Research Final
Research Final
Research Final
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Education is important for it is the key to success. The essence of learning is to shape
a person to become a better one and to equip them with knowledgeable information. It also
gives honor, respect and dignity to people who have attained good education. People who
have learned to read, write, count and communicate are more effective in dealing real life
situations. Above all, education has the power to make the world a better place. Success of a
person depends on how good he has done in his learning stages in school. Students should
focus and study hard to get a deep understanding and a good grade in academic performances
in order for them to achieve goals in their career path.
Furthermore, grades define the contours of our educational system. Our society is
even structurally dependent on grading performance. Just look at how the best jobs go to the
students with the best grades at the best universities, who in turn accept students with the best
grades at the best high schools. At first glance, the large-scale implementation of grades
seems like a textbook example of efficiency improvement. Grades function as a simple and
immediate feedback mechanism. They allow differences between students to be quantified
and permit teachers to process more students in a shorter period of time.
Also, according to the report of World Bank, around 80 percent of Filipino students
fall below the minimum level of proficiency for their grade levels. The Philippines was rated
last in reading, and second to last in science and mathematics, among 79 countries that
participated in the Program for International Student Assessment. The Philippines was also in
the bottom half of the 6 countries in reading, mathematics and writing literacy in the
Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics in 2019. With all the reports made by both public
and private agencies concerned it is a challenge to the Department of Education the alarming
situation of academic performance of Filipino students.
Therefore, a need exists to identify the different factors that affecting the academic
performance of students. Hence, this study.
Statement of the Problem
This study aimed to identify the factors affecting the academic performance of the
Grade 9 learners in Dingras National High School.
3. How are the students solving or minimizing the factors they are experiencing?
In various ways every study has its own importance and implication. Pursuing this
study will serve and give the readers a number of purposes.
The researchers believe that this study will benefit the following:
Students. This study would be helpful to the students as it will become a medium for
their awareness about the factors affecting their academic performance. And the results and
suggestions will help them solve the causes of their school performance.
Teachers/ Schools. The information gathered would make the teachers or schools
device an activity or way to help students in attaining and strengthening their view on having
a good academic performance.
Parents. The research makes the parents aware or updated about the factors affecting
the academic performance thus, helping their children to avoid or at least minimize the
possible factors.
Further researchers. The findings of this study would be very helpful for the future
researcher as a reference in their studies. Also, it is helpful for in depth analysis of the
This study was only focused on identifying the factors dealing with Grade 9 leaners in
DNHS that affect their academic performance. The respondents of this research are fifty (50)
conveniently selected students from (5) chosen sections, Narra, Molave, Eucalyptus,
Mahogany and Acacia.
Definition of Terms
Researchers have indicated that students with good academic records and
achievements usually have better employment opportunities, higher income, more
professional development and advancement opportunities, and better employment
benefits (Tentama & Abdillah, 2019).
According to( Umar, 2010), numerous studies have attempted to define the
factors affecting students' universal achievement or performance. These studies are
reviewed to support the hypothesis that any students' achievement and performance
in the University depend on different types of factors, such as personal, teacher, and
institution factors.
The grooming and mentoring of children begin from the family. The children
identify themselves with social class, religion, society, and culture by the acts they learn
at home (Ajila and Otutola, 2000). Which means, all of acts that being shown of a student
are carried out within their home that form an integral part of education. The environment
of the home has major impacts on the child/student, especially during the teenage .
Raychauduri, (2010) examined that various studies have been concluded to
recognize those variables which are influencing academic performance of the students.
The academic performance of the students also rely on a various socioeconomic variables
like students’ participation in the class, family pay, and teacher-student ratio, presence of
qualified teachers in school and gender of the student.
Kochhar, (2000) stated that proper guidance is necessary to help the students with
problems like lack of correlation between talent and achievement, faulty study practice,
imperfect methods of learning. Researches have demonstrated that the performance of the
students depended upon several factors like, learning facilities, age and gender
differences, guidance from teachers and parents, and learning material availability.
Research Method
The subjects of this study includes the Grade 9 learners of DNHS. The researchers
are conveniently selected a sample of 50 respondents from the (5) chosen sections, Narra,
Molave, Eucalyptus, Mahogany and Acacia. Equal allocation of the samples in which ten
(10) respondents every section is selected.
Research Design
Qualitative study is the most pertinent design that can be used in educational research
as it addresses the “how” and “why” research questions and enables deeper understanding of
experiences, phenomena, and context of this study.
Research Instrument
Relevant data for the research study was collected through questionnaire. The
questionnaire is contained checklist form and open ended questions to collect the views,
perceptions as well as the experiences of the respondents.
Locale of the Study
The researchers localized their study at Dingras National High School wherein 50
respondents from the (5) chosen sections of Grade 9 were involved.
This chapter focuses on the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered
from Grade 9 learners of Dingras National High School. This chapter focuses on the
factors that are affecting the academic performances of grade 9 learners.
This was the result of our survey in which 50 Grade 9 learners responded.
Gadget Addiction
A majority of respondents answered that the factor that affects their academic
is Gadget addiction. There are three (38) respondents out of 50 respondents who
answered Gadget Addiction is the factor affecting their academics
A majority of respondents answered that the factor that affects their academic
performance is Gadget addiction. There are three (38) respondents out of 50
respondents who answered Gadget Addiction is the factor affecting their academics.
Peer Pressure
Peer Pressure can also be a reason affecting their academic performance, there
are twenty-five (25) out of 50 respondents who answered peer pressure is the reasonz
affecting their academic performance. A portion of the respondents say that the effects
of peer pressure decreases their self-confidence and self-worth.
Family Problem
According to the study of (Change, RP., 2017) That the type of family
structure that a person lives in does affect the likelihood of that student chances of
dropping out of school, also the separation of a parent’s marriage, is a change in
family structure that is detrimental to a child and can increase child’s chances of
dropping out of school.
Poor study habits can also be a reason affecting their academic performance.
Eighteen (18) out of 50 respondents answered that their poor study habits are
affecting their academic performance. Some of them can easily get distracted by other
pleasures and become lazy to study.
The following are the ways they try to solve or minimize these factors
according to our survey.
Resourcefulness can be a good solution to solve the factors affecting their
academic performances because it can truly help the students to take charge and get
Time Management
Students use this kind of way to develop good habits which could lead to good
This study was conducted in Dingras National High School Dingras Ilocos Norte.
The respondents were interviewed in their classroom. The researchers observed the Grade 9
learners of DNHS very well as they answered their questionnaire correctly and some were
not. The researcher had used the sampling method to get the representative sample or a small
collection of units. This research paper includes fifty (50) respondents who are grade 9
learners. The researchers gathered information and collected data from the respondent’s
Based on the result of the survey done by the students, the researchers, therefore,
conclude that the common reason of poor academic performances of Grade 9 students on
Dingras National High School is Gadget Addiction. Aside from that, Peer Pressure, Family
Problems, and Poor Study Habits are also the factors that caused their academics to be
affected. Despite of these factors, students find ways to minimize or solve these problems.
Thus, the researchers recognized the importance of relationships as much as academics,
focusing on the teacher’s discussion and minimizing these problems.
I. This research may assist students in finding a way to minimize or solve their
problems that affects their academic performances.
II. This research can assist teachers in keeping an eye on students if they’re
really focusing during class hours.
III. Parents should know the factors that can affect their child’s academic
performances instead of letting them do what they want that may affect their
academic performances.
IV. The future researchers can use this study for them to have references as
related studies or literature to their future study that they are conducting.
Almerino P. et. al (2020), Evaluating the Academic Performance of K-12 Students. Retrieve
June 7, 2023
School Principal IV
Christian greetings!
We would like to ask permission to conduct a research titled, “Factors Affecting the
Academic Performance of Grade 9 Learners in Dingras National High School”, in partial
fulfillment of the requirements in ENGLISH 10.
Rest assured that all data gathered in the research will be treated with utmost confidentiality.
We anticipate with deep appreciation and gratitude of favorable approval in this request.
Respectfully yours,
Noted: Approved:
Dear Respondents:
In this connection, we would like to request you to be one of our respondents in our study. We
hope you can help us by answering the instrument sincerely and truthfully.
Rest assured that all data gathered in the research will be treated with utmost confidentiality.
Thank you and God Bless!
Respectfully yours,
Subject Teacher
Instruction: Supply the needed information by filling in the blanks or put a check ( ) on
the options that corresponds to your answer.
1. What are the factors that affect your academic performance in school?
___ Gadget Addiction ___ School Facilities
___ Peer Pressure ___ Learning Environment
___ Financial Problem ___ Teacher-Student Ratio
___ Family Problem ___ Poor Study Habits
___ Teacher’s Capabilities ___ Learning Material Availability
___ Others (Specify): ____________________________________
2. Why are you experiencing these factors?