Project For Master Plan and Feasibility Study On Flood Control and Drainage in Davao City
Project For Master Plan and Feasibility Study On Flood Control and Drainage in Davao City
Project For Master Plan and Feasibility Study On Flood Control and Drainage in Davao City
JULY 2023
JULY 2023
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... i
List of Tables ....................................................................................................................................... viii
List of Figures ..................................................................................................................................... xiii
Abbreviations and Terminology ......................................................................................................... xvii
Location Map of the Project Area ....................................................................................................... xxi
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
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The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
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3.12.5 Preliminary Economic Evaluation of Flood Control Measures for Davao River ........... S-I-138
3.12.6 Preliminary Economic Evaluation of Flood Control Measures for Matina River .......... S-I-139
3.12.7 Preliminary Economic Evaluation of Flood Control Measures for Talomo River ......... S-I-140
3.12.8 Preliminary Economic Evaluation of Drainage Measures ............................................. S-I-140
3.12.9 Preliminary Economic Evaluation of Coastal Measures ................................................ S-I-141
3.13 STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT .......................................................... S-I-142
3.13.1 Environmental Categorization ........................................................................................ S-I-142
3.13.2 Environmental Legal Framework in Philippines ............................................................ S-I-142
3.13.3 Gap Analysis between JICA Guideline and Philippine System ..................................... S-I-144
3.13.4 Methods of Environmental Impact Evaluation............................................................... S-I-144
3.13.5 Impact Evaluation........................................................................................................... S-I-146
3.13.6 Scoping ........................................................................................................................... S-I-149
3.13.7 Environmental Impact Evaluation .................................................................................. S-I-149
3.13.8 Results of Environmental and Social Considerations..................................................... S-I-149
3.13.9 Results of Initial Environmental Evaluation .................................................................. S-I-149
3.13.10 Environmental Management Plan .................................................................................. S-I-149
3.13.11 Environmental Monitoring Plan ..................................................................................... S-I-149
3.13.12 Issues Related to Resettlement in the Davao City .......................................................... S-I-149
3.13.13 Proposed Mitigation Measures on resettlement Issues ................................................... S-I-149
3.14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION ................................................................................................ S-I-150
3.14.1 Outline of the Public Consultation ................................................................................. S-I-150
3.14.2 Results of the Stakeholder meetings............................................................................... S-I-151
3.15.1 Evaluation of Davao River Flood Countermeasures ...................................................... S-I-153
3.15.2 Evaluation of Matina River Flood Countermeasures ..................................................... S-I-153
3.15.3 Evaluation of Talomo River Flood Countermeasures .................................................... S-I-153
3.15.4 Evaluation of Storm Water Drainage Improvement ....................................................... S-I-154
3.15.5 Evaluation of Structural Measures of Coastal Disaster .................................................. S-I-156
3.16 PRIORITY PROJECT ......................................................................................................... S-I-157
3.16.1 Evaluation axis for selecting the Priority Project ........................................................... S-I-158
3.16.2 Proposal of the Priority Project ...................................................................................... S-I-158
3.16.3 Outline of Priority Projects of Structural Measures ....................................................... S-I-159
3.16.4 Scoping ........................................................................................................................... S-I-160
MASTER PLAN ................................................................................................................. S-I-160
3.17.1 Present situation and Given Condition for Development of Relocation Site ................. S-I-160
3.17.2 Basic Policy for Development of Resettlement Area ..................................................... S-I-161
3.17.3 Relocation Site Development Plan ................................................................................. S-I-165
3.17.4 Infrastructure Development Plan.................................................................................... S-I-167
3.17.5 Estimated Project Cost ................................................................................................... S-I-169
3.18 RECOMMENDATION OF MASTER PLAN ..................................................................... S-I-170
3.18.1 Recommendation of Master Plan ................................................................................... S-I-170
3.18.2 Relationship between Master Plan and Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk
Reduction ....................................................................................................................... S-I-171
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
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4.1.2 Additional Topographic and River Surveys for Structure Measures of the Priority
Project Targeted for Feasibility Study for Riverine Flood in Davao River .................... S-I-174
4.1.3 Geotechnical Investigation for Structure Measures of the Priority Project Targeted
for Feasibility Study for Riverine Flood in Davao River ............................................... S-I-174
4.1.4 Hydraulic Study and Setting of Design Conditions for Priority Project
(Structural Measure) Target for Feasibility Study .......................................................... S-I-176
4.1.5 Comparison of Alternatives for Priority Project (Structural Measure) Target for
Feasibility Study............................................................................................................. S-I-190
4.1.6 Preliminary Design of Structure Measures of the Priority Project Targeted for
Feasibility Study for Riverine Flood in Davao River..................................................... S-I-198
4.2.1 Priority Projects on Non-structural Measures for Riverine Flood in Davao River ........ S-I-211
4.2.2 Additional installation of water level gauges ................................................................. S-I-211
4.2.3 Setting warning water level in Davao River corresponding to the latest river and
social conditions ............................................................................................................. S-I-213
4.2.4 Preparation of IEC materials on the proposed structural measures and non-
structural measures ......................................................................................................... S-I-215
4.2.5 Formulation and Update of flood hazard map for riverine, inland and coastal with
evacuation information................................................................................................... S-I-217
4.2.6 Land use control along the proposed structural measures .............................................. S-I-218
4.2.7 Capacity enhancement project on riverine flood, rainwater drainage and coastal
management in Davao .................................................................................................... S-I-220
4.2.8 Summary of Examination Results for Priority Projects on Non-structural Measures
in F/S .............................................................................................................................. S-I-220
4.3 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ............................................................................... S-I-222
4.3.1 Current Operation and Maintenance Practice on Flood Control Works in Davao
River ............................................................................................................................... S-I-222
4.3.2 Operation and Maintenance for Proposed Flood Control Works in Davao River .......... S-I-223
4.3.3 Proposed Organizational Framework for Operation and Maintenance for Proposed
Flood Control Works in Davao River............................................................................. S-I-225
4.3.4 Recommendation ............................................................................................................ S-I-226
4.4 CONSTRUCTION PLAN AND COST ESTIMATE .......................................................... S-I-226
4.4.1 General ........................................................................................................................... S-I-226
4.4.2 Construction Plan and Schedule ..................................................................................... S-I-227
4.4.3 Cost Estimate.................................................................................................................. S-I-236
4.4.4 Operation and Maintenance Cost ................................................................................... S-I-240
4.4.5 Project Cost .................................................................................................................... S-I-240
4.4.6 Implementation Schedule ............................................................................................... S-I-243
4.5 STUDY FOR PROJECT EVALUATION............................................................................ S-I-244
4.5.1 Project Implementation Schedule ................................................................................... S-I-244
4.5.2 Consulting Engineering Services ................................................................................... S-I-244
4.5.3 Project Benefit ................................................................................................................ S-I-244
4.5.4 Economic Evaluation ..................................................................................................... S-I-246
4.5.5 Revision of the Davao River Master Plan (M/P)............................................................ S-I-247
4.5.6 Environmental Evaluation .............................................................................................. S-I-249
4.5.7 Socio-economic Evaluation ............................................................................................ S-I-249
4.5.8 Technical Evaluation ...................................................................................................... S-I-250
4.5.9 Overall Evaluation of the Project ................................................................................... S-I-250
4.6 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL CONSIDERATIONS ............................................... S-I-255
4.6.1 Categorization ................................................................................................................ S-I-255
4.6.2 Environmental Impact .................................................................................................... S-I-255
4.6.3 Land Acquisition and Resettlement ................................................................................ S-I-263
4.7 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION......................................................................................... S-I-265
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The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
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The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
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The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
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Table 3.12.7 Expected annual average damage reduction of Davao River M/P (in Billion PhP) .... S-I-139
Table 3.12.8 Financial and economic costs (as of ITR for Matina River) ....................................... S-I-139
Table 3.12.9 Expected annual average damage reduction of Matina River M/P (in Billion PhP) ... S-I-139
Table 3.12.10 Financial and economic costs (as of ITR for Talomo River)....................................... S-I-140
Table 3.12.11 Expected annual average damage reduction of Talomo River M/P (in Billion PhP) .. S-I-140
Table 3.12.12 Financial and economic costs (as of ITR for Drainage measures) .............................. S-I-141
Table 3.12.13 Financial and economic costs (as of ITR for Coastal measures) ................................. S-I-141
Table 3.13.1 Categorization on Flood Control Projects ................................................................... S-I-142
Table 3.13.2 Evaluation Indicator and Method for Quick Evaluation ............................................. S-I-146
Table 3.13.3 Alternative Analysis on Planning Concept ................................................................. S-I-146
Table 3.13.4 Quick Evaluation on Each Flood Control Measure ........................................................... 147
Table 3.13.5 Possible Impacts and Expected Benefit aside from Flood Control on
Non-structural Measurements ..................................................................................... S-I-148
Table 3.13.6 Proposed Soft Approaches .......................................................................................... S-I-150
Table 3.14.1 Summary of Member of the Stakeholder Meetings .................................................... S-I-151
Table 3.14.2 Outline of the Stakeholder Meetings........................................................................... S-I-151
Table 3.14.3 Overall of the Comments from the Stakeholder Meetings.......................................... S-I-151
Table 3.15.1 Evaluation of Flood Countermeasures (Structural) for Davao River .......................... S-I-153
Table 3.15.2 Evaluation of Drainage Countermeasures (Structural) for Roxas Drainage Area....... S-I-154
Table 3.15.3 Evaluation of Drainage Countermeasures (Structural) for Agdao Drainage Area ...... S-I-154
Table 3.15.4 Evaluation of Drainage Countermeasures (Structural) for Jerome Drainage Area ..... S-I-155
Table 3.15.5 Evaluation of Drainage Countermeasures (Structural) for Mamay Creek Drainage
Area ............................................................................................................................. S-I-155
Table 3.15.6 Evaluation of Drainage Countermeasures (Structural) for Sasa Creek Drainage
Area ............................................................................................................................. S-I-155
Table 3.15.7 Evaluation of Drainage Countermeasures (Structural) for Emars Drainage Area ....... S-I-155
Table 3.15.8 Evaluation of Drainage Countermeasures (Structural) for Shanghai Drainage
Area ............................................................................................................................. S-I-156
Table 3.15.9 Evaluation of Drainage Countermeasures (Structural) for Maa1 Drainage Area ........ S-I-156
Table 3.15.10 Evaluation of Drainage Countermeasures (Structural) for Maa2 Drainage Area ....... S-I-156
Table 3.15.11 Evaluation of Drainage Countermeasures (Structural) for Coastal Measures ............. S-I-157
Table 3.16.1 Outline of Priority Projects of Non-Structural Measures ............................................ S-I-159
Table 3.17.1 Area by Land Use in Relocation Site .......................................................................... S-I-166
Table 3.17.2 Estimated Project cost for Road .................................................................................. S-I-170
Table 3.17.3 Estimated Project cost for Relocation House .............................................................. S-I-170
Table 3.18.1 Relationship between the Master Plan and the four priority actions of the Sendai
Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction ..................................................................... S-I-172
Table 3.18.2 Relationship between the Master Plan and the seven targets of the Sendai
Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction ..................................................................... S-I-172
Table 4.1.1 Priority Projects Targeted for Feasibility Study .......................................................... S-I-173
Table 4.1.2 Work Item and Work Quantity (Additional Topographic and River Survey) .............. S-I-174
Table 4.1.3 List of Geotechnical survey location for priority projects for F/S (BH-1-BH-8). ....... S-I-175
Table 4.1.4 Calculation Sheet of Typical Design Cross-section (STA 3+000 – STA 14+500) ...... S-I-181
Table 4.1.5 Calculation Sheet of Typical Design Cross-section (STA 14+500 – STA 23+000) .... S-I-181
Table 4.1.6 Retarding Ponds in M/P of Davao River ..................................................................... S-I-184
Table 4.1.7 List of Retarding Ponds Specifications ....................................................................... S-I-188
Table 4.1.8 Separation Dike Height of Retarding Ponds ............................................................... S-I-188
Table 4.1.9 Overflow Dike Height of Target Retarding Ponds for Short-term Project .................. S-I-188
Table 4.1.10 Alternatives of Riverbed Dredging ............................................................................. S-I-190
Table 4.1.11 Comparison of Alternatives for Riverbed Dredging ................................................... S-I-191
Table 4.1.12 Alternatives of Retarding Ponds.................................................................................. S-I-191
Table 4.1.13 Facility Specifications with/without Spillways ........................................................... S-I-192
Table 4.1.14 Comparison of Alternatives for Retarding Ponds ........................................................ S-I-192
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The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
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Figure 4.1.9 Variation of Hydraulic Value due to Dredging Reach (Davao River Bridge)
(2-yr scale flood) (above: water depth, below: flow velocity) .................................... S-I-183
Figure 4.1.10 Flow Capacity of Dredged Channel of Davao River .................................................. S-I-184
Figure 4.1.11 Location of Design Retarding Ponds in Davao River Basin ....................................... S-I-185
Figure 4.1.12 Flowchart for Overflow Dike Specification Setting ................................................... S-I-186
Figure 4.1.13 Hydrograph Controlled by Tentative Overflow Dike Height ...................................... S-I-187
Figure 4.1.14 Results of Inundation Analysis of After Short-term Project (Left: 10-yr scale,
Right: 10-yr scale): January 2002 Type Flood ............................................................ S-I-189
Figure 4.1.15 Design Alignments of Cut-off Portion ........................................................................ S-I-194
Figure 4.1.16 Retarding Pond RP08: Structure Layout ..................................................................... S-I-199
Figure 4.1.17 Retarding Pond RP09: Structure Layout ..................................................................... S-I-199
Figure 4.1.18 Retarding Pond RP11: Structure Layout ..................................................................... S-I-200
Figure 4.1.19 Standard Cross Section of Overflow Dike at Retarding Pond: RP08 ......................... S-I-201
Figure 4.1.20 Standard Cross Section of Separate Dike at Retarding Pond: RP08 ........................... S-I-201
Figure 4.1.21 Standard Cross Section of Surrounding Levee at Retarding Pond: RP08................... S-I-202
Figure 4.1.22 Standard Section of the Drainage Facility at Retarding Pond: RP08 .......................... S-I-203
Figure 4.1.23 Measures to cope with Groundwater at Retarding Pond: RP08 .................................. S-I-204
Figure 4.1.24 Standard Cross Section of Overflow Dike at Retarding Pond: RP09 ......................... S-I-205
Figure 4.1.25 Standard Cross Section of Separate Dike at Retarding Pond: RP09
(Minimum gabion on river side slope) ........................................................................ S-I-205
Figure 4.1.26 Standard Cross Section of Separate Dike at Retarding Pond: RP09
(With gabion on river side slope) ................................................................................ S-I-206
Figure 4.1.27 Standard Cross Section of Overflow Dike at Retarding Pond: RP11 ......................... S-I-207
Figure 4.1.28 Standard Cross Section of Separate Dike at Retarding Pond: RP11 ........................... S-I-207
Figure 4.1.29 Standard Cross Section at Cut-off Section (Revetment) ............................................. S-I-208
Figure 4.1.30 Location map of Target Roads .................................................................................... S-I-209
Figure 4.1.31 General View of STA.11+188.4 .................................................................................. S-I-210
Figure 4.1.32 General View of STA.8+116.6 .................................................................................... S-I-211
Figure 4.2.1 Image for Monitoring System of Retarding Ponds ..................................................... S-I-212
Figure 4.2.2 Flood Hazard Map Integrating Riverine Flood, Inland Flood, Storm surge and
Evacuation Information............................................................................................... S-I-217
Figure 4.3.1 Proposed Organization Framework for Operation and Maintenance .......................... S-I-225
Figure 4.4.1 Potential Reclamation Locations along the Davao Coast ........................................... S-I-229
Figure 4.4.2 Potential Disposal Sites upstream of the Davao River (First Preference
Candidate) ................................................................................................................... S-I-230
Figure 4.4.3 Potential Disposal Sites upstream of the Davao River (Second Candidate) ............... S-I-230
Figure 4.6.1 Project Implementation Organization ......................................................................... S-I-262
Figure 5.1.1 Design Flood Discharge Distribution of Davao River (100-yr scale floods) .............. S-I-272
Figure 5.1.2 Conceptual Drawing of Priority Project for Pre-F/S ................................................... S-I-273
Figure 5.1.3 Geotechnical survey location maps for priority projects for F/S (BH-09) .................. S-I-274
Figure 5.1.4 Design River Alignment Portion Arranged in Pre-F/S ................................................ S-I-275
Figure 5.1.5 Design River Profile of Target Reach for Pre-F/S ...................................................... S-I-276
Figure 5.1.6 Typical Design Cross-section of Target Reach for Pre-F/S......................................... S-I-276
Figure 5.1.7 River Water Level Profile with Design River Shape of Target Reach for Pre-F/S ..... S-I-277
Figure 5.1.8 Typical Cross-section of Alternatives of River Widening ........................................... S-I-278
Figure 5.1.9 Design Alignment of Alternatives of River Widening (Alt.1) .................................... S-I-279
Figure 5.1.10 Design Alignment of Alternatives of River Widening (Alt.2) .................................... S-I-280
Figure 5.1.11 River widening works: standard revetment section (4.0k).......................................... S-I-282
Figure 5.1.12 ROW for Pilot Section (from Bolton bridge to Station 4+000) of River Widening
Works .......................................................................................................................... S-I-284
Figure 5.1.13 Condition of Lot Boundary in and around ROW in Pilot Section from Bolton
bridge to Station 4+000 ............................................................................................... S-I-285
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
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Figure 5.1.14 Status of Land in ROW (with/without Title or Area without Tax Map) ..................... S-I-286
Figure 5.1.15 Typical Cross Section Plan of Dike, Revetment and Promenade in the River
Mouth of the Davao River (Left) and an Example of Developed Promenade
(Right) ......................................................................................................................... S-I-287
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The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
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The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
Project Area
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Project
The Philippines has suffered devastating damage from natural disasters. During the 10 year-period from
2005 until 2015, a total of 20,000 people were dead and missing, 75 million people have been affected,
and the economic loss has reached 182 billion pesos. The main cause of disaster is strong wind and
flooding in which 70% of the affected people suffered damage by typhoons and monsoons, and 24%
suffered damaged by storm surges and high waves.
The Project site, Davao City, located in the southern part of Mindanao Island, is the third largest city in
the Philippines, and the largest city on Mindanao Island. Davao City had been less affected by flooding
in the past, but flood damage has recently increased due to changes in typhoon tracks. In 2011, 30 people
were killed by the flooding of the Davao and Matina Rivers, more than 2,500 people were affected by
the flooding of Davao River in 2013, and 22,911 families were affected by flooding due to Typhoon
Vinta in December, 2017. In addition, there are several problems such as inland flooding, insufficient
drainage systems, and storm surges due to the geographical features of the 60 km coastline.
Even though flood disaster has occurred frequently in Davao City, a Master Plan for integrated flood
control has not been developed. Although the budget for flood control in the Department of Public
Works and Highways (hereinafter referred to as DPWH) has increased, the budget has not been fully
used due to the lack of development of the Master Plan. Ten of 18 major river basins in the Philippines
have developed Master Plans for flood control from the 1980s to the early 1990s. After that, 5 rivers
(Cagayan, Agusan, Pasig-Marikina-Laguna Bay, Tagoloan, and Cagayan de Oro) have reviewed and
updated their Master Plans, and the preparation of the Master Plan and Feasibility Study for the 5 rivers
was conducted by DPWH with the support of JICA through technical cooperation projects as of 2017.
For the improvement of drainage systems, although a Master Plan for the six districts inside Davao City
had been developed by Davao City, a Master Plan for flood control in Davao River has not been
developed. Further, it is highly expected to develop the Master Plans for flood control of major
rivers/principal rivers including Davao River, and to enhance DPWH’s capacity for development of the
Master Plans for flood control by DPWH themselves.
Under the above circumstances, the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GOP) requested
assistance from the Japanese Government on the Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control
and Drainage in Davao City. In response to the official request of the Government of the Republic of
the Philippines, JICA conducted a detailed planning survey on the Project and confirmed and signed the
minutes of meetings (M/M) on the 11th of August 2017, and signed the Record of Discussion (R/D) on
the 23rd of April 2018.
Signification of flood management and flood control measures in the development plans of the
Philippines and Davao City
In the development plan of the Philippines, flood management is positioned as one of the targets for
promoting infrastructure development as one of the fields of water resources. Timely investment to flood
management based on the master plan is required, using the ratio of countermeasure implementation
areas to flood risk areas as an index. In addition, the development plan of Davao City stipulates disaster-
resistant urban management and a comfortable urban environment as one of the development strategies.
This Project is directly related to this strategy and contributes to the reduction of flood damage in Davao
City, which in turn contributes to the development of Davao City.
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
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(3) Outputs
1. The Master Plan of the flood control and drainage in Davao City which includes a flood control Master
Plan for Davao River, Matina River and Talomo River basins.
2. The Feasibility Study on urgent and/or priority project(s).
3. Capacity enhancement of concerned DPWH personnel/Officials in the development of Flood Control
and Drainage Master Plan
The Project schedule have been divided into the following three stages:
[Stage 1] Basic Study Stage : November 2018 to August 2019 (10 months)
[Stage 2] Master Plan Study Stage : September 2019 to January 2021 (17 months)
[Stage 3] Feasibility Study Stage : February 2021 to July 2022 (18 months)
(Final Report was prepared in July 2023 after discussion on
DFR, EIS process and the Advisory
Committee for Environmental and Social Considerations in
The work items for each Stage is shown in Table 1.5.1.
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
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Table 1.5.1 Work Items (Stage1, Stage2, Stage 3 and Entire period)
Work Items Content of Work
Stage 1: Basic Study
1-1 Review of existing documents and preparation of the Inception Report
1-2 Introduction of the Inception Report (IC/R)
1-3 Collection and arrangement of basic information, survey of damage situation
1-4 【Riverine Flood】 Evaluation of existing flood control measures
1-5 【Riverine Flood】 River/Topographic survey (longitudinal profile and cross-sectional survey,
riverbed material survey, spot elevation survey, etc.)
1-6 【Riverine Flood】 Hydro-meteorological statistical analysis
1-7 【Riverine Flood】 Estimation of sediment discharge
1-8 【Riverine Flood】 Discussion on target design level and design rainfall
1-9 【Riverine Flood】 Proposal of design criteria
1-10 【Riverine Flood Research for implementation of project / operation and maintenance
management framework
1-11 【Riverine Flood Preliminary survey of river boundary
1-12 【Inland Flood Evaluation of existing drainage improvement plan and activities
1-13 【Inland Flood】 Rainfall and runoff analysis
1-14 【Inland Flood】 Discussion on target design level
1-15 【Inland Flood】 Research for implementation of project / operation and maintenance
management framework
1-16 【Coastal Flood】 Coastal area survey (wave, tide level, tidal flow etc.)
1-17 【Coastal Flood】 Discussion on the target design condition for oceanographic features such as
tide level, target waves and target return period for storm surges
1-18 【Coastal Flood】 Survey on the status of existing facilities and houses along coastal areas
1-19 Proposal of evaluation criteria for alterative countermeasures
1-20 Preparation, submission, explanation and discussion of Progress Report (P/R)
Stage 2: Master Plan Study
2-1 Collection and arrangement of additional data and information, and setting of target design level
2-2 Study on alternatives for structural measures
2-3 Study and proposal on non-structural measures
2-4 【Riverine Flood】 Run-off and flood inundation analysis
2-5 【Riverine Flood】 River bed variation analysis
2-6 【Riverine Flood】 Geotechnical investigation
2-7 【Riverine Flood】 Preliminary facility plan of proposed structural measures
2-8 【Inland Flood】 Analysis of inundation
2-9 【Inland Flood】 Study on countermeasures for each drainage district
2-10 【Inland Flood】 Geotechnical investigation
2-11 【Inland Flood】 Preliminary facility plan of proposed structural measures
2-12 【Coastal Flood】 Evaluation of the impact of existing projects and future development plans in
coastal areas
2-13 【Coastal Flood Numerical analysis on storm surges and coastal erosion from the view point
of coastal protection
2-14 【Coastal Flood】 Preliminary facility plan of structural measures
2-15 Comparison of alternatives considering environmental and social consideration based on Strategic
Environmental Assessment concept
2-16 Formulation of Integrated Flood Control Master Plan
2-17 Preliminary cost and benefit analysis
2-18 Additional survey on existing structures
2-19 Selection of priority project(s) and clarification of necessity of change in category under JICA’s
Environmental and Social Consideration Guidelines
2-20 Scoping on environmental monitoring items for selected priority project(s)
2-21 Support for preparation of a simple resettlement action plan
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The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
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1) Earthquake
Some active faults are existed in the Study Area. Significant earthquakes in 2013 and 2018 (magnitude
5.7 and 7.2 respectably) occurred at the east-south-east sea bed form the Davao; whereas in recent years
the seismic point of recent earthquake happened between October and December 2019 is located around
Mt. APO (Active volcano, but no record of eruption in the recorded history); monitoring network has
been strengthened.
2) Landslide
Mechanism of Landslide depends on natural topographical conditions, such as soil, slope, elevation, etc.;
therefore, the high risk area lies on northern area.
2.2.4 Pollution
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
(1) Population
Davao region consists of Davao City, the third biggest city (the largest administration boundary), is
popular as an economic central area in Mindanao Island. This area, especially Davao City, has enjoyed
a rapid population increase and urbanization. The population increase from Year 2010 to 2015 was
estimated at approximately 2.3% and the population in 2016 is 1,633 thousand.
Population density in the urban area/barangays was 43 persons/ha on average compared to 1.5
persons/ha on average in rural area. The most dense area was Poblacion, where the average is about 61
(2) Economy
Major economic sources in the Study Area are 1) Services (consisting of 50.2% in Davao City (NSO,
2017)), Industry (32% in Davao City) and Agriculture and Fishery (17.8% in Davao City).
Agriculture and fishery are two of the key economic activities in Davao, which could be affected by
either floods or its control measures.
1) Agriculture
The agricultural production areas are concentrated in the inner and upper portions of Davao City,
particularly in Marilog, Calinan, Baguio, etc., which areas are known for rice/ crop, corn, coconuts,
banana, etc.
2) Fishery
Davao Gulf is known as important fishing grounds in the country. The Davao Regional Development
Plan reported the annual fisheries production in the whole of Davao region approximately at 67,468 tons
(in 2012 total of commercial and municipal fishing, aquaculture). Among the valuable catch in the gulf
are yellow fin tuna, anchovy, and herring. Tilapia and Hito in fresh/ blackish water are also typical
fishing production in this area. According to the Registration Program by BFAR, approximately 22.7
thousand fisher folk have been registered; around 9.9 thousand of them have been in Davao del Sur
including Davao City.
DENR XI as well as BFAR have warned that water pollution, sedimentation and improper fishing
practices degrade coral and sea grass area where are important habitats of aquatic biota.
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(7) Gender
Philippines is known as “the most advanced respected gender in Asian countries”; it was evaluated the
16th out of the 153 countries (Japan: 121st) and top 1 in ASEAN countries according (Global Gender
Gap 2020). The most highly evaluated factor was “high participation level in social-economic activities”.
On the other hand, evaluation score on welfare and security fields has been decreased. Disadvantage of
care to especially handicapped females comparing to males has been pointed out.
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Source: Davao City Infrastructure Development Plan and Capacity Building Project, June 2018
Figure 2.3.1 Present Land Use in Davao City-Overall City (2017)
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Source: Davao City Infrastructure Development Plan and Capacity Building Project, June 2018
Figure 2.4.1 Land Use Plan Map in 2045
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Table 2.5.1 Work Items and Quantity (Topographic and River Survey)
Work Item Quantity/Unit
1. River Topographic S urvey (River Longitudinal and Cross Sectional Survey along 23km of Davao River, 13.5km of
M atina River and 11km of Talomo River)
1.1 River Longitudinal (Profile) Survey
(1) Setting up of 500m Station No. Peg (Cross Section Points) 96 p oints
(2) Davao River (Interval: 500m along the River, Width: 200m) 46 sections
(3) M atina River (Interval: 500m along the River, Width: 100m) 28 sections
(4) Talomo River (Interval: 500m along the River, Width: 100m) 22 sections
1.3 Ortho-p hoto M ap p ing by UAV (Davao River: 23km+ M atina River 13.5km + Talomo River 11km = 47.5km x
47.5 km2
width: 1km=47.5 km2)
2. Topographic S urvey 1 (Ground Height Survey ) (Confirmation of ground height on DOST LiDAR and NAM RIA
IFSAR data covering the Davao, M atina and Talomo River Basin)
(1) Davao River Basin (Leveling from 500m Station No. Peg) 50 p oints
(2) M atina River Basin (Leveling from 500m Station No. Peg) 10 p oints
(3) Talomo River Basin (Leveling from 500m Station No. Peg) 30 p oints
3.1 Setting up of Drainage Cross Section p oints and Inventory Ground Control Points 50 p oints
3.2 Drainage Cross Sectional Survey (5 drainage x 5 cross sections = 25 cross sections in total) 25 sections
3.3 Inventory Survey for M anhole/Culvert (5 drainage x 5 sites=25 locations in total) 25 locations
4. Topographic S urvey 3 (Shoreline Survey along the Coastal Road and Davao North Coast)
4.1 Ortho-p hoto M ap p ing by UAV (Length:40km x width: 1km = 40km2) 40 km2
(1) From South of Davao City to the entry p oints of Coastal Road (Ground Survey 3D measurement) 10 km
(2) Construction site of Coastal Road to the North of Davao City (Ground Survey 3D measurement) 12 km
(3) From the End of Coastal Road to the North of Davao City ( Photogrammetric 3D measurement) 18 km
(1) Setting up of Cross Section Points ( Interval: 500m along the Shoreline) 84 p oints
(2) From South of Davao City to the entry p oints of Coastal Road (Interval: 500m along the Shoreline, Width: 100m) 21 sections
(3) Construction site of Coastal Road to the North of Davao City (Interval: 500m along the Shoreline, Width: 100m) 25 sections
(4) From the End of Coastal Road to the North of Davao City (Interval: 500m along the Shoreline, Width: 100m) 37 sections
5. Topographic S urvey 4 (Bathy metric Survey along the Coastal Road and Davao North Coast)
(1) From South of Davao City to the entry p oints of Coastal Road (Interval: 500m along the Shoreline, Width: 250m) 21 sections
(2) Construction site of Coastal Road to the North of Davao City (Interval: 500m along the Shoreline, Width: 250m) 25 sections
(3) From the End of Coastal Road to the North of Davao City (Interval: 500m along the Shoreline, Width: 250m) 37 sections
Source:Project Team
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Depth of bearing layer (N > 30 for sand, and N > 20 for silt and clay) is, in most sections, less
than 10 meters from the ground level. As a exception, there are some data indicating the depth of
bearing layer to be at 15 to 25 meters from the ground level only for sections between the river
mouth to 3.0 km, in between data with bearing layer at less then 10 meters.
The thickness of soft silt / clay layer that exists above the bearing layer is less than 5 meters for
most sections. An only exception can be seen at around 1.5 km left bank where the thickness soft
silt / clay layer is more than 10 meters due to available data.
2.6.2 Talomo River
As for the assumed geological cross section of 2+700 to 2+900 km (Left bank) of the Talomo River, a
soft to medium sandy silt having an N value of about 4 to 15 is found in the surface layer of 2 to 6 meters,
and a medium to dense silty sand having an N value of 14 to 30 or more is found below.
2.6.3 Matina River
A soft clay layer with an N value of 2 to 4 can be seen continuously to the bottom of borehole at about
11 m from the ground surface at around 0 +800 km (right bank). Similar geological conditions are
assumed in the design documents of upstream section (above 2km), although there seems to be a
confusion in the utilization of data, such as identical cross section in different sections.
2.6.4 Summary/Issue of Geological Conditions of the Target Area
It is assumed that, for all of three rivers, the subsurface ground consists of around 5 m of soft layer on
the top. The thickness of the soft layer can potentially be greater and reach more than 10 m along Matina
River, implying that measures against soft ground may potentially be required in the design of structural
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The most destructive flood in the Matina River basin is the flash flood of June 2011 which caused 26
deaths by drowning in Matina Crossing and 2 in Matina pangi (Since the total number of casualties since
2000 is 31, the number of casualties caused by the flood of 2011 represents 90% of the total).
1) Flood Damage in Typhoon Vinta in Davao River Basin (December 22, 2017)
The largest flood in recent years in the Davao River basin is the flood caused by the typhoon Vinta in
December 2017. Typhoon Vinta passed through the northern part of the basin at a central pressure of
990 hPa and the maximum daily rainfall during the typhoon Vinta was recorded on December 21.
The flood caused by Vinta was a large-scale flood and was nearly the largest flood in the past with a
probability of about 40 years (based on the results of the statistical analysis on Water Level and
Discharge conducted by the Project Team). The barangays that were heavily damaged are Waan, Tigatto,
Maa, Poblacion (district) and Bucana. Especially in the Tigatto area, the existing dike had blocked
drainage and the area was flooded for a long time (up to about 2 days according to the interview survey
result). According to the data of CDRRMO, the monetary damage to Davao City due to the flood was
calculated at about 79 million pesos for agricultural damage, about 9 million pesos for
animals/livestock/poultry damage, about 116 million pesos for infrastructure damage, and about 204
million pesos in total when PAGASA recorded 39.4 mm/day at Davao City Station, 112.4 mm/day at
Malaybalay Station, and 114.5 mm/day at Tagum Station.
There were no records on affected families and other flood damage for the Basins of Matina River and
Talomo River.
(3) Characteristics of Flood and its Damage by Flood Mark Survey Results
Depth and duration of inundation were confirmed by interviews with residents in the three target rivers.
Figure 2.7.1 shows the survey results of maximum inundation depth caused by the past floods. As a
result, data along the Davao River shows the situation at the time of the typhoon Vinta in 2017 and data
along the Matina River indicates the situation at the time of flood in 2011.
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The topographical features from the upstream end of the river cross-section survey to the river mouth in
each targeted river for flood analysis are described below.
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The riverbed gradient changes around 15 km from the river mouth (from 1/800 of the upstream to 1/4000
of the downstream), and then the river flows down the relatively gentle plain where Davao City is formed
and pours into the Davao Gulf. The floodplain upstream of the riverbed gradient transition point forms
a valley bottom plain with a width of 1.5 km to 2.0 km along the river, and the flood type is classified
as a downflow-type flood. Downstream of the gradient transition point, the flood type should be
classified as diffusive-type flood inferred from the topographical gradient. On the other hand, expansion
of inundation will be suppressed by hilly land at the left bank side of the section from 3 km to 8 km
from the river mouth. In addition, there is a narrow portion of the bottom width of the river valley
immediately upstream of the cross point of the Davao City Diversion Road, which is located around 13
km from the river mouth, and it is supposed that flood water would go back to the river here. This return
of flooding water to the river could progress the meandering in the section from 6 km to 13 km from the
river mouth.
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0 10 20km
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Table 2.7.1 Result of Basin Average Rainfall Statistical Analysis (Davao, Matina and
Talomo River)
Davao River Jackknife Estimate (mm) Matina River Jackknife Estimate (mm) Talomo River Jackknife Estimate (mm)
Exp Gumbel SqrtEt Gev Exp Gumbel SqrtEt Gev Exp Gumbel SqrtEt Gev
2-yr 72.5 76.0 76.6 74.0 2-yr 90.5 97.0 93.7 91.5 2-yr 73.7 77.4 78.0 77.0
5-yr 93.3 94.5 100.2 92.9 5-yr 128.7 131.1 123.4 125.3 5-yr 95.5 96.9 101.7 96.9
10-yr 109.0 106.8 117.3 107.3 10-yr 157.7 153.7 145.0 153.5 10-yr 112.1 109.8 119.0 110.3
15-yr 118.2 113.8 127.5 116.1 15-yr 174.6 166.4 157.9 171.5 15-yr 121.8 117.1 129.3 117.8
25-yr 129.8 122.3 140.7 127.5 25-yr 195.9 182.2 174.5 195.9 25-yr 134.0 126.1 142.6 127.1
50-yr 145.5 133.8 159.4 143.6 50-yr 224.8 203.4 198.0 232.3 50-yr 150.5 138.2 161.3 139.4
80-yr 156.2 141.6 172.5 154.8 80-yr 244.4 217.6 214.6 259.1 80-yr 161.7 146.4 174.5 147.4
100-yr 161.2 145.3 178.9 160.2 100-yr 253.7 224.4 222.7 272.4 100-yr 167.1 150.3 181.0 151.1
Table 2.7.2 Probable Water level/Flow Discharge at Lacson Gauging Station on Davao
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
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Dike Top Dike top - freeboard Sta.Lucia Brd.
Right Bank Flow Capacity (m3/s)
Left Bank Flw Capacity (m3/s)
Matina Bailey Br. Pangi Br. Matina Pangi Brd.2 Dike Top
Right Bank Flow Capacity (m3/s)
Left Bank Flw Capacity (m3/s)
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Dike Top
Right Bank Flow Capacity (m3/s)
Left Bank Flw Capacity (m3/s)
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Regarding the Matina River and the Talomo River, since there is no available hydrological data for
hydraulic model verification, the coefficients on the model for the Davao River basin are applied mutatis
2.7.7 Probable Flood Hydrograph (Riverine flood)
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
Dec.2017(Vinta) pb 100‐yr with climate change
35.0 pb 100‐yr
Duration of subject rainfall = 24hr Actual
precipitation (mm/hr)
pb 100‐yr with climate change Duration of subject rainfall = 24hr
30.0 pb 100‐yr
precipitation (mm/hr)
Jan.2002 pb 100‐yr with climate change
Duration of subject rainfall = 24hr pb 100‐yr
30.0 Actual
precipitation (mm/hr)
Regarding the Matina River and the Talomo River, the design flood pattern is made by the Alternating
Block method utilizing RIDF of the Davao City gauging station due to their river basin scales. The 10%
increase because of climate change is also considered, like the Davao River case.
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
Matina River Basin
Time (min)
Talomo River Basin
Rainfall Volume (mm/10min)
climate change
Time (min)
2500 10-yr
The above hydrograph is the value at Waan Bridge (Tigatto gauging station), which is the control point
of the Davao River. In the Davao River, several tributaries with a catchment area of less than about 10
km2 flow into the downstream of the Waan Bridge. Since the peak flow of the tributary occurs before
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
the main river, the inflow from the tributary has almost no effect on the peak flow of the main river
downstream of the Waan Bridge. Therefore, the peak discharge from the downstream of the Waan Bridge
to the river mouth is almost the same as the peak discharge of the Waan Bridge.
Same as the Davao River, the hydrograph of each probable scale of the Matina River and the Talomo
River is shown in Figure 2.7.13 and Figure 2.7.14. The peak flow discharge of the 100-yr flood scale is
calculated as 435(m3/s) on the Matina River and 577(m3/s) on the Talomo River respectively.
Source: JICA Project
Figure 2.7.13 Hydrograph of Each Probable Scale of Matina River
500 25-yr
The above hydrographs of the Matina and Talomo Rivers are the values at the control points of Angalan
II (Tugbok) and Matina Pangi Bridge (Pangi), respectively. The area of river basins of the Matina and
Talomo Rivers are not so large, and flow hydrographs of discharge from tributaries and residual basins
downstream of the control points affect the peak discharge of the main river, so the peak discharges
downstream of the reference points are larger than those of the reference points. At the river mouths of
the Matina and Talomo rivers, the peak discharges in 100-year probable rainfall are estimated at 550
(m3/s) for the Matina River and 690 (m3/s) for the Talomo River.
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3) Coefficient of Roughness
The coefficient of roughness applied for the 1D unsteady analysis of the river water level is set as the
value of 0.030 - 0.036 for ensuring reproducibility which has been determined by verification of the
runoff model. The general value of flood plain, 0.06 is applied for 2D unsteady flood analysis.
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2.7.18. According to the flood analysis result, the section from the upstream end to the point of about
25km forms the valley bottom plain and riverine flooding is expected in this plain. Therefore, it is judged
that development activities should be suppressed.
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1 Orient Integrate Development Consultants, INC., “Formulation of Davao River Basin Management and Development Plan”,
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Drainage in Davao City Summary
this project were included in that observation. Using Q-Qs function which was obtained by the result of
observation, the annual estimated sediment discharge from 2002 to 2009, and the annual average
sediment discharge during that period were calculated. The annual average sediment discharges of
Davao River and Talomo River are 492 thousand ton/year and 32 thousand ton/year, respectively.
As a reference, commercial extracted sand and gravel volume in 2018 is summarized based on the City
Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO) of Davao. One of the reasons why there is a
difference between the approved extracted volume and the actual extracted volume is that some
permittees have not taken out riverbed material as much as the volume permitted, in addition to the
minimum permission volume is 10,000m3/year.
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
15.00 2003_Ground
5.00 2019_Ground
-1000 1000 3000 5000 7000 9000 11000 13000 15000
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14: Jerome
60 58 15
65: Maa2 64: Maa1
11 31
75 13
74 57 10: Agdao
56 29
73 55
72 9 27
54 47 8
53 51 26
3: Roxas 7 25
71 46 6
52 45 24
70 50
2 5 23
84 85 49 4
86 69 43 1 22
61 18 19 21
83 48 20
82 62
78 68
79 36: Emars
77 37: Shanghai 67
41 38 66
39 0 1 2km
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In M/P1982, the drainage channel was categorized into the following two; Main drainage – principle
drainage channel which drains the most of runoff in the drainage area and reaches to the outlet of the
drainage area with more than about 50ha in area, and Lateral drainage – other drainage channels. In
the present study, the drainage channels are proposed to be categorized as follows.
Main Drainage Channel: In main drainage area, principle drainage channel which drains the most
of runoff in the drainage area and reaches to the outlet of the drainage area
Secondary Main Drainage Channel: In secondary drainage area, principle drainage channel which
drains the most of runoff in the drainage area and reaches to the outlet of the drainage area
Lateral Drainage Channel: Other drainage channels
2.9.5 Rainfall Analysis
(1) Probable Rainfall
In Davao City, there is only one meteorological station, Davao station by PAGASA, which has enough
rainfall data to discuss short term rainfall intensity. In the present study, the statistical data for short term
rainfall intensity at Davao station were obtained from PAGASA. The latest data are shown in Table 2.9.2,
which are based on the observed data in 61 years from 1951 to 2012.
Table 2.9.2 Statistical Data on Short Term Rainfall Intensity at Davao Station
T 10 20 30 1 2 3 6 12 24
(yrs) mins mins mins hr hrs hrs hrs hrs hrs
2 19.5 30.0 38.2 53.2 65.2 71.6 80.3 85.8 91.4
5 25.1 39.3 51.0 73.2 88.8 96.4 108.7 114.9 121.1
10 28.8 45.4 59.4 86.5 104.5 112.8 127.5 134.1 140.7
15 30.9 48.9 64.2 94.0 113.3 122.1 138.1 145.0 151.8
20 32.4 51.3 67.6 99.3 119.5 128.6 145.5 152.6 159.5
25 33.5 53.2 70.1 103.3 124.2 133.6 151.2 158.5 165.5
50 37.0 59.0 78.1 115.8 138.9 149.0 168.8 176.5 183.9
100 40.5 64.7 85.9 128.1 153.5 164.2 186.3 194.4 202.1
Source: PAGASA
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
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180 180
160 160
Rainfall Intensity (mm/hr)
120 120
100 100
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
Time (min) Time (min)
Table 2.9.3 Hydrological and Hydraulic Models introduced in the Present Study
Item Model Target Area
Macro Model 1. Inundation analysis due to HEC-HMS Roxas drainage area
overflow from main HEC-RAS Agdao drainage area
drainage channels Jerome drainage area
2. Evaluation of design flood Mamay Creek drainage area
discharge along main Sasa Creek drainage area
drainage Emars drainage area
Shanghai drainage area
Maa1 drainage area
Maa2 drainage area
Micro Model Analysis of drainage network SWMM Poblacion area
including both main and lateral (Flo2D may be introduced for Agdao area
drainage channels 2D inundation analysis, which (Matina area)
can be used with SWMM) (The area in which the detail drainage
network model data exist)
Source: Project Team
For all analysis, the constant runoff coefficient model is adopted for the loss model in rainfall-runoff
modelling, by referring to M/P1982 and M/P 1998.
(2) Runoff Coefficient
The land use map in 2017 has been prepared in the Infrastructure development plan for Davao City in
2018 supported by JICA. In the present study, the land use map in 2017 is used as the existing land use
condition. The runoff coefficients by respective land use category were adopted in the present study, by
referring to DGCS and M/P1998.
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The spatially averaged runoff coefficient for respective drainage area is calculated using the adopted
values, which is presented in Figure 2.9.4.
Runoff Coefficient
0 1 2km
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0 1 2km
25 year return period (Climate change considered, Future land use condition)
Source: Project Team
Figure 2.9.5 Example of Simulated Inundation due to Overflow from Main Drainage Channel
Using the same model, the basic design flood discharge has been set by assuming that there is no
overflow from the main drainage channel.
(4) Micro Model
The drainage network model data shown in Section 2.9.3 are inputted to SWMM, then 1D drainage
network analysis is conducted. As for the rainfall-runoff model for sub-catchment, the constant runoff
coefficient model for loss model and built-in model in SWMM for estimation of hydrograph are
As examples of the simulated results, the results of the following two cases with the climate change
considered and with the future land use condition applied.
Case 1: Existing condition
Case 2: All sediment in pipes are removed
As shown in Table 2.9.4, if all sediment in the pipes is removed, the total flood volume would decrease
with about 30% for an extreme event with a 2 year return period. However, for more severe extreme
events, the rate of decrease in flood volume is reduced and the flood volume tends to be determined by
the original discharge capacity of drainage channels.
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Series 1970-1988
MHHW 0.78
MHW 0.65
MSL 0.00
MLW -0.65
MLLW -0.76
Source: NAMRIA
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maximum tide from 1948 to 2017 at Davao tide station was used. The probable tide level for each
particular return period is shown in Table 2.10.2. The 50-year and 100-year probable values are MSL +
1.41 m and + 1.43 m, in which the difference between them is small, 2 cm.
Table 2.10.3 Probable Return Periods of Nearshore Wave Heights (Direction in E-SE)
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
0.2m 0.1m
2. Recent Prediction PAGASA prediction in Davao
in around 2045 in around 2045
0.3m (0.2m
3. DGCS Following DGCS
in 2050 in 2050)
Source: Project Team
2.10.8 Numerical Analysis on Storm Surge and Coastal Erosion from the View Point of Coastal
The following section evaluates the present and future defense structures of the Davao coast using the
target scales according to the section “3.3 Target Design Level” with conducting a series of numerical
analysis on storm surge and coastal erosion.
The most impact factor in the coastal area of Davao City is the Coastal Road. Therefore, Davao City's
coastal area is largely divided into three parts. Storm surge and coastal erosion analysis will be conducted
in the following 3 zones. Furthermore, this study will examine the cases with/without existing and future
projects in order to understand the impact of these projects.
Zone 1: From Davao City South to starting point of Coastal Road
Zone 2: Coastal Road construction sections
Zone 3: End point of Coastal Road -North Davao City
(1) Storm Surge Inundation
1) Outline
As mentioned above, no storm surges due to typhoons have occurred on the Davao coast. Therefore a
storm surge inundation simulation is conducted for normal astronomical high tide levels, or design tide
levels that are set as the target level. The following three cases are performed. Case 1 is to perform the
inundation simulation for the target scale set as the current condition before the construction of the Davao
Coastal Road and estimate the inundated condition. Case 2 is to perform the inundation simulation with
Davao Coastal Road completed and evaluate the effects of the coastal roads. Case 2 will also clarify
which area the inundation situation is remarkable. Case 3 is to perform inundation simulations not only
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at the 100-year probable tide of the target level, but also at 1-year, 10-year, 25-year, and 50-year probable
tide for use in B / C analysis. Obviously, no inundation due to storm surge in the residential and industrial
area will occur after implementing the countermeasures of this project.
2) Models
The study used the analysis model described in “Guide for Development of Storm Surge Inundation Area
Map” in Japan. This model is based on the equations of motion and continuity equations that apply
nonlinear long-wave theory, and incorporates various effects into the vertically integrated shallow water
3) Calculation Conditions
The tide level to be examined is a 100-year probable tide level, but inundation simulation was also
performed for the probable tide level for 1 to 50 years (see Table 2.10.2) for B / C studies only in case 3.
Case 3 was also implemented for tidal levels taking into account climate change (+0.1 m for all tidal
levels). The ground elevation data used in this project was integrated using LiDAR and IFSAR data. The
roughness coefficient was set based on the current land use classification data and based on the
“Guideline for Creating Storm Surge Inundation Area Map”.
4) Results
Table 2.10.5 shows the inundation area and the number of damaged buildings as a summary of the
analysis results for each case.
5) Impact Evaluation
Figure 2.10.1 shows the impact of the inundation situation before and after the construction of Coastal
Road, focusing the Coastal Road section. Coastal Road has several openings, such as bridges, from
which seawater can come around. Therefore, even after the construction of Coastal Road, the inundation
area did not change significantly. Coastal road alone has little effect to protect the inundation along the
Davao City coast, and other measures are necessary.
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1) Outline
The following three cases were carried out to investigate the current and future shoreline changes
regarding coastal erosion analysis. Case 1 is for the model construction and validation by carrying out
the shoreline analysis of the present condition (before the construction of Davao Coastal Road) from the
past coastline. After that, using the developed model, the future shoreline analysis without any
interventions (e.g. coastal road) was conducted to evaluate future coastline. Finally, the shoreline analysis
is performed under the conditions after the completion of Coastal Road to evaluate the impact of Coastal
Road on the shoreline (case 3). By comparing Case 2 and Case 3, the impact of Coastal Road construction
on shoreline changes on the Davao coast is examined. Each case also grasps the sections where erosion
and sedimentation are remarkable.
2) Models
This study used, as a shoreline change analysis model, a 1-line model applied to the analysis of long-
term shoreline prediction. The outline of the analysis model is as follows.
i) Sand transport along coast is the only factor of beach profile change.
ii) Sand transport occurs at the only representative target depth.
iii) Regarding the beach profile, the slope does not change, and it keeps its shape, and moves
parallel to the shore.
The shoreline model is mainly composed of the three calculation parts of 1) Calculation of wave
transformation, 2) Calculation of coastal sand transport and 3) Calculation of shoreline change. Shoreline
change is calculated with repeating these steps.
3) Calculation Conditions
Case 1 was performed for model development and verification of the coefficient of sediment transport
and the amount of sediment discharge from the 2 main rivers (Davao River and Matina-Talomo River),
and then predicted the future of Cases 2 and 3. For the prediction calculation, a long-term shoreline
change trend was grasped, targeting 10 years after reaching the equilibrium state. Therefore, as the tide
level, the average tide level was applied, and the annual energy average wave (set from the reanalyzed
wave data described above) was also applied for the wave condition. In Case 1 and Case 2, shoreline
change analysis were performed with MSL + 0.0m as the target shoreline. However, in the case 3 (after
the Coastal Road construction), the shore line analysis used MSL-2.0m as the target counter line because
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some sections have no sand at MSL + 0.0m. Using the results examined the impact of Coastal Road
4) Results: Case 1
In Case 1, the calculation model was developed by performing the analysis of past shoreline changes
along the coast of Davao City, using the coastline from 1950 to 2014 obtained from Davao City. As the
analysis results, although there are differences in quantity and characteristics in detail, the model
expressed the characteristics of the sedimentation and erosion for entire area.
2.11 Design Criteria of Flood Countermeasure (Riverine flood, Inland flood, High Tide / Storm
2.11.1 Conditions of Existing Structures
In the target area of the project, there are existing structure measures against riverine flood, inland flood
and coastal flood that have been constructed in the past, such as embankment, revetment, drainage
channels, etc. This chapter describes the types of major structure measures that have been constructed
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against each of the riverine flood, the inland flood and the coastal flood, together with issues identified
with regard to the conditions of those structures.
1) Riverine Flood
There are existing embankments and revetments being developed intermittently along each of the three
rivers as measures against riverine flood. On top of that, underground box-culvert floodway exists at a
meandering section of Talomo River aiming to divert floodwater in the downstream. There are no
existing flood retarding ponds, flood gates or weirs for the three rivers.
a) Embankment and Revetment (Concrete Revetment)
There are two main types of structures that can be seen along the three target rivers, the concrete
revetment and gabion pile-up. Concrete revetment is the type of structure widely adopted for old
constructions that have been completed before the DPWH-DEO’s extensive construction projects
launched in 2017.
The standard cross section of concrete-revetment type embankment is shown in the following figure
from the design documents provided by DPWH-DEO. Rubble concrete is used here with steel sheet
piles as foundation. The embedded depth of the steel sheet pile is 12m, but it is considered to be designed
and used as bearing piles and they are not designed as cantilever sheet piles that support earth pressure
from the embankment, thus scour depth is unlikely to be considered in the design.
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c) Underground floodway
An underground box-culvert floodway is installed on the left bank of Talomo River, the inlet being
located at around 2+650k and the outlet at around 1+850k.
d) Cross-river Structure; Bridge
With regard to cross-river structures along target rivers, a number of bridges cross over the channel.
Davao River particularly has many piers, abutments, and protection revetments located inside the
channel. For the design of pier foundations constructed inside the channel, DPWH design standards
(Design Guidelines, Criteria and Standards 2015) stipulates to estimate and consider the scour depth,
which is also the case with planned constructions mentioned in 2.4, whose general drawings assume
about 2.4 m of scour depth corresponding to 100-year flood for a bridge over Davao River.
2) Inland Flood
Existing structure measures related to inland flooding include road side gutters, catch basins, tributary
and main drainage channels (open channel and buried pipe lines). The drainage system is connected to
rivers or the coast where water is drained by gravity. However, the development of structures is falling
behind and the dimension of existing structures is inadequate, therefore inland flooding remains an issue.
Conditions of existing structure measures are described here based on collected information and site
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Figure 2.11.3 Standard Cross Section of Inland Flood Structure Measures (Gutter, Catch
Basin and Pipeline)
3) Coastal Flood
For structure measures against coastal flood, construction of the coastal road by DPWH-RO is underway
as described in 2.10 on top of existing structures (sea wall and jetee). The coastal road has concrete
revetment, wave-breaker and foot protection on its sea side in order to protect the road from waves, but
the facility as a whole does not ensure protection against storm surge due to openings (bridges) placed to
allow residents’ (fishermen’s) access.
(2) Overview of Existing Structure Measures against Riverine Flood
In the target three rivers, embankments and revetments have been constructed along certain section as
countermeasure against riverine flood. On top of that, DPWH-DEO (DEO (I)) has launched an extensive
embankment / revetment construction projects since 2017 for a number of rivers under its jurisdiction.
Design and construction projects by DPWH-DEO is based on datum level set independently in each
project, and protection height of structure measures lacks longitudinal consistency, which remains a
serious issue.
1) Davao River
In Davao River, there are only embankment and revetment, and there no flood retarding pond, floodway
or flood gate.
Structure types of the revetment are classified into two major types, concrete revetment and gabion pile-
up. The concrete revetments can be seen at urban and residential areas along the downstream of Davao
River, from the river mouth up to around the 3 km point for existing structures as well as for planned
structures. In the upstream of that, most of the structures are gabion pile-up type, except for the existing
revetments in the vicinity of old urban areas and residential areas.
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In sections where concrete revetments are being constructed, there are restrictions on the site (i.e. the
gabion pile-up type has earth embankment with wider footprint area), houses and roads exist right behind
the revetment (i.e. the gabion pile-up type is not designed to bear traffic and building load, making it
impossible to have houses and roads in the very vicinity) and difficulty in the foundation construction
(i.e. there’s no high-water riverbed and difficult to build a cofferdam for dry construction), which are
considered to be the reason why concrete revetment was adopted. On the other hand, gabion pile-up type
is less expensive and thus considered to be adopted in places where there are no restrictions.
Table 2.11.1 DPWH’s Design Guidelines for Structure Measures (Riverine Flood, Inland
Flood and Coastal Flood)
Riverine Inland Coastal
No. Name of Guidelines
Flood Flood Flood
1 Design Guidelines, Criteria and Standards, Volume 3 Water
● ● ●
Engineering Project, DPWH 2015 (DGCS Vol.3)
2 Technical Standards and Guidelines for Planning and Design,
● ●
Volume 1: Flood Control, DPWH-JICA 2010
3 Philippine Port Authority (PPA) Engineering Standards for Port
and Harbor Structures – Volume II (2009)
Source:Project Team
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DPWH-BOD has an intention to update the contents of DGCS, especially for items with insufficient
descriptions, which is not planned specifically.
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necessary to establish EWS in such short-medium rivers even though there are no water level
observation stations along Matina River.
(3) Hazard maps and risk assessment, Davao City IEC Program, Earthquake and fire drills and
other multi-hazard drills
In Davao City, there are several existing flood hazard maps as described below. First, MGB conducted
hazard assessment based on topographical, soil quality and disaster historical information, and created
a 1:10,000 scale hazard map for floods and landslides. However, this hazard map was created before
typhoon Vinta, therefore MGB recognizes that updating is necessary. The other is the flood hazard map
created in 2015 in the DREAM program led by the University of the Philippines (UP). It has been created
with 5-year, 25-year, and 100-year probability using the HEC-MHS model and ground data from LiDAR.
In addition, flood hazard maps and storm surge hazard maps were also organized in Project NOAH
implemented by DOST, and can be viewed on their website.
As mentioned above, several organizations create maps with different methods and accuracy and
distribute them to barangays, and it is not linked to effective disaster prevention activities such as
evacuation drill due to the lack of understanding on how to utilize them.
Also, the distribution of educational materials to residents and the implementation of training are
effective as awareness activities. As current situation, flood-fighting drills are not conducted although
earthquake drills led by Davao city are conducted once a year.
In addition, as an IEC activity related to flood, IFI (International Flood Initiative), whose secretariat is
ICHARM in Japan, collaborates with DPWH, PAGASA and DOST XI to build a platform related to
water resilience and disasters, and is conducting activities such as development of the Online Synthesis
System (OSS) and conducting e-learning and workshop.
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2.13 Current Main Laws, Regulations and Orders related to Flood (Riverine Flood/Inland
Flood/Storm Surge and High Tide)
2.13.1 Current Main Laws/Regulations/Orders
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In addition to the above mentioned Presidential Decrees and Republic Acts, Table 2.13.1 provides other
related significant Presidential Decrees, Republic Acts, Department Orders, Executive Orders and others
related to flood control management issued by various agencies and departments.
Table 2.13.1 List of Relevant Laws, Regulations and Orders on Flood Control
PD/RA/DO/EO Title Issuing Agency
PD 1586 1978 Environmental Impact Statement System -
RA 11038 2018 Expanded National Integrated Protected Areas System Act -
RA 10752 2016 The Right-of-Way Act -
DO 116 S2018 Tree Cutting and Earth-balling Permit Application Process and DPWH
Requirements for DPWH Infrastructure Projects
DO 124 S2017 Directing the Use of the DPWH Right-of-Way Acquisition DPWH
Manual by All Concerned.
DO 57 S2016 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for DPWH Projects DPWH
and Tree Cutting Permit Application
DO 23 S 2015 Flood Control and Drainage Slope Protection Policy DPWH
DO 139 S2014 Guidelines on River Dredging Operations for Flood Control DPWH
AO 05 2019 Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 7586, RA11038 DENR
AO 15 2017 Guidelines on Public Participation under the Philippine DENR
Environmental Impact System
AO 13 1992 Establishment of Buffer Zone within Forest Land DENR
EO 510 2006 Creation of River Basin Control Office (RBO) DENR
MC 30 2020 Interim Guidelines on Public Participation in the DENR EMB
implementation of the Philippine Environmental Impact
Statement System (PD1586) during the state of national public
health emergency
Source: Compiled by JICA Project Team
Table 2.13.2 Local Policies and Ordinances Passed by the City Council of Davao City
Related to Flood Control and Drainage
Local Ordinance Title
Ordinance #0298-09 Proper Harvesting, Storage and Utilization of Rainwater in Davao City
Ordinance #0333-15 Creating a Technical Working Group to facilitate the process of Desilting
Operations in the Rivers and Streams in the Watershed Areas in Davao City
Ordinance #0310-07 Watershed Code of Davao City or Watershed Protection, Conservation and
Ordinance #0361-10 Davao City Ecological Solid Waste Management
Ordinance #117-01 Water Resource Management and Protection Code of Davao City
Source: Compiled by JICA Project Team
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2.14 Condition of Framework for Project Implementation and Maintenance related to Flood
(Riverine Flood, Inland flood, Storm Surge and High Tide)
2.14.1 Main Organizations
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The Office of the Project Director is supported by a core staff and an operation support staff. The core
staff is five functional units namely; administrative support unit, planning and programming support
unit, procurement support unit, contract management unit and monitoring and reporting unit. On the
other hand, the operation support staff is composed of the flood control management office, project
managers, construction operations for foreign-assisted projects, construction operations for locally
funded projects and operation and maintenance.
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The DENR plays a pivotal role in the conservation and preservation of all major watershed and
catchment areas, river basin in the country and in Davao City, it played a proactive role in the protection
of the Davao River Basin and launched various efforts in the development and sustainability of river
and catchment basin.
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(1) Principles
A comprehensive project evaluation reflecting different points of view such as the expected flood
protection level, and socio-economic and environmental impacts and others, is conducted to find out the
best combination of countermeasures which can enable the achievement of the required flood protection
level during the M/P target period.
Since the target and basic principles of countermeasures against River Floods, Rainwater Urban (Inland)
Flooding and Storm Surge differ, evaluation axis, criteria and methodology differ.
The common methodology and process are explained in this section.
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In addition, as a result of the review of past studies in the Philippines and Japan, there are many cases in
which the evaluation criteria are not weighted, and due to the difficulties to justify the weighting, all
evaluation criteria are assessed with the same degree of importance.
The following evaluation axis are proposed to assess the countermeasures selected in the M/P. The
evaluation results of the M/P are shown in Section 3.15.
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3.1.1 General
Objectives of the Project are to formulate an integrated flood control master plan covering riverine
floods, inland floods and coastal floods for Davao River, Matina River and Talomo River basins, and to
conduct feasibility study on urgent and/or priority project(s) for the Davao river.
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0 2 4km
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There are almost no coastal protection facilities in the northern and southern areas, so flood
protection measures will be proposed by installing new coastal protection facilities.
The central area includes a Coastal Road section, and coastal inundation protection measures will
be proposed based on the possibility of sequent protection with Coastal Road.
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Table 3.1.1 Japanese Codes and Guidelines that may be applied for Riverine Flood
No. Name of codes and guidelines Remarks
1 Revised Explanation of Cabinet Order concerning Structural Standards for River Dam and other structures
Management Facilities, etc: (Japan River Association 1999)
2 Technical Standard of Disaster-prevention Regulating Pond, : (Japan River Retarding Basin
Association 2001)
3 Design Mechanics of Revetment, (Japan Institute of Country-ology and Revetment
Engineering 2007)
4 Design and Construction Guidelines for Gabion Pile Up Revetment (Ministry of Gabion
Construction 1988)
5 Design Guidelines for Restoration Works (National Association of Disaster Sheet Pile
Prevention, 2021)
6 Guidelines on Retaining Wall, Handbook for Road Engineering (Japan Road Floodwall, Gabion Pile-up
Association 2012)
7 Technical Criteria for River Works: Practical Guide for Design (MLIT 2021) Dam
Source:Project Team
Table 3.1.2 Japanese Codes and Guidelines that may be applied for Inland Flood
No. Name of codes and guidelines Remarks
1 Design Guidelines of Flexible Sluiceway Structure (Japan Institute of Country-ology Sluice Gate
and Engineering 1998)
2 Handbook for Road Engineering, General Outline (Japan Road Association 2009) All drainage facilities
Source:Project Team
Table 3.1.3 Japanese Codes and Guidelines that may be referred for Coastal Flood
No. Name of codes and guidelines Remarks
1 Technical Standards and Commentaries for Coastal Structures in Japan (National Association
of Agriculture and Coast Conservation, National Association of Fisheries infrastructure,
National Association of Sea Coast, The Ports and Harbours Association of Japan:2018)
2 Technical Standards and Commentaries for Port and Harbour Facilities in Japan
Source:Project Team
3.2.1 General
This Project proposes setting river boundary with the aims of clarifying river area and conducting proper
river management inside clarified river area. This activity will contribute to i) securing required land to
flow down flood water safely, ii) protection from living and reconstruction of houses in highly flood
prone areas, iii) control of land use and development in the river area not to obstruct flood flow, iv)
securing necessary construction area for river structures such as dike embankment, flood plain,
revetment, sluice gate, etc., and v) preserving natural retarding function of the river and surrounding
area of the river.
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In this Project, river widening for area to be protected by structural measures and retarding ponds in the
upstream and inside of the area to be protected are proposed as major structural measures against riverine
flood as described later. In this Project, the river boundary will be examined at following two levels for
area to be protected by structural measures and its upstream area based on the proposed plan of structural
Level 1: Within the area to be protected by structural measures, where is determined considering present
land use and future land use plan
- To establish river alignment and to clarify area of retarding ponds, and then to set and recommend
the river boundary for indicating river area consists of inner area of the river bank and necessary
area for river structures like retarding ponds. Easement is assumed to be set outside the river
Level 2: Upstream area of the area to be protected by structural measures in Davao River
- To identify flood inundation areas along the rivers and to set and recommend the recommended
river conservation zone which includes river areas in order to maintain the flood retarding
function of river and surrounding river area as natural retarding ponds.
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Table 3.3.3 Peak Discharge of Target Design Level for Each River (Final Target Discharge in
this Project under the condition with Impact of Climate Change)
Control Point Target for F/P Target for M/P
River Distance Peak Peak
Name from river Design Level discharge Design Level discharge
mouth (m3/s) (m3/s)
Davao Waan Bridge 17km 100-year flood 3,400m3/s 100-year flood 3,400m3/s
Matina Pangi 9.9km 100-year flood 440 m3/s 100-year flood 440 m3/s
Bridge II
Talomo Mintal Bridge 13.4km 100-year flood 580 m3/s 100-year flood 580 m3/s
Source: Project Team
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3.4.1 Examination of Alternatives of Structural Measures for Framework Plan in Davao River
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C. Retarding Pond
The analysis of the number of affected buildings, the presence or absence of a development plan, and
the present development status in each of the 26 candidate site for retarding pond along the Davao
River was conducted. For selecting a specific development site for retarding pond, the priority will
be lowered for locations where the number of affected buildings is large or where future development
is expected.
D. Dam
The impact on the natural and social environment at the proposed dam site and ponding area was
confirmed. As a result, it was confirmed that the ponding area includes restricted areas that may have
serious environmental and social impacts.
Regarding this restricted area, the introduction of structures will not be excluded for the purpose of
flood control measures, but careful introduction and impact assessment will be required, and it might
take considerable time in case the assessment results require measures to mitigate the impact.
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Alt.1: Considering present condition that land use is already highly advanced, priority should be given
to minimizing land acquisition and resettlement and to allow floods to flow along present river
channel (riverbanks).
By reinforcement works of present dike/revetment works, 3-5 year scale flood will be flowed
down by river channel, and flood water detention facilities will be installed in the basin in
order to secure the target flood control safety level that exceeds 3-5 year scale flood.
HWL is about present dike height or present river bank height.
Alt.2: Considering present condition that land use is already highly advanced, priority should be given
to allow floods to flow along present river channel (riverbanks).
By increasing flow capacity by installation of new dike, 5-10 year scale flood will be flowed
down by river channel, and flood water detention facilities will be installed in the basin in
order to secure the target flood control safety level that exceeds 5-10 year scale flood.
HWL about 1.5 m higher than present dike height or present river bank height.
Alt.3: As land use is already highly advanced and its further advancement is expected in the future,
priority should be given to maximizing the flow of floods by river channel and minimizing flood
risk while keeping HWL low.
By widening width of river channel, 5-15 year scale flood will be flowed down by river
channel, and flood water detention facilities will be installed in the basin in order to secure the
target flood control safety level that exceeds 5-15 year scale flood.
HWL is about present ground level of inland area.
In any combination, dredging needs to be implemented for the purpose of rapid improving river flow
Figure 3.4.1 shows a comparison of the design cross sections of the above three policies. Looking at the
planned high water level of the three policies, Alt.2 is the highest and Alt.3 is the lowest. The difference
between them will be about 3m, which is depending on locations.
4) Alt.1: Combination of Reinforcement of Present Dike and Flood Water Detention Facilities
For Alt.1, respecting the existing, ongoing and planned river works by DPWH DEO I (hereinafter
referred to as “DEO works”), a certain level of flood control safety is ensured by reinforcement works
in places where the flow capacity is insufficient due to the lack of DEO works, river channel dredging
and introduction of water detention facilities.
For the target design flood discharge of 3,400 m3/s, the flow capacity of the river channel will be
increased up to 1,000 m3/s by the reinforcement work, and 200 m3/s will be secured by the dredging,
then the remaining discharge amount 2,200 m3/s will be accommodated by the detention facilities. In
this examination of Alt.1, four kinds of combinations of dike reinforcement, river channel dredging, and
water detention facilities were set and compared.
Figure 3.4.2 shows the implementation schedule and the facility plan, of which is the recommended
combination of Alt.1 as the result of the above examination of comparison of four kinds of combinations.
The cost of the recommended combination of Alt.1, which includes direct construction cost, land
acquisition cost and compensation cost for building, is estimated at 38 Billion Php and affected building
number is about 600, respectively.
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0 2 4km
Note: ANAB: Assumed Number of Affected Buildings, IFB: Informal Building, ND: No data
Source: Project Team
Figure 3.4.2 Facility Plan of Alt.1
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0 2 4km
Note: ANAB: Assumed Number of Affected Buildings, IFB: Informal Building, ND: No data
Source: Project Team
Figure 3.4.3 Facility Plan of Alt.2
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0 2 4km
Note: ANAB: Assumed Number of Affected Buildings, IFB: Informal Building, ND: No data
Source: Project Team
Figure 3.4.4 Facility Plan of Alt.3
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A. Examination of River Alignment and Construction Method for River Widening Works
In the examination of the widening, the optimal alignment was examined by combining cut-off works,
with reference to the Open space / Easement along the river tentatively indicated in CLUP 2019-
2028, which is currently being prepared by Davao City.
One-sided widening work is recommended considering minimization of the volume of works,
utilization of the existing/ongoing dike and revetment, and reducing the number of affected buildings.
Figure 3.4.6 shows the layout of one-sided widening works.
0 0.5 1km
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Table 3.4.1 Riverine Flood Control Master Plan in Davao River (Structural Measures)
Short-Term Measures Mid-Long Term Measures
Implementation Period 2023-2032 2033-2045
(Target Year) (2032) (2045)
Design Level 5-10 year scale flood 100 year scale flood
Design Flood Discharge 1,500m3/s 3,400m3/s
Target Area From river mouth to 23km ditto
Measures ・Dredging (from river mouth to 23km ・River widening (from Bolton
・Cut-off works bridge to 14km)
・Installation of retarding ponds ・Installation of retarding ponds
Project Cost 11.58 billion Php 37.15 billion Php
(Financial Cost) (including short-term measures)
Project Cost 10.54 billion Php 33.90 billion Php
(Economic Cost) (including short-term measures)
Economic Evaluation 18.54% 15.55%
(EIRR) (including short-term measures)
Economic Evaluation (ENPV) 18.40 billion Php 17.44 billion Php
(Discount rate: 10%) (including short-term measures)
Economic Evaluation (B/C) 2.042 1.509
(Discount rate: 10%) (including short-term measures)
Source: Project Team
As described in Section 3.16, the short-term measures in Table 3.4.1 were selected as priority projects,
and the detailed examination was conducted in the Stage 3: Feasibility study for Priority Projects
mentioned in Chapter 4. As a result of the examination, the project cost and economic evaluation of the
Short-Term Measures were reviewed, and the project cost and economic evaluation of the Mid-Long
Term Measures were also reviewed with reference to the examination result of the Short-Term Measures.
Table 3.4.2 shows the results of the review based on the examination of Stage 3.
Table 3.4.2 Riverine Flood Control Master Plan in Davao River (Structural Measures)
Short-Term Measures Mid-Long Term Measures
Project Cost 21.60 billion Php 60.35 billion Php
(Financial Cost) (including short-term measures)
Project Cost 20.24 billion Php 56.55 billion Php
(Economic Cost) (including short-term measures)
Economic Evaluation 15.32 % 15.37 %
(EIRR) (including short-term measures)
Economic Evaluation (ENPV) 9.99 billion Php 12.98 billion Php
(Discount rate: 10%) (including short-term measures)
Economic Evaluation (B/C) 1.895 1.728
(Discount rate: 10%) (including short-term measures)
Source: Project Team
The details of the above measures in Table 3.4.1 are shown in Table 3.4.3.
Table 3.4.3 Details of Structural Measures in Davao River
Item Content
Short-Term Measures
Dredging Target Section: From river mouth to 23km
Dredging Volume: 2 million m3
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Drainage in Davao City Summary
Item Content
Cut-off works Target Section: 6+500 – 12+700
Installation of Number of Retarding Ponds to be Installed: 3
Retarding Ponds Location (Distance from river mouth & bankside): 29.0km (Right bank), 27.2km (Left
bank), 23.8km (Left bank)
Area: 200ha in total
Excavation Volume: 28.2 million m3 in total
Mid-Long Term Measures
River Widening Target Section: From Bolton bridge to 14km
Widening Width: Riverbed width 96.4m, Water depth about 7.2m, Width between top
of riverbanks about 110.8m
Shape of Cross Section: Inverted trapezoid with slope of 1:1
Excavation Volume: 5.6 million m3
Number and Name of Bridges to be Replaced: 2 bridges (F. Torres bridge (6k), Davao
river bridge (13.0k))
Installation of Number of Retarding Ponds to be Installed: 4
Retarding Ponds Location (Distance from river mouth & bankside): 32.2km (Right bank), 31.0km (Left
bank), 21.8km (Right bank), 20.2km (Right bank)
Area: 397ha in total
Excavation Volume: 66.7 million m3 in total
Source: Project Team
The design longitudinal profile of the Davao River (design riverbed elevation and HWL) is shown in
Figure 3.4.8.
25.0 Davao City Bypas
(Under construct
Davao River B
Sta.Lucia B
Davao River Brd
F.Torres B
Bolton Br
Elevation (MSL+m)
After the short-term measures and mid-long term measures shown in Table 3.4.1 are implemented, area
to be protected in the Davao River can expect to become basically safe for 100 year scale flood as shown
in Table 3.4.4.
After only the short-term measures shown in Table 3.4.1 are implemented, area to be protected in the
Davao River not only becomes basically safe for a flood discharge of 1,500 m3/s (5-10 year scale flood),
but also can expect a certain degree of damage reduction even in occurrence of higher scale floods.
Figure 3.4.9 and Table 3.4.4 show the inundation condition of the current condition and after
implementation of short-term measures with various scale floods. Reduction of inundation area is more
remarkable in case of the smaller scale floods such as the 10 year scale flood, whereas reduction of
inundation area can be confirmed also in the case of 100 year scale flood.
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Drainage in Davao City Summary
It can be said that the areas where flooding has stopped after the implementation of the measures are
where flood risk is greatly reduced. Although it is premised that the measures will be implemented,
these areas can be prioritized from the viewpoint of flood risk when promoting regional development in
the future. It is expected that the results of this study will be reflected and utilized in a development plan
and a future plan in the Davao City.
Table 3.4.4 Comparison of Inundation Condition between Current Condition and after
Implementation of Short-Term Measures and Mid-Long Term Measures in Davao River
(Inundation Area and Number of Inundated Buildings)
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Drainage in Davao City Summary
3.5.1 Examination of Alternatives of Structural Measures for Framework Plan in Matina River
(1) Examination of Individual Flood Control Measure
The examination of individual flood control measure of riverine flood in the Matina River focuses on
four types of structural measures which are dike/flood wall, river channel improvement (widening),
retarding pond and dam, excluding diversion channel (underground channel) which was obviously
disadvantaged in terms of cost in consideration of the Davao River, targeting the 100-year flood.
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Drainage in Davao City Summary
As the result of comparison of the construction cost by flood wall and river widening, it can be said
that the river widening is inexpensive about 1/3 to 1/2 in case the flood discharge is accommodated
only by the river channel.
B. Tendency of Measures for Flood Water Detention Facilities (Tendency of Retarding Pond and Dam)
As the result of comparing the construction cost of the retarding ponds and dam, it can be said that
retarding ponds are much inexpensive compared with dam as the detention facility.
C. Tendency of Optimal Flood Discharge Distribution accommodated by River Channel and Flood
Water Detention Facility
The optimal distribution of flood discharge by river channel and detention facilities was examined
by combining the river widening which is lowest-cost measures among measures accommodated by
river channel and the retarding ponds which are lowest-cost measures among detention facilities. As
the result, in case the discharge allocated by the river channel is about 270 to 350 m3/s, the total value
is gently constant (almost flat).
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Drainage in Davao City Summary
0 1 2km
Regarding the river mouth, the structure of MSL+3.0m (design high tide level 1.53m + wave component
about 1.0m + free board about 0.5m) as countermeasures against storm surge and waves (a flood wall
along the river at the same height as the storm surge dike) is required.
This flood wall at the river mouth will be introduced in accordance with the widening work and will be
installed on both banks for about 1 km from the river mouth. The cost is estimated at 0.4 Billion Php.
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Table 3.5.2 Riverine Flood Control Master Plan in Matina River (Structural Measures)
Short-Term Measures Mid-Long Term Measures
Implementation Period 2023-2032 2033-2045
(Target Year) (2032) (2045)
Design Level 15 year scale flood 100 year scale flood
Design Flood Discharge 350m3/s 550m3/s
Target Area From river mouth to 11.5km ditto
Measures ・Cut-off works ・River widening (from river mouth
・Installation of retarding ponds to 11.5km)
(Twelve locations) ・Flood wall at river mouth
The design longitudinal profile of the Matina River (design riverbed elevation and HWL) is shown in
Figure 3.5.3.
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After the short-term measures and mid-long term measures shown in Table 3.5.2 are implemented, area
to be protected in the Matina River can expect to become basically safe for 100 year scale flood as
shown in Table 3.5.4.
After only the short-term measures shown in Table 3.5.2 are implemented, area to be protected in the
Matina River not only becomes basically safe for a flood discharge of 350 m3/s (about 15 year scale
flood), but also can expect a certain degree of damage reduction even in occurrence of higher scale
floods. Figure 3.5.4 and Table 3.5.4 show the inundation condition of the current condition and after
implementation of short-term measures with various scale floods. Remarkable reduction of inundation
area can be confirmed in all the cases.
Table 3.5.4 Comparison of Inundation Condition between Current Condition and after
Implementation of Short-Term Measures and Mid-Long Term Measures in Matina River
(Inundation Area and Number of Inundated Buildings)
Inundation Area (ha) Number of Inundated Buildings (hundred buildings)
(more than 0.10m inundation depth) (more than 0.10m inundation depth)
scale After Short- After After After
Present Present
term Mid-Long term Short-term Mid-Long term
Condition Condition
Measures Measures Measures Measures
100 year 108 42 0 40.3 11.5 0
50 year 101 28 0 37.7 6.4 0
25 year 71 20 0 25.8 4.7 0
Source: Project Team
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Drainage in Davao City Summary
3.6.1 Examination of Alternatives of Structural Measures for Framework Plan in Talomo River
(1) Examination of Individual Flood Control Measure
The examination of individual flood control measure of riverine flood in the Talomo River focuses on
four types of structural measures which are dike/flood wall, river channel improvement (widening),
retarding pond and dam, excluding diversion channel (underground channel) which was obviously
disadvantaged in terms of cost in consideration of the Davao River, targeting the 100-year flood.
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
- Dam: The individual measure could not cope with 100-year flood. The cost is about nine times as
the widening.
Based on the above, there are restrictions and limitations in any of the individual measures, and a
combination of measures is required as examined in the below.
(2) Examination of Combination of Flood Control Measure
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
As described in the cost comparison in 2) above, in the combination of widening and retarding pond, it
is advantageous to increase the flow capacity of the river channel to about 580 m3/s by widening, and
to accommodate the rest at the retarding ponds.
Based on the scale of the required retarding ponds, the ease of inflow and outflow of the flood flow
(long shape along the river channel), the inflow from the hinterland and tributaries, and the integration
of the candidate retarding ponds, the optimal combination of widening and retarding ponds was
Table 3.6.1 shows the scale of the combination, cost and number of affected buildings. Figure 3.6.1 and
Figure 3.6.2 show the implementation schedule and the facility plan. It will be possible to create a safe
city that can cope with 100-year flood within the M/P stage by 2045. Therefore, the target of F/P can be
achieved within the target period of the M/P, that is, the M/P and the F/P will be the same.
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
0 1 2km
Regarding the river mouth, the structure of MSL+3.0m as countermeasures against storm surge and
waves is required. This flood wall at the river mouth will be introduced in accordance with the widening
work and will be installed on both banks for about 2 km from the river mouth. The cost is estimated at
0.06 Billion Php.
Table 3.6.2 Riverine Flood Control Master Plan in Talomo River (Structural Measures)
Short-Term Measures Mid-Long Term Measures
Implementation Period 2023-2032 2033-2045
(Target Year) (2032) (2045)
Design Level 5-10 year scale flood 100 year scale flood
Design Flood Discharge 260m3/s 690m3/s
Target Area From river mouth to 6.0km ditto
Measures ・Dredging (from river mouth to ・River widening (from river mouth
6.0km) to 6.0km)
・Cut-off works ・Flood wall at river mouth
・Installation of retarding ponds
(Three locations)
Project Cost 0.60 billion Php 1.66 billion Php
(Financial Cost) (including short-term measures)
Project Cost 0.54 billion Php 1.52 billion Php
(Economic Cost) (including short-term measures)
Economic Evaluation (EIRR) 16.52% 14.93%
(including short-term measures)
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Drainage in Davao City Summary
The design longitudinal profile of the Talomo River (design riverbed elevation and HWL) is shown in
Figure 3.6.3.
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Drainage in Davao City Summary
After the short-term measures and mid-long term measures shown in Table 3.6.2 are implemented, area
to be protected in the Talomo River can expect to become basically safe for 100 year scale flood as
shown in Table 3.6.4.
After only the short-term measures shown in Table 3.6.2 are implemented, area to be protected in the
Talomo River not only becomes basically safe for a flood discharge of 260 m3/s (5-10 year scale flood),
but also can expect a certain degree of damage reduction even in occurrence of higher scale floods.
Figure 3.6.4 and Table 3.6.4 show the inundation condition of the current condition and after
implementation of short-term measures with various scale floods. Reduction of inundation area is more
remarkable in case of the smaller scale floods such as the 10 year scale flood, whereas reduction of
inundation area can be confirmed also in the case of 50 year scale flood.
Table 3.6.4 Comparison of Inundation Condition between Current Condition and after
Implementation of Short-Term Measures and Mid-Long Term Measures in Talomo River
(Inundation Area and Number of Inundated Buildings)
Inundation Area (ha) Number of Inundated Buildings (hundred buildings)
(more than 0.10m inundation depth) (more than 0.10m inundation depth)
scale After Short- After After After
Present Present
term Mid-Long term Short-term Mid-Long term
Condition Condition
Measures Measures Measures Measures
100 year 128 118 0 59.5 53.7 0
50 year 126 90 0 58.3 39.3 0
25 year 107 11 0 49.6 6.5 0
10 year 56 1 0 24.8 1.1 0
Source: Project Team
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
1) General
The storm water drainage improvement is largely divided into the following two categories; a) Measures
to flow runoff faster by improving flow capacity of drainage channel, and b) Measures to reduce
discharge in drainage channel by installing rainwater storage facilities along drainage channel and/or in
catchment area.
Although the drainage channel does not have enough capacity for severer extreme events, the space for
channel widening is quite limited. In addition, the natural rainwater runoff retarding function is
decreasing, and its recovery is an important task. Considering these, the strategy is set to upgrade
drainage system mainly by securing and enhancing rainwater runoff retarding function.
The channel improvement is prioritized if it is available. However, the installation of rainwater storage
facilities is considered in the case that the channel improvement is difficult though the existing capacity
is not enough.
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Drainage in Davao City Summary
3) Channel Roughness
The following Manning’s coefficients for channel roughness are assumed.
Improved Open Channel: 0.025
Natural or Unimproved Open Channel: 0.03 – 0.04
Closed channel and culvert: 0.015
Figure 3.7.1 shows the delineation of sub-drainage areas, and the design flood discharge for the
alternatives explained later as well as the basic design discharge that assumes no overflow from the
channel at the representative points along the main drainage channel, under the future landuse condition
with the climate change considered.
Figure 3.7.2 presents the expected inundation area due to overflow from the main drainage channel for
25 year return period. The reach with about 300m in length from the outlet consists of box culverts and
a covered open channel. Because the flow capacity in this reach is quite limited, it is expected that the
wide area is inundated in the existing condition.
The coastal road project by DPWH is on-going. In this project, the connection road between the coastal
road and Quezon Blvd. will be constructed along the existing Roxas drainage main channel. According
to DPWH, together with the road construction, new box culverts which have enough flow capacity for
25 year return period (tentative dimension: W3.2m x H1.8m x 4 cells) will be installed under the road.
With this new box culverts, it is expected that there will be no inundation due to overflow from the main
drainage channel for 5 year return period.
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Drainage in Davao City Summary
Figure 3.7.3 shows the expected inundation area due to overflow from the main drainage channel for 25
year return period after the coastal road project will be completed. The measures to address the
remaining inundation is examined in the following section.
1 2 3
Chainage (km) 0.86 0.38 0
Basic Design Flood Discharge (m /s) 22 25 36
ALT‐1 : Design Flood Discharge (m /s) 22 25 36
ALT‐2 : Design Flood Discharge (m /s) 22 14 36
ALT‐3 : Design Flood Discharge (m /s) 22 13 32
0 200 400m
0 200 400m
0 200 400m
Figure 3.7.2 Expected Inundation Area Figure 3.7.3 Expected Inundation Area due to
due to Overflow from Main Drainage Overflow from Main Drainage Channel for 25
Channel for 25 Year Return Period (Existing Year Return Period (After Completion of
Condition) for Roxas Drainage Area Coastal Road Project) for Roxas Drainage Area
2) Alternative Measures
The following three alternatives are considered.
Alterantive-1: Drainage Channel Improvement
Alterantive-2: Bypass Channel (Culvert) and Partial Drainage Channel Improvement
Alterantive-3: Bypass Channel (Culvert) and Retarding Basin (Closed Type) under Road
Table 3.7.2 shows the conceptual layout of the proposed structures for each of the alternatives.
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Drainage in Davao City Summary
0 100 200m
③ Drainage Channel Improvement
W10m x H2m x L70m
0 100 200m
③ Retarding Basin (Closed Type)
under Road
Storage Capacity=10,000m3
W8m x H5m x L250m
0 100 200m
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
The construction cost and land acquisition / compensation cost are preliminary estimated for each of the
alternatives as shown in Table 3.7.3.
Table 3.7.3 Preliminary Estimated Cost for Construction and Land Acquisition /
Compensation (Roxas Drainage Area)
Preliminary Estimated Cost (Billion Php)
Alternative Land Acquisition
Construction Cost Total
/Compensation Cost
1 0.109 0 0.109
2 0.088 0 0.088
3 0.385 0 0.385
Source: Project Team
Among the alternatives, the alterantive-2 is recommended since the preliminary estimated cost (total of
the construction and land acquisition / compensation cost) is the lowest.
The alterantive-1 requires the removal of the existing trees along the Roxas channel, which may
negatively affects to the landscape in the surrounding area. Furthermore, the total cost is higher than the
altrenative-2. Therefore, It is not recommended.
The total cost for alternative-3 is the highest among the alternatives. However, there is no impact on the
existing trees along the Roxas channel. If the existing tress in the reach whose channel improvement is
proposed in the alterantve-2 are not allowed to be disturbed, the alternative-3 could be only available
solution despite of its relatively high cost.
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Drainage in Davao City Summary
Table 3.7.4 Project Cost and B/C for Each of Main Drainage Areas in Case that Full Menu of
Framework Plan is implemented
Annual Cost (Billion Php) Annualized
Damage Land Cost
Const- Project Project Annual
Reduction Acquisition/ (Economic) B/C
ruction Cost Cost O& M
(Billion Compen- (Billion
Cost (Financial) (Economic) Cost
Php) sation Cost Php)
1 Roxas 0.003 0.088 0 0.124 0.113 0.4 0.012 0.29
2 Agdao 0.469 3.385 0.409 5.203 4.749 16.9 0.496 0.95
3 Jerome 0.641 2.516 0.860 4.451 4.086 12.6 0.425 1.51
4 Mamay Creek 0.303 1.136 0.404 2.026 1.860 5.7 0.193 1.57
5 Sasa Creek 0.084 0.474 0.033 0.703 0.641 2.4 0.067 1.25
6 Emars 0.085 0.113 0.482 0.665 0.627 0.6 0.064 1.33
7 Shanghai 0.068 0.055 0.129 0.213 0.200 0.3 0.020 3.33
8 Maa1 0.039 0.200 0.040 0.324 0.296 1.0 0.031 1.26
9 Maa2 0.194 2.036 0.246 3.129 2.856 10.2 0.298 0.65
Total 1.886 10.003 2.603 16.839 15.427 50.0 1.606 1.17
Remark: It is assumed that the annual O&M cost is 0.5% of the construction cost.
Source: Project Team
Assuming that the full menu of the Framework Plan will be implemented by 2045 which is the target
year of the Master Plan, it is required to invest 17/23=0.74 Billion Php annually in average. It is about
1.5 times as large as the average annual budget for the projects for storm water drainage improvement
by DPWH-DEO in the last 5years.
2) Master Plan
As shown in 1), the investment to the full menu of the Framework Plan is economically viable. The
required annual investment in average to implement the full menu of the framework plan by 2045 is not
unrealistic, since it is about 1.5 times as large as the average annual budget for the projects for storm
water drainage improvement by DPWH-DEO in the last 5years.
Considering the above-mentioned condition, the Master Plan is set as same as the Framework Plan,
which targets to achieve the safety level of 25 year return period for the main drainage channels by 2045.
3) Step-wide Implementation
As for the implementation of the Master Plan, the proposed projects are divided into the short term
(2023-2032) and the long-term (2033-2045).
The short-term projects are selected so as to prevent overflow from main drainage channels for the
extreme event with 5 year return period among the full menu of the Framework Plan.
As for the deep excavation type of retarding basin whose construction cost is high, the following set-
wise implementation is considered.
Phase-1: Acquisition of necessary land area and construction of shallow excavation type of
retarding basin
Phase-2: Upgrade to deep excavation type of retarding basin which has enough storage volume to
meet the requirement of the Framework Plan
When the implementation of the Phase-1 can achieve the safety level of 5 year return period, only Phase-
1 is implemented in the short-term.
For the implementation of the proposed retarding basins, it is necessary to secure the land for the
construction and to prevent land development. It is highly recommended to reflect the proposed
retarding basins into the land use plan and regulation in Davao City as early as possible.
The total project cost for the selected short-term projects is about 8.8 Billion Php. The simple economic
analysis, which assumes that the initial investment concentrates in the first year and the benefit appears
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
in the rest of project period (50years are assumed), shows that B/C=2.15 for the short-term projects in
case that the social discount rate is 10%. The B/C for all main drainage areas exceeds 1. Table 3.7.5
presents the project cost and B/C for each of the main drainage areas. In the analysis, the present landuse
condition to estimate the annual damage reduction is assumed.
Table 3.7.5 Project Cost and B/C for Each of Main Drainage Areas for Short-Term Projects
Annual Cost (Billion Php) Annualized
Damage Land Cost
Const- Project Project Annual
Reduction Acquisition/ (Economic) B/C
ruction Cost Cost O& M
(Billion Compen- (Billion
Cost (Financial) (Economic) Cost
Php) sation Cost Php)
1 Roxas 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 N/A
2 Agdao 0.440 1.176 0.409 2.088 1.917 5.9 0.199 2.21
3 Jerome 0.621 1.520 0.860 3.046 2.809 7.6 0.291 2.13
4 Mamay Creek 0.289 0.198 0.316 0.611 0.570 1.0 0.059 4.94
5 Sasa Creek 0.084 0.286 0.015 0.419 0.382 1.4 0.040 2.10
6 Emars 0.085 0.113 0.482 0.665 0.627 0.6 0.064 1.33
7 Shanghai 0.068 0.055 0.129 0.213 0.200 0.3 0.020 3.33
8 Maa1 0.038 0.196 0.001 0.277 0.252 1.0 0.026 1.44
9 Maa2 0.182 0.874 0.246 1.491 1.366 4.4 0.142 1.28
Total 1.807 4.418 2.458 8.811 8.122 22.1 0.841 2.15
Remark: It is assumed that the annual O&M cost is 0.5% of the construction cost.
Source: Project Team
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
Table 3.7.6 Items to be Considered for Operation and Maintenance for Proposed Structural
Type of Items
Structure Ordinary time During/After flood events
Periodical inspection of structures During flood event
such as riprap, concrete wall, Sharing information of status of retarding
gates and overflow weir basin with relevant organizations in real time
Periodical inspection of drainage After flood event
pumps in case of closed type and Operation of gates and pumps and monitoring
Retarding basin deep open type retarding basin of drainage of stored water by gravity or
Periodical cleaning of retarding pumps just after the flood event
basin including removal of Checking the status of structures and pumps
sediment and garbage Urgent removal of deposited sediment and
Prevention of illegal activities garbage, especially around the gates and
inside the retarding basin pumps to ensure their proper function
Periodical inspection of structures
such as riprap, concrete wall and During flood event
cross drain. Sharing information of status of channel with
Open channel Prevention of illegal activities relevant organizations in real time
along the channel After flood event
Periodical cleaning of deposited Checking the status of structures
sediment and garbage
During flood event
Sharing information of status of channel with
Periodical inspection of manhole,
relevant organizations in real time
Closed channel inlet structure and overflow weir
After flood event
including Periodical cleaning of deposited
Checking the status of structures and pumps
diversion tunnel sediment and garbage inside the
Urgent removal of deposited sediment and
garbage, especially around the overflow weir
to ensure their proper function
Source: Project Team
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
Table 3.7.7 Project List for Structural Measures on Storm Water Drainage Improvement in
the Master Plan
Project Cost Short Term Long Term Imp.
Proje ct Work Item
(Billion Php) 2023‐2032 2033‐2045 Type
A Main Drainage Improvement 16.839 8.811 8.028
A‐1 Roxas Drainage Area 0.124 0 124
Dredging (L480m)
Channel Improvement and Installation of Bypass
A‐1‐1 Box Culvert (W3.6mxH1.8mx2cellsxL500m) 0.124 x ①
Channel Improvement (W10m x H2m x L70m)
A‐2 Agdao Drainage Area 5.203 2.088 3.115
3 2
A‐2‐1 Installation of Retarding Basin① (Phase‐1) Retarding basin (shallow open) (V=40,000m , A=20,000m , H=2m) 0.336 x ①
3 2
A‐2‐2 Upgrading of Retarding Basin① (Phase‐2) Retarding basin (deep open) (V=72,000m , A=20,000m , H=3.6m) 0.575 x ②
3 2
A‐2‐3 Installation of Retarding Basin② Retarding basin (closed) (V=10,000m , A=2,500m , H=4m) 0.440 x ③
3 2
A‐2‐4 Installation of Retarding Basin③ (Phase‐1) Retarding basin (shallow open) (V=8,000m , A=5,000m , H=1.6m) 0.057 x ①
3 2
A‐2‐5 Upgrading of Retarding Basin③ (Phase‐2) Retarding basin (deep open) (V=15,000m , A=5,000m , H=3m) 0.213 x ②
3 2
A‐2‐6 Installation of Retarding Basin④ Retarding basin (closed) (V=13,000m , A=5,000m , H=2.6m) 0.571 x ③
Installation of Underground Rainwater Storage 3
A‐2‐7 Retarding basin (closed) (V=10,000m , W4mxH5mxL500m) 0.398 x ③
along Dacudao Creek (Phase‐1)
Installation of Underground Rainwater Storage 3
A‐2‐8 Retarding basin (closed) (V=28,000m , W4mxH5mxL1,400m) 1.111 x ③
along Dacudao Creek (Phase‐2)
Installation of Underground rainwater storage in 3
A‐2‐9 Retarding basin (closed) (V=22,500m , W3mxH3mxL2,500m) 0.513 x ②
catchment area of Old Agdao Channel (Phase‐1)
Installation of Underground rainwater storage in 3
A‐2‐10 Retarding basin (closed) (V=9,000m , W3mxH3mxL1,000m) 0.204 x ②
catchment area of Old Agdao Channel (Phase‐2)
Open channel (W12mxH2‐3mxL350m)
Box culvert (W3mxH2.5mx2cellsxL350m)
A‐2‐11 Improvement of Lower Agdao Channel Bridge along channel (W5mxL350m) 0.647 x ③
Improvement of cross drain (1place)
Box culvert (W3mxH2.5mx1cellxL150m)
Dredging (L500m)
Regulation Pond (A=5,000m )
A‐2‐12 Improvement of Old Agdao Channel 0.136 x ①
Improvement of cross drain (1place)
Box culvert (W3mxH2.4mx1cellxL400m)
A‐3 Jerome Drainage Area 4.451 3.046 1.405
3 2
A‐3‐1 Installation of Retarding Basin① (Phase‐1) Retarding basin (shallow open) (V=6,000m , A=6,000m , H=1m) 0.221 x ①
3 2
A‐3‐2 Upgrading of Retarding Basin① (Phase‐2) Retarding basin (deep open) (V=33,000m , A=6,000m , H=5.5m) 0.432 x ②
3 2
A‐3‐3 Installation of Retarding Basin② (Phase‐1) Retarding basin (shallow open) (V=18,000m , A=9,000m , H=2m) 0.057 x ①
3 2
A‐3‐4 Upgrading of Retarding Basin② (Phase‐2) Retarding basin (deep open) (V=40,000m , A=9,000m , H=4.5m) 0.433 x ②
3 2
A‐3‐5 Installation of Retarding Basin③ (Phase‐1) Retarding basin (shallow open) (V=30,000m , A=15,000m , H=2m) 0.227 x ①
3 2
A‐3‐6 Upgrading of Retarding Basin③ (Phase‐2) Retarding basin (deep open) (V=64,000m , A=15,000m , H=4.3m) 0.540 x ②
3 2
A‐3‐7 Installation of Retarding Basin④ Retarding basin (deep open) (V=48,000m , A=8,000m , H=6m) 0.874 x ③
3 2
A‐3‐8 Installation of Retarding Basin⑤ Retarding basin (deep open) (V=15,000m , A=3,000m , H=5m) 0.371 x ③
3 2
A‐3‐9 Installation of Retarding Basin⑥ Retarding basin (deep open) (V=88,000m , A=16,000m , H=5.5m) 0.781 x ③
Box Culvert (W3mxH2.3mx1cellxL610m)
A‐3‐10 Improvement of Lower Jerome Channel Chanel Improvement (W5mxH2.5‐3mxL1,000m) 0.516 x ①
Improvement of cross drain (14places)
A‐4 Mamay Creek Drainage Area 2.026 0.611 1.415
3 2
A‐4‐1 Installation of Retarding Basin① Retarding basin (dam) (V=41,000m , A=20,000m , H=6m) 0.089 x ②
3 2
A‐4‐2 Installation of Retarding Basin② Retarding basin (dam) (V=26,000m , A=22,000m , H=2m) 0.089 x ②
3 2
A‐4‐3 Installation of Retarding Basin③ Retarding basin (dam) (V=68,000m , A=30,000m , H=5m) 0.083 x ②
3 2
A‐4‐4 Installation of Retarding Basin④ Retarding basin (shallow open) (V=33,000m , A=15,000m , H=2.2m) 0.068 x ①
3 2
A‐4‐5 Installation of Retarding Basin⑤ (Phase‐1) Retarding basin (shallow open) (V=6,000m , A=3,000m , H=2m) 0.015 x ①
3 2
A‐4‐6 Upgrading of Retarding Basin⑤ (Phase‐2) Retarding basin (deep open) (V=15,000m , A=3,000m , H=5m) 0.286 x ②
3 2
A‐4‐7 Installation of Retarding Basin⑥ Retarding basin (shallow open) (V=24,000m , A=16,000m , H=1.5m) 0.049 x ①
3 2
A‐4‐8 Installation of Retarding Basin⑦ (Phase‐1) Retarding basin (shallow open) (V=33,000m , A=22,000m , H=1.5m) 0.123 x ①
3 2
A‐4‐9 Upgrading of Retarding Basin⑦ (Phase‐2) Retarding basin (deep open) (V=130,000m , A=22,000m , H=6m) 0.942 x ③
3 2
A‐4‐10 Installation of Retarding Basin⑧ Retarding basin (shallow open) (V=15,000m , A=10,000m , H=1.5m) 0.108 x ②
Dyke (H2mxL220m)
A‐4‐11 Channel Improvement 0.094 x ①
Improvement of cross drain (5places)
Instalation of Bypass Channel in Middle Mamay
A‐4‐12 Box Culvert (W3.3mxH1.7mx1cellxL660m) 0.079 x ①
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Imp. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Proje c t
Type 2027 2032 2037 2042 2045
A Main Drainage Improve me n t
A‐1 Roxas Drainage Area
A‐1‐1 Channel Imrovement and Instalation of Bypass Channel ① (2)
A‐2 Agdao Drainage Area
A‐2‐1 Installation of Retarding Basin① (Phase‐1) ① (4)
A‐2‐2 Upgrading of Retarding Basin① (Phase‐2) ② (6)
A‐2‐3 Installation of Retarding Basin② ③ (2)
A‐2‐4 Installation of Retarding Basin③ (Phase‐1) ① (1)
A‐2‐5 Upgrading of Retarding Basin③ (Phase‐2) ② (3)
A‐2‐6 Installation of Retarding Basin④ ③ (2)
A‐2‐7 Installation of Underground Rainwater Storage along Dacudao Creek (Phase‐1) ③ (2)
A‐2‐8 Installation of Underground Rainwater Storage along Dacudao Creek (Phase‐2) ③ (3)
A‐2‐9 Installation of Underground rainwater storage in catchment area of Old Agdao ② (6)
A‐2‐10 Installation of Underground rainwater storage in catchment area of Old Agdao ② (2)
A‐2‐11 Improvement of Lower Agdao Channel ③ (3)
A‐2‐12 Improvement of Old Agdao Channel ① (2)
A‐3 Jerome Drainage Area
A‐3‐1 Installation of Retarding Basin① (Phase‐1) ① (3)
A‐3‐2 Upgrading of Retarding Basin① (Phase‐2) ② (5)
A‐3‐3 Installation of Retarding Basin② (Phase‐1) ① (1)
A‐3‐4 Upgrading of Retarding Basin② (Phase‐2) ② (5)
A‐3‐5 Installation of Retarding Basin③ (Phase‐1) ① (3)
A‐3‐6 Upgrading of Retarding Basin③ (Phase‐2) ② (6)
A‐3‐7 Installation of Retarding Basin④ ③ (2)
A‐3‐8 Installation of Retarding Basin⑤ ③ (2)
A‐3‐9 Installation of Retarding Basin⑥ ③ (2)
A‐3‐10 Improvement of Lower Jerome Channel ① (6)
A‐4 Mamay Creek Drainage Area
A‐4‐1 Installation of Retarding Basin① ② (1)
A‐4‐2 Installation of Retarding Basin② ② (1)
A‐4‐3 Installation of Retarding Basin③ ② (1)
A‐4‐4 Installation of Retarding Basin④ ① (1)
A‐4‐5 Installation of Retarding Basin⑤ (Phase‐1) ① (1)
A‐4‐6 Upgrading of Retarding Basin⑤ (Phase‐2) ② (3)
A‐4‐7 Installation of Retarding Basin⑥ ① (1)
A‐4‐8 Installation of Retarding Basin⑦ (Phase‐1) ① (2)
A‐4‐9 Upgrading of Retarding Basin⑦ (Phase‐2) ③ (2)
A‐4‐10 Installation of Retarding Basin⑧ ② (1)
A‐4‐11 Channel Imrovement ① (1)
A‐4‐12 Instalation of Bypass Channel in Middle Mamay Creek ① (1)
A‐5 Sasa Creek Drainage Area
A‐5‐1 Completion of Remaining Portion of Retarding Basin① in La Verna Area ② (4)
A‐5‐2 Installation of Retarding Basin② in La Verna Area ② (3)
A‐5‐3 Channel Imrovement and Instalation of Bypass Channel in Pampanga Area ① (1)
A‐6 Emars Drainage Area
A‐6‐1 Installation of Retarding Basin① ① (3)
A‐6‐2 Installation of Retarding Basin② ① (1)
A‐6‐3 Installation of Retarding Basin③ ① (2)
A‐6‐4 Instalation of Bypass Channel ① (1)
A‐7 Shanghai Drainage Area
A‐7‐1 Installation of Retarding Basin ① (2)
A‐7‐2 Channel Imrovement and Instalation of Bypass Channel ① (1)
A‐8 Maa1 Drainage Area
A‐8‐1 Installation of Retarding Basin① (Phase‐1) ① (1)
A‐8‐2 Completionof of Remaining Portion of Retarding Basin① (Phase‐2) ① (1)
A‐8‐3 Installation of Retarding Basin② ① (1)
A‐8‐4 Improvement of Channel ① (3)
A‐9 Maa2 Drainage Area
A‐9‐1 Installation of Retarding Basin① ② (1)
A‐9‐2 Installation of Retarding Basin② ② (1)
A‐9‐3 Installation of Retarding Basin③ ③ (2)
A‐9‐4 Improvement of Upper Maa2 Channel① ① (1)
A‐9‐5 Improvement of Upper Maa2 Channel② ① (1)
A‐9‐6 Installation of Underground Diversion Channel ③ (3)
A‐9‐7 Installation of Retarding Basin④ ① (1)
A‐9‐8 Installation of Retarding Basin⑤ ① (1)
A‐9‐9 Installation of Retarding Basin⑥ ① (1)
A‐9‐10 Installation of Retarding Basin⑦ ① (1)
A‐9‐11 Installation of Retarding Basin⑧ ① (1)
A‐9‐12 Installation of Retarding Basin⑨ (Phase‐1) ① (1)
A‐9‐13 Upgrading of Retarding Basin⑨ (Phase‐2) ② (6)
A‐9‐14 Improvement of Lower Maa2 Channel ① (6)
Remarks: (*) in the bar in the figure indicates expected project duration in year.
Source: Project Team
Figure 3.7.4 Implementation Schedule
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Coastal Road
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levee in front of those residential areas. The specific facility layout for measures is planned as shown in
Figure 3.8.3.
0 250 500m
0 250 500m
Source:Project Team
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0 250 500m
0 250 500m
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Dike/ Seawall is installed along coastal line.
Back Levee
A The structure is the simplest and most typical.
The length of measures would be long compared to the other alternatives.
Sluice gates are installed at open gaps along Coastal Road.
Coastal Road
B The structure is relatively complicated.
with Sluice Gate
The length of measures would be short compared to the other alternatives.
Dike/ Seawall is installed not along coastal line, but at open gaps along
Coastal Road
Coastal Road.
C with Minimized
The structure is the simplest and most typical as well as back levee.
Back Levee
The length of measures would be medium compared to the other alternatives.
Source: Project Team
0 200 400m
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0 200 400m
0 200 400m
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Construction Fishery
Countermeasures Length Relocation Evaluation
Cost Activity
It should be applied at the
Back Levee
A Longest ₱1,140M Few Poor long bridges (e.g. river
Coastal Road
The cost is too expensive.
B with Sluice Shortest ₱6,420M Few Good
Not good for the target area
Coastal Road It can be an optimum
with Fair countermeasure if the
C Medium ₱760M Few
Minimized (Limited) limited fishery activity is
Back Levee allowed there.
Source: Project Team
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3.8.8 shows the number of damaged buildings. The following studies will use the results with sea level
rise due to climate change. The most damage in both the flooded area and the number of houses is in
area of C6-C10L.
No. of Buildings
Case 3 ‐ 001 Case 3 ‐ 010 Case 3 ‐ 025 Case 3 ‐ 050 Case 3 ‐ 100
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Note) Project implementation for N1 to N6 will be considered as a reference because it depends on future land use.
Source: Project Team
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The structural measures consist of short-term (2023 to 2032) and medium/long-term (2033 to 2045)
in the M/P, then the non-structural measures are required according to the changing discharge capacity
of river channel, inundation area, and land use condition depending on the progress of implemented
structural measures in each term.
(B) For outside area where the structural measures are not implemented
In case of the structural measures for the Davao River, the target area is limited to 23km from the
river mouth so that non-structural measures are required for outside the target area of structural
measures, especially for the upstream area.
(C) For securing effectiveness of the proposed structural measures
Since the land cover situation and the clogging situation in drainage channels, etc. are examined based
on certain preconditions in planning the structural measures, non-structural measures are required so
as not to deteriorate them in the future.
Table 3.9.1 (A) Approaches for situation changed by implementation of the proposed
structural measures
Countermeasure approaches
A-1. Additional installation of water level gauges
Installation of water level gauges upstream and downstream of the retarding basins newly proposed as the
structural measures
Re-installation of existing water level gauges to a nearby bridge when rebuilding a bridge due to river widening
works proposed as the structural measures
A-2. Setting warning water level in Davao river corresponding to the latest river and social conditions
Review of warning water level of water level gauges at Waan Bridge and Maharlika highway Bridge, etc.
Establishment of organization to periodically review warning water levels through information/data sharing
among stakeholders
A-3. Establishment of real time inundation monitoring system
Timely sharing of road inundation status with stakeholders including residents
Introduction of CCTV system to all BDRRMs in Davao city
Expand CCTV system around river structures and use it for flood response activities
A-4. Capacity enhancement project on disaster preparation and response focusing on flood warning for Davao,
Talomo and Matina river
Implementation of technical cooperation project for PAGASA and CDRRMO
Strengthening of flood forecasting capacity, strengthening of information dissemination capacity through
implementation of drill, designation of role allocation among the related organizations through preparation of
timeline action plan, formulation of guidelines on flood forecast and warning system including small and
medium rivers, etc.
A-5. Formulation of city evacuation plan considering the latest inundation estimation
Formulation of Davao City Evacuation Plan with reference to the inundation estimation for riverine flood,
inland flood and storm surge calculated in this project
A-6. Construction of additional evacuation shelters with enough stock pile and facility
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Countermeasure approaches
Construction of a new evacuation shelters based on the evacuation plan formulated above A-5
Accepting wide-area evacuation and developing evacuation shelters considering long-term evacuation
A-7. Updating Davao city flood response plan and contingency plan corresponding to the latest situation
Clarification of time-series role assignment of related organizations during floods based on heavy rain and water
level information provided by PAGASA
A-8. Preparation of IEC materials on the proposed structural measures and non-structural measures
Preparation of brochures to inform the contents of M/P to residents and related organizations
Utilization at the Community DRR training institute planned in Davao City Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Plan 2020-2025 (Local residents bring back IEC materials and utilize them for self-study)
A-9. Formulation and Update of flood hazard map for riverine, inland and coastal with evacuation information
Formulation of a hazard map integrating the inundation estimation for riverine flood, inland flood and coastal
Formulation and updating of hazard maps according to progress in structural measures and worst case flood
exceeding the target design level
Identification of important infrastructure facilities (evacuation centers, hospitals, disaster response agencies,
etc.) located in the inundation area, Promotion of infrastructure that can function even when flooded
A-10. Establishment of stone monuments for historical flood record
Installation of a stone monuments indicating the inundation depth and area related to the past maximum floods
such as typhoon VINTA (assuming to be installed at about 6 places along the Davao River exceeding the
inundation depth of 3m based on the flood mark survey results)
A-11. Planning and Implementation of flood fighting drill
Planning and conducting flood fighting drills, including issuing warnings, disseminating information,
inspecting river structures and flood defense equipment, and evacuating residents, etc.
A-12. Rehabilitation/Transplanting of existing mangrove
Enhancement of the breakwater effect along the Davao City coast through rehabilitation of 30 ha mangroves
based on the existing Davao City Forest Land Use Plan
Transplanting of existing mangroves overlapping the coastal structures proposed in this M/P
A-13. Land use control along the proposed structural measures
Regulation of land use to implement structural measures (retarding basins, river channel widening, etc.)
proposed in this M/P
A-14. Development of resettlement area
Development of the resettlement area in accordance with resettlement caused by this M/P
A-15. Promotion of Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Zoning Ordinance
Appropriately regulation of land use taking into account the river boundaries set by this M/P
A-16. Capacity enhancement project on riverine flood, rainwater drainage and coastal management in Davao
Implementation of technical cooperation project for DPWH and CEO on design, construction, operation and
maintenance, project evaluation, and role allocation among related organizations in riverine flood, rainwater
drainage and coastal management
Source: JICA Project Team
Table 3.9.2 (B) Approaches for outside area where the structural measures are not
Countermeasure approaches
B-1. Planning and establishment of Community-Based Flood Early Warning System for tributaries of Davao river,
Matina river and Talomo river
Establishment of an observation and information sharing system by residents themselves using simple water gauges
and rain gauges
Additional installation of rain gauges in the middle basin of the Talomo River and Matina River (assuming one
Establishment of warning system based on heavy rainfall information using rainfall observation data
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Countermeasure approaches
Formulation of barangay level information dissemination manual
B-2. Installation and utilization of meteorological radar for more detailed forecasting and warning
Utilization of X-band radar for more detailed rainfall information for forecasting and warning in combination with
existing ground observations
Utilization of X-band radar to grasp rainfall characteristics in the Davao River tributary, the upper and middle
basins of the Matina and Talomo river where the structural measures are not implemented in the M/P
Source: JICA Project Team
Table 3.9.3 (C) Approaches for securing effectiveness of the proposed structural measures
Countermeasure approaches
C-1. Promotion of forest conservation based on the Davao River Basin Management and Development Plan and
Forest Land Use Plan
Promotion of appropriate forest land use and regulation of large-scale development and land use change based on
the existing plans
Promotion of 33,327 ha of forest conservation, 20,000 ha of forest restoration, and 17,800 ha of forest creation
based on the Davao River Basin Management and Development Plan
C-2. Promotion of Rainwater Catchment System with establishment of its database
Control runoff to rivers and drainage channels by promoting Rainwater Catchment System
Further promotion and management in areas where no Rainwater Catchment System is installed, through database
Improvement of the installation rate of Rainwater Catchment System through formulation and finalization of a
technical manual on planning and installation
C-3. Promotion of Permeable Pavement System with establishment of its
Control runoff into rivers and drainage channels by promoting Permeable Pavement System
Further promotion and management in areas where no Permeable Pavement System is installed, through database
Improvement of the installation rate of Permeable Pavement System through formulation of a technical manual
C-4. Development of retarding pond in subdivision area
Control runoff into rivers and drainage channels by promoting retarding pond with the development of new
residential subdivisions
Sharing existing cases as good practice with stakeholders (in the upstream areas of Mamay creek, developers have
voluntarily set up retarding pond in their subdivision)
Examining the establishment of a new city ordinance or the revision of an existing one (There is a case study of
the ordinance proposal in Cavite)
C-5. Successive budgeting and Implementation for cleaning maintenance of drainage channels
Continuation of removing debris from drainage networks to properly discharge flood volume planned in this M/P
C-6. Support for implementation of cleaning activities by volunteers, NGOs and Barangays
Promotion of community-level cleanup activities in areas where government cleanliness is inadequate
C-7. Promotion of solid waste management plans
Promotion of cleaning of waterways and reduction of illegal dumping according to the formulated solid waste
management plan
Source: JICA Project Team
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(d) Planning and Implementation of flood fighting drill CDRRMO DPWH A‐11
6. Runoff control through on‐site storage and permeable pavement system Main Sub 2023 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 2045 ~ Number
(a) Promotion of Rainwater Catchment System with establishment of its CPDO
database DPWH
(b) Promotion of Permeable Pavement System with establishment of its CPDO
database DPWH
(c) Development of retarding pond in subdivision area CEO C‐4
7. Cleaning maintenance of drainage channels, river and coastal area Main Sub 2023 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 2045 ~ Number
(a) Successive budgeting and Implementation for cleaning maintenance of DEO
Barangays C‐5
drainage channels ASU/CEO
(b) Support for implementation of cleaning activities by volunteers, NGOs and CPDO
Barangays ASU
(c) Promotion of solid waste management plans CENRO CPDO C‐7
(d) Capacity enhancement project on riverine flood, rainwater drainage and Technical cooperation
coastal management in Davao by donor
Implementation Continuation of the existing activity
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required for a consistent and responsive policy environment to the rapidly changing institutional and
policy environment, the promotion and implementation of various mechanisms especially in areas where
structural measures are being implemented. The M/P supports and advocates the implementation of the
following measures:
Periodic reviews of statutes and ordinances
Establish flood prevention standards and developing manuals and guidelines
Policy advocacy changes on flood zoning
Sustainable investments and budget to support the implementation and enforcement of flood
related ordinances and policies
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Ordinance No.0257-17 Schedule of Market Values for Urban Lands by Class
Flood Control and Drainage Construction Cost Estimation Manual 2017 (Department of Public Works and Highway)または
Road Construction Cost Estimation Manual 2015 (Department of Public Works and Highway)
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2) Compensation
In this study, only the expense required for building relocation shall be included in the compensation
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(5) Dam
Construction/procurement cost
The project cost of dam construction shall be estimated by the calculation of the dam body volume
depending on the topography on the dam site and required reservoir capacity (Flood control capacity
plus sedimentation capacity), and the relation between the dam body volume and project cost referring
to Japanese experience. The construction/procurement cost including material cost shall be estimated
from the estimated project cost. In the Mindanao Islands there is no example of a concrete dam with a
height of 50m or more, and the strength of foundation rock (shearing strength etc.) is not clear, therefore,
the type of dam shall be determined as a fill dam. The detail procedure for the estimation of
construction/procurement cost is as follows.
- Optimal candidate site for dam construction was selected from plural candidates.
- Relation between dam height and reservoir capacity at the selected dam site was determined.
- Required capacity for the flood control depending on the controlled discharge was calculated based
on the flood discharge hydrographs. The effective reservoir capacity was determined by adding the
sedimentation capacity to the flood control capacity.
- The dam body volume was calculated based on the current ground level on the dam axis assuming
the slope gradient of the upstream dam surface is 1:2.5, the downstream surface is 1:3.0 and crest
width of dam is 10m.
- Construction/procurement cost was estimated by multiplying the dam body volume by the unit cost.
Land acquisition cost
The required area, namely for the lot of the dam body and submerged area under the surcharge water
level shall be acquired. Assuming that the land use of all required area is agricultural land, the land
acquisition cost was estimated by multiplying the required area by 1.2 times of the unit land cost.
As compensation, the required cost for the relocation of existing buildings and the cost for the
construction of new bridges instead of using the existing road under the surcharge water level.
< Relocation of existing buildings >: The compensation cost was estimated as a cost required for the
relocation by multiplying the building lot area in the land acquisition area by the average unit land cost
of each building type.
< Required cost to substitute submerged road by new bridge >: This cost was estimated by multiplying
the submerged area (calculated multiplying road length by the width of 10m) of the existing road by the
unit construction cost of a steel road bridge referring to Japanese experience.
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Table 3.11.3 Project cost of priority project and construction/procurement cost related to
Japanese technology
Project cost(Bil.PhP)
Without Japanese technology Utilizing Japanese technology
Priority project section
Estimation 6 to 13km section where Hat-type steel sheet pile
Estimation details revetment is installed and retarding pond No.8
items Priority project
Total section Total section
section Cost related to Japanese
technology (Cost related to
Hat-type steel sheet pile
Project implementation management cost of Filippines 1.099 0.145 1.189 0.235
River widening
1.088 0.160 1.088 0.160
(Target discharge 1700m3/s)
acquisition 0.066 1.781 - 0.252 0.066 1.781 - 0.252
(Target discharge 1700m3/s)
Retarding pond
0.627 0.092 0.627 0.092
(Controled discharge 1700m3/s)
Preparation River widening
0.693 0.005 0.693 0.005
cost (Target discharge 1700m3/s)
Compensatio Parapet
0.088 0.914 - 0.013 0.088 0.914 - 0.013
n cost (Target discharge 1700m3/s)
Retarding ponds
0.133 0.008 0.133 0.008
(Controled discharge 1700m3/s)
Removal cost 0.183 0.003 0.183 0.003
Inspection cost for environmental consideration - - - -
River widening (Target discharge 1700m3/s) 2.142 0.581 4.113 2.552 2.098
Parapet (Target discharge 1700m3/s) 0.227 - 0.227 -
rocurement 24.195 3.200 26.166 5.171
Bridge rebuilding (Target discharge 1700m3/s) 1.479 - 1.479 -
Retarding ponds (Controled discharge 1700m3/s) 20.347 2.619 20.347 2.619
Administrati Detail design cost 2.420 0.320 2.617 0.517
on cost for Construction management cost 1.936 0.256 2.093 0.414
n cost for 4.355 0.576 4.710 0.931 0.931
Administration cost for building design - - - -
Administration cost for equipment design - - - -
Price contingency 1.428 0.189 1.544 0.305
Contingency 2.855 0.378 3.088 0.610
Physical contingency 1.428 0.189 1.544 0.305
Technical training cost - - - -
Total (excluding value added tax) 35.382 4.566 38.030 7.213 3.029
Value added tax 1.769 0.228 1.901 0.361 0.151
Project cost 37.151 4.794 39.931 7.574 3.180
(a) Cost related to Japanese technology 3.029
(b) Project cost 7.213
(a/b) Construction/procurement cost related to Japanese technology/Project cost 0.420
Source: Project Team
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Compensation cost 0.000 0.409 0.860 0.404 0.033 0.482 0.129 0.040 0.246
Removal cost
Construction/procurement cost 0.088 3.385 2.516 1.136 0.474 0.113 0.055 0.200 2.036
Detail design cost 0.009 0.339 0.252 0.114 0.047 0.011 0.006 0.020 0.204
ation cost
for civil Construction
0.007 0.271 0.201 0.091 0.038 0.009 0.004 0.016 0.163
Administration design management cost
0.016 0.609 0.452 0.204 0.085 0.020 0.010 0.036 0.366
cost for design Administration cost for building
- - - - - - - - -
Administration cost for
- - - - - - - - -
equipment design
Price contingency 0.005 0.200 0.148 0.067 0.028 0.007 0.003 0.012 0.120
Contingency 0.010 0.399 0.297 0.134 0.056 0.013 0.006 0.024 0.240
Physical contingency 0.005 0.200 0.148 0.067 0.028 0.007 0.003 0.012 0.120
Total (excluding value added tax) 0.118 4.955 4.239 1.930 0.670 0.634 0.203 0.309 2.980
Value added tax 0.006 0.248 0.212 0.096 0.033 0.032 0.010 0.015 0.149
Project cost 0.124 5.203 4.451 2.026 0.703 0.665 0.213 0.324 3.129
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Table 3.12.2 Damage rates used to calculate building damage (river flood and inland
Inundation depth 0.10-0.50m 0.50-0.99m 1.00-1.99m 2.00-2.99m 3.00m-
Building damage rates 0.092 0.119 0.266 0.580 0.834
Other assets damage rates 0.145 0.326 0.508 0.928 0.991
Source: Manual for Economic Evaluation of Flood Control Investment -Draft (MLIT, 2005)
Table 3.12.3 Damage rates used to calculate building damage (coastal inundation)
Inundation depth 0.10-0.50m 0.50-0.99m 1.00-1.99m 2.00-2.99m 3.00m-
Building damage rates 0.151 0.229 0.480 1.000 1.000
Other assets damage rates 0.189 0.489 0.889 1.000 1.000
Source: Cost-Benefit Analysis Guidelines for coastal projects – Revised Edition (MLIT, 2004)
Agricultural damage
Direct damage to agricultural products is calculated by multiplying the set land value by the damage
rates which is defined by inundation depth and by the number of flooding days.
Table 3.12.4 Damage rates used to calculate agricultural damage (river flood and inland
Inundation depth 0.10-0.50m 0.50-0.99m 1.00-1.99m 2.00-2.99m 3.00m-
Agricultural land damage rates 0.270 0.350 0.510 0.510 0.510
Source: Manual for Economic Evaluation of Flood Control Investment -Draft (MLIT, 2005)
Table 3.12.5 Damage rates used to calculate agricultural damage (coastal inundation)
Inundation depth 0.10-0.50m 0.50-0.99m 1.00-1.99m 2.00-2.99m 3.00m-
Agricultural land damage rates 0.270 0.350 0.510 0.510 0.510
Source: Cost-Benefit Analysis Guidelines for coastal projects – Revised Edition (MLIT, 2004)
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
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Indirect Damage
Indirect damage is calculated by multiplying direct damage cost by 0.2.
e. Calculation of benefit
The total benefits is calculated by adding the total sum of the benefits generated during the period subject
to the economic evaluation, and the residual values of flood control infrastructures as of the end of the
period subject to the economic evaluation.
3.12.5 Preliminary Economic Evaluation of Flood Control Measures for Davao River
The preliminary economic evaluation of flood control measures for Davao River is conducted by
following the common steps explained from paragraph 3.12.1 to 3.12.4.
Table 3.12.6 Financial and economic costs (as of ITR for Davao River)
Cost (Billion Pesos) Annual Cost
Implementati Constructio (Economic
Administrati Contingency VAT Project Cost Project Cost Annual Cost)
on and Preparation n/ (not included (not included
on Cost for (Financial (Economic Maintenanc (in Billion
Managemen Cost Procuremen in economic in economic
Design Cost) Cost) e Cost Pesos)
Project Components t Cost t Cost cost) cost)
River channel
1 0.051 0.000 1.112 0.200 0.131 0.075 1.569 1.426 0.006 0.149
2 Channel shortcut 0.026 0.165 0.581 0.105 0.069 0.047 0.993 0.910 0.003 0.095
Construction of 3
3 0.282 0.252 6.202 1.116 0.732 0.429 9.013 8.203 0.031 0.858
retarding basins
River channel
4 0.098 1.926 2.155 0.388 0.254 0.241 5.062 4.689 0.011 0.484
Construction of 4
5 0.643 0.535 14.145 2.546 1.669 0.977 20.514 18.668 0.071 1.954
retarding basins
Total 1.099 2.878 24.195 4.355 2.855 1.769 37.151 33.896 0.121 3.540
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
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Table 3.12.7 Expected annual average damage reduction of Davao River M/P (in Billion PhP)
Amount of Damage (Billion PhP) Aggregated annual
Annual average Without Project (1) average damage
Average Damage per Annual Average
exceedance Damage Reduction Probabilities per reach = Expected annual
With Project (2) reach Damage Reduction
probability General Assets(GA) Infra+Indirect (GA*0.4) (1)‐(2) average damage
W=1/1 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
W=1/2 0.500 1.515 0.606 0.000 2.120 1.060 0.500 0.530 0.530
W=1/3 0.333 1.716 0.686 0.000 2.402 2.261 0.167 0.377 0.907
W=1/5 0.200 3.272 1.309 0.000 4.580 3.491 0.133 0.465 1.372
W=1/10 0.100 13.466 5.386 0.000 18.853 11.717 0.100 1.172 2.544
W=1/25 0.040 18.051 7.220 0.000 25.271 22.062 0.060 1.324 3.868
W=1/50 0.020 19.762 7.905 0.000 27.667 26.469 0.020 0.529 4.397
W=1/100 0.010 22.437 8.975 0.000 31.412 29.540 0.010 0.295 4.693
3.12.6 Preliminary Economic Evaluation of Flood Control Measures for Matina River
The preliminary economic evaluation of flood control measures for Matina River is conducted by
following the common steps explained from paragraph 3.12.1 to 3.12.4.
Table 3.12.8 Financial and economic costs (as of ITR for Matina River)
Cost (Billion Pesos) Annual Cost
Implementati Constructio (Economic
Administrati Contingency VAT Project Cost Project Cost Annual Cost)
on and Preparation n/ (not included (not included
on Cost for (Financial (Economic Maintenanc (in Billion
Managemen Cost Procuremen in economic in economic
Design Cost) Cost) e Cost Pesos)
Project Components t Cost t Cost cost) cost)
1 Channel shortcut 0.015 0.114 0.330 0.059 0.039 0.028 0.585 0.537 0.002 0.056
Construction of 12
2 0.021 0.036 0.454 0.082 0.054 0.032 0.678 0.618 0.002 0.065
retarding basins
River channel
3 0.044 0.237 0.964 0.174 0.114 0.077 1.609 1.473 0.005 0.153
Construction of levee
4 0.019 0.115 0.417 0.075 0.049 0.034 0.709 0.650 0.002 0.068
at the river mouth
Total 0.09 8 0.503 2.165 0.39 0 0.255 0.171 3.58 2 3.278 0.011 0.341
Table 3.12.9 Expected annual average damage reduction of Matina River M/P (in Billion PhP)
Amount of Damage (Billion PhP) Aggregated annual
Annual average Without Project (1) average damage
Average Damage per Annual Average
exceedance Damage Reduction Probabilities per reach = Expected annual
With Project (2) reach Damage Reduction
probability General Assets(GA) Infra+Indirect (GA*0.4) (1)‐(2) average damage
W=1/1 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
W=1/2 0.500 0.215 0.086 0.000 0.300 0.150 0.500 0.075 0.075
W=1/3 0.333 0.315 0.126 0.000 0.441 0.371 0.167 0.062 0.137
W=1/5 0.200 0.454 0.182 0.000 0.636 0.538 0.133 0.072 0.209
W=1/10 0.100 0.676 0.271 0.000 0.947 0.792 0.100 0.079 0.288
W=1/25 0.040 1.199 0.480 0.000 1.679 1.313 0.060 0.079 0.367
W=1/50 0.020 1.634 0.654 0.000 2.288 1.984 0.020 0.040 0.406
W=1/100 0.010 1.807 0.723 0.000 2.530 2.409 0.010 0.024 0.430
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
3.12.7 Preliminary Economic Evaluation of Flood Control Measures for Talomo River
The preliminary economic evaluation of flood control measures for Talomo River is conducted by
following the common steps explained from paragraph 3.12.1 to 3.12.4.
Table 3.12.10 Financial and economic costs (as of ITR for Talomo River)
Cost (Billion Pesos) Annual Cost
Implementati Constructio (Economic
Administrati Contingency VAT Project Cost Project Cost Annual Cost)
on and Preparation n/ (not included (not included
on Cost for (Financial (Economic Maintenanc (in Billion
Managemen Cost Procuremen in economic in economic
Design cost) cost)
Cost) Cost) e Cost Pesos)
Project Components t Cost t Cost
River channel
1 0.005 0.000 0.108 0.019 0.013 0.007 0.152 0.138 0.001 0.015
2 Channel shortcut 0.001 0.043 0.016 0.003 0.002 0.003 0.068 0.064 0.000 0.006
Construction of 3
3 0.012 0.013 0.256 0.046 0.030 0.018 0.375 0.342 0.001 0.036
retarding basins
River channel
4 0.025 0.159 0.555 0.100 0.065 0.045 0.950 0.871 0.003 0.091
Construction of levee
5 0.003 0.030 0.060 0.011 0.007 0.006 0.116 0.107 0.000 0.011
at the river mouth
Total 0.045 0.24 5 0.995 0.179 0 .117 0.0 79 1.661 1.521 0 .005 0.158
Table 3.12.11 Expected annual average damage reduction of Talomo River M/P (in Billion
Amount of Damage (Billion PhP) Aggregated annual
Annual average Without Project (1) average damage
Average Damage per Annual Average
exceedance Damage Reduction Probabilities per reach = Expected annual
With Project (2) reach Damage Reduction
probability General Assets(GA) Infra+Indirect (GA*0.4) (1)‐(2) average damage
W=1/1 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
W=1/2 0.500 0.066 0.026 0.000 0.092 0.046 0.500 0.023 0.023
W=1/3 0.333 0.097 0.039 0.000 0.136 0.114 0.167 0.019 0.042
W=1/5 0.200 0.224 0.090 0.000 0.314 0.225 0.133 0.030 0.072
W=1/10 0.100 0.660 0.264 0.000 0.924 0.619 0.100 0.062 0.134
W=1/25 0.040 1.319 0.528 0.000 1.847 1.385 0.060 0.083 0.217
W=1/50 0.020 1.621 0.648 0.000 2.269 2.058 0.020 0.041 0.258
W=1/100 0.010 1.658 0.663 0.000 2.321 2.295 0.010 0.023 0.281
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
Table 3.12.12 Financial and economic costs (as of ITR for Drainage measures)
Cost (Billion Pesos) Annual Cost
Implementati Constructio (Economic
Administrati Contingency VAT Project Cost Project Cost Annual Cost)
on and Preparation n/ (not included (not included
on Cost for (Financial (Economic Maintenanc (in Billion
Managemen Cost Procuremen in economic in economic
Design Cost) Cost) e Cost Pesos)
Drainage area t Cost t Cost cost) cost)
1 Roxas 0.004 0.000 0.088 0.016 0.010 0.006 0.124 0.113 0.000 0.012
2 Agdao 0.154 0.409 3.385 0.609 0.399 0.248 5.204 4.749 0.017 0.496
3 Jerome 0.114 0.860 2.516 0.452 0.297 0.212 4.451 4.086 0.013 0.425
4 Mamay Creek 0.052 0.404 1.136 0.204 0.134 0.096 2.026 1.860 0.006 0.193
5 Sasa Creek 0.022 0.033 0.474 0.085 0.056 0.033 0.703 0.641 0.002 0.067
6 Emars 0.005 0.482 0.113 0.020 0.013 0.032 0.665 0.627 0.001 0.064
7 Shanghai 0.002 0.129 0.055 0.010 0.006 0.010 0.213 0.200 0.000 0.020
8 Maa1 0.009 0.040 0.200 0.036 0.024 0.015 0.324 0.296 0.001 0.031
9 Maa2 0.092 0.246 2.036 0.366 0.240 0.149 3.129 2.856 0.010 0.298
Total 0.45 4 2.603 10.003 1.79 8 1.180 0.802 1 6.84 0 15.427 0.050 1.606
Table 3.12.13 Financial and economic costs (as of ITR for Coastal measures)
Cost (Billion Pesos) Annual Cost
Implementati Constructio Contingency VAT (Economic
Administrati Project Cost Project Cost Annual Cost)
on and Preparation n/ (not included (not included
on Cost for (Financial (Economic Maintenanc
Managemen Cost Procuremen in economic in economic (in Billion
Design Cost) Cost) e Cost
Area t Cost t Cost cost) cost) Pesos)
1 N1 0.003 0.000 0.060 0.011 0.007 0.004 0.085 0.077 0.000 0.008
2 N2 0.003 0.000 0.060 0.011 0.007 0.004 0.085 0.077 0.000 0.008
3 N3 0.016 0.000 0.350 0.063 0.041 0.024 0.494 0.449 0.002 0.047
4 N4 0.002 0.000 0.050 0.009 0.006 0.003 0.071 0.064 0.000 0.007
5 N5 0.009 0.000 0.190 0.034 0.022 0.013 0.268 0.244 0.001 0.026
6 N6 0.001 0.000 0.020 0.004 0.002 0.001 0.028 0.026 0.000 0.003
7 C1 0.002 0.000 0.040 0.007 0.005 0.003 0.056 0.051 0.000 0.005
8 C2-C5 0.013 0.000 0.290 0.052 0.034 0.019 0.409 0.372 0.001 0.039
9 C6-C10L 0.023 0.000 0.510 0.092 0.060 0.034 0.719 0.654 0.003 0.068
10 C10R-C11 0.010 0.000 0.220 0.040 0.026 0.015 0.310 0.282 0.001 0.030
11 C12 0.004 0.000 0.080 0.014 0.009 0.005 0.113 0.103 0.000 0.011
12 S1 0.007 0.000 0.160 0.029 0.019 0.011 0.226 0.205 0.001 0.021
13 S2 0.003 0.000 0.070 0.013 0.008 0.005 0.099 0.090 0.000 0.009
To t a l 0.095 0.000 2.100 0.378 0.248 0.141 2.962 2.692 0.011 0.282
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(2) Resettlement
There has not been permanent lead-agency for land acquisition and resettlement organized; this matter
is basically managed through coordination between project proponent and LGU (DPWH and Davao
City respectively in the flood control). In addition, the following government organization will be
National Housing Authority, NHA: Housing plan
Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor, PCUP: Support to ISFs
The Right of Way Act. 2015 has ordered “fast track” and “simplify negotiated sale” by making the price
offer and terms of negotiation more ideal and just for the owners of the property. That is to say, it enables
to easily compensate based on market-based price, while it must be sure to protect the rights of property
owners and the PAPs.
Government organization who is responsible for public projects has published (or is under going to) a
guideline. DPWH has published DPWH Right-of-Way Acquisition Manual in 2017. It seeks:
- To provide a working guide upon the rules, procedures, and formats, etc. to the DPWH who are
taking action in ROW acquisition.
- To provide a reference for property owners and PAPs on the rules and process in ROW acquisition,
including their basic rights and obligations.
Preliminary Resettlement action plan or Right-of-Way Action Plan (RAP) will be made in the stage of
feasibility study (F/S) to detailed design (D/D) study; and it shall be finalized based on change of project
design in the D/D. Figure 3.13.2 illustrates resettlement procedure.
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The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
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Evaluation Description
N Environmental impact could be negligible level.
C Small impact, which level is between “N” and “B”, is expected; further study is necessary. It could be
avoided or mitigate by general environmental control.
B Moderate impacts are expected; it could be avoided or mitigate by general environmental control.
A Significant impacts which would be likely irreversible, is expected. Sophisticated technology might be
Source: Project team
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
Inland Flood
Spatial Natural Social
Alternatives Pollution Overall
sensitivity Environment Environment
Retarding pond
Open type C C B C B
Closed type N C N C C
Underground drainage N C C C C
Underground storage N C C C C
Drainage improvement N B B C B
Dredging N B C B B
Separation Channel1) N C C C C
Box/ pipe culvert N C N C C
Pump C C B B B
Evaluation Proposed locations of open type retarding ponds are private and unused land in the Davao City
urbanized area; that is why, land procurement is necessary. Some of areas are located in the low
land and planted where natural water storage function is expected. Therefore, use of such lands
for retarding ponds is expected to control improper development if the areas are used as greening
and/or buffer zone.
Underground drainage and storage could minimize adverse impacts on ground in terms of
disturbance to biodiversity, resettlement, etc. except traffic disturbance during construction
phase. On the other hand, geological and hydrological risk such as land subsidence, disturbance
of underground water condition shall be considered.
Since Davao city has been urbanized; use of underground space is expected to minimize
environmental impacts especially to socio-economic condition.
1) Separation of the Agdao Channel with Improvement
Source: Project team
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
Coastal Flood
Spatial Natural Social Pollution
Control Measure Overall
sensitivity Environment Environment Control
Coastal Levee C C B B B
Evaluation Since certain fishery activities have been observed along the coast; installation of coastal levee
must disturb accessibility of fish boat.
Sanitary condition in residential area of informal settlers along the coast is quite poor; polluted
water has been directly discharged to the sea in current situation. Proper design of coastal levee
important unless water discharge is blocked, and water quality is degraded.
Since coastal levee will be installed out of residential area, on the seaside; resettlement is not
basically expected.
Source: Project team
Table 3.13.5 Possible Impacts and Expected Benefit aside from Flood Control on Non-
structural Measurements
Expected Benefit aside from Flood
Category Possible Impacts
(1) Flood forecasting and Social disruption by miss information Tool for local communication
warning during non-flood season
(2) Evacuation planning Impacts caused by construction of evacuation shelters: Place for local communication
Air/ water pollution, waste, noise, disturbance to drainage during non-flood season
Loss of vegetation, natural habitat
Land acquisition, resettlement, etc.
Considering to elders, handicapped, e.g., on design of
Gap of accessibility to the shelters from each household
(3) Awareness activities Gap of connection level on the blind and the deaf Enhancement of local
Gap of connection on the non-educational people, communication through
persons who do not speak public language well such as involvement of awareness
IPs. activities
Gap of accessibility to the activities, materials Transmission/ exchange
(accessibility to the place, internet condition, etc.) information from the communities
(4) Forest and mangrove Change of ecosystem by planting activities Recover, rehabilitate of wildlife
conservation Land acquisition, resettlement habitat.
Loss of benefit by change of land use (convert from Products from reforestation area
agricultural land, e.g.)
Imbalance of benefit allocation from the products
(timber, fruits, etc.)
(5) Land use control Loss of benefit by change of land use Improvement of living
Land acquisition, resettlement environment
Loss of income especially on ISFs Enhancement of land development
(6) Runoff control Land acquisition, resettlement Provision of small-scale green area
through on-site storage Imbalance of allocation of financial support for (pocket park)
and permeable instalment of private water storage Improvement of road face
pavement system
(7) Cleaning maintenance Waste Encouragement of environmental
of drainage channels, Traffic disturbance, accident education, public awareness
river and coastal area Injury, infectious disease on participants Enhancement of local
Source: Project team
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
3.13.6 Scoping
Scoping for the flood control measures in the MP was carried out for each of river flood of Davao River,
Matina River and Talomo River, inland flood and coastal flood.
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
is recommended and shared among DPWH, DPCDO and the Project team. On-site relocation aims to
prepare relocation site adjacent to the project site; by this approach it is expected:
To shorten travel distance to relocation site
To secure status quo of lifestyle (keep existing work/ school, community relation, etc.)
Project team examined possible on-site relocation model with proposed flood control projects.
It is highlighted that relocation planning shall be integrated with urban redevelopment, land
readjustment and traffic control.
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
SHMs were undertaken from the beginning of [stage 1: Basic Study] in order to reflect stakeholder
opinion into the M/P. The meetings were divided into the following 2 or 3 categories:
First and second series: by type of floods (river flood, inland flood and coastal flood)
Third series: by area (Davao urban area and coastal area, and middle stream and upstream of the
Davao River
Table 3.14.2 summarizes the three (3) series of the SHMs undertaken during basic study and formulation
of the M/P.
1 Jan. 29, Feb. 20 and Pinnacle Hotel Barangay leader/ representative, - Overall of the Project
Apr. 24 in 2019 DENR-EMB, NEDA, etc. total of - Hearing on the history of floods
216 participants - Issue findings
2 Jul. 23 to 25, 2019 Pinnacle Hotel Barangay leader/ representative, - Findings of environmental and
DENR-EMB, NEDA, CSWDO, social issues
NCIP, Commercial Association, - Introduction of Japan experiences
University, etc. total of 247 on flood control activity
participants - Group discussion and presentation
2 Jan. 23 to 24, 2020 Pinnacle Hotel Ditto, total of 171 participants - Sharing the results of basic study
- Policy on flood control M/P
- Initial environmental evaluation
and scoping
- Group discussion and presentation
Source: Project team
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
Comments Feedbacks
Informal settlers ISFs along the river must be relocated because Cooperation and involvement with barangay are
of high risk flood prone area. essential to control migration of the ISFs.
River widening must be effective measurement;
on the other hand, careful planning and
implementation of the flood control shall be
obtained in order to minimize impact to the ISFs
and their negative perception.
Resettlement People should not reside in the river area. Design flood mitigation measures and
River widening could be acceptable; however, construction methods to minimize the scale of
since involuntary resettlement will occur, so resettlement.
relocation site shall be prepared.
Land use, natural It was recommended to install open space, Land use plan, forest conservation taken by
conservation buffer zone in the project site to reduce flood Davao City and DENR shall be incorporated
risk. into the flood control measurement.
Conservation of forest and mangroves, Design of the measurement, construction
reforestation is important for prevention of flood method must be considered to minimize the
and erosion. impact to land use and natural conservation.
Forestation and conservation of forest/
mangrove shall be incorporated with non-
structural measurements.
Impact to fishing Compensation to fishermen, provision of anchor This opinion shall be reflected into the planning
activity station must be considered1). policy of the flood control.
Evacuation center Additional centers must be constructed. Two- Accessibility to the evacuation center must
storied buildings area recommended because of significant issue especially for elders,
possible inundation. handicapped.
The location of the center and secure of access Evacuation plan must consider their
route must be clearly distributed to the disadvantages.
Accessibility to Design and construction of dyke, flood wall Few commercial fishing, swimming, other
river must secure accessibility to river2). recreation activities were observed according to
the basic study. However, this situation might
depend on the location and community activities
along the river.
Sand mining was observed in the middle stream
or upper.
Planning and design must consider accessibility
and use of river side from the viewpoint of
landscape such as installation of boardwalk.
1) The comment was raised against coastal road project.
2) According to the direct interview to several participants, they expressed positive thinking about river widening. The major
reason was because tall dyke, flood wall such as proposed in the alternative 1 and 2 on planning policy could degrade
landscape and interrupt accessibility to riverside comparing with river widening.
Source: Project team
Upon the results of the SHMs, the followings were incorporated with the planning policy on the M/P.
Enhance relocation of ISFs, and properly control the river area;
Promote community participation on patrol of illegal dumping, river cleaning through public
Promote to create green space or buffer zone through reforestation, conservation of forest.
Design revetment management in consideration with use of and accessibility of the river;
Harmonize flood control structures with natural conservation such as water-friendly space, and
improve accessibility to the river area;
Minimize impact to fishery activities coastal flood control;
Encourage coordination with barangay, local communities on implementation of projects, public
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
Source: Project Team
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
1) Roxas
The evaluation results of measures for Roxas drainage area (1.40km2) which is located at the center of
Poblacion district and drains to Davao Gulf, are as follows.
Table 3.15.2 Evaluation of Drainage Countermeasures (Structural) for Roxas Drainage Area
Alternative-2: Bypass Alternative-3: Bypass
Alternative-1: Drainage Channel (Culvert ) and Channel (Culvert ) and
Evaluation Axis
Channel Improvement Partial Drainage Channel Retarding Basin (Closed
Improvement Type) under Road
× 〇 △
Not recommended from the Tree cut is anticipated; but Highest cost but may be
Evaluation Results
viewpoint of cost and impact the level could be smaller than selected if any impact to
to landscape. Alternative-1. landscape cannot be allowed.
Source: Project Team
2) Agdao
The evaluation results of measures for Agdao drainage area (5.15km2) which is located at the center of
Agdao district and drains to Davao Gulf, are as follows.
Table 3.15.3 Evaluation of Drainage Countermeasures (Structural) for Agdao Drainage Area
Alternative-1: Separation of the Agdao Alternative-2: Pump Drainage from the
Evaluation Axis
Channel with Improvement Old Agdao Channel
〇 ×
Evaluation Results Since the pump is not installed; maintenance and
rehabilitation cost could be reduced.
Source: Project Team
3) Jerome
The evaluation results of measures for Jerome drainage area (4.21km2) which is located in the eastern
part area of Agdao district and drains to Davao Gulf, are as follows.
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Table 3.15.4 Evaluation of Drainage Countermeasures (Structural) for Jerome Drainage Area
Alternative-1: Retarding Basins and Alternative-2: Retarding Basins, Channel
Evaluation Axis
Bypass Channel (Culvert) Improvement and Bypass Channel (Culvert)
Evaluation Results × Recommended because of smaller scale of land
acquisition and resettlement.
Source: Project Team
4) Mamay Creek
The evaluation results of measures for Mamay Creek drainage area (8.91km2) which has a catchment
from the hilly area in the north of the Diversion Road to the western part of the Davao International
Airport, are as follows.
5) Sasa Creek
The evaluation results of measures for Sasa Creek drainage area (5.97 km2) which has a catchment from
the hilly area in the north of the Diversion Road to the western part of the Davao International Airport,
are as follows.
Table 3.15.6 Evaluation of Drainage Countermeasures (Structural) for Sasa Creek Drainage
Measure 1: Retarding Basins of La Verna
Evaluation Axis
Measure 2: Bypass Channel, Improvement of Cross Drains and Dredging of Pampanga
No alternatives were evaluated because only these measurements could properly supplement existing
Evaluation Results
projects taken by the DPWH.
Source: Project Team
6) Emars
The evaluation results of measures for Emars drainage area (2.42km2) which is located in the western
part area of Matina-Aplaya district and drains to Davao Gulf, are as follows.
Table 3.15.7 Evaluation of Drainage Countermeasures (Structural) for Emars Drainage Area
Alternative-2: Retarding Basins and Bypass
Evaluation Axis Alternative-1: Retarding Basins
Channel (Culvert)
Evaluation Results Recommended because of higher flood control
effect and smaller project cost.
Source: Project Team
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7) Shanghai
The evaluation results of measures for Shanghai drainage area (1.60km2) which is located in the eastern
part area of Matina-Aplaya district and drains to Davao Gulf, are as follows.
8) Maa1
The evaluation results of measures for Maa1 drainage area (1.41km2) which is located in the western
part area of Maa district and drains to Davao River, are as follows.
Table 3.15.9 Evaluation of Drainage Countermeasures (Structural) for Maa1 Drainage Area
Alternative-2: Retarding Basins and Channel
Evaluation Axis Alternative-1: Channel Improvement
× 〇
Evaluation Results
Recommended because of smaller project cost.
Source: Project Team
9) Maa2
The evaluation results of measures for Maa2 drainage area (9.03km2) which is located in the western
part area of Maa2 district and drains to Davao River, are as follows.
Table 3.15.10 Evaluation of Drainage Countermeasures (Structural) for Maa2 Drainage Area
Alternative-1: Underground Diversion Alternative-2: Underground Diversion Tunnel
Evaluation Axis Tunnel (Larger Scale), Retarding Basins and (Smaller Scale), Retarding Basins and Channel
Channel Improvement Improvement
× 〇
Evaluation Results
Recommended because of smaller project cost.
Source: Project Team
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〇 ✖ ◎
Recommended due to lower Utilizing the Coastal road and
Evaluation overall costs and possible limiting the extent of dike
Results mitigation measures despite construction in Alternative-1 to
impacts on fisheries the opening would reduce the
impact on the fishing industry.
*: Since the current residential area, including informal housing, is defined as a residential area in the Davao City Land Use Plan,
structures (e.g., dikes) will be constructed on the seaside of the residential area. Therefore, basically no relocation will occur, but
this should be reconsidered at the time of each detailed design.
Source: Project Team
Improvement plan of Alternative-1 encourages to reduce the area to be installed coastal dyke, so as to
minimize the impact to fishermen’s activities (accessibility to a mooring station, e.g.). On the other hand,
design of this alternative needs further detailed survey for natural condition, consensus building with
local communities, use of coastal area, etc. during further F/S and/or DED stage. Therefore Alternative-
1 is recommended in the M/P; and then the project cost was estimated upon condition.
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High effects
Good coordination with priority projects of Non-structural measures (Riverine flood in the
Davao River)
Even if only the structural measures for riverine flood are implemented in advance, they will
not have a negative effect or have a positive effect on other types of flood (inland flood, coastal
Low risk on environmental and social consideration (No risk of increasing environmental and
social impacts, or mitigation effects can be expected.)
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7-(d) Capacity enhancement project on riverine flood, rainwater drainage and coastal management
in Davao
0 2 4km
Sites Content
B. Cut-off works 7km to 13 km from river mouth About 700m length in total,
About 110m width
D. River Widening* From Bolton Bridge (1.5km from river About 110m width
(A part of widening mouth) to 4km from river mouth
works with 14km for
*: Only study at pre F/S level is carried out.
Source: Project team
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3.16.4 Scoping
1) Draft Scoping
The draft scoping for the “river widening”, retarding ponds” and “cut-off works” were carried out for
each of priority projects.
(1) Background for Development of Relocation Site to Promote Implementation of Master Plan
IM4Davao has short term (~2022), medium term (2023-2030), and long term (2031-2045) road
development plans covering the period up to 2045.
Among them is the Davao Riverside Boulevard Develoopment Project, which aims to modify the present
strong swerve-meandering river to a slight curving configuration and to develop the dike road along the
modified river, as well as to reduce the risk of flood damage from the Davao River, strengthen the city's
north-south road network, and improve interconnectivity in the east-west direction.
IM4Davao has estimated the cost of the project at 12,060 million pesos. The project entities include
DPWH, Urban Development Coordinating Council (UDCC), National Housing Authority (NHA), and
Davao City.
While taking into account the above considerations, in order to promote the implementation of the M/P
in a certain and positive manner, the JICA Expert Team considered the development of the area
surrounding the short-cut project area as relocation sites for the people to relocate due to the shortcut
and river widening project.
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total of 1,600 structures will be affected. While not all of these structures may be relocated to the
same area, it is planned that the resettment site can accommodate 1,600 households.
River Cut-off and Drainage
After the river shortcut in the target area, the old river channel does not carry the flow capacity.
Because of the need for runoff of incoming rainwater, full reclamation is not possible and partial
drainage channels are necessary. Especially for the old river channel on the downstream side, there
is an inflow from the existng drainage, and it is necessary to secure a width of about 35 m (sholder
clearance) after the confluence point.
Land Ownership
Regarding the old river channel, ownership will need to be discussed further.
Since the land owned by the owner of Crocodile Park is dominantin the target area, land for
relocation site development will be only secured by accomodating their intentions apporpriately,
when the land consolidation and swapping, including the old river channel, is applied.
In consideration of the land of the Kagan Community, their relocation will be done in the vicinity.
Land Use Regulations
In the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) in Davao City, most of the target area is designated
as "Recreational Area" according to recent revisions and the area is not envisioned for residential
uses. However, Davao City Planning and Development Office (DPCO) has confirmed that further
changes to the uses proposed in the CLUP are possible.
According to the standard mentined in PO 957 and BP 250, 9% of the total land of an urban
development should be alocated for open spaces. In addition, if residential development of a certain
size is to be implemented, educational facilities should also be considered.
Real estate demands are growing steadily, especially for residences, and it seems to be possible to
implement residential developments by private sector.
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The area shown in orange is particularly low land, with virtually no houses, and is used for plantations
and agriculture. On the other hand, the area shown in yellow has some houses in scatterd. The area
indicated by the dashed line is assumed to be used as a relocation site for the Kagan comunity.
It is assumed that land acquisition for river works will be carried out by DPWH and land acquisition for
relocation site development will be carried out by Davao City. In addition, it is assumed that Davao City
will play a central role in the development of the relocation site and the construction of buildings. It is
envisioned that the land preparation will be implemented by DPWH based on a request from Davao City,
and that the building maintenance will be a joint project between Davao City and NHA. Also, EIA and
RAP may need to be carried out or prepared by implementing agency when necesssary. Details need to
be determined through future discussions.
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improvement would be necessary for urbanization. Therefore, the option does not specifically consider
In this option, if the all potential lands shown in Figure 3.17.1 is used for the relocation site,
approximately 1,800 households are accomodated with population density of 100 persons/ha. In the
other hand, if population density is set as 150-300 persons/ha, areas to accommodate the 1,600
households, which is a given condition, can be partial. In this case, a surplus lands will be created and
can be used as a resettlement area for other informal sectors or as sites for new urban development.
Figure 3.17.2 shows a phase development idea; Phase 1 is to establish relocation sites for the Kagan
community in the vicinity of their settlements, Phase 2 is to establish relocation settlements through the
river improvement project such as the river wideining, and Phase 3 is to create urban development sites
for other uses.
For this option, while DPWH would be responsible for acquiring the land for the relocated sites for the
river improvement project, Davao City would be responsible for acquiring the land for other urban
development, or a cooperative scheme with the private sector, such as PPP scheme, would need to be
established. Therefore, there is concern that it will take time to coordinate the implementation of the
relocation and urbanization.
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transferred to the owner of Crocodile Park. Instead, the lands owned by Crocodile Park Owner
which are surrounded by the old river channel will be transferred to DPWH. It is assumed that this
land exchange between DPWH and the owner of Crocodile Park will be applicable.
At the same time, several measures to maintain the drainage capacity of the hinterland in the old
channel will be proposed as a condition of reclamation for the old channel, which will be partly
owned by the land owner of Crocodile Park after the land exchange. At present, it is proposed to
install drainage channels, but more specific studies will be required for implementation.
In order to ensure disaster safety and to obtain multiple options for feasible reclamation patterns,
DPWH will own and utilize the land in and around the cut-off area in downstream. (This will be
referred to as the “relocation block”).
As mentioned above, the relocation site will be secured through a land exchange. At the same time,
DPWH will need to acquire the land for the Kagan community and other privately owned lands.
The PAH relocation of the Kagan community will be formed adjacent to the same community and
within the relocation block.
Fill the site to HWL + 1m, while preserving the title of the existing land and houses, etc. as much
as possible.
3) Recommended Option
Considering the burden of land acquisition by DPWH or Davao City, Proposal 2 would be more feasible.
While the owner of Crocodile Park would be able to secure land that can be used in integration with the
existing Crocodile Park, the large part of its land at the downstream area would be transferred to DPWH
and could be used as the relocation site. By utilizing the old river channel as open space and drainage
channel, it will be possible to meet the public space requirements of urban development. Furthermore,
it will facilitate the design of relocated residential areas within the relocation block, as well as contribute
to improving the environment of the area.
For this reason, Proposal 2 is proposed as the recommended proposal.
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As for the water supply in the vicinity of the subject site, a network of 150 mm PVC pipes is attached
to the urban trunk road running north-south from AH26 to the area of Crocodile Park, and this water
distribution system will be followed for the water supply of the relocation block. It is assumed that 150
PVC will be laid on the bridge at the shortcut section and connected to the water main under AH26 via
the area of Crocodile Park .
Within the target area, the existing water supply network will be maintained for the existing communities.
On the other hand, for the new residential areas, water distribution pipes will be installed on the service
roads. No communal reservoirs will be installed in the target area, and an elevated water tank will be
installed on the rooftop of each apartment building to ensure the necessary water pressure.
According to DCWD, it is customary for the developer to bear the entire cost of constructing the water
supply pipe network within the district in housing development projects.
New Open
With regard to the stormwater drainage in and around the target area, the basic policy is to ensure that
the drainage of the areas north and south of Crocodile Park (60 + 59 in the figure above) is drawn into
the old river channel at the relocation area. To this end, it is proposed to install an open ditch channel at
the end of the land fill by the owner of Crocodile Park.
A characteristic of flooding in the Davao River is that rainwater entering in the upstream area of the
basin overflows in the downstream urban areas. Thus it is rather safer to dischurge stormwater in the
urban area to the Davao River at an earlir stage than to retain it within the urban area and delay the
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timing of discharge. In this light, no regulating reservoirs will be installed in the relocation block, and
the water will be directly discharged to the main Davao River via the remaining water course in the old
river channel. Stormwater drainage to the old river channel will be done through roadside ditches.
The project cost will be borne by the developer, but the facilities will be transferred to relevant
authorities. DPWH will own and maintain the channel that remains in the old river channel.
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existing revetment without a gate. Proper maintenance activities for river structures and functional
enhancement activities such as installation of flap gates in drainage pipes are required.
(3) On-going construction works at the river mouth of the Davao River
This M/P assumes that the dike at the river mouth of the Davao River, which is currently being
constructed by DPWH, will be implemented as planned. It is expected that the construction will be
carried out to ensure the alignment, river channel width and dike height recommended in the M/P. If the
width of the river channel or the height of the dike are not sufficient, it will be necessary to repair the
structure and take additional measures, so it is necessary to confirm when the construction is carried out
and completed.
3.18.2 Relationship between Master Plan and Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
The "Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030" adopted at the 3rd UN World
Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction outlines seven clear targets and four priorities for action to
prevent new and reduce existing disaster risks. Table 3.18.1 and Table 3.18.2 summarize how the
development of this M/P relates to and contributes to the four priority actions and the seven targets,
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Table 3.18.1 Relationship between the Master Plan and the four priority actions of the
Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
Table 3.18.2 Relationship between the Master Plan and the seven targets of the Sendai
Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
(a) Reduce global disaster mortality Reduction of disaster damages can be expected by promoting
structural measures and non-structural measures proposed by the
(b) Reduce number of affected people M/P.
(c) Reduce economic loss in relation to GDP At present, it is estimated that about 26 thousand buildings will
be inundated by 0.1 m or more due to the 100-year scale riverine
(d) Reduce damage to critical infrastructure flood in case of the Davao River. On the other hand, the number
and services disruption of flooded buildings will be reduced to about 25 thousand by
implementing the short-term structural measures, and to 0 by
implementing the mid-long term structural measures.
(e) Increase number of countries with The M/P equivalent to the flood control strategy in the Davao,
national and local DRR strategies by 2020 Matina and Talomo River basin was formulated.
(f) Increase international cooperation to This project is the international cooperation by JICA.
developing countries
(g) Increase availability and access to early The Project proposed to expand water level gauges and review
warning systems and DRR information flood warnings as part of non-structural measures.
Source: Project Team
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4.1.1 Priority Project of Structural Measures Targeted for Feasibility Study for Riverine Flood in
Davao River
(1) Overview of Priority Project (Structural Measure) Target for Feasibility Study
As described in Chapter 3 Master Plan, the priority project constitutes riverbed dredging, retarding ponds,
and cut-off channels at the meandering portion of the river.
Riverbed dredging work executes dredging of the existing river in the stretch from the river mouth to
23km upstream as much as maintaining the stability of the existing rive structures.
Retarding ponds work installs 3 retarding ponds out of 7 retarding ponds that are planned in M/P. The 3
retarding ponds, which are RP 08, RP 09, and RP 11, have been determined by constructibility, the
number of relocation houses and earthwork volume for installation of a unit control volume (see Table
Cut-off at the meandering portion of the river executes cut-off work from STA 6+500 to STA 12+700,
which the river is meandering continuously.
Solving the riverine flood caused by approximately 10-year scale floods is the target of the project, and
these countermeasures would be executed for reaching the target.
(2) Target Area of Priority Project (Structural Measure) Target for Feasibility Study
The target area of the priority project for the feasibility study is shown in Figure 4.1.1.
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Retarding Pond
Cut-off Works
4.1.2 Additional Topographic and River Surveys for Structure Measures of the Priority Project
Targeted for Feasibility Study for Riverine Flood in Davao River
For the facilities (Retarding Ponds) subject to F/S as a priority project in the Davao River, the additional
topograhic and river survey were condacted on the Reservoir Area. The survey works was subcontracted
to a local survey firm and carried out during the period from April 2021 to August 2021 in accordance
with the terms, conditions, requirements of the Sub-contract Agreement and Terms of Reference (TOR)
under the supervision of the JICA Project Team.. The work items and quantity are as Table 4.1.2.
Table 4.1.2 Work Item and Work Quantity (Additional Topographic and River Survey)
Work Item Quantity
1. River and Topographic Survey of F/S Targeted Structure (Reservoir Area)
1.1 River Longitudinal Survey (Station No. 23+000 – 32+000) 9 km
1.2 River Cross Sectional (C/S) Survey (Interval of C/S:500m pitch, Width:200m) 19 sections
1.3 River Cross Sectional Survey on Inlet and Outlet (Site:3, Width: 200m) 6 sections
1.4 Ortho-photo Mapping by UAV(including GCP survey:10points) 500 ha
Source: Project Team
4.1.3 Geotechnical Investigation for Structure Measures of the Priority Project Targeted for
Feasibility Study for Riverine Flood in Davao River
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Table 4.1.3 List of Geotechnical survey location for priority projects for F/S (BH-1-BH-8).
Coordinate Location
No. Description with type of structure assumed
BH-1 7°12'33.97"N 125°33'20.34"E Retarding Pond RP08 (Inlet location)
BH-2 7°11'59.61"N 125°33'35.77"E Retarding Pond RP08 (Outlet location)
BH-3 7°11'57.14"N 125°33'41.92"E Retarding Pond RP09 (Inlet location)
BH-4 7°11'10.34"N 125°33'42.34"E Retarding Pond RP09 (Outlet location)
BH-5 7°10'45.94"N 125°33'33.18"E Retarding Pond RP11 (Inlet location)
BH-6 7°10'30.58"N 125°34'6.42"E Retarding Pond RP11 (Outlet location)
BH-7 7° 6'0.88"N 125°35'38.43"E Cut-off channel upstream section (revetment / embankment)
BH-8 7° 5'25.38"N 125°35'33.88"E Cut-off channel downstream section (revetment / embankment)
BH-9 7° 4'8.12"N 125°35'49.24"E Channel Widening (revetment / embankment) *Pre-F/S project
Source: Project Team
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4.1.4 Hydraulic Study and Setting of Design Conditions for Priority Project (Structural Measure)
Target for Feasibility Study
The study of the items indicated below would be carried out for setting the design conditions for the
project for F/S.
Design river shape (design alignment, design profile, and typical design cross-section)
Extent of riverbed dredging (each surveyed cross-section)
Water level conditions of retarding ponds (channel water level of inlet/outlet, overflow dike crest
level, drainage channel bed level)
Design river channel for cut-off reach (typical design cross-section)
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proposed for flowing 1,700 m3/s safely by design channel. The way of setting the design river channel
is shown below.
Davao Riv er
River Improvement Works
■ ■
La cs on Brd. Wa a n Brd.
(STA 50+800) Controled Q by 7 RPs (STA 17+147)
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(Under construction)
Davao City Bypass
25.0 Exis.L-DikeTop
(Undercon struction)
Davao River Brd.
Sta.Lucia Brd.
Davao River Brd.II
Gov.Generoso Brd.
F.Torres Brd.
Bolton Brd.
15.0 R-GroundElev.
Original Riverbed
Cut‐off works portion
-10.0 (m)
0 5000 10000 15000 20000
Based on the present deepest riverbed profile after the shortcut, as shown in Figure 4.1.7 the target
section (STA 0+000 - STA 23+000: L≒18.3 km) was divided into the downstream (tidal reach),
midstream, and upstream sections, and the design longitudinal gradient was set.
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Sta.Lucia B
Davao River Brd
F.Torres B
Bolton Br
Elevation (MSL+m)
Regarding the design riverbank level, the design water depth has been set at 7.2 m (design riverbank
level is to be added 1.0 m freeboard to this), which is generally the same level as the existing riverbank
shoulder. For near the river mouth, the design riverbank level shall be adopted the higher one by
comparing the HWL with the storm surge embankment height (MSL+3.00m). HWL has been set by the
calculated river water considering the backwater effect, with the condition of the downstream end water
level as the mean high water level (MHHW) of MSL+0.981m (considering future rise due to climate
change) the channel applies the typical design cross-section.
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Based on the condition above mentioned, the typical design cross-section for each section was
determined as shown below.
Table 4.1.4 Calculation Sheet of Typical Design Cross-section (STA 3+000 – STA 14+500)
Chanle width: 110.8
Typical cross‐section: STA 3+000 ‐ STA 14+500
Channle water depth: 7.2
9.00 low-water channel bed width: 60.0
low-water channel bank slope: 1:2.0
6.00 high-water channel bank slope: 1:1.5
5.00 Wetted primeter: 111.89
4.00 Channel flow area: 648.0
2.00 Manning's n: 0.030
1.00 Chanle bed gradient: 1/1500
0.00 Flow velocity: 2.78
‐80.00 ‐60.00 ‐40.00 ‐20.00 0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00
Flow capacity: 1798.55
Source: Project Team
Table 4.1.5 Calculation Sheet of Typical Design Cross-section (STA 14+500 – STA 23+000)
Chanle width: 92.3
Typical cross‐section: STA 15+000 ‐ STA 23+000
Channle water depth: 7.2
low-water channel bed width: 48.0
7.00 low-water channel bank slope: 1:2.0
6.00 high-water channel bank slope: 1:1.5
5.00 Wetted primeter: 93.39
Channel flow area: 527.8
2.00 Manning's n: 0.030
1.00 Chanle bed gradient: 1/1000
0.00 Flow velocity: 3.34
‐60.00 ‐40.00 ‐20.00 0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00
Flow capacity: 1765.16
Source: Project Team
Applying the design river channel that reflects the above-mentioned design alignment, design
longitudinal slope, and typical design cross-section, the water level in the condition of design flood
discharge was calculated, and the HWL was set to envelop this. The HWL and design riverbank height
are shown in Figure 4.1.7.
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For existing structures, secure a 10m separation as a buffer zone. However, in case of the river
width is narrow and it is difficult to secure a buffer zone, this does not apply if safety is shown
by slope stability analysis.
Do not dredge within a stretch of 1km upstream and downstream from the bridge. However,
this does not apply if appropriate analysis shows that dredging does not affect the stability of
the bridge and the permission of the relevant organizations is obtained.
In accordance with the above orders and regulations, the distance from the existing structure at each
cross-section shall be at least 10m. Regarding the conservation stretch of 1km upstream and downstream
of the bridge in "JOINT MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR No. 01, Series of 2019: Mar. 14, 2019", the
description that dredging shall not be performed in principle limits the section where river channel
dredging can be performed. If exactly follow this, since the dredging reach would be limited, the effect
of reducing the flooding damage cannot be expected. Therefore, a non-uniform flow calculation was
examined when the range where dredging is not performed is shorter than 1 km, and the result of the
calculations is compared hydraulic specifications (water depth and flow velocity) with the not dredging
the range of 1 km upstream and downstream of the bridge.
The flow capacity of the existing river channel with dredging the whole reach including the portion of
existing bridge sections is approximately 800 m3/s, which is corresponding to the run-off discharge by
2-yr scale flood considering climate change; 830 m3/s, therefore, calculation was done under 2-yr scale
flood condition. The variation rate of water level and flow velocity, which is compared with the river
channel with preserving 1km upstream and downstream of existing bridges, in cases of conservation
stretches shortened by every 100m, were calculated for each 6 existing bridges (the section of about
1km upstream and downstream of each existing bridge). Figure 4.1.8 and Figure 4.1.9 shows examples
of calculated results of F.Torres Bridge and Davao River Bridge, respectively.
In most cases, the water levels of the river channel with shortened conservation stretch are lower than
that of the river channel with preserving 1km upstream and downstream of existing bridges because of
the increase of flow area. Meanwhile, the increase in flow velocity is significant at the sections of the
Gov.Generoso Bridge and F.Torres Bridge, however, these variation rates are less than 20%.
Comparing with the case of preserving 1km upstream and downstream of existing bridges, the increasing
ratio is less than 20% even in the case of 100m conservation stretch, and it can be said there is no
significant effect of shortened the conservation stretch.
In addition to the study above, from the aspect of the flood security level including the other target works
in F/S, cut-off channel and retarding ponds, as a result of the comparison of conservation stretch (refer
to Section 4.1.5), the area of conservation stretch for the existing bridges is determined 100m upstream
and downstream of the bridges in this project. Here, since the Davao River Bridge obstructs the flow
area very much and it is expected significant reduction of inundation area by dredging this cross-section,
the cross-section of the Davao River Bridge shall not have any conservation stretch with the premise
that riverbed protection would be installed to preserve the stability of bridge piers.
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
130% 25
WS_900m‐WS_1km WS_800m‐WS_1km
WS_700m‐WS_1km WS_600m‐WS_1km 20
120% WS_500m‐WS_1km WS_400m‐WS_1km
115% WS_300m‐WS_1km WS_200m‐WS_1km 15
95% 0
80% ‐10
4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000
140% 25
Vel_900m‐Vel_1km Vel_800m‐Vel_1km
Vel_700m‐Vel_1km Vel_600m‐Vel_1km 20
Vel_500m‐Vel_1km Vel_400m‐Vel_1km
Vel_300m‐Vel_1km Vel_200m‐Vel_1km 15
80% ‐10
4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000
120% 30
WS_900m‐WS_1km WS_800m‐WS_1km
WS_700m‐WS_1km WS_600m‐WS_1km 25
WS_500m‐WS_1km WS_400m‐WS_1km
WS_300m‐WS_1km WS_200m‐WS_1km 20
90% ‐5
11500 12000 12500 13000 13500 14000
150% 30
Vel_900m‐Vel_1km Vel_800m‐Vel_1km
140% Vel_700m‐Vel_1km Vel_600m‐Vel_1km 25
Vel_500m‐Vel_1km Vel_400m‐Vel_1km
Vel_300m‐Vel_1km Vel_200m‐Vel_1km 20
120% Vel_100m‐Vel_1km
80% 0
70% ‐5
11500 12000 12500 13000 13500 14000
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Left Bank Flw Capacity (m3/s)
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STEP 0:Setting of Model for M/P STEP 0:Setting of Model for F/S
River Channel Condion: Proposed river channel in M/P (After Windening works) River Channel Condition: Present river channel with F/S projects (After Dredging and
Applied Hydrograph: Jan. 2002 flood pattern (1/100 + CC) cut-off works)
Retarding Ponds: 7 sites proposed in M/P Applied hydrograph: Jan. 2002 flood pattern (≒1/10)
Retarding Ponds: 3 sites for F/S
STEP 3:Setting Overflow dike height of RPs (initial setting of water level to start
STEP 3:Setting Overflow dike height of RPs (initial setting of water level to start
regulation of each RP)
regulation of each RP)
RP6 & RP7: To set from proposed capacity
RP8, RP9 & RP11: Water level cor. to river flow capacity of 800m3/s
RP8, RP9 & RP11: Water level cor. to target discharge of 1700m3/s
Widh of overflow dike is the same as width decided by the simulation of M/P
RP12 & RP13: HWL minus Overflow depth
For setting the specification of retarding ponds, the target inflow hydrograph was set to January 2002
type flood since necessary control volume of flood discharge is largest of about 25.7 million m3 among
past flood types extended to 100-yr scale flood. In addition, whether the retarding ponds whose
specifications were determined by January 2002 type flood have sufficient flood controlling effect also
against March 2006 type flood and December 2017 type flood is to be confirmed.
As for flood controlling method of retarding pond, it is assumed that the peak flow rate was reduced to
2,400 m3/s by adjusting with RP06, and the peak flow rate was reduced to 2,275 m3/s by adjusting with
RP07, then the discharge, which exceed the design flood discharge of the river channel of 1,700 m3/s
will be sequentially adjusted by the other retarding ponds (RP08 to RP13) as shown in Figure 4.1.13.
The overflow dike height of each retarding pond was tentatively set from the H-Q relation obtained by
the non-uniform flow calculation of the river channel cross-section near the assumed inlet location, and
finally set by unsteady flow calculation considering with the overflow calculation.
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Inflow hydro controlled by RP06 controlled by RP07
controlled by RP08 controlled by RP09 controlled by RP11
controlled by RP12 controlled by RP13
The invert level of the retarding pond is tentatively set by referring to the river water level at the normal
flow discharge calculated by the river channel H-Q relationship near the outlet, in order to plan to drain
stored water by the gravity after floods. In addition, since flood control will be carried out by multiple
retarding ponds in this project, as a result of examining comparative study with the construction cost
and the stability of structure depending on the presence or absence of spillway (see Section 4.1.5 for
details), spillway will be installed to each retarding basin. The height of the spillway sets the height of
5m above from the invert level of the retarding pond as the same as design water depth of retarding
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
By applying the above specifications, as a result of the flood control calculations for the March 2006
type flood and the December 2017 type flood, which are large-scale floods other than the January 2002
flood, it is confirmed that the discharge for both flood hydrographs controlled by retarding ponds would
be below 1,700 m3/s, which is the design flood discharge of the downstream river channel.
Based on the results of the flood control calculations for the three hydrographs, the height of the
separation dike should be set to satisfy the height obtained by adding 0.6 m as a clearance to the
maximum water level at the inlet and outlet as shown in Table 4.1.8.
Table 4.1.9 Overflow Dike Height of Target Retarding Ponds for Short-term Project
Retarding Design Inlet dike top Design Inlet wier top Design Inlet wier top Design RP invert Design Spilway
Pond ID for M/P (MSL+m) for M/P (MSL+m) for S/T (MSL+m)* (MSL+m) top (MSL+m)
RP 08 29.40 27.50 25.40 ( 2.10 ) 20.70 27.00
RP 09 27.50 26.10 24.00 ( 2.10 ) 20.50 24.70
RP 11 23.40 21.90 20.50 ( 1.40 ) 14.80 19.50
note*: Brackets numbers are difference between the wier top of M/P and S/T
Source: Project Team
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Figure 4.1.14 shows the results of the inundation analysis by probability scales under the set overflow
dike heights. It was confirmed that a flood control safety level of approximately 10-year scale can be
obtained after the implementation of the short-term project.
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Cut-off works would be undertaken on the north side (approximately STA 10+040 - STA 12+500) and
on the south side (approximately STA 6+500 - STA 9+000). The northern cut-off is located on private
land, and the river channel was set so that it would not affect the development of residential areas. In
the vicinity of the southern cut-off, the river channel was set to avoid fragmentation of the area inhabited
by the Kagan community, which is classified as a Muslim minority, and to minimize relocations.
4.1.5 Comparison of Alternatives for Priority Project (Structural Measure) Target for Feasibility
In this section, alternatives for key structural issues for each of F/S targets, which are riverbed dredging,
retarding ponds, and cut-off works are compared and examined.
In order to quantitatively evaluate the flood control effects of each alternative, an inundation analysis
was conducted. Here, the inundation analysis was conducted after the completion of the priority projects
for F/S (retarding ponds and cut-off works), except for the riverbed dredging. By doing so, the effect of
each alternative on the degree of flood safety level after the completion of the priority projects for F/S
was ascertained.
The results of the comparison of alternatives for riverbed dredging are shown in Table 4.1.11. As a result
of the comparison, Alt.3: 100m conserving upstream and downstream of the bridge and no conservation
stretch for the Davao Bridge (installation of riverbed protection works) is recommended as the optimal
alternative because it can achieve the target of flood safety level of the short-term project, although it is
less economical than the other alternatives due to the increased dredging area and installation of riverbed
protection works at the Davao River Bridge.
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Table 4.1.13 shows a list of the facility specifications obtained from the aforementioned analysis,
depending on whether or not a spillway is installed. The results showed that the invert level of RP08 is
the same as the case without spillway (Alt.2), in other hands, the invert level of RP09 and RP11 could
be increased by 1.1 m and 1.0 m respectively, and the amount of soil excavation could be reduced.
The result of the comparison of alternatives for the retarding ponds is shown in Table 4.1.14. Even
considering the construction costs associated with the installation of spillways, it is recommended that
Alt.1: with spillways as the optimal alternative because the reduction in construction costs due to the
reduced excavation volume is significant, and the overall economic efficiency is superior to the other
Table 4.1.14 Comparison of Alternatives for Retarding Ponds
Evaluation Alt.1 With spillways Alt.2 Without spillways
A. Flood protection level
2032 (F/S):W=1/5~10; 2045 (M/P):W=1/100
(expected damage reduction)
B. Economic effectiveness Direct cost for works: 7.09 Billion PhP Direct cost for works: 7.54 Billion PhP
C. Feasibility from in regards
Affected houses: 1 Affected houses: 1
with social restriction
D. Feasibility from the technical
viewpoint to construct Phased construction is available. Phased construction is available.
E. Sustainability Sustainable Sustainable
After the construction of F/S scale structures, After the construction of F/S scale
overflow on the separation dike can be structures, overflow on the separation dike
F. Flexibility avoided due to the effect of the spillways for a can be happened for a certain degree of
certain degree of excess flooding over the excess flooding over the corresponding
corresponding scale. scale.
G. Social and natural Amount of soil excavation can be increase
Amount of soil excavation can be reduced.
environment impact comparing with Alt.1.
Other ― ―
It is highly economical and is expected to
reduce the risk of dike breach in the event
Evaluation Result
of excess floods.
◎ (Recommended)
Source: Project Team
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- Inverted trapezoidal double cross- - Inverted trapezoidal double cross- - Rectangular cross-section with
section section straight wall
- Channel width: 111 m + ROW - Channel width: 80 m + ROW - Channel width: 80 m + ROW
Contents - Expectation of flow capacity of - No expectation of flow
- No expectation of flow capacity of
existing river channel (dealing with existing river channel (requiring to capacity of existing river
existing channel after cut-off works maintain existing channel after cut- channel (dealing with existing
as appropriate) off works) channel after cut-off works as
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
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The result of the comparison of alternatives for cut-off works is shown in Table 4.1.16. For the north
side, Alt.1: Inverted trapezoidal double-section (111m wide + ROW) without expecting the current
channel's flow capacity, which is superior to the other alternatives overall in terms of economical
effectiveness, sustainability, flexibility, and environmental impact, is recommended as the optimal
For the south side, although the number of affected houses is larger than the other proposals, based on
an overall assessment of economic effectiveness, sustainability, flexibility, and environmental impact,
Alt.1: Inverted trapezoidal double-section (111m wide + ROW) without expecting the current channel's
flow capacity is recommended as the optimal proposal.
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Alternatives Alt.1 : Inverted trapezoidal Alt.2 : Inverted trapezoidal Alt.3 : Rectangular cross-
double cross-section, double cross-section, section with straight wall,
width: 111 m + ROW width: 80 m + ROW width: 80 m + ROW
Evaluation No expectation of flow Expectation of flow capacity of No expectation of flow
axis capacity of existing river existing river capacity of existing river
- Compared to Alt.3, access to - Compared to Alt.3, access to - Compromising access to the
the river is easier and more the river is easier and more river and the landscape due to
hydrophilic hydrophilic the high straight wall.
Other ―
Although the direct
construction cost is about 20%
higher than the cheapest one,
the M/P design flood discharge
can be flow without expecting
the flow capacity of the
existing channel. The amount
Evaluation Result of maintenance dredging can
be minimized, and
rehabilitation, repair, and
future cross-sectional revisions
are relatively easy. In addition,
it has relatively high
◎ (Recommended)
Note: Alt. 3 assumes U-shaped steel sheet piles. If hat-shaped steel sheet piles are used, it is roughly estimated that the
construction cost will increase by about 10%, on the other hand, it is expected as advantages that since they are wider than
U-shaped steel sheet piles, the number of the sheet piles can be reduced (the construction period can be shortened), and
there is no need to consider reduction in cross-sectional performance due to joints (the risk of strength reduction of the steel
sheet pile wall due to poor joint construction is low).
Source: Project Team
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Drainage in Davao City Summary
Alternatives Alt.1 : Inverted trapezoidal Alt.2 : Inverted trapezoidal Alt.3 : Rectangular cross-
double cross-section, double cross-section, section with straight wall,
width: 111 m + ROW width: 80 m + ROW width: 80 m + ROW
Evaluation No expectation of flow Expectation of flow capacity of No expectation of flow
axis capacity of existing river existing river capacity of existing river
- Difficulty and cost for
rehabilitation/repairing would
be higher than the others
since structure of straight
wall portion will be sheet pile
- Dealing with the existing river - Maintenance work to the - Dealing with the existing river
channel (reclaiming or existing river channel is channel (reclaiming or
maintaining) will be essential. maintaining) will be
determined on an as-needed determined on an as-needed
basis. basis.
If the existing river channel is If the existing river channel is
to be reclaimed, facilities to be reclaimed, facilities
(drainage channels, etc.) to (drainage channels, etc.) to
treat rainwater drainage treat rainwater drainage
F. Flexibility (normal and flood) from the (normal and flood) from the
watershed east area of the watershed east area of the
meandering portion (2.6 km2) meandering portion (2.6 km2)
will be required. will be required.
- It is relatively easy to deal - The straight wall portion will
with the need to revise the - It is relatively easy to deal be a sheet pile structure, and it
cross-section (increase the with the need to revise the is difficult to respond to the
flow area) in the future. cross-section (increase the need to revise the cross-
flow area) in the future. section (increase the flow
area) in the future.
- Compared to the others, the - Compared to the others, the - The land acquisition area
land acquisition area would be land acquisition area would be would be small as the same as
larger, but maintenance of the smaller, but maintenance to Alt.2, but maintenance of the
existing river channel is not control environmental existing river channel is not
G. Social and natural required. degradation in the existing required.
environment impact river channel.
- Compared to Alt.3, access to - Compared to Alt.3, access to - Compromising access to the
the river is easier and more the river is easier and more river and the landscape due to
hydrophilic hydrophilic the high straight wall.
If the existing river channel is to Maintaining the existing river If the existing river channel is to
be reclaimed, the bridge under channel is essential, and the be reclaimed, the bridge under
Other construction by DPWH RO XI bridge under construction by construction by DPWH RO XI
will be rendered useless. DPWH RO XI will be rendered will be rendered useless.
Although the direct
construction cost is about 30%
higher than the cheapest one
and the number of affected
houses a large, compensation
cost would be similar to the
others. M/P design flood
Evaluation Result discharge can be flow without
expecting the flow capacity of
the existing channel. The
amount of maintenance
dredging can be minimized,
and rehabilitation, repair, and
future cross-sectional revisions
are relatively easy. In addition,
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
Alternatives Alt.1 : Inverted trapezoidal Alt.2 : Inverted trapezoidal Alt.3 : Rectangular cross-
double cross-section, double cross-section, section with straight wall,
width: 111 m + ROW width: 80 m + ROW width: 80 m + ROW
Evaluation No expectation of flow Expectation of flow capacity of No expectation of flow
axis capacity of existing river existing river capacity of existing river
it has relatively high
◎ (Recommended)
Note: Alt. 3 on the south side also assumes U-shaped steel sheet piles, like the north side. The conditions (increase in construction
costs and advantages) when using the hat-shaped steel sheet piles are the same as for the north side.
Source: Project Team
4.1.6 Preliminary Design of Structure Measures of the Priority Project Targeted for Feasibility
Study for Riverine Flood in Davao River
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For the separate dike of the retarding pond: RP08, RC revetment will be installed on the river side up to
the M/P phase flood level (100-year return period) while gabion revetment with impermeable sheets will
be installed on the pond side up to maximum storage level, as shown below. Steel sheet piles and foot
protection are installed as well to prevent scouring on the river side, and impermeable sheet piles are to
be installed on the pond side down to the impermeable layer to prevent water leakage of the foundation
ground from the river side to the pond side. The top of foot protection on the river side is set to be
uniformly +20.0 m (equivalent to the level of normal water) for the entire section of the separate dike.
Separate Dike
As for the structure of the surrounding levee, as with the separate dike, gabion revetment is installed up
to maximum storage level along the pond-side slope. The main purpose of installing gabions on the
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surrounding levees is to protect and maintain the slope, such as preventing soil run-off from the slope
which may fill up the drainage ditch or preventing excessive growth of vegetation on the slope, and to
facilitate management of the location and sectional shape of the slope. The gradient of slope is 1:3.0 on
both the mountain side and the pond side. Where the crest elevation is lower than existing ground level,
1:3.0 slope will be cut from the crest to reach the existing ground behind.
For the spillway to be installed in the downstream part of the retarding pond, the concrete-facing type
slope protection is selected, as with the overflow dike.
In addition to a spillway, a drainage facility (sluice gates) is installed at outlet of the pond. During flood
events, the gates are fully closed to allow floodwaters to be stored inside the retarding pond. The gates
are only raised when the water level on the river side has fallen sufficiently (the river water level then
must be below the invert level of the drainage facility). The gate dimension was calculated to allow
natural drainage within approximately two days (48 hours) after the raising of the gates, resulting in a
cross-sectional dimension of height = 3 m: width = 9 m.
On this basis, a drainage facility with 3 gates of 3m x 3m is assumed for the retarding basin: RP08.
According to the results of geotechnical investigations, the ground below the invert level is rather firm
with an N value of over 25-30, so spread foundation is assumed for the foundation type. A dust screen
shall be installed on the pond side (intake) of the drainage facility. At least one of the drainage gates
should be open at normal time to drain groundwater from the pond side.
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Drainage in Davao City Summary
The results of the geotechnical investigations (BH-01 and BH-02) indicate that the groundwater table in
the study area is 4m to 5m below the existing ground level. Groundwater is considered to be recharged
from the mountainous area to the west as well as by rainwater inside the pond area. Although the
groundwater table level is expected to decrease after the creation of the retarding pond by excavation,
following measures should be considered to cope with groundwater inside the pond: (i) a drainage
gradient of 1/300 to 1/500 at the bottom of the pond, (ii) a drainage ditch at the toe of surrounding levee,
and (iii) raising of the gate in normal time. For retarding pond R08, the permeable formation is
considered to be distributed widely at the pond bottom level, and the above measures are used to drain
and lower the water table.
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For the separate dike of the retarding pond: RP09, gabion revetment with impermeable sheets will be
installed on the river side up to the M/P phase flood level (100-year return period) while the same gabion
revetment with impermeable sheets will be installed also on the pond side up to maximum storage level.
The gabions and impermeable sheets function together to 1) prevent water from entering the
embankment during impoundment and 2) prevent leakage of water that has entered the embankment
from the river side, as with RP08.
Riverbank erosion is progressing at some sections of the bank. Therefore, if the distance between the
planned cross-section of the separate dike (at intersection with the current ground surface) and the
existing bank for low-water channel is narrow (as a reference, less than 30 m), gabion revetment shall
be installed on the river-side slope to prevent riverbank erosion (depth of gabion embedment: 17.00m).
On the other hand, if the distance between the planned section of the separate dike and the existing bank
for low-water channel is sufficiently wide (as a reference, 30 m or more), the existing ground in front of
the separate dike shall be left in place and no gabion revetment is to be installed below the existing
ground surface. However, it is advisable to monitor the riverbank condition on site over time and
implement the necessary measures where riverbank erosion is progressing.
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The structure of the surrounding levee is the same as the one of RP08.
For the spillway to be installed in the downstream part of the retarding pond, the gabion-type slope
protection is selected due to its less frequent use, reduced velocity of overflowing water and sediment
diameter compared to the overflow dike, and presumably limited degree of wearing of steel wires, etc.
The applicable structural type shall be determined at the detailed design stage, taking into account
material availability and the results of flow conditions studied by means of detailed hydraulic
experiments, etc.
In addition to a spillway, a drainage facility (sluice gates) is installed at outlet of the pond. The gate
dimension was calculated to allow natural drainage within approximately two days (48 hours) after the
raising of the gates as in the same as the case of RP08, resulting in a cross-sectional dimension of height
= 2.5 m: width = 5 m.
On this basis, a drainage facility with 2 gates of 2.5m x 2.5m is assumed for the retarding basin: RP09.
According to the results of geotechnical investigations, the ground below the invert level is rather firm
with an N value of over 25-30, so spread foundation is assumed for the foundation type. A dust screen
shall be installed on the pond side (intake) of the drainage facility. At least one of the drainage gates
should be open at normal time to drain groundwater from the pond side.
As for measures against groundwater, as in RP08, (i) a drainage gradient of 1/300 to 1/500 at the bottom
of the pond, (ii) a drainage ditch at the toe of surrounding levee, and (iii) raising of the gate in normal
time are to be considered.
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For the separate dike of the retarding pond: RP11, gabion revetment with impermeable sheets will be
installed on the river side up to the M/P phase flood level (100-year return period) while the same gabion
revetment with impermeable sheets will be installed also on the pond side up to maximum storage level.
The gabions and impermeable sheets function together to 1) prevent water from entering the
embankment during impoundment and 2) prevent leakage of water that has entered the embankment
from the river side as with RP08.
The concept of installing a gabion revetment on river side is the same as in RP09. If the distance between
the planned cross-section of the separate dike (at intersection with the current ground surface) and the
existing bank for low-water channel is narrow (as a reference, less than 30 m), gabion revetment shall
be installed on the river-side slope to prevent riverbank erosion. For the RP11, the water surface gradient
and topographic gradient in the longitudinal direction changes, with mean water level of about +17.5 m
near the inlet and about +12.0 m near the outlet. For this reason, the embedment depth of gabion
revetment should also be varied longitudinally.
The structure of the surrounding levee is the same as the one of RP08 and 09, and the structure of the
spillway is the same as the one of RP09.
In addition to a spillway, a drainage facility (sluice gates, 3 gates of 3m x 3m) is installed at outlet of the
pond. According to the results of geotechnical investigations, spread foundation is assumed for the
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foundation type. A dust screen shall be installed on the pond side (intake) of the drainage facility. At
least one of the drainage gates should be open at normal time to drain groundwater from the pond side.
As for measures against groundwater, as in RP08, (i) a drainage gradient of 1/300 to 1/500 at the bottom
of the pond, (ii) a drainage ditch at the toe of surrounding levee, and (iii) raising of the gate in normal
time are to be considered.
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1) Overview
In this section, the two roads (bridge section) that will be divided at the cut-off section is designed for.
Figure 4.1.30 shows the locations of the two roads.
Davao River
Crocodile Park
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- Type of Pier
Since construct bridges prior to river construction, in-river tightening is not required, and wall piers shall
be selected because they are stiffer than the pile-bent type. However, since the piers are located in a river,
the piers were adopted column type to reduce the influence of the river's running water.
- Foundation Pile
The results of borings conducted in the vicinity of the project site were used as a reference in studying
the foundation piles. However, since the downstream geological survey did not identify any ground that
could be confirmed as a support layer, the foundation piles length shown in the on-going new bridge
construction project near the site were used as a reference.
3) Bridge type
The bridge length and span length of STA 11+188.4 is 112 m (4@28 m) and STA 8+116.6 is 116m
(4@29m). PC-I girders were selected as the bridge type considering the span length and the economic
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4.2.1 Priority Projects on Non-structural Measures for Riverine Flood in Davao River
The following six projects are non-structural measures targeted in F/S as the priority projects.
Additional installation of water level gauges
Setting warning water level in Davao River corresponding to the latest river and social conditions
Preparation of IEC materials on the proposed structural measures and non-structural measures
Formulation and Update of flood hazard map for riverine, inland and coastal with evacuation
Land use control along the proposed structural measures
Capacity enhancement project on riverine flood, rainwater drainage and coastal management in
An overview of related existing activities/necessity of measures, pre-examination through pilot activity,
examination of future implementation plan, estimation of necessary budget, and suggestion for future
implementation for each of the priority projects are described below.
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Bridge is located about 10 km upstream of the retarding ponds, and the one at Waan Bridge is located
about 5 km downstream, but there are no water level gauges around the retarding ponds.
For each retarding pond, two ultrasonic type water level gauges on the overflow dike and outside of
drainage gate, two pressure type water level gauges inside of the retarding pond, two cameras around
overflow dike and drainage gate, and one siren are planned to be installed.
Table 4.2.1 Implementation Plan for Installing New Water Level Gauges and Monitoring
Classification of
Year Content of Work
2023-2024 Structural measures Detailed design of the three retarding ponds proposed as the
priority project
2025-2026 Non-Structural measures Detailed examination of specifications and installation location
of the retarding pond monitoring system including water level
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Classification of
Year Content of Work
2025-2032 Structural measures Construction of the three retarding ponds
2032-2033 Non-Structural measures Procurement and installation of the retarding pond monitoring
2034-2038 Structural measures Construction of Davao River channel widening and replacement
of bridges
2039 Non-Structural measures Reinstallation of PAGASA's existing water level gauge on the
rebuilt bridge
Source: JICA Project Team
4.2.3 Setting warning water level in Davao River corresponding to the latest river and social
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Table 4.2.2 Implementation Plan for Resetting Flood Warning Water Level
Classification of
Year Content of Work
2023 Non-Structural measures Reset of flood warning water levels at all PAGASA water level
gauges (6 locations) in the Davao River Basin
2025-2031 Structural measures Implementation of dredging in Davao River
2028 Non-Structural measures Reset of flood warning water levels at Waan Bridge observatory
and Davao River Bridge observatory according to the progress of
the dredging project (1st)
2030 Non-Structural measures Reset of flood warning water levels at Waan Bridge observatory
and Davao River Bridge observatory according to the progress of
the dredging project (2nd)
2032 Non-Structural measures Reset of flood warning water levels at Waan Bridge observatory
and Davao River Bridge observatory according to the progress of
the dredging project (3rd)
2034-2038 Structural measures Implementation of river channel widening in Davao River
2039 Non-Structural measures Reset of flood warning water levels at Waan Bridge observatory
and Davao River Bridge observatory according to the progress of
the river channel widening project (4th)
Source: JICA Project Team
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4.2.4 Preparation of IEC materials on the proposed structural measures and non-structural
Table 4.2.3 Contents of IEC Material for Public Awareness on Flood Control Measures
Type of IEC Public awareness on flood control measures
Target audience Flood-prone households along Davao River in 100-year scale inundation area
Community Integrated DRR Training Institute planned to be established by the city
government of Davao
Media, etc.
Objective of the Awareness and understanding improvement from the following viewpoints
material Basic concepts on flooding
Current and projected flooding situation in Davao City
Key and relevant actions before/during/after flooding that they can undertake within
their household and/or communities, incorporating LGU’s existing initiatives
Emergency services and hotlines that they can access within Davao City prior to and
in times of flood emergencies
Contents of the The number of pages: 3
material What is flood/flooding?
What are the types and causes of floods/flooding?
Flood risk/hazard map
Who are the (most) affected population?
Major floods in the past in Davao City
Flood prevention/preparedness categorized in three (3) phases: before, during, and
after a disaster for household and barangay levels
Davao City Early Warning System (EWS)
Emergency Hotline Numbers, etc.
Source: JICA Project Team
Regarding the IEC material introducing the Master Plan formulated in this project, it was prepared
according to the contents shown in Table 4.2.4.
Table 4.2.4 Contents of IEC Material for Introducing the Flood Control Master Plan
Type of IEC
Pamphlet introducing the flood control Master Plan
Target audience Davao City Citizens
Community Integrated DRR Training Institute planned to be established by the city
government of Davao
Disaster management related organizations
Media, etc.
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Regarding the language of the IEC materials, the C/P recommended to translate to local Visaya language,
so that the Visaya language version was prepared as well as the English version. Also, the black-and-
white version was prepared in addition to the colour version.
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In addition, the contents of the IEC materials need to be updated as the river improvement project for
Davao River will be implemented until 2045. Based on the first draft of the IEC materials, it is expected
that DPWH and Davao CDRRMO will work together to continuously update.
As related existing activities, DENR-XI has prepared IEC materials for prohibiting tree logging and
promoting greening programs. Forest conservation in the upstream area of Davao River is an effective
measure for flood control, so that it is expected to carry out community awareness activities by utilizing
these existing IEC materials in addition to the one prepared in this feasibility study.
4.2.5 Formulation and Update of flood hazard map for riverine, inland and coastal with evacuation
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Table 4.2.7 Implementation Plan for Update of the Land Use Plan
Classification of
Year Content of Work
2022 CLUP revised (from CLUP2013-2022 to CLUP2019-2028)
2023-2024 CLUP revision based on short-term structural measures and
Non-Structural measures
flood inundation analysis results by this Project
2025 CLUP revision (from CLUP2019-2028 to CLUP2025-2034)
2032 Structural measures Implementation of the short-term structural measures
2032-2033 CLUP revision based on the mid to long-term structural
Non-Structural measures measures proposed by this Project
2034 CLUP revision (from CLUP2025-2034 to CLUP2034-2043)
2043 Structural measures Completion of mid-long term structural measures
Source: JICA Project Team
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4.2.7 Capacity enhancement project on riverine flood, rainwater drainage and coastal
management in Davao
4.2.8 Summary of Examination Results for Priority Projects on Non-structural Measures in F/S
The following is a summary of examination results for priority projects on non-structural measures in
feasibility study.
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4.3.1 Current Operation and Maintenance Practice on Flood Control Works in Davao River
(2) Current Implementation System of Operation and Maintenance of Flood Control Works in
Davao River
4) Control of Illegal Activities along Channel and Quarrying / Mining of Riverbed by Private
The illegal activities along the Davao River are basically controlled by Davao City. DPWH-DEO can
monitor the illegal activities in the river area and recommend necessary actions to Davao City.
5) Problems related to Operation and Maintenance for Flood Control Works based on Current
Operation and Maintenance Practice in Davao River
The following problems related to operation and maintenance for flood control works based on the
current operation and maintenance practice in the Davao River was identified.
a) Operation and maintenance of flood control facilities:
The database for inventory of flood control facilities is just being started operation. Its use should
be promoted to ensure proper maintenance.
b) Maintenance dredging of river channel
Frequent siltation of river mouth
Unserviceable old dredger for river mouth of the Davao River
Insufficient budget for dredging project (less than 10% of requested budget is approved.)
c) Control of Illegal Activities along Channel and Quarrying / Mining of Riverbed by Private Sectors
Possible instability of river channel due to quarrying and mining of riverbed by private company
Uncontrollable illegal activities including informal settling along the channel
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(3) Experiences on Operation and Maintenance of Flood Control Works in Other Rivers
Some flood control facilities constructed by the project handled by FCMC-UPMO are handed over to
the DPWH-RO and the operation and maintenance of the facilities is mainly conducted by DPWH-RO
and DEO. Typical example of this case is Iloilo River flood control project.
In some cases, the flood control facilities are handed over to the relevant LGUs and the operation and
maintenance of the facilities is mainly conducted by LGUs based on the agreed Memorandum of
Agreement (MOA). It is said that the Ormoc flood control project is the typical good example that LGUs
mainly conduct the operation and maintenance successfully. Some other projects such as Cavite flood
control project follow this good example.
However, also according to FCMC-UPMO, there have been many cases that the operation and
maintenance by LGUs does not function properly as follows.
In major river basin which is relatively large scale, the operation and maintenance mainly by LGUs
seems not function properly, in general.
4.3.2 Operation and Maintenance for Proposed Flood Control Works in Davao River
(1) Work Items for Proposed Flood Control Works in Davao River
The proposed flood control works in the Davao River are as follows.
a) Retarding pond
b) River channel improvement: Dredging, Cut-off work and River widening
The operation and maintenance should be properly conducted for these proposed works in addition to
the existing facilities.
(2) Assumed Role among DPWH Offices considering Current Practice on Operation and
Maintenance for Flood Control Works in Davao River
Considering the current practice on operation and maintenance for flood control works in the Davao
River, the role among DPWH offices are assumed as shown in Table 4.3.1.
Table 4.3.1 Assumed Role among DPWH Offices considering Current Practice on Operation
and Maintenance for Flood Control Works in Davao River
Construction O&M (Regular) O&M (Major Repair)
FCMC-UPMO (Monitoring,
Support budgeting)
Dredging Planning Div.-RO/ Planning
Planning Div.-RO (Plan)
Sec.-DEO (Plan, Monitoring)
EMD-RO (Implementation)
EMD-RO (Implementation)
Source: Project Team
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Table 4.3.2 Required Regular Operation and Maintenance Activities for Flood Control
Facilities in Davao River.
Type of Works
Ordinary time During/After flood event
During flood event
1) Sharing information of status of retarding pond
1) Periodical inspection of structures such as
including water level around retarding ponds with
riprap, concrete wall, gates and overflow
relevant organizations in real time
After flood event
2) Monitoring of illegal activities inside the
Retarding Pond 2) Operation of gates and monitoring of drainage of
retarding pond
stored water by gravity just after the flood event
3) Periodical cleaning of retarding pond
3) Checking the status of structures
including removal of sediment and
4) Urgent removal of deposited sediment and
garbage, especially around the gates to ensure
their proper function
1) Periodical inspection of structures such as
riprap, concrete wall and cross drain.
2) Monitoring of illegal activities along the During flood event
channel 1) Sharing information of status of channel with
River Channel
3) Monitoring of quarrying and mining of relevant organizations in real time
river by private sector and making After flood event
recommendation 2) Checking the status of structures
4) Monitoring and evaluation of change in
river topography
Source: Project Team
Estimated Annual
Maintenance Dredging
125 165 155
Volume (TCM
(Thousand m3)/year)
(6) Issues on Operation and Maintenance for Proposed Flood Control Works in Davao River
The issues on operation and maintenance for the proposed flood control works in the Davao River are
shown below.
1) Capacity enhancement of regular operation and maintenance
2) Securing budget for major repairs and maintenance dredging
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4.3.3 Proposed Organizational Framework for Operation and Maintenance for Proposed Flood
Control Works in Davao River
Table 4.3.4 Proposed Role of FCMC-PMO, Relevant Divisions, Sections and Units in DPWH-
RO and DEO
UPMO/Division / Section / Unit Role
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4.3.4 Recommendation
(1) Securing Budget for Operation and Maintenance
(2) Enhancement of Regular Operation and Maintenance
1) Monitoring of river channel change
2) Inspection of flood control facilities
3) Monitoring of illegal activities along river channel and quarrying and mining of riverbed by
private sector
4) Collaboration with other relevant offices
(3) Procurement of Appropriate Dredging and Other Support Equipment for Davao River
1) River dredger for river mouth of Davao River
2) Other Support Equipment
(4) Organizational Strengthening
1) Amendment of roles of Flood Control and Drainage Unit in DPWH-RO XI
2) Allocate funds for additional manpower in view of creation of Lower Davao River Basin O&M
Unit in Davao City DEO and enhancement of Flood Control and Drainage Unit in DPWH-RO
4.4.1 General
This chapter describes the construction plan and cost estimation for the Riverbed Dredging, Cut-off
Works and Retarding Ponds selected as the priority projects for the Davao River, after clarifying the
construction procedures based on the local conditions. In the construction planning and cost estimation,
the process and construction method should be reviewed in consideration of necessary construction
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conditions, such as access to the construction site and the method of procurement of materials and
1) Working Days
The working days is determined in consideration of Sundays (6 days per week), national holidays,
maintenance days for machinery, etc., and days when it is suspended due to rainfall. Table 4.4.3
summarizes the number of days that can be constructed per year to be used in the preparation of the
construction plan for this project. The target types of work were excavation work, dredging work,
embankment work (including soil disposal work), concrete work, revetment work, drainage work, and
road work.
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2) Working Hours
In consideration of the normal working hours in the Philippines, the working hours shall be set at 8 hours
per day.
3) Access Road
The construction site under this plan is located along the Davao River, and a construction access road
will be required from the main road to the construction site and along the river. The width of the road
is assumed to be 10 m.
4) Disposal Sites
The project will generate a large amount of excavated sediment due to the large amount of excavation
work to be performed. The total volume is about 14 million m3 in Dredging, Cut-off, and Retarding
The locations of the disposal sites are to be determined by DPWH prior to the start of construction.
However, candidate sites are proposed here for reference. Currently, possible candidate soil dumping
sites are Option 1 through Option 4, and a summary of each is shown below.
Option 1: Existing/Planned Disposal Sites
The existing or planned disposal sites are determined on a construction-by-construction basis and are
already assigned to each project; therefore, they will be difficult to be used for this project.
Option 2: Residential Land Development and Other Future Projects
Potential embankment sites may arise that could be used for future residential land development or other
projects. In particular, the potential for use in residential land development may be high, but it is not
possible to identify the location or predict the amount of soil to be used at this time.
Option 3: Coastal Reclamation
A proposal for coastal reclamation in Davao City was considered. For the eight low elevation coastal
reclamation parcels shown in Figure 4.4.1, the amount of soil used would be approximately 940,000 m3
if fill were to be placed to 1.5 m above mean sea level. This is very small compared to the total
excavation volume and cannot be used as the main soil disposal site.
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Although the above four options have been discussed, from the viewpoint of certainty, the use of the six
new disposal sites (plus additional four sites will also be considered) indicated in Option 4 is the basic
approach, and if the timing of construction allows for effective use of excavated earth in the future, such
as in the development of residential land in Option 2, then such soil transportation plan will be conducted.
1) Labor
All labor can be procured in Davao City and surrounding cities.
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2) Equipment
Most of the equipment can be procured in Davao City, surrounding cities, and in the Philippines. As
for dredgers and dredging machines, it is possible to obtain them from Japan or third countries from
the viewpoint of construction efficiency.
3) Material
Most of the materials such as revetment can be procured in Davao City, surrounding cities, and in the
Philippines. However, materials that are not manufactured in the Philippines, such as through-slap gates
made of steel or duplex stainless steel, hat-type steel sheet piles, etc., which may be possible by utilizing
foreign technology, shall be obtained from Japan or a third country.
1) Dredging
a) General
The dredging area is 23 km from the mouth of the river. The dredging will be performed at each cross-
section of the river to excavate a section higher than the design riverbed to provide the required cross-
section. The dredging quantities calculated from the cross-sections every 500 m is about 1.27 million
m3. There are six bridges in the construction area, and dredging will not be conducted for 100m upstream
and downstream of the bridges for safety reasons.
b) Dredging Method
The dredging will be estimated to taken up to 7 years. The amount of dredging is approximately
1,270,000 m3, which means that approximately 200,000 m3 will be dredged per year. The construction
period is 251 days, which means that more than 800m3/day will be dredged. In this project, underwater
dredging will be the main type of work. Underwater dredging may be performed by either a pump
dredger (Cutter Suction Dredger), grab dredger, or backhoe dredger.
Considering conditions such as water depth, daily construction volume, and physical properties of the
sediment to be dredged, pump dredging is applied to the section of silty and sandy soil up to 10 km from
the river mouth, and backhoe dredging, which is considered to be versatile and easy to obtain equipment,
is applied to the section upstream of that where gravel is mixed, as a recommended proposal. The
dredged material is dried in a temporary storage area, loaded onto dump trucks, transported to a
designated soil disposal sites, and spread out (or compacted, depending on the location) for fill and
reclamation. Table 4.4.4 shows the dredging quantities by dredging method.
Since the dredging method will actually be adopted by the contractor's specialty, other methods such as
Grab Dredging and Sand Pump Dredging (Submerged Dredging Pump) that can dredge gravel are also
likely to be used. Ejector pump, a Japanese technology, may also be applied.
Maintenance dredging is planned after the F/S project is implemented.
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In discussions with DPWH BOE and RO XI, backhoe dredging is recommended because of the difficulty
of flood countermeasures for pump dredging, and the purchase of backhoe deck barges and dump trucks
are being considered. Although backhoe dredging is more expensive due to its lower construction
efficiency, it can be adopted as a reliable method. On the other hand, if other construction methods, such
as dredgers owned by the contractor, can be used at a lower cost, then the adoption of these methods
should be actively considered.
2) Cut-off Works
a) General
The Cut-off is a project for the meandering sections of the river, and the targeted section is from 6+500
to 12+700. The construction quantities for the shortcut sections are also shown in Table 4.4.5.
3) Retarding Pond
a) General
Construction of Retarding Pond is planned at three locations, 29.0 km (RP-8, Right bank), 27.2 km (RP-
9, Left bank), and 23.8 km (RP-11, Left bank) from the river mouth, with a total area of 200 ha and a
total excavation volume of 12.7 million m3. Table 4.4.6 shows the quantity of construction for each
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1 Dredging
1-3 Construction
1-3-3 Channel Excavation (Loading soils from Temporary yard) m3 890,000 243 4 890
1-3-4 Embankment (at Embankment area, Disposal area) m3 890,000 243 4 890
2 Cut-off
2-3 Construction
2-3-11 Steel Sheet Piles, for temporary works, without materials m3 8,125 251 0
3 Retarding Pond
3-3 Construction
3-3-6 RC wall for heightening the crest (from 25.30 to 27.50) m2 60,000 251 5 48
3-3-9 Foot Protection (Local Boulders - max size) m3 21,150 251 3 324
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3) Currency Conversion
For currency conversion, the base foreign exchange rate (U.S. dollar) shall be 126 Japanese yen for
every 1 U.S. dollar of the U.S. currency, as the figure to be applied during June 2022, as announced by
the Bank of Japan. The arbitrage foreign exchange rate (for Philippine peso) shall be US$0.0192 per
Philippine peso as the market rate of the relevant currency against the U.S. currency during April 2022,
as arbitrated by the reference foreign exchange rate. Based on the above, 1 Philippine peso = (126 x
0.0192=) 2.419 yen.
4) Currency
Local and foreign currencies will be used in this project, but the evaluation will be made in terms of
local currency. The distinction between local and foreign currencies will generally be as follows
a) Local currency
- Labor cost, Part of material cost, Part of equipment cost, Taxes
b) Foreign currency
- Cost of materials requiring high quality comparable to foreign products
- Cost of equipment requiring high quality comparable to foreign products
The allocation between local and foreign currencies was set with reference to other JICA projects in the
Philippines. Table 4.4.9 shows the ratio adopted for this project with reference to the currency ratios of
other projects.
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5) References
The following guidelines and criteria were used in the estimation process.
- Manual for Design and Estimation of Preparatory Studies for Cooperation, Trial Version (JICA,
March 2009)
- DPWH, Flood Control and Drainage Construction Cost Estimation Manual (2017)
- DPWH, Standard Labor Rates for DPWH Regional/District Engineering Office (December 31,
- DPWH, Construction Material Price Data (DPWH, 4 Quarter, 2021)
- DPWH, List of Equipment Adopted in the Standard Dupa for Road, Bridge and Building (Low &
High Rise) Construction Cost Estimation Manuals with Make, Model, Capacity and Operated
Rental Rate per Hour Based on the Prevailing Acel Equipment Guidebook, Edition 26 (October 20,
- Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Estimation Standard for Civil Engineering
Works 2022
- Japan Institute of Country-ology and Engineering, (JICE), River Earthworks Manual
1) General
Preparation Cost consist of Site Acquisition Cost, Compensation Cost, removal, and Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA) Cost.
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3) Compensation Cost
The cost was assumed to be the cost required to construct a new building at the relocation site that is
equivalent to the site area of the building existing in the area required for the implementation of the
measures. In this case, the cost was set at PhP130,000 per building unit.
4) Removal Cost
As with the Master Plan, 20% of the cost of the building relocation was set as the Removal Cost.
1) General
Construction and Procurement Costs consist of Construction Cost, consisting of Civil and Building
Construction Cost, and Equipment Procurement Costs. The main component of this project is the Civil
Construction Cost. The Civil Construction Cost consists of the sum of Direct Construction Cost and
Indirect Construction Cost (Common Temporary Cost and Site Management Cost), plus General and
Administrative Cost.
2) Direct Cost
In this Project, labor, equipment, rental, and material costs were accumulated based on DPWH's "Flood
Control and Drainage Construction Cost Estimation Manual (2017)," which describes standard
construction cost estimates. Rental and material costs were accumulated. Modifications were made to
the application as necessary depending on the scope of work.
a) Labor Cost
Labor rates were taken from the DPWH memorandum, "Standard Labor Rates for DPWH
Regional/District Engineering Office (December 31, 2021)."
b) Material Cost
Material costs are surveyed by DPWH and updated quarterly. Here, the figures from "Construction
Material Price Data (DPWH, 4 Quarter, 2021)" were used as the material unit cost table. For the gate
for drainage of the recreational area, a unit cost of 8 million yen/m2 (3.31Mil. pesos/m2) per area of gate
to be installed was used as the unit construction cost, including equipment costs, with reference to in
c) Equipment Cost
Hourly equipment rental costs are compiled by the Association of Carriers and Construction Equipment
Lessors (ACEL) in a guidebook, and DPWH project costs are organized in the form of DUPAs based on
that guidebook. The DPWH memorandum, List of Equipment Adopted in the Standard Dupa for Road,
Bridge and Building (Low & High Rise) Construction Cost Estimation Manuals with Make, Model,
Capacity and Operated Rental Rate per Hour Based on the Prevailing Acel Equipment Guidebook,
Edition 26 (DPWH, October 20, 2021) is used for the equipment cost.
d) Other Cost
Work items that would be listed as necessary for the detailed design stage were included as other cost.
These costs were set at 10% for Dredging and Cut-off areas, and 5% for Retarding Pond areas with high
construction volumes.
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3) Indirect Cost
Indirect Construction Cost consists of Common Temporary Construction Cost and Site Management
a) Common Temporary Facility Cost
Common Temporary Facility Cost is commonly required for each construction project to indirectly
construct the object.
Common Temporary Facility Cost = Direct Construction Cost x Common Temporary Construction
Cost rate + Accumulated amount
In this Project, the rate portion of common temporary facilities cost was assumed to be 4% of the Direct
Construction Cost. In addition, the accumulated amount was adopted as 2% of the Direct Construction
b) Site Management Cost
Site Management Cost is calculated by multiplying the net construction cost, which is the total of Direct
Construction Cost and Common Temporary Construction Cost, by the site management cost rate.
Site Management Cost = Net Construction Cost (Direct Construction Cost + Common Temporary
Facility Cost) x site management cost ratio
In this Project, the site management cost rate is calculated as 15%, which is multiplied by the Net
Construction Cost.
1) General
The Consultant Service Cost consists of the Detailed Design Cost and Construction Management Cost.
1) General
The cost is composed of Price Contingency Cost and Physical Contingency Cost.
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2) Price Contingency
It was assumed at 16.6% for the sum of construction and procurement costs and design and supervision
costs. The price increase in foreign currency was assumed to be 3.0% on the sum of construction,
procurement, and design and supervision costs.
3) Physical Contingency
The Physical Contingency Cost is set at 5% (10% x 50%) of the total Construction and Procurement
Costs and Consulting Service Cost.
(1) Project Cost estimated based on Methodology, Conditions and Assumptions set in the Previous
Sections of 4.4.3 and 4.4.4
The estimated project costs are shown in Table 4.4.10. Project costs were calculated using the method
described above, and the total project cost for the project as an F/S target is shown at the bottom of the
table. Maintenance and management costs are the costs required annually after the construction work is
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Based on the results of the study on the priority projects for the measures of riverine flood of Davao
River in the F/S stage, the project cost was reviewed only for the M/P of the measures of riverine flood
of Davao River. The reviewed project cost is shown in Table 4.4.11.
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(2) Project Cost applying land acquisition cost and compensation cost calculated in the RAP study
as well as land unit price applied in the RAP study
For the F/S target project, the project cost was estimated in the above (1) under the conditions specified
in Section 4.4.3. On the other hand, in this Project, land acquisition cost and compensation cost were
calculated in the RAP study (see Section 4.6.3). Although the land acquisition cost and compensation
cost should be studied and examined in detail at the detailed design stage, as reference value for future
implementation, the preparation cost was calculated applying the land acquisition cost and compensation
cost calculated in the RAP study as well as land unit price applied in the RAP study, and then the project
cost was estimated. Table 4.4.12 shows the estimated project cost.
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Table 4.4.12 Project Cost for F/S Project (when RAP Study Results are applied)
LC FC Total
Item Description
(Unit: Million Philippines Pesos)
3.5% of the amount of Construction & Procurement Cost, Consulting Service Cost and
1 Project Management Cost 282 418 700
Contingency Cost.
Subtotal 282 418 700
2 Preparation Cost
Subtotal 21,026 0 21,026
3 Construction & Procurement Cost 5,619 9,359 14,978 See Construction & Procurement Cost
Dredging 419 698 7.5%
Cut‐off 639 1,064 11.4%
Retarding Pond 4,561 7,597 81.2%
Subtotal 5,619 9,359 14,978
4 Consultant Service Cost
4‐1 Consultant Service Costfor Civil Work
4‐1‐1 Detail Design Cost 562 936 1,498 10 % of Construction & Procurement Cost
4‐1‐2 Construction Management Cost 449 749 1,198 8 % of Construction & Procurement Cost
4‐2 Consultant Service Cost for Building 0 0 0
4‐3 Consultant Service Cost for Equipment 0 0 0
Subtotal 1,011 1,685 2,696
5 Contingency Cost 0 0 0
The price increase cost was assumed to be 16.6% and 3.0% of the total construction and
5‐1 Price Contingency 1,104 335 1,439 procurement cost and design and supervision cost, respectively, in domestic and
foreign currency (compounded over 6 years, respectively, as an average).
5‐2 Physical Contingency 332 552 884 5% of the total Construction & Procurement and Consultant Service Cost.
Subtotal 1,435 888 2,323
6 Technical Training Cost 0 0 0
Subtotal 0 0 0
7 Operation and Maintenance Cost 0 0 0
(1) Dredging (Implementation) 61 122 183 Construction & Procurement Cost for Maintenance Dredging
(2) Dredging (Consultation) 11 22 33 Consultant Service Cost for Maintenance Dredging
(3) Cut‐off & Retarding Pond 26 43 69 Operation and Maintenance Cost for Cut‐off and Retarding Pond
Subtotal 98 187 285
Total (Excluding OM Cost) 29,373 12,349 41,722
In this Project, two types of project costs were calculated as mentioned above and the economic
evaluation was also conducted for two types of project costs (see Section 4.5.4). In the next stage
following this Project, it is necessary to carry out necessary surveys, examinations, and discussions for
determining the land unit price to be applied, reflect it in the project cost, and improve the accuracy of
the project cost.
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
(1) Introduction
In this study, among the effects of flood control project, the benefits are estimated by calculating the
“expected annual average damage reduction”. The expected reduction of annual flood damage cost is
computed by comparing the damage cost when the project is implemented “With-case” and when the
project is not implemented “Without-Case (or present situation)” per flood intensity.
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
Table 4.5.3 Expected Annual Average Damage Reduction if F/S Projects are Implemented
Annual Amount of Damage (Billion PhP) Aggregated
Average Annual Average
average Damage Probabilities per annual average
Without Damage per Damage
exceedance With Project (2) Reduction (1)‐ reach damage
Project (1) reach Reduction
probability (2) = Expected
W=1/1 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
W=1/2 0.500 7.275 1.550 5.725 2.862 0.500 1.431 1.431
W=1/3 0.333 9.093 1.600 7.494 6.609 0.167 1.102 2.533
W=1/5 0.200 16.165 1.911 14.254 10.874 0.133 1.450 3.983
W=1/10 0.100 27.700 3.265 24.435 19.345 0.100 1.934 5.917
W=1/25 0.040 43.427 21.183 22.244 23.340 0.060 1.400 7.317
W=1/50 0.020 55.313 34.016 21.297 21.771 0.020 0.435 7.753
W=1/100 0.010 66.285 45.566 20.719 21.008 0.010 0.210 7.963
Source: Project Team
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When the SDR is 15%, ENPV is PhP 0.30 Billion and CBR is 1.110.
Therefore, the priority projects in the proposed F/S is evaluated as economically adequate in both cases.
For reference, when the SDR is 20%, EIRR remains unchanged at 15.32 %, ENPV is PhP -2.60 Billion
and CBR is 0.709.
For reference, the break-even point analysis shows the EIRR of 10.0% when project cost increases by
85.5% under the condition that there is no change in benefit as well as when benefit decreases by 44.2%
under the condition that there is no change in project cost.
(5) Economic Evaluation for the Project Cost applying Results of RAP Study
An economic evaluation is carried out on the project cost estimated by applying the RAP study results,
which was estimated as the reference value in Section 4.4.5(2).
When the SDR is 10%, the Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) is 10.15 %, Economic Net Present
Values (ENPV) is PhP 0.49 Billion and Cost-Benefit Ratio (CBR) is 1.260. Therefore, it is evaluated as
economically adequate.
For reference, when the SDR is 15%, EIRR remains unchanged at 10.15 %, ENPV is PhP -8.43 Billion
and CBR is 0.687. When the SDR is 20%, EIRR remains unchanged at 10.15 %, ENPV is PhP -10.66
Billion and CBR is 0.441.
In addition, for reference, the break-even point analysis shows the EIRR of 10.0% when project cost
increases by 2.3% under the condition that there is no change in benefit as well as when benefit decreases
by 2.2% under the condition that there is no change in project cost.
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Drainage in Davao City Summary
Table 4.5.7 Expected Annual Average Damage Reduction if M/P Projects are Implemented
Amount of Damage (Billion PhP) Aggregated annual
Annual average average damage
Average Damage Annual Average Damage
exceedance Probabilities per reach = Expected annual
Damage Reduction (1)‐ per reach Reduction
probability Without Project (1) With Project (2) average damage
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
For reference, the break-even point analysis shows the EIRR of 10.0% when project cost increases by
70.7% under the condition that there is no change in benefit as well as when benefit decreases by 54.9%
under the condition that there is no change in project cost.
(2) Scoping
Scoping was undertaken in the environmental and social consideration study.
(1) Principle
The Priority project aims to reduce flood risk along the Davao River; so as to mitigate damage to socio-
economic value in Davao City through evaluation of damage by Davao River flood in 2013, Cyclone
Vinta in 2017, etc.
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Drainage in Davao City Summary
Table 4.5.10 Comprehensive Evaluation Results of the F/S for the Davao River
Projects composing the F/S (Recommended projects based on the comparison of alternatives)
Cut-Off Works Cut-Off Works
Riverbed Dredging Retarding Ponds
(Northern Section) (Southern Section)
Project Alternative 1: compound Alternative 1: compound
Alternative 3: Preservation inverted trapezoid cross inverted trapezoid cross
Entire F/S of the 200 meters in the section with a width of 111 section with a width of 111
axis upstream and downstream Alternative 1: meters in addition to the meters in addition to the
Drainage in Davao City
of each bridge, and bridge With spillway ROW, without any ROW, without any
protection measures for expectation to the actual expectation to the actual
Davao Bridge flood capacity of the flood capacity of the
channel channel
Reduction of 97% of the
inundated area caused by a Until 2032: 5 to 10-year
10-year return period flood. return period flood;
a. Flood Protection Target Flood capacity: 1,700 cubic meters per second
Target Flood: 10-year return The flow velocity increase in Until 2045: 25 year-return
Level (Expected (Corresponding to the 100-year return period flood targeted by
period flood the upstream and downstream period flood;
damage reduction) the Master Plan)
of the bridges is expected to With the implementation of
not exceed 116% of the actual M/P:100-year flood
Direct Construction Cost:
Direct Construction Cost:
PhP 0.34 Billion
PhP 0.49 Billion
Total cost: PhP 21.59 Billion (Including the construction
(Including the construction
EIRR:15.32% cost of a new bridge with a
b. Economic Direct Construction Cost: Direct Construction Cost: cost of a new bridge with a
NPV:10.00 length of 110 meters)
Effectiveness PhP 0.36 Billion PhP 7.09 Billion length of 110 meters)
B/C:1.896 Cost for households
Cost for households
*SDR=10% relocation and land
relocation and land
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and
acquisition: PhP 0.45 Billion
PhP 0.11 Billion
The proposed locations for the project implementation and dump sites are not included in the natural conservation area.
Including the proposed dump Kagan Community is located
site, the project will not be within the area where the
c. Feasibility in located in the natural project is planned to be
regards with social conservation area. implemented and will need to
and legal restrictions The public consultation be relocated. Therefore the
meetings with stakeholders continuation of information
will be required. sharing on the project and
dialogue with the Community
will be needed.
Final Report
Projects composing the F/S (Recommended projects based on the comparison of alternatives)
Cut-Off Works Cut-Off Works
Riverbed Dredging Retarding Ponds
(Northern Section) (Southern Section)
Project Alternative 1: compound Alternative 1: compound
Alternative 3: Preservation inverted trapezoid cross inverted trapezoid cross
Entire F/S of the 200 meters in the section with a width of 111 section with a width of 111
axis upstream and downstream Alternative 1: meters in addition to the meters in addition to the
of each bridge, and bridge With spillway ROW, without any ROW, without any
protection measures for expectation to the actual expectation to the actual
Davao Bridge flood capacity of the flood capacity of the
Drainage in Davao City
channel channel
d. Feasibility from the
technical viewpoint to Phased construction is Phased construction is Phased construction is
Phased construction is possible.
construct possible. possible. possible.
Sustainable. However, Sustainable. In addition, the volume of maintenance dredging
e. Sustainability maintenance dredging is Sustainable. Sustainable. to ensure the expected flood capacity (by avoiding the raise of
required. riverbed) is estimated to be minimal.
The proposed landfill and The proposed landfill and
maintenance of the new river maintenance of the new river
channel is appropriate. channel is appropriate.
However, the landfill of the However, the landfill of the
actual river channel will actual river channel will
After the construction of the require the installation of new require the installation of new
structure, overflow from the drainage facilities to drain a drainage facilities to drain a
surrounding dike can be maximum of 1.4 square maximum of 2.6 square
f. Flexibility Future revision is possible. - avoided by the effect of the kilometers in the actual kilometers in the actual
spillway, during floods meandering area (due to meandering area (due to
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and
exceeding the design flood the changes in the drainage the changes in the drainage
scale. network). network).
The revision of the cross The revision of the cross
section (such as increase of section (such as increase of
the flood capacity) will be the flood capacity) will be
relatively easy if the needs relatively easy if the needs
occur in the future. occur in the future.
Households relocated: 104 Households relocated: 0 Households relocated: 1 Households relocated: 0 Households relocated: 103
Relocation and land The needed land acquisition The needed land acquisition
acquisition will be needed The volume of excavation is will be large but the current will be large but the current
g. Social and natural
especially in the areas lesser than the case without river channel will not need river channel will not need
environment impacts
affected by the construction spillway. any maintenance. any maintenance.
of the cut-off works.
Final Report
Projects composing the F/S (Recommended projects based on the comparison of alternatives)
Cut-Off Works Cut-Off Works
Riverbed Dredging Retarding Ponds
(Northern Section) (Southern Section)
Project Alternative 1: compound Alternative 1: compound
Alternative 3: Preservation inverted trapezoid cross inverted trapezoid cross
Entire F/S of the 200 meters in the section with a width of 111 section with a width of 111
axis upstream and downstream Alternative 1: meters in addition to the meters in addition to the
of each bridge, and bridge With spillway ROW, without any ROW, without any
protection measures for expectation to the actual expectation to the actual
Davao Bridge flood capacity of the flood capacity of the
Drainage in Davao City
channel channel
The inhabit of Designated The area where the cut-off The area where the cut-off
Endangered Species (animals works is planned is actually works is planned is actually
and plants) was not confirmed designated as “open-space” designated as “open-space”
in the target area. However, to in the Comprehensive Land in the Comprehensive Land
minimize the impact to the Use Plan (CLUP). Such lands Use Plan (CLUP). Such lands
natural environment during are expected to provide are expected to provide
the project implementation, recreational functions in the recreational functions in the
water and air pollution future. Therefore, the future. Therefore, the
measures will be promoted. construction of easy slope construction of easy slope
After the completion of the (low-gradient river slope) is (low-gradient river slope) is
F/S, the retarding ponds may expected to ensure the expected to ensure the
be used as new places for accessibility to river. accessibility to river.
nature restoration.
With the landfill of the
existing river channel, the
Others - ― bridge actually under
construction (DPWH-RO11)
may become unnecessary.
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and
channel channel
sharing the information on the
project and continuing the
dialogue with the
In addition, regarding the
impacts on the natural
environment (such as noise,
water quality, etc.) during the
construction, they can be
reduced by devising
construction methods.
Therefore, it was evaluated
that the project as a whole is
Source: Project Team
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and
Final Report
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
4.6.1 Categorization
Category “A” under the JICA-GL
Reason: The project site would cause adverse impacts which are described in the Guidelines for
Environmental and Social Considerations (April 2010).
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Air Quality
Air quality measurement with five (5) items indicated in Table 4.6.2. The measurement was conducted
at 3 locations for continuous 24 hours. As the result, all the data met the Philippine ambient air quality
It can be said that air quality condition in the Project area is relatively good. The major pollution source
would be operation of construction equipment; significant impact is not expected.
Water Quality
Water quality measurement with items indicated in Table 4.6.2 was undertaken at 4 locations.
BOD showed higher value in Bucana, near river mouth; but it met standard level. In general, the higher
BOD value shows the downer stream nearer river mouth. Therefore it was ordinal condition.
Concentration of chloride in Bucana was over two (2) times higher than water quality standard. It was
caused by salt water coming from the sea; that to say, natural situation.
All results of DO and fecal coliform passed the standard level. Occasionally the measurement by the
EMB showed extreme contamination of fecal coliform, higher than tens of thousands of standard level;
main pollution source must be from domestic water discharge.
Range of concentration of phosphate was between 0.6 - 0.9mg/L; these value were 20 – 30 times higher
than standard limit. In general, pollution source of phosphorus is chemical fertilizer, detergent, e.g.;
however it is not sure how much those pollution sources raise concentration in that time.
TSS level at All locations exceeded the standard level. Even in Mandug, out of urbanization area, TSS
showed high value; therefore source of soil would be naturally inflowed from the land, not by human
Concentrations of heavy metals and oil and greases at all locations were passed the standard levels.
Possible raise of concentration by the Project will be caused from the construction activities for example,
spillage from fuel oils, waste, and TSS by dredging/ excavated soil.
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
Waste management is mainly undertaken by The City Environment and Natural Resources Office
(CENRO); while policy making is controlled by The Davao City Solid Waste Management Board which
is a direct office under the Mayor.
Most of the waste from Davao city is disposed at New Carmen sanitary waste dumping site located in
Tugbok approximately 15km far from the downtown of the Davao City. It has been operated since 2010;
service capacity will last in 8 – 10 years after.
2) Natural Environment
Geography, Topography
Because the location of retarding ponds and cut-off work are on the low and plain land; impacts to
geographic and topographic conditions must not be significant. Erosion risk in the area will be low from
the soil erosion map by NAMRIA.
Level of high turbid (TSS) water is forecasted possibly generated by the dredging work based on 2D
HEC-RAS model. Level of high turbid water depends on scale of dredging work and river condition;
the biggest impact case was simulated.
The highest concentration was shown 280m downstream; the High turbid water disappeared at the point
of 0+018 station. No significant species, such as endangered aquatic biota observed at the Davao River
mouth; and commercial fishing and recreation purposes are minor. And water quality monitoring by the
EMB occasionally record over 500mg/L of high TSS which might be caused by natural resources. It
could be concluded that significant impact by the high TSS water is not be expected; however it is
possible to need control of generation of turbid water just in case.
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
No designated area of protected area, primary forest etc. are observed. Dominant landuse at the retarding
ponds area is agriculture in particular banana plantation. The area of cut-off work has been under
urbanization, and occupied by banana plantation on the low are.
Investigation of the terrestrial flora and fauna was conducted at the six (6) locations (three (3) locations
for fauna survey), which consists of 4 locations for retarding ponds area and 2 locations for cut-off area.
Most of the land for the retarding ponds is occupied by agricultural purposes; banana cassava, durian
mango, coconut, cacao coffee, etc. have been planted. Few endemic species were found. The land for
the cut-off works is used as tourist zone (Crocodile Park) and banana plantation. Few green area or open
space have been observed along the Davao River downer stream from this area.
The most observed flora was moracea with 73 species, and then euphorbiaceae and fabaceae with 13
species and 11 species respectively. Others were ferns, palms, etc. observed; total of 168 species of flora
were observed.
16 species of the above are endemic flora.
Total of 91 species of flora have been registered as Philippine rare flora according to DAO No. 2017-
11: ‘‘The National List of Threatened Philippine Plants and their Categories’. Seven (7) species of them
were observed in the Project area. The most of those flora are planted by the communities; wild ones
were not found.
Five (5) species of fruit bats and one (1) species of muridae were observed. One (1) fruit bat of them,
Eonycteris robusta, is registered as NT (near threatened) in IUCN category. The animals were the most
abundant in RP-11, counted for 44 individuals. The bats were also found in the cut-off works area,
counted for 14 individuals.
13 families , 18 species and total of 235 individuals of birds were observed in the Project area. The birds
were also the most abundant in RP-11, half of individuals were observed.
The most observed birds were artamidae which occupied 20% of individuals. The Philippine Eagle,
National bird of the Philippines was not obserbed in the project area.
As the other fauna, three (3) species of amphibia were observed; one of them, Giant Philippine Frog, is
categorized as NT in IUCN category.
Survey on aquatic biota (macroinvertebrate, plankton) was undertaken at the same location of those on
water quality measurement. Because of rain a day before of the survey, only five (5) species of
macroinvertebrate were confirmed. Number of species of plankton which were confirmed was 13
species consist of bacillariophyta, cyanophyta; however number of cells was relatively low.
Major fish to be observed in the Davao River is eel (Anguilla sp), carp, (Cyprinus sp.), tilapia
(Oreochromis sp.), freshwater shrimp (Macrobrachium sp.), etc. The fish designated in the IUCN is
silver perch (VU), Asian eel (NT) and Tilapia, well known as one of the farmed fish, (LC).
A few species of endemic and/or endangered fauna/ flora were confirmed; however, it could be said that
ecosystem in the Project area is ordinary and popular which observed in/ around Davao City. Wise use
of retarding ponds for restoration of ecosystem is recommendable. No coral reef is confirmed in the
river mouth.
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
3) Social Environment
Total of 13 barangay are located in the Project area; four (4) barangay (New Valencia, Callawa, Mandug
and New Carmen) are in the area of retarding ponds; and two (2) barangay (Ma-a and 19-B) are located
in the area of cut-off works.
Average of population density of the four (4) barangays at the retarding ponds area and two (2) barangay
at the cut-off works area are 5 pax/ha and 67 pax/ha respectively. Population density of the barangay in
the downstream of the area of riverbed dredging is over 200 pax/ha.
Retarding ponds area is located in the rural area; over 60% of the land is used as agriculture purposes.
On the other hand, two (2) barangay which face to cut-off works area are occupied 60 % of green area
(most of the green area is western part of barangay and located far from the Project area. Next residential
zone and commercial zone occupy 13% and 12% of the land respectively.
Income Source
The biggest share was small shops such as vendors which occupies 23% of total PAPs; then private
employees share 12% next.
70% of agricultural workers are employees; the landowners are residing in other places. Scale of
agricultural land is less than 2ha; it occupies approx. 78% of farmers. And approx. 35% of farmers has
the land less than 1h. Major production is banana, and coconuts in the retarding pond area. Income of
approx. 30% of farmers is less than PHP 5,000 per month. It was observed to plant mango in the
downstream area; those are not commercial level; consumed by local residences.
Income of the half of PAHs in the cut-off work and drainage (downstream) area and over 70% of that in
the retarding area is less than PHP 10,000 per month; it is poor level. On the other hand, some PAHs in
the downstream area have higher income level over PHP 40,000 per month.
Approx. 80% of PAHs interviewed own their houses and rest is renting. Approx. 38% of houses have
been built less than 10 years, while approx. 25% is over 30 years.
Major materials of houses are corrugated-iron (for roof, almost all) and cement (for wall, 48%). Near
100% of PAHs have sceptic tank. 60% of PAHs use piped water; the service has been increasing year
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
by year. Around half of PAHs use wood or charcoal in the kitchen; this situation was found higher in
rural area. Electricity service totally covers all the area.
Education, etc.
In general, Philippine families give high attention to children’s education; only less than 2% of PAPs
have not been given basic education due to financial problem. 55% of PAPs have been educated high
school education; while less than20% of them have been got university/ college education.
Health services are sufficiently provided; while 30% of patients use self-treatment or traditional doctors;
this situation is popular in rural area.
51% of PAHs use City waste collection network; on the other hand, 7% of garbage in the rural area is
treated by each household mostly by incineration. Recycle of compositing shares around 5%.
Information, Communication
Major sources of information are through TV, mobile phone, LGUs sharing 27%, 22% and 20%
respectively. Around 40% of communities are involved in social groups; the most involved are women
group and senior group with 34% and 30% respectively.
Local Issues
They have highlighted the following local issues;
Floods (30)
Landslide (13%)
Employment (12%) and
4) Indigenous People
The Project site is located out of the ancestral domains. On the other hand, it was found the Kagan who
is the one of the Muslim groupa residing in the Davao city. Originally, they had resided in mountainous
area or costal area (Toril, e.g.); some of them had been transferring into the City area, for example
Barangay Ma-a, Magsaysay etc.
In general term of “Kagan” is the one of the sub-groups of the “Kalagan”; while Davao City has declared
in the ordinance that they are “Kagan” not “Kalagan” in order to set them apart from other Kalagan
group. NCIP took a field-based investigation (FBI) with consultation as a Pre-FPIC (Pre- free prior and
informed consent); and it was resulted that they are not IPs who have an ancestral domains land and
been isolated from the ordinal Philippine tradition, custom, political/ legal system. Upon this decision,
Certificate of Non-Overlap (CNO) will be issued; and an IPAP will not be required. However, it is fact
that Kagan in Ma-a is relatively poor and categorized as ISFs, and they have strong community relation;
special considerations, therefore, to keep the quality of their life are recommendable.
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Drainage in Davao City Summary
5) Gender Mainstreaming
Government of the Philippines, Davao City and DPWH have tackled on the improvement of Gender
mainstreaming. Based on the actions by the DPWH, Davao City and other related organizations through
interview surveys and discussions, and through stakeholder meetings, the expected contributions and
points of concern from this project was summarized. Considering the summarized results, suggestions
to pay attention to gender, handicapped, etc. was prepared.
(10) Organization
The project proponent is DPWH-UPMO; DPWH-XI will cooperate. A pollution control officer PCO)
shall be assigned based on EMB guideline, DAO 30-03. A contractor, in general, dispatches the PCO;
his/her responsibility is direct reporting to the project proponent. Figure 4.6.1.
Project Director
1) IEC Campaign
Public consultation meetings (hereinafter called “PCM”) were undertaken based on the EIS guideline.
First IEC (Information, Education, and Communication) campaign was conducted with IEC material
(explain project summary with Visaya language); The Study team visited with courtesy to the each
barangay to request cooperation on the EIS study; in addition interview survey with communities.
Candidate participants on the PCM were selected based on the results of interview survey, discussion
with the EMB-XI. IEC Campaign was undertaken in 29th to 30th September, 2019 in the each barangay
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
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1 7th December, 2021 Barangay Mandug Barangay leaders/ Purposes of the PCM
office with representatives, LGU Summary of EIS system
webinar commissioners, communities, Project summary
landowners, social groups, Discussion
CPDO, DENR, etc. total of 101 Conclusion, further schedule,
attendances etc.
2 28th June, 2022 Barangay Mandug Barangay leaders/ Purposes of the PCM
office with representatives, LGU Project summary
webinar commissioners, communities, Results of the EIS Study
landowners, social groups, Discussion
CPDO, DENR, etc. total of 76 Conclusion, further schedule,
attendances etc.
Source: Project Team
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In order to facilitate an effective and efficient project implementation, a Davao River Project
Management Office (DRPMO) will be established. The DRPMO is an adhoc office with a specialized
organizational structure created to handle the overall responsibility, supervision and management of the
project during detailed engineering design and during construction period. The DRPMO is expected to
be under the supervision of the Office of Undersecretary for Regional Affairs-Unified Project
Management Office.
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4.8 Recommendation
Based on the overall results and outputs of the study, the recommendations related to the priority projects
targeted in the F/S are described below.
(2) Effective use of excavated soil during construction and soil by maintenance dredging after
A large amount of excavation and dredging soil will be generated in any of the projects targeted in this
F/S. In addition, even after the construction is completed and the facility is completed, soil will be
generated due to the removal of sediment after flooding or regular maintenance dredging. This
treatment of soil is a major issue for the projects.
On the other hand, commercial extracted sand and gravel business has been actively carried out along
the Davao River. Also, at the stakeholder meetings held during the project, residents requested the use
of this excavated soil, as well as a large-scale filling has been carried out in the development of
residential areas along the Davao River. Based on these circumstances, it is highly possible that these
generated soils will be used effectively.
It is essential to confirm the soil contamination before using it, but it is desirable to cooperate with the
surrounding residents, organizations, and Davao City to make effective use of the generated soils.
(3) Detailed examination of the disposal site and implementation of environmental survey
Regarding the large amount of excavation and dredging soil generated during the implementation of this
F/S projects, candidate sites for disposal sites were proposed in this Project, but no concrete decision
has been reached.
In this Project, a series of discussions have been carried out so far like 1) explanation to DPWH and
Davao City about the assumed amount of excavation and dredging soil and necessity of the disposal
sites, 2) explanation and discussion on options for disposal sites and utilization of the soils, 3)
investigation and discussion on the availability of candidate landfill sites along the coast, and 4)
discussion on the availability of candidate sites for new disposal sites proposed by Project Team.
Through these discussions, DPWH and Davao City fully understand the importance of securing disposal
sites for the realization of the projects.
However, since the implementation of the project and its timing have not been concretely decided at this
time, further detailed examination for disposal sites, such as possibility of utilization for other public
projects and consultation with private companies and local residents regarding the use of the soil.
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
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As for future prospects, it is conceivable that the treatment and reuse plan for the large amount of the
soil and the selection and securing of the disposal sites will be the conditions for project implementation.
Therefore, in the next phase, which is expected to be conducted toward the implementation of the
projects, it is necessary to carry out detailed examination and coordination regarding the treatment and
reuse plan for the excavation and dredging soil and the selection and securing of the disposal sites.
In addition to above, the followings shall be paid attentions in the environmental and social
It is possible to select a possible disposal site in the middle – upper stream of the Davao River. In
this case, candidate site shall be selected to avoid from not only naturally sensitive area but also
ancestral domains lands.
Involuntary resettlement shall be avoided as much as possible. If it is difficult to avoid it; sufficient
compensation and social support shall be given to the PAPs.
It is recommended to effectively reuse excavated/ dredged soil to reduce the necessary size of
disposal site. And provision of soil to the sand mining operators, who will be stopped operation
during construction phase, must be one of the mitigation measures to recover their income, etc.
Continual public consultation for above considerations and implementation of environmental/ RAP
study must be effective tools to encourage communication with the stakeholders and consensus
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(8) Handling of the present river after implementation of the cut-off works
Rainwater drainage from areas along the Davao river flows into the Davao River not only during floods
but also during normal times. If the present river channel (meandering part) will be reclaimed after the
cut-off works project, it is necessary to plan and install facilities (drainage channels connecting to the
Davao river, regulating reservoirs, etc.), which properly treat the rainwater drainage flowing into the
present river channel from the surrounding area during normal and flood times.
(9) Coordination with other projects (Davao Expressway) closely related to the F/S projects
In the Davao River, there are many on-going and planned road projects such as the bypass road currently
being implemented and the Davao Expressway where F/S completed, even in the target area of the F/S
projects. Of these, the alignment of the Davao Expressway is planned to cross the Davao River multiple
Since most of the sections of the Expressway are elevated except for some sections, there is no problem
in relation to the HWL during floods, but in the cut-off works planning section targeted for this F/S, the
planned alignment of the Expressway intersects the cut-off works section on the south side. It is
necessary to coordinate/adjust the alignment of the road or the position and type of the piers.
Davao Expressway is under the jurisdiction of DPWH UPMO RMC. Appropriate coordination must be
made within DPWH UPMO to implement the projects.
(10) Enhancement of disaster management activities by utilizing flood hazard map and IEC
materials referencing Japanese actual examples
In Davao City, although flood hazard maps were prepared, several organizations create the maps with
different methods and accuracy, and, there is no sufficient explanation from preparing agency when
distributing the map. Therefore, the maps are not linked to effective disaster management activities.
In this Project, the first draft of IEC materials was created to improve residents' awareness of flood risks,
and it was proposed that they will be distributed and utilized at the training institute to be established in
Davao, although actual way of utilizing them would be discussed and determined by DPWH and Davao
In Japan, various ideas have been devised regarding the utilization and publicity of hazard maps and
IEC materials, like 1) explanation of how to use the hazard maps and meaning of items written on the
maps at various city events, 2) creating hazard maps focusing on the living area of residents through
discussion on information necessary for evacuation with residents and local government officials, 3)
holding on-site lectures and study sessions for residents by local government officials and river
administrators, 4) conducting evacuation drills using the hazard maps, 5) using the maps and materials
for disaster management education at schools, 6) introducing the maps and materials in the mass media
(radio), 7) publicizing the maps and materials through public relations magazines, and 8) displaying
information on the hazard map, such as water levels in the event of a disaster, on utility poles and
billboards throughout the town to raise awareness among local residents.
Referencing these actual examples in Japan, it is expected that hazard maps and IEC materials prepared
in this Project will be appropriately updated and utilized paying attention to the following points of 1)
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when distributing materials, to explain carefully the contents of the materials and how to use them, and
2) to provide a wide range of opportunities for distributing and introducing the materials.
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5.1.1 Future Priority Project of Structural Measures Targeted for Pre-Feasibility Study for
Riverine Flood in Davao River
(1) Overview of Priority Project (Structural Measure) Target for Pre-Feasibility Study
The priority project targeted for Pre-F/S will be undertaken after completion of the priority projects
targeted for F/S described in Chapter 4, therefore, the project is based on the premise that flood control
safety level of 10 year scale flood or less is already secured.
In this Pre-F/S, the downstream section with 2.5km distance from the Bolton bridge to Sta. 4+000 was
selected as a pilot section for the river widening works, which is one of the mid-long term measures for
the Davao River, and the study at pre F/S level was conducted for the pilot section. The purpose of the
study is to grasp in advance the issues that will arise when implementing future widening works and to
consider countermeasures against the issues, and then, to contribute to the smooth implementation of
future project.
Table 5.1.1 Priority Project Targeted for Pre-Feasibility Study and Structural Measures in
Item Target Portion Remarks
River Improvement Riverbed Dredging Works Priority Project for F/S
STA 0+500 – STA 23+000 (L=18.0km)
Cut-off Works Priority Project for F/S
STA 6+500 – STA 12+700 (L=1.3 ㎞)
River widening Works Priority Project for Pre-F/S at the portion
STA 0+500 – STA 23+000 (L=18.0km) of STA 1+561 – STA 4+000 (L≒2.4km)
(Target Area of Riverine Flood Control)
Retarding Ponds 7 retarding ponds installation at upper Priority Project for F/S at the portion of
portion of the Davao River RP 08, RP 09, and RP 11
Source: Project Team
3400(m3/s) 1700(m3/s)
■ ■
Lacs on Brd. Controled Q by 7 RPs Waa n Brd.
Pre F/S target section
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(2) Target Area of Priority Project (Structural Measure) Target for Pre-Feasibility Study
As shown in Figure 5.1.2, the target area of the priority project for Pre-F/S is the reach from immediately
upstream of the Bolton Bridge (STA 1+561) to STA 4+000 since the downstream of the Bolton Bridge
has been undertaken the river improvement works by DEO and RO in addition to that reach has sufficient
flow capacity against the design flood discharge of 1,700 m3/s.
5.1.2 Additional Topographic and River Surveys for Structure Measures of the Future Priority
Project Targeted for Pre-Feasibility Study for Riverine Flood in Davao River
For the facilities (river widening) subject to PRE-F/S of the Davao River, topographical surveys and
river surveys were conducted on the Downstream of the Davao River. The survey works was
subcontracted to a local survey firm and carried out during the period from April 2021 to August 2021.
The work items and quantity are as Table 5.1.2.
Table 5.1.2 Work Item and Work Quantity (Additional Topographic and River Survey)
Work Item Quantity
1. River and Topographic Survey of PRE-F/S Targeted Structure (Downstream of the
Davao River)
1.1 River Longitudinal Survey (Station No. 0+500 – 4+000) 3.5km
1.2 River Cross Sectional (C/S)Survey (Interval of C/S:100m pitch, Width:200m) 36 sections
1.3 Ortho-photo Mapping by UAV(including GCP survey:10points) 70 ha
Source: Project Team
5.1.3 Geotechnical Investigation for Structure Measures of the Future Priority Project Targeted
for Pre-Feasibility Study for Riverine Flood in Davao River
A geological investigation (BH-9: 1 site) was carried out in the central part of the river channel widening
section for the preliminary design of the pre-F/S priority project (structural measures).
The main purpose of the geological investigation was to confirm the stratigraphy of the underlying
ground for the study of the revetment at the channel widening section, in particular to confirm the
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presence or absence of the soft ground. As the elevation of the existing borehole was unknown, we made
sure to take the elevation of those new boreholes. The location map and coordinates of the geotechnical
survey locations are shown below.
Table 5.1.3 List of Geotechnical survey location for priority projects for F/S (BH-09)
Coordinate Location
No. Description with type of structure assumed
BH-9 7° 4'8.12"N 125°35'49.24"E Channel Widening (revetment / embankment)
Source: Project Team
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5.1.4 Hydraulic Study and Setting of Design Conditions for Future Priority Project of Structural
Measures Targeted for Pre-Feasibility Study
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Lowest Riiverbed Elev.
Left Bank Elev.
20.0 Right Bank Elev. Target portion.for Pre‐F/S
Calculated WL (Q=1700m3/s)
Gov.Generoso Brd.
Design Riverbed Elev.
Bolton Brd.
Design bank top
Elevation (MSL+m)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
Distance (m)
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Bolton Bd. Min Ch El
8 Gov.Generoso Bd. W.S. Elev
Target portion.for Pre‐F/S
1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
Cumlative distance(m)
5.1.5 Comparison of Alternatives for Future Priority Project of Structural Measures Targeted for
Pre-Feasibility Study
The revetment structure of Alt.1 is a concrete revetment with a slope of 1:1.0 with a catwalk, based on
the typical cross-section shown in Section (1), to ensure the stability of the slope, and to prevent bank
erosion with the flow velocity under the condition of design flood discharge. Alt.2 is a rectangular cross-
section with sheet pile revetment to minimize the required width of the designed river channel. In order
to ensure the structural stability of the revetment, a sheet pile revetment height from the riverbed would
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be less than 5m, and a 1:1.0 concrete revetment is applied for the portion beyond 5m. As a result, the
typical design cross-section width for Alt.2 is approximately 80m. As described in (2), the target reach
for Pre-F/S shall be considered to the backwater effect of the tide level, so it is confirmed that the water
level calculated by the non-uniform flow calculation is less than HWL for Alt.2 as well.
For the design alignment of Alt.1, the design channel alignment studied in F/S is applied, while for Alt.2,
the design channel alignment is adjusted to reduce the number of affected houses as the width of the
design channel is reduced. The design plan drawings for each alternative are shown in Figure 5.1.9 and
Figure 5.1.10, respectively.
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Reference: Inverted
Alt.1: Inverted trapezoidal Alt.2: Rectangular cross- trapezoidal double cross-
Alternatives double cross-section section with straight wall section
(channel width: 111m+ROW) (channel width: 80m+ROW) (channel width: 111m+30m
DPWH, regarding the main dredging are expected to be
river channel alignment and high, it can be an alternative
ROW, has been obtained. when land acquisition is
◎ (Recommended) extremely difficult.
Source: Project Team
5.1.6 Preliminary Design of Structure Measures of the Future Priority Project Targeted for Pre-
Feasibility Study for Riverine Flood in Davao River
(1) Preliminary Design of Structural Measures (Pilot Section of River Widening Works)
The revetment structure was studied for the cross section of the river channel widening works. An
example of a 4.0k cross-section is shown below as a standard cross-section including left and right banks.
The planned crest height is 2.5m higher than the current ground level at most, while some sections have
“excavate channel” where the crest height is lower than the existing ground.
Concrete revetment structure (without steel sheet piles) will be the standard structure, but depending on
the relationship between the planned river cross-section and existing ground level/existing dike
alignment and the planned cross-section, different types of structure are proposed, such as the
installation of steel sheet piles as foundation or the use of the existing dike.
(2) Investigation of ROW and Affected Buildings for Pilot Section of River Widening Works
Right of way (ROW) for Pilot Section of River Widening Works was investigated. Necessary width that
consists of crown width, slope, base concrete and width for construction was checked for each surveyed
cross section with 100m interval in longitudinal direction. Then those checking points are connected to
set ROW alignment as shown in Figure 5.1.12.
In addition, as a preliminary parcellary survey, tax maps and technical description were collected from
CAO (City Assessor’s Office ) in Davao City and analyzed. Figure 5.1.13 shows digitized lot boundary
around ROW in the pilot section with about 2.5 km from Bolton bridge to Station 4+000. Also, Figure
5.1.14 shows status of land in ROW such as with/without title or area included/not included in collected
Tax Maps. From the analysis, it was found that:
- The Tax Map, currently available in the City, only covers partially the proposed ROW.
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- In the ROW area where already populated by structures/improvement but without Tax Map may
have titles and subdivided or still governmental lands. To confirm this, the collection of TCT
and/or OCT as well as the technical description is necessary.
In the Detailed Design Stage, it is necessary that 1) to collect the approved land plans and technical
description for the proposed ROW to confirm the latest status of the subdivision in each lot from DENR
Region 11, 2) to collect TCT and/or OCT from Land Survey Department Region 11, 3) to collect Tax
Declaration from City Assessor Office of Davao City, and then, 4) to prepare the Parcellary Survey Plan
based on the above supporting documents, and 5) to validate the eligibility of each affected lot for the
compensation by the government.
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The structure of the river widening works for target section in this Pre-F/S has already been studied in
the above (1), whereas it was examined that if the similar structure as the promenade currently developed
in the Davao River is to be applied in the target section, whether the structure could be implemented
within the ROW proposed in the above (2) or not.
As a result of the examination using two cross sections as examples, the required land width to
incorporate the promenade will be 0.25m to 0.55m larger than the original design, but this can be
adjusted from the 3m set as the construction width (reducing the width by 0.25m to 0.55m from the 3m
width for construction), and it can be judged possible to incorporate a promenade within the ROW
proposed in (2).
In addition, the project cost estimated in this Project (detailed in Section 5.2) does not include the cost
of outdoor lights, fences, etc. for the promenade. These construction costs are roughly estimated at
approximately 200 million pesos. If the promenade development will be judged to be applied and
included in the project for the widening works in future, more detailed studies and cost calculations need
to conducted in the next stage such as detailed design stage and it is necessary to include it in the project
5.2.1 General
This section describes the construction plan and cost estimation after clarifying the construction
procedures. In the construction plan and cost estimation, the process and construction method should be
studied in consideration of necessary construction conditions such as access to the construction site and
the method of bringing in materials and equipment.
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1) General
The channel widening is at 1.5 km to 4.0 km from the mouth of the river. The quantity of earthwork
including dredging is shown in Table 5.2.3, respectively.
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Table 5.2.4 Equipment Combinations and Work Efficiencies for the Major Works
Work Item Equipment Remarks
per hr per day
Excavation Bulldozer (140 HT) 50 350 m3
Loading Backhoe (0.8 m3) 71 500 m3
Transportation Dump Truck (12Yd3) 9 〜 5.2 63 〜 36 m3 10km〜20km
Motorized Road Grader, 140hp
Spreading 50 350 m3
Bulldozer (140 HT)
Embankment Vibratory 10mt SD100DC 50 350 m3
Backhoe (0.8m3〜) Dredging
Deck Barge (600mt DWT〜)
Dredging-soils Scow, 10 m3〜
16 〜 - 112 〜 630 m3
(using Backhoe on Barge) Tugboat, 500hp〜
Payloader (1.5m3)- at Temporary yard
Crawler Crane (36-40m)190hp with Bucket Unloading from
Steel Sheet Piles Crawler Crane (36-40mt)
10 70 m
(Slope Protection) Vibro Hammer (201 hp)
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1 River Widening
1-3 Construction
1-3-3 Channel Excavation (Loading and Transportation) m3 146,000 243 2.0 300
1-3-9 Steel Sheet Piles, for temporary works, without materials m 16,250 251 2.0 32
(1) Project Cost estimated based on the Methodology set in the Section 4.4.3
The estimated project costs are shown in Table 5.2.6.
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Table 5.2.7 Project Cost for Pre-F/S Project (when another land unit price is applied)
LC FC Total
No. Item Description
(Unit: Million Philippines Pesos)
3.5% of the amount of Construction & Procurement Cost, Consulting Service Cost and
1 Project Management Cost 17 21 38
Contingency Cost.
Subtotal 17 21 38
2 Preparation Cost 0 0 0
2‐1 Land Acquisition Cost 1,482 0 1,482 Same as Master Plan
2‐2 Compensation Cost 167 0 167 Relocating buildings located on the site to implement the measures.
2‐3 Removal Cost 33 0 33 20% of the cost required for building transfer
2‐4 Environmental Impact Assessment Cost 0 0 0 Included in Common Temporary Facility Cost
Subtotal 1,683 0 1,683
3 Construction & Procurement Cost 344 474 818 See Construction & Procurement Cost
Subtotal 344 474 818
4 Consultant Service Cost 0 0 0
4‐1 Consultant Service Costfor Civil Work 0 0 0
4‐1‐1 Detail Design Cost 34 47 82 10 % of Construction & Procurement Cost
4‐1‐2 Construction Management Cost 28 38 65 8 % of Construction & Procurement Cost
4‐2 Consultant Service Cost for Building 0 0 0
4‐3 Consultant Service Cost for Equipment 0 0 0
Subtotal 62 85 147
5 Contingency Cost 0 0 0
The price increase cost was assumed to be 16.6% and 3.0% of the total construction and
5‐1 Price Contingency 68 17 85 procurement cost and design and supervision cost, respectively, in domestic and
foreign currency (compounded over 6 years, respectively, as an average).
5‐2 Physical Contingency 20 28 48 5% of the total Construction & Procurement and Consultant Service Cost.
Subtotal 88 45 133
6 Technical Training Cost 0 0 0
Subtotal 0 0 0
7 Operation and Maintenance Cost 2 2 4
Subtotal 2 2 4
Total (Excluding OM Cost) 2,194 625 2,819
In this Project, two types of project costs were calculated as mentioned above and the economic
evaluation was also conducted for two types of project costs (see Section 5.3.4). In the next stage
following this Project, it is necessary to carry out necessary surveys, examinations, and discussions for
determining the land unit price to be applied, reflect it in the project cost, and improve the accuracy of
the project cost.
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3 Detailed Design 12
5 PQ and Tendering 12
6 Construction Works 36
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Table 5.3.2 Damage Cost if “Pre-F/S projects are implemented (with case)”
W=1/2 W=1/3 W=1/5 W=1/10 W=1/25 W=1/50 W=1/100
Direct Damage 1.184 1.209 1.249 1.520 12.042 19.064 24.796
Agriculture 0.074 0.083 0.100 0.279 2.415 4.222 5.344
Commerce 0.052 0.053 0.054 0.055 0.223 0.349 0.435
Industry 0.016 0.017 0.019 0.021 0.554 0.967 1.333
Institution 0.019 0.020 0.021 0.022 0.369 0.696 1.076
Residences 0.404 0.409 0.414 0.434 4.181 6.316 8.141
Mix Use Facilities 0.345 0.348 0.353 0.358 1.521 2.114 2.745
Infrastructure 0.273 0.279 0.288 0.351 2.779 4.399 5.722
Indirect Damage 0.355 0.363 0.375 0.456 3.613 5.719 7.439
Total Damage 1.540 1.571 1.624 1.976 15.654 24.783 32.234
Source: Project Team
Table 5.3.3 Expected annual average damage reduction if F/S projects are implemented
Amount of Damage (Billion PhP) Aggregated annual
Annual average average damage
Average Damage Annual Average Damage
exceedance Damage Reduction (1)‐ Probabilities per reach = Expected annual
Without Project (1) With Project (2) per reach Reduction
probability (2) average damage
W=1/1 1.000 0.000 0.000
W=1/2 0.500 7.275 1.540 5.735 2.867 0.500 1.434 1.434
W=1/3 0.333 9.093 1.571 7.522 6.628 0.167 1.105 2.538
W=1/5 0.200 16.165 1.624 14.541 11.032 0.133 1.471 4.009
W=1/10 0.100 27.700 1.976 25.724 20.133 0.100 2.013 6.023
W=1/25 0.040 43.427 15.654 27.772 26.748 0.060 1.605 7.627
W=1/50 0.020 55.313 24.783 30.530 29.151 0.020 0.583 8.211
W=1/100 0.010 66.285 32.234 34.051 32.290 0.010 0.323 8.533
Source: Project Team
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For reference, the break-even point analysis shows the EIRR of 10.0% when project cost increases by
114.0% under the condition that there is no change in benefit as well as when benefit decreases by 76.0%
under the condition that there is no change in project cost.
(4) Economic Evaluation for the Project Cost applying another land unit price
An economic evaluation is carried out on the project cost estimated by applying another land unit price,
which was estimated as the reference value in Section 5.2.4(2). In this evaluation, the project cost of the
premised F/S project is the project cost estimated by applying the RAP survey results (the project cost
estimated in Section 4.4.5(2)).
When the SDR is 10%, the Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) is 11.75 %, Economic Net Present
Values (ENPV) is PhP 5.67 Billion and Cost-Benefit Ratio (CBR) is 1.496. Therefore, it is evaluated as
economically adequate.
For reference, when the SDR is 15%, EIRR remains unchanged at 11.75 %, ENPV is PhP -5.49 Billion
and CBR is 0.820. When the SDR is 20%, EIRR remains unchanged at 11.75 %, ENPV is PhP -8.38
Billion and CBR is 0.494.
In addition, for reference, the break-even point analysis shows the EIRR of 10.0% when project cost
increases by 28.2% under the condition that there is no change in benefit as well as when benefit
decreases by 31.3% under the condition that there is no change in project cost.
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Table 5.3.7 Comprehensive Evaluation Results of the Pre-F/S for the Davao River
Project Pre-F/S: River widening
Entire F/S
Pre-F/S including the three projects Alternative 1: compound inverted
composing the F/S (River dredging, retarding ponds, cut-off
Evaluation trapezoid cross section with a width of 111
Axis meters in addition to the ROW
Target Flood capacity: 1,700 cubic meters
a. Flood Protection Level
per second
(Expected damage Target Flood: 25-year return period flood Target Flood: 10-year return period flood
(Corresponding to the 100-year return
Drainage in Davao City
period flood targeted by the Master Plan)
Total cost: PhP 23.163 Billion Direct construction cost: PhP 0.50 Billion Total cost: PhP 21.595 Billion
EIRR:16.43% Cost for households relocation and land EIRR:15.32%
b. Economic acquisition: PhP 0.35 Billion
NPV:13.76 NPV:10.00
B/C:2.177 B/C:1.896
*SDR=10% *SDR=10%
The proposed locations for the project
implementation and dump sites are not
included in the natural conservation area.
Including the proposed dump site, the project
c. Feasibility in regards Kagan Community is located within the
will not be located in the natural conservation
with social and legal ― area where the project is planned to be
area. The coordination with concerned
restrictions implemented and will need to be relocated.
Communities will be required.
Therefore the continuation of information
sharing on the project and dialogue with the
Community will be needed..
d. Feasibility from the
technical viewpoint to
Phased construction is possible. Phased construction is possible. Phased construction is possible.
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and
Sustainable. In addition, the volume of
maintenance dredging to ensure the
Sustainable. However, maintenance dredging is Sustainable. However, maintenance
e. Sustainability expected flood capacity (by avoiding the
required. dredging is required.
raise of riverbed) is estimated to be
The revision of the cross section (such as
increase of the flood capacity) will be
f. Flexibility Future revision is possible. Future revision is possible.
relatively easy if the needs occur in the
g. Social and natural Households relocated:1,254 Households relocated:1,150
Households relocated: 104
environment impacts (Including 990 informal households)
Final Report
Project Pre-F/S: River widening
Entire F/S
Pre-F/S including the three projects Alternative 1: compound inverted
composing the F/S (River dredging, retarding ponds, cut-off
Evaluation trapezoid cross section with a width of 111
Axis meters in addition to the ROW
Relocation and land acquisition will be needed The amount of relocated households and Relocation and land acquisition will be
especially in the areas affected by the land acquisition will be large. In addition, needed especially in the areas affected by
construction of the cut-off channel and river some changes in land use and impact to the construction of the cut-off channel.
widening. actual infrastructures such as road network
In addition, social impacts may occur. is anticipated. The inhabit of Designated Endangered
Drainage in Davao City
Even though some environmental impact may Species (animals and plants) was not
occur, the retarding ponds may be used as new confirmed in the target area. However, to
places for nature restoration in the future. minimize the impact to the natural
environment during the project
implementation, water and air pollution
measures will be promoted.
After the completion of the F/S, the
retarding ponds may be used as new places
for nature restoration.
The Projects composing the F/S are appropriate
from the viewpoint of economic efficiency,
technical feasibility, sustainability and
On the other hand, the project may generate
social impacts such as the relocation of the
Kagan Community. Regarding this point, the
impacts can be reduced by sharing the
Evaluation Result information on the project and continuing the
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and
5.4.1 Categorization
Category “A” under the JICA-GL
Reason: The project site would cause adverse impacts which are described in the Guidelines for
Environmental and Social Considerations (April 2010).
(1) Method
The evaluation was conducted based on the basic study [Chapter 2], environmental and social
consideration study in the F/S [4.6 Environmental and Social Considerations], data collection and site
reconnaissance; and then formulated scoping.
1) Summary
The project site is located urbanization area of the Davao City; little artificial forest exists. Aquatic biota
figures ordinal aspect which is seen any place in the city area; less endangered, commercial fish are
observed. Impact to ecosystem could be minor.
On the other hand, since urbanization has rapidly proceeded, and economic growth and population has
increased; impact to socio economy in particular land procurement and resettlement must be significant.
Many ISFs has resided along the Davao River (see section [5.4.3 Social Impact]); and their income level
is lower; therefore, their relocation and income recover must be key factors to implement the project.
Currently DPWH-RO XI has taken action to construct a dyke; land clearance and demolition have been
2) Natural Environment
The Project site is located in the downstream of the Davao City in low and plain land; therefore,
topographic limitation will be small. Erosion risk could be minor from the soil erosion map by NAMRIA.
3) Urban Environment
Air quality condition in the downstream area, in particular Brgy. Bucana, showed good condition to
meet air quality standard according to the FS. Though noise level slightly exceed the noise standard; it
could be acceptable level.
Water quality condition of Chloride, Inorganic phosphorus and TSS exceeded the limitation according
to the results of FS. Increase of chloride was caused by sea water. High TSS level has been generally
observed in the Davao River and the Matina/ Talomo River; the source of soil might be inflow from
mountainous area. One of the source of phosphorus is chemical fertilizer; but it is not sure.
4) Social Environment
The river widening project will occupy total of approximately 8.5ha of land, changing from land to
water area. Nearly 90% of the land is residential zone; and roads occupy around 6 %. Occupation of the
land by the project will lead loss and demolition of private/ public buildings, infrastructures; its impact
must be significant.
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
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Especially relocation of ISFs must be one of the most significant issue. Since river widening will
continue in mid- and long-term stage; development of relocation site indicated in the section [3.17
Examination of Measures to Promote Implementation of Master Plan] is key factor to smoothly
implement the project.
A church was confirmed in the project area, which is to be relocated.
(3) Scoping
Draft scoping made in the MP (in 2019) was updated based on the above survey.
(4) Study Items and Methodology for the Environmental and Social Considerations
Study Items and Methodology for the Environmental and Social Considerations (EIS Study) were
examined by items.
5.4.4 Recommendation
The followings are recommendation form the environmental and social viewpoints in order to smoothly
implement the river widening project:
1. Excavation work generates plenty volume of soil. It is recommended to encourage reuse of
excavated soil for urban/ housing/ infrastructure development, land adjustment etc. aside from
development of soil disposal areas.
2. Environmentally friendly flood control, such as slope and unpaved dyke, plantation on the
embankment, etc. must be promoted to create new attractive water area.
3. Balance of safety and accessibility to riverbank for recreation purposes, improvement of
landscape must be considered.
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4. Over 1,000 HHs of ISFs will be relocated in this project; river widening will continue up to 14km
from the river mouth; therefore, huge volume of resettlement will totally happen. Development
of sufficient relocation site is key challenge; Relocation site development proposed in the section
[3.17 Examination of Measures to Promote implementation of Master Plan] shall be progressed.
5. Davao City conducted a census survey when setting up the Easement in 1992 and issued a
regulation that ISFs that entered before 1992 would be compensated, but households that entered
after 1992 would not. However, the influx has continued since 1992, and by 2021 there is more
than 1,000 households. Differences in compensation for resettled households may raise concerns
about serious social unrest and resistance to the project. Social support measures for them are
necessary for supporting relocation and recover of livelihoods after relocation. Considering the
above, it is required to conduct the RAP study and fulfill it at the time of implementation.
6. Sine downstream of the Davao River is located in the area of important economy and
transpiration network; construction plan and schedule shall pay special attention to avoid
degradation of economy and disturbance of traffic.
7. Public consultation, consensus building and IEC activities shall be provided in order to avoid
social conflict and fear.
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3 Detailed Design 12
5 PQ and Tendering 12
6 Construction Works 36
1) Consulting Service
i) Prepare detailed design, construction cost estimates, pre-qualification (PQ) and bid documents
ii) PQ and bidding process assistance for selecting construction contractors, and construction supervision
5.6 Recommendation
Based on the overall results and outputs of the study, the recommendations related to the project targeted
in the Pre-F/S are described below.
(1) Implementation of F/S for entire section
As described in Section 5.5, in this Pre-F/S, only the downstream section with 2.5km distance from the
Bolton bridge to Sta. 4+000 was examined as a pilot section for the river widening works. When actually
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
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implementing the project of widening works, referring to the results of the examination for this pilot
section, the F/S should be conducted for the entire section of the widening works (from river mouth to
Sta. 14+000 (14km upstream from the river mouth)) and the plan for the entire section should be
(2) Points for implementing widening works
Widening works project that improve the flow capacity of river channels should be implemented
sequentially from the most downstream side of the project implementation section so as not to adversely
affect the downstream side of the construction section. In case of the section targeted by this Pre-F/S,
construction should be proceeded from the most downstream Bolton Bridge to the upstream in sequence.
Therefore, the relocation needs to be implemented with priority from the downstream area.
In addition, the project is desirable to be carried out consistently with a unified concept. The project
should be implemented by DPWH (DPMO), which is also the implementing body of the short-term
measures targeted by F/S.
(3) Handling of 30m Easement
After discussions with the Davao city, it was decided to plan the project by setting a ROW within a range
of approximately 10m from the riverbank (top of the slope of revetment in river side) as a necessary
range for the widening works.
As a background, it has been confirmed with the Davao city that the development within 30m Easement
along the riverbank (CLUP plans to develop 10m as a promenade and 20m outside as a road) is at the
concept level at present and there is no concrete plan, hence, this Project can make a plan without
consideration of 30m Easement.
On the other hand, it is considered that the Davao city will proceed with the development of the
Easement range in the future, therefore, it is desirable that cooperation with the Davao city will continue
in the future stages and the plan by the of Davao city will be incorporated into the flood control M/P as
appropriate based on the progress of the plan.
(4) Promotion of Relocation
Looking at the 2.5km pilot section targeted by this Pre-F/S, about 1,100 buildings needs to be relocated.
Prompt implementation of the relocation is essential for the implementation of the widening works. It is
recommended to proceed with the development of the relocation site, which was considered as a measure
to promote the implementation of M/P, and to lead to the smooth implementation of the widening works.
In addition, when land acquisition and resettlement will be extremely restrictive for the implementation
of the project, the rectangular cross section shown in the comparison of alternatives as Alt.2 can be
considered to be applied or partially applied to minimize the range of land acquisition and the number
of resettlements.
Davao City has declared in the city ordinance that ISFs, who had migrated in the easement after 1992,
are not eligible for compensation for resettlement. It is, however, recommended the DPWH to take
actions (consensus building with the PAPs, social assistances, provision of relocation site, etc. proposed
in the section 5.4.4).
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
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The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
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Item / Target /
Method Content
Seminar Approximately three seminars will be held (Manila and/or Davao) during the
Project. The seminars will include the introduction of Japanese experience
which may contribute to address the water-related disasters in the Philippines
and the findings obtained through the project activities and discussion which is
facilitated by C/Ps.
C/Ps training in To promote further understanding of Japanese cases on flood control, advanced
Japan technologies and knowledge as well as those backgrounds, C/Ps training in
Japan, in which C/Ps can directly observe and experience, will be conducted.
The content of the training would emphasize the following points.
Examples of flood control projects in Japan (survey, planning, design,
construction) and river management (maintenance and disaster response,
Disaster prevention and flood control projects in urban river basins and
industrial clusters in Japan
Disaster prevention measures integrated with land use (urban planning, land
use regulation, etc.)
Efforts to manage information on rivers
Strengthening of Coordination The coordination meetings aim to widely recognize and share issues related to
capacity on meeting floods in the target areas among stakeholders, to facilitate understanding of
organization M/P, smooth implementation of flood control measures and appropriate
aspect for project maintenance and management activities.
implementation The meeting will be held in Davao City, and coordinated by C/Ps of DPWH
RO-XI and C/Ps of Davao City. Participants are stakeholders. Manila's C/Ps
Target will also expect to participate for understanding the local conditions and the
C/Ps and local awareness, related organizations and local residents so as to contribute to
stakeholders appropriate M/P formulation activities in Manila.
The meetings will be held three times in Stage 1. The meetings are designed to
Place link with the public consultation for SEA in Stage 2.
Davao OJT The site survey in the target area will be conducted together with C/Ps and the
project team members. In addition, the inventory of data collected during the
survey will be conducted together with C/Ps, and database to organize the data
will be prepared. Training on how to utilize the database will also be provided.
Seminar Same as mentioned above
C/Ps training in Same as mentioned above
Source: Project Team
1.2 Activities
(1) Stage 1
The technical training meetings in Stage 1 were held twelve times in total at the same timing as the C/P
meetings as mentioned above, and basically held in Manila except the field survey in the Matina River
basin conducted in the Davao area as the 5th technical training meeting for two nights and three days,
and the meetings held on April 30 and July 22, 2019 in Davao. At Stage 1, the technical training meetings
aimed at deepening the understanding the process of M/P's formulation and important issues in
formulation of M/P in the form of lectures from each expert and discussions.
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
Drainage in Davao City Summary
(2) Stage 2
In Stage 2, technical training meetings were held eight times in total for sharing the status of M/P
development and discussing major issues. In Stage 1, the concepts and methods of examining important
issues on the planning process were learned through mainly by lectures. In Stage 2, the practical planning
capacity for flood control was enhanced through discussing and examining specific issues in the target
area as actual planning activities.
Technical training meetings were mainly held in Manila, but not only Manila C/Ps also Davao C/Ps
frequently participated in the meetings and actively discussed each other. According to additional
request from C/Ps, the meetings on April 30 and May 2, 2019 were held in order to introduce the
drainage network simulation model in details. In addition to the C/P, the other DPWH RO and DEO
officers attended the May 2 meeting in Davao. The participation rate of C/Ps in the meetings was
generally high, although the participation from Davao City was limited. The meetings also became a
place to share information about project activities with DPWH since one of DPWH UPMO-FCMC
project manager and TWG member attended almost every meeting, also TWG chairperson and DPWH
DEO director sometimes attended.
(3) Stage 3
In Stage 3, technical training meetings were held eleven times in total for sharing the status of F/S study
and discussing major issues. The technical training meetings in Stage 3 were started from August 2021
as a monthly meeting that were held on the last Friday of every month in principle. The meetings were
carried out by online meeting style since JICA Project Team could not enter the Philippines until March
2022 due to the influence of COVID-19. In the meetings, it was shared and discussed that the process
for project implementation such as setting hydraulic conditions for structural design, preliminary design
of structural measures, procurement/construction plan, environmental impact assessment and
resettlement action plan as well as various issues and problems that occurred in the process. In Stage 3,
capacity for the project implementation process was enhanced through activities to solve/try to solve
problems in collaboration with C/P and JICA Project Team.
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
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1.2.4 Seminar
The seminar was planned to be held about three times throughout the project period at the timing of the
report compilation, but it was held only once due to the influence of COVID-19. The program of the
seminar included and will include progress and results of the Project, introduction of technical cases in
Japan contributing to the solution of flood issues in the Philippines, introduction of knowledge obtained
through the Project activities by C/P, discussion and exchange of opinions.
The first seminar was held at the timing of the preparation of the progress. In the Q&A session after
each presentation in the first seminar, active participation was seen including many questions on the
content of the presentation regarding the details of rainwater storage facilities in Japan and related laws
and regulations, how to manage waste as part of flood control, how to deal with climate change, the
contents of inland flood control in this project, etc.
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
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design, construction and maintenance related to inland flood and coastal measures, but it was canceled
due to the influence of COVID-19.
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
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including C/P, and conducting field surveys together to confirm local conditions and issues, especially
during field activities in Davao.
In addition, there were various opportunities during Project to present/explain and discuss the content
and activity status of the Project at many conferences and meetings, such as the Business Webinar by
NEDA XI and Consulate General of Japan, IDC XI quarter regular meeting, public consultation
meetings for environmental and social consideration and so on, C/P members often made presentations
and responded to questions and answers at those meetings.
As for formulating M/P in Matina River, due to time constraints, while discussing the main issues with
C/P, most of the plan was prepared by the project team, but as for the basic approach 1) "Foster the
capacity to formulate an integrated flood control M/P”, it can be evaluated to have been strengthened to
a certain extent, mainly through thematic training and discussions at technical training meetings and
discussions at OJT.
Regarding the basic approach of 2), proper understanding of the Project is indispensable for
presentations and discussions at many official meetings, and appropriate understanding of the content
of the measures, the necessity of the measures and their effects will lead to the operation and
maintenance of the measures during and after the construction. In this respect, it can be evaluated that
some results have been achieved in 2) as well.
On the other hand, it is considered that there is a limit to the capacity enhancement that can be done by
development-study-type technical cooperation of which main purpose is to formulate M/P and conduct
F/S, and implementation of a technical cooperation project whose main purpose is to strengthen the
capacity is needed in order to further strengthen the capacity.
The Project for Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Flood Control and Final Report
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Chapter 2 Recommendation
Based on the activities related to capacity enhancement in this Project, the followings are recommended:
(1) Implement flexible activities according to the needs of the implementing agency and secure a
scheme for that
In this project, while formulating M/P and implementing F/S, capacity enhancement activities were also
carried out. C/P member of this Project actively participated in technical training meetings, field surveys,
discussions and consultations on issues despite their own respective duties. On the other hand, it seems
that there are large time constraints in their respective duties, and it may be difficult to carry out specific
examination work related to this Project and to secure time for it. In addition, as a project team member
(JICA team member), there was a time limit for preparing for training and preparing materials while
conducting various studies and works related to the formulation of the plan.
In the future, when conducting a project aiming at practical and effective capacity enhancement while
formulating M/P and implementing F/S, it is considered effective to formulate a project considering the
<Project Team Side>
A generous project schedule
To secure a project schedule and assignment period with sufficient time for collaborative work
with C / P and capacity enhancement, in addition to time for each work of the part in charge
related to M/P and F/S examination.
Continued on-site stay
Opportunities for jointly responding, discussing, examining issues that arise on the C/P side are
extremely valuable and practical chances for capacity enhancement.
In order to respond without missing such an opportunity, to secure a scheme that the team can
stay in the site continuously and respond appropriately.
Flexible team member composition
Even if sufficient prior consultation is conducted, it may happen that it will be necessary to deal
with new related fields after the start of a project, beyond the issues and needs that can be
assumed at the time of project formation and start.
To make a flexible member composition that can respond to unexpected issues, or secure a
scheme that makes it easy to change or add members.
<C/P Side>
Creating an environment where C/P can engage in collaborative work
It is considered that there is a limit to capacity enhancement in the form of lectures and short-term
intensive training, and responding to specific issues and long-term collaborative work are
effective in strengthening practical capacity.
To secure an environment where C / P can engage in collaborative work as much as possible.
(2) Implementation of technical cooperation projects of which main purpose is to enhance capacity
It is considered that there is a certain limit to the capacity enhancement that can be carried out by
development-study-type technical cooperation of which main purpose is to formulate M/P and
implement F/S. In order to effectively enhance capacity, it will be efficient to implement a collaborative
technical cooperation project of which main purpose is capacity enhancement.
When implementing a project, it is desirable to consider training in a third country if there are successful
examples from countries/regions with similar disaster scales, budgets, and organizational structures. As
one of candidates for a third country training for a project targeting the Philippines, Indonesia can be
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considered because of d similarity as an island country and its organizational structure related to flood
management activity.