IIPP Campus Near Miss and Accident Report
IIPP Campus Near Miss and Accident Report
IIPP Campus Near Miss and Accident Report
This form is designed to give as complete a picture as possible of the circumstances of the incident
and to ensure details have been recorded in an orderly fashion. The purpose of this investigation
is to find the root causes of the incident and to NOT assign blame or fault to any individual.
6.Employment category
Regular, full-time Regular, part-time Temporary Student
7. Time of Incident
A. _____a.m. _____p.m. B. Time within shift _________ C. Type of shift_________
This form is designed to give as complete a picture as possible of the circumstances of the incident
and to ensure details have been recorded in an orderly fashion. The purpose of this investigation
is to find the root causes of the incident and to NOT assign blame or fault to any individual.
Description of Event: What was employee doing just before and at the time of the incident?
This form is designed to give as complete a picture as possible of the circumstances of the incident
and to ensure details have been recorded in an orderly fashion. The purpose of this investigation
is to find the root causes of the incident and to NOT assign blame or fault to any individual.
15. Factors that contributed to near-miss – Please check all that apply
Additional Questions:
Where there any witness to the event? If so who and can they be contacted?
Where there established procedure for the work being done? YES NO
If Yes were they being complied with, How? If not complied with, Why?
Was there any medical/first aid given at the scene? If so what and by who?
Are you able to determine any root causes of why this incident occurred?
Or are there any additional comments?
Name of person completing this form: (Please Print, Sign and Date)