High-Frequency Audiometry For Early Detection of Hearing Loss: A Narrative Review
High-Frequency Audiometry For Early Detection of Hearing Loss: A Narrative Review
High-Frequency Audiometry For Early Detection of Hearing Loss: A Narrative Review
Environmental Research
and Public Health
High-Frequency Audiometry for Early Detection of Hearing
Loss: A Narrative Review
Michaela Škerková 1, * , Martina Kovalová 1 and Eva Mrázková 1,2,3
Abstract: The WHO considers hearing loss to be a major global problem. A literature search was
conducted to see whether high-frequency audiometry (HFA) could be used for the early detection of
hearing loss. A further aim was to see whether any differences exist in the hearing threshold using
conventional audiometry (CA) and HFA in workers of different age groups exposed to workplace
noise. Our search of electronic databases yielded a total of 5938 scientific papers. The inclusion
criteria were the keywords “high frequency” and “audiometry” appearing anywhere in the article
and the participation of unexposed people or a group exposed to workplace noise. Fifteen studies
met these conditions; the sample size varied (51–645 people), and the age range of the people studied
was 5–90 years. Commercial high-frequency audiometers and high-frequency headphones were used.
In populations unexposed to workplace noise, significantly higher thresholds of 14–16 kHz were
found. In populations with exposure to workplace noise, significantly higher statistical thresholds
were found for the exposed group (EG) compared with the control group (CG) at frequencies of
Citation: Škerková, M.; Kovalová,
M.; Mrázková, E. High-Frequency
9–18 kHz, especially at 16 kHz. The studies also showed higher hearing thresholds of 10–16 kHz in
Audiometry for Early Detection of respondents aged under 31 years following the use of personal listening devices (PLDs) for longer
Hearing Loss: A Narrative Review. than 5 years. The effect of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) first became apparent for HFA rather
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, than CA. However, normative data have not yet been collected. Therefore, it is necessary to establish
18, 4702. https://doi.org/10.3390/ a uniform evaluation protocol accounting for age, sex, comorbidities and exposures, as well as for
ijerph18094702 younger respondents using PLDs.
Academic Editors: Martine Hamann Keywords: audiometry; high-frequency audiometry (HFA); hearing loss; hearing test; hearing thresh-
and Yvonne De Kluizenaar old; noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL); age-related hearing loss; occupational noise; recreational
noise; noise exposure
Received: 28 February 2021
Accepted: 24 April 2021
Published: 28 April 2021
1. Introduction
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The monitoring of hearing functions in the context of the International Classification
published maps and institutional affil- of Functioning, Disability, and Health has revealed that hearing loss is a major global
iations. problem [1]. The World Health Organization (WHO) speaks of hearing loss as an epidemic
of the 21st century [2]. More than 1 billion young people (aged 12–35 years) are at risk of
hearing loss due to recreational exposure to intense sound [3]. Hearing loss is an invisible
and very stigmatizing chronic disease. In terms of severity, hearing loss is second only
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
to mental disability. It is the most common and the most serious human sensory defect.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
The incidence of hearing loss is continuously increasing and, at the same time, as with
This article is an open access article
other diseases, prevention and early detection of hearing loss can lead to earlier provision
distributed under the terms and of appropriate care. This could significantly lower the incidence of damage and result
conditions of the Creative Commons in better quality of life [2,3]. In its 2017 report, the Lancet Commission on dementia
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// prevention, intervention and care found that 35% of dementia cases are attributable to a
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ combination of nine modifiable risk factors, divided into early-life, mid-life and late-life
4.0/). risk factors. The most significant among the mid-life (45–65 years of age) risk factors
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 4702. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18094702 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/ijerph
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 4702 2 of 13
is hearing loss, as 55 is the mean age at which the presence of hearing loss is shown to
increase the risk of dementia. Despite being classified as a mid-life risk factor, evidence
suggests that it continues to increase the dementia risk in later life. Although the report
makes it clear that the exact mechanism through which hearing loss affects dementia risk
is not fully understood, the authors cite studies suggesting that hearing loss might either
add to the cognitive load of a vulnerable brain, leading to changes in the brain, or lead
to social disengagement or depression and accelerated brain atrophy, all of which could
contribute to an accelerated cognitive decline. Moreover, given the importance of language
in humans (a key contributor to the coevolution of social interaction and a larger brain
size), hearing loss could lead to uniquely interrelated and detrimental social, cognitive
and brain effects [4]. When not detected, affected individuals gradually disengage from
society and suffer from the accompanying consequences, such as loss of employment,
loss of interpersonal communication and the associated intensification of social isolation
and dementia. According to the WHO, the global prevalence of hearing loss in 2018 was
466 million people. Of these, 432 million were adults with impaired hearing. This number
continues to increase as the average age of the world’s population increases. According
to WHO projections, the number of people suffering from hearing loss is expected to
reach 630 million by 2030 and 900 million by 2050 [2,3]. The auditory system gradually
deteriorates with age, starting as early as the age of 40. The WHO states that approximately
one-third of the population above the age of 65 suffers from hearing loss. The WHO cites
the hear-it report from the Hearing Loss Association of America showing a hearing loss
prevalence of 30% in people aged over 65 years of age [5,6]. The same report found that
almost all people over 80 years of age have some degree of hearing impairment. Worsened
hearing in the elderly is mainly associated with a reduced ability to comprehend speech,
especially in noisy environments or in places with background noise. People with impaired
hearing realize that someone is talking to them, but they are unable to understand what is
being said [7–9].
Conventional pure tone audiometry (CA) is currently one of the most widely used
methods for the diagnosis of hearing impairment. CA operates over the 0.125–8 kHz
frequency range. High-frequency audiometry (HFA) is used to examine the hearing
threshold in the frequency range of 8–20 kHz. These are the frequencies at which damage to
the hearing threshold can first be observed [10]. HFA has been studied for several decades,
but the lack of commercially available equipment and the standardization of calibration
recommendations have long limited its use. Specially adapted audiometers capable of
generating tones with frequencies of up to 20 kHz are used for the test. Experimental
studies have established rules and conditions for testing [11,12]. Over the last 20 years, the
development of new methods and devices and the increased penetration of computers in
both daily life and healthcare have enabled HFA to increasingly become the standard. The
current applicable standard, “IEC 60645-1 Electroacoustics—Audiometric equipment, Part
1: Equipment for pure-tone and speech audiometry”, specifies the general requirements
for audiometers designed for use in determining hearing threshold levels relative to the
standard reference threshold levels, established by means of psychoacoustic test methods
and those designed to perform psychoacoustic tests using speech material. The objective
of this standard is to ensure that (1) hearing tests in the frequency range of 0.125–16 kHz
conducted on a given human ear and performed with different pure-tone audiometers
that comply with this standard give the same results; (2) the results obtained represent
a valid comparison between the hearing of the ear tested and the reference threshold of
hearing; and (3) the means for presenting speech material to a subject in a standardized
manner are provided. This ensures that hearing tests using a specific speech signal and a
specific manner of signal presentation, when performed with different audiometers that
comply with this standard, give very similar results. Furthermore, the standard classifies
audiometers according to the range of test signals they present, the mode of operation or
their presumed primary application [13]. Conventional pure tone audiometry along with
HFA and equipment (headphones) are used according to the standards of EN ISO 8253-
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 4702 3 of 13
3. Results
The search yielded a total of 5938 scientific publications. A total of 5855 publications
that did not directly relate to the examined issues were excluded. Finally, 83 articles
were selected, of which 30 were duplicated in three databases. The remaining 53 articles
concerned HFA, but not all of them were relevant to our search, as 26 of them concerned
hearing loss in association with ototoxic drugs, tinnitus or diabetes. Of the remaining
27 articles, 15 papers that met all six conditions for inclusion in our study were selected.
Figure 1 presents a step-by-step representation of our screening process.
Tables 1 and 2 summarize the characteristics of the 15 studies included. Studies were
conducted in Brazil (n = 4), Iran (n = 2), Italy (n = 2), Spain (n = 1), Saudi Arabia (n = 1),
India (n = 1), China (n = 1), Greece (n = 1) and the USA (n = 1), and there was also a
systematical review comprising multiple countries around the world (n = 1).
In this review, the studies were evaluated by the following parameters: the number
of involved participants; the differences in hearing thresholds between an unexposed
population and a population exposed to noise; the correlation between hearing thresholds,
assessed by HFA and age, especially focused on particular age groups; the difference in
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 4702 4 of 13
hearing thresholds if the age groups defined by the studies had non-identical age ranges;
and the similarity in hearing thresholds if the groups had identical age ranges.
The number of participants in each study ranged from 51 to 645. For the years
2000–2020, 5 articles were published in 2000–2010, 10 in 2011–2020, 5 in 2015–2020 and 2 in
2017–2020. The articles were divided into two groups. The first group comprised studies
on people who were not exposed to workplace noise (Table 1). Two of these studies were
focused on users of PLDs, one of the newly examined risk factors for hearing loss. The
second group comprised studies on people who were exposed to noise in their workplace
(EG), along with a control group (CG) without noise exposure (Table 2).
As shown in Table 1, the sample size varied from 51 to 645 participants in studies that
were done on unexposed individuals. The age of the subjects varied from 5 to 90 years,
depending on the study. Grouping based on age also varied, with all studies including
both men and women. Rodríguez Valiente et al. studied 645 people who were evenly
distributed among 10-year age groups ranging from 5 to 90 years, with 90 respondents
in each group [17]. Other studies followed respondents in the age group of 18–31 years,
with age intervals ranging from 11 to 15 years [18–20]. Oppitz et al. [21] used the largest
age range. Kumar et al. and Le Prell et al. monitored the effect of personal listening
devices (PLDs) [19,20]. Each study used a different type of audiometer [12–16]. Sennheiser
headphones were used in four cases, and Rodríguez Valiente et al. and Le Prell used the
Sennheiser HDA200 [17–20].
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 4702 5 of 13
Table 1. Overview of the selected articles on hearing loss and high-frequency audiometry in populations not exposed to workplace noise.
Table 2. Overview of the selected articles on hearing loss and high-frequency audiometry in populations exposed to workplace noise.
Number of Audiometry
Author, Age Range (Years) and City, Audiometer
Respondents and and Frequency Headphones Objective Findings
Year Groups Country Type
Study Design Range (kHz)
24 EG ultrasound
(2 men and 22 women), CA:
Age groups: 15–19,
113 EG (93 men CA Standard Investigate the effects of age, After stratification for age, there was a
20–29, 30–39, 40–49, Labat
Maccá et al., and 20 women) Padua, 0.125–8 headphones ultrasound and noise on significantly higher hearing threshold in
50–59. Audiopack
2014 [27] 148 CG (62 men Italy HFA HFA: high-frequency hearing EG than CG at 9–10 and 14–15 kHz only
Ears not audiometer
and 86 women). 9–18 Sennheiser, thresholds. for those under 30 years of age.
Study design HD 500
Not divided by gender.
The most commonly affected frequencies
142 EG with statistically significantly higher
<50 CA CA:
Mehrparvar 121 CG City Compare three methods of hearing thresholds in EG compared with
1 age group. 0.5–8 Interacoustic TDH 39
et al., Only men. unknown, assessing hearing loss due to CG were 4 and 6 kHz in CA and 14 and
Left and right ears. HFA AC40 HFA.
2014 [22] Cross-sectional, Iran noise (HFA, CA, DPOAE) 16 kHz in HFA. HFA was the most
Only men. 10–16 Koss R/80
prospective study. sensitive test for detection of hearing loss
in workers exposed to >85 dBA noise.
Compare thresholds with
120 EG (108 men both CA and HFA in both Statistically significantly higher mean
<50 CA CA:
Mehrparvar and 12 women) City ears in exposed and hearing thresholds in EG compared with
1 age group. 0.250–8 Interacoustic TDH 39
et al., 120 CG (106 men unknown, unexposed individuals to CG were found at 4, 6 and 16 kHz, with
Left and right ears. HFA AC40 HFA:
2011 [28] and 14 women). Iran assess the efficiency of the the most significant differences found!at
Not divided by gender. 10–16 Koss R/80
Historic cohort. methods when revealing 16 kHz in both!ears.
hearing loss.
Statistically significantly higher mean
20–59 hearing thresholds in EG compared with
Age groups: CA: CG were found at most of the high
134 EG CA Investigate the usefulness of
20–29, 30–39, 40–49 City TDH–39 frequencies tested. In particular, the
Ma et al., 101 CG 0.250–8 Madsen HFA as an assessment test of
50–59. unknown, HFA: largest differences between hearing
2018 [23] Only men. HFA Conera the hearing statuses of
Ears not China Sennheiser thresholds were found at 16 kHz for
Cross-sectional study. 9–20 civilian!pilots.
distinguished. Only HDA!200 subjects aged 20–29 and 30–39, at 12.5
men. kHz for those aged 40–49 years old and at
10 kHz for those aged 50–59 years old.
Undefined–44 A multivariate analysis showed that the
187 EG Age groups: City CA CA: primary indicator of the hearing
Ahmed Investigate the reliability and
52 CG <25, 25–34, 35–44. unknown, 0.250-8 Interacoustics Koss HV-1A threshold at high frequencies is age, and
et al., effects of age and noise on
Only men. Ears not Saudi HFA AS10HF HFA: noise exposure is a secondary predictor of
2001 [24] HFA hearing thresholds.
Cross-sectional study. distinguished. Arabia 10–18 TDH-50P hearing thresholds at high frequencies
Only men. (10–18 kHz).
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 4702 7 of 13
Table 2. Cont.
Number of Audiometry
Author, Age Range (Years) and City, Audiometer
Respondents and and Frequency Headphones Objective Findings
Year Groups Country Type
Study Design Range (kHz)
21–60 Statistically significantly higher hearing
84 EG CA:
Age groups: 21–30, CA Compare HFA and CA to thresholds between EG and CG were
Somma 98 CG City TDH-49
31–40, 41–50, 51–60. 0.250-8 Amplaid A319, assess thresholds among found for those aged 21–30 years old at
et al., Only men. unknown, HFA:
Ears not HFA Amplifon workers exposed to all frequencies (9–18 kHz) and for those
2008 [25] Study design Italy Sennheiser
distinguished. Only 9–18 workplace noise. aged 31–40 years old at frequencies of
unknown. HDA!200
men. 9–14 kHz.
Statistically significantly higher hearing
139 EG (68 men and thresholds between EG and CG were
CA: Evaluate hearing in
53 women) 24–55 CA found at 4–18 kHz, especially at 12.5–18
City TDH-49 industrial workers exposed
Korres et al., 32 CG (18 men and 1 age group. 0.250-8 Amplaid 321, kHz. A statistically significant
unknown, HFA: to workplace noise using CA
2008 [29] 14 women). Left and right ears. HFA Twinchannel correlation between an increased
Greece Sennheiser and HFA and compare it
Study design Not divided by gender. 9–20 duration of exposure and higher
HDA 200 with CG.
unknown. hearing thresholds was found at all
frequencies except for 10 kHz.
The EG had a statistically significantly
47 EG 30–49
higher hearing threshold than CG at
33 CG Age groups: CA CA:
Rio de Analysis of HFA results in 16!kHz in participants aged 30–39 years.
Rocha et al., Only men. 30–39, 40–49. 0.250-8 Interacoustic TDH-39P
Janeiro, people exposed to noise with The results were most significant in the
2010 [26] Cross-sectional, Ears not HFA AC40 HFA:
Brazil normal results for CA. 40–49 years age group, where EG
retrospective distinguished. 9–20 Koss HV/PRO
showed significantly higher hearing
cohort study. Only men.
thresholds than CG at 14 and 16 kHz.
Statistically significantly higher hearing
40 EG (10 men and 23–61 CA Use HFA to evaluate hearing thresholds in EG compared with CG
Goncalves Madsen Standard
32 women) 1 age group. Curitiba, 0.5–8 among dentists exposed to were observed at 0.5, 1, 6 and 8 kHz in
et al., Itera II, GN HFA:
CG 40 Left and right ears. Brazil HFA workplace noise for varying the right ear. No differences were
2015 [30] Otometrics Sennheiser
Historic cohort study. Divided by gender. 9–16 durations. observed between the EG and CG for
HDA 200
high frequencies.
At 16 kHz, HFA is sensitive enough for
18–60 HFA: Retrospective and secondary the early detection of hearing loss. This
Exposed workers and Amplaid A3
Different age groups. CA Koss R/80; systematic revision of is true for 4 kHz as well, but the
Antonioli unexposed people. 19; Amplaid
Ears not Many 0.250–8 HDA200; publications using HFA to outcome is not as significant. Further
et al., Both genders. A321;
distinguished. countries HFA R80; HDA200; monitor the hearing of studies are therefore needed to confirm
2016 [31] Systematic review, Interacoustic
Not divided by gender. 10–20 HD 200; workers exposed to the importance of HFA for the early
meta–analysis. AC!40;
6 studies TDH-39p workplace noise. detection of hearing loss in people
Siemens SD50;
exposed to workplace noise.
HFA = high-frequency audiometry; CA = convectional pure tone audiometry; NIHL = noise-induced hearing loss; EG = group exposed to workplace noise; CG = control group without exposure to workplace
noise; and DPOAE = distortion product otoacoustic emissions.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 4702 8 of 13
As shown in Table 2, studies in which people were exposed to noise in the workplace
involved 40–282 subjects. The control groups had 32–142 participants. Five of the studies
involving workplace noise exposure only assessed men [22–26], four of them included both
men and women [27–30], and one study was a review [31]. The age range was 15–61 years,
and the age groups used also varied. All studies compared CA and HFA, and five of them
even included a frequency of 20 kHz. An Interacoustic audiometer was used in four studies;
three of these used the AC 40 type [22,26,28], and one used the AS10HF type [31]. Two
studies used a Madsen audiometer [23,30], a further two used the Amplaid [22,28], and
one study used a Labat Audiopack [27]. Sennheiser headphones were used in five studies;
four of them used the HDA 200 [23–25,30], and one used the HDA 500 [27]. Three studies
used Koss headphones [22,26,28]. The systematic review conducted by Antonioli et al.
compared six studies with six different audiometers and different types of headphones [31].
useful for the early diagnosis of noise-induced hearing loss, especially for younger groups
of workers (up to 30 years of age) [22–30].
HFA is more sensitive for NIHL detection than CA; it can be used for early diagnosis
of hearing loss, and thus it can contribute to the prevention of hearing loss, even at lower
frequencies, especially at frequencies used for speech [23,25,28]. Studies comparing the
EG and the CG found that in those aged over 30 years, hearing loss was apparent in HFA
before it became apparent in CA [23,25,27]. Studies suggest that HFA rather than CA
could be useful as an early probe for hearing loss resulting from noise [24]. In a sample
of working age respondents, Korres et al. showed that HFA is a useful addition to CA
for the audiological evaluation of people exposed to workplace noise [29]. Mehrparvar
et al. compared the following methods: CA, distortion product otoacoustic emissions and
HFA. HFA was confirmed as the most sensitive method for detecting hearing loss from
hazardous noise exposure in the workplace [22]. Maccá et al. stated that hearing loss at
high frequencies is affected not only by age, but also by the duration of exposure to a noisy
work environment [27]. This was confirmed by Goncalves et al., who showed that dentists
working in surgeries for more than 10 years had significantly greater hearing loss at high
frequencies compared with those in the control group. Eighty-one percent of dentists were
not informed of the risk of noise during their university studies, and 15% of dentists (EG)
had sensorineural hearing impairment, while in the CG, the frequency of occurrence was
2.5% [30]. Korres et al. found a statistically significant correlation between the duration
of exposure and the hearing threshold at all frequencies [29]. Changes in high-frequency
thresholds were found to be accelerated by noise exposure in the first few years, suggesting
that HFA could be a useful preventative measure for monitoring younger workers exposed
to workplace noise [25]. Statistically significant differences were found between people
exposed to noise for <10 years and a control group at 2–8 kHz, 9–10 kHz and 14–15 kHz in
people aged up to 39 years of age. Age is a secondary factor to hearing loss; at conventional
frequencies, the hearing threshold increases after the age of 20. After stratification for age,
significant differences between the EG and the CG were found at 9–10 kHz and 14–15 kHz
only for those who were aged below 30 years [27]. Larger differences were found between
the exposed and control groups at 4–18 kHz, and these were more evident at 12.5–18 kHz.
There was a statistically significant correlation between the differences in thresholds and
duration of exposure at all frequencies (0.25–20 kHz), except for 10 kHz [29]. HFA performs
well in the frequency range of 12.5–18 kHz, but there is greater variability in the results
compared with CA [29]. The results of Rocha et al. were the most significant for the
40–49-year age group, and the exposed group showed significantly higher thresholds than
the control group at 14 and 16 kHz. The EG of individuals aged 30–39 years showed a
significantly higher threshold than CG only at 16 kHz [26]. According to Ma et al., the most
frequently affected frequencies for subjects aged 30–39 years are 14 and 16 kHz [23]. A
stepwise regression analysis showed that in 21–40-year-old workers, the effect of noise was
apparent with both CA and HFA, while in older people, the noise effect was only apparent
at frequencies of up to 6 kHz, and the impact of age was significantly higher at higher
frequencies [25]. Mehrparvar et al. stated that the most frequently affected frequencies
were 4 and 6 kHz for CA and 14 and 16 kHz for HFA [22]. They also found abnormal
hearing in 29% of participants exposed to workplace noise with CA, 69% with HFA, 22%
with low-frequency DPOAE and 52% with high-frequency DPOAE [22].
In another study comparing the EG and the CG, Mehrparvar et al. found that in the
EG, the highest hearing thresholds were observed at 4 kHz in the left ear, 6 kHz in the
right ear and 16 kHz when both ears were tested. The hearing threshold was significantly
higher at 16 kHz than at 4 kHz. There was no statistically significant difference between
the right and left ears in either group. Hearing loss was more common in males than
females, but the difference was not statistically significant [28]. Ma et al. found differences
in thresholds between the EG and the CG in all age categories [23]. Compared with the
CG, the mean threshold at frequencies of 0.25–20 kHz in the EG increased by 3.15 dB for
CA and by 7.8 dB, respectively, for HFA for the 20–29-year age group; by 2.4 and 9.9 dB,
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 4702 10 of 13
respectively, for the 30–39-year age group; by 3.8 and 8.2 dB, respectively, for the 40–49-
year age group; and by 10.8 and 16.9 dB, respectively, for the 50–59-year age group [23].
Additionally, Ma et al. found that the results for particular frequencies were more sensitive
to noise than other frequencies: 14 and 16 kHz for the 20–29-year age group, 11.2 and
12.5 kHz for the 40–49-year age group and 11.2 and 10 kHz for the 50–59-year age group.
Significant differences in HFA were also observed between the EG and the CG with normal
CA hearing thresholds. Seventy-five percent of pilots were shown to have hearing loss in
at least one ear and at least one frequency with CA; the corresponding proportion was 95%
with HFA [23].
Statistically significantly higher hearing thresholds in the EG than the CG were found
at all frequencies (9–18 kHz) for the 21–30-year age group and at frequencies of 9–14 kHz
for those aged 31–40 years old. On the other hand, in the 41–50-year age group, statistically
significantly higher hearing thresholds were found in the EG compared with the CG only
at 12.5 and 14 kHz, while no significant differences were found for the oldest workers aged
51–60 years old [25].
Antonioli et al. selected over 6000 articles for a retrospective and systematic review of
the use of HFA for the monitoring of hearing loss of those exposed to workplace noise [31].
Of these, only six articles met the criteria for the study, and the difference between exposed
and unexposed persons was seen mainly at 16 kHz, with a slightly smaller difference at
4 kHz. Antonioli et al. conducted a meta-analysis that clearly determined the hearing
threshold for each frequency (i.e., 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 14 and 16 kHz). They evaluated the mean,
standard deviation, median and 95% CI for the EG and the CG, but they did not take age
groups into account, and these differed among the studies. The authors are themselves
critical of these results and recommend the establishment of a uniform methodology for
HFA testing with regard to age groups, comorbidities, hearing loss, gender and both
occupational and leisure noise exposure. In terms of occupational exposure, information on
the use of personal protective equipment should be included. The meta-analysis suggests
that at 16 kHz, HFA is sensitive enough to identify early hearing loss in the CG. This is
true for 4 kHz as well, but the outcome is not as significant. Further studies are therefore
needed to validate the importance of using HFA to monitor early hearing loss in people
exposed to workplace noise [31].
Our review compared the use of HFA in populations exposed to workplace noise in
addition to comparing the EG and CG with regard to age categories, taking into account
both CA and HFA. We found significant differences in the study methodologies used
for HFA, mainly in terms of age group divisions. Some of the studies investigated did
not consider particular age groups and evaluated hearing thresholds in HFA for one
single group, regardless of the ages of the included individuals [18–20,22,28–31]. Previous
studies have confirmed that HFA detects deterioration in the hearing threshold with an
increasing age, increasing frequency and with noise exposure at younger ages compared
with CA. A cross-sectional study of 6451 individuals with a mean age of 59 ± 4 years
designed to be representative of the US population found a decrease in cognition with
every 10 dB reduction in hearing, which continued below the clinical threshold such that
subclinical levels of hearing impairment (below 25 dB) were significantly related to lower
cognition [4,31]. Therefore, CA studies aimed at finding people with hearing loss should
be extended to HFA studies with the same design.
3.3. Limitations
The limitations of this review article are as follows:
1. Only a few published studies have used HFA to determine hearing thresholds in an
unexposed population, and even fewer studies have compared cohorts exposed and
unexposed to workplace noise;
2. The different age groups considered in the existing studies have varying age ranges.
Some studies have reported hearing thresholds independently of age, even though
the hearing threshold worsens with age at each frequency;
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 4702 11 of 13
3. The standards for hearing loss classification and their corresponding audiometry
values have not yet been defined for frequencies other than 0.125–8 kHz.
Due to these restrictions, it was not possible to perform a meta-analysis of the data.
We could not compare the results of the individual studies with normative data. HFA needs
to be studied further, especially with regard to dependence on age and other variables.
4. Conclusions
Until recently, it was not straightforward to examine hearing thresholds with HFA.
HFA has made it into clinical practice mainly due to recent developments in the technology
and the construction of special headphones and specially adapted audiometers. Although
it can be used for the early detection of hearing loss, normative data (i.e., boundary values
that indicate an as-yet unimpaired hearing threshold) have not yet been established. The
effect of NIHL first became apparent through the use of HFA rather than CA. NIHL is a
risk factor that is easily preventable in working environments, and moreover, it is highly
underestimated as a risk factor in non-working environments in ordinary human life.
Among people unexposed to workplace noise, significantly higher hearing thresholds are
found with increasing age. The ability to detect sound is up to 18 kHz in those aged under
40 years, while it decreases to 14 kHz in the 40–49-year age group, and those above 50 years
are able to detect sound only up to 11.2 kHz. Significantly higher hearing thresholds in EG
compared with CG have been found in the 9–18 kHz range, especially at 16 kHz. Previous
studies have also found higher hearing thresholds at 10–16 kHz in respondents aged under
31 years who have used PLDs for longer than 5 years. It is obvious that PLD users in
younger age categories require more attention in terms of hearing loss detection, since
these age categories are more familiar with modern technologies, including different types
of PLDs.
The hearing threshold increases with increasing age, frequency and noise exposure,
and this is detectable earlier when HFA rather than CA is used.
A number of studies on HFA have been conducted, but each had a different design,
and so they cannot be reliably compared to other studies. A harmonized methodology
needs to be established that takes into account variables such as age (e.g., WHO age
categories), sex, comorbidities and noise exposure, as well as other socioeconomic and
psychosocial factors and the usage of PLDs. This is necessary given the broader objective
of earlier detection of hearing loss and compensation for this impairment. According to
this context and the development of modern technologies, HFA should be added into the
standard examination protocol for the early detection of hearing loss.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization of the study, M.Š.; data selection and extraction, M.Š.;
analysis, M.Š., E.M. and M.K.; writing—original draft preparation, M.Š., E.M. and M.K.; review and
editing, E.M. and M.K.; supervision M.Š., E.M. and M.K. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (No. TJ04000059:
“Quality of life improvement by early detection of hearing loss using high-frequency audiometry”).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The study materials and the details of all analyses are available from
the corresponding authors upon reasonable request.
Acknowledgments: The authors are grateful to the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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