Swi Qa
Swi Qa
Swi Qa
Quality is a subjective thing, what is quality to one person might not be quality to another person.
Quality its self is very difficult to define but the concepts of quality or shown below
Need or Grade
expectation that Category or rank
is stated, given to the different
generally implied quality requirements
or obligatory for products,
processes or
systems having the
same function use
Degree to which
a set of inherent
characteristics Capability
fulfils Ability of an organisation, system
requirements or process to realise a product
that will fulfil the requirements for
that product.
Customer satisfaction
Customer’s perception of the
degree to which the customer’s
requirements have been fulfilled.
It must be said that these terms although they are all widely used and definitions of their meanings
defined in many documents, are not sufficiently precise for really general application. It is not
uncommon to find that these functions overlap or that in particular instances QA is planned and
organized as a department, which in practice covers inspection and quality control. Again many
manufacturing plants are organized with a Project Office dealing with the aims of quality and an
Inspection Office dealing with the attainment of quality.
Note: quality can be used with objectives such as poor, good or excellent.
Note: inherent, as opposed to assigned, means existing in something, especially as a permanent
Note: requirements can be generated by different interested parties.
Note: a specified requirement is one which is stated, for example a document
Note: when establishing a quality requirement, the grade is generally specified.
Note: customer complaints are a common indicator of low customer satisfaction but their
absence does not necessarily imply high customer satisfaction.
Note: Even when customer requirements have been agreed with the customer and fulfilled, this
does not necessarily ensure high customer satisfaction
QA applies to all areas, which have an affect on quality and asks the question “has the work been
performed correctly?”
QC deals with the actual measurement of quality performance, this performance is compared
against what is required, and action is taken on the difference and asks the question “is the work
been performed correctly?”
QA VS Inspection
QA is not inspection. It deals mainly with documentation and must see the entire picture.
Inspection is mainly about physical reality, monitoring and measuring basically inspection is a
QC tool.
Measurement process
Set of operations to
Metrological confirmation determine the value of
Set of operations required to quality
ensure that measuring
equipment conforms to the
requirements for its intended
Measurement function
Function with
Measurement control system
Set of interrelated or interacting
responsibility for defining
elements necessary to achieve
and implementing the
metrological confirmation and
measurement control
continual control of
measurement process
Measuring equipment
Measuring instrument,
software, measurement Metrological characteristic
standard, reference material Distinguishing features which
or auxiliary apparatus or can influence the results of
combination thereof measurement
necessary to realise a
measurement process
Senior Welding Inspection – QA / QC 2b. 3 Rev 09-09-02
Copyright 2002 TWI Ltd