shortage of developed land for construction, among others.
The second major challenge is a shortage of finance. The housing development program has put
huge financial pressure on the government to subsidize its financing. On the one hand, there is
huge unmet demand from urban residents, most of whom are from low-income households.

Housing problems in Adama city vary greatly across different house tenures and social-economic
groups with low and middle-income groups experiencing severe housing challenges. The
problem statement for the Adama city Affordable Housing project is that the range of housing
options available in Adama is not fully meeting the affordability needs of low and middle-
income households
As a result, in this project proposal, the government is expected to derive and approve in Adama
city Affordable Housing project in 2023 -2025. This emphasizes the need to shift the financing
of urban housing from predominantly government support to mainly built houses through
affordable housing for low and middle-income households.
2. Problem statement

2.1.Problem Housing Issues

The shelter is one of those necessities for the survival of human beings in addition to food &
clothing. The history of housing is inseparable from the social, economic & political
development of humankind. Citizens have the right to social security, social insurance & right to
an adequate standard of living including housing irrespective of their economic & social status.

Despite there being an increased house building trajectory in the city, the average house rent is
more expensive than the regional average in Adama city.
There is a lack of comprehensive data on housing stock in Adama city, there is a trend of more
persistent housing construction accompanied by the horizontal expansion of the city to improve
the living & housing conditions in the city, albeit there is a huge gap between housing supply &
demand that is badly affecting the life of low & middle-income groups dwelling in unhygienic &
overcrowded housing in distressed neighborhoods & downtown for several decades in the city.

Housing problems in Adama city vary greatly across different house tenures and social-economic
groups with low and middle-income groups experiencing severe housing challenges.
The problem statement for the Adama city Affordable Housing project is the range of housing
options available in Adama is not fully meeting the affordability needs of low and middle-
income households.
According to the project office, the Adama market has a sufficient supply of ownership housing
but lacks smaller ownership units. The overall supply of rental housing, both small and large
units, is insufficient and the security of the secondary rental market is of concern. Project office
community engagement work resulted in the following three affordable housing issues that are
the focus of the Affordable Housing Project.
 There are not enough small units to rent or buy to meet the affordability needs of all
smaller households.
 A lack of available primary rental supply makes it difficult for people to find affordable
rental housing.
 The secondary rental market provides a choice of affordable dwelling types but the
supply is not as secure as the primary rental market.

The absence of tenure rights and low capacity are the limiting factors for market forces to
operate and renew the area. A significant number of the urban residents in urban precincts still
lack basic amenities such as adequate & affordable housing, power supply, sanitation, & safe
water supply & poor site selection, management & supervision that need concerted efforts for
The priority solve the problems of this project proposal is to have a housing building that will
join hand with the Adama municipality’s effort of having a nation with houses for all levels; a

nation that produces the quality life of people by sufficiently building the affordable house to
solve the society’s problems in order to meet the challenges of development and attain
competitiveness at regional and global at large at affordable house costs

3. Background of the Organization

This project will be conducted in the city of Adama in Oromia National Regional State,
Ethiopia. The city is located 78 km southeast of the capital city, Addis Ababa at an altitude of
1600m above sea level. According to the 2007 census report, the total population of Adama city
was 222, 023. Besides, the population growth rate of the city (5.4% per annum) was estimated to
be higher than the national average (2.5% per annum) growth rate of urban population (CSA,

Adama city which is known as the sparkling city in the rift valley in its hundred years of
existence has registered continuous progress and a range of amazing and not able developmental
achievements during the recent past ten years. Adama is serving as the administration,
commercial, manufacturing, and educational hub in the region and served as a distribution center
for the surrounding areas as a vibrant city. Adama Municipality is established in 1957.

Adama Municipality is one of the Municipalities in Ethiopia. Adama city is situated at a nodal
point along the railway line that stretched from the port of Djibouti to Addis Ababa in the rift
valley incomparable opportunities for tourism, conference, industrial, and trade development in
the region.
The municipality was one of the three local authorities found within the former Adama city
Urban Areas and Cities recommends that a township with a population of more than 250,000 and
less than 450,000 people qualifies to be classified as a municipality.

3.1.Project Description:

Adama Municipality Proposes to undertake and implement the construction of G+4 houses 463
dwelling units with the low-income group and construct G+4 middle income 328 dwelling units
to build for selected group members. The proposed construction of 463 dwelling units low-cost
G+4 building and 328 dwelling units of G+4 building with durable and economic on long term
basis & capable of withstanding recurrent flood from washing away. The design of low-cost

houses will be with the simplest of technology. The proposal is to have the following standard &
services in the house having proper consideration of the social aspect.

a) The house will be supported by built mortars and bricks

b) The height of the house will be 15 m.
c) The roof will be constructed with Adama Iron Sheets.
d) The built-up area will be 5 hectares.
The houses will be simple but labor-intensive because the owner of the houses’ participation
could be ensured. Also, preference will be given to the women members with no earning
members in the family who are homeless poorest of the poor & most needy
4. Project objectives
To respond to solve the society’s problems of a rapidly growing Rural-urban migration to middle
income and low-income groups in Adama municipality by producing a quality life for people
sufficiently building the affordable house to solve the society’s problems in order to meet the
challenges of development and attain competitiveness at regional and global at large at
affordable house costs

4.1.Specific Objectives:

To construct 10 blocks of 463 dwelling units for low-cost G+4 low-income group
To construct 8 blocks of 328 dwelling units G+4 middle-income group
To increase family income by implementing affordable house cost

4.2.Project Output

At the end of the project, the following output is expected to be achieved. It is expected that,

1. 10 block construct 463 dwelling units G+4 for built low-income group, to solve
housing stress
2. construct 8 blocks of 328 dwelling units G+4 middle-income group
3. women from these communities are affordable house
4. Citizens have the right to social security, social insurance & right to an adequate
standard of living including housing irrespective of their economic & social status

4.3.Project Outcome

The project seeks to achieve but is not limited to the following outcomes. It is expected
 Plan’s affordable housing goals, objectives, and policies, including targets;
 Any relevant phasing issues, site and contextual considerations that impact residential
 Current annual rental and ownership benchmark prices (not to be provided by the City);
 Anticipated sale price and/or rental rates;
 Anticipated percentage of units below and above the benchmark prices;
 Number of residential units to be retained and/or removed if relevant;
 Anticipated number of units and structure type(s), including a number of bedrooms and
description of unit finishing (e.g. poor, high end);
 Nature and amount of shared amenity space if relevant


Beneficiaries preferably from low and middle-income groups will be identified and selected in
consultation with a group in the project area.

4.5.Handover of the house

The construction of the entire house will be completed and handed over to the beneficiaries
during the

5. Methodology
The methodology of this project is proposed to be constructed at a minimum low cost so as to
enable the Adama municipality by community participation to afford the building. Construction
will be conducted in two phases as follows: Phase one will start in year one and a half, focusing
on the construction of 10 blocks of 463 dwelling units for low-cost G+4 low-income groups and
other necessary planned buildings. Phase two will follow year two by aiming for the construction
of 8 blocks of 328 dwelling units G+4 middle-income group with other necessary planned
buildings and phase three increase family income by implementing affordable house cost.

6. Project Work Plan
Project Implementation schedule

The project’s implementation is expected to take 32 months. The major activities include funding
processing construction of the building, and cleaning the area around the building, the time
schedule for the above matured major activities is presented below:

SN Activities Date
1 Land request processing September – October 2022
2 Land approval November 2022
3 Bank loan processing December - January 2023
4 Site Development February 2023
5 Building and construction work March 2023-December 2025
6 Preparation for service January 2025
7 Transaction execution February 2025
7. Project site
The project will be located in Adama city. Project buildings will be constructed at Dembela sub-
city which is situated two (2) kilometers from Adama Municipality and about one (1) kilometer
from the new expressway road Addis Ababa to Adama along with the wenji sugar factory.The
electricity substation from the main grid at Dembela sub-city passes through the city and is about
five hundred (500) meters from the housing buildings’ site.
Piped water from the main pipe to Dembela sub-city is available at the city extension pipe to the
houses. The water table in the area is very high and the city Administration may sink one or two
wells to supplement the house’s water supply. Water supply from Qoka dam rural village is
within from wenji, Rural District in Dembela sub-city.

7.1.Project Area

The total area made available to construct 463 dwelling units low-cost G+4 and 328 dwelling
units G+4 is about five (5) hectares and this will be used for the construction of buildings,
community services, long green areas, and gardens land is not a problem around the area and if

the housing will need more land it will have to apply for such land and it will not be difficult at
all to be allocated such land.

7.2.Infrastructure Development:

Based on the comprehensive planning construction work of the houses will be carried out in the
project area. Adama Municipality & the Beneficiary shall jointly supervise the work & also
procurement of housing materials as per specification at reasonable cost by a procurement
committee, consisting of 5 members. In the procurement committee, group participation will be

8. Construction work and Technology

8.1.Construction schedule

The construction project is proposed to be started in September 2022 and is expected to be

finished on December 2025. Initially for physical implementation the project will require the
donor will give 1 year but 30% budget money for each house as a subsidy and the remaining
40% will be utilized by the beneficiary as a revolving credit fund. As seen in the abbreviated
construction schedule, a majority of the schedule’s time is made up of the five above major
activities; Concrete, building Enclosure masonry, mechanical &HVAC, and Electrical
installation. Concrete activities include processes such as placing foundations and slabs on the
deck. The Building Enclosure Phase includes erecting the scaffolding that will allow for exterior
sheathing installation and bricklaying.

Mechanical and Electrical installations coincide with each other due to the need for coordination
between the two divisions. There are several periods of construction during the schedule in
which there are multiple construction activities occurring at the same time.

The construction site must be organized accordingly as these processes take place. As with any
construction project, the goal of the schedule was to complete all construction activities before
the required Date of completion.

This date of completion is practical based on the time of year in which the building will be
completed. The team allowed a two week contingency for any setbacks. Typically, winter

construction tends to cause unforeseen delays that negatively impact a construction project.
These conditions can and will almost undoubtedly impact the project schedule by causing
unforeseen delays and project inefficiency) Initiating actual construction of the Housing in the
various communities

8.2.Architectural Design & Layout

Although functional spaces for the project were laid out insignificant detail, the rest of the
building had designated spaces but n set layouts. It was at the discretion of the project promoter
to devise typical layouts for the detailed residential. To make sure that the building’s layouts
were practical, the project owner researched typical architectural layouts for laboratory and
executive office spaces.

The walls and partitions throughout the floor were congruent with the structural frame and
column locations

8.3.Structural design

One of principle deliverables of our project is the structural design of the building. The structural
bays were coordinated wit the layout of the building adjustments were made to the bays if
specific layouts are necessary. The frame was made up of a grid with repeating standard
structural bays. Included in the structural system are bay sizes, shape and size of structural
members, floor compositions and curtain walls. These elements were established to resist gravity
ad lateral loads as appropriate.

The gravity load design was completed for two frames; one of structural steel and one of
reinforced concrete. The structural steel frame was chosen for further design based on cost per
square foot, local availability of material and constructability considerations, such as erection
and fabrication. The steel system was then designed for lateral loading with necessary adjustment
being made to framing.

8.4.Reinforced concrete

The project group prepared handles structural design calculations for a typical bay of a
reinforced concrete frame. In all reinforced concrete bay designs, a superimposed dead load of
7.5 pounds per square foot was assumed for mechanical equipment, floor coverings and ceilings.

Similarly, the design of the typical bay accounted for the use of different residential space, in
which a live load of 125 pounds per square was assumed. Loads were calculated based on the
requirements of the minimum Design loads for Buildings and other Structure

8.5.Foundation Design

The design of a superstructure may be accurate, have considered all possibilities and still fail
because the substructure is incapable of distributing the applied loads to the supporting soil.

Foundation design takes more into consideration than merely the loading from the columns.
While the main part of the project focused on the structural frame and its alternate designs, a
preliminary foundation plan was designed based upon maximum load carried from the
superstructure through the columns. The foundation design conducted by the project team
consisted of the selection of foundation type, determination of the bearing capacity and the
design for typical interior and exterior spread footings.

8.6.Construction Plan and process

The project team developed a coordinated project schedule and construction plans that would
reflect the expectations for an actual construction project. The project schedule was developed
using the preliminary designs given to the project team.

Additionally, the group considered typical construction activities and durations taken from
similar construction projects as well as realistic constraints on building development. For
instance, it is necessary for the structural frame to be completed before concrete can be placed
for the slab on deck. Hand drawn construction plans detailing site entrances and storage areas
were coordinated with the project schedule to give the reader visualizations of the construction
site set up through various periods of the construction process.

The construction process for this project is normally a disjointed three mages development by
which the conceptualized need of the promoter of this project is translated into a functional
facility that will meet their needs in terms of time, cost and quality.

Based on a general program of the project owners the consultant who is going to be hired makes
site studies, develops structural designs, prepares drawings and specifications, determines
quantities involved and estimated the resultants costs. All these activities will be done in the first
phase of the project which is the design stage after the document are produced by the designers
have been received, and the works secured the project is supposed to enter the tendering stage.
At this stage contractors study the project document analyze and subsequently determine the
construction methods, built up their unit rates and submit their bids for the works. The promoter
of this project intends to compare the bids and award the contract for the lowest responsible
bidder. This, is of course, presupposes that the favorable proposal does not exceed the allocated

After the award is made and the contract signed between this project owner and the contractor,
the project constructor is expected to prepare and submits a detailed construction program which
includes material schedule, manpower requirement and cash flow forecast.

After the award is made and the contract signed between this project owner and the contractor,
the project constructor is expected to prepare and submits a detailed construction program which
includes material schedule, manpower requirement, and cash flow forecast.


A number of utility world be put in place in order to ensure smooth functioning of the project.
These utilities include:

 Water Supply,
 Supplementary Electricity supply.
 Telephone line Internet Broadband
 Fuel, Oil and lubricant
 Drainage Facility

8.8.Building Ground and Design G+4

9. Organizational Structure

9.1. Organization and management

The organizational structure should be in a way that the Adama Municipality is able to achieve
its objectives as well as the satisfaction of standard requirements. In addition to this, the structure
should fit the dynamics of middle income and low-income groups in the building ranging from
affordable housing cost

9.2. Organizational Structure

The organizational structure of the project is designed by including all the necessary personnel
under the right division. At the top of the organizational structure, there will be a manager with
the responsibility of supervising the overall activity of the building. Depending upon the nature
of the center and the amount of work to be performed; there exist auxiliary units under the
project manager.

Employees under each unit will be supervised by the department head that is accountable to the
project manager. The project manager is appointed by the owner.

9.3. Human resource

No Staff Number of workers

project manager 1
01 Project coordinator 1
02 Supervisor 2
03 Field Organizers 2
04 Computer Operator 2
05 Accountant 3
06 Consultant (Engineer 5
07 Peon/ Guard 4
Total 20

10.Monitoring and Evaluation

10.1. Rationale

Adama Municipality has an executive committee and competent personnel who shall be
responsible for the overall monitoring of the project. The field organizers (4) will participate in
data collection and credit collection on a regular basis. The collected data will be processed
through the computer for analysis, review, and report preparation. It is envisaged that quarterly
reports will be prepared on the basis of data collected by the field organizers:

a. Facilitate Informed Decision-making: This will provide valuable insights into how the
project is being implemented, the extent to which it is serving the intended beneficiaries,
its strengths, and weaknesses, its cost-effectiveness, and potentially productive directions
for the future.
b. Assess Value for Money: This will entail measuring and judging the impact of the
project in relation to the planned outputs, outcomes and impacts.
c. Accountability: Project planning accountability will entail an effort to meet the diverse
information interests and expectations of all those who have a stake in the Sector –the

d. Learning Process: This will seek to maximize citizens’ participation. This evaluation will
be a human-centered assessment of the extent of citizens’ participation, how well
participation is doing and what is the effect of the project on the citizens. This is guided by
the notion that to live is to learn, and to neglect lessons from life experience is to waste
life itself.

10.2. Data collection, Analysis, and Reporting

The methodology and approach of data collection and analysis will be guided by project and sub-
project. The Municipal annual work plans will be the basis for outlining the milestones,
deliverables as well as their respective due dates. The standardized M&E templates form the
basic tool for tracking the implementation of projects and projects.

10.3. Framework for Monitoring and Evaluation

Before the inception of any project, a baseline survey will be done to enable evidence-based
planning. Project proposals and plans for the projects identified will, against activities, clearly
indicate the hierarchy of results from objectives, activities, outcomes, inputs, objectively
verifiable indicators, and means of verification to key assumptions of the project.

10.4. Ex-ante Evaluation

At the beginning of every project, an evaluation will be done to document the actual existing
Conditions (baseline), people’s expectations, and intentions. The department in charge of
Monitoring and Evaluation in conjunction with other divisions within the Municipality will
undertake baseline surveys and feasibility studies, and findings documented to justify projects.

10.5. Ongoing Evaluation

Evaluation Team. The team will consist of 3, members Adama Municipality members’ group
leaders & other Adama finance and Economic development monitoring and evaluation group.
The Adama Municipality management for sector & concern authority will prepare the evaluation
Economic: The Economist will be responsible for monitoring and evaluation and will be
mandated with Continuous compiling and reporting on the performance of all the Municipality

projects. The houses will give adequate shelter & protection from rain & flood to the
beneficiaries. The houses will also reduce the incidence of common diseases due to the use of
better houses & Hygienic, which is very much hygienic for the health of the house dwellers

10.6. Annual Projects Reports

The outcomes of all projects implemented within a financial year will be compiled as
Municipality’s annual projects report. The annual reports will among other issues document the
resource use and value for money, impacts on the beneficiary’s challenges experienced and
lessons to be instituted during the subsequent project implementations sub-city.
11.Project Risk Management
Risk management is which becomes very popular in building houses. Adama city often
establishes a risk management procedure in their projects for improving performance and
increasing buildings. Projects undertaken in the construction are widely complex and have often
significant budgets, thus reducing the risks associated should be a priority for this project
 Cost increases due to donations to political parties
 Cost increase due to changes in policies
 Improper project feasibility
 Banking policy change regarding the project
 Cost increases due to rewards to authorities
 Environmental regulation in the project
 lack of skillful workers on the site
 Obsoleteness of building equipment
 Accident or death on site
 Force majeure
 Equipment failure
 increase in labor cost

13.The budget of the project
The source of capital needed for the project comes from the promoter’s own fund and partially
from the bank loan. That means this contribution will be materialized in such a way that of the
total investment about 30% will be obtained from financial institutions in a long-term loan to be

13.1. Fixed capital building

Land, Building & Construction

S.N Description of works Total Cost in birr
1 Building construction 900060990.00
2 Site Development 95200.00
3 Design and supervision 120000.00
4 1st Year land composition for farmer 12291500
Total 912567690.00

13.2. Building Machinery and Equipment

SNo Description Total cost in Birr.

1 1207000
Dragline Excavator
2 Bulldozers 837000

3 Graders 1872395

4 Wheel Tractor 1956307

5 Fire extinguisher 60000

(Security Equipment)
6 Vehicles 2950043
6 Total 8882745

13.3. Salaries of Staff Cost:

No Description No salary/person 2 yearly 6-month salary

1 Project Manager 1 12300 00 400980 00

2 Project coordinator 1 11500 00 374900 00
3 Supervisor 2 9500 00 619400 00
4 Field Organizers 2 8400 00 547680 00
5 Computer Operator 2 8500 00 554200 00
6 Accountant 3 9500 00 929100 00
7 Consultant (Engineer 5 00 2445000 00
8 Peon/ Guard 4 2500 00 320000 00
Temporary worker 320 0 1076303
Sub Total 0 00

13.4. Capacity Cost:

Sl.No Budget Particulars Capacity Cost

1. Motorcycle for a coordinator with license & hamlet. 15700

2. Bicycle for the 3 field organizers each 45500
3. Computer with printer 83400
4. Communication Phone, Fax, Photocopy & 327000
5. Audit & Evaluation 83740
6. Safety 589530
7. Water consumption 320590
8. Electric consumption 453026
9. Fuel 437902
10. Oil & Iubricants 150673
11. Repair expense 352905
12. Miscellaneous expenses 987530
Sub Total Capacity Cost 3847496

13.5. Project Budget summary Cost

S.no Description Total cost in Birr

1. Land, Building & Construction 0

2. Human resource Salaries of Cost 0

3. Building Machinery and Equipment 0

4. Total Capacity Cost 0

5 Contingency budget 25095415
Total Budget 25095415

The project is to assist with affordable housing. A significant number of the urban residents in
urban precincts still lack basic amenities such as adequate & affordable housing, power supply,
sanitation, & safe water supply & poor site selection, management & supervision that need
concerted efforts for redress. It is critical that a comprehensive policy for an Affordable Housing
Incentive Program for permanent housing funded through the Affordable Housing Reserve fund
be developed and sufficiently funded to make an impactful difference on the City’s affordable
housing rental target and identified issues. The promoter of this project has clearly understood
the objective of the city while initiating the establishment of Affordable Housing in Adama for
the first time. From the above explanation, the profitability of the project is unquestionable.


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