Antigravitacional Patente

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( 19 ) United States
( 12 ) Patent Application Publication ( 10 ) Pub . No . : US 2018 / 0229864 A1
Pais ( 43 ) Pub . Date : Aug . 16 , 2018
GOIV 7700 ( 2006 . 01 )
HO1J 61 / 16 ( 2006 . 01 )
( 52 ) U . S . CI .
CPC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B64G 1 / 409 ( 2013 . 01 ) ; GOIV 7 / 04
( 2013 . 01 ) ; HO1J 61 / 16 ( 2013 . 01 ) ; GOIV 7 / 005
( 2013 . 01 ) ; H05H 3 / 04 ( 2013 . 01 )
@(7 1) Applicant : Salvatore Cezar Pais , Callaway , MD
( US )
@( 72 ) Inventor: Salvatore Cezar Pais , Callaway, MD
( US )
@(7 3 ) Assignee : United States of America as
represented by the Secretary of the
Nary , Patuxent River , MD ( US )
@( 21) Appl. No. : 15 /4 31, 8 23
A high frequency gravitational wave generator including a
gas filled shell with an outer shell surface , microwave
emitters , sound generators , and acoustic vibration resonant
gas - filled cavities . The outer shell surface is electrically
charged and vibrated by the microwave emitters to generate
a first electromagnetic field . The acoustic vibration resonant
gas - filled cavities each have a cavity surface that can be
electrically charged and vibrated by acoustic energy from
the sound generators such that a second electromagnetic
field is generated . The two acoustic vibration resonant
gas - filled cavities are able to counter spin relative to each
other to provide stability , and propagating gravitational field
fluctuations are generated when the second electromagnetic
field propagates through the first electromagnetic field .
( 22 ) Filed : Feb . 14 , 2017
Publication Classification
( 51 ) Int . Cl .
B64G 1 / 40 ( 2006 . 01 )
GOIV 7 / 04 ( 2006 . 01 )
H05H 3 / 04 ( 2006 . 01 )
400 600 400
800 - 700
700 -
301 t 500 330000 ! 301 500 110055 110066 100
Patent Application Publication Aug . 16 , 2018 Sheet 1 of 2 US 2018 / 0229864 A1
600 2004 440000 400
800 1700
77000 0LT mb 760 600
n 330000 m30 1 10o6 d 500 105 100
FIG - 1
Patent Application Publication Aug . 16 , 2018 Sheet 2 of 2 US 2018 / 0229864 A1
T 200 200
FIG - 2
950 950 900
FIG - 3
US 2018 / 0229864 A1 Aug . 16 , 2018
[ 0001 ] The invention described herein may be manufac
tured and used by or for the Government of the United States
of America for governmental purposes without payment of
any royalties thereon or therefor .
[ 0002 ] On Feb . 11 , 2016 the National Science Foundation
publicly announced that the Laser Interferometry Gravita
tional Wave Observatory ( LIGO ) finally detected gravita
tional waves , thereby , showing that gravitational waves
exist , further strengthening General Relativity ( GR ) theory
predictions .
[ 0003 ] Gravitational waves can be seen as undulations in
the structure of spacetime , or to be more exact , ripples in the
curvature of the spacetime fabric . These waves are propa
gating fluctuations in gravitational fields , which arise due to
the dynamics of massive physical entities . The source of
gravitational waves may not be massive in nature , as long as
its motion is represented by high frequency / high energy far
from equilibrium dynamics . This can be observed from the
energy - momentum tensor expression in the GR field equa
tions .
[ 0004 ] Because of their physical nature ( the graviton being
a spin 2 particle ) , gravitational waves have the capability to
penetrate solid matter at high frequency ( HFGWs ) , moving
at the speed of light . Furthermore , similar to electromagnetic
waves , these gravitational waves ( GWs ) are carriers of
energy and momentum . Moreover , GWs are transverse and
quadrupolar in nature ( stretching and squeezing space along
their propagation path ) , and can be produced by accelerating
asymmetric masses . The emission of high frequency gravi
tational waves denotes far - form - equilibrium phenomena .
[ 0005 ) Electromagnetic ( EM ) radiation ( caused by accel
erating electrically charged objects ) when passed through a
static magnetic field of constant magnetic flux density )
gives rise to gravitational waves at the same frequency as the
EM radiation . This phenomenon is known as the Gertsen
shtein Effect and can be utilized for a variety of applications
ranging from advanced field propulsion ( space drive ) , to
communication through solid objects , as well as asteroid
( planetoid ) disruption and disintegration ( when coupled
with high energy electromagnetic field fluctuations ) .
[ 0006 ] In the language of quantum field theory , the Gert
senshtein Effect can be described as the mixing of a propa
gating photon with a graviton , via a Yukawa - type coupling
mediated by a virtual photon from the background field .
[ 0007 ] The generation of high power high frequency
gravitational waves ( HFGWs ) is just one application of the
fundamental innovative principle behind this work , namely
the enablement of macroscopic quantum coherence induced
by controlled motion of charged matter , subjected to rapid
acceleration transients . This principle can give rise to Emer
gent Physical Phenomena , such as , but not limited , to
Superconductivity .
[ 0008 ] Artificially generated high energy electromagnetic
( EM ) fields can interact strongly with the local Vacuum
energy state ( an aggregate / collective state comprised of the
superposition of all fluctuations in the collective quantum
fields permeating a given spacetime locality ) . According to
quantum field theory , this strong interaction between the
fields is based on the mechanism of transfer of vibrational
energy between the fields , further inducing local fluctuations
in adjacent quantum fields which permeate that spacetime
locality ( these fields may or may not be electromagnetic in
nature ) .
[ 0009 ] Local Vacuum energy state can be seen as the
collective energy state ( structure , which contains the ground
state of minimum energy ( baseline fluctuations ) that is the
quantum vacuum , and the excited state of energy ( induced
fluctuations ) generated by matter or any other source of
energy in that spacetime locality . According to quantum field
theory , matter , energy , and spacetime are emergent con
structs which arise out of a foundational structure , which is
the Vacuum energy state . Matter is confined energy , bound
within fields , and may be thought of as a spectrum of
different vibrational ( and possibly gyrational ) frequencies of
the Vacuum energy state . The engineering of the Vacuum
metastructure ( since there are multiple Vacuum structures )
has been discussed from a General Relativity perspective ,
and from a quantum field theory perspective . We are
immersed in an ocean of energy ( the Vacuum energy state ) ,
yet ordinarily we seem not to interact with it . This is because
under normal circumstances ( at or near equilibrium ) , the
Vacuum state is homogeneous , isotropic , Lorentz invariant ,
in other words , it is symmetric . If this symmetry ( far - from
equilibrium ) is broken and strong interactions with the
Vacuum energy state become possible , the manner in which
the collective fields exchange energy with one another will
be affected .
[ 0010 ] If we perform a " gedanken ” ( thought ) experiment
we can observe that the coupling of high frequency spin with
high frequency vibration ( especially for rapidly accelerated
spin / vibration of an electrically charged system ( object )
puts every point on the boundary of the object in a state of
coherent superposition , thereby , inducing a macroscopic
quantum phenomenon .
[ 0011 ] Furthermore , as observed from the Casimir effect ,
the boundary conditions of a physical system affect the local
Vacuum energy state ( VES ) of that system ( inclusive of zero
point EM energy ( QED ) among other types of field energies
( QCD , Higgs , etc . ) ) , thereby , affecting the system ' s physical
properties . Thus , by manipulating / modifying the boundary
conditions of a physical system with respect to its local VES ,
we can alter the system ' s physical properties .
[ 0012 ] In a peer - reviewed paper by the inventor , entitled
“ The high energy electromagnetic field generator , ” pub
lished in the International Journal of Space Science and
Engineering , Vol . 3 , No . 4 , 2015 pp . 312 - 317 ( incorporated
herein by reference and not admitted to be prior art ) , the
inventor discusses the possibility of inertial ( or gravita
tional ) mass reduction using high energy electromagnetic
( EM ) fields , whereby , high frequency accelerated vibration
and / or high frequency accelerated spin of electrically
charged systems ( minimally charged , if so desired ) can lead
to local vacuum state polarization ( energy flux values in
excess of 1033 W / m² are feasible , with corresponding energy
densities in excess of 102 J / m ) . In this manner , the local
spacetime energy density is modified . These systems would
be strategically placed on an intergalactic craft .
[ 0013 ] Craft mass reduction effects are achieved by con
trol ( coherence ) of the collective quantum fluctuations in the
Vacuum energy state in the immediate vicinity of the aero
space vehicle / spacecraft ' s electrified outer mold skin . As a
US 2018 / 0229864 A1 Aug . 16 , 2018
vibrated by the microwave emitters to generate a first
electromagnetic field . The acoustic vibration resonant gas
filled cavities each have a cavity surface that can be elec
trically charged and vibrated by sound from the sound
generators such that a second electromagnetic field is gen
erated . The acoustic vibration resonant gas - filled cavities are
able to counter spin relative to each other to provide stabil
ity , and propagating gravitational field fluctuations are gen
erated when the second electromagnetic field propagates
through the first electromagnetic field .
[ 0021 ] It is a feature of the present invention to provide a
high frequency gravitational wave generator that can be used
for advanced propulsion , asteroid disruption and / or deflec
tion , and communications through solid objects .
[ 0022 ] It is a feature of the present invention to provide a
high frequency gravitational wave generator which utilizes
a means of enabling room temperature superconductivity in
special composite metal wiring .
result , extreme craft speeds can be achieved . This concept
relates to an EM device which induces vibratory mass
energy fluctuations within a structure , which may or may not
be solid in nature ( thus generated plasma non - linearities can
be considered ) .
[ 0014 ] An important realization ( mathematically shown )
of the peer - reviewed paper by the inventor is the fact that in
an accelerated vibration and / or accelerated spin mode , the
system ' s EM energy flux is amplified by a factor equivalent
to the product of vibrational ( or spin ) angular frequency and
the operational time of acceleration ( namely the time for
which the system is operated at maximum acceleration ) ,
with respect to the non - accelerated system ' s EM energy flux
( showing the importance of an accelerated departure far
from thermodynamic equilibrium ) .
[ 0015 ] The aerospace vehicle / space craft , discussed
above , has the ability to control the accelerated modes of
vibration and spin of the electrically charged surfaces . In
particular , the rapid rates of change of accelerated - deceler
ated - accelerated vibration and / or accelerated - decelerated
accelerated gyration ( axial spin ) of the electrified surfaces
can be controlled .
[ 0016 ] In this manner , we can delay the onset of relaxation
to thermodynamic equilibrium ( thereby delaying maximal
entropy production ) , thus generating a physical mechanism
which may induce anomalous effects ( such as inertial or
gravitational mass reduction ) . In this case , the system ' s EM
energy flux is amplified by a factor equivalent to the square
of the product of vibrational ( or spin ) angular frequency and
the operational time of acceleration ( time while system is at
maximum acceleration ) , with respect to the non - accelerated
system ' s EM energy flux .
[ 0017 ] A report written for the Office of the Director of
National Intelligence ( Defense Intelligence Agency ) , pre
pared by the MITRE Corporation in October 2008 , under the
title of “ High Frequency Gravitational Waves , " comes to the
conclusion that current means and methods of producing
HFGWs do not constitute a national security threat and in no
shape or form can such physical entities be used for pro
pulsion or communication of any sorts . This report is also
referred to as the JASON report .
[ 0018 ] The JASON report considers relatively low EM
energy fluxes , when compared with those generated by the
physical mechanisms described in the inventor ' s aforemen
tioned published paper ( on the order of 1033 W / m² , and
beyond ) . This exceptionally high EM power intensity
induces spontaneous particle pair production ( avalanche )
out of the vacuum of free space , thereby , ensuring complete
polarization of the local Vacuum energy state , thus resulting
in modification of the local spacetime energy density . It is
because of this fact , that the JASON report ' s conclusions
must be revisited , are incorrect , and are directly in conflict
with the current invention .
[ 0023 ] These and other features , aspects and advantages of
the present invention will become better understood with
reference to the following description and appended claims ,
and accompanying drawings wherein
[ 0024 ] FIG . 1 is an embodiment of the high frequency
gravitational wave generator ;
[ 0025 ] FIG . 2 is an embodiment of an acoustic vibration
resonant cavity ; and ,
10026 ] FIG . 3 is a cross - sectional view of an embodiment
of the room temperature superconducting wiring configura
tion .
[ 0027 ] The preferred embodiments of the present inven
tion are illustrated by way of example below and in FIGS .
1 - 3 . As shown in FIG . 1 , a high frequency gravitational
wave generator 10 includes a gas filled shell 100 , at least two
sound generators 200 for generating sound , and two acoustic
resonant gas - filled cavities 300 . The gas - filled shell 100
includes microwave emitters 400 for generating an electro
magnetic field . The gas filled shell 100 has an outer shell
surface 105 and an inner shell surface 106 . The outer shell
surface 105 is able to be electrically charged by an electrical
source 500 and is able to be vibrated by the microwave
emitters 400 , such that it generates a first electromagnetic
field . The at least two sound generators 200 are disposed
within the gas - filled shell 100 . The two acoustic vibration
resonant gas - filled cavities 300 are for propagation of sound
created by the at least two sound generators 200 . The two
acoustic vibration resonant gas - filled cavities 300 are dis
posed within the shell 100 and each resonant gas - filled
cavity 300 has at least one cavity surface 301 that can be
electrically charged . The sound from the at least two sound
generators 200 causes each of the electrically charged cavity
surfaces 301 to vibrate such that a second electromagnetic
field is generated . The two acoustic vibration resonant
gas - filled cavities 300 are able to counter spin relative to
each other to provide stability . An electrical motor and / or
power plant 800 may provide motive power to counter spin
the two acoustic vibration resonant gas - filled cavities 300 .
The electrical power source 500 may also provide power to
the electrical motor and / or power plant 800 . In the preferred
embodiment , the electric source 500 and the electrical motor
[ 0019 ] The present invention is directed to an high fre
quency gravitational wave generator ( HFGWG ) with the
needs enumerated above and below .
10020 ] The present invention is directed to a high fre
quency gravitational wave generator which includes a high
frequency gravitational wave generator including a gas filled
shell with an outer shell surface , microwave emitters , sound
generators , and two acoustic vibration resonant gas - filled
cavities . The outer shell surface is electrically charged and
US 2018 / 0229864 A1 Aug . 16 , 2018
800 are disposed between the two resonant gas - filled cavi
ties 300 . However , the electrical source 500 and the elec -
trical motor 800 may be configured in any configuration
practicable . A gravitational wave field is generated when the
second electromagnetic field propagates through the first
electromagnetic field .
[ 0028 ] In the description of the present invention , the
invention will be discussed in a space , sea , or terrestrial
environment ; however , this invention can be utilized for any
type of application that requires use of electromagnetic field
generator .
[ 0029 ] FIG . 2 shows one of the acoustic resonant gas
filled cavities 300 . Each acoustic resonant gas - filled cavity
300 has at least one corresponding sound generator 200 and
has an asymmetric incongruent wedge shape . As shown in
FIG . 2 , there may be multiple sound generators 200 corre
sponding to each acoustic resonant gas - filled cavity 300 . The
sound generators 200 may be configured in any manner that
effectively causes the corresponding acoustic resonant gas
filled cavity 300 to vibrate or resonate . As a result of the
vibration and electrical charge on its cavity surface 301 ,
each acoustic resonant gas - filled cavity 300 generates a
second electromagnetic field . Alternatively , instead of the
acoustic resonant gas - filled cavities 300 we can use micro
wave energy resonant cavities to generate the second elec
tromagnetic field , in a similar manner as the production of
the first electromagnetic field .
[ 0030 ] As shown , in FIG . 1 , the high frequency gravita
tional wave generator 10 may include a support structure
600 for mounting the elements of the invention and to
support the two counter - spinning acoustic resonant gas
filled cavities 300 . The high frequency gravitational wave
generator 10 further may include wiring 700 to electrically
charge the outer shell surface 105 and the cavity surfaces
301 , to power the microwave emitters 400 and the sound
generators 200 . In the preferred embodiment the wiring 700
is room temperature superconducting wiring . FIG . 3 shows
room temperature superconducting wiring configuration ,
described in further detail below .
[ 0031 ] As originally observed in the peer - reviewed paper
described in paragraph 12 , for conditions of accelerated
vibration or accelerated spin of an electrically charged
object / system , we can write for the maximum EM energy
flux ( time rate of change of EM energy transfer per unit
surface area ) the following equation :
Smax = f ( o?l£ ) [ ( R , V2 ) top ] ( Equation 1 ) ,
where fg is the charged system geometric shape factor
( equal to 1 for a disc configuration ) , o is the surface charge
density , & , is the electrical permittivity of free space , R , is
the vibration ( harmonic oscillation ) amplitude , v is the
angular frequency of vibration in Hertz ( and similarly in the
case of axial spin R , is the effective system radius , while v
represents the angular frequency of rotation ) , and t . , is the
operational time for which the electrically charged system is
operated at maximum acceleration ( R , , v ) . This closed form
formulation is the result of the synthesis of classical elec
tromagnetic field theory with the physics of simple harmonic
motion .
[ 0032 ] Furthermore , for the case of rapid time rates of
change of accelerated vibration / spin of the charged system
( given that the time differential of acceleration is non - zero )
we can re - write equation 1 as :
Smax = f & ( o?l? ) [ ( R . , 13 ) Pop ] ( Equation 2 ) .
This demonstrates that , even with moderate vibrational / spin
frequencies in a rapidly accelerating transient mode , the EM
energy flux is greatly amplified .
[ 0033 ] Thus , if the product of all the controllable param
eters in Equation 2 ( other than the angular frequency of
vibration ) was of unit order , we can achieve energy flux
values on the order of 1033 W / m² ( endemic of the polarized
vacuum energy state ) with low end microwave frequencies
on the order of 10 % Hz ( inducing vibrations of a resonant
cavity wall of equal or higher frequencies ) . This shows the
extensive capabilities of a high energy / high frequency elec
tromagnetic field generator .
[ 0034 ] Furthermore , if we consider adding to the equation
representing simple harmonic motion of a vibrating mass , a
‘ momentum / energy - pumping ' ( negative damping term
{ by } , endemic of system acceleration , where b is a constant
> 1 ) and v is { dx / dt } , namely the speed of a vibrating mass
{ m } , something extraordinary occurs , in that it can be shown
that the total energy ( ET ) of the vibrating system can be
written as :
Eq = m R , O? [ exp ( 221 ) ] ( Equation 3 ) ,
where 2 is the angular frequency of vibration , under the
condition that { ( b / 2m ) > > 2 . ( natural frequency of vibration )
} . Since the EM energy flux is directly proportional to E7 ,
we observe that there will be exponential growth in energy
flux with accelerating vibration for the aforementioned
condition .
[ 0035 ] Referring to the JASON report described in para
graph 17 , we note that enabling the Gertsenshtein effect will
result in the generation of a gravitational wave ( out ) by
passing an electromagnetic wave ( in ) through a strong static
magnetic field ( these waves are of equal frequency ) . By
combining equations 3 - 13 and 3 - 14 on page 10 of the
JASON report we obtain the following equation :
PGWlou ) = [ ( 4AG / C4 ) Bo ? L ? ] PEM ( in ) ( Equation 4 ) ,
where G is the universal gravitational constant , c is the speed
of light in free space , Bo is the magnetic flux density of the
static magnetic field operating over a distance ( L ) , and
PGWlow ) is the gravitational wave power achieved from an
electromagnetic wave of power PEMlin ) . In the present
invention , the Gertsenshtein effect is enabled by nested EM
fields , in other words EM fields within EM fields .
[ 0036 ] It is important to note that a simple dimensional
analysis shows that there is a factor missing in Equation 4 ,
as written in the JASON Report , equal to the inverse of the
magnetic permeability of free space , namely a factor on the
order of 10 % . Omitting this fact , however , we can still show
that by using a high frequency / high energy electromagnetic
field generator we can produce HFGW exhibiting power
levels on the order of 1010 watts , for an input EM energy flux
on the order of 1033 W / m² . In this case , B , is the magnetic
flux density , on the order of 1010 Tesla , which is also
produced by means of controlled motion of charged matter
subjected to rapid acceleration transients ( by accelerated
vibration ) .
[ 0037 ] Furthermore , by using equation 3 - 25 in the JASON
report , we can show that such HFGW power levels are
equivalent to 10 % gravitons / sec production rates . These
extremely high graviton production rates further show that if
multiple HF gravitational waves were to be focused on a
particular point in a spacetime locality , they can induce a
curvature singularity , namely a highly distorted and dis
rupted patch of spacetime structure .
US 2018 / 0229864 A1 Aug . 16 , 2018
[ 0038 ] The implications of colliding / focusing HFGWs
generated by rapidly accelerated vibration / spin of electri
cally charged systems can be used in applications of pro
pulsion as well as the extreme disruption of a planetary body
( if so desired ) since it can be shown that the energy level
( gain in potential energy ) capable of annihilating a planet
such as the Earth is on the order of 1032 Joules ( which may
be achieved with the concept at hand ; Eannibil ( 3 / 5 ) ( GMp ? /
Rp ) ; Mp and Rp are the planet mass and radius , respec
tively ) . Imagine a plurality of HFGWG devices ( a minimum
of four modules ) , aligned around a planetary body or plan
etoid ( asteroid / comet ) along a planar axis ( four cardinal
points ) . The emitted HFGWs would impinge on each other
in such a manner as to severely disrupt the vacuum energy
state at a spacetime locality denoting a point of impact
( collision of gravitons with gravitons ) . At this disruption
point , energy would be amplified to such a high degree as to
generate a spacetime curvature singularity , leading to total
destruction of the planetary body or planetoid ( which can be
an asteroid or comet on an impact trajectory with Earth ) .
10039 ] Moreover , considering that gravitons are spin 2
particles , they will not couple with the fermions / electrons
( spin 1 / 2 ) of solid ordinary matter ( thus passing right
through ) . Therefore , we can devise new methods of com
munication through solid objects . Proper engineering of the
HFGWG can enable nuclear fusion energy generation , as
well as give rise to Imaging Technologies , including deep
earth penetrating capabilities such as surveillance for rare
natural resources , etc . Additionally , the current invention
may allow a spinning asymmetric quadra - polar configura
tion of a plurality of resonant cavities in which specially
arranged microwave emitters produce the accelerated vibra
tions necessary to generate the HFGW effects .
10040 ] As shown in FIG . 1 , the high frequency gravita
tional wave generator 10 may include two counter - spinning
acoustic resonant gas - filled cavities 300 , whose axes of
rotation are parallel to one another , and may be offset , to
augment asymmetry . The acoustic resonant gas - filled cavi
ties 300 can be filled with an inert or non - reactive gas , such
as Helium , Neon , Argon , Xenon , which would be converted
to plasma by acoustic or microwave energy , thus enhancing
the far - from - equilibrium physics of this device , due to
amplification of vibrational energy , under resonance condi
tions . In the preferred embodiment , the acoustic resonant
gas - filled cavities 300 have the geometrical configuration of
incongruent wedges , highly asymmetric in design , and can
also be microwave resonant cavities .
[ 0041 ] The gas - filled shell 100 , as well as other elements
of the invention , may be constructed from cermet composite
material and may further be doped with radioactive ele
ments , such as Cobalt - 57 , Iron - 57 , or any other radioactive
metal element that is practicable . High frequency vibrations
of the doped shell will consequently induce the Mossbauer
Effect , namely the recoilless emission of gamma rays . This
phenomenon will further amplify the EM energy flux .
[ 0042 ] As described above , the high frequency gravita
tional wave generator 10 includes wiring 700 to electrically
charge the outer shell surface 105 and the cavity surfaces
301 , to power the microwave emitters and the sound gen
erators . In the preferred embodiment , as shown in FIG . 3 , the
wiring 700 is room temperature superconducting ( RTSC )
wiring 900 .
10043 ) Internal heating within an enclosure can be greatly
reduced by room temperature superconducting wiring 900 ,
which would allow for lossless transmission of electrical
power to its systems and subsystems . There are three param
eters which affect superconductivity ( SC ) , namely tempera
ture , current density , and externally applied magnetic field
strength . Physically , these parameters have in common one
thing , namely the motion of electric charges ( electrons ) .
Control of this motion via vibration and / or spin of charged
matter subjected to rapid acceleration transients ( highly
non - linear in nature ) may lead to the achievement of room
temperature superconductivity , especially if the charged
matter is inhomogeneous . There are three characteristics that
a material must possess in order to be superconductive , a
state of matter which constitutes a macroscopic quantum
phenomenon , thus occupying a unique place in condensed
matter physics . These characteristics are perfect diamagne
tism ( the Meissner effect ) , perfect electrical conductivity
( zero electrical resistance ) and macroscopic quantum coher
ence , namely the ability of all the constituent particles in a
superconductor to fall into lock step and move in an orga
nized orderly fashion ( in other words to form a giant matter
wave ) .
[ 0044 ] The key to superconductivity may be the enable
ment of local macroscopic quantum coherence , namely the
possible ability of a macroscopic object to act as if quantum
mechanical in nature exhibiting such phenomena as super
position , entanglement , and / or tunneling . Possibly , the
enablement of RTSC may have little to do with the SC
material chemical structure and a great deal to do with what
is done to the material to make it SC , from a far - from
equilibrium perspective ( non - equilibrium thermodynamics ) .
In order to make a special composite metal wire be super
conductive ( SC ) at room temperature , one must make it
abruptly vibrate , while running a steady current through it ,
just like ' plucking ' a guitar string , intermittently . The special
composite metal wire is composed of a bulk ( core ) insulator
with a thin coating of a normal metal ( such as Aluminum ) ,
of a thickness on the order of the London penetration depth ,
given an externally applied magnetic field . This could be
termed an unconventional superconductor , given that the
RTSC super - current may be generated along the interface
( boundary ) between the normal metal and the insulator
portions of the wire , due to symmetry breaking .
[ 0045 ] FIG . 3 shows the non - mechanical version of this
idea , whereby the wiring 700 is room temperature super
conducting wire 900 , and is abruptly pulsed with electro
magnetic ( EM ) radiation from electromagnetic radiation
sources 950 . The electromagnetic radiation sources 950 may
be , but without limitation , optically pumped photo - diodes ,
microwave emitters , and / or Klystron tubes . In the preferred
embodiment , room temperature superconducting wire 900
has a non - time dependent current running through it and the
radiation sources 950 are annular , as shown in FIG . 3 .
[ 0046 ] In a set - up where the room temperature super
conducting wire 900 is surrounded by a plurality of annular
ring shaped EM radiation sources 950 which irradiate the
wire 900 in an abruptly and randomly pulsed manner , energy
flux sources would be spaced out along the wire length , at
experimentally optimized locations . The EM energy flux
pulsing frequencies are in the microwave range of 300 MHz
to 300 GHz , although other EM radiation spectrums ( for
example Terahertz regime ) may be used .
[ 0047 ] The enablement of RTSC as presented herein is
supported by a recently published paper - M . Mitrano et al .
“ Possible light - induced superconductivity in K3C60 at high
US 2018 / 0229864 A1 Aug . 16 , 2018
temperature , ” Nature 530 , 461 - 464 ( 25 Feb . 2016 ) , which
shows that “ by exciting metallic K3C60 ( potassium doped
fullerene , a “ cousin ' of graphene ) with mid - infrared optical
pulses , we induce a large increase in carrier mobility ,
accompanied by the opening of a gap in the optical conduc
tivity . ” This shows the importance of non - equilibrium phe
nomena ( abrupt departure far - from - equilibrium ) in effecting
high Tc superconductivity .
[ 0048 ] When introducing elements of the present inven
tion or the preferred embodiment ( s ) thereof ; the articles " a , "
“ an , ” “ the , ” and “ said ” are intended to mean there are one or
more of the elements . The terms “ comprising , " “ including , "
and “ having ” are intended to be inclusive and mean that
there may be additional elements other than the listed
elements .
[ 0049 ] Although the present invention has been described
in considerable detail with reference to certain preferred
embodiments thereof , other embodiments are possible
Therefore , the spirit and scope of the appended claims
should not be limited to the description of the preferred
embodiment ( s ) contained herein .
at least two sound generators for generating sound , the at
least two sound generators disposed within the gas
filled shell ;
two acoustic vibration resonant gas - filled cavities for
propagation of sound created by the at least two sound
generators , the two acoustic vibration resonant gas
filled cavities are disposed within the gas - filled shell
and each resonant gas - filled cavity has one cavity
surface that can be electrically charged , the acoustic
energy from the at least two sound generators causing
each of the electrically charged cavity surfaces to
vibrate such that a second electromagnetic field is
generated ; the two acoustic vibration resonant gas
filled cavities being able to counter spin relative to each
other to provide stability , propagating gravitational
field fluctuations are generated when the second elec
tromagnetic field propagates through the first electro
magnetic field .
2 . The high frequency gravitational wave generator of
claim 1 , wherein the high frequency gravitational wave
generator includes wiring to electrically charge the outer
shell surface and the cavity surfaces , to power the micro
wave emitters and the sound generators , the wiring being
room temperature superconducting wiring .
3 . The high frequency gravitational wave generator of
claim 1 , wherein the gas - filled shell and the two acoustic
vibration resonant gas - filled cavities are filled with an inert
gas .
4 . The high frequency gravitational wave generator of
claim 3 , wherein the gas - filled shell is filled with Xenon .
5 . The high frequency gravitational wave generator of
claim 1 , wherein the acoustic resonant gas - filled cavities
have the geometrical configuration of incongruent wedges .
* * * * *
What is claimed is :
1 . A high frequency gravitational wave generator com
prising :
a gas - filled shell , the gas - filled shell comprising of micro
wave emitters , the gas filled shell has an outer shell
surface and an inner shell surface , the outer shell
surface is able to be electrically charged by an electrical
source and is able to be vibrated by the microwave
emitters , such that it generates a first electromagnetic
field ;

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