Grade-12 Theology

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San Beda University-Rizal Senior High School Scriptures and the Church.

In moral
theology we are imbibing this divine
THEOLOGY 4 wisdom, applying it to daily life, but also
challenging it with novel situations. We
BATCH REVIEWER want to understand more deeply the
universal laws written into the human
Prepared and Compiled by 12-STEM 4, St. Hugo constitution by God the Creator. Then,
by acting in accord with our given
nature, and God's will for us, we can fulfil
the purpose for which God created us.
THEOLOGY What are the sources for the study of
Moral Theology?
What is Moral Theology? As with Catholic theology in general,
moral theology is rooted in the sources of
“Christian ethics is that branch of Revelation (Scripture and Tradition) as
theology that studies human acts so as to interpreted by the Church’s Magisterium.
direct them to a loving vision of God But because moral theology applies the
seen as our true happiness and final end. principles flowing from Revelation to
This vision is attained by means of grace, many practical areas of life, in its
the virtues and the gifts, in the light of application it must draw upon various
revelation and reason.” This is the human sciences (medicine, psychology,
definition of Servais Pinckaers O.P., philosophy, economics etc.)
rooted in the tradition of St Thomas
Other definitions speak of “the moral law,
its imperatives and obligations”, or “The dignity of the human person is
“human acts as conformed to duty” or rooted in his or her creation in the image
“how Christian faith should shape and likeness of God. Endowed with a
Christian life” as central in Christian spiritual and immortal soul, intelligence
ethics. What advantages has Pinckaers’ and free will, the human person is
definition over these others? ordered to God and called in soul and in
body to eternal beatitude.” CCC 1699-
Moral theology is not merely philosophy 1715
or philosophical ethics. It differs from the
moral writings of the great philosophers – I. CREATION
Aristotle, Plato, Kant, Kierkegaard, etc., in In Genesis 1:26 in the Old Testament,
that it starts from and continually after ordering the chaos and bringing
dialogues with Revelation. It is not merely forth the vegetation, fish, birds and
man working out how he should live his animals, God resolves to create a being
life: What sort of a being is the human different from all of these:
person? What ought I to do? What can I
hope for? It includes this, but it is based "Let us make man in our image, after our
upon God's answers to man's questions. likeness; and let them have dominion
God Himself has revealed to us certain over the fish of the sea, and over the
fundamental values, aims and laws birds of the air, and over the cattle, and
through the life of Christ, through the
over all the earth. So God created man In this sense, Christianity is a very
in his own image, in the image of God he materialistic, body-oriented religion,
created him; male and female he compared to the eastern religions where
created them. And God blessed them the physical world is but illusion. The
and said: Be fruitful and multiply, and fill Incarnation and bodily Resurrection of
the earth and subdue it; and have the Word brings home to us the fact that
dominion over the fish of the sea and God plans to redeem our bodies as well
over the birds of the air and over every as our souls.
living thing that moves upon the face of "Every human being is therefore
the earth." intrinsically valuable, surpassing in dignity
the entire material universe, a being to
This text gives us some fundamental be revered and respected from the very
orientations for moral theology. Man is beginning of its existence." (W.E.May,
different from the animals. He is given p.23) It follows that a human being
stewardship of the earth. He is created in cannot therefore be treated as an
two modalities, two sexes, male and object of use, or merely as a means to an
female: both are in God's image, and end. The only adequate response to the
they are complementary to one immense value of each human being, is
another. that of love.

Man's likeness to God is rooted in his 2. Secondly, there is a dignity which man
spiritual nature. Unlike the animals, he is can acquire as he grows: the dignity of
an immortal spirit capable of knowing intelligent and free persons who freely
and loving his Creator. choose to shape their lives and actions in
accord with the truth. Vatican II teaches
Human beings enjoy a twofold dignity: that: "The highest norm of human life is
1. Firstly, we have an intrinsic dignity as divine law - eternal objective and
human beings, made in the image and universal - whereby God orders, directs
likeness of God. Alone of all creation, and governs the entire universe, and all
and different from the animal kingdom, the ways of the human community
we have the capacity to know according to a plan conceived in
wisdom and love." (DH 3) As man lives
God and to share the immortal divine life. according to the divine truth, he grows in
This dignity is made even more evident stature and dignity.
by the fact of the Incarnation. God
could not become incarnate in a cow or II. HUMAN FREEDOM
an ape, because they are not capable Freedom exists on various levels. In
of being inwardly divinized. But man is, physical terms it means freedom from
and when Christ rose from the dead and coercion and constraint, such as the wild
ascended into heaven, it was our human animals enjoy, "Born free." In social terms
nature that he took into the Godhead, so it means the absence of social demands
to speak. At the resurrection of the body and restrictions, thus the freedom to do
on the Last Day, our human flesh will as one pleases. Inevitably life in family or
somehow be reconstituted, glorified, to community demands some sacrifice of
share with our souls in beatitude. this freedom in order to accommodate
the needs of others.
Personal freedom concerns the inner habits, prejudices, psychic compulsions,
man: his ability to shape his own life, free obsessions and the like. Then we can
from psychological determinisms and think about freedom from undue
limiting phobias. pressures from others: like useless
regulations, bad example, threats, unjust
It is a freedom to love the good, to be at social structures and so on." (Lobo,
peace, to shape one's own life in p.318). Inner freedom is the most basic,
accordance with truth. but it usually requires some degree of
external freedom in order to realize it.
Since the days of the French Revolution
(1789), "Liberté, égalité, fraternité" has Freedom from is not an end in itself. It
been the cry of our age. The cry was for leads on to freedom for: freedom for the
freedom from the oppression and good, the true and the beautiful, for the
inequality of the Ancien Régime, but the love of God and the service of others.
result was terrible bloodshed, Freedom must be in the truth and for the
dictatorship and the Terror. truth, not freedom from the truth.

The cry of peoples for political freedom, "You will know the truth, and the truth
for independence and self- shall set you free" said Jesus. "If the Son
determination, has been one of the shall make you free, you shall be free
hallmarks of our age: the Czechs from indeed." Jesus is the example of the
Habsburg Vienna, Indians from London, supremely free man, untouched
the South African blacks from apartheid,
Balts from Moscow, Kosovans from by external pressures. He is able to break
Belgrade, East Timorese from Indonesia. down all the communication barriers. He
But what to do once freedom has been is not afraid to associate with the
achieved? How to organize a State that unclean, to touch the lepers, to
is just and benevolent? That is often more command the forces of nature, to take
difficult than the independence struggle. authority over the devils. He does not
The use and preservation of freedom mince his words to the mighty of the
may prove more problematic than land, nor does he dilute truth to curry
obtaining it. favor with his listeners. He is deeply
compassionate to sinners, yet his
The right to religious and personal compassion is not soft but always
freedom was recognized in the Vatican challenges us to reform.
II document Dignitatis Humanae, and in
such texts as the U.N. Declaration on Christian freedom is first and foremost the
Human Rights (1948). However to every liberation from sin and evil: the freedom
right there is a corresponding duty. The which reconciliation with God brings, to
right to freedom entails the duty to use live in grace and share God's life. This
our freedom responsibly, the duty to seek brings in its train the liberation from
the truth, and the duty to ensure the poverty, oppression and disease, from
proper freedom of others. many physical and social evils, as human
beings in new-found solidarity work to
Freedom is a gift, but it is also a task. We construct the Kingdom of God.
need "freedom from our own inauthentic
selves: inner liberation from ignorance, The freedom to sin is an illusory freedom,
fears, anxieties, evil inclinations, bad because it diminishes our freedom for the
future. The man who mutilates himself by make for yourself a graven image, or any
severing his own fingers, deprives himself likeness of anything that is in heaven
of many abilities in the future: he will above, or that is in the earth beneath;
never be able to hold certain tools, grasp you shall not bow down to them or serve
things, play many musical instruments them.' (Ex. 20:2-5)
etc. What sane man would do such a
thing? Yet similarly, whoever mutilates his The First Commandment instructs us to
own personality by miserliness, for love God above all created persons and
example, robs himself of much friendship things, and with all dimensions of our
and joy - the joy of generously helping being. Of course, love cannot be
others in need and experiencing their commanded. It is an invitation. This is a
gratitude, the sense of having merciful ordinance, enjoined upon us by
completed worthwhile acts of charity in our Creator. Only He can fully satisfy the
the world, the satisfaction of the divine yearnings of the human heart for a love
blessing. which never fails. There is a "God-shaped
hole" inside each one of us. Some
The choice of evil itself limits our future attempt to fill up that inner longing with
freedom. Human relationships become pleasures and entertainments, drugs or
constrained, we lose our inner peace. possessions, fame or power. We may
Think of the liar, who has told so many anaesthetize the pain of being human
different versions of events to different by denial of the truth, but we shall not
people that he is constantly trying to find satisfaction.
worm out of tricky situations or the
adulterer, anxious lest word of his The Creator made us in his own "image
misdeeds gets back to his wife, should and likeness", to be with the Holy Trinity
some past mistresses choose to take her for evermore. Only if we love Him and
revenge. grow to be like Him, can we share His
perfect fulfilment and joy for all eternity.
The criminal can never fully trust his We must not expect God to change to
underworld collaborators, because they suit our tastes.
may kill him for the booty, or turn informer
to the police. In each case, the The First Commandment is to love God
wrongdoer’s freedom of operation is above all created things. Because He is
severely limited. And can they sleep infinite and almighty, and gave us life
easily at night? itself, He is entitled to claim first place in
our lives, in a way no lover or political
messiah ever can. In an analogy to the
DECALOGUE solar system, He is the sun, we are but
(1st-3rd Commandments) planets, and if we allow our lives to
revolve around Him we shall find our true
purpose. In contrast, the unconverted
person either behaves as if he himself
were the sun and expects everybody
else to revolve around him; alternatively,
'I am the Lord your God, who brought
he idolizes his girlfriend or career or
you out of the land of Egypt, out of the
money, and goes into orbit like a moon
house of bondage. You shall have no
around them as planet.
other gods before me. You shall not
The First Commandment helps to liberate against, just as Muslims would protest if
us from all idolatries and all lesser gods. It the name of Allah were used as a swear
commands us to fix our hearts where word.
they will not be disappointed and frees
us from worshipping all that cannot To say "Oh, God!" as a prayer at a time of
satisfy. shock or danger is justifiable. But to keep
saying "Oh, God!" casually is venially
THE SECOND COMMANDMENT (CCC sinful, and gives bad example. We should
2142-67) only invoke God in prayer, blessing or
'You shall not take the name of the Lord adoration, not as a casual exclamation.
your God in vain.' (Exod. 20:7.) Perhaps this was why an older
generation favoured "By Jove!" and "Eee,
The Jews did not and still do not by gum!"
pronounce the sacred name God
revealed to Moses, the tetragrammaton
(four letters) YHWH. Some of them were THE THIRD COMMANDMENT (CCC 2168-
scandalized at the Jerusalem Bible's free 95)
use of this as Yahweh. In an strictly 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it
orthodox synagogue, Gentiles may not holy.
even be allowed to look at the scrolls on Six days you shall labour, and do all your
which the sacred name is written. It is work;
never pronounced. The reader will but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the
always substitute Adonai (my lord) or Lord your God;
Elohim (god pl.) for the name of God. The in it you shall not do any work.' (Ex. 20:8-
Jews were used to circumlocutions like El- 10)
Shaddai (the Almighty) or El-Elyon (the
Most High) out of reverence for the "Sunday is the day of the Resurrection, it
sacred name. is the day of Christians, it is our day,"
The pronunciation of YHWH is uncertain. wrote St Jerome. "It is Easter which returns
In Jesus' time, only the Jewish High Priest week by week, celebrating Christ's
uttered the Sacred Name, on one or two victory over sin and death, the fulfilment
occasions per year in Temple worship. It in Him of the first creation, and the dawn
was passed down in the oral tradition of of the 'new creation'. It is domingo (Sp.),
the priestly and scribal circles, and is now domenica (It.), κυριακη (kyriake, Gk.) -
lost. the Lord's day. In Russian it is
воскресенье (voskresenye), literally
In the New Testament the most sacred "resurrection". And in Polish, niedziela, "no
name is Jesus, Yeshua or Yehoshua, work"
which means "Yahweh saves" - since He
is the one who is to save his people from In Hebrew the verb shabbat means "to
their sins, as Gabriel said at the rest." The Saturday Sabbath begins at
Annunciation. Few habits are more sunset on Friday. In the main Jerusalem
objectionable than using the Holy Name market you can watch the Hasidic rabbis
as a casual swear word. This is blasphemy come round to make sure the stallholders
in the strict sense, much worse than bad have ceased trading and have
language which involves the crude everything packed away before the
sexual terms. It is something which Sabbath begins. They don't mince their
Christians should constantly protest
words with any who are slow about and rearing them in the love of God and
closing . . . their neighbour. To be human was, until
recently, to have been begotten by man
The Jewish Sabbath marks the seventh and woman. Even now, someone has still
day when God "rested" (Gen.2:2) from his to supply the gametes!
work of creation, to contemplate joyfully The whole of Catholic sexual ethics has
its beauty. "God blessed the seventh day this purpose: to strengthen and protect
and made it holy,” thus endowing time family life and love, to build relationships
itself with a kind of "sacred architecture." which are permanent, stable and loving,
The Sabbath interrupts the often and which afford human happiness and
oppressive rhythm of work and expresses fulfilment according to God's will for us.
the dependence of man and the
cosmos upon God. The seventh day The Family in God's Plan
consecrated to God is a constant The Bible begins with the creation of
reminder to man that the universe and Adam and Eve for one another, and the
history belong not to him, but to his command: Go forth and multiply. It ends
Maker. Unless man remembers this, he with the wedding feast of the lamb. The
cannot properly serve in the world as a marriage theme runs consistently
co-worker with the Creator. through the entire Scripture.

We know from the Gospels that Jewish CCC 2201 points out that "the consent of
Sabbath regulations were detailed and the spouses" is the bedrock of marriage
onerous. Orthodox Judaism today and family life. It lists two purposes: "the
continues the tradition derived from the good of the spouses and the procreation
Pharisees: no use of motor vehicles or and education of children." Notice that
electricity switches, no carrying things the family comes prior to any State or
from house to house, unless the entire public body. The family enjoys God-
area is fenced in by wire as a single given rights, which the State must
dwelling. respect, does not bestow and cannot
The Christian family is "the domestic
(4th – 10th Commandments) Church", ecclesiola domestica (CCC
2204). The father is called to exercise a
FAMILY AND SEXUAL ETHICS priestly role for the benefit of his wife and
The family is the "original cell of social life" children. He has spiritual responsibility for
(CCC 2207). The authority, stability and the welfare of their souls. CCC 2205 calls
relationships formed within the family, for daily family prayer and meditation on
give a young person the foundations for the Scriptures. The crisis in the Church
"freedom, security and fraternity" within today is not fundamentally a crisis of
society. "Family life is an initiation into vocations to the priesthood: it is a crisis of
society." Catholic family life.
When family life is healthy, the whole of
society is likely to be healthy. But when The essential qualities of Christian
family life is sick, that disease slowly marriage
affects the entire society and the According to Augustine God instituted
Church. The family is the natural unit or marriage for three reasons: proles, fides,
cell for bringing children into the world, sacramentum i.e. the good of offspring,
the blessing of mutual fidelity and love, relationships in family bonds – of love
and indissolubility following from its and of blood. There is an old saying:
sacred symbolism, signifying the union of 'You choose your own friends, but God
Christ with his Church. Natural marriage gives you your family. Our families
enjoys the first two goods, but only challenge us to love in a more Christ-like
Christian marriage has the third, and is way than do our friends, selected to suit
raised to a new degree of excellence by ourselves.
It is not good for man to be alone. Man
Trent listed three reasons for marriage; was made for community – family,
firstly, the association and friends, social groups. Even the hermit
companionship, mutual help in facing monk is spiritually bonded to humanity
the trials of life and old age; secondly the by his intercessory prayers. Man and
purpose of procreation, to raise up woman were made in the image of
children, especially in the true faith; God, the image of the Trinity, the Divine
thirdly, as a remedium concupiscentiae, Community. In the mystery of the
a remedy for concupiscence which Godhead, the love of the Father and
allows one to avoid sins of lust. the Son is so powerful that it is a Third
Divine Person, the Holy Spirit "who
In Casti Connubii (1930) Pius XI went proceeds from the Father and the Son."
further. He included conjugal love as
part of the good of fidelity. This love must "The primordial model of the family is to
go beyond mutual help and have as its be sought in God Himself, in the
primary purpose that the spouses help Trinitarian mystery of His life. . . The divine
each other grow in virtue and holiness. We is the eternal pattern of the human
He did not see marriage as incidental "we". (JPII, Letter to Families)
only to offspring, but implied that
Christian marriage is in itself a vocation In Matrimony, the cooperation of
and way of holiness. husband and wife in the creation of new
life mirrors in a dim way the fruitful Divine
Vatican II in GS 47-52 presented an Love. Marriage is a covenant in which
integrated view of marriage and family. man and woman "give themselves to
They are a "community of love." each other and accept each other."
Conjugal love "is uniquely expressed They form a communion of life and love,
and perfected through the marital act." and by their loving can bring into
The fruitfulness of marriage is the existence a third person, their child. As
fulfilment of this act. 'two become one flesh' in sexual union,
by God's gift a new human being of
The Nature and Purpose of Sexuality: infinite value can come into being. That
CCC 2331-36 child will continue to live for all eternity. In
To be human is to exist either as male sexual union, therefore, man and
or as female. We are sexual beings by woman become co-creators with God
nature, existing in one of these two of a new human life. He infuses an
modes. Sexuality urges us out of isolation immortal soul into that which is
into the company of others. We find conceived. The child bears
others attractive; we look for a suitable characteristics of both its father and its
and trusted companion. Most of the mother. A child is the greatest gift a
human race finds their closest couple can give to one another, and
one of God's greatest gifts to them both. "mistakes", but God does not. "At the
"The children . . . should consolidate that moment of conception itself, man is
[marriage] covenant, enriching and already destined to eternity in God" (JP II
deepening the conjugal communion of ibid.)
the father and mother." The family is the
first human society, as we have already Parents desire to have children to start
noted. or to expand their family. But, like God,
they should also will the child for its own
It follows from this that sexual sake. A child is a gift from God, not a
intercourse is a most sacred and precious possession of the parents. Every child is
act, worthy of immense reverence. In its one for whose redemption Christ shed his
potential to call into existence a new blood on the Cross. “A soul is worth a
human person, destined to live for ever, world.” A child is only on loan for
it is an act which flows towards the shores eighteen years to his/her parents: then
of eternity. Every one of us originates s/he must make his/her own way in the
from such a union of our father and world.
mother. One commentator noted that
when God wants to breathe new life into The Vocation to Chastity:
the world or into the Church, He does not The primary virtue of Jesus' teaching
start by forming committees. Instead, He was charity. After charity it was chastity
sends the Holy Spirit and puts a generous which most sharply distinguished the
love into the hearts of His sons and early Christians from their heathen
daughters, a love that bears fruit in neighbors. Open any tabloid newspaper
offspring. Every baby is a sign of hope for to see that the modern world is obsessed
the future of the world, and of God's by sex and its abuses. One thinker wrote:
confidence in mankind. Either a society keeps control of sex, or
sex will take control of that society. If you
Every new child brings into the world a want proof of that, look around you.
particular and unrepeatable "image and
likeness" of God Himself. Therefore, God The Church too is often accused of
is present in human fatherhood and being obsessed with sexual sin. In fact,
motherhood in a very special way, as the many pulpits have been remarkably
source of this "image and likeness of silent on the subject for years. On the
Himself." This exists primarily in the occasions when the Vatican produces a
immortal soul, secondarily in the genetic document, with say 120 paragraphs of
constitution. Begetting is a continuation theology, psychology and pastoral
of the great act of creation. For this reflection, the Press reduce it to a banner
reason it should take place only in the headline: 'Pope slams the Pill', or 'Pope
graced environment of the Sacrament condemns gays'. By carefully ignoring
of Matrimony. the other 119 paragraphs, the secular
media give the impression that the
Man is "the only creature on earth Church is uncaring and condemnatory.
whom God willed for his own sake." Every That is why it is important to read
person who exists has been willed to exist documents like Familiaris Consortio in
by God. You may have seen the car their full original version, not by quotation
sticker: "Drive carefully, most people are alone.
caused by accidents." Amusing, but in
fact totally untrue. We may make Dating: How Far Can We Go?
This is a common question from Sex is a body language. Other human
teenagers. In fact the question itself gestures also express different levels of
shows a wrong attitude - a type of intimacy – the formal handshake, the
casuistry: what can we do without hug, the slap on the back, the
sinning seriously? A full-hearted following continental kiss on both cheeks. For
of Christ means that we ask: Lord, what example, imagine I have spent an hour
sort of person do you wish me to be? To telling you how much I hate my cousin
be true disciples of Christ we must when he suddenly walks into the room. If
behave chastely. I stand up, throw my arms around him
and embrace him warmly, you will rightly
One's actions should be directed by a regard me as a two-faced hypocrite. My
pure heart, not by secret lust. The inner attitude and my gestures of
question itself is often symptomatic of a greeting (my body language) do not
mindset which is manipulative: how far correspond. The same is true of kisses and
can we exploit the pleasures of each caresses – they are a lie if the friendship is
other's bodies without committing sin? not deep. Perhaps they are engaging in
The attitude is already unchaste. mutual pleasure-seeking, an égoisme à
deux with zero commitment. In that case
The question is better phrased as: what the couple are doing each other a
gestures of affection are appropriate for disservice.
dating or courting couples? It is difficult
to give exact guidelines. Members of a In a genuine friendship, if the erotic
much older generation were told that to component is allowed to roar out of
kiss for longer than three seconds was a control, the couple will feel passionately
mortal sin! Whether one was allowed to attracted to one another by physical
resume within a minute or an hour I am desire. This may blot out other ways of
not sure. It sounds rather like the parking growing to know and respect one
restriction signs. another. It substitutes erotic passion for
genuine friendship. Couples who
The important point is that those who prematurely engage in intercourse have
are dating should behave in such a way then compromised their ability to make
as not to provoke sexual arousal of the an objective judgement as to whether
other. That is because sexual passions they are truly suited as lifelong partners.
once aroused have their own inner Often they move in to live together, using
dynamic towards intercourse. There are contraceptives and delaying marriage
actually changes in brain chemistry to some later date.
which diminish the influence of the
rational will, when the male is aroused. RESPECT FOR HUMAN LIFE AND HEALTH
Human life is the is the greatest mystery
Signs of affection should reflect the true for all human science because we know
level of the relationship – holding hands, God in an incomplete manner
dancing, the lighter forms of kissing. only. Human life is a “spark” of God’s
Those touches which lead to arousal of nature.
either sex – close body contact, fondling
the breasts, petting the genitals, FIFTH COMMANDMENT
passionate kissing, oral-genital contact – 'You shall not kill.' (Exod. 20:13)
should be left to within marriage.
The right to human life is the most our physical and mental health, and to
fundamental human right. It is the pre- restore injured health if possible in a
requisite for all other rights. Unless it is responsible way. (CCC 2288-90) We must
scrupulously guarded by society, each one day render account to God
nobody is safe, and all other human for the way in which we have treated our
rights are in jeopardy. Totalitarian bodies and minds and those of others.
regimes control their subjects by means
of the secret police knocking at the door Suffering And Death (CCC 1006-
at 3 am. 1014,1020,1681-1683,2299)
People advocate euthanasia often
Christian ethics promotes a culture of because they can see no purpose in
life, and opposes a "culture of death". suffering. To them it is irredeemable and
Life is a divine gift and must be respected pointless. As Christians know that
as such. Sadly the loss of the sense of the suffering can be horrible. It is a most
Fatherhood of God brings in its train the Christian duty to reduce pain where
trampling-down of the universal possible. Nevertheless we also believe
brotherhood of man. One ought to not that suffering can in a mysterious way be
annihilate life, but to protect it. One redemptive. This is the message of
should not manipulate life, but enhance Calvary. Jesus did much by his teaching
it. One must not damage life, but and healing, but He accomplished most
improve it. of all by dying on the Cross.
The incurable sick teach us that we
Nevertheless biological human life is not need to care. They remind us of the most
the ultimate value. It is a fundamental basic things in life, and give us the
good, an immense good, but it is not the chance to gain our salvation, by 'faith,
only good, nor is it an absolute good fruitful in good works'. Sickness
because man is a being-for-eternity. By challenges the community to unite and
martyrdom and self-sacrifice in some show love.
noble cause, men bear witness to the
fact that there exist values greater than A society which worships health and
physical life itself: love, truth, faith, justice. strength, youth and power, is often
Many in history have chosen to die unwilling to be reminded of suffering and
fighting, rather than endure defeat, his death. It would like to get rid of the
honour or slavery. Everybody at some problem, cleanly and clinically. In doing
point must face death. What does it so it deprives itself of experiencing one of
profit a Christian who renounces his faith the most meaningful parts of life. The
under persecution in order to save his life, dying sometimes seem able to focus a
but loses his very soul by his apostasy? 'stream of grace' towards those around
Therefore we speak of human life as a them. You yourselves may remember the
penultimate, not the ultimate, reality. things that a dying patient has said to
you, and how it is a privilege to be with
When we speak of the sanctity of them at that time.
human life, therefore, we speak of it in
this context, as a gift from God. Man is The euthanasiast view sees none of this.
the steward of his bodily life and health, It sees human life as only pleasure and
not the owner. We do not have total pain. Pleasure is to be maximized and
dominion over our own lives or even our pain avoided.
own bodies. We are obliged to care for
Deep in our Catholic tradition is the significance of suffering, and how to help
concept of the bona mors, the good the dying to die.
death, the holy death, the summit and
crown of a good life, prepared for RESPECT FOR PROPERTY AND SOCIAL
throughout life. Our society, however, JUSTICE
cannot see the sense in death. Its hope INTRODUCTION
of eternal life is weak. It wants not the The Seventh and the Tenth
bona mors (the good death) but the Commandments both deal with
bella mors (the nice death), rapid, easy commands about property. Both
and gentle on the survivors. So death Commandments command us to give to
comes to be closeted away, clinical and all men what belongs to them and to
painless. respect their property and belongings.

But the society which sees no meaning The Basic Elements of Catholic Social
in death risks depriving people of their Teaching
own deaths. Christianity sees death as 1. SOLIDARITY (Sollecitudo Rei
part of life. Secularism sees death as Socialis, [Pope John Paul II,
something coming after we have lived: 1988] 39; Christian Freedom
we die after our lives have ended, rather and Liberation (C.D.F.(1986)
than experiencing death as a part of life. 89-91).

The taboo and conspiracy about death Solidarity indicates a link and a
risks depriving people of their own reciprocal obligation between the
deaths. The sick person is not told, but individual and society. Man with his
suspects he/she is dying. The family know brothers is obliged to contribute to the
but do not want to upset the sick person, common good of society at all its levels.
and are too embarrassed to talk about it. This duty of solidarity flows from the
The patient would like to ask, but is afraid dignity of each individual, created in
of upsetting the family. Atthis very time God's image, and his consequent rights
when they need to face death together, and duties. No man is an island. Man
when they could so much support each grows and develops in relation to others,
other, they are divided by untruth. A and he in his turn must show solidarity
wonderful opportunity is lost. with others.
The principle of solidarity is opposed to
From the point of view of those caring all forms of individualism which denies
for the sick, I want to uphold the right of man's social nature, and would see in
the patient to be informed – provided society only a utilitarian grouping which
he/she is in a frame of mind which can balances mechanically the interests of
cope with it. We have a right to know we individuals. 'There is no such thing as
are dying. We need time to prepare to society' is a statement which typifies the
meet God, and to settle outstanding individualist ethos. The principle of
relationships, etc., here on earth. solidarity also denies the tenets of
collectivism (e.g. Marxism) which strips
So while the moral arguments turn on man of his personal dignity and reduces
the issue of when the omission of a him to a mere object of social and
particular treatment is morally right or economic processes.
wrong, we need a full appreciation of
the Christian mystery to see the
2. THE COMMON GOOD ( Pacem in good of an earthly organisation must
Terris, [Pope John XXIII, 1963] 53-59). give way to supernatural goods. 'The
supernatural salvation of a single
The common good of a State, or of all individual is more precious than the
humanity, consists in the complex of natural good of the whole universe', St.
institutions and conditions which permit Thomas Aquinas (I-II 112,9).
the individual and smaller social units to
attain their divinely ordered purposes, In the ultimate analysis, the purpose of
collaborating in an ordered manner. We society is to perfect the human
should act for the common good, not personality. Human society is for man,
according to selfish individualism. The not man for society. Persons are the
common good usually takes priority over active and responsible subj ects of social
personal interests. life. Society has a divinely willed function,
but only man is willed by God as an end
One can illustrate this by comparing the in himself.
State or society to an organism, such as
an olive tree. The individual cells die and 3. The Principle of SUBSIDIARITY
are continually replaced by new ones~
but the organism as a whole lives on. Pope Pius XI gave the classical
Moreover, the parts of the tree, its leaves definition in 1931:
and roots – are not isolated parts. They Just as it is wrong to withdraw from the
come together to form a whole, greater individual and commit to a group what
than the sum of the parts. Leaves and private enterprise and industry can
roots serve the whole. Similarly, the accomplish, so too it is an injustice, a
individuals in society are not isolated grave evil and a disturbance of right
units but form a spiritual and ethical unity. order, for a larger and higher association
They should serve the whole. to arrogate to itself functions which can
be performed efficiently by smaller and
Organisms do not let their individual lower societies. This is a fundamental
members perish but feed and protect principle of social philosophy, unshaken
them. Only in extreme necessity is one and unchangeable. Of its very nature
sacrificed to save the whole. Society too the true aim of all society shouId be to
should not desert or abandon its help members of the social body, but
members but nourish and care for them. never to destroy or absorb them.
(Quadragesimo Anno, 79)
On the other hand, the individual does
have certain inalienable rights which Families, local associations and
society can never override. The dignity of professional bodies should be allowed to
the person must be protected against all fulfil their natural roles and not have their
forms of totalitarianism. Man is never functions taken over by the State. The
merely a member of a State or principle of subsidiarity emphasises
company. The common good prevails personal autonomy. It protects the
over the individual good only so far as a individual and small group from being
man has obligations towards a certain taken over by larger organisms. It
social organism i.e. insofar as he is a opposes State-centralising tendencies.
member of it, an employee in a factory, Higher social entities (e.g. the State)
a citizen in a town, a subscriber to an should intervene in the affairs of smaller
association. In particular, the common bodies only when help is needed, or for
largescale tasks which only a larger liberty are dangerously at risk, a man
organisation can tackle. The State has may take the food, clothing or fuel he
the right to intervene in family affairs only and his family desperately need,
when parents are seriously neglecting or provided there is no other way.
are incapable of their duties (cf.
Gaudium et Spes, 86, Gravissimum St. Basil (4th century) had some straight
Educationis, 3). See also Mater et talking for the rich landowners of his day.
Magistra 117 & 152 (Pope John XXIII, He accused them of keeping for
1961). themselves what was intended for the
common good. God is not unjust, he
The Question Of Private Property (CCC continued. He has made them rich so
2402-2406) that they may help the poor, and receive
from God the reward of benevolence.
Let us now turn to two practical But to fail in this is robbery, even murder.
problems in the area of social morality.
the first of these is the idea of private St Ambrose likewise warned the rich to
property. Consider this story. A aid the needy: 'You are not making a gift
Benedictine priest was working in a poor of your possessions to the poor person.
village mission in South America. Most of You are handing over to him what is his.
his parishioners had very little land. They For what has been given in common for
often went hungry, suffering malnutrition the use of all? you have arrogated to
and starvation. One day a wealthy yourself. The world is given to all, not only
landowner who had large herds of cattle to the rich'. (Quoted by Pope Paul VI in
nearby came up to him angrily to PopuIorum Progressio, 23 (1967))
complain. He'd had one of his cows
stolen and killed for food. He suspected Hence we are stewards, not possessors.
one of the village families. 'Well,' said the of this world's goods. Ownership is always
priest, 'they probably had nothing else to conditional, never absolute. The right to
eat, and were starving. You've got own property is a secondary right. It is
thousands, and you wouldn't miss just secondary to the right to life and the
one.' 'I thought the commandments said basic needs of others. Our possessions,
'Thou shalt not steal'' retorted the rich talents and time are all given to us for the
man, 'but there you go, justifying theft!' building of God's Kingdom. They are not
And he marched off in a fury, absolutely ours. Ultimately they are
threatening to call in the military police, God's. One day we shall be judged on
convinced the priest was a communist how we have used them.
subversive. Marxists ought to consider that
common ownership has been practised
On that reckoning the Church Fathers, longest not under their godless regimes,
like SS. Basil, Ambrose, John Chrysostom but in Catholic monasteries and religious
and Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, orders - a voluntary religious communism,
Pope Paul VI and many others would flowing from Christian charity, not Soviet
rank as card-carrying communists. diktat.

‘If a person is in extreme necessity, he This does not mean, however, that we
has the right to take from the riches of follow Marxist theory and abolish private
others what he himself needs’ (Vatican II, property. This causes more problems
Gaudium et Spes, 69). If life, health or than it solves. Private property is in
accord with natural and divine law. It is 'Hands off, it's mine!' Laws are often
the normal method by which the world's made by the rich to protect their
goods are shared out. The Church has property, at the expense of the poor. Not
vigorously defended the individual's right so long ago, Englishmen were hanged
to own private property against Marxist for sheepstealing or transported for
and Socialist schemes for its confiscation. stealing loaves of bread, even if their
It may well be that in the Garden of families were starving. Even today,
Eden, before the Fall, there was no need modern English law enshrines a weird set
for private property – everything was of priorities. Murder a baby in its mother's
equally shared. Sadly, in this world, womb: nothing can be done. Corrupt a
private property is necessary for various couple's children with explicit 'sex
reasons. If everything were held in education' in some council boroughs:
common, things would be misused or left they have no redress. Seduce a man's
damaged. Quarrels over use would be wife and wreck his marriage: perfectly
frequent. Some people don't work unless legal. But steal £10 from a man's wallet,
they have to, and many work better if and you will soon find yourself before the
they have a direct share in the fruits of magistrates. Property is protected. Life,
their labour. morality and family are not.

The right to own some private property Governments which distribute wealth
is essential for human freedom. It unfairly undermine their own authority. By
guarantees man a personal sphere of disobeying God, they reduce their claim
action and independence, in which to upon the obedience of their citizens.
develop, grow, care for a family and Aquinas noted that a bad or immoral law
exercise his divinely-given stewardship is an act of violence. Grossly unjust
and responsibility. Remove this right and governments are no better than
man is left naked before the forces of the brigands or pirates (cf. St. Augustine, City
all-possessing totalitarian state. It gives Of God IV, 4 ) .
rise to lively economic exchange.
Labour Over Capital (CCC 2426-2436)
Providence has divided the riches of
nature unequally among the peoples in Now let us move on to another area of
order to encourage the formation of social concern: the question of human
bonds of love between peoples of work and money. Consider these three
different countries and races. Merchants pictures:
should not be ambassadors of greed but
of understanding between peoples. The - One world: City boardrooms and
institution of private property offers man stockbrokers' offices, champagne bars
the chance of giving unselfishly to others. and fat cigars; bowler-hatted gents in
For if everything belongs to everyone, pin-striped suits, carrying the Financial
none could practise almsgiving or Times and crowding the Tube trains.
lending. State handouts are cold and Millions of pounds to be made or lost in a
impersonal in comparison to personal morning's dealing.
- Another world: the deafening noise of
Our usual English error is to regard ring frames spinning in the mill. Oil and
property rights as absolute. We forget the grease, fluff in the air; bales hoisted up
social responsibility inherent in ownership. from lorries; feeding armfuls of fibre into
the card; piecing up and doffing and may sell his labour for wages. He
pushing the full spindles along in little becomes an employee. He works with
trucks; the brew-up every two hours and another's capital and materials. The
the Thursday wage-packet. owner of capital makes a profit on the
sale of the finished product.
- A third world: the DHSS queue, the
Jobcentre interview, the fortnightly Giro But 'Capital cannot do without labour,
in the Post; long, boring, angry days; nor labour without capital' (Rerum
staying in bed all morning, with nothing Novarum, 15). A machine shop is useless
to get up for, wishing the world would go if no one is prepared to work in it. A joiner
away; another quarrel with the wife; cannot work if he has neither tools nor
another letter, 'Dear Sir, We regret that at wood. Labour and capital have to
present we have no vacancies for the cooperate in a just manner for a
type of employment you are seeking. . peaceful and prosperous society. Marxist
.'. theory is a reaction against the abuses of
liberal capitalism. It wants all capital
Three worlds in one. One world divided taken over by the State and the abolition
by the clash between the forces of of private property. With that, personal
labour and the forces of capital. A freedom also goes. This attempted
society divided against itself by the sinful solution creates more problems than it
effects of capitalist theory. Can the solves. It also promotes class war and
insights of Catholic social thought show hatred between the classes who labour
us where the modern economic system and the property owners. This often ends
has gone wrong? What are the faults of in mutual destruction rather than a j ust
the theory on which it is based? distribution.

Firstly we need to examine the terms The worker and employer have to make
'labour' and 'capital'. 'Labour' means a wage contract. Theories of laissezfaire
human work. By work, man shapes the (free-for-all) capitalism state that market
world around him. He applies his powers forces alone – the laws of supply and
of body and mind to raw matter. All demand – should determine wage
human wealth and possessions arise contracts. However, if the market is left to
through labour, applied to the earth's work by itself, the strong can enforce
God-given resources. 'It is only by the unjust contracts on the weak. Poor
labour of working men that states grow people have to work or starve. Capitalists
rich' (Pope Leo XIII, Rerum Novarum, 27). form cartels to keep prices up and
'Capital' signifies property, money, wages down. During the Industrial
resources, tools and equipment. All Revolution and now in Third World
capital is a result of previous labour. countries, many capital owners keep
Much of Britain's wealth results from the much of the fruit of labour for themselves.
labour of our forefathers. They resist all attempts to legislate about
working conditions, minimum wages,
A working man may store up a little child labour and social benefits.
capital for himself by diligence and thrift. Alternatively, exaggerated wage claims
He invests in new equipment to do a by strong unions can bankrupt a small
higher quality and quicker job. Labour company.
plus extra capital investment here
produce a greater output. Or else a man
So although during the 1980's and 90's profit take precedence over truly human
Western governments have advocated interests. The Pope calls this the error of
the free play of market forces, it is worth practical materialism. It is the reason why
remembering that Pope Pius XI roundly the Western economic system is having
condemned liberal capitalism for such miserable effects.
leading to 'the international imperialism
of money'. The Catholic Church On the one hand, the system can lead
maintains that a free market has to be to the monotony of the car-assembly
governed by certain moral principles. line. Raw materials go into factories and
Otherwise it is a jungle war. A working come out improved: living men enter
man has a right to a family wage. His wife and come out degraded by soul-
and children should not be forced to go destroying boredom. Yes, they may
out to work. Workers have the right of settle for higher wage rates, but does
free association, the right to form trade that morally compensate for spiritual and
unions to defend their just interests. mental atrophy?
On the other hand, for the sake of
Pope John Paul II criticises capitalist 'efficiency' and 'productivity', the system
economics for its error of economism in has thrown millions onto the dole. A
the encyclical Laborem Exercens. The factory on a three-shift day sacks an
error is that labour is treated merely as a entire staff and switches to continental
commodity to be bought and sold like 12-hour shifts with extra overtime. Family
sugar or oil, with no reference to its life is disrupted. Workers are pressured to
human dimension. Human labour is put work at weekends or they feel they may
on a level with life-less materials. This is to be next out. The balance of life is
commit human beings to an destroyed for the material profit of a
accountant's equation on a par with fuel faceless holdings corporation.
costs9 raw materials and profit margins. It
leads to decisions being taken about the The priority of labour over capital is a
fate of workers purely on the basis of key principle in Catholic social thought.
profit. Humanity comes before profit. Man is
more important than the products he
But human labour is not an inert 'raw makes. Man is the subject of work, and
material'. It is personal. A man puts all work is in the service of man. he is not
himself into his work. Man needs to work a mere instrument, a cog in the machine.
and exercise skill in a craft in order to The whole purpose of the economy is to
achieve a sense of fulfilment and self- provide him with the essentials of life.
respect as a useful member of the
human community. True, work makes us The system should be made for man,
sweat. It can be a penance. But it is also not man fed into the system and chewed
creative, fashioning the world with God up. But how? The Church supplies only
and cooperating with one another. Man the underlying principles for socio-
should be ennobled, not degraded, by economic life. People must then apply
his work (or the lack of it). them in their concrete situation and era.
The Church does not have a fully
Laissez-faire liberal capitalism is a theory worked-out blueprint for British society in
of greed made to seem respectable. It 1995. It is up to us all to see how best, by
tramples across man's spiritual nature, his means of political systems or parties, the
right to work and to a craft. Money and common good can be advanced.
RESPECT FOR TRUTH In the New Testament, these two
INTRODUCTION approaches flow together. Truth is
intellectual, but also personal, for Jesus is
The Eighth Commandment commands Truth incarnate: “I am the way, the truth
us to speak the truth in all things, but and the life.” He is “full of grace and
especially in what concerns the good truth” (Jn 1:14) Truth is that which has
name and honor of others. certainty and force. It is a living power, a
EIGHTH COMMANDMENT vital energy: “You will know the truth, and
'You shall not bear false witness against the truth will set you free.” The Holy Spirit
your neighbour.' (Exod. 20:16) is the Spirit of truth, who liberates
mankind from sin and the slavery of the
The Nature of Truth devil, who is “the father of lies.”

G.K.Chesterton pointed out that the Truth is the Gospel, the true teaching or
human mind is a machine for finding out faith. The Church is the pillar and ground
truth. If it is thwarted in this vital task, it of truth. In St John aletheia takes on the
breaks down or goes awry. specific sense of revelation, divine reality,
authenticity. So truth is not only
It was Pontius Pilate who famously intellectual, it is the divinely revealed
asked the Lord: What is Truth? And did reality of the living God. Sin and untruth
not wait for an answer. The scholastic are unreality, whereas God is the source
answer to Pilate’s question is adaequatio of all truth.
mentis ad rem, literally “the ad-equation
(correlation) of the mind to the real Witnessing to the Truth
thing.” Truth is grasped when the idea in
the human mind accurately corresponds As Catholic Christians we believe that,
to the reality outside. by no merit of our own, we have been
blessed with unparalleled access to
In the Old Testament, the Hebrew Divine Truth. Undeserving sinners as we
language has no abstract concept of are, the Lord has been richly generous to
intellectual truth. The nearest term is the us, and revealed the mysteries of his love,
Hebrew word emeth, which denotes and his plans for the human race.
something firm, solid, binding, and Perhaps it is better not to say that “we
worthy of trust. One can put one’s faith in have the Truth.” The Truth, who is Christ, is
the person or thing which possesses much greater than we are. Preferably,
emeth. It will not deceive or let you then, say that “the Truth possesses us.”
down. So truth is a personal quality like For we are subject to Divine Truth, we
reliability, steadfastness, trustworthiness, cannot manipulate it. We must serve the
honesty, integrity. Truth, which is greater than humankind.
To the classical Greeks, the word for
truth, aletheia, signified reality as The knowledge of Truth brings with it the
intellectually comprehended. duty to teach and spread Truth. He who
Etymologically it means “non- knows Truth must speak and act against
concealment.” Truth to the Greeks was error. Truth has its own intrinsic power
something known, cognitive rather than which cannot be suppressed. Hence
personal. Christians must be witnesses to the
Gospel. This witness reaches its apex in
those who preferred truth to physical life
itself, and died as martyrs to Christ.

Truthfulness in word requires truthfulness

in deed as well. We have to live out what
we profess with our lips. Otherwise the
world will see us as hypocrites.
Truthfulness is inseparably linked to moral
uprightness. Sinfulness predisposes us to
avoid truth.

Christians do not have a monopoly on

truth. As early as the second century, St
Justin Martyr spoke of “seeds of the
Word” being present in the classical non-
Christian philosophers of his day. The
Church does not possess all Truth. She
does have all that is necessary for
salvation, and has it without error. But
reflections of divine truth can also be
glimpsed in the non-Christian religions.
Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism and so on can
sometimes function as a preparation for
the Gospel, in so far as they raise man’s
mind and heart to God and to the
eternal questions of human existence.

For this reason Vatican II spoke of

dialogue with separated Christians and
with non-Christian believers. There are
insights to be gained from them, without
jeopardizing the unique and
irreplaceable revelation, which exists in
the Church’s deposit of faith. Just as
Jesus was willing to speak with the Syro-
Phoenician woman, who persuaded him
to heal her daughter, so the Church may
sometimes learn more about her mission
by dialogue with those of other faiths.

H.R. Niebuhr, “The Meaning of

Responsibility,” from From Christ to the
World. Introductory Readings in Christian
Ethics. Wayne G. Boulton, Thomas
D.Kennedy, and Allan Verhey, eds.
Eerdman’s Publishing Co., Grand Rapids,
MI, 1994.

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