ChatGPT Cheatsheet by LearnWithSeb
ChatGPT Cheatsheet by LearnWithSeb
ChatGPT Cheatsheet by LearnWithSeb
Graphic Designer SEO Copywriter Generate social media captions Informational Objective
Comparative Consistent
Business Consultant Sales Director Write product descriptions... Technical Thrilling
RTF - Role, Task, Format Role - Act as a pro copywriter 1. Provide 10 more...
CTF - Context, Task, Format Result - Write 5 email subject lines 2. Rewrite
Context - The email is about growing your 3. More witty
RASCEF - Role, Action, Steps,
business with AI 4. Shorten
Context, Examples, Format Intent - Goal is to promote my AI course
RRCIC- Role, Result, Context, Constraint - Subject line < 50 characters, use 1
5. Rephrase
Intent, Constraint emoji 6. More funny/ clickable
Core Use Cases Copywriting Frameworks Sample Prompts Using Copywriting Frameworks
1. Write Blog Posts AIDA - Attention, Interest, Desire, Action Write a persuasive post using the AIDA copywriting framework
2. Generate Marketing Ideas PAS - Problem, Agitate, Solution to promote our new product/service
3. Write Social Media Posts FAB - Feature, Advantage, Benefit
4. Write Sales Copy Create sales copy for a landing page using the PAS copywriting
BAB - Before, After, Bridge framework to address a specific problem or pain point and
5. Write Emails present a solution to the reader.
The 4Cs - Clear, Concise, Compelling,
6. Product Descriptions
7. Write Video Scripts
Write a product description for [product details] using the FAB
8. Generate Video ideas PPPP - Problem, Promise, Proof, Proposal copywriting framework. Put the features in bullet points with a
9. Customer Support SSS - Star, Story, Solution benefit in the call to action
10. Write Code /Debug Code SLAP - Stop, Look, Action, Purchase
* Remember that ChatGPT may provide incorrect data, always verify what it generates.