Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Research: Towards Digital Transformation at A Global Scale
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Research: Towards Digital Transformation at A Global Scale
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Research: Towards Digital Transformation at A Global Scale
Artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping how we live, learn, Such a research agenda should oscilate around the following
and work. Until recently, AI used to be a fanciful concept, five defining issues (Fig. 1):
more closely associated with science fiction rather than with
anything else. However, driven by unprecedented advances (1) Integration of diverse data-warehouses to unified eco-
in sophisticated information and communication technol- systems of AI and ML value-based services
ogy (ICT), AI today is synonymous technological progress (2) Deployment of robust AI and ML processing capabili-
already attained and the one yet to come in all spheres of our ties for enhanced decision making and generation of
lives (Chui et al. 2018; Lytras et al. 2018, 2019). value our of data.
Considering that Machine Learning (ML) and AI are apt (3) Design of innovative novel AI and ML applications for
to reach unforeseen levels of accuracy and efficiency, this predictive and analytical capabilities
special issue sought to promote research on AI and ML seen (4) Design of sophisticated AI and ML-enabled intelli-
as functions of data-driven innovation and digital transfor- gence components with critical social impact
mation. The combination of expanding ICT-driven capabili- (5) Promotion of the Digital Transformation in all the
ties and capacities identifiable across our socio-economic aspects of human activity including business, health-
systems along with growing consumer expectations vis-a-vis care, government, commerce, social intelligence etc.
technology and its value-added for our societies, requires
multidisciplinary research and research agenda on AI and Such development will also have a critical impact on gov-
ML (Lytras et al. 2021; Visvizi et al. 2020; Chui et al. 2020). ernment, policies, regulations and initiatives aiming to inter-
pret the value of the AI-driven digital transformation to the
sustainable economic development of our planet. Addition-
* Akila Sarirete ally the disruptive character of AI and ML technology and
research will required further research on business models
Zain Balfagih and management of innovation capabilities.
This special issue is based on submissions invited from
Tayeb Brahimi the 17th Annual Learning and Technology Conference
2019 that was held at Effat University and open call jointly.
Miltiadis D. Lytras Several very good submissions were received. All of them
were subjected a rigorous peer review process specific
Anna Visvizi to the Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
Effat College of Engineering, Effat Energy and Technology A variety of innovative topics are included in the agenda
Research Center, Effat University, P.O. Box 34689, Jeddah, of the published papers in this special issue including top-
Saudi Arabia ics such as:
King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia
Effat College of Business, Effat University, P.O. Box 34689, • Stock market Prediction using Machine learning
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia • Detection of Apple Diseases and Pests based on Multi-
Institute of International Studies (ISM), SGH Warsaw School Model LSTM-based Convolutional Neural Networks
of Economics, Aleja Niepodległości 162, 02‑554 Warsaw, • ML for Searching
3320 A. Sarirete et al.
Level 5: AI-driven
Digital Transformaon
in all the aspects of
human acvity
• Machine Learning for Learning Automata Citizenship, Edutainment, Massive Open Online Courses,
• Entity recognition & Relation Extraction and many, many others. The conference has also attracted
• Intelligent Surveillance Systems key, prominent figures in the fields of sciences and technol-
• Activity Recognition and K-Means Clustering ogy such as Farouq El Baz from NASA, Queen Rania Al-
• Distributed Mobility Management Abdullah of Jordan, and many others who addressed large,
• Review Rating Prediction with Deep Learning eager-to-learn audiences and inspired many with unique
• Cybersecurity: Botnet detection with Deep learning stories.
• Self-Training methods While emerging innovations, such as Artificial Intelli-
• Neuro-Fuzzy Inference systems gence technologies, are seen today as promising instruments
• Fuzzy Controllers that could pave our way to the future, these were also the
• Monarch Butterfly Optimized Control with Robustness focal points around which fruitful discussions have always
Analysis taken place here at the L&T. The (AI) was selected for this
• GMM methods for speaker age and gender classification conference due to its great impact. The Saudi government
• Regression methods for Permeability Prediction of Petro- realized this impact of AI and already started actual steps to
leum Reservoirs invest in AI. It is stated in the Kingdome Vision 2030: "In
• Surface EMG Signal Classification technology, we will increase our investments in, and lead,
• Pattern Mining the digital economy." Dr. Ahmed Al Theneyan, Deputy Min-
• Human Activity Recognition in Smart Environments ister of Technology, Industry and Digital Capabilities, stated
• Teaching–Learning based Optimization Algorithm that: "The Government has invested around USD 3 billion
• Big Data Analytics in building the infrastructure so that the country is AI-ready
• Diagnosis based on Event-Driven Processing and and can become a leader in AI use." Vision 2030 programs
Machine Learning for Mobile Healthcare also promote innovation in technologies. Another great step
that our country made is establishing NEOM city (the model
Over a decade ago, Effat University envisioned a timely smart city).
platform that brings together educators, researchers and Effat University realized this ambition and started work-
tech enthusiasts under one roof and functions as a fount for ing to make it a reality by offering academic programs
creativity and innovation. It was a dream that such platform that support the different sectors needed in such projects.
bridges the existing gap and becomes a leading hub for For example, the master program in Energy Engineering
innovators across disciplines to share their knowledge and was launched four years ago to support the energy sec-
exchange novel ideas. It was in 2003 that this dream was tor. Also, the bachelor program of Computer Science has
realized and the first Learning & Technology Conference tracks in Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security which
was held. Up until today, the conference has covered a vari- was launched in Fall 2020 semester. Additionally, Energy
ety of cutting-edge themes such as Digital Literacy, Cyber & Technology and Smart Building Research Centers were
Artificial intelligence and machine learning research: towards digital transformation at… 3321
established to support innovation in the technology and Chui KT, Fung DCL, Lytras MD, Lam TM (2020) Predicting at-
energy sectors. In general, Effat University works effectively risk university students in a virtual learning environment via a
machine learning algorithm. Comput Human Behav 107:105584
in supporting the KSA to achieve its vision in this time of Lytras MD, Visvizi A, Daniela L, Sarirete A, De Pablos PO (2018)
national transformation by graduating skilled citizen in dif- Social networks research for sustainable smart education. Sustain-
ferent fields of technology. ability 10(9):2974
The guest editors would like to take this opportunity to Lytras MD, Visvizi A, Sarirete A (2019) Clustering smart city services:
perceptions, expectations, responses. Sustainability 11(6):1669
thank all the authors for the efforts they put in the prepara- Lytras MD, Visvizi A, Chopdar PK, Sarirete A, Alhalabi W (2021)
tion of their manuscripts and for their valuable contributions. Information management in smart cities: turning end users’ views
We wish to express our deepest gratitude to the referees, into multi-item scale development, validation, and policy-making
who provided instrumental and constructive feedback to the recommendations. Int J Inf Manag 56:102146
Visvizi A, Jussila J, Lytras MD, Ijäs M (2020) Tweeting and mining
authors. We also extend our sincere thanks and appreciation OECD-related microcontent in the post-truth era: A cloud-based
for the organizing team under the leadership of the Chair of app. Comput Human Behav 107:105958
L&T 2019 Conference Steering Committee, Dr. Haifa Jamal
Al-Lail, University President, for her support and dedication. Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to
jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
Our sincere thanks go to the Editor-in-Chief for his kind
help and support.
Chui KT, Lytras MD, Visvizi A (2018) Energy sustainability in smart
cities: artificial intelligence, smart monitoring, and optimization
of energy consumption. Energies 11(11):2869