Ia3 CH1
Ia3 CH1
Ia3 CH1
Financial Statements
2. Going Concern
- the structured representation of an entity’s financial
position and result of its operation. - financial statements are normally prepared in a going
concern basis unless;
- it is the end product of the financial reporting process.
the entity has an intention to liquidate
Primary Objective: provide info’s about the financial
the entity has no other alternative but to do so
position, financial performance, and cash flows of an
entity that is helpful for decision making. - the assessment of going concern is at least 12 months
from the reporting date.
Secondary Objective: to show results of management’s
stewardships over the entity’s resources. - if entity has history of profitable operations and ready
access to financial resources, the entity then is a going
concern without detailed analysis.
General Purpose Financial Statements
- if entity has material uncertainties to continue as a
- caters to the common needs of wide range of external going concern, those uncertainties shall be disclosed.
- if entity is not going concern, its FS shall be prepared
- intends to meet the needs of users who are not in a using another basis.
position to require an entity to prepare reports.
- subject matter of Conceptual Framework and PFRSs.
Additional Statement of Financial Position 4. the entity does not have an unconditional right to defer
settlement of the liability for at least twelve months after
A statement of financial position as at the beginning of the reporting period.
the preceding period shall be presented when an entity;
1. Applies an accounting policy retrospectively or
2. Makes a retrospective restatement of items in its Currently Maturing Long-Term Liabilities
financial statements, or
General rule: Currently maturing long term liabilities
3. When it reclassifies items in its financial
are presented as current liabilities.
….and the effect of the event to the statement of
financial position as at the beginning of the preceding 1. Refinancing agreement fully completed on or
period is material. before the balance sheet date – noncurrent liability
2. Refinancing agreement after the balance sheet date
but before the financial statements are authorized
Statement of Financial Position for issue – non-current liability if the refinancing is
at the discretion of the entity.
A statement of financial position may be presented as
1. Classified (current/non-current distinction) –
showing current and noncurrent assets and
liabilities, or
2. Unclassified (based on liquidity) – showing no Breach Of Loan Agreement
distinction between current and noncurrent items
General rule: A liability that is payable on demand is a
*unclassified presentation is used when it provides current liability.
information that is reliable and more relevant.
Chapter 1: Statement of Financial Position
Exception: It is presented as non-current liability if the
lender provides the entity, on or before the balance
sheet date, a grace period ending at least 12 months
after the balance sheet date to rectify a breach of loan