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Exercise 1

Read the article about a book project in Norway, and then answer the following questions.

The Future Library project

In a forest near Oslo in Norway, there’s a tree with a sign on it that reads ‘Future Library’. This tree,
planted in 2014, is one of a thousand that were planted there as part of the Future Library project.
The trees will grow until the year 2114, when they will be cut down and turned into paper. The paper
will be used to publish a set of a hundred new books that will create a library early in the 22nd

The project was originally the idea of Scottish artist Katie Paterson. She was on a train, drawing
pictures of trees, when she suddenly thought about the fact that trees can become books in the
future. She later decided to set up the Future Library project in Norway, after receiving support from
the Oslo city government. Once a year, from 2014 to 2114, a different author is selected to write a
new book for the project. The author should ideally be well-known internationally, and needs to have
demonstrated the ability to inspire people through their writing. There is no payment for taking part,
but so far, every author Katie has asked has been keen to accept. She believes that the idea of
being involved in a project with authors who aren’t yet born is a unique attraction for many.

Each year, the name of the selected author is announced in the autumn. The following year, the
author submits their finished book in the spring, at a public ceremony that takes place in the Future
Library forest. There are no car parks or metro stops nearby, and the ceremony site can only be
accessed by hiking through the trees for 30 minutes. The author presents the copy of their new
book to the organisers in a box that is then stored away until 2114. No one, not even Katie, will
look at it or read it. Of course, never hearing any criticism of your book is something that appeals to
many authors! Each Future Library writer also enjoys the benefit of complete freedom to write about
anything they choose. Their book cannot be illustrated, however, although no one will be able to
check this, and it must be completely original. These are the only two things they are told to take into

This collection of unread books is being stored in a specially designed library room in Oslo. It only
contains a few books at the moment, by writers from different countries including Zimbabwe and
Iceland. The first book submitted was by Canadian author Margaret Atwood. The second, a 90-page
story, was only just completed by its British author shortly before the public ceremony. The 2017
book was by Turkish author Elif Shafak, who, like others, was drawn by the global nature of the
project. With one new book added each year, the library will slowly grow. When the 100th book is
added in 2114, they will all finally be published and read for the first time. People might find it hard to
get hold of a book, though, as only a thousand copies of the collection will be printed.

It will be fascinating to see what happens over the coming decades. Katie admits that people might
have no interest in printed books in a hundred years’ time. But the writers who’ve got involved so
far say that to them, the project represents hope. And that gives Katie confidence in its future. She
sometimes worries whether the forest will survive into the next century. However, to date, the project
is going to plan, and Katie has been encouraged by everyone’s positive response.

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1 How many trees will be used to create the Future Library?

.................................................................................................................................................... [1]

2 What must writers have shown in their writing to be chosen for the project?

.................................................................................................................................................... [1]

3 What time of year do the writers hand over their new book?

.................................................................................................................................................... [1]

4 How do people finally reach the Future Library ceremony location?

.................................................................................................................................................... [1]

5 What instructions is each writer given about the content of their new book? Give two details.


.................................................................................................................................................... [2]

6 What nationality is the writer who finished their book at the last minute?

.................................................................................................................................................... [1]

7 What concerns does Katie have about the project? Give two details.


.................................................................................................................................................... [2]

8 What attracts writers to take part in the project? Give four details.




.................................................................................................................................................... [4]

[Total: 13]

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Exercise 2

Read the article about five young women (A–E) whose jobs involve traditional crafts. Then answer
Question 9(a)–(j).

Keeping traditional crafts alive

A Femi, leather worker, Nigeria
When I was seventeen, I had no idea what I wanted to do in the future. I knew that getting a degree
wasn’t really for me, but it was what all my friends were planning to do, so I almost did the same.
In the end, however, I decided to apply to a local factory that makes leather goods. Leatherworking
is a traditional trade in my town, and I wanted to be part of it. I’ve been at the factory for five years
now and find it really rewarding. The factory produces a range of items, including some incredibly
expensive handbags. It always amuses me when I tell people what I do. They can never understand
the attraction of working in a traditional industry for a young person like me.

B Meilin, wedding dress maker, China

My first job was teaching maths. The job was well-paid and secure, but I soon realised I wasn’t
happy. I’d always dreamed about being a dressmaker, so one day I made up my mind to resign.
When I told the headteacher that I’d decided to learn how to make qun kwa – the traditional wedding
dresses that are popular in this region – she looked at me in astonishment. I now have my own
wedding dress shop that my parents helped me to set up, and I love it! I sell a variety of designs,
from detailed handmade dresses to very simple ones. Everyone should have the chance to wear
a traditional dress on their wedding day, no matter what they earn. These dresses are part of our

C Mila, wooden clog maker, the Netherlands

Clogs are traditional wooden shoes that have been worn in my country for hundreds of years,
although they’re mostly produced for tourists nowadays. Last year, I got a job at a clog-making
factory in my town. At the time, I wasn’t particularly interested in clog making, but I liked working with
wood. Now, I’m finding it really satisfying to develop my creative skills, so I plan to stay for a while.
I’ve also realised that traditional crafts like clog making have an important place in the modern world.
Increasingly, people want to buy well-made shoes that last, not cheap shoes that fall apart and get
thrown away as household waste after a few months. Wooden shoes are beautiful and I’m really
proud when I’ve made a good pair.

D Varsha, basket maker, India

I became interested in basket making while I was a university student. I worked part time at a craft
museum and it was there that I happened to notice a poster advertising a one-day basket-making
course. I was free that day, so thought I’d give it a go. What I hadn’t expected was how quickly I’d
pick it up and how relaxing it was. It soon became my new hobby. After graduating in environmental
science, I was unemployed for a while. I’d assumed my degree would lead to a good career, but
there were no suitable jobs available, so I started teaching basket making. It’s a craft that seems
to be gradually disappearing – if only more young people would take it up and start to value their
cultural traditions more.

E Yoshiko, paper maker, Japan

Growing up, I had no interest in crafts. My father had taken over my grandfather’s successful
paper-making business, and was always working. To my teenage mind, there was nothing more
boring than paper making – I’ve never been particularly creative. After college, I ran an IT business
for a few years, but that didn’t work out. As my father started to think about retirement, he was
constantly worrying about the future of his business, so I began helping out in the workshop a few
days a week to support him. I’ve found that the more I learn, the more interested I become. And
unlike my IT business, it gives me a good feeling to see our long list of potential customers! My
father’s retiring next year so I think I’ll probably take over the business.

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9 For each question, write the correct letter A, B, C, D or E on the line.

Which person …

(a) is enjoying learning to be more artistic? .......... [1]

(b) enjoys seeing the reactions of others at finding out what her job is? .......... [1]

(c) suggests that she became involved in her craft out of a sense of family duty? .......... [1]

(d) suggests that her craft benefits the environment? .......... [1]

(e) believes that it’s important to produce items for all budgets? .......... [1]

(f) expresses concern about the future of her particular craft? .......... [1]

(g) admits that she was never interested in going to university? .......... [1]

(h) is proud of the level of demand for her work? .......... [1]

(i) says that she left a good job to do something she loved? .......... [1]

(j) says that she first discovered her craft by chance? .......... [1]

[Total: 10]

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Exercise 3

Read the article about a new sports activity called slacklining, and then complete the notes.

Could slacklining be your new hobby?

Last year, my school introduced some new
sports. We already had good cricket and
athletics teams, but the teachers wanted to
offer us some new activities, one of which was
slacklining. This involves balancing on a narrow
piece of strong material that is tied above the
ground between two trees or posts – the aim
is to walk along it without falling off. I started
learning a few months ago. I love the challenge
of learning a new skill and I’m now a regular

Slacklining was developed in the 1980s by two climbers in the USA. They wanted something
interesting to do when they couldn’t go climbing, and slacklining seemed perfect as they could
practise in their local park. It often involves being outside in nature, which is a big part of its attraction
for me.

My first slacklining lesson wasn’t easy. I spent the first ten minutes just trying to step up onto the
line – my legs couldn’t stop shaking and my head was telling me it was impossible. When you’re
trying slacklining for the first time, you need to position the line near the ground, as you’ll probably
keep falling off. Fortunately, for our first lesson our teacher gave us a useful tip, which was to make
the line as tight as possible. After twenty minutes of practising, I finally managed to step onto it!
Suddenly, I realised I’d been concentrating so hard that I’d forgotten about anything else. Now, I find
that slacklining is a great way to reduce stress, which is something I really value.

After a couple of lessons, I was quite good at standing up on the line and was ready to try walking
along it. Again, there was a lot of falling off, but fortunately, we’d remembered to place the slackline
above flat ground. Doing that is something to bear in mind so that you don’t hurt yourself if you
fall off. My friend was learning with me and she couldn’t stop laughing! Even though it can be an
individual sport, I’m not that keen on doing it on my own. For me, it’s all about having fun with other
people. We later found out that while you’re still learning it’s also beneficial to add a ‘helpline’ – a
rope that’s tied above head height to hold onto for balance.

As you get better, there are all sorts of ways you can develop your slacklining skills. Although most
people should put up a short slackline for their initial attempts, there are many options available to
experienced slackliners. Longer slacklines can be 30 metres in length, so they move a lot and are
hard to balance on. Waterlines, as the name suggests, are positioned above water – using these is
particularly difficult if the water is moving as this confuses the eye. And highlines are ones that can
be set up at great heights, so they require complete balance and concentration.

I haven’t tried any of these more advanced options yet, but I’m getting better and better. One thing
I hadn’t expected is that my muscles are getting much stronger. That gives me a real sense of
satisfaction, as does the feeling that my overall balance is improving. It takes a lot of practice, but
the fact is that anyone can try slacklining. Why not give it a go?

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You are going to give a talk about slacklining to your class at school. Prepare some notes to use as the
basis for your talk.

Make short notes under each heading.

10 What appeals to the writer about slacklining:

• ...............................................................................................................................................

• ...............................................................................................................................................

• ...............................................................................................................................................

• ...............................................................................................................................................

• ......................................................................................................................................... [5]

11 Advice for setting up slacklining equipment for beginners:

• ...............................................................................................................................................

• ...............................................................................................................................................

• ...............................................................................................................................................

• ......................................................................................................................................... [4]

[Total: 9]

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Exercise 5


13 Your school is running a competition to find the best idea for a business that could be started by
teenagers. One of the competition rules is that you must enter together with another student.

Write an email to a friend about the competition.

In your email, you should:

• describe what your business idea is

• explain what you have to do to enter the competition

• say why you think your friend is the best person to enter with.

The pictures above may give you some ideas, and you can also use some ideas of your own.

Your email should be between 150 and 200 words long.

You will receive up to 8 marks for the content of your email, and up to 8 marks for the language

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Exercise 6

14 Your school recently held an art exhibition to show students’ artwork. Your teacher has asked you
to write a report on the exhibition.

In your report, say what was good about the exhibition and suggest how it could be improved next

Here are two comments from other students:

There were lots of different types of art.

The exhibition should last more than one week.

Write a report for your teacher.

The comments above may give you some ideas, and you can also use some ideas of your own.

Your report should be between 150 and 200 words long.

You will receive up to 8 marks for the content of your report, and up to 8 marks for the language

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Exercise 1

Read the article about an annual book festival, and then answer the following questions.

GoodRead book festival

By Luke Digsby

This summer, our town held the third annual GoodRead book festival – five fantastic days of all
things book related. I had attended a few events at the previous two festivals, but this year I was
there from start to finish, as a volunteer. I’d signed up to receive regular updates about the festival
by email, so I knew the dates and what some of the planned events were, but it wasn’t until I saw
an advert in the local paper that I realised helpers were needed. I didn’t hesitate to apply!

As a volunteer, I worked for about four or five hours each day. My main reason for getting involved
was to have free entry to all the events. What I didn’t realise, until I arrived on the first day, is that
we also got discounts at the festival bookshop. Being a keen reader, I made the most of that! We
were all given a badge to wear, so that people would recognise us. However, I felt it might be better
to make the volunteers stand out more, as the badges weren’t that obvious from a distance.

Events took place all over town, in a range of locations including the theatre and the science
museum, with the majority being held in the library. Many of the events were talks by writers –
some well-known, others less so. I found out that 36 writers had been invited, of which 19 turned
up to speak. That’s quite an impressive number for a relatively new and small festival. Each event
focused on a specific type of literature, and writers spoke for 30 minutes about their work. One
thing I’d say is that the talks could be longer. Travel writing is my passion, and the tickets quickly
sold out for that session, though not as fast as they did for the crime writing one – demand for that
was the highest. A few people mentioned that it would be good to include a poetry event, which I
think is a great suggestion for the future.

There were also several social things arranged, like a quiz on the final night, as well as a film show
on another evening. One of my favourite events was a tour, which hadn’t been held before. Did
you know that the novel The Last Tree was set in and around this town? The tour explored various
locations from this novel, and a guide talked about why they were significant, as well as what
happened in each place. We set off from the market square, which is central to this story, before
visiting the castle, and ended up outside the police station. It occurred to me that it would be a
great idea if actors could read extracts in each place – that seemed to be a missed opportunity, but
perhaps something to look forward to at the next festival.

If you’d like to get involved in the festival next year, I thoroughly recommend the experience.
Volunteers are needed for a wide range of tasks, from giving directions, which I did a lot of, to
selling tickets. What I spent most of my time doing was welcoming the speakers, while other people
were preparing the stage for them. You could also help out beforehand, for example by trying to get
more financial support from local businesses. If we can do that, the next festival will be even better.

Personally, I can’t wait until next year!

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1 How did Luke find out about the chance to volunteer at the festival?

.................................................................................................................................................... [1]

2 What benefit of volunteering was Luke unaware of when he applied?

.................................................................................................................................................... [1]

3 What was the main venue in the town for the festival?

.................................................................................................................................................... [1]

4 How many authors gave talks?

.................................................................................................................................................... [1]

5 What type of writing was the focus of the most popular event?

.................................................................................................................................................... [1]

6 What event was held on the last evening?

.................................................................................................................................................... [1]

7 Where did the guided tour start?

.................................................................................................................................................... [1]

8 What were Luke’s main duties as a volunteer? Give two details.


.................................................................................................................................................... [2]

9 How does Luke think that the festival could be improved? Give four details.




.................................................................................................................................................... [4]

[Total: 13]

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Exercise 2

Read sections A–E of a magazine article about the history of punctuation marks and other symbols
used in writing. Then answer Question 10(a)–(j).

Did you know… ?

In the nineteenth-century, an author whose book had just been published, was desperate to know
whether it was a success. According to one source, he sent his publisher a note which simply
read ‘?’. The publisher, pleased that the book had sold more than 6000 copies in the first few days
and was due to be reprinted, replied ‘!’. This story shows how much meaning can be expressed
simply and effectively without using words. In fact, imagine what this paragraph would look like if
all the punctuation was removed – you would be presented with an unbroken series of letters and
numbers which you would have to work your way through. The comma, for example, separates
parts of a sentence. Its original purpose was to indicate when a speaker should take a breath while
reading to an audience.

Despite their obvious importance, it seems that some punctuation marks are considered to be
rather annoying. To give an example, a popular grammar book states that a writer should avoid
including exclamation marks too frequently. Otherwise, the impression given is that the writer lacks
skill or is trying to make something appear more exciting or interesting than it actually is. The
symbol itself is thought to have come from religious texts hundreds of years ago, in which writers
wanted to create a message of joy. In the Latin language, the word for joy is ‘io’, which was written
with a capital ‘i’ above an ‘o’. Over time, this gradually turned into the exclamation mark that we
recognise today.

In Ancient Egypt, shapes and objects were used to represent ideas in written communication, and
a question was indicated by the shape of a curious cat’s tail. Some experts believe this is where
the question mark that we use today comes from. Others are of the opinion that the question mark
developed from Latin. In this language, writers would use a shortened version of the word ‘question’
at the end of a sentence to indicate that it was actually a question. This word was further shortened
until it eventually turned into the question mark. However, a lack of accurate historical records
means that we are never likely to be sure which of these stories is correct, or indeed if either of
them is.

Some symbols have progressed quickly from their invention to common use. One such symbol is the
one used to express the idea ‘is equal to’ in mathematics. Several hundred years ago, mathematical
calculations would be written in word form. In 1557, a Welsh mathematician proposed using a pair
of short lines, equal in length and one above the other, in order to avoid what he described as the
annoying repetition of having to write the word ‘equals’. One punctuation mark has a shorter history
than this. It looked like a question mark drawn the other way round, as if the symbol was being
reflected in a mirror. In English, it was meant to represent a particular type of question known as a
rhetorical question, but gradually disappeared from use.

Early records show that the symbol for the pound, the British currency, was created from the letter
L. This had a line drawn through it, meaning that this was short for ‘libra’ (a pound – a unit of weight
in ancient Rome). The same system explains the symbol for the Japanese yen – the letter Y with
two lines through it, and the euro, an E with two lines through it. So why is the symbol for the dollar
a line through an S and not a D? Historians believe that the symbol comes from the Spanish peso,
originally drawn as a P, but later changed to an S. And then there’s the hashtag: #. It began to be
used in the 1960s when it was included on early telephone keypads. It had no real function then,
but today is used widely in social media.

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10 For each question write the correct letter A, B, C, D or E on the line.

Which section includes the following information?

(a) the suggestion that a symbol was created to reduce the feeling of
frustration among writers ............. [1]

(b) how the shape of a punctuation mark developed from two letters ............. [1]

(c) the suggestion that it would be difficult to understand text without punctuation ............. [1]

(d) an example of a punctuation mark which failed to become popular ............. [1]

(e) theories which can’t be proved about the origin of a punctuation mark ............. [1]

(f) an example of messages that consisted only of punctuation ............. [1]

(g) a symbol which became well known despite having no clear purpose ............. [1]

(h) the opinion that using a particular punctuation mark too much creates
poor writing ............. [1]

(i) an example of an exception to a rule ............. [1]

(j) a punctuation mark which was developed to help people read texts aloud ............. [1]

[Total: 10]

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Exercise 3

Read the article about Kilian Jornet, a mountain runner who completed a difficult challenge called the
Bob Graham Round, and then complete the notes.

Running the Bob Graham Round

Kilian Jornet is no stranger to mountains. His father was a mountain guide, and he grew up in the
Pyrenees, the mountains on the border between France and Spain. In 2017, he climbed Mount
Everest twice in a week, and he is able to run up and down Mont Blanc in under five hours. He is
becoming one of the stars in the fast-growing world of adventure sports.

In 2018, Kilian attempted to run what is known as the Bob Graham Round, a challenge which takes
place in the Lake District, a popular tourist area in the northwest of England. The route is 66 miles
(106 kilometres) long, which is one of the reasons why so few people are able to finish it, and it
involves climbing and descending 42 peaks. If you think that sounds impossible, another rule is
that it must be completed within 24 hours. About 2000 individuals have successfully completed the
challenge, which is named after a local man called Bob Graham, who first ran the route in under 24
hours in 1932. When Kilian did it, he also made history with his 12-hour, 52-minute run, which cut
the previous record by just over an hour.

When asked about the experience, Kilian admitted that it had been really tough. He carried some
energy drink with him, and spectators gave him water along the way. He also found some rivers in
the mountains where he could quickly refill his bottle. He pointed out that there are no official route
markings to show you the way. Instead, local people guided him, which enabled him to get around
the route without any unnecessary delay. One of the rules of the challenge is that someone must
accompany you to the top of each of the peaks. This is to prove that you have been there, and this
person also keeps an accurate record of the time that you arrive at each one. Luckily for Kilian,
some previous winners ran with him. A tradition of the challenge is that successful runners return to
help other people who want to have a go at it. Will he do the same? ‘Yes! For sure!’ he says. ‘I have
friends who want to do it. I hope they try soon – and can go faster than me!’

Around 100 people attempt the Bob Graham Round each year, but barely one third manage to
finish. Although Kilian is a very experienced and fast runner, he admitted that the amount of climbing
involved is huge, and that this made it one of the toughest runs of his career. Some sections are
also very steep, so he was grateful that supporters turned out to encourage him. Was there one
particularly hard moment? ‘It was more like the last four hours!’, he says. ‘What is so hard is that
your legs get very tired, but you just have to keep going.’ But for Kilian, the beautiful scenery and
good weather on the day helped to make the experience one to remember.

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You are going to give a talk to your class at school about Kilian Jornet’s challenge. Prepare some notes
to use as the basis for your talk.

Make short notes under each heading.

11 Why the Bob Graham Round is a particularly difficult challenge:

• ...............................................................................................................................................

• ...............................................................................................................................................

• ...............................................................................................................................................

• ...............................................................................................................................................

• ...............................................................................................................................................

• ......................................................................................................................................... [6]

12 How people helped Kilian Jornet to complete the Bob Graham Round:

• ...............................................................................................................................................

• ...............................................................................................................................................

• ......................................................................................................................................... [3]

[Total: 9]

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Exercise 5

14 Your friend from another country is coming to stay with you and your family for a week, for the first

Write an email to this friend about the visit.

In your email, you should:

• explain where you would like to take your friend

• describe who your friend will meet

• say what your friend should bring.

The pictures above may give you some ideas, and you can also use some ideas of your own.

Your email should be between 150 and 200 words long.

You will receive up to 8 marks for the content of your email, and up to 8 marks for the language

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Exercise 6

15 This year, you have been a member of the after-school music club. Your head teacher has asked
you to write a report about the club. In your report, say what you like about the club, and suggest
how it could be improved in the future.

Here are two comments from other members of the club:

I’d like to meet more than once a month.

Taking part in a concert was fun!

Write a report for your head teacher, giving your views.

The comments above may give you some ideas, and you can also use some ideas of your own.

Your report should be between 150 and 200 words long.

You will receive up to 8 marks for the content of your report, and up to 8 marks for the language

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Exercise 1

Read the article about a type of fish called a leafy sea dragon, and then answer the following questions.

Leafy sea dragons

Leafy sea dragons are remarkable creatures found around the coast
of Australia. They are a type of fish and belong to the same family as
seahorses, although their appearance is rather different. Unlike many
seahorses, leafy sea dragons look as if they are covered in small leaves.
Their name comes from this and also because they resemble dragons
in ancient Chinese myths – they even have sharp spikes on their backs
which help protect them. They do, however, share seahorses’ ability
to move each eye independently and can see all around. Leafy sea
dragons’ diet consists of tiny creatures called sea lice, and they feed by
pulling them up through their long noses. This is a different technique from the way other fish eat, as
many take in water through their mouths and consume whatever they find in it.

Leafy sea dragons grow to around 35 centimetres, and can swim to a depth of 30 metres out at sea.
Many species, however, prefer shallower waters and come in as close as 3 metres to the coast.
Even at this distance, they are extremely easy to miss as they are able to disguise themselves as
pieces of seaweed. Leafy sea dragons usually live among this seaweed that grows on the seabed,
but also search for food that lives around wooden constructions built in the water. These places
are where divers have the best chance of spotting one although it is still rare. People are always
keen to see them, and this helps raise awareness of the need to protect these amazing creatures.
Unfortunately, their interesting appearance means that people want to keep them as pets. The
Australian Government has therefore made strict laws which only permit scientists to take leafy sea
dragons from the ocean to study. The creatures are very sensitive and cannot survive any extreme
changes in water temperature, which is why the numbers of leafy sea dragons are being monitored.

Like seahorses, leafy sea dragons are unusual as although the females produce eggs, the male
looks after them until the young are big enough to leave his protection. However, while a male
seahorse keeps the eggs in a special pocket on his stomach, called a pouch, a leafy sea dragon’s
eggs grow on the tail of the male. Another feature of the eggs which makes them a little different
from those of many other creatures is that they are bright pink. This is unusual, as many fish eggs
are typically sand-coloured, brown or green to match the colour of their habitat, helping them to
remain safe from danger. However, when leafy sea dragons become fully grown, they are able to
avoid being seen by changing colour to match their surroundings. For example, they tend to become
darker in deeper water.

The female produces around 250 eggs twice during each breeding season, which starts in October
and lasts a few weeks. It takes 9 weeks until the tiny leafy sea dragons are ready to hatch out of the
eggs and leave their parent. The young leafy sea dragons fall off the adult male and drop down onto
the seabed, still partly attached to the egg. They eat the remains of the egg, which provides food for
two days, after which time, the young are ready to start hunting by themselves. Even at this early
stage, they know how to hide from danger by moving with the flow of the water.

Leafy sea dragons certainly catch people’s imaginations. If you see one, you’ll understand why!

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Exercise 2

Read the article about four people (A–D) who each have a favourite song. Then answer
Question 10(a)–(j).

My Favourite Song
A Yashi: Perfect Moon

Perfect Moon is a song that’s important to me. It’s one my mum has played every now and again for
as long as I can remember. She always talks about first hearing it on holiday, and how it brings back
memories of that special time – which I guess is why she loves it, and now I love it too! And I know
that won’t change, since it’s the one I turn to when things aren’t going too well, or I need cheering
up. Although the singer’s recorded a lot of songs in the past, this is the one that I think shows off
her talent the best. And even though when I play it on my phone my mates all laugh about how
old-fashioned they think it is, I don’t mind! I know they’re only teasing, and I’d still recommend it to
anyone who loves beautiful music.

B Peta: Whole World

The song I love, Whole World, is rather special. You see, it was written for me by my dad! He sang
in a band – not one that was well known, but at one point it was important enough to play at a few
festivals. There were even some in Spain and France, but I was too young to go, unfortunately! I
used to think no one would ever write a better song, although I’ve come to appreciate that’s not
actually the case – my dad won’t mind me saying that! But the most exciting moment for our family
was when his band went on to record the song in a studio. They even performed it at some of
their concerts when I was older – can you imagine how great it was for me, being in the crowd at a
local festival, listening to everyone singing along to MY song? It’s definitely an old favourite and it’s
become a bit of a tradition to play it on my birthday. It’s one I’ll keep for sure!

C Sue: Tell Me

I’m not sure if many people will have heard of my favourite song. It’s called Tell Me, and I think I like
it so much because it’s just a really happy song! I find it’s the perfect choice of song to play when
I’m in a great mood and just want to sing loudly and dance around my room. There’s also something
about the fact that the lead singer isn’t singing in her first language – it allows her accent to come
through in the song. When it came out a few years ago now, I had a lot going on, you know, a lot
of big changes like moving schools, and I guess I was still finding my way a little. It’s funny how
just hearing a song brings back all sorts of memories of a particular time, isn’t it! The song is quite
different to a lot of other music I listen to, but I really think it’s good to have a variety, and I don’t think
I’ll ever stop listening to it.

D Miriam: Monday’s Tales

I really like a song called Monday’s Tales – in fact it’s the one I chose when I took part in my school
talent show! Not that I was anywhere near as good as the original version, of course! It was a
pretty big deal at the time – the whole school was there to watch, after all. It’s funny because I’d
actually never even heard of ‘Dawson’, the band that sings it, until I went away with my parents a
few summers ago. The café by the pool where we spent most of our time played it almost constantly
– everyone kept asking for it to be put on again! You might think I’d have got fed up with it over the
years, but that hasn’t happened at all. You don’t hear it so often these days, but whenever I do, it
takes me right back there.

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10 For each question, write the correct letter A, B, C or D on the line.

Which person …

(a) says she first heard the song at an important time of her life? .......... [1]

(b) explains how she felt hearing the song with other people who liked it too? .......... [1]

(c) explains how the song can affect how she is feeling? .......... [1]

(d) explains how the song reminds her of being on holiday? .......... [1]

(e) admits that her feelings about the song have changed? .......... [1]

(f) suggests it is very different to the songs her friends like? .......... [1]

(g) mentions how the singer’s background affected the song? .......... [1]

(h) mentions a special time when she likes to listen to the song? .......... [1]

(i) says she has performed the song in public? .......... [1]

(j) compares the song with the singer’s other work? .......... [1]

[Total: 10]

© UCLES 2023 0511/23/M/J/23 [Turn over


Exercise 3

Read the article about designing buildings, and then complete the notes.

Designing buildings
Most of us spend the majority of our lives indoors. But how often do we stop to consider the design
of buildings where we spend so much time? When we’re not in our homes, we’re in various public
places, including schools or places of work. Apparently, research shows that in well-designed
buildings, people take less time off, so you can clearly see that design matters! Of course, there are
also practical considerations which can affect the design of a building, like the date to complete a
project, which the architects and designers involved in creating buildings can’t avoid. Given enough
time, however, there’s no end to how amazing a building can be.

A key consideration for those who design buildings is being aware of the performance requirements
– in other words, understanding what a space will be used for. There’s no point in designing a
building with lovely large open-plan rooms if what’s needed are smaller spaces where people can talk
privately or work individually without interruption. It’s generally agreed that we work more efficiently
when there are different-sized spaces to suit our individual needs, whether the building is designed
for work or study. Of course, we all need to be able to concentrate on whatever task we’re occupied
with. If you’re working on something artistic, then it might be useful to know that higher ceilings can
generate more creative thoughts. So perhaps that’s something to remember when you’re struggling
to write your next novel or trying to find the perfect lyrics to a song!

Now, you might think that staring out of the window is certain to result in a lack of concentration,
but actually, having windows with views of natural scenes can help people pay better attention to
what they’re doing. While it might not always be possible to have great views – the position of
neighbouring properties might get in the way, for example – it’s certainly worth bearing in mind.
If a country is naturally very hot and sunny, then perhaps large windows might not be the most
practical idea, so building designers also need to think carefully about the local climate conditions. It
is perfectly possible to use special glass, but it can be expensive and may put it outside the available

It is not just the structural features of the building that are important; the interior design features
also play an essential role in a well-designed building. The level of lighting changes how fast people
move around a building. This is why, for example, bright lighting is often used in places such as
fast-food-style canteens as it encourages people to move more quickly. And lighting isn’t the only
thing that should be carefully considered. Scientific research has shown that certain colour schemes
can alter people’s mood quite significantly.

As you can see, therefore, the buildings that we use every day can have more effect on our lives
than we might realise at first.

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You are going to give a talk about building design to your class at school. Prepare some notes to use
as the basis for your talk.

Make short notes under each heading.

11 The effects that a well-designed building can have on people:

• ...............................................................................................................................................

• ...............................................................................................................................................

• ...............................................................................................................................................

• ...............................................................................................................................................

• ......................................................................................................................................... [5]

12 Factors which influence a designer’s plans for a building:

• ...............................................................................................................................................

• ...............................................................................................................................................

• ...............................................................................................................................................

• ......................................................................................................................................... [4]

[Total: 9]

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Exercise 5

14 You have recently found a website which helped you with your schoolwork, and you want to tell
your friend about it.

Write an email to a friend telling them about the website.

In your email, you should:

• tell your friend how you found the website

• describe how the website helped with your schoolwork

• mention a small problem you had with the website.

The pictures above may give you some ideas, and you can also use some ideas of your own.

Your email should be between 150 and 200 words long.

You will receive up to 8 marks for the content of your email, and up to 8 marks for the language

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Exercise 6

15 In class, you have been talking about whether it is better to have a big group of friends or just one
best friend. Your teacher has asked you to write an article about it.

Here are two comments from your classmates:

I can tell my best friend everything.

Having lots of friends means having more fun!

Write an article for your teacher, giving your views.

The comments above may give you some ideas, and you can also use some ideas of your own.

Your article should be between 150 and 200 words long.

You will receive up to 8 marks for the content of your article, and up to 8 marks for the language

© UCLES 2023 0511/23/M/J/23

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