Contents TIE Report - Merged
Contents TIE Report - Merged
Contents TIE Report - Merged
Bachelor of Engineering
Information Science and Engineering
Submitted by
Prerana R Hiremath
M.S.Palya, Vidyaranyapura, Bangalore-560097
Certified that the Internship work entitled “AR DEVELOPMENT” carried out by Ms.Prerana R
Hiremath(1ST21IS041) a bonafide student of SaIT, Bangalore in partial fulfillment for the award
of Bachelor of Engineering in Information Science and Engineering of the Visvesvaraya
Technological University, Belgaum during the year 2021-2022.It is certified that all
corrections/suggestions indicated for Internal Assessment have been incorporated in the Report
deposited in the departmental library. The internship report has been approved as it satisfies the
academic requirements in respect of internship work prescribed for the said degree.
M. S. Palya, Bengaluru – 560097
I, Prerana R Hiremath, bearing the USN 1ST21IS041, student of 5th semester,
INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Here by declare that the Internship work titled Machine
Learning with Python is an original work carried out by me at Varcons Technology Pvt Ltd
with four weeks of duration in partial fulfilment of the curriculum requirements prescribed by
report are not submitted to any other university partially or wholly for the award of any other
The euphoria that accompanies the acquisition of vocational skills by undergoing internship program
andcompiling internship report would be complete only by acknowledging every personnel, who by
Instituteof Technology, for his dynamic and continuous support to the students in academic and co-
curricular pursuits.
I would like to express my profound gratitude to, Dr. Latha P.H, HOD, Department of ISE,
Sambhram Institute of Technology, for facilitating the internship program and supporting us in
I would like to extend my impassioned thanks and admiration to my Internal Guide, Asst.Prof Mrs
My sincere thanks to the Internship Coordinator Mr Santosh CD, Associate Professor Department
of ISE, Sambhram Institute of Technology, for their constant motivation and round the clock
Finally, I would like to thank my Parents and my Friends who have helped me with their valuable
Varcons Technologies is a leading provider of cutting-edge technologies and services, offering scalable
solutions for businesses of all sizes. Founded by a group of friends who started by scribbling their ideas on a
piece of paper, today we offer smart, innovative services to dozens of clients. We develop SaaS products,
provide Corporate, seminars, industrial trainings and much more.
Smart solutions are at the core of all that we do at VCT. Our main goal is to find smart ways of using
technology that will help build a better tomorrow for everyone, everywhere. SaaS offers a variety of
advantages over traditional software licensing models and We here at VCT tend to include the key features of
SaaS in everything we build.
Website as Software website that behave and interact similar to sophisticated software information
Analytics and research Let us analyze the way your users/customers interact with you/your business
by gathering, studying, and understanding the consumer voice and their perception of the
product/service to generate a report to help you make better market decisions
Comprehensive customer support With a comprehensive range of services, We can guarantee your
technology needs are not just met, but exceeded. We shall work with your Customers/users closely to
understand the way your users/customers use/make use of Products/Services.
Smart automation tools We create API's and tools that help you automate any process with a host of
features pertaining to the Device.
Sl no Description Page no
3 Introduction 14-15
7 Implementation 23-24
8 Snapshots 25-27
9 Conclusion 29-30
10 References 31
Products and services: Cloud services: Migration, architecture automation, performance monitoring,
and integration services
Development services: Based on technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Jquery, AJAX,
J2EE, PHP, Struts, Spring, EJB, RMI, SOA, and Hibernate
Introduction to ML
Machine learning (ML) is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that enables computers to “self-learn”
from training data and improve over time, without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning
algorithms are able to detect patterns in data and learn from them, in order to make their own predictions. In
short, machine learning algorithms and models learn through experience.
Dept of ISE,SaIT
Machine Learning with Python
1. Decision Trees:
-Use Case: Decision trees can be used to model complex decision-making processes and are useful for both
classification and regression tasks.
2. Random Forest:
- Use Case: Random Forest is an ensemble method that builds multiple decision trees to improve predictive
accuracy and control overfitting.
3. Naive Bayes:
- Use Case: Naive Bayes is a probabilistic algorithm that is particularly useful for text classification tasks
but can also be applied to predict the risk of diseases based on certain features.
Dept of ISE,SaIT
Machine Learning with Python
Jupyter notebook
VS code
Git hub repositories
How to install jupyter notebook?
Jupyter Notebook can be installed using the Anaconda distribution or Miniconda (recommended for new
Python users), or by using pip, Python’s default package manager (recommended for experienced Python
Jupyter Notebook is a web-based application used to create and share interactive notebook documents, which
can contain live code, text, data visualizations, videos and other computational outputs. Created by Project
Jupyter, the application is open-source and supports the use of over 40 programming languages, including
Python, R and Scala. Jupyter Notebook showcases real-time code results and imagery, and can execute cells
in any order. This makes it a useful tool for quick code experimentation, designing code presentations or
facilitating data science workflows.
Dept of ISE,SaIT
Machine Learning with Python
Visual Studio Code is a source-code editor that can be used with a variety of programming languages,
including C, C#, C++, Fortran, Go, Java, JavaScript, Node.js, Python, Rust,and Julia It is based on
the Electron framework,[26] which is used to develop Node.js web applications that run on the Blink layout
engine. Visual Studio Code employs the same editor component codenamed "Monaco" used in Azure
DevOps formerly called "Visual Studio Online" and "Visual Studio Team Services"
Visual Studio Code can be extended via extensions, available through a central repository. This includes
additions to the editor and language support. A notable feature is the ability to create extensions that add
support for new languages, themes, debuggers, time travel debuggers, perform static code analysis, and
add code linters using the Language Server Protocol source control is a built-in feature of Visual Studio Code.
It has a dedicated tab inside of the menu bar where users can access version control settings and view changes
made to the current project. To use the feature, Visual Studio Code must be linked to any supported version
control system (Git, Apache Subversion, Perforce, etc.). This allows users to create repositories as well as to
make push and pull requests directly from the Visual Studio Code program.
Visual Studio Code includes multiple extensions for FTP, allowing the software to be used as a free alternative
for web development. Code can be synced between the editor and the server, without downloading any extra
Dept of ISE,SaIT
Machine Learning with Python
"GitHub is an online software development platform. It's used for storing, tracking, and collaborating on
software projects. It makes it easy for developers to share code files and collaborate with fellow developers
on open-source projects. GitHub also serves as a social networking site where developers can openly network,
collaborate, and pitch their work
"GitHub users create accounts, upload files, and create coding projects. But the real work of GitHub happens
when users begin to collaborate. While anyone can code independently, teams of people build most
development projects. Sometimes these teams are all in one place at once time, but more often they work
asynchronously. There are many challenges to creating collaborative projects with distributed teams. GitHub
makes this process much simpler in a few different ways."
used-for#what-github "First, all the code and documentation are in one place. This limits issues with access
for anyone who wants to contribute to a project. Each repository also contains instructions and other details
to help outline project goals and rules."
Dept of ISE,SaIT
Machine Learning with Python
1. Existing System
Predicting the risks of chronic diseases using machine learning algorithms is an active area of research and
application in healthcare. Various algorithms can be employed depending on the type of data available, the
complexity of the prediction task, and the specific characteristics of the chronic disease in question
When developing a predictive model for chronic disease risk, it's essential to consider factors such as data
quality, feature selection, model interpretability, and the specific requirements of the healthcare application.
Additionally, collaboration with healthcare professionals and adherence to ethical considerations are crucial
in this domain.
The existing system has a accuracy of 95/100
The accuracy of the existing system can be increased by changing the training examples, addition of
data sets.
Feature processing: Add more variable and better feature processing.
2. Proposed System
The accuracy of the model is increased by 0.1%. The extra data sets are been added to the model so the
accuracy can be observed in the output. The disease are be predicted at better levels.
Implementation is the stage where the theoretical design is turned into a working system. The most crucial
stage in achieving a new successful system and in giving confidence on the new system for the users that
it will work efficiently and effectively.
The system can be implemented only after thorough testing is done and if it is found to work according
to the specification. It involves careful planning, investigation of the current system and it constraints on
implementation, design of methods to achieve the change over and an evaluation of change over methods
a part from planning.
Dept of ISE,SaIT
Machine Learning with Python
Two major tasks of preparing the implementation are education and training of the users and testing of
the system. The more complex the system being implemented, the more involved will be the system
analysis and design effort required just for implementation.
The implementation phase comprises of several activities. The required hardware and software
acquisition is carried out. The system may require some software to be developed. For this, programs
are written and tested. The user then changes over to his new fully tested system and the old system is
The testing phase is an important part of software development. It is the Information zed system will
help in automate process of finding errors and missing operations and also a complete verification to
determine whether the objectives are met and the user requirements are satisfied. Software testing is
carried out in three steps:
1. The first includes unit testing, where in each module is tested to provide its correctness, validity and
also determine any missing operations and to verify whether the objectives have been met. Errors are
noted down and corrected immediately.
2. Unit testing is the important and major part of the project. So errors are rectified easily in particular
module and program clarity is increased. In this project entire system is divided into several modules
and is developed individually. So unit testing is conducted to individual modules.
3. The second step includes Integration testing. It need not be the case, the software whose modules
when run individually and showing perfect results, will also show perfect results when run as a
Dept of ISE,SaIT
Machine Learning with Python
Dept of ISE,SaIT
Machine Learning with Python
Graph Fig-3.4.6
Dept of ISE,SaIT
Machine Learning with Python
The package was designed in such a way that future modifications can be done easily. The following
conclusions can be deduced from the development of the project:
It provides a friendly graphical user interface which proves to be better when compared to the
existing system.
System security, data security and reliability are the striking features.
Dept of ISE,SaIT